For this is the hour that I have warned you would come.

Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully read this vital message from the Lord, delivered through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to take them OUT OF the pseudo faith that many have walked in for much of their lives. For so many TALK faith, they SAY faith, they CONFESS they have faith. I AM looking at My people in this hour and come to show you the truth that exists IN the heart of many. For so long I have allowed My people to walk as they have, HOLDING My LOVE, HOLDING My promises, HOLDING things as they HAVE held them.

But NOW I AM requiring My people to CHANGE. I keep telling you that in time past, I winked at many things, but now I call ALL men to repent. The age of the church has come to the time that now it MUST embrace My truth, in order to walk forward SUCCESSFULLY in this hour. For this is the hour that I have WARNED you would come. For, now is the time of TESTING. is the time that YOU will show Me the truth of what is IN your hearts.

I have tried to PREPARE you for THIS for many years and SOME have listened, SOME have changed, SOME have walked forward unto Me, as I have desired. But many STILL hold to a pseudo faith, that THEY have decided to walk in. Many even think that their pseudo-faith IS of Me! Yet, I tell you that the faith that I AM looking for My people to walk in is GREATLY missing IN most of My people. For even many of those who say they ARE walking with Me, are REALLY only walking with Me in the things that THEY have chosen and decided to walk in.

For these still do NOT do the works that I AM looking for them to do. For so many of My people STILL hold to a mindset that the works I AM looking for are works that PROMOTE self…the self-life and things that will ultimately only take them FARTHER from Me! I AM looking for a people that TRULY walk in the faith that I gave them…NOT the faith that man has made My faith to be. For so many still have not seen that My faith is NOT for you to live YOUR self-life.

My faith is so you can live My abundant life, DOING My will…NOT the will of self! For I tell you, that most of My people do not even think of their NEED to reach out to save souls for My kingdom. How can My people believe they walk WITH Me, IN My salvation, yet they think little or nothing about the saving of others? Can you not see that if My people SAY they have faith, yet are NOT walking in THAT very faith, as I desire, their faith IS dead?

So many take My faith to mean, it is to be used to seek the things ON earth, when that is NOT what my faith is for. My faith is to bring others TO Me, OUT OF their self lives, and INTO Me, so they can walk WITH Me, as I desire. I need My people to have a TRUE heart-rending! I love you all with an everlasting love…I need you to SEE things as they REALLY are…not the way so many are STILL seeing them. For even in Abraham’s faith, which I accounted as righteousness to him, was a faith that HAD works.

Was his works, a work of self? NO! His work was a work of OBEDIENCE, to do what I commanded him to do. His work was NOT to please self…his work was to please ONLY Me! I need My people to see the truth IN this hour, for this IS the time of taking the cover off. So many are NOT seeing the truth IN their own self-lives being EXPOSED for what it really is…SELF-promotion! When will My people REJECT the falsehoods of man and begin to obey Me, as My word declares?

So many hold to My love, yet cannot see that they are NOT obeying Me…they are really MOSTLY only obeying self! For this IS even shown how many view others, in partiality and you KNOW this is true! So many look at the outward appearance of others, yet do not realize that I AM looking at THEIR heart! I love you, My people, and desire you to become MORE like Me. That is why I AM bringing you INTO this time of taking the cover off.

For now IS the time for My people to BECOME ready for My return. A bride doesn’t ready herself when the marriage is FAR OFF, but when it comes to the time of the wedding, the ANNOUNCEMENT goes out…”Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him”! This IS the time you ARE in and now My bride MUST make herself ready. My people MUST see things as I now show them and make the changes that are NECESSARY, before I come again.

You can no longer slumber and sleep IN your self lives…it is time that you PREPARE yourselves, by BEING conformed INTO My image. You do this by OBEYING My words. You do this by DOING what My word says you are to do. You do this, to BE pleasing in My sight…NOT your own sight! It is time for My people to truly BE My people. I keep saying this because it IS important that it SINK DEEP within you so that you will have a righteous RESPONSE unto and DO as I have said.

NOT continuing to only do what self wants. Come to Me, My people, come to Me, in My great love for you. Do NOT think that you can just continue as you ARE and everything will be well, for I tell you that this IS what the enemy wants you to think. For he has deceived so many of My people to WORSHIP self, thinking they ARE right with Me. I love you…come before Me, with your true hearts, submitted and obedient to My will and desire and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all take these words from the Lord to heart. Unfortunately, many in the Church still do not fully comprehend the scriptures and God’s call for us to be holy as He is holy. However, it is now time to prepare the way for His coming, and this is NOT what most think it is. Please reread a teaching I posted back in March of 2022. It describes in detail what we are commanded to do for the preparation of His appearing, which is His appearing IN US, which is our true hope of glory. You can reread the message I wrote by clicking here:

Please open your hearts to relieve the truth of God’s word and what He is trying to accomplish IN US. Many Christians today will be of those who fell in the wilderness, but I pray that you all are of the Joshua and Caleb company who will enter into the promised land, our inheritance, the kingdom of God within….

And if these words help or encourage you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a financial gift. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated, and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts and lighten your way.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

2 Responses

  1. Brother Kevin , do you have a Zelle account??

For those leaving a comment: Please understand that the Lord has charged me to give out His warnings to awaken His people to prepare for the days ahead. In this, He has told me to not waste precious time trying to convince any that will not hear, for they have already made their choice. So with that, if your comment is a personal attack, insult, rude, or to argue; then may the Lord bless you and keep you. I will not answer back to any rude comments, nor post them. Blessings to you, Kevin Barrett