Encouragement and guidance for the coming turbulence.

Dear Saints,

Instead of giving a prophetic word, the Lord has laid upon my heart certain things to share with you all. He desires to encourage you and strengthen your faith for the coming turbulence. It’s really sad that most church pastors cannot discern the times in which we are in, and therefore, are not teaching, encouraging, and equipping God’s people for the present truth in which we live. And so hopefully this posting will help many to navigate through the coming turbulence.

If you recall from the last prophetic word the Lord gave me titled “Your Days Of Deliverance Are Here”, we learned that we are in a season of our exodus like the time the Israelites were delivered from bondage to Egypt.

So we will experience similar situations that parallel that story, although it won’t all happen in the same order as the story in the bible. Things may happen simultaneously with one another. For example, the FBI and DOJ going after Trump and his supporters is similar to the Pharoh and his men going after the Israelites as they passed through the Red Sea. But at the same time, we are experiencing our labors increase as prices increase and shortages emerge, similar to when Pharoh increased the Israelite’s labor when Moses demanded that they be set free.

Now during the time that God was delivering His people from Pharoah and Egypt, there were many plagues cast upon the Land of Egypt. And so we are about to witness many plague-like events as God delivers us from our taskmasters, which include corrupt leaders in both government and the church. God is doing this for the same reason He set the Israelites free. Not only to set them free from slavery, but also so they might freely worship God. We are entering a new era where we will be free to worship God as the mighty and chosen people of God He has called us to be.

During all this, we are about to witness leaders in government and the church get exposed and judged. And much corruption in our governmental system will be exposed and a new type of government and banking system will emerge. Our present banking system was created to enslave us, though few really know the truth about this.

During this time of God’s judgment on the Babylonian system, there will be chaos and possibly even more violence as those in power seek to keep that power. They may even orchestrate more street riots as they did before.

The banks will also go through changes. There may even be a time that the banking system is down and you may not be able to get to your money. So it may be a good idea to have extra cash on hand to last at least a week in case you’re unable to use your bank and credit cards. God is changing our banking system, so be prepared for the transition.

There may also be food shortages for a short while, possibly around six months or so. The corrupt powers have already been working behind the scenes in an attempt to create this food shortage.

There may even be an attempt at another pandemic. But don’t get into fear. Stay obedient and close to God and He will protect you. It will be like we’re in Goshen under God’s protection while God’s enemies in Egypt are judged.

Also, very soon God will put the rightful president of the U.S. back in power. But please, please keep praying for protection over him and his family. Our enemies desperately want to take him out because he is who God has chosen to bring our deliverance from the corrupt system, similar to how Moses led God’s people out of Egypt. But keep in mind, no man is our salvation or deliverer. That is God alone.

And when you see chaos or violence in the streets, pray for God’s peace over your city and your country. Decree God’s peace as it will lessen the amount of violence and shorten the length of it.

But whatever happens or whatever you hear on the news, don’t get into fear. And don’t believe the lies. The enemy will use the news media and rumors to distort what is truly happening in the U.S. and around the world in an attempt to get people to believe lies and get into fear. Don’t fall into his trap.

Stand in faith and believe that God is in control and these are our days of deliverance. Don’t allow fear to enter in and faithfully stand and watch the salvation of God.

Also, there is about to be a great outpouring of God’s Spirit. So now is the time to seek God for deliverance from all that hinders your walk with Him.

And even though we will have a time of jubilee to enjoy our newfound freedom, we will soon find ourselves in the wilderness on our way to the promised land. So remember all those Israelites who died in the wilderness because of their rebellion, sin, and unbelief. Dark times (our wilderness) are coming and we need to get our hearts right before God so we do not take part with all those who will fall in this wilderness journey. This is one reason why I am posting the prophetic words given through Pastor Mark. God is using him to speak to us and reveal our heart’s condition. It’s to your benefit to read the prophetic words and heed what God is saying. These are serious times in which we live.

Also, we are in the time of harvest and many will come to the Lord. But at the same time, remember that God has warned us that there will also be a counterfeit revival alongside His real revival. And false prophets will arise to deceive many. And it will be because it is what the people will want, just like when the Israelites told Aaron to build them a golden calf in the wilderness and said that it was the god who delivered them out of Egypt. So it’s very important to get our hearts right with God so we don’t get caught up with those who will follow a god after their own hearts.

And remember that God is delivering us from our taskmasters so we may be free to worship Him and enter into our promised land; abiding in God’s heavenly kingdom while still on earth. So even though there will be a time of joy across the world when the Babylonian system falls, after a short season of excitement and joy, we will have a long journey ahead of us through the wilderness. So keep your hearts humble and right before God at all times and don’t allow the enemy to get you side-tracked.

These are exciting times in which we live and we will witness miracles and unprecedented events around the world. God is so good and worthy to be praised.

On another note, it’s that time of the month when my rent and bills are coming due. So if these postings help or encourage you in any way, please prayerfully consider returning the favor with a financial gift to help me with my financial needs. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 15 & 16

Dear Saints,

As I’ve said many times before, these are exciting days we live in. However, these are also very dangerous days. I remember a few years back when the Lord laid it upon my heart that some churches can be the most dangerous place to be in these last days. What I mean by this is that many believers are not right with God, however, their church may be only teaching feel-good messages that give them a false belief that all in their life and heart is right with God, when it actually isn’t. This is a very dangerous condition because of how close we are to the end when many will fall away from the faith. Many are already deceived into believing that they are right with God when they’re not. Jesus even said that many in that day will say “Lord”, “Lord”, but He will tell them to depart from Him. Jesus didn’t say there will be some, or a few, but there will be MANY.

I do not say this to bring condemnation to anyone. But if you already think that everything is fine between you and the Lord, that is an indicator that you may already be deceived. Remember, our hearts are desperately wicked and deceive even our own selves. That is why we need to constantly ask the Lord to search our hearts and shine the light on any area that needs repenting of.

On that note, please prayerfully read the following words from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

Romans 15

The Lord says: “as the world falls deeper & deeper into chaos & confusion, I am calling My people closer to Me. Many think they ARE already close to Me, but I tell you that if that is true, why are YOU not seeking to help those of the body, as I have commanded you to do? I speak this to open your eyes to the way things are. So many are so busy in their own lives that they do not see or care about the things of others. They are consumed by self & have missed the mark of the prize of My high calling in Christ Jesus. For you know I have told you to love one another, yet, I look down & see just the opposite!

I look into the hearts of My people & I see more hatred of others than I see love. Many will not believe this is true, but the proof is in the works of your lives. How can you say you love your brothers when you do nothing to show love? Love is an action…love in a deed…love is not merely words! So few are hearing My voice in this hour. So many are only hearing what they will open their spiritual ears to hear & most of this relates only to SELF. I look down & see so many of My people still holding onto the scriptures of their choosing, yet never seeing or embracing the reality that doing this IS being disobedient to Me!

How can you hold to only the words that bless you, but ignore the words that command you to bless others? I need you to see the true condition of your hearts…not holding to a false image that paints you AS being perfect, having no need to repent. Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey…whether unto sin into death or of obedience into righteousness. I need you to see POSITIONALLY, as I have given you the scriptures. I need you to see that it is THRU your sin you enter INTO death…it is your obedience that you enter INTO righteousness.

I need you to stop pretending that your lives are just as I desire them to be, for as I look, I see just the opposite. For you show Me the truth that exists in your hearts by how you treat others. You show Me just how much My words have impacted you, to become like Me. Sadly, so many are still only SELF-seeking & do not see that they are still being used as TOOLS of the enemy. I call My people to come unto Me & truly begin to embrace the words of My mouth. For you need to understand that what you have been doing is standing before Me, wanting to hear from Me, yet, you do not hear ALL of the words that I say.

It’s almost as if you have put your hand over My mouth to keep Me from telling you things that you do not want to hear. For unless it is something that will tickle your flesh or promise you blessing & favor, so much of what I say is ignored. I told you that My word must be balanced in your lives, yet as I look at you, I see so many that are truly unbalanced & then they wonder why things are not going well for them. I keep hearing My people cry out for help, yet they ignore the help that I try to give them because it does not line up with what they want to hear.

Isn’t that something…a people who tend to be deaf to the words of the one they say they love! I call upon My people in this hour & declare that change must come! Change must come to the body of Christ…good change…change that may not be what many want to see, but still it is the ONLY change that will cause My people to return unto Me. My people believe that it is the goodness of God that leads them to repentance, yet so few are repenting! I AM a good God…I AM a God that comes to help. But I cannot bring help that will only ENABLE you to continue on the path that you are presently on.

My goodness leads you to REPENTANCE. Somehow many of My people do not even understand what this means! So many think this means that I will bless disobedience. So many think this means I will bless SIN. So many think that I will just pour out blessing upon them because I AM love. But how many believe that who I love, I rebuke & chasten as those to whom I have received into Sonship? How many believe that the actions of their lives truly do have consequences? Why do My people continue to do things that bring problems upon them, not realizing that they are only reaping what they have sown?

How is it that so many of My people do not realize the importance of them being sober & vigilant? How can you forget that your adversary the devil roams about seeking whom he may devour? I told you to redeem the time for the days are evil, yet so many continue to walk forward not even thinking before they take a step! It is time for the people of God to truly become the people of God! It is time for My people to put away childish things & walk with Me. It is time for My people to rise up & mature & be the Sons & Daughters of the Living God.

So many claim to BE this, yet how many of these lives are demonstrating to this lost & dying world the very things that they claim to be? I need My people to wake up & recognize that they have been lulled to sleep by complacency & compromise. I need My people to see that they are truly just like the frog on top of the stove, being warmed into sleep & approaching his death. The time you are now in is a very serious time. I need you to SEE this…I need you to KNOW this. I keep waiting for the people of God to wake up & come close to Me, yet only a small remnant are truly answering My call. Behold…I now send forth a wake-up call to the people of God.

For now I will require you to be accountable for your actions. Time is accelerating & many things ARE going to happen quickly. I need you to do YOUR part to cast off the works of darkness & rise up IN the armor of light. Your lives must now take on a new dimension…that dimension that I exist in. For I have called you to be seated with Me in heavenly places, yet so few are truly there seated with Me. I need you to see that as things are WITHIN you, you are not able to truly be seated there, because the things of this world cannot exist IN heavenly places. So much is still in the heart of My people.

So many believe that they ARE right with me, yet they rise up & attack others with a heart full of hatred, not knowing that God IS LOVE! How can such a people believe they are My people, yet walk in such hatred! I tell you now, so you will truly understand that such a heart claiming they are Mine is really only a counterfeit, compromised by the devil. It is time that My people understand this & begin to cleanse their hearts & lives of these things & truly return unto Me. So many think this does not relate to them, yet I see things as they truly ARE & I am calling ALL to repent.

Come unto Me, My people…show Me YOUR love…the love that I AM …the love that I have given. For if you do NOT demonstrate My love, who’s love are you demonstrating? Could it be that you are controlled by SELF-love & cannot SEE the truth that exists within your heart? I challenge you to come before Me, with a truly open heart & see the reality that exists there. For if you would do so, your self-love would be devastated & My love would arise within you & you would truly become like Me. Please surrender your lives unto Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!

Romans 16

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to remind them of the things that I HAVE already told them long ago, yet SO many have let them slip. For truly, My desire is for My people to unify & become one, even as I am one with My Father & the Holy Spirit. For as I look at My people as a whole, I see such a separation within them. I look to see the true “greeting & embracing” that I have called My people to impart to their brothers & sisters but only see a facsimile of this truth. For as I look, I see each one really only interested in their own needs…really only interested in what they have deemed right for them to do. I even see this to such an extent that some of My people seem set on making others become like them.

When I look at these & see that they are the ones who need to be changed! I commanded you to mark those who cause disunity & offenses that are contrary to My will…do not let your eyes or ears be deceived by them. I commanded you to avoid them! Do you not understand that such things that people entertain within them are really demonic obstacles that keep My people in bondage to the things of the enemy? For if you hear or see anyone manifesting such things, you need to know that there is a demon involved in this & I commanded you to absolutely shun them! Never forget that a little leaven leavens the whole lump!

I am calling My people to become My people. Have you forgotten that I exist in each of those who are Mine? Yet, so many will do things contrary to My word & will, but forget this, not knowing that as much as they have done it unto the least of these, My brothers, they have done it unto Me. Why do I need to remind you of these things over & over again? Could it be because of the strongholds that exist within you that keep you from entering into true obedience unto Me? For I look & I see how many will do small things for me & think that their lives are fully upright before Me & they are being well pleasing unto Me.

Yet I see the things that I truly desire them to do, yet they never seem to understand what they are to do. They just continue in the same patterns that the enemy has molded them into doing, thinking they are doing Me service. I look at My church & then I look at the world & what I see grieves Me! For as I look at My people I see that when they are supposed to be molding & shaping the world, with My glory & truth, they are instead being molded by the world. I have called My people to be world changers…I have called My people to be molded & shaped into My image, yet so many are still unaware that they instead are being molded & shaped by the world.

Such strong delusion exists in so many that say they are of Me! How long will My people listen to the enemy of their souls, instead of Me? How long will My people hold to their own truth of what My life & sacrifice has accomplished? You say that I came that you might have life & have it more abundantly, yet, instead of that being the reality within you, so many are being lulled into listening to the one that comes only to steal, kill & destroy! As you have gone thru My word this day, I have shown you what you are to do with each other, how you are to embrace with a holy kiss…not a false kiss, as Judas gave Me!

For I look at the way things truly are…I see the truth that exists in the hearts of My people. I tell you now, that things must change. For I have given you ample time to see the truth within your hearts. I continually pour My love upon you to help you to see the truth, yet so many only take this to justify the things they do, instead of seeing My heart & desire for them to change. I love you all with an everlasting love & it is My true desire that you be with Me. I need My people to now see the truth that is really there & to purge those things that are not pleasing to Me from your lives. For My true body loves one another, as I loved the church & gave Myself for it.

I have tolerated many things over time from many, yet now I must bring My people close to Me for this hour. So many do not seem to understand the need for this. So many think that the world will somehow miraculously change & they have no part of it. I tell you, yes the world WILL indeed change, because those that DO truly hear My voice will arise up into Me & be My people…My people of love & they WILL bring change to this world by their ACTIVE love, as it is displayed thru their lives. For the people of God will now truly BE the people of God. They will love one another…they will help one another…they will shun those who bring divisions & release disunity & they will CLEAVE unto Me in truth.

No longer will My people give heed to the things that the enemy has deceived people into thinking such things are of Me. For I have called you unto Me, to BE free. How can anyone ever think that being free, I would want to pull you back into bondage? Such deception exists in the hearts of well-meaning men & women, thinking that the strongholds that exist in them must be pushed onto those who are INNOCENT. I tell you now, My people that these things must change! If you claim to be My people, you will show this reality…you will do the things that I say…you will stop listening to the deceptive voice of the enemy. Didn’t the enemy use even the leaders of My day, to bring deception & evil upon the land? Yes, for these even cast Me to My death, thinking that they were doing God service!

How many of My people desire to be put in that category? For I tell you that such things DO exist in the hearts of many. For where envy & strife exist, there is also every evil work. I say these things to cause My people to understand that the enemy works on levels that few ever see or know. For so many of My people have strongholds WITHIN them that PROTECT those strongholds, so they will never see the truth within them! The time has come for these strongholds to come down. The time has come for My people to truly reevaluate their faith walk with Me & see what truly lines up with My word & will. I love you My people & it is My desire that you walk like Me. You MUST see things as they really are. The time has come for My people to truly be My people. I keep saying this, because of its importance in this hour.

Those who will honor Me & TRULY seek Me to make ALL things right within them WILL be truly blessed, for I will work in them My glory & power & THOSE things will no longer have ANY place within them. For they will see things as I see them & they will rise up into being where I AM. For I told you that in the world you WOULD have tribulation, but I also said to BE of good cheer, for I have overcome the world! As My people receive this truth, they will ALSO overcome the world, for the things that the enemy has had control of in the world, will NO longer affect them & they shall walk in TRUE freedom. Someone might ask, what does true freedom look like? My answer is this…TRUE freedom is when My people are walking as I walked. They are not moved by the enemy or his tactics.

They will see these things as they truly ARE & will actively shun them from their lives. They will not allow any of the enemy’s tactics to impact them…instead, they will walk in MY power & My glory & truth, untouched by the enemy. This is My will for all of My people…I do not want any to fall from this desire. But it is up to each individual to shake themselves free from the things that the enemy has imprisoned them with. Many never see this, because of the strongholds within them, but others see it & these will actively pray for them, so that they MAY be free. If you come to yourselves & see the truth within you, yet feel that you do not have the power in yourself to be free…come unto Me to be free!

For as you will confess this reality exists within you, you will be able to be free, AS your brothers & sisters MINISTER My love & truth TO you. The entire creation is waiting for My people to demonstrate the reality of My kingdom on this earth. Are you going to be a part of it, or are you going to continue to hinder My work on the earth? The choice is yours…make the right choice & watch what I will do within you. I love you all…I really truly do. I demonstrated My love to you, as I gave Myself for you. It is time that YOU do the same…demonstrate to Me My truth manifesting WITHIN you…come unto Me & allow Me to clean out your hearts & make them truly like Mine & you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 13 & 14

Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully read the following words from the Lord given through Pastor Mark:

Romans 13

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to understand the hour that they are now in. For I love them with an everlasting love & as I have said in My Word, you are to submit to the authority, unto the ordinances that I have instituted thru man. I need you to truly understand that things are changing & at this present time, many leaders are departing from their rightful places under Me & are now beginning to bring laws & ordinances that are contrary to My Word. Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, you are not to bow to the ordinances that are contrary to My will for you.

This is very important in this hour because already many have bowed in their lives & taken unto themselves things that are defiled before Me & taken ungodly vaccines that pull My people into things that are contrary to My Word & My will. But many of such have seen the error of their ways & have repented unto Me & I have spared them. I share these things to help you see as I see, for there is much on the horizon that these leaders are planning to bring upon the people. Be forewarned…there are events in the process right now to deceive the populace with lies & evil, which they intend to bring upon the people to sway them into believing things that are NOT true.

Such evil is about to come where they will manufacture untruths & deception to ensnare the people into believing things that are false! For this is the hour of the great exposure, which I told you has already begun & many are now beginning to see with eyes that see the truth, instead of eyes that have been programmed by a narrative that paints the good as evil & the evil as good. For I tell you that this is necessary for the multitude to know what IS real & what IS manufactured. Do not trust the Main Stream Media, for they will paint the good AS evil & the evil AS good, for the truth is, they are PROJECTING their sins & evil onto the righteous.

And I have allowed this to come forth in order to open the eyes of the people to KNOW the truth, for the truth WILL set them free. Now is the time for repentance & revival to come forth. Now is the time for the people of God to take their places & do the works I have called them to do. So MANY of My people used to serve Me & worship Me with their lives, but now many only offer Me their self-decided “tidbits” when I demand a life of obedience! So many think that in the ‘small things’ they decide to do, they are doing Me their life service, but I see the lack of true obedience in their lives.

For EVEN ministers who I have called by My name no longer serve Me as I desire, but these do as THEY desire, thinking that their lives are right before Me, because of what THEY have decided to do. Yet, there is no preaching to the unsaved…there is no reaching out to the poor & needy…there is no seeking to save that which is lost. So many have entered into a realm of their choosing & think all is right in their lives. Things such as this are why I have allowed things to escalate as they have because few are truly hearing My voice & doing what I say.

So many have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. How can one say they are godly when they do not do the things that the godly do? I ask these things to cause My people to look within & to see the way things truly are! For the things of My TRUE kingdom have been ‘morphed’ to be the things of man. As I have told you, many are only building their own kingdoms, using My name! Do you think that such will continue in the days ahead? No, they will not! For I tell you now that there will be a great cleansing within the people of God.

And MANY who say they are following Me, will no longer continue to walk in their pretext but will heap to themselves the reality of those teachings that have tickled their ears & made them ‘feel’ all is right in the world. This is the time of great revival…but it is also the time of the great falling away. For in the time soon coming many will be led away from Me, away from Truth, away from what I AM doing & will instead be led by the fear of man & deception. I told you NOT to fear…I commanded you to STOP fearing! The only fear you are to EVER have is to fear ME!

Yet so many are about to fall into a fear that will take them away from where they were standing & will catapult them into a place I never desired them to go. I need My people to be sober & vigilant in this hour, for very soon things will come forth to steal away many of people’s “faith” because their faith was not truly based IN Me, but IN the things of this world. I tell you these things to prepare you. I tell you these things so you will be aware. Do not give in to the lies & deception that is about to come, but surrender your lives fully unto Me & know that I AM God & nothing can happen without My will.

But I condition this so you will know what My will IS. My will IS for My people to walk IN My kingdom power. My will IS for My people to walk AS Me. My will IS for My people to take their places & show the world the truth of the Gospel. You can no longer live your lives as you have…you must now rise up in the faith that I have given to you & BE who I have called you to BE. You must prepare yourselves for what is about to happen & know in your hearts that all things will work together for your good.

But know that this truth is always conditioned by the reality of you loving ME & BEING the called according to My purpose…not yours! Take hold of Me & My words in this hour & know that I am working in the way things are. I have a plan playing out & no one can derail My plan. The only thing that man can do is come into line with My plan…everything else will be of no real value because I am come to set the captives free! Respond unto Me from your hearts & yield your lives fully unto Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Romans 14

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them walk closer with Me. For I tell you that I love you with an everlasting love, yet, so many that believe that I love them, do NOT love others with the SAME love that I love them. For many are still held in bondage to the spirit of ‘scandalon’, to where they look upon others & see them with ridicule & judgment not realizing what they are REALLY doing. Didn’t I tell you that as much as you have done it unto the LEAST of these, My brothers, you HAVE done it unto Me? So then how can you do these things, treating those who believe differently than you?

How can you continue forward in such things, not seeing as I see? How can you expect good things from Me, when you are NOT doing the things that I say? I ask you these things because it is time for My people to see as I see. I tell you these things so you will understand what is REALLY within you! For to many, many of the things they do unto others, they do not even recognize that in reality, they have done it unto Me. Such judgment exists within the body of Christ & I tell you…these things should not be so! How can you judge one another, when I have commanded you to judge yourselves?

If you truly would have judged yourselves as I say, you would see your brother in a different light…you would BE seeing thru My eyes & you would be responding to My heart! Now I am not speaking about things that are truly shown to be sinful in My word, but I speak of petty things that I see many of you judge of others. Do you not see the REAL reason you do such things? For truly I tell you that you do this because you are deflecting onto others something that I see within yourselves. Many boast of the faith that they walk in, yet they fail to demonstrate the reality of true faith…for true faith works BY love.

So IF the faith you are walking in is not truly being demonstrated by the very love that I AM, you are deceived & are not walking in true faith. I say these things to open the eyes of your understanding so you will become more like Me. Isn’t that what each of you prays & asks for…to be more like Me? Well, how can you become more like Me, when you refuse to do the things that I did as I walked the earth? I forgave others…I demonstrated My love to them by refusing to judge them even when they were found to be truly wrong in what they were doing!

Remember the woman taken in adultery…in the very act! So many of My people fail to see the very things that they continually do. Why do I say continually actively? Because unless that very fault within them is truly removed, IT remains & IS active. I say this because it is active on many levels…not just the one others see demonstrated THRU you. For I told you that a little leaven leavens the whole lump. I did not say this as a joke…I said this so you would understand that anything that is not dealt with within you, is given free rein to grow. This is why I tell you that you must be good stewards of what I have given to you.

For your entire life is a stewardship & so many of My people do not realize the true condition of their stewardship unto Me. For I tell you now, that as the days go by, I will give you the opportunity to see these things manifest within you, in how you treat others…in the things that give yourselves over to do…in the words that you say…in the very thoughts of your hearts. For this is the time of the great exposure, as I have already told you. I am going to bring every hidden thing to light in this hour. Do not think that there is nothing to be uncovered in you, for even that very thought IS evidence to the contrary! I have told you to humble yourselves & pray…seek My face & turn from your wicked ways!

The problem is, so many of My people have been conditioned to believe that their lives are ‘fully right’ before Me & they have no real need to repent. That again is full evidence of the contrary! I am looking for those who will yield their lives unto Me & embrace My love as I have demonstrated it. I am looking for those who are complacent, to repent of their complacency…I am looking for those who are compromised to repent of their compromise. For unless these will humble themselves & see the truth within their hearts & lives, they will remain in the state they are in…deceived & believing partial truths.

I have told you to walk by faith, not by sight, yet so many still are walking their lives according to what THEY see! So many ask Me to do things, yet they do not truly believe that I will do the things that they ask for! Didn’t I command you to continually actively ask & I said you would receive? Didn’t I command you to continuously actively seek & you would find? Didn’t I command you to continuously actively knock & it should be opened to you? Therein lies the problem…you never saw what I said as a command…you never saw what I said as being ‘continuous’…you never saw what I said as you ‘actively’ doing your part.

You thought that because you asked Me once or a few times, that you would see your answer. I tell you that doing as you have done is NOT true faith…it is being double-minded! And you know what I said about being double-minded…that one is unstable in all their ways! I share these things because honestly, this explains a lot regarding the lives of My people who say they walk in faith. For I tell you the truth & you know only the truth will set you free. It is time for My people to truly be My people. You are to walk IN the faith that I walk in. You are to continue forward IN life doing the things that I did. Do you see the problem here?

So many are not walking after Me…but instead are walking out a life of their choosing. A life that THEY have decided. Doing things that THEY want to do. I do not say these things to shame you…I say them to open your eyes, so you can see! I say these things so you can see the way things truly are. I say these things because I love you & want you to BE like Me! Not some ‘pseudo savior’ of your making…but who I truly AM. For I came to bring you life…the LIFE that I live. So you could, in turn, show others THAT very life that I have given to you. It is time for the people of God to be the people of God. It is time to cast off all of those things that you hold within yourselves, against others.

For the things you see in them, are only a reflection of what really exists within you, you just refuse to see or accept the reality. The hour has come for My people to shed off the works of darkness & truly BECOME soldiers of the light. Time is running out & it is needful for you to respond righteously in this hour. I have work for you to do, but as many of you are now, you are not ready or able to stand in a position to do the things that I have for you to do. Rend your hearts My people & truly BE willing to see within you the way things truly ARE. Come to Me in honesty & contriteness & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I would like to touch on what the Lord was saying about the falling away and those who acted out of fear and took the jab. God allowed this to happen for several reasons. One reason was to show us just how close we are to the end when everyone must take a physical mark or they cannot buy or sell. Another reason He allowed this was to show each of us what is in our hearts. Do we trust God or does fear control us?

When the physical mark of the beat comes, it may come in the form of a vaccine for a deadly virus. And everyone may be forced to get it, much as the world was pressured into getting the Covid vaccine. Are you truly ready and willing to lose everything so that you will not deny your faith and trust in God? Many believers already failed this test during the recent pandemic. If you’re one of those, God is allowing you to repent and get right with Him. However, the time will come when getting the so-called vaccine, or whatever else it is they come up with, will cost one’s salvation. But God in His mercy has allowed us to go through a fire drill, if you will, because of how close we are to that time.

So please please take these words seriously and ask God to search your hearts and show you what needs to be changed so you can get right with Him. Don’t wait until the dark times hit. It may be too late to get your heart right at that time and you may be one who falls away.