Walking In Effectual Warfare Prayer In This Hour

Dear Saints,

God is still speaking to His people to rise up and become victorious in this season. We MUST learn to become overcomers before the great darkness comes. And so God has been using prophetic voices to bring us out of complacency and religion and cause us to rise up into who we have been called to be. With that in mind, please prayerfully receive this word from the Lord given through my dear friend and pastor. It speaks of a technique for powerful prayer which the Lord is showing us. I have also provided a link below to my pastor’s Youtube video where he teaches on this powerful prayer technique.

The Lord says: “it is My desire for My people to arise in this hour…it is My desire for My people to do the work that I have called them to do. It is time that My people truly hear My voice & come unto Me. For I truly do love you with an everlasting love, but sadly, so many of My people do not do the same to Me. Oh yes, when things go well for you, you show me some love…when blessing or favor is manifest unto you, you do show Me some evidence, but when things do not go the way you want, your love fades and only a superficial token evidence of love can be seen. I do not say this to hurt you…I only share this because I truly do want to bless you.

I need you to see that there is more going on than what you see or understand. This night I have given you my words concerning effectual prayer…I have done this so you can see why your prayers have not been answered, as you have desired. For truly, as you will take hold of what My servant has been led of me to share, you will see a difference in the way things are. But I warn you in advance, this prayer strategy is not so you can pray covetously. I give you this weapon, so you can make a difference in My kingdom. For it is My kingdom that must come…it is My will that must be done! As you will enter into this place of divine power, I will lead you in the way that you are to go. For this prayer strategy has been there all along, but few have recognized it & implemented it into their lives. But, now I have given you this weapon…take hold of it & begin to use it!

Do not be like King Joash, who couldn’t see the importance of what I said to him through the prophet. Do not think out of a mind of foolishness, that this will not work! For I tell you it does work & those who have taken this strategy unto themselves & implemented it in their lives know it works. My people, you are living in uncharted territory…what you did in the past may not work as it used to. Because of the ramping up of the enemy’s plans, as he is using more & more people in his efforts, even many of My people are being caught up in his tactics & being vessels of unrighteousness. I know this may seem hard to believe, but it is true, nonetheless. Did I not say that good & pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity? Did I not say that you were all to come into the unity of the faith & knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ? But instead of this really happening, many are turned against their brothers. For even churches that say they are Mine are doing horrible things, that they should not! Some stand against the present tyranny, while others embrace it & bow to the mandates of the evil one. I have already told you that many of My people only tend to receive words from Me if they speak of Me “blessing” them or giving them “victory”. But, I have a remnant that truly hears My voice…for My voice has told you about these people! They claim to love Me, but by their heart response, they reject My words that call for repentance…they reject My words that tell them the true condition of their hearts! My heart is saddened by them, for many have been close to Me in the past, but now they have gone off the narrow way I had them on & are following the wide way of this world. But I am calling those who will hear My voice to rise out of this tendency, for there is still time to do so…but the door for their repentance is closing & the longer they wait, the more difficult it will be for them to go through that narrow path. My people must choose the way that they will go! Those who have decided to follow Me will take hold of their prayer life with renewed vigor, as I work through them to cast down the powers of darkness. Those who will listen to My voice will hear Me as I lead them in paths that will vanquish the enemy. But to do this, My people must be willing to let go of preconceived ideas that inwardly to them this prayer strategy seems foolish & embrace My plan for this hour & do the exploits that I told you that would come.

My people tell Me that they want to do exploits, so I am showing you how these exploits are begun. They begin by your prayers becoming weapons of war. The exploits begin as you will declare what I will show you & break the rock in pieces. For as you will take hold of what I am giving you, you will see quick results of your actions…for your actions will have My power. And if your actions have My power, they will have My results. So many of My people do not realize that much of what they have seen as far as “failed prayer”, is really basically the same as what happened with King Joash. For he stuck the ground 3 times with his arrow & stopped. Had he continued to pound the ground, he would have seen total victory. My people need to take hold of My prayers & stand strong. My people need to recognize that their actions or lack, and therefore DO have consequences. My people need to understand that it is the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous that avails much. This can only be realized as My people will persevere & not relent. It is time that My people be as that widow I told my disciples about…she was set in her mind & would not relent…she had a goal to achieve & would not cave in or give up. My people need to be like her. For I gave this parable to show My people the way it is supposed to be.

Will you now take hold of My words & walk with me? For unless you do this, you are not truly walking with Me, but on a path of your own choosing & THAT could take you off my path, unto the wide way that leads to where you should not want to go! I love you, My people…it IS My true desire that you become like Me. You cannot do that by walking out your own ways…you must do as I tell you if you want to see results. Just remember, this prayer strategy is not to be used for a cloak of covetousness to get what you want or to get your way…it is to for My kingdom to come…it is to for My will to be done, or earth as it is in Heaven. As you will seek Me in that secret place, I will instruct you & give you spiritual guidance as to how you are to implement effective prayers. What I shared this day has only been to open your eyes to what has been lacking & to show the path that you are to follow. Those who will take hold of what I say this day & implement it will see results. For I will show through your prayers that I have chosen the base things of the world & the things that are despised & the things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are. This IS the hour for change to come. Change to your prayers…change to your lives…change to your community…change to your world. For I will equip you to do great things…all you have to do is take hold of what I say & run with it…as you will do this, you will see My results & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I encourage you all to view the YouTube video that teaches this prayer technique the Lord has given us and then implement it into your lives. I too will be implementing this into my prayer life.

On another note, the down cline in the economy has hit many people which is also causing many to get into fear. DO NOT allow yourselves to get into fear. This is what the enemy wants and it also prevents God’s hands from blessing you the way He wants to.

Because of all this, monthly donations have gone way down and for the first time in a very long time, my bank account is actually in the negative about $100. And it’s that time for us to pay rent and other bills coming at the beginning of next month. However, I do have faith that the Lord will provide. So, please pray and see if the Lord would lay upon your heart to give a donation of any size to help with our financial needs. And keep the faith. Good days are coming to those who choose to walk the life of the overcomer.

May the Lord bless you all in the name of His Son Jesus Christ.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me relying on the support of others donations. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Click here to use PayPal.

Link to teaching on the prayer technique: https://youtu.be/dI_7ZFHURHE

Recent Prophetic Words (2)

Dear Saints, I have more prophetic words given from the Lord through my dear friend and pastor during his online sermons. God is revealing the urgency of getting alone with Him in His presence. Please prayerfully read the following words from the Lord:


The Lord says: “I come to you to help you to your places in Me. I come with My everlasting love for you & say…It is time that My people begin to see the things that I see…My people MUST do this! For FEW of My people are even aware of the things that are actively going on within them. Oh, yes…many see the problems they are experiencing…many see the troubles…many see the adversity that has taken hold in their lives, but FEW have seen that these things are happening because My Word will NOT return unto Me void. It MUST accomplish what I please & I WILL prosper in the thing that I sent it to do. For I have sent My Word this day to open your eyes to the way things really are. I come to you as a loving Heavenly Father, to awaken you from your slumber. For SO many of MY people do not know what is happening. Oh, yes, many understand things that are going on in the political arena & this IS important on THAT level, but I speak on a level that FAR exceeds the political spectrum. For I speak of My people’s places. I speak of My people’s reality in Me. For many see their lives as well-pleasing to Me, but they do not even give Me much of their time! Their time is consumed by SO many things…but I am mostly not one of them. Do you not know that I have made you Kings & Priests unto Me? Do you not understand the importance of this reality? For I have taken you & cleansed you by the Blood of My Son & set you on course to rule in My Kingdom. Many of you have done well for a season, but now at the time that I need My people most, most of My people have been compromised into doing other things…so many other things that take the priority & preeminence in their lives. So much so, that FEW are able to see the need to STAND in this hour & to DO the things that I need them to do. For most everyone is consumed by their own lives…most are controlled by the things that they keep in front of them. Most are “busy” doing everything but seeking Me & doing the things that I say. For truly, this is the end-time & even though many of My people are aware of this, most still live on, doing the same things as before, not realizing the great destruction they are doing to themselves, as well as the ones around them. For I have given you power & authority to do exploits in this hour. I have cried out for My people to take their places, by My side. But FEW have answered My cry…few really have even considered what I have spoken to them. Even amidst many of My “prophetic ones”, there is more of a adherence to the things that allure the flesh…speaking only of My blessing & goodness. So many declaring the wonderful things that I am doing in my people, when I am shouting something that is completely different. For truly My blessing & goodness IS upon My people. Truly the wonderful things that I am doing in MY people IS a reality, BUT no one is telling how this blessing & goodness…no one is saying how these wonderful things I am doing MUST come. For truly, obedience unto Me is what brings My blessing. Truly walking in My will in this hour, is what will bring these wonderful things! But, no one seems to want anything to do with THAT part of this! Everyone wants it all, without doing what it takes to get there. I love My people with an everlasting love…I truly, do. I tell you right now, that it is imperative that My people take hold of My words right now. For if you resist what I say or just move on & go back to doing your own things, you will not realize the error of your way until it is too late. I do not want this to happen…that is why I am come to you this day. I desire My people to have a habitation of My Spirit. Not just a visitation! So many of My people do not even have much of a visitation, when I desire to inhabit My people! How is it that My people cannot see in their lives, the need of being a habitation of God by My Spirit? How do you think you will be able to do exploits in this hour, without this? I need My people to have eyes that see & ears that hear. For truly few that say they do, really do. Why do I say this? Because the proof is in each life that is before Me. The truth is in what the priorities of My people really are. For if My people will be truly honest, before Me & to themselves, there are FEW that can actually say I am their priority. Just look at your lives. Look at where all of your time goes. How much of THAT time do you actually spend with Me? How much of that time do you truly spend seeking My face? How much of that time do you allow Me to come & make My abode within you? The real answers are right before Me…for I see them, in spirit & in truth. I need My people to come unto Me so I can clear out all of those things that are not real priorities. Yes, I realize that there ARE real priorities in your lives…I am not talking about those, though many allow even these to devour too much of their time. I am speaking about the things that the flesh pulls on you to take your time away. I am speaking about those things that keep your attentions on anything but Me. For even in the political spectrum, many are fixated, thinking that these things are of MORE importance, not realizing that this time with Me, could do FAR more than anything you think you are doing by dedicating all of this time in those arenas. It is time for My people to take hold of the things that I have for them. For I have called you to be seated in Heavenly places in Christ, so that My exploits will be done, on Earth, as they are IN Heaven. For it is THERE that I have given you this power. It is THERE that I will give you ALL the wisdom that you have need of. It is THERE that I will cause My victory to go forth across the land! Will you now take your places & do the things that I have for you to do? I await each of you, in that secret place…that place that I have long awaited, to truly call My home…My habitation. Hear Me, My people…it is time to take your places…it is time to do as I now say. For those who will truly honor Me with their lives now, will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.


 The Lord sais: “Look at all of My servants through out the Old Testament. Do you see all of the things that i accomplished through them? I did miracles & deliverances. I showed powerful demonstrations of My authority & My glory through them. My word is full of this truth. I say this because what was written in My word, is for My people today. I have given My word of old, as examples & admonitions for My people today. But so many of My people do not even know what I am trying to convey to them right now. Some how, the great majority of those who say they are Mine, do not see very much at all. But, because I love you with an everlasting love, I will explain this to you so you may have a change in heart. It is imperative that you do, or else what you see happening all around you, will continue to get worse & it is you who will usher in the end. For I have already said, that it is My desire to give you more time, but I will not give you more time, so you can continue being the same way. I will not give you more time, so things will just stay the same. I will only give you more time, if you are going to repent of the things that I speak of & you begin to do the things that I say”.

He then had me read Rev. 3:14-22 during the service.       

“My people need to understand things as they really are! I keep saying this, over & over, because My people are just not getting it…it is just not penetrating into My people to do the things that I desire. My people take My words & let them slip away, as within them, they justify themselves, that by My grace, all is well within them. This is why things are so going bad all around you. This is why you see things escalating in a bad way…its because My people have been deceived into a false mindset, that everything is right within them! Where are the people of My power? Where are My powerhouses who will shine My glory to this lost & dying world? My people need to understand something that i started to share, but had My servant hold back, because it was not yet time. My people need to know about all of those servants of old, who I did so many awesome things through. My word is full of their exploits! I did all of those things through them, but today I am unable to do much at all through most of my people today. For I am about to tell you something important & if you will receive it deeply within your hearts & spirits, it will change you, as you have never been changed before. So, open your hearts to Me & allow Me to take you deep into My truth, for if you will know the truth, the truth will set you free. So many of you are deceived into thinking that they are already free, but this is only true on a very limited level. But once I tell you what you need to hear, you will not be able to evade it…you will not be able to resist it. For to do so would be a denying of Me & of My words! For this i say, because the time is now serious & there is no more time to waste! The time has come for those who say they are Mine, to truly be Mine. There is no more time for empty words that tickle men’s ears & make them comfortable. Did I not say, that I did not come to send peace on earth? Did I not say that I came not to send peace, but a sword? For I came to set a man at variance with his father & the daughter against her mother & daughter in law against her mother-in-law. I said a man’s foes shall be of his own household! I say this because so many continue to hold onto things as they have been, instead of hearing my words & doing as I say. For as you will receive these things, you will realize that things must change. You cannot continue any longer as you have. It is time that you hear Me & do as I say. Now, I am going to tell you what i have been preparing you to receive over this time for this hour. As I have brought you through this night, to see all that I have done through all of My servants of old in the Old Testament, that brings Me to telling you why I shared this. For the truth is right there before your eyes, but few, if any have seen it. But I have revealed it to My servant to share with you, because he is listening…he is seeking to do what pleases Me. So, now I will share what you need to hear. Please open your hearts & allow Me to take this truth deep within you, so that I can accomplish what I please & My word will prosper in the thing that I sent it to do. For the truth is…all of those servants in the old testament…all of my people that I used to do exploits…all of them had two things in common…they all chose to obey me over man. They all were fixed to do what I wanted them to do & this is why I was able to use them as I did. But today, many will say that they want to please Me…many will declare this, but the actions of their lives betray their words. And what hurts Me…yes, I said that. Do you not remember that I am touched by the feeling of your infirmities, your weaknesses? For I have not even told you what you need to hear yet. I have a bombshell to release to you & so I am taking time to prepare you, so you can better receive my words that are about to come. I need you to see this, because the staggering reality is overlooked by most all of those who say they are Mine. My people do not know just how compromised & complacent they really are. I know I keep saying this, but there is a good reason. It is because, each time I say this, there honestly is no real or major change in what My people will do. I tell you this, because once I share what i am about to share, there will be no going back. There will be no thinking all is right within you, or all is right in your world. For as I tell you the truth, you will have to make a decision…you will either become broken, contrite & humbled before Me or you will continue on the same path you have been on & continue to walk out a deceived, compromised, complacent walk, that is not real, but is pseudo, it is false! You will either turn fully unto Me & begin to walk as I walk. You will either hear what I say & do as I tell you to do…or you will find yourself stuck in having a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. I say this in hopes that you will do the right thing & come close to Me! Now, are you ready to receive the truth? Are ready to let go of the way things have been & now truly be the powerhouses that I have called you to be? 

Hear the truth, My people & now begin to walk in it. For all that I have said this night, was to lead up to this very thing. All of My servants of old had one other thing in common that you need to understand. None of them had the baptism of the Holy Spirit like the millions of My people do today! Each & every one of these Old Testament servants accomplished all they did, as I used them, yet they did not have what SO many of My people have this day! As you will allow this reality & truth to enter into you & impact you, you will never be the same again. For I have said all of this, so you could see the true condition of My church, My Ecclesia…My Called Out Ones! I have said all of this, so My people would no longer be in the dark, as to the way things really ARE. Now My people must take responsibility for what I have given them. For you all have received power, the power of My Holy Spirit upon you! You must now do your part to do the things that I have called you to do. There can be no more excuses…no more complacency…no more compromise. Look at all I did in the book of Acts! You will either rise up in Me & do as I did through them or you will continue forward in what will come, by your not doing so in this hour. Do as I now say & truly come before Me & allow Me to take hold of you & make you into My powerhouses in this hour & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord’.


The Lord says: “I come to you in a time where it is expedient that you hear My voice & be led of Me. For as the world reels to & fro with earthquakes…as the earth does roar with volcanic activity, I am calling on My people to arise & begin to roar, as well. For it is time that My people take heed to all the things that I have been instructing them. It is time that My people take hold of Me as never before. Do you think that all that is going on around you, is a joke? Do you think that all that is going on around you, is not real? Do you think that what you are hearing & seeing ares not birth pangs to My second coming? For truly I tell you, that this is the last hour…this is the time of the end! And what My people do from here on will demonstrate how long that the end will take. For there is a remnant who truly love Me & have given Me their lives. There is a people that are truly called by My name. So many say they are called by My name, but in truth, this is just empty words. For My voice has cried out across the land & many that say they are Mine, do not hear Me. They say they do, but in truth, they are only putting on a show. For the true worshipers of God will worship Me in spirit & truth. There is no more time to play religious games…there is no more time for a compromised & complacent people to continue to deceive themselves…it is time for those who say they are Mine to truly demonstrate this reality to Me & ultimately to the world. For I am seeking such that will worship Me. Many say they do this, but really they only worship Me when they get their own ways. So many cannot see that this is the way things really are. So many are so caught up in their own lives, they cannot see things as they really are. For many, the only time they really come to Me, is because of their needs. And that statement is one that goes very deep in to Me. For I am seeking those who will worship Me in spirit & truth. Why do so many only come to Me when they need something from Me? Why do My people not come to Me, just to spent time with Me? Look those who have dogs as pets. Have I not shown you the behavior they have, as they worship you? Have I not shown you, how you are supposed to be, unto Me, by them? For truly, pet dogs, show a behavior that I have instilled in them, to show My people the true dedication & worship, that I truly deserve. How I long for My people to just come & sit at My feet! How I long for My people to just come & lay on My lap! How I long for My people to come & show Me their dedication, as a pet dog does, to his master! How is it, My people say that they are SO spiritual, when they cannot discern that which is natural? For truly I wait for My people to just come & spend time with Me, just because they love Me. Do you not know that this is the enemy’s work, to keep you far from Me? Do you not know that, as a defeated foe, he is successfully conqueror-ed My people, who are suppose to be ‘more than conquerors’? I told you that you are more than conquerors through ME, who loves YOU. Do you not see how you are to be a conqueror? For you cannot conquer anything apart from Me, but still, you continue in your lives, doing just that! I came that you might have life & have it more abundantly…do you have this abundant life manifested in you? It is time that My people truly see things as they really are, so they be all that I have called them to be. My abundant like will not manifest in your lives, until your lives are truly surrendered to manifest ME. I truly love you with an everlasting love. Do you know this deep within you? I need you to see things from a level way deeper than just your carnal needs. Because so many cannot get past this very thing…they are limited in their lives, because their life in Me is so limited. How can you prosper & be in health, when your soul is not prospering? Can you not see this? How can you continue doing the same things, over & over, expecting different results? You need to understand the truth is doing this! I come to you in this hour, because it is needful for you to recognize the reality that you are living in. I come to you in this hour, to help you see as I see. I come to you in this hour to help you to be free. Did I not say, you shall know the truth & the truth shall make you free? Then how come so many of My people are not free? How come so many of My people are not healed? How come so many of My people are not walking out the lives that I have prepared for them? Could it be that my people are not seeing these things because they are not truly aware of what I have said to them? Could it be that my people continue to fumble about in their lives, because they refuse to come close to Me, as I desire, so that they lives will truly be a manifestation of My glory? So many say they want to be carriers of My glory, but so few will ever do what it takes to be them. Do you not know that even I buffeted Myself when I walked on the earth? Do you not know that I fasted & prayed, denying Myself, so I could receive from My Heavenly Father? Did I not say that after I would be taken away, that My servants would fast & pray? Where are My people today? Where are those who will deny themselves, take up their cross & follow Me? Do you know that taking up the cross means more than persecution? Do you know that taking up the cross means denying self? Where are My people, in doing this? Look at your world, as it is today…do you think it may be time for you to start fasting & praying, so that change will come? I am seeking those who will worship Me in spirit & truth. You cannot be in that number, if you are not doing this. Does it seem like I pass you by in life, as others are recognized & rewarded? Could it be they are denying themselves, when you are not? It is time for My people to be shaken free from the falsehood of their shallow walk with Me. It is time that My people become true worshipers of God…I am seeking such to worship Me! Hear Me My people & be willing to do as I say. Behold, I am calling My remnant into a time of fasting & prayer…the time is now! For it is imperative that My people begin to do so, immediately! There is so much at stake right now. There is no time for playing games. It is time for My people to be mobilized into their places, as the army of God. So few are ready right now…so few have taken the time to prepare themselves for what is about to come. I need My people to see the importance of this hour & to do as I say. Greater darkness is just ahead & I need My light bringers to arise & shine! So many are about to be challenged in their faith, as they never have before. I need those who say they are Mine to guard their hearts with all diligence! My people must come close to Me & worship Me in this hour. It is time to put away childish things…it is time for my people to become mature in me. Do not let this word slip from you, for in doing so, you will truly be sorry. Now is the time for My people to mean business with Me, as never before. Are you a true worshiper of the Lord your God? You will show the real answer by the response from your heart unto Me at this hour. I love you, My people & only desire good things for you. The problem is, most of My people want things that I do not consider good. Come unto me & do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


The Lord says: “I come to My people with words out from My everlasting love for them. I come to tell you that you are in a time where you really must shake yourselves & be free from all false teachings & mindsets that are keeping you from coming closer to Me. For it is imperative that My people see this. For even many of My servants are speaking only words of blessing & that great things coming upon My people, but few ever say what is needed for these things to come to My people. So many of My people have been led by a broad & wide way to believe that i am just going to drop these blessings from Heaven. So many of My people have the mindset that these things are just going to happen to them & for them. But I ask you this…does a crop bring forth fruit, except the laborers plant the seeds & tend to the crops? For My words says whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap! Why do My people continue being fixed on & seeking smooth words that appease the flesh & tickle the ears? Have I not said that the way to life was narrow & that affliction, tribulation & troubles would be the evidence? So, why do so many of My people moan & complain, when I am taking them unto Me on the narrow path? You cannot stay in this complacent & compromised state any longer…you must mean business with Me! So many of My people cry out to Me regarding their situations & I watch their faith wain, because they do not see what they expect to happen. I need you to see that you are in a great time of trouble! And in this time, you must see things differently. You must let go of what you have been listening to…a way of ease…a way of blessing…a way of smooth words. For these smooth words are not making you stronger…they are making you weaker. For without adversity, you grow weak! What happens to your muscles if you do not use them? They will atrophy! Even so, so many of many of my people have become atrophied in their walk with Me & because things have not gone the way they have desired, instead of coming closer to Me, many have drawn further away. Oh, you still perform your basic spiritual lifestyle, but that will not help you recover…there needs to be a change of heart for things to really change. Last week, I told you that it was time for My people to fast & pray, but so many have not heeded My words…so many have let My words slip! For even My prophetic voices who know My words must go out into the world, have not done so! Over the past several weeks I have told you that My people’s response to My words, would show the true condition of their hearts & lo, so many have truly showed Me what is really within them…for their lack of response to do what I have said is their evidence. Instead of shouting My words from the rooftops, many of My people have sat on them & done nothing. Can you not see the condition of your hearts? You think all is right within you, but your heart response show Me just the opposite! How can My people continue like this, thinking all is well, when in reality your lives are far from Me! I desire my people to change & be like Me. I desire my people to come to the place that they will hear My voice & do what I say. For many truly are not doing so. Truly many are only doing those things that are pleasing in their own sight. I DO desire to bring blessing to My people. I DO desire to bring victory into your lives…but My blessing & victory are not to be squandered & wasted. My blessing is so you can be a blessing to others! But so many of My people mostly only think about themselves & their needs. I have called you to be carriers of My presence, but so many are far from being this. Do you not understand the truth & reality of what this means? You think that you spend time in My presence, when you come to me in prayer…but really all you are mostly doing is giving Me your needs list. I need My people to know the truth, for the truth will set you free. Being in My presence is not what you think it is. I have shown you in my word how My presence causes the hills to melt like wax & the earth to shake! Do you not understand the reality in this? The hills can also refer to high places of pride. Even so, those who truly come into My presence, their pride & selfish ways will melt before Me. How can you say you have been in My presence, when you continue to walk in selfish ways? How can you lie to yourselves & those around you & say this is not true? To be carriers of My presence is far from what you think! For when you are a carrier of My presence, you will carry My presence where ever you go! Yes, you can be in a store & minister My grace to those around you & My presence will fill that place! But, as long as My people are fixated on their own things…as long as My people are still serving self, you cannot be carriers of My presence. I am calling My people to repent in this hour, so you can be the carriers of My presence & glory! I am calling My people to turn from their wicked ways & to seek My face. For as you will truly seek My face, you will know My presence…you will know Me as you have never known Me. So many say they know Me, but really most who say they know Me, only have known Me at times in their lives. They have had times of breakthrough & come close to Me, but later on, their lives began to be drawn unto My blessings & farther away from My presence. Where are the carriers of My presence today? If you will hear My voice, harder not your hearts…for this is the only way you can enter into to the strait & narrow gate. You can no longer live the way you have been living…old things must pass away, all things must become new. If you love Me, you will keep My commandments…this is why I said that your response to My words would be shown by what you have done with My words. Do not let My words slip again…do not let the enemy to entice you with his vain ideals & mindsets that dwell on the nature blessings of this world. For I have commanded you to seek first the kingdom of God & My righteousness & all of these other things would be added unto you. Yes, the problem is, so many seek the things & not what it takes to receive these things. This is why My church is in such a despicable condition today! I love you, My people & really do not like having to tell you these things, but because of My love, I must…for I need you in this hour, but you are not ready for what I need you to do. It is time for you to shake yourselves free, return unto Me & do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Dear Saints,

God has been warning and warning us that time is short and the Bridegroom is coming so go out to meet Him. It is time to come out from all that is not of or from God and fill and trim our lamps. We do this by spending time in His presence, staying on the narrow path, and obeying His still small voice at all times. But most importantly, spend time at the feet of Jesus in His presence. This will fill your lamps with oil so that you will have plenty when the time comes.

Please redeem the little time we have left and don’t squander it like so many are.

And if these words from the Lord have blessed or helped you in any way, would you please consider a love gift to help with my finances. Bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Are You Awake Yet?

Word from the Lord:

My people, have I not warned you beforehand that I would shake you awake? For My Bride is still slumbering and must be stirred awake. Many have in fact awoken, spiritually speaking, due to recent world events. But sadly, many are still slumbering as if everything will soon go back to normal.

Can you not see what is going on around you? Many of your governments are seeking full control of the people and attempting to eliminate any freedoms you may have left. Do not believe their lies that this is only temporary for battling a pandemic. These are all lies to justify taking away your freedoms and liberties. They first fed you lies of fear, now they are feeding you lies of their salvation and freedoms. I tell you, it is not salvation or freedom if it is forced upon you. Use discernment, My people.

Now, know this….I have allowed much of this to go on in order to stir My people awake out of their slumberness of spirit. Can you not see just how close you are to the time of gross darkness covering the earth? Can you not witness the governments of men seeking complete control and monitoring of your every move? My people, WAKE UP!

Soon there will be even more shakings to come. However, it is not time yet for the enemy to have his way with the coming gross darkness. I am only allowing these shakings to wake My people up so they may prepare before the gross darkness comes. Yes, much of what you are witnessing is of the darkness, but it is nothing compared to what is coming. This is why My people must wake up now and prepare.

Now then, for those of you who have already woken up and recognize the time in which you live, I charge you to prepare yourselves spiritually now so that when the darkness comes, you will be victorious in the midst of it. Not so for those unprepared when it comes. And when I say unprepared, I am speaking of your spiritual house and your walk with Me…I am not speaking of preparations like from those who are called preppers. Although, preparation in the natural will be necessary too. I am not against the preppers, but what good will it do if one has all the food and supplies to last a lifetime, but is spiritually bankrupt? These ones will NOT be able to withstand the coming darkness and all their prepping will have been in vain.

But for those who are seeking Me now….seek Me like never before. And beware of the enemy who will come against you to steal your time away from Me or even get you distracted from the narrow path that I have you on. You MUST learn to resist the devil so he will flee. You need to exercise your authority in Me and prepare yourselves now while there is still time. And how do you prepare, you ask? I will tell you. You get alone with Me and the Father in the secret chambers as often as you can and sit at My feet waiting upon us. And in this, allow Me to wash you with the washing of My word. And always be obedient to My word and the leading of the Holy Spirit within you. Continue in this and soon My glory will move upon you and through you. This will be necessary for the coming gross darkness. For those who cannot stand with My glory in those days will not be able to stand at all.

I love you all dearly and have good news for you during this time of uncertainty. Even though this shaking of the pandemic has seemed to go on for too long, it will not continue on much longer. For as I have promised, I am exposing the corruption within your governments and soon many with evil intents will be exposed and removed. And My light will begin to shine in your nation once again as my justice is seen across the land. And there will be changes in the financial system that will bring about the fulfillment of My written word declaring that the wicked store up wealth for the righteous. Yes, you are about to witness the great transfer of wealth that has been spoken about so much.

But in all this, do not forget the time in which you live. For I am holding back the gross darkness for a season so that My people may have more time to prepare themselves spiritually and rise up as the overcomers that I have called them to be. But for those who fail to redeem the time that is given, they shall suffer greatly when the darkness comes. So take heed and use your time wisely. If you will heed this warning and obey my commands, then you shall not be ashamed when the darkness comes. I love you all with an everlasting love and it is not My desire than any should perish.

If this word from the Lord has blessed or helped you in any way, would you please consider a love gift to help with my finances. Bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.