It Is Time To Look Up.

Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully receive the Father’s words of love and hope for this hour given through my dear friend and pastor.

Word from the Father:

“My children, I come to you to let you know that all is well. For though you can clearly see that much is happening in the natural, I need you to know that what you see in the natural realm is only a manifestation of what is going on in the spiritual realm. For as many have become fearful & begun to lose hope in their future, I tell you now to come unto Me. For I am the Alpha & the Omega, the Beginning & the End…there is nothing to fret or fear about…all you need to do is keep your hope in Me. For I will never leave you, forsake you or fail you…you must know this in reality.

For as you keep your focus on what is seen in the natural, you have lost hold of what I AM doing in the spiritual. For it appears to many that the enemy is raging & raising up his ugly head, bringing many people into torment, stress & anxiety. Many are even now experiencing great conflicts in their families because of the effect that these things are having on them. This should not be so, for I have not called you unto anger, strife or variance…I have called you all to walk in My peace. Let go of all that the enemy is trying to bring upon you & rise up in Me & allow Me to work within.

For very soon you will see things change…very soon you will see My hand revealed & you will know that it is I, the Lord your God, who has done these things. For I am shaking everything that can be shaken, so that only what cannot be shaken will remain. Do not fear this shaking…but rather submit yourselves therefore, unto Me & allow Me to do what is needed to bring you through to the other side. For I have told you that judgment begins at the house of God. Do you think that the things happening all around you, in judging this world, doesn’t include all that My people do?

For truly, as I have said before…you are seeing all these things around you BECAUSE of what My people have done. It is time that you own up to reality & take responsibility for the things you have done. For the light that I see shining from My people is very dim compared to what it should be. Only as My people will truly look within & take account of their lives & see what they have done, can the darkness be removed so that My Light can shine as I have ordained it to shine. Yes, My people, you must humble yourselves under My Mighty Hand, that I may exalt you in due time.

For so many will look at what is happening around them in the world’s condition & easily point their fingers at others, thinking in their hearts, that THEY are the ones causing this to be, but I say unto you to LOOK at your hands & SEE the truth…you are pointing 1 finger at others, 1 up to Me & the other THREE are pointing back at YOU! Only as you will SEE this reality in your own hearts, will you be able to reverse these things from happening. It is time for My people to take their places in Me…stop pointing blame & instead begin to take responsibility for what you have done.

It is time to let go of those things that are behind & press forward into the things ahead & reaching forth unto those things which are before you…the things of MY Kingdom. For this is the day I have long awaited to come…but few have entered into this day, as I have desired. So many are still holding onto the things in their past…which things only tend to hold them in bondage. For truly I say now, these things must be let go of & you must now concentrate on what I have ahead for you. You cannot change things from the past…you can only walk forward with Me, in newness of life.

For many are still waiting for Me to bring change in what is dead, when I am wanting to make all things new. Stop looking at things this way. Could it be, you keep going back to these old dead things in your heart & mind, because I am wanting you to let them go & for you to truly release them unto Me? Why do you keep hoping for that which is past? I am not the God of the dead, but of the living, for all live unto Me! Even so, I want you to see this for yourselves. For things are about to change quickly…I need you to be settled & concentrating on the right things.

I say this to stir up your faith, so you will be ready. Stop looking at what is happening in the natural & start to be focused on what IS happening in the spiritual. The reason you do not see Me working around you, is because you are not focused on Me, but the things of this world. For as you will let go of what has taken your attentions in the natural & begin to fasten your heart & minds on Me, I will show you greatly, what I am doing around you. For truly I say unto you, stop looking at the ground and at things that are earthly. It is time to look up to Me…you will see what I am doing.

It is time to look up, My people & know the time you are in, for things are escalating very rapidly. Some are lost in their own self-made fantasies of life, not caring about what is happening around them…they are oblivious to what is real. Where as others are fixated on all that is going “wrong” & these have given up. Some are confused because they listen to many diverse voices saying so many things & they do not know what to believe for themselves. There are also those who are driven by hatred & are driven in judging & condemning everyone who does not agree with them.

But, there are also some that I have gotten their attention & they are beginning to be led more of Me…looking in the right places & seeing things as they really are. These have a balance in their lives, seeing things for themselves & rightly dividing the word of truth. I want all of My people to do this, so you will all know what is about to come. For there ARE good days ahead…I want you to see them & experience them for yourselves. Start to look more within yourselves & let Me help sort things out…for as you do, I will help you to work out your own salvation with fear & trembling.

It is time to look up! I need you to purposely begin to look to Me, by seeing spiritually, instead of in the natural. For in the natural, things are constantly changing…even as in an untimely storm that indeed seems horrendous…it soon ends & there is a calm & the sun shines again. I want you to begin to look up, spiritually…for if you will do this, you will see there is a time of wonder & awe that is now on the horizon. Good days are coming…they are just ahead. Look to Me & watch what I am about to do. I want you to be part of this, so do your part & come unto Me, says the Lord”.

End of word.

Amen. What an encouraging word. I know that things may look bleak with the fact that a certain administration has been allowed to continue for so long and is doing everything it can to destroy our nation as we know it. But as I mentioned earlier in the year, I felt that something would start to happen by April or May. And it so happens that certain audits have started and are exposing the massive fraud. I believe that what we are seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. So keep believing and praying for God to restore the rightful ‘person’ in His timing and don’t give up.

On another note, as I was seeking the Lord for what He would have me to share with His Saints, instead of giving me a prophetic word, He laid a message on my heart and told me to share it because He desires to plant a hope within His people for something exciting. I’m still praying over what all He wants me to say in the message an will post it soon.

In the mean time, it’s that time again when my rent and bills are coming due soon. So if you’re able to help me with my financial needs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of Christ.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

It’s Time To Step Out As His Ecclesial.

Word from the Father:

My dearest chosen ones; I come to you today with words of love and encouragement to warm your hearts.

I tell you, look not to your news stations, medias, or political figures for answers to what is going on in the world today. For I am working behind the scenes to bring forth a mighty victory for My people.

Also, I have called many of you to come out of the churches of men who merely use My name to build their own kingdoms….and many of you have obeyed and come out. But it’s not merely coming out of the churches of men that is needed, you also need to know that you ARE My ecclesial and step out into this reality.

I love you all so deeply, and it is My greatest desire to give you My kingdom. Therefore, I need My chosen ones to step out of the old ways and step into the new. I need you to break away from your old way of thinking about My ways including My way of ministering. For it is My desire to be known and to minister through each of you wherever you are. I desire to minister in the market place, in the grocery store, in the laundromat, in the business office, in the sports arena….everywhere.

But I need a people willing to lay down their own agendas and their own way of doing things that I may have My way. I have told you before that this is a season to get free from everything that hinders the flow of My Spirit within you….and you shall, if you would obey the promptings of My Spirit. For their is much that I desire to do through My people in these last days, but I am greatly hindered by the blockages within My people. Certain mindsets, old wounds, unforgiveness and sins are all blockages that need to be removed from off of you. However, do not think that you must be perfect before I can use you….not so. For I can use any willing vessel for My Glory. But the blockages in My people greatly hinder Me from doing all that I desire to do.

So then, continue in seeking Me daily to show you what needs to be repented of and made right. I may even require some of you to mend old broken relationships which the enemy was able to destroy at one time. But worry not at this, for whatever I ask of you, I will provide the needed grace.

I love you all so much, My dearest ones. And I am so excited for many of you because of what I see ahead in your life. And as I was saying; I am working behind the scenes to make a way for victory for My people and for many blessings to burst forth on your behalf.

I know and see the many laws and ordinances that the fraudulent administration in the United States is attempting to establish. These are for the purpose of taking your rights and freedoms away from you and destroying the nation. But fret not at what you see and hear. For have I not told you that I would make a way for justice and restore your rightful president? So then, fret not at the events that will soon unfold. It may even appear that things will only get worse right before it gets better. But I tell you that this is only the enemy kicking and screaming in a last ditch effort to not lose the stronghold he has on this nation. But I the Lord your God shall NOT allow him to have his way.

So again I say, listen NOT to your news stations or medias, for they will be spewing lies upon lies in a desperate attempt to distract and conceal the justice and exposures that will be coming forth.

So rejoice, My little ones, and be not shaken in your spirit or mind. Set your eyes and heart upon My word and promises, and be at rest. Do all that I ask of you and all will be well.

-Your loving Heavenly Father

Amen and hallelujah. I am so excited for what I feel in my spirit regarding all that is about to break forth. Victory and victory.

Dear Saints, this is not a time to idly set by or simply go about with business as usual. Take hold of God and His unprecedented grace that He is bestowing on us. Some are waiting for this to just fall on them, but don’t be one of those. By faith, call it down and take hold of it. We are in an awesome time where the gods of Egypt are about to be judged and we will march out of bondage into our freedom just like the Israelites of old.

Also, don’t give up on God bringing justice over the stolen election. There are many things going on behind the scenes that is being covered up by those in power and the mainstream media. Keep declaring God’s justice over the matter. Things will happen soon, just not on our timeline but on God’s instead.

On another note, it’s that time when my rent and other bills are due. So if anyone is able to help me out with my financial needs, it would be greatly appreciated. And I thank those willing to help. May God richly and abundantly bless you in return for your faithfulness.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.