While Our Waiting Period Nears Its End, Patience for God’s Timing Remains.

Dear Saints, in our shared journey toward transformation into the image of Christ, there exist moments when divine lessons and insights illuminate our path. Today, I feel compelled to share recent revelations from the Lord that may offer comfort and guidance to those navigating their own transformative journey.

Presently, we stand at a crucial juncture where God is about to fulfill enduring promises and answer prayers that have lingered for what feels like an eternity. There’s an unmistakable stirring in the spiritual realm hinting at the imminent arrival of open doors of opportunities, breakthroughs, and long-awaited promises.

Yet, in a recent encounter with God, He emphasized the significance of waiting on Him for these forthcoming blessings. He spoke to my heart, highlighting my mishandling of recent life situations—a lesson I believe to be important for all within the Body of Christ.

This divine lesson initially came to me through two vivid prophetic dreams. Within these dreams, I found myself confined within a prison, attempting to break free rather than patiently awaiting God’s intervention for my liberation. This imagery resonated deeply with the financial prison that I’ve been in for what seems like an eternity. Through these dreams, God revealed the self-willed and premature nature of my efforts to get myself out of this financial prison, lacking the patience required to await His breakthrough and provisions in my life. As I’ve shared on here before, God has called me to be a Joseph in these last days and told me that He’s going to abundantly bless my finances far above anything I’ve ever known. But for what seems like forever, I’ve been in my prison of financial lack waiting for God to fulfill His word over my life.

Allow me to offer more insight into my story of growing weary of waiting and failing to trust God for my provisions. Some time ago, in response to prayer, God revealed His calling for me to establish a business aimed at aiding small independent healthcare providers in securing rightful payments from insurance companies. Within the healthcare sector, there’s a pervasive issue of insurance companies wrongfully denying or underpaying healthcare providers for their services. This particularly affects small independent practices striving to financially sustain themselves. Thus, God has called me to assist these practices. However, He has revealed to me that His calling on my life in this arena extends beyond the immediate tasks of the business, emphasizing the larger influence I’ll exert within the healthcare insurance industry, fostering change within individuals and companies, encouraging fairness and righteousness in their practices.

Although, despite doors opening for me to secure two clients in this business, the path to successful claims processing and payment collection has been fraught with challenges.  My clients have only presented me with a single insurance claim matter, and to date, I have not succeeded in securing their due payment from the insurance companies. As I receive compensation based on a percentage of the amounts collected for my clients, I am yet to generate any revenue from the business.

However, a recent revelation from the Lord may hold the key to unlocking these owed payments. And upon resolving this issue, my clients have pledged to refer others, potentially heralding a breakthrough for both my business and financial stability.

In the meantime, God has me mainly relying on the generosity and donations of others to support myself. Despite my efforts, God has not allowed me to get regular employment and has redirected my focus towards gaining knowledge in the field I’m meant to serve and in seeking Him. Although, He has allowed me to earn a little money on the side working for a man who has a business providing event staffing, like for concerts, sporting events, etc. The work I get through this man amounts to maybe the same as having a small part-time job that helps cover my monthly expenses since I don’t receive much through donations. Though I am VERY grateful for what I do receive.

However, recent circumstances with this man’s business resulted in a decrease in available work, leading to financial strain.  For the first time in a long time, I’m behind on my bills and have already received two disconnect notices for my utilities.

As a result, I started looking for other ways to make money or even start another business that would be easier to start making profits. That is when God graciously gave me the prophetic dreams revealing my reliance on self-efforts to get myself out of this predicament, instead of relying on Him to provide in His timing.  These dreams served as a poignant reminder of my impatience in trying to liberate myself from my financial constraints instead of waiting upon God’s providence.

Another time early in the morning while still in bed, I heard a voice resonating within my thoughts, telling me that I rely on my own strength and understanding more than resting in His grace. After repenting and seeking God regarding this, the lesson became apparent: relying on His Spirit is pivotal, especially in the challenging times that lie ahead.

The difficult days ahead will demand an intimate connection with the Spirit of God. Those who walk in faith, guided by His Spirit and relying on His power and providence, will endure, while others, without such reliance, will be overcome. The necessity of learning to rely fully on Him now cannot be overstated, for the storms ahead will require foundations rooted in His wisdom and guidance.

Thankfully, there’s still an opportunity for us to prepare and mature inwardly for what is coming. God is on the brink of a remarkable outpouring of His Spirit, gifting us with His unprecedented grace to overcome areas of the flesh and self-will. However, this preparatory time will be short.  So today is the time to prepare. Today is the time to advance in the things of God and what he has called us to pursue and possess.

During this time of His unpresendented grace and outpouring of His Spirit, breakthroughs, once seen as insurmountable, are on the horizon. They’ll still require effort on our part, yet they’ll become achievable with God’s guidance. In this season of spiritual abundance, keep in mind that prompt obedience will bring rapid progress and profound transformations in our lives.

God will do a quick work with those who listen, follow, and obey. This is truly our moment to rise up and shine, for our light has come. Those who heed God’s call in this will witness rapid personal change which will be imperative for the days ahead. A time is coming where our lives will depend on the leading of His Spirit. We can already see this coming to fruition with all the violent protests in the streets. A time is coming where it will be get more violent than we could possibly imagine, and we MUST be led by His Spirit to avoid traps of the enemy.

So, reflecting on the lesson I’ve learned, I urge you: anticipate breakthroughs but let go of reliance on your own strength and understanding. In all your ways, acknowledged Him and He will guide your path. As the waiting period nears its end, maintain your trust in God for these breakthroughs. Effort on our part may be necessary in some instances, but let it be fueled by His grace and wisdom. Cease from striving and rest in His grace. Your astonishment at what God can accomplish when He is allowed to move mightily on your behalf will be not just a revelation but a source of deep fulfillment and joy.

And I greatly thank all of you who have been so gracious to give and help me with my financial burdens during this season of my life. I am believing God for breakthrough very very soon and can’t wait to share my testimony with you all. Take heart that God is moving on all our behalf and very soon we will all experience our breakthrough and release from our prisons of waiting.

And speaking of financial burdens, it’s that time that my rent and other bills are due, so please seek the Lord if He would have you to give a donation of any size to help me with my needs. I love you all, and may the Lord abundantly bless you.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

My True Church is Kingdom Building.

Dear Saints,

Things are speeding up all around us as our Heavenly Father shakes all that can be shaken. Profound events will start happening soon. Be sure to have enough food and water stored up for at least a few weeks if possible. And there may be a bank shut-down soon, so try to have cash in small bills on hand to hold you over until the banks reopen. There most likely will be a change over to cryptocurrency soon, though I’m not sure when. But we need to be prepared for these things. And most importantly, seek God in what you need to do to be prepared, and whatever happens in the coming storms, do not get into fear.

The authorities have already warned the public of the possibility of attacks on our nation similar to 911. And we are aware of the army of illegals from different countries that have been flooding across our borders. So again, don’t get into fear, but stay under God’s protection and ask Him daily for His wisdom. Now are the days that we all need to seriously learn to live according to Psalm 91.

And we all need to be working on transforming ourselves into His image. When the really dark days come, only the ones wholly walking in His will and glory will be able to endure. Good things ARE in store for God’s people, but we must do our part in our journey of transformation. So with that, please prayerfully read the word below given from the Lord through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them the WAY that they are to BE. I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them how they are to FOLLOW. I come to My people in this hour, so they will BECOME more like Me! For as you have gone through 1 Timothy 3 this evening, you now know the things that I have DECLARED through My words, long ago, that even to THIS day, the great majority of My people have NOT understood.

For I tell you the MYSTERY which before it was HIDDEN & mouths were MADE SHUT, which is NOW revealed & manifest to you, so you CAN become more like Me. For in what I said, the bishops, the deacons & their wives ARE to live before the church & also the world. I AM showing you that THESE things ARE how My people are to FOLLOW, for the leaders are to LEAD the flock in life. So, as you read these words, do not think that just because they are written towards leadership that they do not relate to you, for I tell you that they DO!

For My true leaders are to BE My EXAMPLES unto the flock, so THEY will follow Me. This is why these things are SO necessary & MUST be adhered to. For so many in ministry do NOT have these things intact. So many in ministry are NOW having things being uncovered & revealed, because this is the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF. I tell you these things to help you to understand that I AM God…I know ALL…I see ALL. I KNOW the end from the beginning.

How is it that SO many of My people do not recognize THIS reality in their lives, but continue to HIDE things…continue to LIVE as if no one will ever know…continue to think that I WINK at their lives & they have no NEED to ever change? I tell you that there is a great DECEPTION that exists in the hearts & lives of My people & this NEEDS to change! For how can I bring forth the great AWAKENING, when so many of My people refuse to WAKE UP to the truth?

How can I bring forth the great AWAKENING when even My prophets are ONLY telling the people the things THEY have decided to tell them? I AM STILL waiting for My prophets to SHOUT it from the rooftops that MY heart BEATS FOR SOULS!. I AM STILL waiting for My prophets to START rallying the people to BE soul winners, instead of just being soul LOVERS of SELF! For so many of my prophets STILL only speak of “My blessing & victory” that are about to come, but do NOT tell the people the things my people NEED to do, to see these things come!

When are My people going to WAKE UP to the fact that RESULTS TAKE ACTION? Things just do not happen on their own…My people MUST do THEIR part in these things. My leadership is SUPPOSED to represent Me, IN truth…NOT just the truth THEY want to represent. For in doing this, many are STILL keeping things COVERED & CONCEALED. Do you not SEE that only saying the GOOD parts of “blessing & victory”, is actually only saying a PARTIAL truth?

There are STILL things HIDDEN & CONCEALED that they are NOT sharing! And these ARE the things I NEED My people to SEE in this hour, for as long as you REFUSE to see these things, the blessings & victories will NOT come, because no one is DOING their part in the ACTION, to make them MANIFEST. I tell you these things because I love you all with an everlasting love & I NEED you to KNOW the truth of the way things ARE.

So MANY hold to the prophets in this hour, yet so many of these people do NOT grasp the reality that they are holding only to prophets who do NOT truly hear Me as I desire. My people need to hear MY VOICE…not just the voice THEY want to hear. My people are where they are today BECAUSE My people are NOT seeking My FULL voice, but only the voice that ALIGNS with what the SELF WANTS to hear.

For as long as My people HOLD to their self ways, they will not SEE My blessings & victories as I DESIRE them to see, for they are only holding to the things of SELF. I have given My commandment regarding those in ministry, yet those very commands are NOT being followed by MANY this day. For My church is STILL just a religious social club, like a membership with BENEFITS, yet no one is DOING the very things that I have said to BE My TRUE church. My true church SEEKS & SAVES that which IS LOST!

My TRUE church doesn’t only look to its OWN things, but ALSO on the things of OTHERS. My TRUE church is NOT SELF-seeking…My TRUE church is KINGDOM building. I AM looking for a people who will TRULY walk as I have commanded & DO those things they ARE commanded to do. My TRUE church is SUPPOSED to BE the light that THIS world walks IN & be conformed to THAT light, which IS righteousness. But, those who SAY they are Mine, mostly only have a compromised BLEND of light & darkness, but are so BLIND that they CANNOT see this IS the way it TRULY is!

I come to My people to WAKE them up INTO righteousness. I come to My people to cause them to SHAKE themselves FREE from all that the enemy has DECEIVED them into receiving. I AM calling My people to CAST OFF the works of darkness &RECEIVE ME, in My truth…not just the truth that they WANT to hold to. I love you, My people…it is time that you see things the way they REALLY ARE & be WILLING to repent.

For as long as you HIDE behind the compromised & complacent truth that EXISTS in today’s church, you will NOT rise up INTO what I have prepared for YOU. I need you to truly SEE this & turn\twist yourselves BACK to Me & My words. I AM giving you the truth in this hour & it is up to EACH of you to TAKE HOLD of My truth, for IF you really & truly DO this, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Wow. Dear Saints, the Lord is being so serious about this issue. I can still remember when the Lord had me leave the last church that I was in. Even though it was so-called Spirit-filled (the gifts of the Spirit were in operation), it was not a kingdom-building church. So He warned me that if I continued to stay in that church, I would slowly drift away from the foundations of His truth and eventually I would die in this life without fulfilling His purpose and calling on my life. It was a very eye-opening experience. So, please, please take these words from the Lord seriously and seek Him in what needs changing in your lives. Don’t just rely on what you’re hearing from prophets and in the church. Seek God…

Just this morning the Lord revealed to me that I am walking more in my own strength and wisdom instead of walking in His grace. So I’m seeking Him in how I can change this. There are so many areas in our lives and hearts that need changing. Seek Him daily for what He sees in you that needs changing. He won’t reveal everything at once. This is a transformation journey that we are on. However, since the time is short, things about us will change fast so long as we are truly seeking Him in this and obeying Him.

I truly pray that these words help you all in this time of transition. So if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. And may the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Dear Saints, these are serious times and God is getting more serious with how He deals with His people. Please prayerfully read this very convicting word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to CALL them NEAR. I come to My people to ENCOURAGE them. I come to My people to EXHORT them in this hour. For as you walk forward in the days ahead, I need you to take your places as My VESSELS of honor, to DO those things that I NEED you to do…for THIS is the time of PRAYER. THIS is the time for INTERCESSION.

THIS is the time for My people to rise up & BEGIN to mold & shape the world they live in, by exercising THEIR spiritual authority IN heavenly places. For so long, so many of My people have only come to me with THEIR needs, with THEIR shopping lists, but I tell you that NOW My people MUST see the importance to pray & intercede for their governments & nations, as never before. For in this night I have given CLARITY to the way things ARE supposed to be. I have shown you the GREAT need, as I have CALLED you to RISE UP to pray, to intercede in this hour. For in this directive, I have shown you the importance of SEEING your places IN Me, as INTERCESSORS.

For even as My servant the apostle Paul spoke, he gave directives to HELP you to see how you ARE to walk. For My servants ARE the examples that YOU ARE to follow, as long as THESE examples ARE righteous & holy BEFORE Me. This is why they are called LEADERS, for they are to LEAD others IN righteousness, holiness & truth. This IS the time for My people to see the importance of THESE things IN their lives. For there can no longer BE pseudo leaders that ONLY have a form of godliness, but DENY the power thereof.

The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. You can no longer walk in YOUR lives, PRETENDING that everything is alright, the way things are, for I AM demanding that My people WALK circumspectly, redeeming the time, for the days ARE evil. My people MUST walk IN truth. My people MUST walk in MY truth. NOT the truth that so many walk in, with things HIDDEN & CONCEALED in their lives.

For I tell you that the time for the COVER TO COME OFF, HAS come & those who continue to walk in THEIR complacent & compromised truth WILL be exposed for what it IS. I give you a short space to make these things right WITHIN you & to come clean BEFORE Me & REPENT. For as you will TRULY do this as I desire, I WILL wash you, I WILL cleanse you, I WILL make you like Me.

But IF you refuse to see YOUR need to do so. IF you continue to HIDE the truth under YOUR stony heart, I WILL exercise CHANGE to bring the truth OUT & the truth WILL BE exposed to those around you. I tell you that you NEED to do this by yourselves, so the fallout will be minimal. You do NOT want things to come out the HARD way, for the results can be devastating…especially to those who ARE in leadership. For I have told you that there is NOTHING hidden that shall not be revealed, for ALL things are open unto Me, who has eyes that SEES ALL, and all shall be made known.

For I AM preparing My people for the great awakening that HAS begun. I need My people PREPARED & READY to DO the exploits that are yet ahead. You cannot do them as you are THIS day. There are SO many that have not done THEIR part to make THEMSELVES ready & THIS is why many are going thru such pressures, trials & tribulations in this hour, for I told you that these ARE to cause My people to make their decision, to come CLOSE to Me & BE changed.

Those who will NOT respond to My calling to come near. Those who will NOT respond to My call INTO prayer. Those who will NOT respond to My call INTO intercession will do so because their SELF lives still have a STRONG hold on them & they CANNOT see their need to do so. But, as things BECOME more & more difficult around them, they will have a CHOICE to make…to stay where they ARE & suffer the consequences or to come humbly BEFORE Me & allow Me to take hold of their hearts & change them to become LIKE Me.

I love you all with an everlasting love & it IS My desire that you all BE with Me. I need you to see the IMPORTANCE of the things I AM saying to you in this hour & for a RIGHTEOUS decision to be DECLARED from your hearts to follow Me, as you have never followed Me before. I know the ones that ARE following me. For My sheep hear My voice. I AM still looking for those LOST sheep that have lost THEIR way, by descending into a corrupt SELF-life pseudo “Christian” walk.

So they CAN be like the prodigal son & COME to themselves, REPENT & come BACK to Me. I love you, My people & I desire you all to COME TOGETHER IN ME in this hour. As you will take hold of My words, in your hearts & minds, I WILL help you to NAVIGATE in the time ahead. Come to Me & allow Me to help you & you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Dear Saints, the Lord is pleading with us to judge ourselves so that we will not need to be judged. Great exposure is coming and we will witness MANY exposures. Please don’t just assume that you’re right with God in everything. Remember that our hearts are very deceitful, deceiving even our own selves. Get in your prayer closets seeking God in this and ask Him to shine His light on any area of your life or heart that needs repenting. And intercede for others and your nation as He has commanded us to.

It’s time to take the things of God seriously and step into His plans and purpose for your life. Ask Him to reveal and birth your purpose. We all have been chosen for such a time as this. Don’t bury your talents.

I’m the first to admit that God is convicting me over this word and lately, He’s put a burning in me to stir up the things of God within and step out into His plans and purpose of my life. I don’t quite have the full picture yet. But I can feel it stirring up within. Ask Him to reveal what His will is for your life and rise up in the light He gives you.

Also, please consider a love gift to help with our finances. Any amount will help. And I’m deeply grateful for your kindness and financial support.

May the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

A Journey of Transformation.

Dear Saints, as I mentioned in my last message, I would soon post what that the Lord is speaking to me to share with the Body of Christ. So please prayerfully read the important messages below.

Days of His Glory

The Father wants us to know that we have entered into truly exciting times.  We are in the end of days where He has called us to rise up for our light has come.  Some may wonder where this light is because they cannot see it.  Well, it is already here, but that light MUST come TO us and THROUGH us.

What this means is that this light will not just fall into our laps.  We must seek God for it by getting alone with Him in our prayer closets and seeking Him with our whole hearts.  But know that we are in a time of His unprecedented grace.  He has told me that those who truly and wholeheartedly seek Him in this time will experience Him in a way we never thought possible on this side of heaven.  He will make His presence undeniable. We have entered the days that He will pour out His glory and there will be an end-time harvest like never before.  Multitudes will be seeking the light of God in us and we must be ready.

But the Father has told me that many of His people are still going about with business as usual.  We can no longer do this.  We MUST take advantage of this time of His unprecedented grace.  Now is the time to rise up as His word declares.  We must seek Him and His kingdom like never before. Even as I write this I can feel Him tugging on my heart because of how important this is.

We Can No Longer Have Divided Hearts

It is so important to meditate and obey the prophetic words that God is giving us in these last days, especially the corrections He is giving us through Pastor Mark.  God is reclaiming the hearts and minds of those who truly love Him and offer themselves to Him.  In this transformative process, He will correct and align our mindsets and emotions.  There’s no need for worry, fear, or doubt because God is orchestrating events, preparing the soil for His divine purpose on earth.  And this includes events in our individual lives.

So our commitment to obedience to Him leaves no room for divided hearts, for those who waver between two kingdoms, the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God.  Our vision may be drawn to enticing idols of this world, but they are nothing in comparison to the divine plans awaiting those who love God and wholeheartedly embrace His will for their lives.  What the world has to offer may be logical or make sense at the time, but it will not sustain you.  Instead, it will only deceive you, and in the end, lead to your death to the things of God, and eventually death to your physical life.

Therefore, there are mindsets and heart attitudes within us all that will need to be corrected, changed, and removed.  Jesus is faithful and just to complete the good work He has begun in us.  But we must do our part in staying obedient to Him and taking up our cross to self. And sometimes these heart and mind changes will be a sacrifice on our part.

We Must Yield to His Corrections

I’m reminded of a prophetic dream God gave me years ago that speaks of what He is doing to us in this season and what the ending result will be. If we obediently accept His corrections and allow Him to change us, we will walk in the glory and full authority of Christ on the earth.  In this dream, God’s people were going through a refining and correction orchestrated by God.  For those like myself in the dream who yielded to God’s refining and corrections, they will be the remnant walking in Christ’s full authority in the earth.  However, for those who get offended and rebel against God’s corrections, they will suffer His judgments and miss out on the rewards that could have been there’s.

The scriptures declare that if we would judge ourselves, we would not need to be judged.  So when you feel the Spirit tugging on your heart, or you know He is speaking to you in some other way, like He does me many times in my dreams, realize that He is making you aware of issues within your heart and mind.  So don’t harden your hearts to His promptings.  And even ask Him to reveal the things in you that need changing.  The more we do this and allow Him to change us, the more we will be like Him and the closer we will be to Him.

Don’t fear the sacrifices or lengths to which He requires you to obey Him in a matter.  None of those things will last forever, and the rewards will far outweigh the sacrifice.

He Is Helping Us in Our Journey of Transformation

He is helping, guiding, and instructing us in this journey of transformation. Remember that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Remain in Him and carry His joy no matter what He takes you through.  I’m reminded of a scripture the Lord illuminated to me many years ago.  “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.” Proverbs 27:7 (NKJV)  In other words, those who are satisfied with their shallow walk with God don’t hunger for the deeper things of God, but for those of us who do hunger for such, even the bitter sacrifices we must make are sweet to us because we know that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, and He IS our reward.

So when you feel or hear His Spirit prompting you that your heart or mind needs to be examined and changed, do not delay or procrastinate.  Simply surrender to His Spirit and enjoy the transformation.

Not all believers are hearing these instructions from the Spirit in this season.  Many have their hearts closed to the corrections of God. You all are very blessed that you have kept reading these postings of His corrections and instructions to us. So I pray that you take them heart and don’t squander your opportunities in this unprecedented season that we are in.  God called you all for such a time as this, please don’t waste it.

Also, don’t get too caught up in all the current events. God is orchestrating things for our good and His kingdom. Many major changes, suddenlies, and exposures are coming. Things will seem to get real bad before it gets better, but hang in there.

Open Doors

In this season and in the coming new year, God is opening many doors of opportunities and miracles. Stay in faith and anticipation that He has good things in store for all of us who have remained obedient to Him. I’m excited in my spirit with anticipation of the many blessings He has in store for His children. Remain faithful and wait for His promises.

Amen. Please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your financial gifts are much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114