Change Is Necessary.

Dear Saints,

The Lord has laid something very important on my heart to share with His people. Please take this before the Lord and ask Him to speak to your heart if there is anything He desires for you to do.

What the Lord has laid upon my heart started a few days ago when He gave me a prophetic dream about changes in my life that He desires for me to do. These changes mostly consist of giving up and removing things from my life so that I can be free in Him to live a fruitful and prosperous life in doing His will. One main thing I need to do is get rid of all my brother’s belongings since he passed away. And he has a LOT of belongings that he has accumulated over the years.

Since the prophetic dream the Lord gave me was specifically for me, I won’t bother sharing it. However, as I meditated on it for a few days, the Lord laid it upon my heart that the same main message of the dream is for all His people, which is “change is necessary”. Then, He reminded me of a couple of things.

First, He reminded me of a word He gave for His people that I posted this last March. “A Time Of Grace To Prepare Before The Really Darkened Times Come”. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to do so. It even wouldn’t hurt to read it again because of its importance. In that word the Lord instructs us to let go of things that He lays on our hearts to let go of. It’s mainly things of the heart that need to be let go of, but some things may be in the natural as well. It’s very important that we do this during this time of grace that He is giving us before the really darkened times come.

Having said that, the Lord also laid it on my heart to share a lesson that I learned a few years ago regarding this subject. It was when I was still living with my mother-in-the-Lord several miles away from where I’m living now. At the time, I was the live-in caregiver for my precious mother-in-the-Lord and we were living in her house. The Lord had moved me in with her at a time when I was a new babe in Christ and needed a family because I was all alone. And He used her mother’s love for me to bring healing to my heart because of the broken relationship with my own mother. So she became very dear to me and it was no problem for me to continue living with her and become her caregiver when she became too old to live by herself.

Anyway, there was a time while living with her that the Lord laid upon my heart to start getting rid of all my things down to just bare necessities. He didn’t give me any explanation for this, He just laid it upon my heart without telling me why.

So, I slowly began to get rid of things. But as time went by, nothing seemed to happen, and so I eventually stopped and even accumulated a few more things. But then suddenly without warning, my mother-in-the-Lord encountered some health problems and soon passed away. It came as a shock, but also a sudden change to my life because I was living in her house and didn’t have a place of my own. And unfortunately, her (religious) family was always jealous of my close relationship with their mother/grandmother and even tried to get me separated from her and removed from her house, even though they weren’t willing to give up their own lives to give her the care that she needed.

So, when she passed away it took a huge rental truck to hold all the stuff that I needed to move out. I was very grateful that my brother drove down to help me. But if I had followed through with what the Lord had told me to do, I could have just packed everything and put my suitcases in the car, and driven away. Also, because of the family’s jealousy and hatred of me, there was an incident that could have been avoided if I had been able to just drive away instead of waiting for my brother to come down and help me move. If I had done what the Lord said and got rid of almost everything down to bare necessities, the whole transition would have gone a lot smoother. So I learned the hard way that I should have followed through with obeying the Lord in getting rid of everything because it was for my own good.

On a side note, it was the Lord who put me and my mother-in-the-Lord together. But her own family couldn’t see this because of their jealousy of her favor toward me. And even though they desperately tried to break up whom the Lord had united, they were unsuccessful. But even though they were unsuccessful, their actions were not without consequences. Sadly, their whole family has now broken apart and they’re no longer the close-knit family that they once were. And the two main ones who led the rebellion are now divorced. I say this with a heavy heart because even though they did such mean things to me, I still loved them as my own family. It’s much like the story of Joseph and his brothers. And there are many other similarities between my life and Joseph’s story. Though I’m sharing this because we need to be careful and not come against relationships united by the Lord or the workings of His hand, because there will be consequences. That’s a word for someone.

But the main point of all this is that change is necessary. Both great darkness and great glory are coming and we need to be free to do whatever it is the Lord needs us to do. And we don’t need anything that will be a burden or weight during the coming glory and hard times. The Lord may lay it upon your heart to start getting down to bare necessities like He had told me. If He does, continue to follow through even if you feel nothing is happening and there’s no point to it. God sees what’s ahead and knows what is best for each of us. Maybe you have an extra car or house that you really don’t need. Seek the Lord if He would have you get rid of them. But only do so if He lays it upon your heart. He knows ahead of time the things that we will need or not need to fulfill His purposes when both the glory and really hard times come.

But on a positive note. If we do obey the Lord in this, we will be free to do His will and He will use us in great and mighty ways for sharing His light and love with a hurting and confused world. And our lives will be fruitful for His kingdom. So please take this to heart and seek the Lord if there is anything in your life that needs to be shed. Maybe it’s just matters of the heart, or maybe it includes things in the natural. Whatever it may be, obey the Lord because it’s for your own good.

Words Of Comfort In These Desperate Times

Dear Saints,

If you’re like me, lately it seems that I’m struggling yet not getting anywhere. But praise God. He has brought comfort and direction. Please prayerfully read the following words from the Lord given through dear Pastor Mark.

Walking In The Trials & The Tribulations Of This Hour

The Lord says: “I come to you this day to help you walk closer in Me. For as you see the things changing all around you, the enemy desires you to fixate on them…instead, I want you to fixate on Me. You know the things that are seen are only temporary. You have the ability to make that “temporary time” longer or shorter…by how you walk during that temporary time. So many are going thru many trials & tribulations & many are beginning to lose hope. But I come to help you…you must know that I love you with an everlasting love.

As you walk in this life, you will come to understand the truth of why many of these things are happening, as you recognize your part in many of them. For none of it is really done all by itself- you have a part in everything…for you will make either a reaction out of the flesh or a response out of your spirit. Which one you chose is your choice, but I need you to know that the reaction out of the flesh will only create more problems. It’s only as you will respond out of your spirit, as I will lead you, that you will see things change in a way that will benefit you.

Do not allow the enemy to steal from you any longer- for he knows how to pull your chains- I want you to be free from those chains! Stop where you are & take a deep breath- allow My spirit to enter into you afresh & help you to know that everything is going to be ok! Stop looking at the temporary things & start seeing things as I have told you. Look at My words…not the words that the enemy injects into your thoughts! For I am working in you a greater weight of glory, as you will surrender unto me & know that I truly do work all things together for your good because you love Me & are the called according to My purpose.

I need you to know this so as I work all things together for your good, you will ride along with Me, instead of fretting & fearing what the future may bring. So many are afraid of what the future may bring…but I tell you, fear not, for I AM the future! Only trust Me to take you through what may come. For as you do this willingly on your part, you will experience things on a completely different level than before. Because you will be seeing things being seated at My side, in heavenly places. I have so much that I desire to do in you & thru you, yet so many are not entering into that place because they are fixated on the things that are seen.

But as you will come to the place of knowing that no matter what may happen…no matter how things appear to be turning out…no matter how bad the enemy tempts you to believe the worst, you WILL rise up above all of those things. And as you do this, those things will begin to change. I need you to know that sometimes things take time to change. That is why I said that I SHALL supply all your needs according to My riches in glory by Christ Jesus…shall supply is in reference to the FUTURE. So if you know that I am the future, you will know that I am able to change the way things are.

I am waiting on many of My people to let go & let God! So many do not even understand that as they will fret & fear over all of these things, they are literally holding themselves hostage, so nothing can change for the better! But, as you will release all of this unto Me…truly unto Me, I will be able to take it & bring change to the way things are. I am not saying that you do not have any part in what will change…I am just saying that you must release the control that fear & torment have placed upon you, so you will be free to move along with Me & be led by Me.

Then you will see things change because the chains that the enemy once held you by will have been removed from off of you. For he uses fear & torment to keep My people in chains. So many cannot see that their fretting & fearing is actually empowering the devil to steal, kill & destroy in their lives. My people must know that I came that they might have life & have it more abundantly. The reason I said MIGHT have it more abundantly is because, if My people do not release those things to Me, the enemy will remain strong.

I want My people to be partakers of My divine nature…having escaped decay & corruption that is in the world thru lust. Lust is more than what is usually understood. Lust speaks of your heart being fixated on other things. I want you to be fixated on Me, for as you do, you will see THAT life & know it more abundantly! I want you to know that just as that old song says, I alone hold the future & your life is worth the living, just because I live! Do you see that? As you will begin to see the things in your life as temporary, you will begin to understand that those things are not final.

But at times it is needful for you to go thru troubles because they will strengthen you & will cause My glory to manifest outwardly from your inner being. If you will begin to praise & thank Me for what you have not YET seen, you will understand the place I am taking you to. For that place is not defined by natural means, but spiritual. You were created in My image to carry My glory to this world. As you will truly come to Me, you will begin to enter into & do these things that I speak of. Take hold of Me this day & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Truly Entering Into Our Father God & Into Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord says: “I love My people with an everlasting love…it is important that you heed the things that you are hearing this day, for this I say to help you, so you will not be deceived in the coming time. For things are about to change & very soon there will be events that will shake the very faith of those who say they trust Me. For truly, I have been warning each of you to come closer to Me, for you still had time, but because there was no real immediacy in your hearts, many have held back & continued in their own lives, to do the things that seem good in their sight.

Some have already seen great changes take place in their lives because they failed to do what was needed. And now I tell you that it is expedient that you now truly heed My words with your lives. For I told you that the time was coming that there would be a strong delusion that would come which would affect many. Many will be devastated by the coming disclosure. Some will not survive, for their faith will fail then & they will fall. I tell you this now, so you can prepare, for there is still a little time. But do not procrastinate or think you can wait…you must come to Me in true repentance in your hearts now.

I need My people to stop seeing their lives as they want to see them, thinking all is well. I need you to start seeing things as I see them. For I see the things in your lives that you wink at…things that seem “ok” with you. But I tell you that they are not ok with Me. I allowed you to walk in this for a season, but that season is now coming to an end & now you must let go of those things in your lives & see them as they truly are. For they do not please Me & I cannot bless those who continue in them. This equates to different levels in different people.

To some this speaks of personal things that must be repented of…but to others this speaks of what they are doing in their lives, thinking that they do Me service. For I told you that the gifts & the callings of God are without repentance, but yet, so many will leave their callings & go do what they decide to do. How can such a one think that they are pleasing Me when they have rebelled against what I called them to do? This is a serious time because so many do not seem to understand the truth of what is happening all around them. How is it that many of you cannot see things spiraling into the abyss?

Do you not know that it is your rebellion that has executed this downward spiral? I need My people to come to grips with the truth…for only the truth will set you free. Not YOUR truth…your truth has led you to who you are today & what you are doing with YOUR life. If you are not truly doing those things that are pleasing in My sight, how can you say that the goodness of God dwells in you? So many of My people are led astray by their own mindsets instead of seeking those things that I have given them to do. So many are steadfast in their own hearts, but those hearts are not truly close to Mine.

Many have made Me into the image of their liking, thinking that I am just that, when totally the opposite is really the case. So many think that their faith is sound & strong, but this is nowhere near the reality that I see…for I see things as they really are. I see the hearts that exist in My people today & so many are far from where I desire them to be. And the coming delusion will expose the truth in this, for many will fall away, thinking the worst, because their faith is not the faith that I have given them to take hold of. Anytime you take hold of something by your standards, that standard may not measure up to Mine…for I change not!

But so many take on a faith that is based on SELF. So many take on a faith that is identified by what THEY have decided to do…not on what I have commanded & there is a big difference in this! I need My people to seek Me as never before, because if they do not truly do this right now & continue forward in doing it, they may not remain steadfast as they think they will. For truly it is the trials & tribulations that show you what you really are made of! Every temptation is an opportunity for you to see what you really are made of, for each one demonstrates the end result of how you reacted or responded!

I challenge you to see the proof of your lives, as you walk thru the trials & adversities that have come & are soon coming. I warned you that this day would come…it is time that you heed My words & start to seek Me as if your life depended on it because it truly does! I do not say this to frighten you…I say this to wake you up. For so many are truly asleep, when it comes to repentance into Me & regarding faith into My Son Jesus Christ. Where are those I said would do greater works than I did? Where are the mighty warriors that so many seek to think they are becoming?

I challenge you this day, to come to yourselves & see the truth as it really YOU this day. This IS present truth. I want you to truly enter into Me, but you can only do this thru repentance. Not your idea of repentance…but one that embraces My heart & My will for your lives. I challenge each of you to by faith truly enter into My Son Jesus Christ…for then you will walk in the very faith that He did. Come to Me & do these things & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, we are living in very dangerous times. Many are aware of the outward dangers due to chaos or lawlessness, but few understand the real dangers that lie within the lies that we are told and believe. There is so much deception in the world today. God has revealed many things to me that would shock most people, that is, if they were even able to believe it. Satan truly is the god of this world more than what most believers can comprehend. It is so vitally important these days that we stay as close to the Lord as possible, doing His will at all times, and loving not our own lives even unto death.

I pray that these words reach the deepest parts of your heart. None of us are without the need to repent from believing and following after lies of the enemy.

I say all this out of my love for each of you and for Him because I know He dearly loves each and everyone one of us.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.