Declare His Kingdom To Come And His Will To Be Done.

Word from the Father:


My people, it is My desire that you incline your hearts and ears to Me and hear what I would say to you this day.

There is much activity going in the spiritual realm as I send forth My angels to prepare the way for My people to take their rightful places in My kingdom and in the world….for I have commissioned many angels to war on your behalf.  Therefore, I need you to align your wills with Mine and even declare with your words and authority for My kingdom to come and for My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. And as you align your will with Mine, and declare My will to be done, your declarations shall give charge over the angels to bring your words to pass.

My people, many of you are unaware of the intensity of warfare going on over the destiny of your countries right now.  The enemy is fighting hard for what he believes is rightfully his.  But I tell you, he is a thief and a liar.  Therefore, I urge My people all across the earth take your stand and declare My will over your countries, states, cities, and households.  Do this, I say, and watch what I will do. And over time, you shall begin to witness My righteousness and justice spring forth.  For I tell you, the time has come, and now is, for My mighty arm to issue forth My judgments across the earth.  However, do not be disheartened over this.  For does not My written word declare that when My judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants learn righteousness? So then, fret not at what you shall witness. For even though you may witness a thousand fall and your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, it will not come near you….for you shall rise up as a holy people unto Me dwelling in the secret place and under the shadow of the Almighty. I tell you, in these last days My faithful ones shall rise up in glory and power like never before and astound both the world and the dead religious church.

Therefore, in the midst of these judgments, My remnant shall learn to lay down all reliance upon the flesh and shake off all that offends Me…and take their rightful place as My righteous kings and priests in the earth.  Oh, they will not necessarily have high ranking positions in the natural realm, for their kingdom is not of this world.  Yet, they shall abide within My kingdom and carry My love, power, and authority to the nations.

Now then, seek Me and My will like never before.  These are unprecedented days in which you live in.  Can you not perceive that the people of the earth are already unconsciously choosing their side for the last days…either My truth and righteousness or sin and darkness?  Whereas, even though there are many who do not yet know Me as their heavenly Father, they are choosing light over darkness when they make certain choices and take positions against what is unrighteous and evil.  Just the same, you are also witnessing many choose darkness over light when they choose to take a stand for those things which are evil, sinful and detestable in My sight.   Make no mistake, these ones are not of My Spirit…even though some may call themselves by My name. However, this is not to say that all these ones are lost for good.  For as long as My mercy is still new every morning on the earth, they shall still have a chance to turn to Me in repentance.  Howbeit,  a time is coming when the kingdom of heaven shall be preached with power throughout all the world and everyone will know the truth and be given a chance to either choose My holiness and righteousness or sin and darkness….and after that, My mercy for repentance shall be cut off and there will no longer be any more chances for the unrepentant….and then the end shall come.

Now then, rejoice and ask Me to deliver you from all areas of sin and the flesh.  Some of you are even walking in ways contrary to My will, yet are unaware of this.  But it is not too late for you yet. Simply come to Me with humbleness of heart and ask for My help.  I will not turn you away if you would do this.  For I am longsuffering and not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance and walk uprightly according to My will.

My people, I am so excited for you and the great opportunities which you all have in these last days.  Soon many of you will discover and experience the truth that all suffering and trials which you have gone through are not even worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in you.  Many of you will enter into and dwell in My kingdom while still on earth and partake in My joy, peace, and righteousness like never before.  And My strength shall become your strength, and even in your old age you will mount up with wings like eagles, and you shall run and not be weary, and you shall walk and not grow faint, and with joy and strength you shall leap like calves from the stall….and the dew of youth shall be upon you. Or did you think that My written promises are but fairy tales for one to hope in, but to never really experience?  I tell you the truth, you are in the days in which not one jot or tittle of My written word shall go unfulfilled.

Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and be strong in the might of your Lord God Almighty.  I love you all will an everlasting love……and if you would heed these words of Mine this day, you shall soon find yourself supernaturally growing from glory to glory….

If these prophetic words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a love gift of any size to help with my financial needs.

Love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.


At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

A Great Awakening Is Coming

Dear Saints,

Please read and pray about this awesome word from our Heavenly Father given by my dear friend and pastor.


“My people, hear your Heavenly Father this day…for I come to bring you LIFE…the life that comes only from Me! For as I have looked down on the nations & seen the chaos…as I have seen the confusion…as I have seen the rise of immorality across the world, a shout began to rise up in My Spirit…a HOLY cry began to come forth from My inner most heart. For My heart was touched by the lack of “influence” of My people…those who call themselves by My name. And this cry resonated throughout Heaven & Heaven shook with a mighty echo, for the time for My people is now come.

For this I say, to the ones that truly belong to Me…those who have not walked away…those who’s hearts still beat for Me…this is time for you, My living ones…to arise. It is time for you to shake yourselves from the death throws that are grasping many throughout the world. It is time for you to let go of everything that is not of Me & take of ME in this last hour. For have I not said that the hour was coming & now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live? But, truly MANY of My people, who say they have heard My voice, still remain in the land of the dead.

My heart still beats for you, My people…truly I love you all with an everlasting love…it is time that you begin to hear My voice & walk with Me. For this I say, that the time has come for My people to arise to their places…their places in Me. The time for another GREAT AWAKENING has come…there can be no more complacency, no more compromising. must now give yourselves over to seeking Me…you must now give yourselves over to becoming ONE with Me & who I AM. The times for playing “patty cake” with the devil are over…I am calling My people to stand against the opposition.

Arise, all of you who are sleeping & arise from the dead, that I may give you light! For this I say to stir you up, by way of remembrance, that you understand that your time has come. Do not let this time slip away from you…do not let the enemy talk you out of your destiny, in Me. For I need My people to begin to seek Me, as never before. So many are being withheld from coming close unto Me, due to the distractions & situations that they have allowed to steal their time. So many have fallen into this “being” commonplace within their lives…I need My people to shake themselves free, while they still can!

The time for another great awakening has come, but who will hear the call…who will respond to the shout…who will reply to My cry from Heaven? Hear Me, My people…this is YOUR hour…this is YOUR time…this is when YOU have the ability to rise up into what I have called you all to be, so you can do the greater works than I did when I walked the Earth. The time of warfare has come, My people…do not take this time lightly…for in doing so, you will miss out on what I have planned for you & you may shrink back into things that you never thought possible. For your window of opportunity has come, so come unto Me!

I speak of a time frame that you can begin to do exploits…the exploits that I have promised many of you. But, before you can enter into those exploits, you must begin to do exploits within your hearts & lives. My cry has gone out, telling you to drive out the “ites” of Canaan…you must drive them out of your hearts & lives. You must vanquish the 7 things that I do hate, that are an abomination unto Me. This is something that few will recognize as being needful in their lives, because the “ites” have convinced you, that all is well within you & there has been a “winking” within your hearts that you need not change.

But, as My people will truly humble themselves & pray, seek MY Face & turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin & heal their land. My people hear Me voice…a voice of a stranger they will not follow. My people will take what I just said & apply it deep within their hearts, responding to Me, with obedience & contriteness. My people will not argue within their hearts, saying that this does not apply to them. My people will run hard after Me & shed their hidden pride & shall in return receive My hidden power. For I AM a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me.

Hear Me, My people & respond to My heart of love! For in the days ahead, you will have many opportunities to see Me  work within you…you will have many opportunities for Me to show Myself strong in you. I love you, My people…it is My pleasure to give you the Kingdom…that is what this is all about…My Kingdom. I desire to reign within each of you. I desire to set up MY Kingdom where you dwell, in your heart of hearts. This is YOUR time…do not let the evil one deceive you or steal this from you. Come unto Me & allow Me to work in each of you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.


Comment from Pastor Mark: I cannot adequately express the severity & power of His words to us…all I can say is this time we are entering is very special…it is the time we have been waiting for. But, the thing we really have not seen is the reality of His performance of these things within us & through us. We have failed to see that He can only do it THROUGH us, after He has done it TO us. It is time that we all let go of the things that limit our relationship with Him…it is time that we take our place at His side…seated in Heavenly places in Christ…where Christ is seated at the Right Hand of POWER.

We will never see Him work through us, in a big way, until we allow Him to work in us. We must let go of those things that He says exists within…the things that we refuse to let Him put His “finger” on. It’s time to open up those “secret closets” where we have stored the things we cling to…the things that we allow in our lives & have winked at. It is time for this great awakening to begin! He wants each of us to take our place for this time. There is none He wants left out…He desires us all to take our places. It is up to each of us to respond to His cry…no one can do it for us…we must each reply for ourselves.

Please take His words deeply to heart & allow Him to have His way. As we will take our hands off of who we “are” & allow Him to mold us into who He declares us to BE, we will shine as lights in a dark place & be “fitly joined together” as He truly desires us to be…we will see things change for the better all around us, as great exploits manifesting outwardly, because they have manifested inwardly. It all starts with our yielding to His will…yielding to His wisdom…yielding to His way, instead of clinging to ours.

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore


If these prophetic words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a love gift of any size to help with my financial needs.

Love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Please consider a donation.

Seek The Father’s Will For Your Life.

Word from the Lord:

My children, listen to your Good Shepherd this day.  For I come to bring you refreshing and direction.

I need you all to listen intently to what I would say to you.  For the enemy of your soul has come against many of you lately with attacks on your bodies, minds, and souls.  But I have defeated him and I have given you the victory over all the wiles of the enemy. Therefore, rest in Me and declare your victory.

Now listen.   The reason the enemy has been attacking so many of you lately is that he fears what is ahead.  He fears what I am about to impart unto My people.  My dearest ones, I come to you this day to give you great strength and wisdom.  I have many plans for the preparing of My great move upon the earth in these last days.  And in this, I will empower My people with great wisdom and strategies for planning, building, and prospering intensely.

However, listen to what I would say unto you.  These great strategies with wisdom and empowerment are NOT for furthering any kingdom or agenda of man, yet it is for the establishment of My end-time Church in the earth.  Therefore, I need you all to come unto Me and lay down your agendas and ambitions and allow Me to give you the will of My Father for your lives.  For many of you, it will be a changing of ministry, business, or occupation. Yet for others, it will merely be a fulfillment of what I have already been working within you.

Oh, My dearest ones.  I am so excited for what is in store for My people in these last days.  While the world stumbles in darkness, My chosen ones will have great strength and light to uphold and guide them.  Therefore, I need you all to come aside unto Me and allow Me to impart My Father’s will upon your hearts.  And in doing this, you shall receive great joy as your strength with an intense desire to fulfill the Father’s will.

I need you to do this, My people.  For while the world shakes and crumbles in these last days, My chosen ones will be strong and do great exploits.  Therefore, I give you this warning as well.  Just as you have been witnessing a shaking in the governments of men, so too shall you soon witness a great shaking in the churches of men.  And many shall be forced to make decisions that will set the course for their destiny, either for good or for evil.

But listen to what I would say regarding this; I know that many who are still within the churches of men have an authentic love for Me.  And as I have promised in My written word, I shall not break any bruised reed nor quench any smoking flax until I have brought forth justice in the earth.  Therefore, everyone who is truly Mine shall not be cast aside, but will be lead out of the churches of men and gathered unto Me to be with those in the Body in whom I connect them with.

My Father has many plans for His people in these last days.  For it is time to prepare a people who will be holy and righteous just as I and My Father are holy and righteous. But I do not speak of the holiness or righteousness that many of your blind guides speak of.  No, I speak of TRUE holiness and righteousness that is without any spot of sin or blemish of the flesh.  I speak of MY holiness and righteousness dwelling in its fullness within My people.

Therefore, I need you all to come unto Me and receive what I have for you.  I need you to lay down your will, take up your cross, and follow Me wherever I take you.  But do not think that I shall leave you to do this in your own strength or wisdom.  No, I shall give you all the strength and wisdom to fulfill the will of the Father in all that you lay your hands to.  And I shall go before you to make a way even where there seems to be no way.

Oh, how joyful I am for you all.  For you are in the last days where much of My written word and prophecies shall now be fulfilled.  And My Church shall once again be a light to the world as it was meant to be.

Now listen, there are many still within the churches of men who will not be willing to come out because of their own agendas and desires.  I tell you, it will not be well with them during the time of shaking of the church that is coming.  For I give you this promise; those who do not come out of the Babylonian church when I give the last call to come out will share in her sins and partake in her plagues.  I tell you the truth, you DO NOT want to be a part of that.

But also take comfort in this; I will shake the churches of men like never before so that those with even the least desire for My holiness will have no choice but to come out and join themselves unto Me and My true fold because the churches of men will be filled to overflowing with sin and filth.

Oh, My lovely ones.  How I desire to take you all under My wings of protection for the dark days that are coming.  Many will be running to and fro seeking shelter from the evil, calamities, and destruction coming upon the earth.  But only those with a pure heart doing the will of My Father will have My protection upon them.  Therefore, do not hesitate in coming unto Me and seeking for My Father’s will for you in this hour.  And do not weary yourself with this.  If you would but rest in My perfect peace and have faith as you ask, seek, and knock, I will impart revelation of My Father’s will upon your heart and then you shall know what you are to be busy doing in these last days.  But do not think that I shall give you all of My Father’s plans at once.  For each day shall bring its own trials.  Therefore, so long as you come unto Me daily and lay down your own will for My Father’s will to be done, you shall be given direction in all that you are to do.

Oh, how I love you all with an everlasting love.  And it is My Father’s greatest desire to give you His kingdom.  Therefore, once again I say; do not hesitate in seeking Me in this.  I tell you the truth, if you do, you shall not be disappointed, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.  And you shall be given the desires of your heart as your will aligns with Me and the Father.

If these prophetic words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a love gift of any size to help with my financial needs.

Love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Please consider a donation.