Great Things Are Coming. (Correction)

Dear Saints,

As I mentioned in my last post, the Lord has laid several things on my heart that I am excited to share. The Lord has specifically told me to tell His people not to fear what is coming for the new year, yet rejoice in Him instead. Many changes are coming, even in our nation’s government. But all of this is to make way for His coming IN His remnant.

Many great things are coming that prophetic voices are talking about. Miracles are coming. A great transfer of wealth is coming. God is even restoring our rightful leader of the nation and judging wicked rulers within government. A great revival and move of God’s Spirit are also coming.

But even though all these great things are coming, God told me to tell His people that He doesn’t want us to get distracted with all that is coming, even the blessings, and instead focus on Him and His will for our lives. He will be divinely and strategically aligning many of His people together for the forming of His Body. Though He has also instructed me to tell His people to not look at the outer limitations of people, yet to look for His Spirit and love within others’ hearts because this work of building His Body will not be done by the flesh, but by His Spirit.

Time is very short and so God is going to do a quick work in those who will take up their cross and follow Him. It is the season for Him to purify the sons of Levi and so He wants us to let go of all our past failures and believe on Him to cleanse and purify us. “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the LORD.” Malachi 3:3 “Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62

Even if you feel that you’ve missed His calling for your ministry or purpose, it’s not too late, He can still work a miracle in your life. God is going to redeem the time in our lives IF we allow Him to. And many long-awaited promises will come to pass for those whose hearts are wholly given to him during this time.

Many great things are coming for His people. But at the same time, we will see His judgment against those whose hearts are set against Him.

So now is the time to seek Him in your prayer closets like never before. And build yourself up by praying in tongues. Let go of any mindsets of failure and just allow Him to do the work in you that He desires to do. Repent of any wrongdoings of the past and let them go. No matter what you may have done, He is willing to forgive and not hold it against you. So don’t take your past into this new year. Start with a clean slate and watch what the Lord will do in your life.

We are all about to witness many miracles, so don’t let doubt keep God from working miracles in your life. Believe, for in Him, ALL things are possible.

I’m still believing for His promise to open doors for the work-at-home business he called me to. I’ve been waiting for several years now, but I know what He has called me to and I have not stopped believing. He will soon open many doors for His people that no man can shut, and I am believing for doors to open in my life soon that I have been waiting on for a very long time.

But in the meantime, I am still relying on the donations of others for my needs. And because of inflation, my rent has gone up to $900 a month. So if anyone is able to help me with my financial needs, it would be greatly appreciated.

I pray that you all have a very blessed New Year. Great things are coming.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Those who will SEEK to do as I tell them will STAND STRONG in this hour.

Dear Saints,

Things are speeding up toward the end of time. We have a short window of time to get prepared before the gross darkness falls upon the earth and the people. So please, please take advantage of this short time of grace God has given us to prepare. With that, please prayerfully read this prophetic word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

Also, God has laid something exciting on my heart to share with you all. I’m still praying over it and will be posting it in a few days.

God Bless,

Kevin B.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour-1 Corinthians 16

The Lord says: “I come to My people in SUCH A TIME AS THIS, to help them to BE ONE in Me. For as time
continues, My people will NEED to come closer together as one IN My body, IF My people truly want to BE closer to Me! For MANY do not see this as BEING important though I have told you that you ARE My body. How can My body OPERATE in THIS life, doing only those things that APPEAL to each individual? I need My people to WORK TOGETHER AS ONE! For when My people work together in UNITY there IS SYNERGY! For my power is UNLEASHED on a HIGHER level because things are WORKING according to My will.

I need My people to see how far they have FALLEN away from what My word says. So many do not believe this! Somehow IN their minds, they think all is right in their lives & right in their OWN worlds, but I tell you that THIS is mostly just the opposite! How can My people continue, living mostly on their OWN, doing only the things that pleases SELF? I need My people to see that even though many ARE moving closer to Me, this is STILL being hindered because there is a LACK of knowing what it TRULY means to BE IN the body of Christ. It is important that My people learn the truth in THIS hour & walk IN it.

For as you go FORWARD in time, many will find that things will NOT work as they used to, because I am calling for a NEW paradigm to develop WITHIN those who say they are Mine. So many have lived in one way, ONLY seeing their own needs, only SEEKING their own situations & yet, when it comes to LOOKING upon others, many only look on WITHOUT effect. But I am calling for My people to RISE UP in this hour & to DO great things. These greater things will begin WITHIN My people before they will begin OUTWARDLY to the world. Didn’t I tell you that men would KNOW you ARE My disciples, by YOUR love for one another?

How can you SAY you love Me when you do NOT show this CONFESSED love unto those who ARE Mine? Those who are Mine ARE part of MY body. If you love Me, you WILL love those OF My body. Many do not think that this is really happening in My people, that my love is NOT being shown. But I tell you the truth, for how many of My people even give one another a holy kiss?…. Crickets, I say! For the truth IS right there before you & it SHOWS what IS REALLY within you! I tell you these things because I DO love you with an everlasting love, yet so few have truly ENTERED INTO that love, as I desire.

But, now I am CALLING ALL My people to REPENT & BEGIN to walk IN the love that I have for you! For I am taking My people INTO a time that there will be a GREAT demonstration of My power & authority, & those who WILL actively EMBRACE My words THIS day WILL enter INTO that time. For they will have a PART…they will YIELD, they will ACTIVELY take hold of what I am saying this day & they will see a SWIFT harvest of their actions. Many only SEEK an earthly harvest, but those who seek the harvest that I have prepared for them WILL WALK IN My victory & power as never before.

It is time for My people to AWAKEN from the slumber that they do not even realize is WITHIN them. It is time for My people to RISE UP & OBEY the words that I SAY. So many have taken My words as being something that THEY will decide whether or not they WILL DO them, but these have deceived themselves, BECAUSE of well-meaning men’s teachings, to DO those things that are CONVENIENT. But NOW I am calling ALL men to hear My words & to RESPOND unto Me with their hearts & lives. It is time to WAKE UP & SEE things as they really are! It IS time for My people to STAND FIRM, UNMOVABLE IN their Lord & IN THE POWER of His might!

For I give My people a STRONG-NESS that no one can enter into without their lives BEING submitted to My authority. Those who will SEEK to do as I tell them will STAND STRONG in this hour. They WILL DO the things that I TELL them to do. They WILL DO the exploits that I said would COME. For THIS IS the hour for My people to BE My people. You can no longer be the church that YOU think you are! You MUST now submit your lives unto My will & DO the things that I say. So many already believe that they do this, but as I look upon MANY, they are FAR from truly doing as I desire.

Most are only doing the things that THEY desire, thinking that I WINK at them. But I know the ones who have TRULY come unto me in the ways that I desire. And I draw them CLOSER to Me, more & more. It is time for the many that say they are Mine to humble themselves & seek My face as never before. I need My people to COME TOGETHER as ONE & BE My people. So many things have divided My body & have made it PARALYZED so that it cannot do the things that I DESIRE it to do. My people must put all of those things BEHIND them.

And now begin to rise up IN Me, IN love & IN unity…doing THOSE things that I desire. For as My people will HEAR Me this day & truly HUMBLE their hearts as I desire them to, I WILL show them many things WITHIN them to help them to see & to rise up IN Me in this time. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to show you the way. For GREAT is their reward & great shall BE their place IN Me, for My glory SHALL be seen WITHIN them & THRU them. As you will do your part, I promise you that I WILL do Mine & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

“I am looking for those who will mean business with Me in this hour.”

Dear Saints,

Please, please prayerfully read these very important words from the Lord given through Pastor Mark. God is showing us the way to allowing Him to rise up within us in these dark times. And there will be many casualties in these last days because so many fail to perfect Christ within. Please don’t be one of these casualties. Take heed to the words of the Lord now while there is still time.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour-1 Corinthians 14 & 15

1 Corinthians 14

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to walk CLOSELY to Me & to help them to minister things as I desire in My church. For many do not know the truth in spiritual things, but only a portion of what I have said. For in this chapter I reveal to you the things that have been hidden by well-meaning men’s understanding, which has kept My people in a place of being minimized. For truly even among My people few even pray in tongues anymore & many of those that do, for some reason only seem able to do this when they are at church!

My people need to know that when they’re not praying in tongues, they are causing their faith to stop growing. I need you to know that when you pray in tongues you BUILD UP yourselves. If you do not pray in tongues, you are not being built up! There are reasons that My people need to do this in this hour, for as you will rise up in what I have given to you, you will INCREASE in your faith in Me. I need My people to come back to the “basics” so they can rise up in this hour. Many ask Me to increase within them, yet these same people do not spend time praying in tongues.

Somehow they do not seem to see any importance in doing this, even though I have told you how important it is! I come to My people to help them to come back into proper ORDER, for things need to be done as I have said, for there to be an increase within my people. If My people would spend time praying in the spirit, they would rise up into GREATER things. For it is in this special place that your spirit communes with Me & as My people will spend time praying in tongues, they will see an increase in their FAITH & also in time SEE Me rise up within them prophetically.

I need you to know that it is the inactivity within My people that has caused them to slack away from spiritual things. Many inwardly desire for Me to use them in these things, yet few will do what is necessary for them to ENTER into that special place. I want My people to increase in the things of My Spirit. I desire for My people to go out & TOUCH the world with My love. But how can My people do this, when they will not even take the time to pray to Me in the spirit? I need My people to understand that in EVERYTHING in life, there is a sowing & a reaping.

If you will not take the time to sow to Me by praying in the spirit, how do you EXPECT to reap a harvest of greater spiritual things? I say this to help you to understand the way things truly are because still there seem to be MANY that do not see things My way. I love you ALL with an everlasting love & it is in THIS love that I will EQUIP you with My power & glory. How can I do this when you refuse or are ignorant of doing the very things that will CATAPULT you up into the spiritual realm? I want to use My people in this hour & as you will HEAR Me in this hour & do the things that I say, you will reap a GOOD reward for your actions.

Honestly, do you think that you will reap something that you have not sown? Believe it or not, there are many who still seem to think that this is going to happen within them when they have done nothing to sow in these things. I need My people to understand that there is a format & a design for these things to BE DONE. Do you desire to prophesy? As you will take the time to seek Me, by praying in the spirit, I will cause you to rise up INTO that place & you will breakthrough into that realm where My glory manifests & you will begin to FLOW with the things of My spirit prophetically.

So many cannot see this because they have limited themselves by thinking that they just can’t do it, or it isn’t for them, yet I have told you that you may ALL prophesy! So, why are not My people prophesying then? I need My people to come to Me & seek Me as I desire. Spend time praying in the spirit, for in the spirit you will speak MYSTERIES! Do you not know that these mysteries will take you DEEPER into Me & show you things that you know not? For these things are revealed on the spirit level & in time will BE MANIFEST to you outwardly. I need My people to come back to doing things as I have written them to be done.

I am wanting ORDER in My church…not disorder or confusion! I need My people to see the things that I am saying so that they can rise up & do the things that I desire in this hour. Take hold of Me & My words in this hour & I will show you MANY things that you know not. I am NOT talking about legalism or control…I am talking about bringing things back into BALANCE so I can work THROUGH My people in a greater way. For it is My desire that My church build itself up IN Me & this can only happen as you will take hold of the way things are SUPPOSED to be.

I bring My people to be in the place that I desire them & as they are THERE, they will know what I say to them in THAT place & they will have an agreement within them. There will be a unity & a grace that will be evident. As My people will take hold of what I am doing in this hour & enter into the DOING of it, they will SEE My hand work within them & then THROUGH them, as I use them to REACH a lost & dying world. The time for My people to BE My people has come. Do as I say now & enter into YOUR places, by doing the things that I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

1 Corinthians 15

The Lord says: “I come to My people THIS day to show them the TRUTH of who they are & THEIR part in what they are to BE. I need My people to see that there is MORE to their part than what they HAVE known. I need My people to SEE that it is vital that they take PART in what I desire to do IN them & WITH them. I need My people to be CHANGED. My people can no longer continue as they HAVE. The time for walking IN the decay of this world MUST stop. Some will not understand what I now say, but I tell you that this change from decaying into not decaying BEGINS within you NOW.

Do you think that you can continue living YOUR lives as you have & you will somehow just BE changed? I will do My part in this at the appointed time, but I need you to do YOUR part now, along the way. Being IN Christ is not what many seem to think it is. As I told you before, being IN Christ is not being part of some club where you have a membership! Being in Christ is just that…BEING in Christ! I tell you these things because I look at My church & I do not see the church that I ordained…I SEE a pseudo people, having a form of godliness, but DENY the power thereof.

How can this be? How can My people SAY that they love Me, yet continue in their OWN self ways? For I tell you that when I came as a man, I gave My ALL to give YOU life! You say you ARE following Me, yet as I look I only see many following THEIR own ways. I need My people to SEE the importance of returning unto Me from their own ways in this hour! I need My people to have a TRUE awakening WITHIN them, so they can see things as they TRULY are. I love you all with an everlasting love & yet so many seem to THINK because this is true, that they can live any way they desire, taking no thought ABOUT their lives, or the things that they DO.

So many are starting to give in to contaminated belief systems that go contrary to My word. I look upon My people & I see a people that doesn’t REALLY possess a TRUE fear of God. I need My people to see the truth WITHIN their hearts & lives & RETURN unto Me while they still can. In this hour, as the world celebrates the time of My birth, even though most only see the celebration for self, I need My people to see this time as a time to come CLOSER to Me than ever before. For time is running out & I need My people to RISE up in this hour & BE My people. I have called you to BE lights shining in a dark place.

You cannot continue to SIT in darkness, only doing your OWN thing! I need My people to understand the truth that I am declaring here. This is NOT just a time for “celebrating” as the world will celebrate…I need My people to SHOW their TRUE celebration by BEING the light of this world. So many ‘ooh & awe’ over all the Christmas lights on display as they go around where they live…I need My people to BE the ‘ooh & awe’ in this world. It is time for My people to start SHINING My light in this hour. It is My desire that My people start to BE conformed into the image of My Son.

Do not think that you have no part in this, for to do so shows the truth WITHIN your hearts. You MUST do your part…you MUST show the world that I AM IN YOU of a truth. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to take hold of you in a greater way than ever before. I am looking for those who truly DESIRE to walk with Me & I WILL take hold of these & USE them for My glory in the time ahead. Come to Me & celebrate My love & life WITHIN you…I will show you My ways & you WILL walk differently, you will walk CHANGED because the work that I DO will cause you to BE like Me.

Hear My voice in this time & KNOW that I only want GOOD things for My people. But I cannot allow you to walk in the complacency & compromise that STILL exists in the hearts & lives of many. I need My church to come together in Me & BE My church. I need My people to STOP many of the things they STILL allow IN them & THROUGH them. You cannot walk IN Me & live YOUR ways. I want you CLOSE to Me & your lives show Me THIS truth by what you say, what you do & what you think. I am watching & waiting…I am looking for those who will mean business with me in this hour.

The clock is ticking & many will only fall farther & farther from Me unless they HEED My words in this hour. Do not LET this happen…do not become a CASUALTY of war. Take hold of your spiritual weapons & fight the good fight of faith…lay hold on to eternal life. This MUST be done NOW…it is not something you can do after the fact. I need My people to RISE up OUT OF decay & BECOME the non-decaying ones in this hour. Do not think that this change only comes at the end…for that is only the last PART of this transformation…you MUST DO your part now…you MUST come CLOSE to Me & allow Me to BRING change deep WITHIN your hearts & lives.

I WILL do this & more as you will TRULY humble yourselves before Me. Many think they already are humble, yet I tell you this is MOSTLY in part, for your ATTITUDES dictate your ALTITUDE in Me & I see the attitudes of many, who think they are humble, yet the TRUE contriteness I SEEK to BE within them is NOT there. Come to Me, My people & I will SHOW you the way, for I have already taken THAT path & know that you CAN do it, for I will BE with you & I WILL empower you to DO My will. Hear My heart & love for you this day & respond to Me BY your life & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – 1 Corinthians 12 & 13

Dear Saints, so many of us (myself included) are deceived about our walk with the Lord, with many of us even walking in darkness without even knowing it. Please, please prayerfully read the following words of correction and encouragement from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

1 Corinthians 12

The Lord says: “the time for My people to SEEK Me as never before has COME, for the time for My people to DO great EXPLOITS has arrived. I need My people to SEE the time there are NOW in & to ACCLIMATE with Me, as I desire. For I have set forth SPIRITUAL gifts within My church to DEMONSTRATE My GLORY to this world. I have SET these things in ORDER, so My people can RISE UP into Me & become THAT demonstration…it is time for My people to SEEK Me as never before! I tell you this BECAUSE I love you with an everlasting love & it is VITAL that you take your PLACES in this hour. I need My people to DO the things that I have CALLED them to do.

I did not call you to BE part of a Religious “membership”, which many that say they are Mine SEEM to think that BEING a Christian means they are part of a “club” with Membership “benefits”. This IS the mindset that MANY hold today! For I tell you that many have been DECEIVED into thinking that THIS is the way My church is SUPPOSED to be, but I tell you now, that this is DECEPTION! How can My people say they are Mine, yet they do NOT do what I say to do? How can My church sit there day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year & do NOTHING! I tell you this because so MANY have lost their FIRST love.

I tell you this because I see the whole of creation groaning for the MANIFESTATION of the Sons of God, yet so FEW have RISEN up into THAT manifestation! Many merely speak OF this reality, but hardly or rarely do ANYTHING that this manifestation REALLY is. I need My people to SEE the importance of DOING this in this hour. I need My people to RECOGNIZE their part in what I have ORDAINED. For so many just live THEIR lives thinking that they are IN a “spiritual club”, demanding the “benefits of membership”. Yet so few ever pay the price by SURRENDERING their lives UNTO Me, as I desire.

So many BELIEVE that their lives are what they ARE supposed to be, yet I do not see things THIS way. I do not SEE My people RISING UP in My Kingdom…I see My people RISING up into their OWN self-made kingdoms, doing only the things that THEY deem for them to do. I am still waiting for the great majority of My people to start to BE the church that they claim to be! I am still waiting for My people to SHOW the world that I am IN you of a TRUTH! For as I look, I still only SEE complacency & compromise in My people. When will THIS end, I ask? When will My people truly HEAR My voice & DO as I say?

I say this because so many THINK they ARE doing My will, yet I see no REAL fruit in what they do! I do not SEE My people REACHING OUT to the lost & the needy! I do not SEE My people SEEKING to SAVE that which lost! I do not see My people DOING much of anything EXCEPT for the things that THEY decide to do. This may SEEM harsh to you, but I say this with tears & grieving! For I have CALLED OUT My people from THIS world to do My exploits & to BE a help in this world, but not MANY think of this! Most only think of THEMSELVES & what THEY need. In their lives, they are “separate”, but not fully in the way that I want!

Many have separated themselves from the things of this world, yet in THIS separation they do not allow Me to use THEM in that separation. That separation has become a life that THEY live for themselves…not living the life that I desire them to live, which is to GO OUT INTO THE WORLD & PREACH the GOSPEL to EVERY CREATURE. So many ask Me to give THEM spiritual gifts, yet many of these see nothing MANIFEST because IN their hearts, they have not yielded unto Me as I need them to BE. I am not going to give My people gifts of power & glory when they have NOT shown me ANY fruit with what they ALREADY have.

My gifts are for a PURPOSE…to REACH out & TOUCH the world with My love…NOT to sit on them & squander them, as so many have done with THEIR lives. I tell you this now…I look at the MULTITUDES of those who SAY they are Mine & I tell you that the GREAT portion have next to NOTHING to show for their lives, as I am seeking. Throughout all their years, they have led NO ONE to a saving knowledge of MY Son. They are just I have said in My word…they have taken the talent that I have GIVEN them & BURIED it in the ground, which is THEIR own lives & then expect Me to give them My gifts to do JUST the same thing! I challenge My people in THIS hour to SHOW Me what is IN their hearts!

I challenge My people to SHOW the WORLD what I have DONE in them. For truly IF I have done something within you, why are you NOT shouting it from the rooftops & bringing many into My fold? I need My people to see the TRUTH that exists IN their hearts & lives. I need My people to truly BECOME My people. No more living THEIR lives to please SELF. It is time for My people to SHOW the world who I TRULY AM. Are you REALLY My people, or are you just PRETENDING, thinking that you can live in a “membership”, expecting “benefits”?

I tell you that there are MANY who keep asking Me for answers, breakthroughs & for changes in their lives, yet in almost all of these, there is NOT a real motive towards Me. I need My people to SEE things as they REALLY are. You CANNOT live the way you have & expect things to change. I need My people to see THIS as truth, so you can KNOW the truth & be set FREE. But to do this it will take a REAL heart-rending within many, as I REQUIRE a response at this hour. I need My people to truly get RIGHT with Me so I CAN use them in this hour. Come to Me with a TRUE heart & SEEK for Me to do a GREAT work IN you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

1 Corinthians 13

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them who they REALLY are & what is truly WITHIN them. For IF My people will HONESTLY compare My words in 1 Corinthians 13 to what is MANIFEST in their lives, they will SEE that what I have said does not MEASURE up to what is IN them. Yes, there are times that My people DO walk in these things, but I tell you now that THIS is not as I desire, for I said that these things are to BE part of you CONTINUALLY…not just when YOU decide to walk in them. For truly, IF My love dwells WITHIN you as you “say”, you WILL walk IN My love, in ALL your ways, at ALL times! And therein lies the problem…My people walk in THEIR ways, not MINE.

For surely as you will TRULY surrender your hearts & lives UNTO Me, I will do a WORK within you to CONFORM you into the IMAGE of My Son. So many say that they HAVE already done this, yet I tell you now…LOOK at how you respond unto others when in YOUR heart you get frustrated or upset! Look at the response that comes from WITHIN you! Do you respond OUT OF My Spirit of love, or do you react OUT OF the flesh? I ask you this because it is important & needful that you SEE the truth of the way things ARE, so you can come into alignment with My will & My ways.

For I told you that I AM the way, the truth & the life…no one can come unto Me, except thru Me. Yet, so many continue living their own SELF-life thinking they have truly come to Me when in truth, they have only come to Me in the ways that THEY have chosen. I tell you this so you can SEE the way things truly are. I AM looking for a people who have FULLY surrendered unto Me…not those who only offer Me the things THEY desire or when THEY desire to do this! It is VITAL that My people TRULY become My people…NOT a people that are complacent & compromised in this hour!

How long will it be until My people will truly HEAR the words I say & humble themselves before Me? I am waiting for a true response from My people from THEIR hearts! For the time for My people playing their little religious games has ENDED…it is time to NOW mean business with Me! So many think that they have already done this, but as you will BE honest & look WITHIN your hearts you will SEE that there is still a lot of work needing to be done WITHIN you. For even those who believe they HAVE been liberated & are fully in Me, to a great measure STILL fall short of My desire…they STILL only see things as THEY desire…not as I desire them to see.

For even in those who have left the corrupt religious system that EXISTS in the world today, which people call “the church”, even in these there are those who have not understood the importance of holding fast to My words as I have written them. For truly in My written word I have set up the government of My church, as you SAW last week in 1 Corinthians 12, yet, still today so many have SOMEHOW cast those words aside, thinking they are no longer needed. But My words are STILL as active & powerful today, as I have spoken them, for the govt that I have setup continues & as I RAISE UP My humbled leaders in this hour I will SHOW the world the TRUTH that is in Me.

I need ALL of My people to understand that they are CONTINUALLY being molded & shaped & being conformed to the image of My Son. This IS a process that continues forward in time & continues UNTIL My people come home to Me. I need My people to understand that whatever maturity THEY have achieved is only a PART of what I will do IN them. This maturity is NOT the final step in My developing WITHIN them…it is only one STEP along the way. I need My people to see that there has come a MINDSET within many that has developed and causes many to think that they have no need of My written words, as I have told them.

Somehow they THINK that they have “arrived” & are SO mature that they do not have responsibility or accountability to anyone when My word says just the opposite! I need My people to see that this is PRIDE…a very dangerous pride! Just because a person has MATURED in an area of their lives doesn’t mean that there is not OTHER areas that STILL need attention for change. My people need to see the IMPORTANCE of what I AM doing in this hour, for there IS a growing number of people who have left the corporate church, as I have shown them the ERRORS there.

This was a GOOD thing, but in the process, many of these same people have FALLEN into the snare of the evil one, because they have SHUT OUT much of My written word in the process. I do not want My people subject to the corrupt religious system, so I have called them OUT & those who HAVE heard My voice have left that corrupt religious system. Yet, MANY of these now think that they do not need to BE a part of My corporate church, as I have ordained it & somehow they can just continue as “lone rangers”, not knowing the dangers & problems they are CREATING both within them & unto others!

For I have a TRUE church that exists in this hour & My people need to be SEEKING to be part of what I AM doing…not doing their OWN things! It is time for the church of the Living God to COME together again & to do the exploits that I ordained for them to do. I need My people to CAST OFF the works of darkness & enter into what I am doing this day. Yes, you heard that right…those who have rejected the truth of My true church government have FALLEN into works of darkness because they are only walking in the light that THEY have chosen to walk IN. I need My people to OPEN their eyes & SEE things as they really are!

It is time for My people to RISE UP & BE My people! A big REASON why My people are so MINIMIZED in this hour is BECAUSE so many have fallen into THIS anti-church mindset, not REALIZING that I DO have a godly church govt that EXISTS today. I have called many OUT OF the corrupt religious system & THESE have fallen to Me IN humility& contriteness & I have molded & shaped them over time for My use. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to SHOW you the way things really are! For I have plans to use My church MIGHTILY in this hour, but those who refuse to hear My words & continue in their SELF obedience of rejecting My words as I share them this day, will come to find that this is EXACTLY WHY they are NOT doing the great “work” that I desire to DO with them.

Because I MUST do the work WITHIN them before I can do the work THRU them. Allow Me to show you the truth that EXISTS within your hearts & you will SEE that there is a LOT that the enemy STILL has his hands on WITHIN you that NEEDS attention. For as My people will allow Me to open up their understanding to THIS & many OTHER things, My people will SHINE as lights in a dark place & the world will SEE the truth of Me WITHIN them. THEN My exploits WILL explode FROM WITHIN My people & GREAT revival will come forth! For the revival will have BEGUN where it is needed MOST…WITHIN My people. Hear My words this day & do NOT shrink back INTO your OWN thoughts & reasoning…for THESE will only REMOVE you further from My will for this hour.

I love you ALL with an everlasting love & IT IS vital that My people RESPOND unto Me righteously in this hour & allow Me to do a work WITHIN them that will CHANGE the world as it is today, into the world that I desire it to BE. Remember…you ARE the light of the world. The world can ONLY walk in the light that you, My people GIVE to it. Look at the world & you WILL see what truth REALLY exists WITHIN My people. My people have a great NEED for change, yet so many REFUSE to see that there is ANY need for change within them. Allow Me to open YOUR hearts to see the TRUTH as it REALLY is & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Wow! Dear Saints, these are such convicting words, especially to me because I am one of those who have obeyed God and come out of the religious church system. I pray that you take them to heart and go before the Lord with a contrite and humble heart, and ask Him to reveal the areas of your heart and life that needs change.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

The Real “Great Reset” That Is Coming.

Word from the Father:

My little ones, why are you troubled?  Why do you fret over the things you see as you feel surrounded on all sides by the pressures and troubles of this world?  Have I not told you that this is your time of deliverance?  Where is your trust in Me? For I am about to move My hand across the nations of the earth and bring down wicked leaders and governments.  And I shall establish My authority in the earth through new leaders and governments of My choosing.  But do not think that your enemies will quietly go without a fight.  For as your enemies see themselves cornered by circumstances, even of their own doings, they will fight to remain in power and control.

But fret not, for I have already defeated your enemies at Calvary.  And though I have allowed your enemies to rule over you for a time, it is now time for My Ekklesia to arise and take her rightful place in the earth.  For I have plans to demonstrate My kingdom throughout all parts of the earth before the end shall come.  For does not My written word declare this?  That the gospel of My kingdom shall be preached throughout all the earth as a testimony to all nations, and then the end shall come. (Matt. 24:14) 

Oh, but how so many have misunderstood the meaning of this scripture to mean the preaching of the gospel of salvation according to man’s fallen understanding of salvation.  But not so, for My kingdom shall be demonstrated in power throughout all the earth before the end shall come.  So then, what is this saying by many who are declaring that the end is near?  Not so, except for the end of your enemy’s rule over you. 

And I declare unto you this day that My Spirit will cover the earth with My glory and My anointed ones shall be a light upon a hill for all to see.  And kings of the earth shall come to their rising seeking My counsel.  For soon, all the leaders of the earth, even in business, will see that all counsel not of Me shall be shaken and fall.  Therefore, many leaders of all kinds and in all areas of government and business shall seek My counsel through My chosen ones in these last days.

However, as I have spoken, all that can be shaken shall be, so that what cannot be shaken shall remain.  So do not be surprised or troubled when you see these things come.  For even though the enemy is planning his Great Reset, it shall not be so.  For I declare unto you that it shall be My Great Reset as I tear down the corrupt systems of man and raise up My kingdom’s reign in all areas of the world.

So then, no longer allow yourselves to be troubled, yet rise up and declare your victory in Me.  I love you all with an everlasting love.  And it gives Me great pleasure to establish My kingdom within you.  So then, do not be entangled with sin, the flesh, or things of this present world.  Yet seek Me with all your heart and watch as I begin to arise within you and set you free from all that seeks to enslave you.

However, you must actively do this as My written word declares that you must work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.  So then, do as I say unto you this day and you shall not be disappointed.