Faith Will Be The New Currency.

Dear Saints,

I have a word to share from the Father. But first I wish to share how He corrected me and my way of thinking which led to Him giving me this word for everyone so hopefully, the word may help all those who may have a tendency to be like me.

As most of you already know, in this season in my life, the Lord has me relying on the support of others’ donations for my livelihood. This has been a difficult time of discipline for me because all my life from an early age I have been so independent and always supported myself. I once even had a very lucrative business. But God dried it up until the business was gone. And when I sought employment afterward, He closed every door so I couldn’t even get a full-time job to replace the income from my business. There were even times when I had gone through interviews and was told that I had the job. But before I started, the employer changed their mind and hired someone else instead. God was allowing all of this to get me to stop being so independent and rely completely on Him to provide for my needs. And He has been faithful to do so.

I’m still believing His promises to me many years ago where He promised to revive my business and bless my finances far above anything I’ve ever known. But in the meantime, I’m mostly relying on donations through this blog for my financial support. And even though I don’t receive much through donations, the Lord provides enough each month to cover my expenses and I am content with that. However, with inflation and prices getting so high, it has been difficult lately. And then recently a dear sweet sister-in-the-Lord who was able to faithfully give a substantial gift each month is no longer able. And her financial gift each month is what covered many of my monthly expenses.

So, I confess that the first thing I did was resort back to my self-reliance and I began researching ways that I can somehow make extra money on the side to make up for the loss. However, the Lord convicted me and I had to repent for relying on myself instead of going to Him. He then began speaking to my heart about the importance of trusting and relying on Him in the coming days when the economy will be shaken even more. He revealed to me that in the coming days when the economy gets shaken worse than it is now, our kingdom currency will be our faith, love, and obedience to Him. And at times He may require us to give of our substance when it seems that we may not have enough left for ourselves. But He is always faithful to those who are obedient and will not let us go without our needs met. We must keep in mind that He loves a cheerful giver and with the same measure that we give towards others’ needs, it will be given back to us. This is the kingdom principle that we must learn to live by if we are going to prosper in the coming days of financial troubles.

We MUST trust Him and not rely on ourselves. If we cannot trust Him and try to make things happen on our own as I did, it will only cause us to fail. This does not mean that we are not to work, it simply means that He is our source and our jobs or businesses are just the vehicles that He will use.

Many exposures, judgments, and more shakings are coming. And it is so vitally important that we don’t do as I did and resort to self-reliance. He will protect us and provide for us if we allow Him.

And with that, I will share what the Father gave me for everyone.

My people, listen to your heavenly Father this day.  Many changes are happening in the natural during this season which you are in.  But do not listen to the news media, for they are telling lies and pushing fear.

Yes, things are shaking in the governments of men and in the financial systems, but things are NOT as presented by your news media.  For I am shaking all that can be shaken so that I can establish My kingdom in the earth.  And as you see things shake and crumble, take heart because your redemption draws nigh.

Now, I wish to speak to you all about your currencies and financial systems.  I will shake the systems of man and overturn the money-changers tables for all to see.  And many who have put their trust in their riches shall be devastated.  But there is one thing that you all must know, in My new system that is coming, which is the system of My kingdom principles, faith in Me will be your currency.  And that faith works by love.

So then, when the financial troubles come, and they will come, do not give in to the flesh and seek ways to stay above the water.  Seek Me, rest in Me, and trust Me for all your provisions.  If you would do this, and walk in obedience to My leading, you shall prosper in a time of lack, chaos, and woes. And there shall even be a great transfer of wealth from the hands of the wicked into the hands of the righteous.

Therefore, I do not want my children wandering around in fear and dread like those of the world.  You are all children of the Most High God and you shall represent that truth…for I do NOT neglect My own.

Now then, do as I say and get into your prayer closets often.  Events are coming that will shake many.  And great evils will be exposed.  Many will be shocked at the horrors that will be revealed.  But take heart, My dearest ones.  For nothing catches Me by surprise.  I have seen and known of these horrors for quite some time.  And now is the time for their exposure and judgment.

But do not look upon those judged with resentment or disdain.  Yet always walk in My love and mercy, for if you even judge in your heart only, you are in danger of being judged yourself.  Therefore, cover the sins of man with My love.  This does not mean that you cover up evil, it merely means that you cover others with My love and only judge by My Spirit within you.  Do NOT judge by your own fleshly understanding.  For only I know the thoughts and intents of the hearts.

And do not rejoice in the judgment of evil men, but yet rejoice in the fact that my righteousness has prevailed in judging evil.

I love you all with an everlasting love and I do not want you shaken in heart or mind in the coming days.  So, stay close to Me at all times, and above all, walk in My love and by My Spirit.  I will keep you and protect you if you would do these things.

Amen. I pray that you all can receive this word with love.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 9 & 10

Dear Saints,

Very soon we will all witness those in places of authority, power, and influence get exposed and judged. This includes the church. God is cleansing our corrupt systems and preparing the way for a great spiritual movement and harvest. As we witness others get exposed and judged, do not point the finger or have a judgmental attitude, for if you judge others, you will also be judged. Instead, judge your own hearts so you will not need to be judged.

On this note, please prayerfully read the following words from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 9

The Lord says: “I am calling the ones I love OUT OF dead works & INTO a living relationship with Me. So many of those who SAY they love Me…who SAY they ARE Mine, do not show Me this with much of their lives, but only at times & in ways of THEIR pleasing. So many have told Me that they give Me their lives, but few TRULY ever do this in practical experience. I realize that this is seemingly difficult because IN the age you are living, the flesh has been lifted up & set on YOUR throne of life.

So many still cannot see this, though I try to awaken you & show you the reality of your hearts. I say this out of a heart of everlasting love for you. I call My people unto Me…I call My people into My presence…I call My people to seek Me as never before. Because as time goes forward, there will be many who will not be able to hold up under the things that lie ahead. I need My people close to Me NOW…tomorrow may be too late! If you cannot see this reality in your lives, you will be surprised & shaken by the things that lie ahead.

So many are destined for GREATNESS IN me, but so few truly embrace this reality IN their lives. So many still hold to a mindset that tells them that I will do this, no matter what, when the truth IS, I am waiting for My people to take action IN their hearts & lives. This action is what will catapult My people INTO the realm that I desire them to dwell in. The great revival that is coming & IS now begun, requires that My people let go of the things behind & press forward IN their high callings IN Christ.

These things do not just happen…there IS action ON YOUR part & I challenge you to SEE this & ACT upon it! For even as the people of old worked righteousness OUT OF the law, instead of OUT OF faith, many of them fell short, IN which I showed them that I would bring forth a new covenant UNTO them, IN which I would write My laws UPON their hearts. Even though they knew this, they still continued walking in SELF, the righteousness of legalism & even judged ME as I walked upon the earth.

Still today, many who say they are Mine do the same thing…judging others, nit-picking others, looking for fault in others…instead of looking WITHIN themselves & seeing “why” they have been judging others as they have. For the truth is, these are always judging others because they do not judge themselves. I tell you these things because of the hour you are now IN. It is imperative that you TAKE HOLD of My grace & walk IN true love IN this hour. For many who will continue holding onto judging others will be exposed for the truth that is there, for I will show them OPENLY, what they truly ARE.

I do not want this for any of MY people, but so many still are not hearing My heart or responding righteously unto Me as they should. It grieves Me to see My people come to Me & confess petty things to Me when I am waiting for them to confess what I have My finger ON IN THEIR lives. The reason so many never see the truth WITHIN them is because they stay fixated on the faults of others & never are open to seeing the things IN their own lives. I tell you these things because I love you…I want you to grow up INTO Me, who IS the head, so YOU can walk IN high places, where I need you to BE.

Many cannot discern that the level they exist IN right now, is NOT in a high place IN Me, but IN a high place of the enemy. For truly the mentality of judging others has taken you AWAY from where I desire you to be & has put you UNDER the will of the evil one. No man CAN serve 2 masters! You must see the truth as it is. Stop trying to cover things up IN your lives & embrace the reality of what I see. For as you will do this, you will BE like the blind man, that WAS blind, but NOW CAN see! I love you, My people & it IS My desire to use YOU greatly IN this hour. Hear My heart for YOU & respond righteously unto Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 10

The Lord says: “as I take you forward in My word, I am showing you just how much like Israel, those who say they are Mine truly are. For truly as you will open your heart to Me & see the reality within each of your lives, you will begin to comprehend TRUTH. For I told you that the fear of the LORD IS the beginning of wisdom, yet so many of My people have little or no fear of the Lord in this hour. So many still hold onto their own beliefs, just as My people of old did back then. I tell you these things to give you the opportunity to see the truth within your hearts, so you can do what is right before Me.

No more living your lives the way you think your life should be lived. No more vain seeking of things that only promote contradiction in your heart. For truly there is still much within many of you that has not been opened up to Me to deal with. I love you with an everlasting love, so IN that love I have given you space to look within. IN that love I have given you time to be willing to see as I see. For it is My deep desire for you to walk with Me. So many think they are walking with Me, but the truth is, so many are really walking their own lives, thinking they are doing Me service.

I tell you that very soon many will begin to see the truth in the folly of their own ways, as My word begins to activate within them & they see the truth of who they ARE, as I show them just how much of their lives are truly submitted unto Me. The time has come for My people to truly be MY people. Not in words only, deceiving yourselves. For the time of being a Christian has come & now My people will have to make a decision…for this decision will SHOW them the truth of who they truly ARE. For My people WILL honor Me WITH their lives. My people will seek only to please Me.

My people will know the truth & the truth will set them free. I told you before, that so many of My people are only walking in partial truth, therefore they are only walking in partial freedom. If you will truly open your hearts unto Me I will show you the truth of this! For so many cannot discern what IS truly of Me & what IS of self. So many have been led to believe things that do not balance in My word. How can so many continue to say they are Mine, they follow Me & are pleasing in My sight when so many are really only following & pleasing self! Can you not see who’s you truly are?

How is it that My people still fail to receive the reality that you were bought with a price & therefore you are to glorify Me with your body & your spirits, which are Mine? I need you to see things as they truly are! I look at your lives & most of what I see is people that do what THEY desire, thinking they ARE serving Me. Yes, there are times when I see a little change & effort that gravitates you a little closer to Me for a short time, but then things go back to the way they were, into SELF. I come to you this day to show you the truth IN your lives.

For as you went thru My word this night, how many of you could see that what was written & laid forth regarding My people of Israel IS exactly the same as IN many of My people this day? It grieves Me to see this, at this time, as this is the time for My people to be closer to Me than ever before. Stop being pulled INTO things that only incite fear. If you want to be fearful, you best put fear in its proper place & fear ME! In the hours ahead there will be many things that will pull My people into fear, but I have already told you to be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.

Even so, you must overcome what the world is unleashing onto humanity, not giving IN to a spirit of fear, but standing strong IN me, knowing that I have given you a spirit of power & of love & of a sound mind. This IS your place IN this hour, but you will not be able to stand in My Spirit as long as you are divided IN your hearts & souls. I told you that you cannot serve 2 masters, yet so many of you still try to serve two! Do you not understand that, if you try to serve 2, you really are only serving the one that appeases the FLESH?

I need you to see this so you can respond FROM your heart unto Me, in the way that I am seeking you to respond. So many think it is foolish when I ask you to rededicate your lives to Me in each service, not knowing that this very thought shows your dire need for you to do so! I challenge each of you to humble yourselves unto Me…truly humble yourselves. Honestly, what most people think of as being humble is really not much more than lip service. When I say to humble yourselves, I speak of the breaking of pride & self.

Yet so many do not see this & offer Me a token of their life when really their words fall to the ground before Me & I see no real change WITHIN them. The truth is IN the proof of your lives. The truth is IN your acts of humility! The truth is IN the reality of what you will do IN your life to please Me. I keep asking you…just how long will it be until you realize just how dead My body really IS? For the reality of your life IN Me is evident by your zeal to show My love to this lost & dying world. As long as you continue refraining from seeking to save that which is lost, the enemy will keep you bound IN his agenda.

For I tell you that the world is ripe unto harvest, yet so few are seeing this reality & obeying My voice by going out to reap souls for My kingdom. I need My people to see the reality of Me in their lives, for I did not save you so you could sit on My salvation. It is time that My people cast OFF the works of darkness & rise UP INTO being My Army of Light. Time is fleeing…I need My people to be as the prodigal son & return unto Me, humbling yourselves & begin to do as I say. If you will hear My voice & do this, and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, these are dangerous times we live in and it is so vitally important that we get very serious about our walk with the Lord and stay in His true will for our lives and not our own presumption of His will. So many are living the so-called Christian life, yet fail to bear any fruit. If these prophetic words don’t convict you in some way, then you seriously need to get alone with the Lord and ask Him to search your heart and show you anything in your heart that needs to be dealt with.

Though on the positive side, we are in a time of unprecedented grace where we have a window of opportunity to overcome in areas that have held us bound for years. We are in a time where we can spiritually grow closer to God than what we’ve ever known or thought possible. Doesn’t this excite you? It does me. But as the word from the Lord tells us, this will not just fall into our laps. We must do our part in seeking Him in our quiet time and waiting upon Him to show up, then obeying His still small voice. And as we do this, we will quickly grow up into Him.

I pray that you all can receive this.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 8

Dear Saints,

These are the days that we have been about. There are many false prophets and teachers leading God’s people astray. And it will only get worse as it gets closer to the end. Please, please seek after God for yourselves and always test the spirits of those you listen to and study to know God’s truth in all things.

On this note, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to warn you…do not be deceived by the things that surround you. Do not be moved by the things that you are seeing or will see. Only be moved by ME…only be moved by MY love…only be moved by MY words. For I love you with an everlasting love & as you will stay hidden IN Me, as you will stay hidden IN My love, as you will stay hidden IN My word, which is Spirit, you will remain strong…you will remain stable…you will remain secure. For things are coming & even now exists, that are intended to sway those who are not secure IN Me.

Things are coming that will cause many to falter & fall. I speak of those who will not stand strong IN Me & My love…I speak to those who do not stand strong IN My words. For so many are being swayed by well-meaning men & women who are speaking words they claim are OF Me, yet these very words do not do the things that I say. For IN these words, My people are promised security & blessing…IN these words My people are promised things they have to give no effort to achieve. I tell you this because many are beginning to listen to these words & these words are causing many to slack off from the things that I say & instead take those words deep within themselves, to no profit.

For these things that are being said are only the one-sided reality of My truth. My truth must be balanced. My truth is complete…My truth must be seen as I have declared it to be. For many of these well-meaning words cause My people to remain where they already are…instead of causing them to arise UP deeper IN Me. For when My people receive these well-meaning servant’s words, they do not see any need for change…they only see what is promised, but do nothing to enter INTO that promise. I challenge My people in this hour to look at things as they truly are, for there is nothing that shall separate you FROM the love of God.

You already know what My word says. So many think this way, do nothing on their part, thinking all is well. Yet few recognize that doing this only takes My people farther & farther from Me. For they do not see that in effect, it is THEM that the enemy is using to take them farther from Me. How can My people believe for such blessing & wonder, yet they see they have no need to seek what THEY need to do…they see no need for any part that THEY must enter INTO, in order to RECEIVE such things! So many of My people are blinded to the reality of the spirit LED life.

So many are oblivious to the snare that the enemy has placed around their neck. For so many just sit there waiting & expecting these so-called promises to come to them, yet they take no part in the performance of such, except for their own presumption. Even as I have told you many times before, you must stop deceiving yourselves…for how can you expect to reap that which you have not sown? The things of My kingdom require your action to enter IN. The things of My kingdom require obedience UNTO Me, for them to see a heavenly response. I say these things to instill action & response into My people so that they will take their places in the time ahead.

So many are waiting for Me to do what I will do, when I am looking TO them, waiting for THEM to do what I need them to do so I CAN do My part on their behalf. These are serious times, My people, & it is necessary for you to SEE this & COME TO yourselves, IN Me. For so many are just like the prodigal son, who thought he was doing good because he did what he decided to do. But in time he learned that he wasn’t following Me…he was following SELF. So many of My people are just the SAME way. They decide to do things…they may even ask Me for confirmation, looking for something to justify THEIR decision.

AND if I do not show them something to their liking, they will decide that their decision IS the way to go, when My word IS a light UNTO their feet & a lamp UNTO their path. I do not have to answer your “self” fleeces that YOU put before Me! I told you to BE LED OF My Spirit…not be led BY fleeces! So many say they ARE the Sons of God, but few recognize what that truly means…for I said it is THEM who ARE LED BY the Spirit of God that ARE the Sons of God. I need My people to take hold of My words & stop listening to things that take them farther from Me. I need My people to come to the place where they hear Me ALL the time.

For that is the real reality that My people ARE supposed to LIVE by. For even as I walked the earth, I ALWAYS spoke those things I heard My Father say & I ALWAYS did those things I saw My Father do. Did you get that? So many who say they are Mine, but truly only hear Me or do the things that I say sporadically…on some occasions…at different times…when you are in the right mood, etc. I need you to see that the time has come for My people to truly walk WITH Me. I am talking about a continuous constant active walk…where you are aware I am with you where ever you go…where you talk with Me even when you aren’t praying…where I am truly with you…truly within you.

For these are the things that show forth the reality of Me IN your lives…not this hit or miss, casual time. For I AM even speaking to you when you are ON the toilet, yet few ever recognize this! I love you, My people & I desire you to come close to Me in this hour. As you will hear My words & obey them, you will rise up in this hour. For the time has come for My people to take their places. I await for those who will make themselves ready, so I can use them in this hour. Take hold of My words this day & BE led BY Me in your lives as I desire & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Declare Your Dependence on God!

Dear Saints,

Our early settlers of the U.S. came here seeking freedom from persecution and liberty to worship God, whereas, still today we celebrate our independence from British rule every 4th of July. However, almost 250 years after our first declaration of independence in 1776, it seems that we are almost completely under tyrannical rule once again.

However, as I mentioned in my last post, the turning over of Roe vs. Wade is a signpost of things turning back around for our religious freedoms and justice, at least for a short time before the gross darkness falls. So in the meantime, declare our independence from the tyrannical rule trying to take over our country and celebrate in the Spirit for God’s wonderful mercy and grace that has allotted us more time to prepare before the gross darkness falls. But know that the fight for our country and God’s Kingdom is not over. God has been preparing many of us to take our part in setting our country free and declaring His Kingdom and righteousness throughout the land.

And on that note, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

“As the USA celebrates 4th of July, 2022, My people are to celebrate their spiritual declaration. I call My people to take hold of their “Declaration Of Dependence” on Me in this hour”. For this is the time for those who are called by My name to rise up & to take their places. As I have prepared many of you…as I have worked deep within each of you, I now call you to rise up. For the time of My anointing to be released in & thru My people has come & those who will truly seek Me…those who will truly humble their hearts & lives will see ACTION arise in them in this hour.

This time is not for the weak of heart…this is time for action! For the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, but the violent take it by force. I am not speaking of physical violence…I speak of violence that takes down the powers of darkness. The violence I speak of is what My people have been called to do…rise up & do exploits in My name. But these exploits are not the things that you take to yourselves to do…these exploits are the things that I put into your spirit to do…for as you will be led of Me, I will show you the difference between working thru self & working thru Me.

I am calling My people into action…action thru the Spirit of God! I am calling My people into power…power that only comes thru Me. I am calling My people into doing exploits…exploits that only I can accomplish thru them. As you will have an ear to hear…as you will have a heart that responds…as you will have an obedience that accomplishes My will, you will see Me work thru you & the world will begin to take notice. For as you have in times past sat in silence & inactivity, you will now arise with My tongue & be vocal & speak My words to this lost & dying world.

As you will hear Me calling into you, being instant in season, out of season, you will take on authority that you have never seen. I am calling My people to take their places & those who truly love Me will find themselves seeking Me, as never before. And as you do this, you will come to the place of My heart & you will enter into a realm that has been waiting for you for a long time. For the time has come for you to enter into the realm of God. The time has come for you to enter into the authority of God & walk as I walked on the Earth…it is time for you to follow Me.

So enter into this time of declaration of your dependence on Me, as you never have before. For surely as you will be faithful to do this & allow Me to work in your hearts, you will understand what it truly means when I say that I love you with an everlasting love. For as you take your places within Me, you will embrace My heart of love & you will walk in My power & authority, you never could before. Why do I say this? Because I must have you prepared to walk in these things. Walking in these things requires the balance of My love to keep things in proper spiritual alignment.

For as you come forward into Me & receive the things I have prepared for you, you will enter into & have a stronger understanding & know why these things are so. For just as My servants asked Me if I wanted them to call down fire from Heaven to consume those people, even so, I told them they didn’t know of what spirit they were of! For God is love, so for My power to work in this hour, My servants must walk in love in a measure that will keep them truly balanced. For this is not yet the time for destruction…this is the time for revival to come, as it never has before!

So as you will take hold of these words & allow Me to guide you into them, you will see a performance thereof & My hand will be revealed within & thru you in this coming time. So be encouraged & know that all things truly do work together for your good. And many of My people will understand this truth increasingly in the time ahead. Do not allow the enemy to deceive you or trick you into going the opposite way. Stand your ground in Me…standing on the truth of My word, for as you will do these things, I promise that you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.