Embracing God’s Unprecedented Grace Amidst the Shaking.

Dear Saints,

When seeking the Lord on what He desires to share with His people, He laid something upon my heart that is so exciting, despite all that’s coming.

First of all, let’s not forget that He has been telling us that another shaking is coming.  Events are already escalating across the U.S. and other regions of the world. But a major unrest is coming to the U.S. Get ready…

Many deaths are also coming during this time due to a culmination of events possibly including another disease outbreak. While there is another severe pandemic coming, much worse than the recent Covid outbreak, I’m uncertain of its precise timing. Although I’m certain it’s coming, I’m not sure if it will be during this next shaking or later on down the road.

However, in the midst of this, don’t listen to the fear-mongering of the mainstream media or succumb to their distractions and fear tactics. The enemy fears what is coming and will be unleashing all that he has up his sleeve. However, as God’s people, we can counter much of it with our prayers.

Exercise great discernment during this time and refrain from venturing out unless the Lord allows it. We must remain under His protection at all times.

Despite these trials, God has revealed something deeply exciting to my heart. During this season, we will encounter His unprecedented grace and favor. He is rendering judgment upon our enemies, both in the natural and in the spirit. So He is urging us to take advantage of this time and break free from all that hinders our walk with Him. God is calling us to delve deeper into Him—enter your prayer closets and spend time in the secret place as much as possible. Wait upon the Lord and repent of all that He reveals to your heart. As we do this, we will gain freedom in areas where we didn’t even recognize we were in bondage. This will bring such a freedom to us all that we have never known before.

This is a season where God is releasing us into a newfound freedom beyond our imagination. He will also pour out revelations, open doors of opportunity, and bestow blessings upon us. We have the chance to experience rapid spiritual growth if we earnestly seek Him and practice dwelling in His secret place.

As we abide in the secret place of the Most High, we will rest under the shadow of the Almighty, shielded and protected from all that is to come. Though a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, it will not come near us. We will only witness the reward of the wicked. But God will be our refuge and no evil or plague will come near those abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. And please understand, this isn’t just reciting Psalm 91 and assenting to it; it’s a profound, ongoing experience of dwelling in His secret place.

Truly, we are living in exciting times. Soon, we will witness the great transfer of wealth if we remain obedient and follow His divine instructions for our lives. God is preparing us spiritually and practically for the challenges ahead, as this period will usher in the last day’s great harvest. He is equipping us to labor alongside Him during this harvest, for those who are willing. Those who do allow Him to prepare them will accomplish great feats for the Kingdom of God.

In conclusion, the enemy will employ mainstream media and influential voices to sow fear and distract God’s people from what He is accomplishing in this season. Resist these tactics and seek refuge in the secret place. Embrace God’s unparalleled grace during this period, freeing yourself from all obstacles hindering your walk with Him. Step boldly through the doors of blessings and opportunities He is preparing for you. These are truly exhilarating times for those who have eyes to see and will seize upon His unparalleled grace.

Dear Saints, if these words have blessed or helped you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a love offering. As bills and rent are due soon, any financial contribution would be greatly appreciated.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.


Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I have SHOWN you these things this night to help you to UNDERSTAND why I did these things of old, so you can GRASP the reality and need for the new covenant. For as you LOOK at what was done of old, it was NECESSARY for the sacrifice for sin continually. This is a PICTURE of the way things were from the STANDPOINT of the flesh. But now I have MADE a new covenant, stronger\better than the first.

The spiritual truths within THESE things are to help you to UNDERSTAND that what I did THROUGH My Son was to bring my people OUT OF the old and INTO the new. Those who say they have done this, need to RECONSIDER. For I ask you…how many of you continue to come to Me for forgiveness of sin, as the priests of OLD did? I have already told you that in godly sorrow repentance continues to work, for TRUE repentance needs NOT to be repented of.

I share these things because they ARE a type and shadow of the OLD. Just as My Son told PARABLES, these things I THROW NEAR you, to show you they ARE SIMILAR. If you will grasp the truth that exists within MOST of those who say they are Mine, you will see that many are STILL doing what the priests of old were doing…ONGOING offering of sacrifices for sin. I want My people to ENTER INTO what My Son ACCOMPLISHED in His sacrifice.

I need you to see that to TRULY DO this, you MUST surrender your lives UNTO Me. This is NOT what many, who say they love Me, have done. They “have not surrendered” their lives…they have only SAID they have. This IS important because I look at TRUTH (nothing hidden\concealed) & what I see is a people that MOSTLY is still surrendered to the lordship of SELF. I say this, in My great love for you, for I love you with an everlasting love.

I desire for you to see THESE things as I show them to you, so you will TRULY walk with Me. I have shared how I have a ROAD, a WAY that you MUST follow and I showed you this AGAIN THIS night…I said it was a holy place ROAD. This speaks of a walk that is UNLIKE anything that has EXISTED before. For My Son came to SHOW the world the truth of THIS road, for He walked IN it…He showed everyone the WAY.

And He said, if anyone desired to COME BEHIND Him, He COMMANDED them to deny SELF…He COMMANDED them to TAKE UP their cross DAILY…He COMMANDED them to walk ON the SAME ROAD as Him. I need My people to SEE that these things I show you ARE for your BENEFIT, so you CAN SHAKE FREE from the deceptions and mindsets of man and ENTER INTO the truth that I HAVE spoken. In My great love for you, I WANT you to know the truth, AS I HAVE said it.

The time has come for My people to walk IN the truth. For as I have told you, THIS IS the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF…you CANNOT continue as you HAVE any longer, for the time HAS COME for CHANGE. And THESE changes WILL bring My people OUT OF the darkness that man HAS SHADED My people with, and ILLUMINATE them IN the truth that I HAVE declared, so they CAN SHINE as lights IN this world. I AM looking for those who HAVE ears to hear, what I AM saying to My church.

So many say that “they hear My Spirit”, yet IN truth, many of these ONLY hear things on the LEVEL of self. What do I mean? I mean that many “say they hear me”, but STILL obey SELF. They do NOT obey Me IN what I said which they claim “to hear”. TRUE hearing has a RIGHTEOUS response UNTO Me. TRUE hearing obeys what IS HEARD. You can say you hear My voice, but IF you do not OBEY My voice, you do NOT TRULY hear Me. I AM looking for a people who TRULY hear My voice, OBEYING Me IN what they hear.

There are those who DO hear Me, at times, of THEIR choosing, when it IS CONVENIENT to them. This is NOT true obedience…this is only PARTIAL obedience. I desire My people to DO as My Son DID, as He walked the earth, for He ALWAYS heard what I said and OBEYED Me. He ONLY did the things He saw Me DO. Why do you think THOSE things were written? They were written because they ARE the MODEL, the SYMBOL, the FIGURE of what My people ARE to do.

For as you will take hold of the TRUTH of what My Son did when He offered himself, as high priest, you WILL understand things on a HIGHER level and your lives WILL reflect THIS reality, for you WILL truly ENTER INTO what He ACCOMPLISHED, for what He accomplished WILL BE manifested IN and THRU your lives. I love you, My people and it IS My true desire that you BECOME like Me. I KEEP saying this, so you WILL eventually CATCH ON and TAKE HOLD of what I SAY and BE the very thing I HAVE SAID. Take hold of My words this day and do YOUR part IN them and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, what the Lord is speaking to us about in this word is regarding the Highway of Holiness spoken of in Isaiah 35:8. “And a great road will go through that once deserted land. It will be named the Highway of Holiness. Evil-minded people will never travel on it. It will be only for those who walk in God’s ways; fools will never walk there.” (NLT)

I believe we have entered an era where individuals on earth will truly walk in the Highway of Holiness. As I’ve shared before, God has granted me the experience of being fully transformed into this state of holiness. Let me tell you, nothing on this earth can compare to how wonderful it is. So I am certain that this is possible and within our reach. Therefore, have faith to rise up into our hope of glory, Christ within us manifested in His fullness. These are truly exciting times we live in as the scriptures will be fulfilled IN US…

I pray that this message enlightens and encourages your hearts, especially in these exciting days, despite the challenges in the world around us. And if these words have been helpful or encouraging to you in any way, please consider giving back with a financial gift. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

As long as Self is on the throne, nothing will ever change!

Dear Saints,

It appears that we can now rejoice that there were no catastrophic events during yesterday’s solar eclipse. As I mentioned in my previous post, God had not revealed anything specific to me about the eclipse except that it served as a sign and divine marker. While I do believe that the prayers of the saints and God’s intervention held back much of what the enemy had planned, I feel that the enemy may have been able to set things in motion that could manifest later on.

Howbeit, with the solar eclipse being the divine marker, a shift has taken place and soon events will start unfolding rapidly. For those who are faithful and obedient to the Lord, breakthroughs, open doors, and fulfilled promises will begin to manifest. However, evildoers can expect exposure and God’s judgment. Remember, we are still in our exodus season, so shakings, disruptions, and even deaths will occur as God’s judgment is poured out on His enemies. However, as He instructed us, let’s keep our focus on Jesus, His word, and the scriptural pattern in Exodus. Ultimately, all these events will lead to our good and deliverance.

Now please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them the things that I have PLANNED, so they will understand why & how I DO these things, so you will understand that I work all things after the COUNSEL of My own will. For as you see how I created the priesthood, I did this to SHOW My people the need for a BETTER covenant. For I tried My people with the FIRST, showing them that they were not ABLE to stay in obedience to My will, PROVING to them in advance that there was a NEED for a better covenant.

For the NEW covenant IS better, in that it is STRONGER than the first. So, the first being OLD & decaying, has become OBSOLETE & you are seeing it VANISHING AWAY, as My will REVEALS these truths to you. For it was My desire for My people to be ESTABLISHED by a BETTER covenant. The first was good for THAT time. It established My people in that it PREPARED them for what I would do LATER, by showing them the reality that existed IN their minds & hearts.

My Son has been made high priest of the tabernacle of TRUTH and those who will understand the DEPTH in this will ENTER into THIS holy place, as they seek Me with their lives to live IN Me, nothing hidden\concealed…for this is REAL truth. This is a genuine LIFE in Me. So many live a life that is NOT truly what I desire. Many think that they are living IN truth, but in REALITY, they are only living in the truth that THEY know and have received.

I AM bringing My people INTO the promised land…the land of TRUTH. For truth IS My promise TO you and I HAVE spoken truth to My people, yet so many do not receive My truth because it doesn’t fit what THEY want to believe. So many only hold to the things that make them FEEL good about themselves. Few will embrace the truth that I have really DECLARED. This is why My truth has been covered and concealed BY man.

For My truth sets the captives FREE, whereas man’s truth keeps the captives IN bondage to the things I desire them to BE free from. So many CANNOT understand this reality because they continue to hold to the mindset that My grace frees them to live as THEY desire…as long as they hold to certain things, that satisfy their SELF need that they ARE right in Me. But I tell you that these are NOT right IN Me…they are right IN SELF and I need My people to see THIS so they can come OUT OF this bondage of self and truly BE free IN Me.

As you see what I have revealed in Hebrews chapter 8 you will understand that I desire MORE than what man HAS seen. For man sees My word in a way that keeps My people from BEING where I desire them to BE…for I desire My people to be IN Me…NOT near Me. I desire to be IN My people, NOT near My people. Yet because of what man has done to compromise My words, for the most part, that is not happening…for so few embrace THIS truth, as I desire.

With ALL the multitudes that declare that they love Me and want to BE CLOSE to Me, you would think that My TAKING THE COVER OFF of what man has done to My words, would DRAW the multitudes INTO My truth. But, as you are seeing, so few ARE seeing this happen because My truth doesn’t tickle their ears and make them feel good about themselves. As long as SELF is on the throne, nothing will EVER change!

For even many of My truth “prophets” are not seeing THIS reality, as they continue to hold to ear-tickling and men-pleasing things, instead of SEEING the fullness of what I AM REALLY saying…they ONLY see the good parts…neglecting to say what is NEEDED on My people’s part to see these words come to pass IN their lives. Somehow My people have lost sight of reality, THINKING that a man WILL reap what he has NOT sown.

Somehow My people are CONVINCED that they can live their self lives as THEY please, doing the religious obligations THEY hold to and think all is well WITHIN them. I tell you that this has GOT to change! For My Son IS the mediator between My people and Me…it IS HIM that IS “taking the cover off” of the truths that have been hidden! The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. I keep saying THIS, waiting for a RIGHTEOUS response from those who say they love Me.

I need My people to truly UNDERSTAND that I love them with an everlasting love. They are seeing THIS truth manifest in this hour, for IN My love for them I and taking the cover off of the things that HAVE been hidden, so they CAN know the FULL truth, which will make them free IN Me. NOT free to live FOR self, but free to live IN Me. This is a GREAT problem to many because the reality of this has NOT sunkin INTO the hearts and minds of many.

It is time for My people to WAKE UP from their SELF sleep. It is time for My people to OPEN their eyes, WIPE OFF the crust FROM their eyes that keep them IN man’s PARTIAL truth, so they can see CLEARLY, with NOTHING hindering them from coming close into Me. I love you all and it truly IS My desire for you to be close IN Me. I did not say close TO Me…I said close IN Me. For this IS a great reason why so many NEVER come to understand TRUTH…because they have not come INTO Me…they only come NEAR Me.

All that My Son accomplished was to bring My people INTO Me, THROUGH Him. This rarely EVER happens, because My people really don’t come THROUGH Him…they only come BY Him. Coming BY Him is just USING Him. When My people come THROUGH Him, there is a RENOVATION along the way, because they have fully LEFT where they have EXISTED and now have ENTERED where they have NEVER been before. Come to Me, My people and allow Me to show you the TRUE way. For as you will do your part IN this, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you grasp the profound message conveyed through these words of the Lord shared by Pastor Mark. Many in the Body of Christ anticipate being raptured soon, overlooking the truth that FIRST, the Bride must prepare herself. We are called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and these words are aiding us in embracing the complete truth that will facilitate our transformation and preparation. Please, let us fully comprehend this truth and take heed to these prophetic words.

As I conclude this post, I extend my love and prayers for the Lord’s abundant blessings to shower upon each of you. If the words shared here have been a source of help or encouragement in your life, please consider giving back with a financial gift. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, is deeply valued and greatly needed. May the presence of Christ abundantly overflow in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Breakthroughs & Open Doors in Times of Darkness.

Dear Saints,

While seeking the Lord on what to share in this month’s post, He impressed upon me the urgent need to encourage His people.

Profound upheavals and shakings lie ahead. Yet, as I mentioned last month, the Lord has shown me His desire for His people to rise above the impending storms.

Once again this month, our Heavenly Father desires to encourage His people. We are all aware of the upcoming solar eclipse over the U.S., and there is much discussion about the darkness it may bring with it upon the U.S. and the world. While the Lord has not shown me anything specific, He has revealed to me that there will be unprecedented signs in the heavens, signaling the times and seasons we are in. Furthermore, He has made it known that we have the power to thwart the enemy’s plans, or at least diminish their impact. Therefore, if we unite in prayer against the enemy’s schemes during this solar eclipse period, I believe much evil can be averted.

However, it’s crucial to remember that we are still in the season of God breaking the bondage of Egypt’s power over us and setting us free. Just as it was in those days when the Israelites were liberated from Egypt, today we may experience times of thick darkness reminiscent of the land of Egypt. However, just as all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings during that period (Exodus 10:23b), so too will God’s people today. While there may not be a physical darkness as there was in Egypt in those days, there will be a darkness of God’s judgment passing through the land.

During this period when God’s judgment passes through the earth, it’s crucial to recognize that there will be a “passing over” of those who will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and seek God’s will. These ones will be covered by the blood of the Lamb. Though God has underscored the importance of humbling ourselves during this time. Many of God’s people are still walking in pride and self-will without even realizing it.

During this season when God is liberating us from the chains of the enemy, there will also be breakthroughs and opportunities for blessings among His people. However, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of humility. These breakthroughs and open doors will only come as we humble ourselves and obediently follow God’s leading. For those who persist in the pursuit of their own agendas, challenges will mount until they recognize the error of their ways, turn back to God, and humble themselves under His mighty hand.

God wants His people to understand that He has not forgotten us or His promises. He simply needs to align us with His will so that He can fulfill His promises in our lives. If we all humble ourselves and surrender to His will, things will begin to turn around.

God also instructs us to fortify ourselves with His word and His presence, and then we will witness the miracles He will perform for us during this time of uncertainty and distress.

A significant upheaval awaits the church in this season, and the false shepherds and unfaithful pastors will succumb to the pressure and fold. However, those walking uprightly and empowered by the boldness of Christ will emerge to confront the enemy and thwart his schemes to take out the church.

These truly are exciting days we live in. Don’t focus on the darkness around you and don’t get into fear, but instead put your focus and trust in Him and His word. Great things are in store for God’s people these days, so be encouraged.

As I end this post, I extend my love and prayers for the Lord’s abundant blessings to shower upon each of you. And if the words shared here have been a source of help or encouragement in your life, please consider giving back through a financial gift. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, is deeply valued and greatly needed. May the presence of Christ abundantly overflow in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

God Is Taking His People Of this Hour Into The Promised Land.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read this very important message and teaching from Pastor Mark Moore.

Dear Family of God,

As many of you know, for nearly 2 years now the Lord has had me re-translate each chapter of the New Testament during our Monday Night Worship services. We started with the book of Romans and are now in Hebrews. We are doing this because He revealed to me the truth of what the enemy has done to conceal His truth through the “King James Version”, and then subsequently to all Bible versions after that.

Many of God’s people do not know that King James was an adulterer and a sinner. He commissioned the translators to minimize and compromise the KJV, to cover his sins. So, ALL present translations of the Bible have also been watered down. God’s people TODAY never truly know the full truth of what God REALLY spoke to His people. You would be SHOCKED to know that most of everything God actually COMMANDED was actually translated as “let”.

After I prayed and received the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart on Aug 16th, 1976, my life was truly changed. I went from being a young man who worshiped Alice Cooper, using drugs and alcohol and swearing like a sailor, to a man who was on fire for the Lord and was instantly changed! Shortly after, the Lord placed me under a pastor who was a Hebrew and GREEK Bible scholar back in 1976 and I was tutored by this Seminary Professor for over 4 years in the Greek New Testament until 1981. After those 4 years were over, the Lord moved my wife and I away from the San Francisco Bay area to where we lived for over 26 years in North California. In 1983 the Lord led us to start attending a local Charismatic church where we then lived, when before this we had only attended the Baptist church.

Shortly after this, the Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit and I began this exciting new journey with the True and Living God! Two years later, my wife and I were both ordained into the ministry. The Lord called me to serve as the associate pastor and my wife served as the children’s pastor of that local church. In all the glory and awe of walking in the Holy Spirit in this new walk of faith, the Lord put the “Greek” I had learned those previous 4+ years on the shelf. The Lord then promoted me to senior pastor in 1990 and we served as pastors in that local church for a total of over 21 years until the Lord moved us to Texas in 2006. From 2006 to 2016 we lived in South Texas where the Lord took us through a “wilderness experience” of sorts, as He worked in our hearts much change to prepare us for what He was going to do next. In 2016 He moved us to where we live now, in the Kerrville, TX area and He began to open up the ministry to His next plans for our lives.

In 2019, He launched Revival-Fire Church’s local worship services here, which we also live-stream on YouTube each week. Then in 2021, the Lord tapped me on the shoulder and moved on me to start going back into the Greek, to show His people many truths that were hidden. I never knew the intent and the impact of what God was about to do. Shortly after this, in 2022 while I was breaking down the truth of His word from the Greek, I saw such HUGE discrepancies in what we had previously been taught and have known previously, as He revealed them to me. I was in awe and shocked as He then commanded me to re-translate the entire New Testament, one chapter at a time and that is what He has had me to do for nearly 2 years now.

The impact of the TRUTH that He has uncovered is phenomenal! Did you know that the very word “TRUTH” (a-lethia) really means “not hidden\concealed”? As many of you already know, He is showing me the true state of today’s church, which for the most part only HEARS words that promise His “blessings and victories”. Look at almost all of the top “prophetic websites” (for example)…they basically only say God is going to drop His blessings and victory into your lap! The word of God says “We know in part & prophesy in part” (1 Co.13:9). Sadly, the great majority of these prophetic ministries are only hearing “the good part”.

The TRUTH in God’s word shows that EVERY promise of God has CONDITIONS. Each of us ALL have a part in His promises…no one is immune! In fact, He just recently revealed that Paul, the apostle condemned the “prosperity movement”. The truth is, most people who call themselves Christians are really only serving SELF. Jesus COMMANDED we were to DENY self, take up OUR cross daily, and follow Him! Many of you already know that the Lord called me an apostle back in 1992 when He sent 2 prophets to our church.

God said, though we were serving as pastors, He had called me an apostle and my wife a prophet. We were humbled by this, not really knowing what to do, but we said, yes to the Lord’s will. I am just sharing what the Lord said. The Lord has confirmed this truth to us multiple times since 1992 through many credible ministries. Earlier this year, the Lord told me that He has called me as His apostle of TRUTH for this hour. I now understand why He said this. I don’t say this with any pride, I say this humbly and in holy fear, because I know I am nothing but HIS vessel.

Back in 2002 in our North California church, during one of our intense worship services, He took me into a vision and I was outside my body, looking at myself. I then turned into a golden pipe that went up into Heaven, with the bottom bent towards the congregation. All of a sudden, this golden anointed oil began pouring down His glory from Heaven onto the people and I began to weep and cry openly before the people. I declared “Lord, all I ever want to be is Your pipe!” That is still my ONLY desire today.

A major way that the KJV and other versions do not convey the truth is in the verbs. For one, in English, they do not convey the Mood of the verbs…such as “commands”, in the Imperative Mood. Also, there are different actions the verbs REALLY say. There are 3 Voices in the verbs, relating to action: Active voice, Middle voice, and Passive voice. The English versions take away ALL of the voices, so we never know what we ARE to do. This will help to understand what I mean, as I was taught THIS back in the 1970s:

You have a red wagon.

ACTIVE voice: You are in the wagon PUSHING yourself. It is ALL your ACTION.
MIDDLE voice: You are in the wagon, pushing with your leg, while ALSO someone pulls you. You HAVE A PART in the ACTION.
PASSIVE voice: You are in the wagon, being PULLED. You are YIELDED to the action.

The fact is, much of the time the words are ALSO moved around in the verses, which could have a huge impact on what was really said. Allow me to show you a HUGE example of what God is revealing about all of this. A very powerful verse, Luke 9:23:

Luke 9:23 “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”.

Sounds simple enough, but THIS IS what Jesus REALLY said, which is what the 1st-century church KNEW and TRULY lived by:

“He actively said (in the past and what He said continues forward in time) (1), moreover to all, IF\Since anyone who continually by his action desiring in reality (2) after me to continually have a part AND yield to come (3), I command him to do his part denying himself (4), AND I command him by his action take up (5) the cross of him according to today AND I command his to continually by his action to follow Me (6)”.

(1= Imperf.Act.Ind= Imperf=Continuous action in past time, Our action, Mood of reality)
(2= Pres.Act.Ind=Present tense is Continual, Our action, Mood of reality)
(3= Pres.M\P.Inf=Present Tense is Continuous. Do Our part & yield to God. Inf=”to”.)
(4=Aor.Mid.Imp=, Aor. Tense is past or present. We do Our part. Mood of Command)
(5=Aor.Act.Imp=Aor. Tense is past or present. Our action. Mood of Command)
(6=Pres.Act.Imp= Present Tense is Continuous. Our action. Mood of Command)
(If = here is a 1st Class Condition, which speaks of “Reality”, this meaning = “Since”)
(AND= This Conjunction, joins the 3 thoughts together…they are NOT separate, they are 1. Like having a pie, cut into 3 pieces…all 3 = the whole. You can’t have 1 without the others to be complete in the statement)

The difference between what the KJV says and what Jesus REALLY said is HUGE! The 1st-century church KNEW the TRUTH of God’s words and they WALKED in it. They DENIED SELF, they TOOK UP their cross each day, they FOLLOWED Him…they walked in TRUE holiness and righteousness. They KNEW the truth in the epistles of Paul and the others, whom God moved to write what we call the “New Testament ” today. The 1st-century church turned the world upside down and even the Roman government became Christian. Of course, then the enemy came in and was able to steal, kill, and destroy and the world later went into the dark ages.

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (Jn.8:32).

So, why are so many Christians not free? God says it is time for His people to walk in His truth. The truth is, most Christians take this to mean they are free to live as they want. You see Christians getting more and more tattoos and body piercings. They look more like the world than they do Christ. But, this is what Jesus REALLY said:

“And in the future, you will have a part to intimately know (1) the truth (nothing hidden\concealed), and the truth (nothing hidden\concealed) in the future will actively liberate\set you free (2).”

(1=Fut.Mid.Ind= Future Tense, Do your part, Mood of Reality)
(2=Fut.Act.Ind= Future Tense, By Your action, Mood of Reality)
(Know Intimately = Ginosko, in both cases)

So, as we do OUR part going forward in the future, to intimately know HIS truth (not the hidden\concealed partial truth the church has lived by for over 400 years), HIS intimately known truth will in the future actively liberate\set us free. This freedom is NOT to live as we desire or please…this freedom is to live as God desires and as He pleases.

In the past month, the Lord has revealed to me why He has called me to do this. He took me back to how the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died off, never entering into the Promised Land, because they refused to return unto God from their SELF ways.

He told me that THIS is why He is having me to do all of this with His word.. He took me back to how He had me trained to translate the Greek New Testament over 40 years ago, then later put it on the shelf, until just a few years ago. In essence, the Truth He had taught me had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, but now He was using me to bring His people into the Promised Land.

The Promised Land He speaks of IS His Truth…for His truth IS His PROMISE to us. As we will take hold of His truth (nothing hidden\concealed), we will go forward into His freedom and arise up INTO Him, to BE His vessels of honor in this last hour.

The Lord is leading me to eventually put all of the chapters and books together to make a “new translation”, which will come together down the road. It will take at least 2 or more years before we finish going through all the chapters, one week at a time. The 4 Gospels alone would take 87 weeks if we did 1 chapter each week and these are long chapters! The work involved in preparing these chapters would be immense, as I would have to spend a lot of time putting each chapter into a “readable format”, similar to what I did in the 2 verse examples above.

I have been seeking the Lord for what He wants this “translation” to be called and right now I am sensing He wants it to be called “The Alethia Translation” because Alethia is the Greek word for “truth”, which means “not hidden\concealed” and this is what He is truly doing in this hour!

He then told me how His truth has been “wandering in the wilderness” since 1611. That’s over 412 years now. His people have wandered for 40 years, for 40 years, for 40 years, over & over again…over 10 sets of “40-year wanderings”. I sense that He has wanted His people to enter into His truth in each of these seasons, but for whatever reason, He wasn’t able to find anyone willing to do HIS full will.

Yes, in all of these 40-year seasons, there have been those who have “touched” on things, with great illumination and brought revival on different levels, but each time, these became warped, unbalanced and became what we call “denominations” today, as we see what has happened to the church over these 400+ years. Frankly, the truth is, in each of these denominations, they have BECOME “demon-izations”, as the enemy was able to come in and steal, kill and destroy God’s REAL intentions, to bring His people into His TRUTH.

I share all of this with our Christian family, so you would know what the Lord is doing in this hour. He is NOW wanting His people to enter into the Promised land, which is the land of HIS truth (nothing hidden\concealed). For this is how the GREAT revival will come, just as it did in the 1st-century church. So, as it was IN the beginning, so shall it be IN the end. We must stop wanting to go back into Egypt (bondage of self)…we must return unto the Lord from our SELF ways and enter into the land of His promise…which is His TRUE word…not what man has made it to be!

Dear Saints, after reading this message from Pastor Mark, I felt led to pray for something to say about it because I don’t want anyone to misunderstand what is being said here. Pastor Mark is not exalting himself or stating that only he has the full truth of God’s word. For as we know, Jesus himself IS the living word of God.

Whereas, in my life of reading many different translations of the bible, when I would read Jesus’ words where He says “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me”, I always knew that that was a COMMAND, and I didn’t let the word “let” warp my understanding of what Jesus was really saying. And so I know many others like me have an understanding from the Spirit of what God is saying to us in the scriptures.

However, because of the many translations today, like what Pastor Mark has said, the enemy has been able to water down the word of God and by this, he has kept many believers from truly understanding the full truth and meaning of certain scriptures.

But we are now in the end of times when all shall be revealed and God is now using certain messengers like Pastor Mark to show the Body that we have been following misconceptions of the word and now it is time to walk in the FULL TRUTH that shall completely set us free.

One big example of a misunderstanding from the church at large is the way they are looking outwardly for the return of Christ, when in reality, He wants to return IN US, in His fullness, which is our real hope of glory. God is looking for a habitation in earthly vessels. But this is not being taught in the churches. Instead, it’s being taught that times are getting tough, so any day now the church will be caught away. However, IF we were to experience what the Lord wants, which is Christ IN US, in His fullness, then it wouldn’t matter if we were physically here on earth or in heaven because we would be walking in the kingdom of God, our spiritual paradise on earth, and the enemy would have no hold on us, nor could he touch us, just as Jesus was when He walked the earth. (John 14:30) The only reason the Romans were able to apprehend Jesus and crucify him is because Jesus ALLOWED it to happen.

As I’ve mentioned on this blog before, once years ago God allowed me to experience perfection where I was just as Adam and Eve were before they fell. I got to experience paradise as a spiritual realm that I abided in while at the same time, my feet were here on earth. And let me tell you, no earthly words can describe how wonderful it was. So, if we seek this spiritual paradise, the kingdom of God within, and enter in, then it wouldn’t matter where our body is physically, because we would be constantly in the Lord’s presence and one with God and each other just as Jesus prayed. (John 17:21-24)

God is about to take His people through the fire of cleansing and those who truly seek Him and the fullness of His truth will be purified, refined, and made spotless, and then walk as overcomes in the earth in the fullness of His glory. (Daniel 12:10) This is what the church should be teaching instead of a rapture out of here. So please understand that God is now sending His messengers like Pastor Mark to reveal these truths to us and lead us into our promised land.

I pray that this message enlightens your hearts and encourages you because we are truly in exciting days, despite what’s going on around us in the world. So if these words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a financial gift in return. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated, and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

So many hold to My grace as an idol for self.

Dear Saints, I am still seeking the Lord for what He would say to His people. So many things are happening in the spiritual realm. Soon I will share what the Lord lays upon my heart to share. But for now, please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to show them the WAY that they ARE to go. For many in this hour have been compromised by well-meaning doctrines that have taken My people AWAY from the truth of My word into the pseudo truth of SELF. For so many are still being NOT CONVINCED…are still being NOT PERSUADED…are still being DISOBEDIENT to what I HAVE said. So many are THIS way because My word was NOT translated for today’s church, as I REALLY spoke it.

So many things have been CONTAMINATED by HALF truths that give men license to live as THEY desire. To many, it is OK to commit sin, because they believe that My son’s sacrifice COVERS all sin. They believe it is OK to live CONTRARY to My word, doing things that go completely OPPOSITE of what I said, believing it IS RIGHT because I AM love. So many do NOT even share THEIR faith anymore, because they believe that IS the preacher’s job.

I tell you that My people need to have a RUDE awakening to see things as they REALLY are! For this IS why I AM having My servant take you back INTO my truth, as I HAVE said it. This IS why I AM showing My people the DISCREPANCIES of what man HAS done & what I HAVE said. For UNLESS the truth comes FORTH, UNLESS the truth comes OUT, My people will NEVER change…My people will continue down the PATH that takes them farther and farther FROM Me, not realizing that they are just LIKE the frog in the pot on the stove, being warmed to their OWN death.

So many of My people have LITTLE understanding of the truth of what I HAVE said. So many think that My grace gives them license to live as THEY desire. How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to DENY SELF? How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to TAKE UP THEIR CROSS DAILY? How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to FOLLOW Me? My people would be HORRIFIED to the truth of that answer!

So many have TAKEN the road that man HAS given them…to say a prayer of receiving My son into their lives as their “savior and lord”, but few EVER receive Him TRULY as the Lord of THEIR lives. This IS evident BY their lives, as they live ONLY to please SELF! This IS evident as they do mostly what THEY want to do. This IS evident by the reality that THEY do NOT reach out to SAVE the lost. Tonight in Hebrews 4, I have shown you so MUCH to prove THESE things, in that man has CHANGED My words & minimized, compromised and taken away the TRUE power and authority of what I said.

So many hold to My grace as an idol for SELF, when the truth of My grace is for you to rise UP and BECOME like Me. So many hold to My mercy and compassion, but REALLY this is because of their SELF life, continuing to live as IT PLEASES, falling INTO sin, doing things only FOR self and not REALLY doing anything to SERVE Me. I challenge My people to come to Me and truly OPEN their hearts to what I SAY. For I tell you, there is a BARRIER keeping My people from truly BEING the people that I DESIRE them to BE.

For My Son came as an EXAMPLE of what you ARE to follow. My Son came to SHOW My people THE WAY they are to GO! Yet, so few truly SEE this or RISE UP to BE like Him. Today’s “gospel” is NOT the gospel that I spoke out from the beginning. Today’s gospel is mainly a gospel to PLEASE the flesh. In essence, just say a prayer, ask Jesus into your heart and you can live the way YOU want to live! That is what My church has done to My gospel! If you commit sin, “it’s ok…Jesus forgives you”!

Yet, how many TRULY REPENT of their sin. How many truly TURN AWAY from their sin, which IS what repenting really means? I share these things with you because there is a growing TREND arising in My people to TAKE them farther and farther FROM Me, thinking that “all is well”, “My grace is sufficient to you, so you can go ahead and live the way you want” and NEVER BE conformed INTO the image of My Son. How CAN My people be conformed into His image, when they are taught that they have NO NEED to do so?

My Son IS the great high priest and He IS truly compassionate and merciful, but He IS looking for those who will come to Him to BE CHANGED, NOT given a FREE pass to continue in their SELF life. I need My people to see that they MUST CEASE from their SELF-efforts and ENTER INTO the finished work of what My Son has done. So many do not EVEN understand what THIS means. Many think it means that because Jesus did IT ALL, they can live the way they want because they ARE forgiven.

When the truth IS, My Son finished His work, so My people could ENTER into THAT finished work, THEIR lives SHOWING His finished work THROUGH them to this lost and dying world. It is time for My people to STOP listening to men who CORRUPT My truth into something that LEGALIZES a sinful, self-life. It is time for My people to start HEARING what My spirit IS now saying to the churches. Come out of that false church, My people…come out of the COMPROMISED gospel that promises you blessing and victory, saying you need not do ANYTHING for it to come.

I challenge My people to TAKE HOLD of My truth in this hour and LOOK at the world and SEE what My people HAVE done…for the darkness you SEE IS what My people HAVE shined to this world. You ARE the light of the world, as I KEEP telling you. Yet few EMBRACE the truth of THIS reality and take RESPONSIBILITY for what they HAVE done to cause THIS darkness. I AM coming back IN My people BEFORE I come back FOR My people.

I AM looking for those who will truly SURRENDER their lives unto Me, to do what My word says they ARE to do. IF you say you love me, you WILL keep My commandments. I AM not referring to the old covenant…I AM talking about the new covenant, which is a covenant of LOVE. Yet so few have truly come into THIS covenant WITH Me, as I desire. Most stay at a DISTANCE, only taking FROM Me, what they CAN get, holding on to THEIR self-life, not knowing that the time HAS come for judgment, which MUST begin AT the house of God, BEFORE it can come to THIS world.

I need My people to understand what truly IS at stake here, for the DAMAGE that has been done unto those who say they are Mine, is horrendous and huge…My people are so blind! For they continue to hold onto things that I commanded them to TURN AWAY from. I need My people to SEE the truth, for ONLY the truth CAN set them free. I love you ALL with an everlasting love and IN that love, I MUST rebuke & chasten My people.

For if I do NOT do this TO you, it means you are NOT My sons, as My word declared. Take hold of My words this day and STOP holding to the compromised\watered-down truths that man has taught you. For I tell you, IF what you believe is only “tickling your ears”, you SHOULD BE afraid, for THIS is exactly what the enemy of your soul WANTS. Come to Me, My people while you still can. STOP listening to men who HAVE been compromised by the evil one.

STOP listening to preachers who HAVE been ALTERED by the devil’s plot and plan to DESTROY mankind in this world. For those who have TAKEN in what has been GIVEN in this plan, HAVE been programmed to follow the enemy’s ways, NOT Mine. I cannot state this in clearer words, because of the extreme censorship that exists in this hour, but hear My words. Those who have entered into Molech worship are now compromised into the enemy’s plans and can no longer be trusted.

If only you knew how many of My “supposed servants” have become part of and helped implement THIS plan, pushing it like drug pushers onto their congregations. It is time for those who say they are Mine to START walking IN the truth. NOT man’s truth…NOT self truth…but My truth. My truth IS balanced. My truth HAS conditions. My truth REQUIRES action…you HAVE a part and MUST YIELD to what I have said…”man’s” truth does NOT…”SELF” truth does NOT. ONLY My truth WILL set you free.

Man’s self truth will only lead people AWAY from Me. Take hold of My truth this day and ENTER into the rest that My Son finished and HAS given you ACCESS to this day. I love you, My people…STOP listening to things that ONLY appease and strengthen self. Humbly come to Me so I CAN restore you. IF you think you ARE restored, but NOT walking IN what I say, you ARE deceived. Surrender your lives to Me and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, as I was reading this word from the Lord about how we must enter into His rest, yet also do our part in taking up our cross daily as He commanded, the Lord brought to my remembrance something I witnessed a few years ago.

Back around the year 2007, a Christian friend of mine talked me into joining a home bible study group that she was a part of. When I first started going to the bible study, it sounded biblical and enjoyable, but there was something not quite right about it. Though I couldn’t put my finger on anything wrong. I would ponder on all that was taught, and I couldn’t recognize anything unbiblical.

This bible study was following a huge ministry that almost all Christians are aware of. And one day a so-called prophet from this ministry visited our bible study group and gave an outstanding teaching, then prophesied to almost everyone, including myself.

Well, after this man visited and taught at our bible study, we were informed that he suddenly fell ill, was taken to the hospital, and then quickly died. Our bible study group leader told us that she felt that this man of God got a glimpse of heaven during his illness and most likely didn’t want to come back.

Even though I know this to be true in many cases with believers, I knew in my spirit that there was something more to this. So, I sought the Lord about what really happened and He gave me the scripture Galatians 1:8, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

I was shocked at His response and so of course I asked the Lord to please explain because I couldn’t find anything unbiblical about the teachings. And so the Lord revealed to me that it wasn’t so much of WHAT was being taught, but more of WHAT was being left out, making it error. He revealed to me that even though the teachings were of entering into the finished work of Christ, they were leaving out the teaching of our inward cross to self. And THIS is another gospel….

I never forgot that incident because the teachings were so wonderful and seemingly biblical that I didn’t realize that I was just having my ears tickled. They weren’t openly condoning sin, but they also weren’t preaching against it either. And there were always teachings on receiving and entering into His promises and blessings, yet there was never any mention of our call to the inward cross to purity and holiness.

Of course, after that, I left the group and never went back. I told my sister-in-the-Lord about what the Lord revealed to me, but unfortunately, she chose to continue going to the bible study. I think that this is where many believers are, refusing to hear the FULL truth of God’s word, just as the Lord is telling us through Pastor Mark’s words. I pray that you all receive this and examine your own hearts so that you do not become hardened to hearing the full TRUTH of the gospel.

If these words do bless or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a love gift to help us with our financial needs. It’s that time when rent and other bills are coming due. So any financial gift would be a great help.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I am removing the blinders off of man.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to UNDERSTAND the time they are now in. For this IS the time of taking the cover off. And as you walk FORWARD in this hour, I AM going to show you more & more things that you KNEW NOT. For I AM REMOVING the BLINDERS of man, I AM REMOVING the things that KEEP My people from truly being My people. For as I have taken you through Hebrews 1 this evening, I have shown you MANY things, that have NOT been FULLY grasped or understood before.

For all that My Son has accomplished was NOT just for Himself…for ALL that He was going to do, was in bringing MANY sons unto glory. For as My people truly come NEAR to Me…as My people truly SURRENDER their SELF lives, to seek & desire to please ONLY Me, you will find the TRUE treasures of ETERNITY, as I take the cover off of what the enemy HAS done to the people of God. For all that Jesus did was for the purpose & intent to bring forth a HARVEST of righteousness.

As you look back on the way things were, before I sent My Son, My people only walked in a SMALL portion of My will, as they WRESTLED with living righteously. But because of their SELF lives, they COULDN’T keep My commandments, though they DID try. Because of this, MOST could never hear My voice and so I had to speak THROUGH the prophets that I had CHOSEN, to SHOW My people the way to go. But then I sent My Son, born of the virgin and He was raised up to DO My will.

For His heart was FIXED to ONLY please Me. This IS the problem with so many of My people today…they are NOT fixed on pleasing Me. They ARE fixed on pleasing SELF. And because of this, many ONLY please Me at a time here or there, but there is MOSTLY no REAL consistency in their lives. I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love and it IS My desire that you BECOME like Me. It IS My desire that you BECOME like Jesus…who came into the world to DO My will.

So many SAY they want to do My will, yet in truth (nothing hidden\concealed), they are really only wanting to please Me according to their OWN mindsets & desires. I AM looking for a people who will TAKE HOLD of My truth in THIS hour & see their NEED to deny self, take up their cross & follow Me with their WHOLE life. So many HEAR of My glory…so many HEAR of My power…so many HEAR of all that I sent My son to do, yet so FEW truly ever enter INTO that glory…so FEW truly ever enter INTO that power.

So many only STAY in that place of hearing what My Son did as He WALKED upon the earth. I want My people to walk AS Jesus walked. I want My people to RISE UP out of their self lives up INTO My glory. For THERE IS where the power IS. THERE IS where the miracles ARE. THERE IS where my people WILL shine My light to this lost and dying world. You CANNOT shine My light, when self IS in the way. You MUST put self down, UNDER your feet, so that ONLY Me will be seen THROUGH you.

I know this SOUNDS difficult, but it ISN’T as difficult as it sounds…it is just something that has to BE DECIDED and then ACTIVATED IN your lives. In Hebrews 1 you saw how I gave Jesus a name ABOVE the angels. You saw how I highly EXALTED Him, above them ALL. I did this because he paved the way THROUGH His life. He LOVED righteousness and HATED iniquity and wickedness. This says a LOT when looking at My people, for so many that SAY they love Me, do NOT do as Jesus did.

Many still HOLD to things of iniquity and wickedness. So many STILL allow things in their lives that they KNOW is wrong before Me. This is because of the CORRUPT grace and love teachings that man has INFECTED My people with, to compromise them and make them complacent to the TRUTH. Whenever man takes My truth and UNBALANCES it with self, it becomes HYPOCRISY. It is NOT right before Me. It is NOT something that I AM pleased with.

And I have ALLOWED this to continue for a time, but NOW I AM calling all men to REPENT. These compromised teachings MUST be cast down & My truth MUST be embraced. For this IS the time for truth to MANIFEST within My people. For I AM taking the cover off of the way things ARE and now My people must understand things on a DIFFERENT level. For I AM speaking of that which IS eternal and of Me. My people MUST let go of these HALF truths & take hold of what is REAL in this hour.

How long will My people continue to LOOK at the darkness in the world and REFUSE to see the truth that this darkness IS because My church HAS shined a compromised MIXTURE of light & darkness to the world? The time has come for My people to take the cover off of THEIR self lives, so they can shine MY LIGHT…for I said you ARE the light of the world. If you do NOT grasp and take hold of the reality of THIS truth, you will FAIL to shine My light and only MAKE the world darker. It is time for My people to truly BE My people.

If you SAY you are NEAR My son, you WILL show this IN your life, for My anointing will rub off ON you & you WILL demonstrate THIS as My Son did…WALKING through this world, DOING the exploits of Me to this lost & dying world. Come to Me with your WHOLE lives and truly GIVE Me your lives now…NOT just the parts you have decided to give! I AM waiting for a righteous RESPONSE from My people in this hour. You MUST do YOUR part in this. The world is waiting…they are desperate in this hour. I NEED My people to show the world that I AM IN you of a truth. Surrender unto Me as I desire and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word, pray on this, and yield to any correction God may bring you. These are the last days and we need to rise up in the full truth of God’s word.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Many of My people right now as they are, would stand before Me on that day and I would vomit them out of My mouth!

Dear Saints, as I’ve been sharing with you all so much lately, we are in a time of unprecedented grace where the Lord is giving us the power of His Spirit to rise up in Him and overcome all areas of the flesh and self-will. Do not waste this time He has given us. Take advantage of this time and seek Him for victory over your flesh and the enemy. With that in mind, please prayerfully read the word below given by the Lord through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to UNDERSTAND the way things really are. So many are OBLIVIOUS to the reality of what has happened to My people over the years. So many have BLINDLY listened to well-meaning men & women’s teachings, but sadly the great majority of these teachings do NOT teach my people the truth that I desire, which is for them to have a SOUND & HEALTHY walk of faith.

So many of My people have been compromised & watered down into just the PART of My word that makes them feel good about THEMSELVES. Very few have taken hold of the reality of what I have even said. Few even SEEK to walk righteously in their lives in this hour. I tell you these things to help you snap out of, & awaken from, the drunkenness of SELF-worship, so you will arise & be sober-minded & your lives will be CONFORMED to truly worship Me.

So many have taken hold of teachings of My grace that do NOT help My people into BECOMING more like Me, but only encourage them to continue in the things that the FLESH desires to do. How is it that My people think that they can take hold of My grace, but NOT DO the things that My grace IS given to do? I AM talking about walking IN righteousness, holiness & truth, for IN truth there IS nothing hidden or concealed.

As I have taken you through Titus 2 this night I have shown you the truth of what you are SUPPOSED to be trained up IN. How come so FEW of My people ARE seeing these things being taught to them IN their churches? I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love. You MUST embrace the truth to truly ENTER into My love. You cannot continue living YOUR lives as YOU please thinking that all is well.

I keep telling you to look at the world, for if you will TRULY look at the world’s condition, you WILL see the reality of the CONDITION of My people. For the world IS a reflection of THIS reality. So many FAIL to grasp this. So many FAIL to see how this could even be possible, but I have told you that you ARE the light of the world. The world can ONLY walk in the light that My people shine unto them. When will you realize THIS reality & begin to seek Me to be changed INTO My image?

For while I was IN the world, I was the light of the world, but now My light shines through My church, which IS My body. So many think they are shining My light, but I ask you, if this were true, then how come the world is NOT being conformed by My light? Why IS the world becoming darker instead of lighter? It is because My people ARE becoming darker with things in their SELF lives, instead of coming CLOSER unto Me.

So many talk about My coming glory & My soon return, yet very FEW of these people even RECOGNIZE the severity of what this REALLY means. For I told you that I AM coming back IN My saints! That means I AM coming back FIRST WITHIN them to SHINE My glory IN them, THEN I will return to MANIFEST outwardly to this world. This IS why I said that judgment MUST begin at the house of God. This IS why I AM coming TO My people & telling them these things NOW, so that they WILL awaken from their slumber, repent & return unto Me from their own ways in this hour.

As I look at those who speak of My grace, I see a lot of talk about ONLY the good things, yet I see very LITTLE about the things My grace IS supposed to IMPART unto My people. Most just take hold of what BLESSING or PROVISION that they can receive from Me, yet very few take hold of the TRUTH of My word & RISE UP to BE LIVING epistles on this earth. So many do NOT see the DEPTH of My truth as I reveal it to them. So many only lay hold to what will make them happy…what will make them pleased in their SELF-life.

I say this because if you will honestly look at what I have shown you this evening you would see just how FAR My church IS from doing the things that I COMMAND them to do. So little truth IS taught to My people in this hour…MOSTLY only that which will tickle their ears & make them feel good about THEMSELVES. I challenge those who say they ARE Mine to truly EXAMINE their hearts & see IF their hearts REALLY line up with what I HAVE commanded them to do.

ARE you being trained up IN the things I have told you this evening? ARE you being comforted, encouraged & exhorted to DO these righteous things? ARE you being admonished, convicted & rebuked because you are NOT doing these RIGHTEOUS things? I ask you this because the truth & reality of the condition of My people MUST come forward, so it CAN be seen for what it REALLY is. I cannot allow you to continue AS you have.

I cannot just WINK at the complacency & compromise I see IN My people & just shrug it off, saying, “oh well, that is what My grace does!”. I CANNOT do this because that is NOT what My grace does. My grace EMPOWERS My people to BE like me & WALK IN righteousness. My grace FREES them FROM SELF, so they can RISE UP as My servants & show the world that I AM IN them of a truth. My grace MOVES mountains, yet the grace I see in My people can’t even move them OUT OF their self lives or to DO much of anything that HONESTLY pleases Me.

I NEED My people to see the truth that IS within them. You cannot just continue walking as you have & THINK everything is fine, for everything IS NOT fine. Very little WITHIN My people IS fine, because MOST of what I see is just a people who SAY they love Me when all they are really doing is loving THEMSELVES IN this present world. How can My people expect to reign WITH Me IN heavenly places, when they are only reigning IN SELF ON the earth?

I need My people to see the truth as I declare it unto them. For ONLY then can My people change. Come unto Me & allow Me to REVEAL the truth of your lives before you, for I see you as you REALLY are. I see so many HIDING behind My grace, thinking that all is well, as they continue to live as THEY want to live, thinking they ARE pleasing Me. I ask you…ARE you seeking to build My kingdom, or to building your own?

I need you to see the truth…for as I see you, where you are now, you are only mostly pleasing to SELF. I need My people to have a great awakening from where they are today. So many call My soon return the Blessed hope, yet they do NOT realize that many of My people right now as they ARE, would stand before Me on that day & I would vomit them OUT OF My mouth! Please come back to Me & truly OPEN your heart & allow Me to show you the TRUTH of how you ARE supposed to walk & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, what a powerful and convicting word from the Lord. I know that I’m guilty of much of what He is saying here. But I don’t cower in defeat…instead I am calling out to Him for this grace He speaks about, and for my victory over self. I pray that you all also cry out to Him for victory over self so that we as a body can rise up in these last days and become the light of the world that He has called us to.

And if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. May the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114