So many hold to My grace as an idol for self.

Dear Saints, I am still seeking the Lord for what He would say to His people. So many things are happening in the spiritual realm. Soon I will share what the Lord lays upon my heart to share. But for now, please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to show them the WAY that they ARE to go. For many in this hour have been compromised by well-meaning doctrines that have taken My people AWAY from the truth of My word into the pseudo truth of SELF. For so many are still being NOT CONVINCED…are still being NOT PERSUADED…are still being DISOBEDIENT to what I HAVE said. So many are THIS way because My word was NOT translated for today’s church, as I REALLY spoke it.

So many things have been CONTAMINATED by HALF truths that give men license to live as THEY desire. To many, it is OK to commit sin, because they believe that My son’s sacrifice COVERS all sin. They believe it is OK to live CONTRARY to My word, doing things that go completely OPPOSITE of what I said, believing it IS RIGHT because I AM love. So many do NOT even share THEIR faith anymore, because they believe that IS the preacher’s job.

I tell you that My people need to have a RUDE awakening to see things as they REALLY are! For this IS why I AM having My servant take you back INTO my truth, as I HAVE said it. This IS why I AM showing My people the DISCREPANCIES of what man HAS done & what I HAVE said. For UNLESS the truth comes FORTH, UNLESS the truth comes OUT, My people will NEVER change…My people will continue down the PATH that takes them farther and farther FROM Me, not realizing that they are just LIKE the frog in the pot on the stove, being warmed to their OWN death.

So many of My people have LITTLE understanding of the truth of what I HAVE said. So many think that My grace gives them license to live as THEY desire. How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to DENY SELF? How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to TAKE UP THEIR CROSS DAILY? How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to FOLLOW Me? My people would be HORRIFIED to the truth of that answer!

So many have TAKEN the road that man HAS given them…to say a prayer of receiving My son into their lives as their “savior and lord”, but few EVER receive Him TRULY as the Lord of THEIR lives. This IS evident BY their lives, as they live ONLY to please SELF! This IS evident as they do mostly what THEY want to do. This IS evident by the reality that THEY do NOT reach out to SAVE the lost. Tonight in Hebrews 4, I have shown you so MUCH to prove THESE things, in that man has CHANGED My words & minimized, compromised and taken away the TRUE power and authority of what I said.

So many hold to My grace as an idol for SELF, when the truth of My grace is for you to rise UP and BECOME like Me. So many hold to My mercy and compassion, but REALLY this is because of their SELF life, continuing to live as IT PLEASES, falling INTO sin, doing things only FOR self and not REALLY doing anything to SERVE Me. I challenge My people to come to Me and truly OPEN their hearts to what I SAY. For I tell you, there is a BARRIER keeping My people from truly BEING the people that I DESIRE them to BE.

For My Son came as an EXAMPLE of what you ARE to follow. My Son came to SHOW My people THE WAY they are to GO! Yet, so few truly SEE this or RISE UP to BE like Him. Today’s “gospel” is NOT the gospel that I spoke out from the beginning. Today’s gospel is mainly a gospel to PLEASE the flesh. In essence, just say a prayer, ask Jesus into your heart and you can live the way YOU want to live! That is what My church has done to My gospel! If you commit sin, “it’s ok…Jesus forgives you”!

Yet, how many TRULY REPENT of their sin. How many truly TURN AWAY from their sin, which IS what repenting really means? I share these things with you because there is a growing TREND arising in My people to TAKE them farther and farther FROM Me, thinking that “all is well”, “My grace is sufficient to you, so you can go ahead and live the way you want” and NEVER BE conformed INTO the image of My Son. How CAN My people be conformed into His image, when they are taught that they have NO NEED to do so?

My Son IS the great high priest and He IS truly compassionate and merciful, but He IS looking for those who will come to Him to BE CHANGED, NOT given a FREE pass to continue in their SELF life. I need My people to see that they MUST CEASE from their SELF-efforts and ENTER INTO the finished work of what My Son has done. So many do not EVEN understand what THIS means. Many think it means that because Jesus did IT ALL, they can live the way they want because they ARE forgiven.

When the truth IS, My Son finished His work, so My people could ENTER into THAT finished work, THEIR lives SHOWING His finished work THROUGH them to this lost and dying world. It is time for My people to STOP listening to men who CORRUPT My truth into something that LEGALIZES a sinful, self-life. It is time for My people to start HEARING what My spirit IS now saying to the churches. Come out of that false church, My people…come out of the COMPROMISED gospel that promises you blessing and victory, saying you need not do ANYTHING for it to come.

I challenge My people to TAKE HOLD of My truth in this hour and LOOK at the world and SEE what My people HAVE done…for the darkness you SEE IS what My people HAVE shined to this world. You ARE the light of the world, as I KEEP telling you. Yet few EMBRACE the truth of THIS reality and take RESPONSIBILITY for what they HAVE done to cause THIS darkness. I AM coming back IN My people BEFORE I come back FOR My people.

I AM looking for those who will truly SURRENDER their lives unto Me, to do what My word says they ARE to do. IF you say you love me, you WILL keep My commandments. I AM not referring to the old covenant…I AM talking about the new covenant, which is a covenant of LOVE. Yet so few have truly come into THIS covenant WITH Me, as I desire. Most stay at a DISTANCE, only taking FROM Me, what they CAN get, holding on to THEIR self-life, not knowing that the time HAS come for judgment, which MUST begin AT the house of God, BEFORE it can come to THIS world.

I need My people to understand what truly IS at stake here, for the DAMAGE that has been done unto those who say they are Mine, is horrendous and huge…My people are so blind! For they continue to hold onto things that I commanded them to TURN AWAY from. I need My people to SEE the truth, for ONLY the truth CAN set them free. I love you ALL with an everlasting love and IN that love, I MUST rebuke & chasten My people.

For if I do NOT do this TO you, it means you are NOT My sons, as My word declared. Take hold of My words this day and STOP holding to the compromised\watered-down truths that man has taught you. For I tell you, IF what you believe is only “tickling your ears”, you SHOULD BE afraid, for THIS is exactly what the enemy of your soul WANTS. Come to Me, My people while you still can. STOP listening to men who HAVE been compromised by the evil one.

STOP listening to preachers who HAVE been ALTERED by the devil’s plot and plan to DESTROY mankind in this world. For those who have TAKEN in what has been GIVEN in this plan, HAVE been programmed to follow the enemy’s ways, NOT Mine. I cannot state this in clearer words, because of the extreme censorship that exists in this hour, but hear My words. Those who have entered into Molech worship are now compromised into the enemy’s plans and can no longer be trusted.

If only you knew how many of My “supposed servants” have become part of and helped implement THIS plan, pushing it like drug pushers onto their congregations. It is time for those who say they are Mine to START walking IN the truth. NOT man’s truth…NOT self truth…but My truth. My truth IS balanced. My truth HAS conditions. My truth REQUIRES action…you HAVE a part and MUST YIELD to what I have said…”man’s” truth does NOT…”SELF” truth does NOT. ONLY My truth WILL set you free.

Man’s self truth will only lead people AWAY from Me. Take hold of My truth this day and ENTER into the rest that My Son finished and HAS given you ACCESS to this day. I love you, My people…STOP listening to things that ONLY appease and strengthen self. Humbly come to Me so I CAN restore you. IF you think you ARE restored, but NOT walking IN what I say, you ARE deceived. Surrender your lives to Me and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, as I was reading this word from the Lord about how we must enter into His rest, yet also do our part in taking up our cross daily as He commanded, the Lord brought to my remembrance something I witnessed a few years ago.

Back around the year 2007, a Christian friend of mine talked me into joining a home bible study group that she was a part of. When I first started going to the bible study, it sounded biblical and enjoyable, but there was something not quite right about it. Though I couldn’t put my finger on anything wrong. I would ponder on all that was taught, and I couldn’t recognize anything unbiblical.

This bible study was following a huge ministry that almost all Christians are aware of. And one day a so-called prophet from this ministry visited our bible study group and gave an outstanding teaching, then prophesied to almost everyone, including myself.

Well, after this man visited and taught at our bible study, we were informed that he suddenly fell ill, was taken to the hospital, and then quickly died. Our bible study group leader told us that she felt that this man of God got a glimpse of heaven during his illness and most likely didn’t want to come back.

Even though I know this to be true in many cases with believers, I knew in my spirit that there was something more to this. So, I sought the Lord about what really happened and He gave me the scripture Galatians 1:8, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

I was shocked at His response and so of course I asked the Lord to please explain because I couldn’t find anything unbiblical about the teachings. And so the Lord revealed to me that it wasn’t so much of WHAT was being taught, but more of WHAT was being left out, making it error. He revealed to me that even though the teachings were of entering into the finished work of Christ, they were leaving out the teaching of our inward cross to self. And THIS is another gospel….

I never forgot that incident because the teachings were so wonderful and seemingly biblical that I didn’t realize that I was just having my ears tickled. They weren’t openly condoning sin, but they also weren’t preaching against it either. And there were always teachings on receiving and entering into His promises and blessings, yet there was never any mention of our call to the inward cross to purity and holiness.

Of course, after that, I left the group and never went back. I told my sister-in-the-Lord about what the Lord revealed to me, but unfortunately, she chose to continue going to the bible study. I think that this is where many believers are, refusing to hear the FULL truth of God’s word, just as the Lord is telling us through Pastor Mark’s words. I pray that you all receive this and examine your own hearts so that you do not become hardened to hearing the full TRUTH of the gospel.

If these words do bless or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a love gift to help us with our financial needs. It’s that time when rent and other bills are coming due. So any financial gift would be a great help.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Rise up out of your own ways and return unto me in this hour.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the loving word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore. God is calling out to those who will rise up into His full truth and power for these last days. I pray that you all take part in His last days remnant.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to OPEN their hearts unto Me & My words. For in this hour I AM WORKING to help you to SEE things never seen before, so you can APPLY them to your heart & life to TRULY worship Me. For I AM showing you the REALITY that My people ARE to BE morally blameless, pure, holy. You CANNOT do this by yourselves, you MUST come to Me & RECEIVE what My Son has done through HIS life & sacrifice.

For ALL that He accomplished IS the salvation that many SPEAK of, but few truly ENTER into THAT salvation as I desire them to. This is why so many WALK in troubled lives BOUND in sin and uncleanness because they do NOT walk IN what I PROVIDED to them. For My salvation IS a GIFT, but just as with anything, what good does it do, if the gift just LAYS DORMANT, never being utilized? I put it this way to help you to KNOW that salvation MUST be walked in.

Salvation MUST be applied to YOUR life. For BY grace you ARE saved, THRU faith…it IS My gift to you, as you truly RECEIVE My Son’s atonement. The PROBLEM that EXISTS in so many is, that they do NOT truly RECEIVE My gift of grace. For My desire is for My people to WALK IN what I HAVE given. Many say they HAVE received My gift of salvation, but NEVER SHARE that gift with others, that others MIGHT also receive the gift.

Many take hold of My gift and walk IN it for a season, then circumstances, life changes, and many things get IN THE WAY and the gift becomes BARREN WITHIN them. In Hebrews 3 I declare the REALITY of the glory that I GAVE My Son for His obedience TO Me, as He was FAITHFUL in ALL His house. He had GREATER glory than Moses, whose face SHINED with My glory when he came down from the mount.

But My Son has been given GREATER glory, because I APPOINTED Him OVER My house, whose house YOU ARE, IF you hold fast the things that I HAVE SAID UNTO the END. I share these things because I love you with an everlasting love. I WANT you to RISE UP out of your own ways and return unto me in this hour. This IS needed for My people to SEE because so many have ALLOWED their hearts to DRY out, so many have ALLOWED their hearts to be HARDENED…so many have ALLOWED this, thinking all was well WITHIN them.

But I AM coming to My people in this hour to HELP them to STOP SLIPPING AWAY from Me and My words. So many ARE listening to words that are NOT of Me. So many HAVE taken hold of things that are literally CONTRARY to what I HAVE SAID, thinking IN their hearts that I am pleased with THEM. How can My people be SO confused and compromised, to NOT see that they have been DECEIVED by the enemy to take hold of things that are NOT of Me?

I ask this because it IS VITAL that My people SNAP OUT OF this mindset and truly exercise THEIR minds to CONSIDER what I say. For all that I have shown you in Hebrews 3 was to make you AWARE of what WAS, and now what IS, as My people have lost grip of the REALITY of truth that IS of Me, because they have TAKEN HOLD of pseudo truth, NOT of Me. I challenge each of you to CONSIDER what I say…for these things were written for YOUR admonition.

I gave them to WARN you, so you could SEE the truth of your lives, repent and return unto Me. It IS My desire that My people SHINE as light IN this dark world. Many STILL have not grasped, nor taken hold of the reality of it BEING THEIR light they are shining, that HAS compromised the world. But I continue to say these things because My people are BEGINNING to slowly WAKE UP to truth…SLOWLY repenting of their OWN ways….and SLOWLY returning unto Me.

It IS My desire for My people to turn back what they HAVE CAUSED in this world. It is time for My people to take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions CAUSING the darkness and for their LACK of actions to shine My light. Come to Me, My people and I WILL help you. It IS My desire that you truly HEAR My voice. So many think they ARE hearing Me, yet many are only hearing Me in the things THEY WANT to hear. So many are only hearing Me in the things that SELF desires.

So few are WILLING to open their hearts to Me to truly what I AM saying In this time. For I AM taking the cover off of complacency and compromise. I AM taking the cover off of MAN’S leading into serving MOSTLY self. I AM taking the cover off of EVERYTHING! For as you walk FORWARD in this hour, you WILL see more and more UNCOVERING. You WILL SEE more and more EXPOSURE. You WILL SEE more and more of TRUTH coming forth in ALL areas.

For this IS the time of the APOCALIPSIS…this IS the time for ALL things to begin to BE REVEALED. And as I have already told you, THIS begins at the HOUSE OF GOD…whose house you ARE, IF you continue to HOLD FAST the things I HAVE said UNTO THE END. I AM calling for My people to WAKE UP out of their SELF lives. I AM calling My people to RESURRECT up OUT OF what man HAS done to them. I AM calling My people to STAND strong ALONGSIDE of Me, so I CAN SHINE THROUGH them in this hour, for ALL to see. I HAVE done My part in this…My part still IS there and awaits My people.

You Must DO your part in this. You MUST take ACTION, as I HAVE been showing you the things that have been HIDDEN for nearly 2000 years. You MUST YIELD to Me IN your lives and IN your ways and come CLOSE to Me, according to My will…NOT according to man’s teachings…NOT according to self…but according to what I AM showing you in THIS hour. Come to Me with your TRUE heart response, as I desire…show Me your ANSWER with the giving of your WHOLE heart and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word, pray on this, and yield to any correction God may bring you. These are the last days and we need to rise up in the full truth of God’s word.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Allow Me to come into you afresh and show you the truth of what each of you must do.

Dear Saints, the Lord is searching for hearts that will receive the planting of His words so that there will be a harvest of His TRUE righteousness and spiritual fruit within the lives of His people. Having said that, please prayerfully read the word He has spoken through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to ARISE into all that I have accomplished for them. I AM INTENDING, I AM wanting to cause them to SEE their need to do THEIR part in ALL that I have done. For so much DAMAGE has been done by well-meaning men’s doctrines, that have NOT helped My people as much as they have HARMED & CRIPPLED them. For so many STILL sit there expecting Me to work on their behalf, NOT realizing that THEY have a part to play in this work.

Tonight in Hebrews 2, I have shown you the TRUTH of these things, as I have displayed the REALITY of WHY My Son came in the form of man. For I HAVE crowned him with glory and honor, as He was FAITHFUL to Me & did ALL that I ordained Him to do. He did HIS part in all of these things. He did THIS to show you that in all things, you STILL have a part to do, you STILL must YIELD in your lives for these things to come to pass. For the authority and power that I have given to Him, IS above all things.

For I caused Him to become LESSER than the angels, so he could ACCOMPLISH My will and He SACRIFICED His life. I say this meaning MORE than what you may think. For He not only gave HIS life as a ransom for many, but He also sacrificed SELF before Me to ONLY do those things that were PLEASING in My sight. I need My people to see THIS & understand that He paved the way…He showed the STANDARD that My people are to FOLLOW. So many have NO idea of THIS TRUTH!

So many have NEVER even taken thought for this. Most just take hold of all THEY can get from Me, thinking they are RIGHT before Me when their lives SHOW Me just the opposite! Many think that just because they do not “sin”, DOING things that the world DOES, this makes them pure and holy in My sight, but I tell you that this is only ONE part. What about the part where YOUR lives are LED of Me to do what I desire?

What about My command to GO into all the world and preach the gospel to EVERY creature? So many THINK that this is only the preacher’s job. When I have commanded ALL who have come to Me to do this VERY thing. How can you expect to ESCAPE, when you are NEGLECTING the great salvation that I have given unto you? I say this to STIR you up to remember My truth, as I have shown you in Hebrews 2. I have SUBJECTED the angels to SERVE My people, as ministering spirits, SENT FORTH to minister unto them who are to BECOME heirs of salvation.

Yet very few take hold of THIS authority to SEND and DISPATCH My angels to do what I HAVE commanded them to do. If My people could SEE in the spirit realm, they would see THESE angels close to them, WAITING, IDLE, not given ANY instruction or sending! The sadness that this causes Me IS great! For My people are NOT doing the work OF My people…they are doing the work of SELF! My people do not seem to SEE that their holding to self IS keeping them from walking IN the things I have for THEM. For even their fear of death, must be seen as it is…it IS of SELF!

When My people will ARISE and DO their part, ENTERING into ALL that My son accomplished, they WILL be free from fear of death…they WILL be free to SERVE Me! So many have taken hold of My words and walked WITH Me in a season, yet now MANY are beginning to LET THINGS SLIP and they have MOVED AWAY from My will. I keep REMINDING My people of the consequences of NOT standing FIRM in Me and My truth, and those who continue to do so WILL be recompensed for THEIR labors of transgression.

So many do not SEE that they are STEPPING TOWARD things that are moving them AWAY from Me. For all things are subject to My Son and placed under his feet, yet many of My people do NOT recognize that this INCLUDED THEM. My people MUST see that they ARE to be subject to My Son in ALL of their lives. So, I CALL My people to HEAR My words this night. Allow Me to come INTO you AFRESH and SHOW you the TRUTH of what each of you MUST do.

For THESE things are NECESSARY, they ARE BINDING, and I need you to KNOW this for yourselves. I love you all with an everlasting love. I need you all to do YOUR part in what My word says to do. I know that this has NOT been EVIDENT to many because of how minimized My word has been translated, but NOW I AM TAKING THE COVER OFF, so you CAN walk in My truth, nothing hidden or concealed.

But you STILL must CHOOSE to do this, for self WILL fight against you. Self WILL cause strife, anger & many OTHER such things to try to KEEP you from the place I desire you to BE. And that place IS by My side. That place IS close to My heart. That place IS where the enemy CANNOT enter in, because your life IS truly where I NEED it to BE. Come to Me, My people & I WILL help you. I WILL show the areas that I NEED you to change.

For IF you will TRULY seek to come unto Me, I WILL enable you to arise OUT OF those things and you WILL truly sit NEXT to me, NOT just metaphorically, but POSITIONALLY. And you will KNOW the difference because the love of God will BE SHED upon your hearts and My glory and power WILL SHINE THROUGH you. And you WILL UNDERSTAND the greatness of what I have REVEALED this night. So come to Me & take YOUR place now and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that these words enlighten your walk with the Lord and reveal areas that need changing. I know that I have been convicted many times when reading these words from the Lord.

Also, those truly sincere in their walk of obedience to the Lord Jesus, please seek Him and ask if He would have you to give back just as it has been given to you. At present, the Lord still has me living on the support of others’ gifts and donations. Therefore, I ask that you please consider giving to help with our financial needs.  I really could use some help right now, so no amount is too small.  

Thank you all for your love and consideration and may these words bless and help you in your walk with the Lord.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I am removing the blinders off of man.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to UNDERSTAND the time they are now in. For this IS the time of taking the cover off. And as you walk FORWARD in this hour, I AM going to show you more & more things that you KNEW NOT. For I AM REMOVING the BLINDERS of man, I AM REMOVING the things that KEEP My people from truly being My people. For as I have taken you through Hebrews 1 this evening, I have shown you MANY things, that have NOT been FULLY grasped or understood before.

For all that My Son has accomplished was NOT just for Himself…for ALL that He was going to do, was in bringing MANY sons unto glory. For as My people truly come NEAR to Me…as My people truly SURRENDER their SELF lives, to seek & desire to please ONLY Me, you will find the TRUE treasures of ETERNITY, as I take the cover off of what the enemy HAS done to the people of God. For all that Jesus did was for the purpose & intent to bring forth a HARVEST of righteousness.

As you look back on the way things were, before I sent My Son, My people only walked in a SMALL portion of My will, as they WRESTLED with living righteously. But because of their SELF lives, they COULDN’T keep My commandments, though they DID try. Because of this, MOST could never hear My voice and so I had to speak THROUGH the prophets that I had CHOSEN, to SHOW My people the way to go. But then I sent My Son, born of the virgin and He was raised up to DO My will.

For His heart was FIXED to ONLY please Me. This IS the problem with so many of My people today…they are NOT fixed on pleasing Me. They ARE fixed on pleasing SELF. And because of this, many ONLY please Me at a time here or there, but there is MOSTLY no REAL consistency in their lives. I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love and it IS My desire that you BECOME like Me. It IS My desire that you BECOME like Jesus…who came into the world to DO My will.

So many SAY they want to do My will, yet in truth (nothing hidden\concealed), they are really only wanting to please Me according to their OWN mindsets & desires. I AM looking for a people who will TAKE HOLD of My truth in THIS hour & see their NEED to deny self, take up their cross & follow Me with their WHOLE life. So many HEAR of My glory…so many HEAR of My power…so many HEAR of all that I sent My son to do, yet so FEW truly ever enter INTO that glory…so FEW truly ever enter INTO that power.

So many only STAY in that place of hearing what My Son did as He WALKED upon the earth. I want My people to walk AS Jesus walked. I want My people to RISE UP out of their self lives up INTO My glory. For THERE IS where the power IS. THERE IS where the miracles ARE. THERE IS where my people WILL shine My light to this lost and dying world. You CANNOT shine My light, when self IS in the way. You MUST put self down, UNDER your feet, so that ONLY Me will be seen THROUGH you.

I know this SOUNDS difficult, but it ISN’T as difficult as it sounds…it is just something that has to BE DECIDED and then ACTIVATED IN your lives. In Hebrews 1 you saw how I gave Jesus a name ABOVE the angels. You saw how I highly EXALTED Him, above them ALL. I did this because he paved the way THROUGH His life. He LOVED righteousness and HATED iniquity and wickedness. This says a LOT when looking at My people, for so many that SAY they love Me, do NOT do as Jesus did.

Many still HOLD to things of iniquity and wickedness. So many STILL allow things in their lives that they KNOW is wrong before Me. This is because of the CORRUPT grace and love teachings that man has INFECTED My people with, to compromise them and make them complacent to the TRUTH. Whenever man takes My truth and UNBALANCES it with self, it becomes HYPOCRISY. It is NOT right before Me. It is NOT something that I AM pleased with.

And I have ALLOWED this to continue for a time, but NOW I AM calling all men to REPENT. These compromised teachings MUST be cast down & My truth MUST be embraced. For this IS the time for truth to MANIFEST within My people. For I AM taking the cover off of the way things ARE and now My people must understand things on a DIFFERENT level. For I AM speaking of that which IS eternal and of Me. My people MUST let go of these HALF truths & take hold of what is REAL in this hour.

How long will My people continue to LOOK at the darkness in the world and REFUSE to see the truth that this darkness IS because My church HAS shined a compromised MIXTURE of light & darkness to the world? The time has come for My people to take the cover off of THEIR self lives, so they can shine MY LIGHT…for I said you ARE the light of the world. If you do NOT grasp and take hold of the reality of THIS truth, you will FAIL to shine My light and only MAKE the world darker. It is time for My people to truly BE My people.

If you SAY you are NEAR My son, you WILL show this IN your life, for My anointing will rub off ON you & you WILL demonstrate THIS as My Son did…WALKING through this world, DOING the exploits of Me to this lost & dying world. Come to Me with your WHOLE lives and truly GIVE Me your lives now…NOT just the parts you have decided to give! I AM waiting for a righteous RESPONSE from My people in this hour. You MUST do YOUR part in this. The world is waiting…they are desperate in this hour. I NEED My people to show the world that I AM IN you of a truth. Surrender unto Me as I desire and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word, pray on this, and yield to any correction God may bring you. These are the last days and we need to rise up in the full truth of God’s word.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114