Great Victory Is Now Yours For The Taking.

A word from our Lord, Savior, and King:


My people, listen well to Me this day. Truly, these are exciting times in which you live.

I am aware that the enemy of your soul is sorely coming against many of you in your bodies and/or circumstances. However, this is because he fears what is ahead. For I declare to you this day that you have stepped over the threshold into a new era and a new day, the day of My power. Therefore, stand in faith against the enemy and I will lead you through your trials to victory.

I would have you all to know this one thing, there is absolutely NOTHING that can stop you from becoming overcomers in these last days except for your own selves. For I am pouring out an unprecedented grace for your triumphant victory. But you MUST access this grace by your faith. Oh, it will not take much faith on your part, for just the faith of a mustard seed will be sufficient for the power of My Spirit to work in and through you in these last days.

So get ready for great breakthroughs and fulfillment of long-awaited promises. These are the days in which you can make great strides in your own personal life. You can now gain victory in areas which seemed impossible in days past. For I am with you to bring you into your destinies. All you need to do is call upon My name and ask for My help. I am here to bear you up, My little ones.

Now listen, the enemy fears My great army that shall arise in these last days. Therefore, he is waging war against all of mankind, especially those who are Mine. His screams are loud as he uses the media, government powers, and voices of many. He is screaming fear, defeat, and distractions. But you are all Mine and you have My power to overcome the wiles of the devil. Therefore, do not listen to him, but listen to and focus on Me instead. Ask of Me, and I will give you wisdom and discernment so that you shall know the truth and will not be deceived by the lies of the enemy. For I am working behind the scenes to make a way for My people and My end-time army to assemble and arise. But the enemy would have you focus on what he is doing.  Don’t give in to this.

My people, I am so excited over you all. Yet, I must give you this warning. Even though these are the days for great triumph, there are also great dangers ahead for many of you. For the enemy of your soul will try everything he’s got to derail you from your destiny. With this; keep in mind that you cannot afford to play with sin and the world any longer. For if you do, you could fall into a deep pit that could cost you great loss in both this life and the next. Therefore, stand firm in the liberty which I have set you free and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Do not even flirt with temptation, for you could get caught in a snare that will lead to your undoing. You do NOT want this to happen in these last days.

Now then, rejoice in the freedom and grace that I now give you. And fight the good fight of faith. For even though great victory is now yours for the taking, you must still take it. I will not do this alone for you, but instead, I will do it WITH you according to your faith. And as you take My hand and decree My promises over your life and your flesh, and do as I say, you will gain victory in many areas and make great strides in your spiritual journey.

My people, you MUST overcome in this season.  For I am preparing My end-time army and My army MUST and WILL be free from all entanglements, and overcome the devil, the flesh, and the world, just as I did when I walked in the flesh.

So hear Me well when I tell you to stretch out your faith and take hold of your freedom from all sin and weights that so easily beset you. This is your time to overcome by My blood, the voice of your testimony, and loving not your lives even unto death. I love you all with an everlasting love. And if you would do this, you shall not be disappointed…….


Dear Saints,

Troubles and chaos in the world around us will continue to escalate as we get closer to the end.  We have already been warned of this in the scriptures.   However, we are not to be overcome by the world but we are to overcome the world instead.  We are in a season of great personal victories if we would pursue this instead of allowing the devil to distract us or get us in fear.  He has already been defeated by Christ and now we are to partake in that victory.  Don’t let fear and/or distractions keep you from taking advantage of this time to overcome…..

In spite of all that’s going on with governments, civil unrest, and the migrant caravans, I have had an excitement in my spirit-man for some time now.  I can taste victory in this season and I know this to be true for many of God’s people.  So be encouraged by this word from the Lord…..

Also, because of the holiday season, donations are down.  So, if anyone is able to give a donation of any size for my needs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.


Please consider a donation.

Be Of Good Cheer Regarding The Recent Elections.

Dear Saints,

I’ll admit that when I heard that the Democratic party had won the House, I was both disappointed and surprised.  However, after praying and contemplating the matter, I began to get both a peace and excitement in my spirit man.

Also, the Lord has given my dear friend and pastor a word for the Body of Christ regarding this election and the coming days that should give you all peace about the recent elections.  Please prayerfully receive what the Lord has to say…


“My children, do not be dismayed or fretful because of the outcome of this election…things are not at all as they do appear. For though some things look as if righteousness had lost…I tell you truly, that it has not! For I love you with an everlasting love & your fervent prayers are always effectual to Me…never forget that they always avail much! And though outwardly, it may look as if things are going to get darker in ways, I need you to understand that there are things going on underneath…things are going to turn out alright…for I WILL work all things together for your good!

Never forget this promise to you, for it needs to be an anchor to your soul to keep you in the days ahead. For I tell you that in the coming days, things are going to change & though at times it may appear that things are going the wrong way, I need you to trust Me that things are going to turn out alright. For I have instituted a plan into effect that over time will turn the way things look, to the exact opposite direction. I must tell you that there may a time of sorrow or sadness in your hearts now, but I assure you that in due time, your sorrow & sadness will be turned to joy!

For I am working through My servant to bring the things of evil to nothing…this is going to take some time to do this, but I tell you now that it is necessary for this to happen so I can restore this nation on the right path for the time ahead. For I desire there to be a time of peace & a time of revival before the end comes, so it is necessary to bring a lot of changes to this nation for this to happen. For it is by My grace that I have made known unto man that I will do this, for I desire to wake up many who have been lulled asleep into a political slumber, where blindness has blinded many.

For as you have seen in recent time, the political climate has changed SO drastically, to where it is easy for most people to discern how there is a strict contrast of good vs evil & those who have become increasingly demonized are causing more & more people to wake up to what is really happening in this nation. This is truly a spiritual battle that is being waged…it is not merely “politics”…this nation has NEVER seen things so drastic as they have become recently. So it is very necessary for Me to enforce My plans so that My banner of righteousness can rise here again.

I need you to trust Me as you have never trusted Me before because if things seem to look bleaker & darker around you in the days ahead, I need you to know that there are reasons for this, but things will turn out alright & for the better. For I have things going on underneath, out of sight that will cause things to spin around in the opposite direction…you just wait & see! For you will see My grace ignite around you & My peace shall be your portion. For this, I say that even now there are many who have discerned this & are enjoying the beginning of what is to come.

For this, I say to help you, for I will not leave you comfortless…I will come unto you! You will come to know & understand what is going on around you, as you see things unfold. As you will rest in Me & trust Me with all things, My grace will open your eyes to many things & you will see as I see & understand as I understand. Just rest in Me & let Me do what I need to do in these coming days…it will be well worth the wait & the outcome will bring a rejoicing unto your soul. So, be of good cheer for what is about to come, for you will be amazed as to how things will turn out.

For even now, many are beginning to see the first fruits of what I have begun around them & they are beginning to understand the “whys” of what has happened in the last political race. And there is more on the horizon as My light continues to shine in darkness…the darkness will not be able to resist My light. I will bring things out that have been swept under the rug for many years…I will do a great house cleaning in this nation & My people will rejoice as My Spirit is seen publicly there again. Trust & rest in Me during this time & you will not be disappointed,


Amen….  I can’t post what I believe happened that allowed the Democrats to win the House.  But I do know that God is in control and He did answer our prayers regarding the elections, just not as we expected.  Also, keep in mind that the Republicans still have a majority of the Senate, whereas, President Trump will stay in power and continue his agenda.

But in all this, we are to continue to pray for President Trump, his family, his administration, and their family.  This IS a spiritual battle and they need our prayers….

If these words are a help or a blessing to you in any way, please consider a donation of any size to help with my financial needs.  Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Please consider a donation.

Battle Cry: The Sound of War

Dear Saints,

My pastor and dear friend has received another urgent word for the Body of Christ in this most critical hour.  Please prayerfully receive the Lord’s loving words of admonishments and instructions.  Also, at the end of this prophetic word from the Lord, my pastor has some sobering words for the Church.

Word of the Lord:

“My people, hear your Heavenly Father’s words this day & know that I love you with an everlasting love. For the time has come for My people to rise up from their short time of rest & begin to enter into a time of spiritual warfare. Many are not aware of what is going on behind the scenes, but I assure you that what is NOT seen is what you need to be concerned about. If you have looked at the spiritual climate within the nation of the USA, you know that there are many things that are going on…for this is truly a fight of good against evil & I need My people to rise up in this hour.

You know that you do not wrestle with flesh or blood…but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. You can see the effect of these “spiritual wickedness in high places”, as these demons manifest themselves within the “high places” within the government systems. What you know as “politics” is nothing as it used to be…for before, politics consisted mainly of differing views of policy. But now politics have been morphed into a violent mindset of evil, where exists a great many who cannot even see.

But, I have given My people eyes to see, that they may see as I see…I will have you to understand that what is going on in this nation is truly an invasion of evil, as the demons take hold of those who have given themselves over to reprobate minds. These cannot see with eyes of understanding…they only see what they are possessed by. And nothing will persuade them to turn away from the evil that they have joined themselves to…for they are deceived by the thief, who only comes to steal, kill & destroy. But, I am come that you might have life & have it more abundantly!

Many have noticed how “polarized” this coming election has become…this polarization has come because I have worked in My people & thru this sitting President to put a dividing line along in the sand. It is this dividing line that has made the polarization so evident, for I have ordained that light be separated from darkness. This dividing line makes it possible for anyone with common sense to see the difference between the two opposing forces that exists in politics this day. Only those who have given themselves over to a reprobate mind, cannot see that the difference exist.

And now, My people, it is time for you to rise up & war against the powers of darkness that have revealed themselves within the political realm…so that those who are able may recover themselves from the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. I need you to begin to pray that their eyes may be opened & that they will come to repentance to the acknowledging of the truth…the truth of what My word says…for it is My word that is being warred against in this coming election. This is why this political battle has become SO violent on one side.

For the enemy thinks that he can win over the people by using political means to secure his destruction on the moral fabric of this country. But, I have sent angels on assignment to fight for you, as you will rise up & war against the enemy at this time…for they excel in strength & so do My commandments, hearkening unto the voice of My word. Speak My words, My people…against all that is trying to destroy this nation…so My angels will fight according to My will. For I have given you wisdom to see as I see…now rise up & fight with Me by your prayers…do not remain silent!

Do not allow the enemy to seduce you into thinking that your vote does not matter…remember…he is a liar & the father of it! Armed with this understanding, just HOW important is it that you vote for that which is more aligned to Me? There can be no confusion on this matter, My people, for how can you vote to support murdering millions of babies each year…how can you vote to sell their body parts as merchandise? How can you vote to support abominations & perversions contrary to My word? Just contemplate the gravity of just these few things & know that they are evil!

How can you vote to support the invasion into this nation with the multitudes of illegals coming in? The enemy would want to deceive you to think that this is a good thing…but it is NOT! Do you not see how your cities have already changed in society, as mass confusion & chaos has already taken place? Many are already waking up to this reality. For over many years now, a silent invasion has been taking place & a great multitude has crept in & is devouring your country in ways you are not even aware of…for these are destroying the very fabric of society.

There is ONLY one side you can vote for…& it is not the side that is resorting to violence! This battle is NOT about politics, My people…this is about good & evil…this is about right & wrong…this is about coming against love, respect & every good thing. This election will decide what will happen in the years ahead…not for just this nation, but for the entire world also. For this election will either usher in a time of My people being able to stand in power OPENLY, before the end comes…or it will usher in a time that My people will be persecuted like they have never seen before.

I need My people to see as I see & to take action accordingly…for in the next week, you will need to rise up in spiritual warfare against all that will be going on around you. Many things will be happening, but I do not want you to focus or fixate on them…instead, look unto Me & come against those things coming on the earth during this time. My love, joy & peace will sustain you…you will be able to stand through this…just trust Me to carry you through to the other side. I know many of you are struggling with things of your own…but this is why…to keep you diverted!

For the enemy is looking for ways to get My people caught up in their own situations that they will not properly stand with Me at this time. I need you to come against this & refuse to give in to his wiles. Instead, look unto Me & I will take you through this & as My people will truly arise to war at this time, many wonderful things will result from their actions. For this nation will see a time of blessing…before the end will come. My people will be able to worship Me & bring others to Me, like never before…for this time will bring a great spiritual renewal & revival to the world.

And many that I have been preparing will begin to stand in places & positions that they never thought possible, as I elevate them for My glory. This will be a time of rejoicing as My light shines in darkness, for darkness will not be able to stay. This is why it is vitally important for you to war at this time…to make My light shine! Not a light that has been compromised by complacency or confusion, for in my kingdom there is ORDER, not confusion! As My people will take their place & truly fight, they will see the reward of their labors…you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.


Dear Saints…we cannot over emphasize the importance of this hour! There is SO much more that the Lord has revealed to us! So many are not aware of how illegal immigration has already destroyed cities, turning them into places of violence, hate & a total lack of “society”! Back in the 1960s, the church was complacent & thru politics the onslaught of murdering millions of innocent babies by abortion began. Then later, over time, many abominations & perversions rose up & again the church was complacent…then this demonic beast rose up & began eroding people’s rights, more & more, by giving way to “special rights” for those against Christianity.

Then during the previous Administration, the unspeakable happened, as the church remained complacent again…ungodly marriage was “legalized”! Then more & more confusion arose, with all kinds of demonic personality disorders, (LGBTQ+)…this list goes on & on…so far there are at LEAST 63 “genders”. Saints, it took 8 YEARS before the church WOKE up & took a stand for righteousness. Complacency left & God’s people began to see God make wonderful changes through His servant, President Trump. He is fiercely HATED by those who are ungodly, because he stands to destroy what the devil has accomplished! Satan has truly gotten into the hearts of these hateful people.

This is the time for God’s people to allow Him to work through them as never before. As we will take our place at this present time & do what we know we must do, in obeying His voice…we will see wonderful things continue to happen…but God says on a much higher level, as our victory in this election is fulfilled. Do not slack off at this time or allow other things to keep you from doing what God wants us to do…we must stand up & fight! But, NOT as the others are doing, with violence! We must walk in love…remember…we are to love the sinner, but hate the sin! Walking in God’s Holy Spirit is the only way for us to do this.

But, now, the enemy is trying his next move…to usher an increased invasion into our country. This is a planned move, to ultimately bring an illegal unbalance to the USA voting system. But, we thank the Lord for giving us a President that is gifted to see things many steps ahead & has planned for even this, by the things we have seen happen over the past few weeks. Many things are about to happen…do not let the next 6 days shock you or fill you with fear! Trust the Lord to work through all of these things.

Something that He has been increasingly embedding within our spirit man lately is, we are to NEVER forget His promise: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28). NO matter what happens or what we see going on around us…we MUST trust Him to keep His promise…no matter what happens, He will ALWAYS make things work together for our good!

Those in the USA…you MUST take a stand & vote for the good of this nation! Not voting will aid the enemy & we lose…voting for the wrong side, will only aid the evil & we lose! We all should know what side we must vote for. It is hard to believe that there are people who “call” themselves “Christians”, who are voting for the side promoting ungodliness, perversions & unending murder of the innocents & think they are “obeying the Lord”. These are obviously deceived…they are not serving our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, but “another Jesus”, 2 Cor. 11:4 speaks about!

Those in other countries, please war for our nation here, for what happens next week, will ultimately affect the entire world! We rejoice to hear that God’s people in Brazil have stood up & turn the tide of evil away there, through their recent election…we praise the Lord for what He is doing there!

Now, people of the USA…it is our time to do the same…solidify the continuing efforts of our sitting President, God’s modern-day Cyrus, that President Trump may be able to continue bringing good things to this country…unimpeded by the work of the enemy & only for the glory of God!

It is time for us to make our battle cry…it is time for those around us to hear the sound of war!

In His great love & mercy,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore


Because the Lord has me living on donations during this season of my life, please consider a donation of any size to help with my needs.  Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Please consider a donation.