Give Thanks Unto The Lord, For He IS Good.

Dear Saints,

First, I hope that all my dear brothers and sisters here in the U.S. enjoyed their Thanksgiving Day yesterday.

I’ve been seeking the Lord for what He would say to His people at this time because I could feel that many are getting discouraged and some even losing hope over the news of Joe Biden winning the election. However, even though many are calling him the new president-elect, it has not yet been determined who has won and the Trump team is fighting against the mass voter fraud that took place in many democrat run counties.

Even though I can sense that God is about to do something very profound, I can also sense many of my dear brothers and sisters in Christ losing hope because of the reports of the enemy. So I was seeking the Lord for a word of encouragement to post for my dear family in Christ. After seeking Him for a couple of days, I didn’t receive a word from Him, but then received the word below from my dear friend and pastor. It’s very encouraging and confirms what I discern to be true. So praise God, He answered my cry for an encouraging word, it just came through my dear friend.

Please prayerfully read what the Father would say to us in this time.

Word from the Lord:

“My people, hear the words of your Heavenly Father this day, for today is a day of victory! I want you to know in your hearts, that the battle is already won, for the battle is not yours, but is your Lord’s! I love you all with an everlasting love…I need you to understand the time that you are in, so you can maneuver forward in Me. I need you to know that nothing that is going on around you has escaped My knowledge…I see it all…I know it all & I have prepared a table before you, in the presence of My enemies, so BE of good cheer, for I am about to show My victory, for all to see!

Rejoice, My people, for this is a day of thanksgiving! BE thankful for all that I have done…BE thankful for all that I have brought you through…BE thankful for all of what is about to be revealed. For as the enemy has tried to bewitch My people to lose faith & enter into fear due to the recent chain of events, that to many indeed outwardly look devastating, I want My people to know that all is well…for very soon you will see the salvation of your Lord manifest & this manifestation will astound the multitudes around the globe, for I will show My victory unto all of the Earth.

BE thankful My people, for you are about to enter into a time that you have never known before. For even as this year has been a time of reset…even as this year has been a time to seek Me as never before, know that it has also the time I release My glory unto My people, that you may stand STRONG in the place that I have prepared for you. Do you not see that all has transpired this year has been to prepare things for what is to come? For truly, except a grain of wheat fall into the ground & die, it abides alone, but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit! Behold, My fruit is soon coming!

And so, as I have worked through these various processes over the past many months, many have fallen into fear & anxiety…many have fallen into even deeper complacency & compromise because of the state of things around them. Many have started to lose hope & their faith has been challenged far greater than they have experienced ever before. I need you to know that this time has been necessary, for as these things have transpired, I have worked through them, for I have challenged My people to come out of those places that do not bring glory to Me, so they may shine!

Now is the time for My people to arise & shine, as never before! For in the coming days & weeks, My people will see My hand revealed through the events that will transpire. Those who have an ear to hear, will hear…those who have eyes to see, will see. For MANY will find themselves catapulted into GREATER faith than they have ever known. The hour of My victory is about to open up to My people & those who are watching & waiting will know the timing of this & they will rejoice with joy unspeakable & full of glory, as My truth is made known & My victory is visualized for all.

Rejoice My people, for in this hour that is about to come, you can enter into a time of great increase of My Spirit! Those who have patiently waited upon Me for many things will begin to see GREAT manifestation of My promises unto them. For, the fervent prayers of the righteous, are about to avail them much, so do not give in to the fear of the enemy…fear not, stand still & see the salvation of your God! For the clouds of darkness that have affected many, will soon dissipate, as My LIGHT shines through. The clouds of confusion & chaos will flee & clarity will come through!

Rejoice My people…for this is a REAL time of thanksgiving…so be thankful for all things, knowing that I am at work in everything. For I am not slack concerning My promise, a some count slackness, but am longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. It is needful for these things to come forth, for in so doing, I am able to open the eyes, ears & hearts of the multitudes who have been led astray for a very long time. The time of revival is come! As My people are repenting, even so shall great revival rise up in the Earth, so give thanks unto Me!

In the days & weeks to come, I need you to set yourselves like a flint & not be moved by anything that may present itself to interfere with the faith I am releasing in you. BE not moved by any circumstance…BE not moved by any news…only know that I am at work, for your good…I am at work for the good of this nation. I am at work to bring glory to My name. Now is the time for you to truly trust in your Lord with all your heart & lean not to your own understanding. I need you to acknowledge Me & My words in all your ways & I will direct your paths, says the Lord”.

End of word.

If you have been blessed or helped by these messages, please prayerfully consider a financial donation.  I’m still a little short for rent that is due soon, plus I have other bills due in the first couple of weeks of the new month. Any donation is helpful and appreciated.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Don’t Lose Hope – Two Important Words From God To Remember.

Dear Saints,

First off, I would like to remind you all that we are in a season where God is allowing a lot to happen that will cause us to rise up in our authority to declare His will be done, and, He is exposing corruption in our government.

Having said that, I know that on the surface it may look like Biden will win the presidency, but there are two words from the Lord that we need to remember at this time.

The first word the Lord gave me I posted on October 6th where He was telling us to pray for President Trump. And here is an excerpt from that word that we need to hold in faith at this time:

“But know this, now is the time for My people to pray like never before for the president of the U.S. For the enemy has plans already in place to take him out of office after this coming election even if he wins. It is not My will or desire that this happens, for I still have much for him to do for the U.S. and on behalf of My people both in the U.S. and across the world.

So then, pray against the darkness coming against this president and his administration. Declare victory over your enemy in the name of Jesus and watch what I will do. Yes, there will still be chaos, confusion, and deception on many levels caused by those who wish to remove this president. However, if My people would pray, I will move swiftly to protect him from being removed and even expose dark secrets of the enemy.”

God told us through this word that the enemy has plans in place to take President Trump out of office even if he wins the elections. Now take into account that on election night it became evident that President Trump was going to win the election, then all of a sudden the counting was stopped, which has never happened before in the history of America.

Then overnight; Fairfax Virginia switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”. And Wisconsin suddenly discovered over 112, 000 Biden ballots between 3:30 and 4:30 a.m. Then Michigan gained over 138,000 ballots for Biden, and more and more ballots for Biden keep showing up in different states. And just so happens that the Democratic counties are banning Republicans from watching over their ballot counting, even where there is a court order allowing it. And just like that, Trump goes from winning to falling way behind Biden.

Anyone with common sense can see what is going on. The Trump administration has already filed lawsuits against Democratic counties and states for voter fraud. But it still continues.

I believe that this is part of their plan to take Trump out of office even if he wins just like God told us. They may even have plans to forcefully remove him from office based on a fraudulent winning for Biden.

God told us that there will be chaos, confusion, and deception, but if His people would pray, He would protect Trump from the enemy’s plans and expose their dark secrets. I still believe He will keep His word so long as we continue to pray. Don’t listen to the reports. Believe God’s promise to us.

The second word from God we need to remember came through my dear friend and pastor which I posted on October 29th. And here is an excerpt from that word that we need to remember and hold in faith:

“My people, hear your Heavenly Father this day, for as you do, you can alter things within you & ultimately in time, the things thing around you, as you allow Me to impact you with My life-changing words this day. For I truly love you with an everlasting love…I need you to know that all of what you are seeing all around you, is not final. For this is not the time to allow fear, worry, or negativity to affect or change you. You MUST know in your heart, that I AM with you always, even until the end of the world. As you will embrace this vital truth deep within you, things will change!”

So you see, God has told us to not get into fear, and through prayer and our declarations, we can alter the things we see around us because it is not final. And do not get into fear or worry. Just pray and have faith that God will keep His word. DO NOT GIVE UP and DO NOT GIVE IN TO THE ENEMIES LIES. It is God’s will that Trump gets in another term to finish what God has purposed for this nation and other nations around the world.

Even if they declare Biden the winner, do not give up on what God has told us. Keep the faith and keep praying…. God will not fail us….

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

If you have been blessed or helped by these messages, please prayerfully consider a financial donation.  It’s that time when rent and other bills are due and the Lord has me completely relying on donations from this blog for my substance.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Pray, Vote, And Be At Peace.

Dear Saints,

As I mentioned in my last posting, I wish to share some things the Lord is showing me about this season that we are in.

As many of you already know, God has given the U.S. a time of mercy and grace before judgment hits. When Donald Trump was first running as president, it was the enemy’s plan to put Jezebel in the Whitehouse who would bring total destruction to America and end our religious freedoms. But as God’s people repented and prayed, He heard our prayers and gave us Donald Trump and a time of grace.

And now it is election time again. If the leftist win this election and have their way, America will quickly start its decent into judgment and destruction. And we as Christians will lose our religious liberties.

But it is God’s desire to extend His time of grace and finish His work through President Trump in cleaning up this corrupt government and bringing righteousness back to the U.S. We see hope for this with the latest appointee to the Supreme Court. It’s now possible that the Roe vs. Wade ruling gets reversed which would lift a curse off the U.S.

I do feel good about Trump being reelected, but it’s not set in stone. We still need to pray AND vote. But also, we need to keep our peace no matter what happens.

The leftist already have their plans to steal the elections through whatever means necessary. Also, we already see what’s in their playbook with all the violence and riots. So pray against this, but also stay in peace and do not get into fear.

I can tell you that your prayers are having an effect on the enemy’s plans. Much of what could have happened lately has already been averted by God’s people praying. So keep praying against the darkness.

In my last posting the Lord told us through my pastor and friend that all the exposure of corruption within the government is a sign of exposure coming to God’s people. And this is also what the Lord is showing me.

But just like we now see government leaders getting exposed, I see exposure coming to church leaders first. And this is a good thing because God is cleaning His house.

If we are granted at least another four years of God’s mercy and grace under President Trump, we will witness a tremendous amount of exposure and cleansing coming to leaders and those of influence in the U.S. This will include government, Hollywood, sports, and the Church.

And if this comes, it will be a great sign that righteousness is coming back to the U.S. But even so, that means that we also need to judge ourselves so that we will not be judged.

If Trump does not get in another term, it only means that judgment is coming much quicker. Either way, we need to cleanse our own temples. So take advantage of this time to reach out to God in wholehearted repentance and allow Him to cleanse your heart from all that defiles.

If Trump gets in another term, I believe that God’s people will experience a time of great grace and favor, especially in the area of finance. We are still waiting for the great transfer of wealth.

A time of gross darkness is eventually coming, but it is not God’s desire that it comes yet. He desires to give us more time to prepare spiritually before gross darkness takes over. So keep praying against the darkness and pray that God’s chosen man (Donald Trump) gets in for another term. But also get out and vote.

Through this man-made and world-wide pandemic, God has given us a glimpse into what is coming. The global elites are out to destroy the economy of the world and bring in a tyrannical one-world government of complete control over all people everywhere. Also, as we have witnessed churches ordered to close their doors. This tells us that there will be worldwide persecution of Christians from governments and churches will be closed down. God is giving us a glimpse into what is coming and we need to be prepared.

Also, be prepared for whatever happens after the presidential election. It’s possible that we may not immediately know who wins and the leftist are prepared for whatever it takes to get their chosen ones in the Whitehouse. So pray against their dark plans.

There are three things the enemy fears that we need to pray for: Exposure, Judgment, and Recompense. Pray these things over the corrupt leaders in our government. But in all this, keep your peace and always walk in love toward others, including our enemies.

I’m excited about what I believe is coming if Trump gets in another term. God has told us that righteousness will be restored to the U.S., but it can come through an extended time of mercy and grace, or through judgment. So we need to pray AND get out and vote so God will extend our time of mercy and grace and righteousness may be restored through a time of freedom instead of through a time of judgment with a draconian government.

And in all this, avoid conflict and strivings. Walk in peace and love at all times, forgiving and turning the other cheek when necessary.

If we do these things, I believe God will extend us with more time of His mercy and grace and great things will happen as righteousness is restored to the U.S.

On another note, it’s that time again that I need to pay rent and other monthly bills. So please ask God if He desires for you to give anything for helping me with my financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.