The door that no man can shut is now open before us.

Word from the Lord:

My dearest chosen ones.  Listen intently to Me this day.  I come to you with open arms of love and with excitement of heart.  Do not be disheartened at the disasters and chaos you see as it spews across your lands.  Listen to Me when I say that I have you under My arms of protection.  Have I not warned of these things to come?  Have I not foretold of these things in the scriptures and sent out My prophets to warn you again of these things?  So then, you should not be shaken in spirit or in mind regarding the shakings and judgments that are coming.

However, I do not come to you today to speak of these things.  No, I come to you today to speak of something of greater importance.  My chosen ones, I have prepared an open door for many of you.  And you shall soon walk through this open door that no man can shut.  And when you do this, all that you know shall suddenly be different.  For you shall learn to see and walk by My Spirit in all that you say and do.  And you shall discern the difference between flesh and Spirit.  And you shall seek Me with the greatest intensity you have ever known.  And in this, I shall meet with you and we shall begin a journey that shall take you into your destiny in Me and you shall walk with Me all the way to the end of your days in the earth realm and into eternity.  And in this, you shall become like Me in Spirit and in truth.  And I shall do great exploits through you.  And many of you will become part of My great army in these last days.

However, not all of you shall be part of My great army, for I have different plans for some of you to be martyrs in these last days.  But fret not, for I shall overshadow you with My protection and even though your natural body shall taste death, you shall not be harmed nor even disquieted in spirit.  For just seconds before you meet your demise, I shall quickly take your spirit from your body to be with Me.  So, take heart in this, my beloved ones.  For even if you become one of My martyrs in these last days, your reward shall be great.

Now, listen to Me when I tell you all to begin to seek Me for this open door.  For I tell you, it will happen very quickly.  Doubt not, yet believe and expect Me to take you through this great spiritual door.  For I declare to you that you have entered the greatest days on earth as you shall soon witness My great last-days move all across the earth.  However, think not that these last days shall be easy.  For as I have told you in My word, the road is narrow and constricted which leads to life in Me.  Yet, great is the reward.

So then, take heart.  Fret not, nor weary, regarding the great shakings and judgments that are coming.  For I tell you, they will only grow with intensity and frequency.  But I shall protect those who are mine.  And know this also, that not all those who call themselves by My name are mine.  Therefore, many shall be swept up with the wicked.  I say this so that you don’t look upon other so-called believers who will lose their lives in these last days and think that I cannot protect you.  For My arm is not too short that I am unable to protect My own.  Also, not all who shall lose their lives in these last days are of the wicked.  It is sad to say, but many of My own are out of My will, and therefore, not under My full protection from the enemy.  So then, seek Me in all things, and above all, seek to be one with Me in Spirit and in truth.

I love you, My dearest ones, and I only desire the best for you.   This is why I give so many warnings.  I do not desire that any should perish.  Yet, the scriptures declare the truth in that My people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge.  So then, seek Me, and seek Me often.  I shall surely lay upon your hearts what you need to do for your protection and provision in these last days.  For some, I will tell you to leave where you are just before disaster strikes.  So then, stay close to My Spirit at all times so you may know what to do and when to do it.  This is for your own protection.

I’m excited for you in these last days.  It is time that My bride prepares herself for My coming.  But first, I must wake her up, for she has been slumbering for too many years now and she is still drowsy and undiscerning of many things.  But I know how to arouse My bride, and so I shall.  Be watchful, My people, for I am doing a new thing in the earth in these last days.  Just as when John the Baptist was preaching and baptizing in the wilderness under My Elijah anointing, so shall a company soon rise up in the earth with the same Elijah anointing and lead My bride into preparing the way for My coming.

Oh, what exciting days you live in.  Therefore, lay aside every sin and weight that so easily besets you and set your face like flint to follow hard after Me.  For surely, I shall see your efforts and greatly reward you according to your deeds.  Therefore, I say, seek, ask, knock, and the door shall be opened for you.  I love you all so very deeply and wait in anticipation to meet with each of you.  Therefore, don’t take this invitation lightly.  Seek Me now while I may be found.  It shall surely be worth it…..

“I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept my word, and have not denied my name.” Revelation 3:8 (AKJV)


*Personal note: My rent for October is due on the 1st.  So, if anyone is able to help me with my monthly financial needs, it would be greatly appreciated.  And, as always, I am very grateful to all who are able to give toward my humble needs and I pray the Lord abundantly blesses you in return.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Please consider a donation.

Its Time For The Prodigals To Come Home

Dear Saints,

My dear friend and pastor received this word from the Lord for the body of Christ.  It’s very enlightening and applies the parable of the prodigal son to each of our lives.  I pray that it blesses each of you as it did me.


“My children, I come to you this day, in the heart of a loving Father…what I share with you comes out of My unfailing love for you. It is time for My people to return unto Me. Many have heard the story of the “prodigal son” & see it as a nice story about a man who went his own way & entered into a time of suffering & soul-searching, which resulted in him going back home, where he belonged. To most, this story is about “someone else”…”it’s not me”, they will say. But, as My people will truly open their hearts unto Me, they will see & hear what I am saying. Their eyes will truly begin to see & their ears will truly begin to hear what My Spirit is saying unto the many of those who call themselves Mine.

For as you will stop seeing the “prodigal” as someone else & begin to see the “prodigal” as you, you will understand a great mystery…for in your own lives, that is what I see…I see the prodigal in all of you.  Yes, there are areas of your lives that are in order & pleasing unto Me, but there are still things that you “decide” to do of your own will & just like the prodigal son, you go off & do your own thing. The prodigal went to his father & demanded his inheritance before the proper time.  Even so, many of My people will want Me to give them things that they were not ready to receive. But, as with the father in the story, even so, at times I will give you things that you ask for, knowing that you will do with it, as you will.

For just as with the prodigal, many of My people have gone off in their own direction, because they were seduced by the things that were hidden deep within their hearts. Few ever think that this was wrong…they were just doing what they felt was good for them. They didn’t consider that their Father needed them to stay with Him, so they went out-of-the-way & walked out the path ahead of them. And just as with the prodigal in the story, many of My people have learned the hard way, once they have walked out what was in their heart & have exhausted what I had given them out of My grace, they have returned unto Me, so I could take them back into My loving arms where they belonged.

Just as with the father in the story, I never stop looking for them to come back unto Me, for I AM the Father of that story & My people are the sons that are written there. For there are those who have determined to stay with Me, working by My side & all that I have is theirs…& there are those who have gone their own way & only after much hardship & loss, they come to themselves & realize where they are supposed to be & they return & I welcome them, with My loving heart & receive them unto Myself & there they shall forever stay with Me. I put a ring on their finger, declaring My royalty, the best robe on their back declaring My righteousness within them & shoes on their feet, to empower their walk.

For these that have gone their own way, had to learn through hardship, the true worth of My royalty I have purposed for them to be…these had to experience a time of nakedness so I could show them their need for My righteousness within them…these had to become bare footed so I could teach them the importance of their lives being shielded from the things of this earth & they could know the true Gospel of Peace. For these had to walk out that time & see for themselves, that My servants have plenty…have food to spare, for they have submitted their lives unto Me…seeing their need for humility & coming back to Me, pleading for Me to make them as My hired servants, for they were unworthy.

Yes, My people…it is time for the prodigals to come home…for time is running out. You do not want to miss out on the breakthroughs that I have planned ahead…you do not want to miss out on the victories that you have long-awaited for you to see come true. You do not want to miss out on the many blessings that I have prepared for you here. For the longer that you tarry away in things of your own will, the less you will be able to come back home to…don’t waste all of your inheritance waiting until you are down in the dumps, feeding swine & in despair, desiring to eat what you are feeding them! It is time for you to come back to Me with all your heart…I am waiting with My arms outstretched!

Come back to Me…let Me fall on your neck & kiss you with the lips of My love…I want you to be in your place of destiny. For, as you will be willing to see yourselves, as you truly have been, I can quickly help you to return unto your place. My grace is plenteous & I will shower you with a love you will feel unworthy to receive. But as I wash you with the kisses of My heart, you will stand again the place that I have ordained you to be. Hear My loving words to each of you & respond to Me out of a heart that is truly contrite & humble. For I want to throw you a party & bless you…you will not want to miss it…for its what you have been waiting for! Return unto Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord.


If these words from the Lord encourage or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a financial gift (of any size) to help with my monthly needs.  I always trust the Lord to lay it upon the hearts of those who are obedient and giving, and so I give a big thank you to those of you who do help.  I also pray the Lord’s abundant blessings in return for those who give.  Love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Please consider a donation.