You must come out from where you have been and come into what I am doing now

Dear Saints, soon I will share what the Lord wishes for me to share with His people. So much is going on in both the natural and spiritual and I feel encouraged by what God is showing me, and I know it will encourage you all too, even though things are quickly about to get really bumpy. However for now, please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “As My people will see what I HAVE done, in sending My Son to BECOME their high priest, forever, they will understand that I did THIS so they would DO as He DID and live UNTO Me, offering THEIR lives as a sacrifice, well pleasing in My sight. For many do NOT know, many do NOT even understand that I have called My people to BE kings and priests unto their God. Many do not see HOW this could even be possible.

But I tell you, that this IS possible, for I have made you ABLE, I have given you POWER to do THIS. But you MUST see the reality of this for yourselves. You MUST acknowledge that you MUST DO your part. You can no longer just sit there IDLE thinking all is right and well in your lives, for I tell you this is FAR from the truth. I have given you the truth in Hebrews chapter 7, as I have laid out what I DID.

For the priests of old were weak, having NO real strength, as I desired and so they needed to offer sacrifice for themselves FIRST, then for the people. I need My people to see what I have done in bringing MANY sons INTO glory. For as you WILL truly surrender your lives unto Me & allow Me true access to your INNER man, you WILL understand My heart as it REALLY is. For I AM love and so many understand this, yet so many do NOT understand that love HAS discipline.

Love HAS responsibility, love HAS things that MUST be adhered to, or it is NOT truly love. I need My people to see their NEED to come close to Me in this hour and BE the priests that they ARE called to BE. So many do not even REALIZE this is something that they ARE to become. So many just live their lives seeking to PLEASE self. I need you to see the truth in the way things are…not the compromised reality that SO many live by.

The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. For as My Son has taken His place as high priest, many who say they are Mine, continue NEEDING His intercession for their SELF problems, when these SHOULD be rising up and BECOMING kings and priests unto their God. Do you not see that in essence, you HAVE become priests unto SELF? The truth is there if you would be HONEST to see as I see.

I AM bringing My people into understanding the time and the hour they ARE living. You cannot continue as you have…you MUST come OUT from where you have been and come INTO what I AM doing now. For I told you that this IS the time for NEWNESS. Old things ARE passed away, behold, all things ARE becoming new. THIS newness will come as My people SEE the truth of My word that HAS been hidden for hundreds of years.

THIS newness WILL come as My people RECON with truth and TURN AWAY from their selfish ways. I need you to see THIS for yourselves…no one can see it for YOU. Each of you must enter INTO truth as I now show it, for ONLY the truth will make you free. I love you all with an everlasting love…I keep telling you this, hoping that you will RESPOND to My truth, ENTER into my truth and BECOME one with My truth. It is vital that you see things as I show them in this hour. For if you will do this, you will you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Dear Saints,

God keeps telling us to lay down our old self ways and come up higher into who and what He has called us to. Very soon the church as a whole will go through a severe shaking and sifting as God purifies His house. Those who do not lay their lives completely at His feet and wholly follow after Him will be left behind. I’m not talking about being left behind on earth while the rest of us are raptured out of here, although that may be a part of it, what I’m talking about is that God is shaking everything that can be shaken and those who don’t get on board of the spiritual ark He’s preparing for us will be left out of His coming glory and left to fend for themselves in all that’s coming.

Please, dear Saints, don’t let this be you. Answer the call to rise up in Him and follow wherever the Spirit leads you, both inwardly and outwardly. Great things are coming to those who hear and obey.

Now if these words bless or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a love gift to help us with our financial needs. It’s that time when rent and other bills are coming due. So any financial gift would be a great help.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

God Is Taking His People Of this Hour Into The Promised Land.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read this very important message and teaching from Pastor Mark Moore.

Dear Family of God,

As many of you know, for nearly 2 years now the Lord has had me re-translate each chapter of the New Testament during our Monday Night Worship services. We started with the book of Romans and are now in Hebrews. We are doing this because He revealed to me the truth of what the enemy has done to conceal His truth through the “King James Version”, and then subsequently to all Bible versions after that.

Many of God’s people do not know that King James was an adulterer and a sinner. He commissioned the translators to minimize and compromise the KJV, to cover his sins. So, ALL present translations of the Bible have also been watered down. God’s people TODAY never truly know the full truth of what God REALLY spoke to His people. You would be SHOCKED to know that most of everything God actually COMMANDED was actually translated as “let”.

After I prayed and received the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart on Aug 16th, 1976, my life was truly changed. I went from being a young man who worshiped Alice Cooper, using drugs and alcohol and swearing like a sailor, to a man who was on fire for the Lord and was instantly changed! Shortly after, the Lord placed me under a pastor who was a Hebrew and GREEK Bible scholar back in 1976 and I was tutored by this Seminary Professor for over 4 years in the Greek New Testament until 1981. After those 4 years were over, the Lord moved my wife and I away from the San Francisco Bay area to where we lived for over 26 years in North California. In 1983 the Lord led us to start attending a local Charismatic church where we then lived, when before this we had only attended the Baptist church.

Shortly after this, the Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit and I began this exciting new journey with the True and Living God! Two years later, my wife and I were both ordained into the ministry. The Lord called me to serve as the associate pastor and my wife served as the children’s pastor of that local church. In all the glory and awe of walking in the Holy Spirit in this new walk of faith, the Lord put the “Greek” I had learned those previous 4+ years on the shelf. The Lord then promoted me to senior pastor in 1990 and we served as pastors in that local church for a total of over 21 years until the Lord moved us to Texas in 2006. From 2006 to 2016 we lived in South Texas where the Lord took us through a “wilderness experience” of sorts, as He worked in our hearts much change to prepare us for what He was going to do next. In 2016 He moved us to where we live now, in the Kerrville, TX area and He began to open up the ministry to His next plans for our lives.

In 2019, He launched Revival-Fire Church’s local worship services here, which we also live-stream on YouTube each week. Then in 2021, the Lord tapped me on the shoulder and moved on me to start going back into the Greek, to show His people many truths that were hidden. I never knew the intent and the impact of what God was about to do. Shortly after this, in 2022 while I was breaking down the truth of His word from the Greek, I saw such HUGE discrepancies in what we had previously been taught and have known previously, as He revealed them to me. I was in awe and shocked as He then commanded me to re-translate the entire New Testament, one chapter at a time and that is what He has had me to do for nearly 2 years now.

The impact of the TRUTH that He has uncovered is phenomenal! Did you know that the very word “TRUTH” (a-lethia) really means “not hidden\concealed”? As many of you already know, He is showing me the true state of today’s church, which for the most part only HEARS words that promise His “blessings and victories”. Look at almost all of the top “prophetic websites” (for example)…they basically only say God is going to drop His blessings and victory into your lap! The word of God says “We know in part & prophesy in part” (1 Co.13:9). Sadly, the great majority of these prophetic ministries are only hearing “the good part”.

The TRUTH in God’s word shows that EVERY promise of God has CONDITIONS. Each of us ALL have a part in His promises…no one is immune! In fact, He just recently revealed that Paul, the apostle condemned the “prosperity movement”. The truth is, most people who call themselves Christians are really only serving SELF. Jesus COMMANDED we were to DENY self, take up OUR cross daily, and follow Him! Many of you already know that the Lord called me an apostle back in 1992 when He sent 2 prophets to our church.

God said, though we were serving as pastors, He had called me an apostle and my wife a prophet. We were humbled by this, not really knowing what to do, but we said, yes to the Lord’s will. I am just sharing what the Lord said. The Lord has confirmed this truth to us multiple times since 1992 through many credible ministries. Earlier this year, the Lord told me that He has called me as His apostle of TRUTH for this hour. I now understand why He said this. I don’t say this with any pride, I say this humbly and in holy fear, because I know I am nothing but HIS vessel.

Back in 2002 in our North California church, during one of our intense worship services, He took me into a vision and I was outside my body, looking at myself. I then turned into a golden pipe that went up into Heaven, with the bottom bent towards the congregation. All of a sudden, this golden anointed oil began pouring down His glory from Heaven onto the people and I began to weep and cry openly before the people. I declared “Lord, all I ever want to be is Your pipe!” That is still my ONLY desire today.

A major way that the KJV and other versions do not convey the truth is in the verbs. For one, in English, they do not convey the Mood of the verbs…such as “commands”, in the Imperative Mood. Also, there are different actions the verbs REALLY say. There are 3 Voices in the verbs, relating to action: Active voice, Middle voice, and Passive voice. The English versions take away ALL of the voices, so we never know what we ARE to do. This will help to understand what I mean, as I was taught THIS back in the 1970s:

You have a red wagon.

ACTIVE voice: You are in the wagon PUSHING yourself. It is ALL your ACTION.
MIDDLE voice: You are in the wagon, pushing with your leg, while ALSO someone pulls you. You HAVE A PART in the ACTION.
PASSIVE voice: You are in the wagon, being PULLED. You are YIELDED to the action.

The fact is, much of the time the words are ALSO moved around in the verses, which could have a huge impact on what was really said. Allow me to show you a HUGE example of what God is revealing about all of this. A very powerful verse, Luke 9:23:

Luke 9:23 “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”.

Sounds simple enough, but THIS IS what Jesus REALLY said, which is what the 1st-century church KNEW and TRULY lived by:

“He actively said (in the past and what He said continues forward in time) (1), moreover to all, IF\Since anyone who continually by his action desiring in reality (2) after me to continually have a part AND yield to come (3), I command him to do his part denying himself (4), AND I command him by his action take up (5) the cross of him according to today AND I command his to continually by his action to follow Me (6)”.

(1= Imperf.Act.Ind= Imperf=Continuous action in past time, Our action, Mood of reality)
(2= Pres.Act.Ind=Present tense is Continual, Our action, Mood of reality)
(3= Pres.M\P.Inf=Present Tense is Continuous. Do Our part & yield to God. Inf=”to”.)
(4=Aor.Mid.Imp=, Aor. Tense is past or present. We do Our part. Mood of Command)
(5=Aor.Act.Imp=Aor. Tense is past or present. Our action. Mood of Command)
(6=Pres.Act.Imp= Present Tense is Continuous. Our action. Mood of Command)
(If = here is a 1st Class Condition, which speaks of “Reality”, this meaning = “Since”)
(AND= This Conjunction, joins the 3 thoughts together…they are NOT separate, they are 1. Like having a pie, cut into 3 pieces…all 3 = the whole. You can’t have 1 without the others to be complete in the statement)

The difference between what the KJV says and what Jesus REALLY said is HUGE! The 1st-century church KNEW the TRUTH of God’s words and they WALKED in it. They DENIED SELF, they TOOK UP their cross each day, they FOLLOWED Him…they walked in TRUE holiness and righteousness. They KNEW the truth in the epistles of Paul and the others, whom God moved to write what we call the “New Testament ” today. The 1st-century church turned the world upside down and even the Roman government became Christian. Of course, then the enemy came in and was able to steal, kill, and destroy and the world later went into the dark ages.

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (Jn.8:32).

So, why are so many Christians not free? God says it is time for His people to walk in His truth. The truth is, most Christians take this to mean they are free to live as they want. You see Christians getting more and more tattoos and body piercings. They look more like the world than they do Christ. But, this is what Jesus REALLY said:

“And in the future, you will have a part to intimately know (1) the truth (nothing hidden\concealed), and the truth (nothing hidden\concealed) in the future will actively liberate\set you free (2).”

(1=Fut.Mid.Ind= Future Tense, Do your part, Mood of Reality)
(2=Fut.Act.Ind= Future Tense, By Your action, Mood of Reality)
(Know Intimately = Ginosko, in both cases)

So, as we do OUR part going forward in the future, to intimately know HIS truth (not the hidden\concealed partial truth the church has lived by for over 400 years), HIS intimately known truth will in the future actively liberate\set us free. This freedom is NOT to live as we desire or please…this freedom is to live as God desires and as He pleases.

In the past month, the Lord has revealed to me why He has called me to do this. He took me back to how the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died off, never entering into the Promised Land, because they refused to return unto God from their SELF ways.

He told me that THIS is why He is having me to do all of this with His word.. He took me back to how He had me trained to translate the Greek New Testament over 40 years ago, then later put it on the shelf, until just a few years ago. In essence, the Truth He had taught me had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, but now He was using me to bring His people into the Promised Land.

The Promised Land He speaks of IS His Truth…for His truth IS His PROMISE to us. As we will take hold of His truth (nothing hidden\concealed), we will go forward into His freedom and arise up INTO Him, to BE His vessels of honor in this last hour.

The Lord is leading me to eventually put all of the chapters and books together to make a “new translation”, which will come together down the road. It will take at least 2 or more years before we finish going through all the chapters, one week at a time. The 4 Gospels alone would take 87 weeks if we did 1 chapter each week and these are long chapters! The work involved in preparing these chapters would be immense, as I would have to spend a lot of time putting each chapter into a “readable format”, similar to what I did in the 2 verse examples above.

I have been seeking the Lord for what He wants this “translation” to be called and right now I am sensing He wants it to be called “The Alethia Translation” because Alethia is the Greek word for “truth”, which means “not hidden\concealed” and this is what He is truly doing in this hour!

He then told me how His truth has been “wandering in the wilderness” since 1611. That’s over 412 years now. His people have wandered for 40 years, for 40 years, for 40 years, over & over again…over 10 sets of “40-year wanderings”. I sense that He has wanted His people to enter into His truth in each of these seasons, but for whatever reason, He wasn’t able to find anyone willing to do HIS full will.

Yes, in all of these 40-year seasons, there have been those who have “touched” on things, with great illumination and brought revival on different levels, but each time, these became warped, unbalanced and became what we call “denominations” today, as we see what has happened to the church over these 400+ years. Frankly, the truth is, in each of these denominations, they have BECOME “demon-izations”, as the enemy was able to come in and steal, kill and destroy God’s REAL intentions, to bring His people into His TRUTH.

I share all of this with our Christian family, so you would know what the Lord is doing in this hour. He is NOW wanting His people to enter into the Promised land, which is the land of HIS truth (nothing hidden\concealed). For this is how the GREAT revival will come, just as it did in the 1st-century church. So, as it was IN the beginning, so shall it be IN the end. We must stop wanting to go back into Egypt (bondage of self)…we must return unto the Lord from our SELF ways and enter into the land of His promise…which is His TRUE word…not what man has made it to be!

Dear Saints, after reading this message from Pastor Mark, I felt led to pray for something to say about it because I don’t want anyone to misunderstand what is being said here. Pastor Mark is not exalting himself or stating that only he has the full truth of God’s word. For as we know, Jesus himself IS the living word of God.

Whereas, in my life of reading many different translations of the bible, when I would read Jesus’ words where He says “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me”, I always knew that that was a COMMAND, and I didn’t let the word “let” warp my understanding of what Jesus was really saying. And so I know many others like me have an understanding from the Spirit of what God is saying to us in the scriptures.

However, because of the many translations today, like what Pastor Mark has said, the enemy has been able to water down the word of God and by this, he has kept many believers from truly understanding the full truth and meaning of certain scriptures.

But we are now in the end of times when all shall be revealed and God is now using certain messengers like Pastor Mark to show the Body that we have been following misconceptions of the word and now it is time to walk in the FULL TRUTH that shall completely set us free.

One big example of a misunderstanding from the church at large is the way they are looking outwardly for the return of Christ, when in reality, He wants to return IN US, in His fullness, which is our real hope of glory. God is looking for a habitation in earthly vessels. But this is not being taught in the churches. Instead, it’s being taught that times are getting tough, so any day now the church will be caught away. However, IF we were to experience what the Lord wants, which is Christ IN US, in His fullness, then it wouldn’t matter if we were physically here on earth or in heaven because we would be walking in the kingdom of God, our spiritual paradise on earth, and the enemy would have no hold on us, nor could he touch us, just as Jesus was when He walked the earth. (John 14:30) The only reason the Romans were able to apprehend Jesus and crucify him is because Jesus ALLOWED it to happen.

As I’ve mentioned on this blog before, once years ago God allowed me to experience perfection where I was just as Adam and Eve were before they fell. I got to experience paradise as a spiritual realm that I abided in while at the same time, my feet were here on earth. And let me tell you, no earthly words can describe how wonderful it was. So, if we seek this spiritual paradise, the kingdom of God within, and enter in, then it wouldn’t matter where our body is physically, because we would be constantly in the Lord’s presence and one with God and each other just as Jesus prayed. (John 17:21-24)

God is about to take His people through the fire of cleansing and those who truly seek Him and the fullness of His truth will be purified, refined, and made spotless, and then walk as overcomes in the earth in the fullness of His glory. (Daniel 12:10) This is what the church should be teaching instead of a rapture out of here. So please understand that God is now sending His messengers like Pastor Mark to reveal these truths to us and lead us into our promised land.

I pray that this message enlightens your hearts and encourages you because we are truly in exciting days, despite what’s going on around us in the world. So if these words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a financial gift in return. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated, and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Rise above the coming storms.

Dearly beloved Saints, in my seeking of the Lord what to share with His people, He gave me a vision of a majestic eagle, and subsequently, impressed upon my heart the profound lesson of the eagle rising above a storm. This, He revealed, is His desire for His people in anticipation of the imminent dark turbulence that’s upon us. The Lord has already forewarned many times of all the coming shakings. And while we presently endure these various shakings, these serve as a call to awaken us from our spiritual slumber and prepare for the major storm that’s coming. Challenges and trying times will intensify, and though we currently face these tribulations, it is not yet the widely recognized great tribulation. When that time arrives, its unmistakable nature will leave no room for doubt that it’s the great tribulation.

So, in case you’re not aware, when a storm approaches, the eagle secures its wings to allow the wind to carry and elevate it above the turbulent weather. While the storm unfolds beneath, the eagle soars high above it. Instead of avoiding or seeking shelter from the storm, the eagle harnesses the stormy winds to ascend even higher. This is God’s desire for us in the face of the impending turbulence that we are about to experience.

We are still in the season of exposure and God’s judgment upon the gods of Egypt for our liberation. A lot has been transpiring behind the scenes in the spiritual realm. Numerous world elites have either resigned or passed away unexpectedly. God is actively contending on our behalf for our freedom from the taskmasters, so take heart. Nevertheless, recall the lessons from biblical accounts when God liberated the Israelites from Egypt. Remember that Pharaoh didn’t simply release the people; first, he intensified their labors, and even after finally letting them go, he then pursued them.

We may witness governments attempting more power grabs, as the enemy is reluctant to relinquish the control he currently holds and desires even more control. Brace yourself for what the controlling powers may try. One would have to have their head in the sand if they couldn’t see the threat from all the militant aged men from eastern countries illegally flocking into the U.S., with the support of our government.

The occupancy of the U.S. presidency holds immense significance at this juncture. Sinister politicians and dark forces will go to great lengths to prevent Trump’s return to office, recognizing his potential to unravel their malevolent structures built over years for the detriment of America and the world.

Although it’s God’s desire for Trump to reclaim office, it’s not guaranteed; it hinges on the response of God’s people. As a collective body, repentance, prayer, and active participation in the voting process are essential. What happened with our last presidential election was allowed by God due to the spiritual slumber and lukewarmness of many believers. Now, God offers us another chance, and the future of the U.S. rests on whether there will be an outpouring of God’s glory or an increase in evil and oppressive government control, determined by who gets into office for the next term.

Despite concerns that the next U.S. presidential election might be hindered, the power of repentance and the prayers of the saints can prevent such obstacles. A significant sign is the upcoming eclipse in April, spanning eight U.S. cities named Nineveh. God is unmistakably warning of impending judgment, reminiscent of Nineveh’s story. However, just as Nineveh experienced revival through repentance, we too can be spared from God’s judgment and experience revival if we heed this warning. Please, please share this message with all your fellow believers to emphasize the importance of our repentance and prayer before the U.S. presidential elections.

Returning to the eagle analogy, even if spared from God’s judgment on the U.S., another significant shaking is imminent, although we possess the power to thwart many of the enemy’s plans through our prayers. However, it’s crucial, like the eagle, to set our spiritual wings (so to speak) in place. This way, when the storm arrives, we can ascend above it.

Humility and repentance are crucial; we must turn from all sin and selfish ways. It’s not merely about praying Psalm 91 over ourselves, but abiding under His shadow as described in the Psalm. This requires constant prayer, meditation on His Word with time spent in His presence, and unwavering faith. By doing this, it will give us our spiritual wings to ascend above the impending storm, carried by His Spirit. Even though a thousand may fall at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand, it will not come near us. We will only look with our eyes and see the punishment of the wicked because we have made the Lord our refuge, the Most High our dwelling place, so no evil will befall us, no scourge will come near our tent.

While spiritual preparedness is paramount, it’s also prudent to be ready in practical matters as well. Though refrain from succumbing to media hype, as seen during the plandemic when exaggerations and staged scenes created unnecessary fear. Stay discerning and don’t get into fear as you prepare for what lies ahead. If at all possible, stock up on essential supplies such as water and food, preparing for unforeseen circumstances. Anticipate power outages and consider alternative cooking methods like a propane grill. Try to keep plenty of gas in your vehicles, minimizing the challenges of evacuations, which often lead to long gas station lines.

If you haven’t heard on the news, the Texas Panhandle is facing its largest fire in history right now, particularly near Amarillo, my current residence. Evacuations have already taken place in nearby towns, so I’m prepared for a potential evacuation. Please keep us in your prayers, hoping for the fire to subside without further casualties or losses.

Above all, keep your faith and remain close to Him. Take heart; these are extraordinary times. Soon, we will witness the abiding glory of the Lord upon His chosen people on earth, participating in the church’s greatest moment in history. Jesus declared that those who believe in Him will accomplish even greater things than He did. In these final days, the church is destined to exceed the remarkable deeds recorded in the book of Acts. These are truly exciting days we live in.

Beloved Saints, my love extends to each of you, and I pray for the Lord’s abundant blessings in your lives. As I have been faithful to the Lord, if these words help or encourage you, please consider a financial gift in return. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated, and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114