Your Days Of Deliverance Are Here!

Dear Saints,

I am so excited to post this word the Lord has given me for His people. We are truly living in exciting days.

To give a prophetic picture of the time in which we live, the recent worldwide lockdown during the pandemic is comparable to the time the Israelites had to stay inside with lamb’s blood on their doorposts, while the angel of death filled the cities and took the lives of the firstborn sons of the Egyptians.

And also we have witnessed this administration, along with other nations, make things difficult for people with inflation, high prices, supply shortages, riots, civil unrest, etc. This is comparable to the time when Pharoah increased the labors of the Israelites when Moses demanded to let God’s people go.

And we’ve also witnessed corrupt agencies, government officials, and judges go after Trump, Patriots, and other conservatives. This is comparable to the Pharoah and his men chasing after the Israelites when they left Egypt. And we know how that turned out.

So, prophetically speaking, God is setting His children free from a corrupt power-hungry beast system. However, we haven’t been set free yet and may still experience the powers that be attempting another power-grab through some means. So don’t get into fear or think that things will continue to only get worse when more happens between now and the time God takes down all the corrupt leaders, government officials, and those in power and influence. And this includes the church.

And soon, we will experience what the Israelites did when the Egyptians handed over all their gold. There is going to be a great transfer of wealth from the wicked to God’s children. Hallelujah!!! Get ready, people.

Now for the word from the Lord:

My dearest children; like My Israelite children of old, I have heard your cries.  I have heard your cries for deliverance from the oppressor.  And so, I say to you, your days of deliverance are here.  I call out to you all and declare unto you that you are free through My Son.  Now take your stand in Me and declare your freedom from the oppressor.

Soon, you will watch as those who have held you captive with their lies and deceit fall one by one.  And quickly things will turn around for you, even in your financial situation.  For too long your taskmasters have hidden from you the truth of who you are in Me and who you are as a citizen of My kingdom. Though I speak in riddles, those who have ears to hear know what I speak of.

Does this not thrill your hearts, My little ones?  For it thrills Me.  And soon you all shall be free to worship Me as I have desired for you to do.  And yes, even the little children shall experience new freedom in Me.  For I have come to set the captives free once again, yet this time on a much greater scale.  First, you shall experience it in the natural as I judge the wicked in high places.  Then, as My Spirit is poured out in great measure as never before, you shall experience it in the spiritual.  You shall all experience a freedom that you have never known before if you would take advantage of this great outpouring of My Spirit and rise up in Me.  Though you must do this WITH Me My little ones, I cannot do it alone for you.  And then you shall all leap with joy over this newfound freedom that you had never even dreamed of.

My children, do not take this lightly.  For the days ahead will require you to walk in this newfound freedom.  For troublesome times will still come, but as you are obedient unto Me in all your ways, you shall be free to move and have your being in Me and go out and do as I lead each of you to do.  For I am about to even change the laws of the land to make a way for this to happen.  Many laws will be changed for the good of My people and make a way for My righteous kingdom to go out into all the earth.  And no man can stop what I am about to do.

Now, get ready and stay alert.  Watch as you will see many in high places lose their place of power and influence.  And some will even lose their lives.  This is for you and for My kingdom, My little ones.  For I have judged the wickedness of man’s ways and have made a way for My righteousness to reign.  And so it shall be.  But know this also, that this season of revival and the great outpouring of My spirit shall not be the complete annihilation of evil.  But it shall be a time for My people to prepare themselves as My great army that shall go to war with the spirits of darkness and bring all things into subjection under Me.

Yes, My children, the time has come for Me to raise up My last days’ army.  And these mighty ones shall go out into all the earth to do My bidding.  And darkness shall flee from their presence.   And they shall establish My kingdom over all the earth.

Now then, rejoice in your newfound freedom.  And stay close and obedient to Me at all times.  For there will be a season where the wealth of the wicked will be given over to My children.  And you all shall rejoice when the bonds of wickedness and lies have been destroyed and you are let go.  Rejoice, My people, rise up and fight the good fight of faith, for these are the days of your deliverance.  Remember this time always, and remember who is your great deliverer.  I love you with an everlasting love. Never forget that…

Amen, amen, and amen. This is such an exciting word. The corrupt beast system is trying to implement their global reset and one world government. But God said that it’s not their time yet. So, He is making a way for us to get free both inside and out and prepare for the time of gross darkness that will still come. So don’t waste the time that He’s giving us to prepare for those days.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 11 & 12

Dear Saints,

There is so much going on in both the spiritual and natural realms. I’m sure that by now you’ve all heard of the great awakening that is coming. What I like to call it is the “Great Exodus” because prophetically speaking, God is judging Pharaoh and the Egyptians. What I mean by this is that God is judging those in power and influence, including the church, who have held His people in slavery to their lies, deceit, and abuse of power. So there will be a great awakening as they are all exposed and judged, with a great exodus from their slavery and abuse. And just like when the children of Israel carried off with the wealth of Egypt when they left, so too will there be a great transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous. These are exciting days in which we live.

However, soon after the exodus from Egypt, the Israelites were tested and tried in the wilderness and survived ONLY by following God and staying obedient. Many died in the wilderness due to their sin, rebellion, and unbelief. And so too will it be for us soon after our great exodus. We must stay very close and obedient to God as He delivers us from Egypt and takes us through the wilderness. Therefore, God is speaking to us now in an attempt to prepare us for the days ahead that are coming very quickly.

Having said that, please prayerfully read the following words from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 11

The Lord says: “The time for My people to mean “business” with Me has come! No longer can you hide behind false doctrines that tickle your ears…no longer can you defend your SELF-life by taking My words out of context & justifying what you do in life…for so many of those things that you do, do not include ME at all! I love My people with an everlasting love & it is imperative that you hear My heart for you & release your lives unto Me in this hour. For you know that I love you, but you fail to understand that My love for you is for you to be complete in Me, who is the head of all principality & power.

You are not complete outside of Me…you are complete with IN Me. This means that when you choose to do things apart from Me, you do so in your own completeness…not Mine! So many take hold of certain scriptures & base their entire life upon them, not recognizing their need to embrace the full counsel of My word to stay balanced in this last hour. So many are convinced that there is nothing they need to do to change, for their mindset is that they are complete in Me. And I tell you this, My people…you can tell just how complete you are IN Me by what you do WITH your lives.

Are your lives dedicated to seeking My kingdom? Many would say “yes”, but the reality in that life is just the opposite! For how can one say they are seeking My kingdom, but fail to do what seeking My kingdom even means? If you say that you are truly seeking Me & My kingdom, then how come you are NOT seeking to save those who are lost? For this is the basis of walking in My kingdom. What good is it if you walk IN My authority & power, yet do nothing WITH that authority & power? Do you not see that this is exactly what the parable of the ‘talents’ speaks of?

For many HAVE been given a measure of My authority & power, yet they do nothing with it but sit on it! How long will it be until My people truly hear the sound of My voice? How long will it be until My people truly will hear My heartbeat? For My heart beats for souls, yet, so many that say they are close to Me, do nothing with my heartbeat but listen. They take no action on their part…their lives are unaffected by the very beating that they hear. Many mistake My heartbeat to mean that they are hearing My love for them. This is true in part, but to fully recognize the reality of what My heart is beating for, one must come to the reality that it beats for the souls of those who NEED My love.

So many listen to My heartbeat & just sit there doing nothing. So many think that because they hear My heartbeat, they are “right where they need to be”, but then do nothing with where they ARE! I tell you these things because the hour is coming where many will be struck by fear & I need My people to be available to HELP those come to Me. I need My people to stop sitting at My feet only & to begin to do something with what they were sitting at My feet for! I do want you to sit at My feet & learn of Me. I do want you to partake of My heart!

But in reality, for you to do this, you must see that there is an action that goes along with this very thing. For how can you say that you are close to Me, but you never do the things that being close to Me should bring? This is important for you to understand. For, to just sit at My feet & receive of Me is useless if there is no action on your part to be My Ambassadors on this earth. I need you to see the reality of where you truly are. For this place that many dwell in, may seem “good” to them, but without action on your part, this really is just another form of complacency & compromise…an embellishment of SELF!

I need My people to recognize that only the life that is being used IN My kingdom IS truly pleasing to Me. Those who think that there is nothing that needs to change in their lives are in for a shock! For I told you, that if you do not remain & abide in My goodness, which really means USEFULNESS, you will be cut off of My tree! How are you being useful in My kingdom? Are you seeking to be such or are you only thinking & living for SELF? I ask you this because I need you to see the reality that exists IN the great majority of My people. So many think they are right with Me, but most are only hanging ON to Me, BY the grace that I have provided.

My people are supposed to be the members of My body on this earth. Yes, My body does have many members, each doing different things, but the bottom line is, My people are to work towards the building UP of My kingdom…not the building up of SELF-made kingdoms! I need you to see these things because as time goes forward, many things are going to change. Many who say they are Mine will be devastated by much of this, because they have built their own kingdoms on their own special scriptures that allure the flesh…these ARE but SAND!

Many have done this, instead of building My kingdom ON the ROCK of My solid word, holding My word balanced in their lives, as I desire. Yes, there are good things ahead for those who will run hard after Me, but there is much that is going to happen to get to that place & many will not be able to bear up under the stress & trauma, because they do not HAVE the spiritual discipline it will take to do so. That is why I am telling you these things now, so you can surrender your hearts UNTO Me & seek Me to help you to prepare for these things.

This will take you to abandon YOUR own self-made salvation & to fully embrace the salvation that is of Me. It is time for My people to truly become My people. Not in word only, deceiving yourselves…but My people in word & deed. For I am coming back for a bride that has made herself ready. I am coming back for a glorious church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. I am coming back for those who are truly surrendered unto Me. I call unto you now & ask you to listen to My heartbeat! Will you hear the truth IN that sound & respond from your heart unto Me, by bringing your heart to beat as mine?

I wait on you to make the right decision, for the decision must be made. My people will make their decision by what they decide to do WITH their lives. I love you My people & truly want you to be with Me. I need you to do YOUR part. I need you to SEE the truth IN your lives so you can humble yourselves & repent. There is still a little time to do this, but do not think you will just wait until later because for some this will be TOO late. Hear Me, My people & run hard towards My heart & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 12

The Lord says: “The hour has come for the people of God to demonstrate the reality of Me IN their lives. For the time has passed where I have allowed you to continue in your self-made faith…compromised by this world…compromised by your self life & now I declare to you, it is time that you truly become what My word says you ARE to BE. For surely, so many of My people are far from where I desire them to be. So many think they have presented their bodies to Me as a living sacrifice when in reality all they have surrendered is the things they have decided & then only in the times that they decide to do so.

For truly as I look upon My people this day, I see more of the world IN them, than Me! I see their lives dedicated to doing the things that THEY desire, instead of truly seeking to please ONLY Me. I tell you these things out of My everlasting love for you because love ALWAYS tells the truth! I cannot whisper to you the things that your flesh desires to hear. I cannot wink any longer at those things that I see My people do, so now I tell you…it is time to put away your childish things & become ONE with Me. So many think they ARE one with me, but how can My people be deceived into thinking that I want them to do so many of the things that THEY do?

I ask you, how is it possible that you do not see the importance of your lives BEFORE Me? So many think that because they have received Me into their hearts that everything is done & there is no real need for them to do anything. Deception has gripped My people & taken them hostage into a life that pleases only SELF! I listen to My people claiming My promises & declaring how I AM going to give them victory & blessings in their lives, but these same people do NOTHING to cause these things to come to them! I tell you the truth & lie not! So many do not recognize the reality of faith IN Me.

To say you walk in the faith of Me means nothing if you are not doing the things that walking in My faith will cause you to do. How can blessing & victory come into your lives when you continue doing the things that do just the opposite of what faith is? Faith is not believing for the things that you desire…faith is believing for the things that I desire for you. It is My desire that My people BE victorious & walk IN My blessing, but so many do not ever truly understand what My victory & blessing really ARE! I told you that in the world you would have tribulation…you would have PRESSURE coming against you. Yet, what else did I say?

I said to be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. I need you to see the truth in that statement because My people need to see that the victory & blessings many times come THRU the process of that tribulation & pressure. How is it that My people expect to walk in a life that has NO challenges, NO opportunity to PROVE the truth of your faith to Me? Are you willing to stand up against adversity, just to please Me? For I told you that you must by great tribulation enter into the kingdom of God, yet so many of My people do not see this very thing! They think that the trials & situations in their lives are an indication of My love towards them!

Did I believe My father didn’t love Me because He allowed Me to go thru all the horror, trauma & pain that I experienced? No! Because I chose to do those things that were pleasing unto him. I could have called for 10,000 angels to deliver Me, yet I chose to finish My course & redeem mankind unto Myself. I need My people to truly see this & be willing to DO as I have done. You are to follow Me! You are to be led by Me! You are to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy & well pleasing UNTO Me, so I can walk THRU you.

So many of the problems that My people experience have to do with your not listening to My voice. Yes, at times you hear Me & DO obey…I am talking about the times you do NOT hear, therefore do NOT obey! So many of My people experience more trouble than necessary just because of this very thing! I need My people to set their hearts closer to Me, so they can hear Me in all that I say to them…not just the times that you decide to listen! This may sound foolish, but the truth is, many of My people would fare much better in life if they would truly focus on hearing My voice!

To do this, it is imperative that you set your affection on Me…not on this world. For I am always speaking to you, yet so few do hear Me at all times. This is because I speak in that still small voice…which is easy to overlook when the things of the world are SO LOUD IN your lives. Remember…My voice wasn’t in the fire…it wasn’t in the earthquake…My voice was found IN that still small voice, which it is necessary for you to quiet your SELF-life, so you can hear My life & will for you! I come to you this day to challenge you to take hold of Me as never before. Because in the days ahead, you will need to hear Me more than you now know.

For I will lead you in the way you should go…I will help you to avoid chaos & trouble if you will only listen to Me & do as I say. I have warned you about this for years, yet after all this time, few have truly responded to Me, as I desire. I ask you, My people…if you truly love Me, you will seek to please only Me. I give you space to come to yourselves, so you can experience the reality of a true faith walk IN Me. Hear My words of love to you & truly seek to please only Me in your heart & lives & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Dear Saints, we are in a time of unprecedented grace where we have a window of opportunity to overcome in areas that have held us bound for years. We are in a time where we can spiritually grow closer to God than what we’ve ever known or thought possible. 

We must do our part in seeking Him in our quiet time and waiting upon Him to show up, then obeying His still small voice. And as we do this, we will quickly grow up into Him.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.