God will be glorified in His remnant.

Word from the Father to His remnant:

My chosen ones, listen to your heavenly Father this day.  Do you not know, nor recognize just how much I desire to be one with you?  For I tell you; this has been My plan and desire since before the foundations of the earth.  And now, I am thrilled to share with you that the season is now upon you to become one with Me in the fullness of Spirit and truth.

I do not speak merely of a judicial truth, yet an experiential truth.  The season is now for whosoever will, to walk with Me as Enoch walked with Me in days of old.

Now listen intently to what I would say to you.  There is a remnant that I have hidden in the earth.  This remnant is hidden from the eyes and understanding of the flesh and the religious mindsets of man.  Yet, soon My Son, the Christ, shall be glorified in this remnant.  And in this, I shall be glorified.  For I tell you; many of My people are waiting for their rapture out of the earth, yet My chosen ones are seeking the fullness of My Son abiding in earthen vessels (Heb. 2:10, Col. 1:27, John 14:20-21).  And THIS is my plan for the end of this age, to abide in tabernacles of flesh and blood, a habitation for My presence revealing My glory and My kingdom in the earth realm BEFORE the gathering of My Church out of the earth. (Psalm 132:13, Luke 17:21, Haggai 2:9, Matt. 24:14).

Have you all not known this to be true?  Has your spirit not hungered for more of Me?  I tell you; this hunger in you is because I am stirring up My remnant in these last days.
Oh, I know there are many who would like to believe they are part of My remnant.  Yet, I ask you this; are you truly willing to love not your lives even unto death?  Are you willing to lose your life so that you may find the abundant life?  If so, then you are one of the many who are called to be part of My remnant. Yet, even in this, many are called but few are chosen.

So then, if you are willing to lay everything down, take up your cross to self, and follow My Son wherever He takes you in these last days, then you shall be led into everlasting life into oneness with Me while you are still in the earth realm.  And My Son shall be glorified in your earthly bodies for all the world to marvel at.  Do not think that this is too impossible of a thing to do.  For surely, nothing shall be impossible for Me working in those who believe (Eph. 3:20).

I understand that this may be something foreign to many of you.  That is because the fallen churches of man have not sought after the things of Me to the point of dying to self that I may be fully glorified.  Oh, there are those churches and ministries that do seek My presence.  Yet, even so, there are few who are willing to completely die to self so that I may be fully represented in My glory.   In fact, much of what is proclaimed as My glory is nothing more than whims of the flesh that does not represent My true glory. For My glory is holy and cannot be represented by the sinful flesh of man (Num. 4:15, 2 Sam. 6:1-7).  Yet, even so, My glory can and shall be seen in my chosen remnant who have been cleansed by My cleansing fires (Mal. 3:1-4).  And this glory shall astonish those in the earth while it will anger those of the religious order of man. However, they shall not be able to stop nor quench My glory when Christ is revealed in My chosen ones (1 John 3:2-3).

Does this not thrill your hearts?  For it does Mine.  I have waited patiently for this hour.  And now it is upon you.  So then, take heed to these words of Mine when I say to lay your hearts upon the altar of sacrifice and seek Me daily.  Spend time with My Son in your prayer closets.  And wait for My Spirit to show up and commune with you.  If you would do this, then My Son shall lead you by My Spirit into all that I have for you.  And if you refrain from shrinking back and continue on as you take up your cross, then My Son shall lead you into your destiny in Christ and the fullness of Christ in you, your hope of glory (Col. 1:27).

For I declare to you this day that I am doing a new thing in the earth and your old wineskins cannot contain this new move of My Spirit.  So then, step out of your comfort zones and be willing to be led by My Spirit into all things pertaining to life and godliness.  Surely you shall not be disappointed.

I love you, My dearest chosen ones, and I speak to you in a manner in which I don’t speak to most.  For many of My children are not willing to go on unto perfection (Heb. 6:1, Eph. 4:13).  But you are willing.  Therefore, I speak to you as mature sons and daughters.  So, heed this word of Mine this day and seek intimate fellowship with Me and My Son.  There are great days ahead for you just as there are days of severe persecution and tribulation.  But fear not, for My Son has overcome the world and the evil one.  And He shall never leave you nor forsake you.  For by My Spirit, He shall be your strength and your shield.

Therefore, prepare yourselves to be taken down a path that you have not known (Isa. 42:14-16).  But take comfort that My Spirit is with you.  And if you continue to fight the good fight of faith and endure to the end, you shall be greatly rewarded for all to witness (Matt. 24:13, Rev. 3:21).

I love you and desire for you to know My love in a way that you have never known. Truly I tell you, nothing that you go through on this journey is worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in you (Rom. 8:18).

Therefore, just as My Son despised not the shame of the cross for the joy that was set before Him, so you too set your hearts on the joy set before you so that you may endure to the end.  I tell you, it SHALL be worth it…..


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