Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to ALIGN with the things of MY Kingdom, by coming OUT OF their self lives. I need you to understand that for so long, My people have been LED to take hold of, to trust, to believe things that DID NOT truly line up with My words, but were conveniently MINIMIZING My truth, by compromising My truth with SELF truth. For as you see the “church system” that EXISTS around the world, you can see how things ARE becoming more & more compromised, more & more complacent in what I have said & instead being twisted & morphed into something that is NOT of Me!

For I AM come that you MIGHT have life! The problem is, the life that many are NOW holding to is NOT the life that I came to bring. For the life I came to bring, is a life that is NOT controlled by self, but yielded to & obedient to Me. For I AM looking for those who CAN see things as they TRULY are. THESE see the error & the conflict in what My word says & how My truth is NOT being manifest around the world. For I came to set the captives FREE…not ENABLE them to continue in THEIR sin, thinking I “wink at them”! The time has come for those who say they are Mine to show Me the truth that EXISTS within their hearts.

For I tell you…I KNOW those who truly ARE Mine. They do NOT add their voices to the voices of the compromised & complacent…they SEE them for what they are & they DO as I have said. For I told you to mark them that walk contrary to what I have COMMANDED & not allow their sin to take hold of YOU…not to join WITH them in agreement, thinking that My grace is something to be compromised WITH sin & self! I need My people to truly SEE the difference! For as time goes forward, there WILL be much change all around you & those who are NOT scoping things out, as I have commanded, will NOT be able to SEE the subtle changes, as things are slowly TWEAKED more & more AWAY from My ways & unto the ways of the evil one.

For those who HAVE trumpeted “My grace” over the years, were SO bent on the “grace” factor, they forgot to KEEP a BALANCE in holiness & righteousness. And because of this, a spiritual cancer HAS formed & IS spreading across the world, with more & more people being INFECTED with this PSEUDO grace. And now My grace has been turned INTO something that basically allows people to do & be whatever THEY desire…instead of being conformed to My image. For I told you THIS very night, that I AM coming back for those who HAVE walked in HUMILITY to My words…NOT those who walk in THEIR self-made righteousness.

For in humility, My people WILL deny self & BECOME like Me. People continue to IGNORE the truth that I tell them…I commanded you to EXERCISE YOUR MINDS TO OBEY ME…NOT self…NOT the things of self! I need those who say they are Mine to SHOW Me who’s they REALLY are! And these can ONLY do this as they WILL recognize the REALITY that HAS existed within them, IN their self walk & REPENT before Me while they still can. I look at the hearts & lives of those who say they are Mine & I SEE many of them ‘scratching their heads’, not able to figure out what IS wrong in their lives, yet they cannot even see the SIMPLE truths that are right before them that show them the truth that exists within their hearts.

So many hear My words as I speak them in this hour & they really SHUN them MORE than receive them, because they CANNOT even see any NEED for them to change. They CANNOT see the very things that I AM wanting to do WITHIN them because they do NOT believe there IS anything they need to change. This is SIMPLE to solve, for I already told you this in Rev. 3, to the church of the Laodiceans, (which church MANY of those who say they are mine truly ARE a part of). For you say you ARE “rich, increased with goods & have need of nothing”. This is saying that you have NO need for change.

This is saying that you CANNOT see the things that I desire changed WITHIN you, because of the compromise & complacency that EXISTS within your heart! I need those who fall into this category to RECOGNIZE the reality that exists within them & for them to TRULY humble themselves before Me! I counseled you to BUY from Me, gold tried in the fire, so you MIGHT be rich & white raiment, so you would be clothed & the shame of your nakedness would not appear & for eye salve to anoint your eyes, so you MIGHT see! THIS “buying gold tried in the fire”, speaks of refining by humility!

For it IS the very humility that My people have EMBRACED within their lives that I USE to change them & conform INTO the body of My glory. How can you believe that you will be changed into My glory when you refuse to come into TRUE humility as I desire? I need those who say they are mine to TRULY see the seriousness of this hour & to truly HUMBLE themselves before Me. I keep saying “seriousness” because of the fact that SO few have righteously responded unto Me, as I desire. So many are STILL holding to their compromised & complacent ways, not recognizing THEIR need to change.

Still holding to their childish SENSE of feeling condemnation, when they should take hold of the CONVICTION that I AM trying to impart unto them. But these cannot recognize the conviction, because they FAIL to see that they are STILL walking in the flesh in areas of their lives. I know this is hard to comprehend, but I tell you this truly is the way things are! So many have ADJUSTED their lives IN a “comfort zone”, that nothing can penetrate, because SELF is still truly RULING within them. They cannot even see this, because of the HOLD that self has on their lives. In these, they may “obey Me in small things”, but in the bigger, MORE impactful areas, they fail to even see their need for change.

I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love. Yes, it truly IS My desire that you become like me, but I cannot FORCE you to BE like Me…I can only show you the way…it is up to each of you to follow! You will either follow your own SELF heart, or you will truly humble your hearts BEFORE Me & deny yourself, take up your cross & follow Me. So many do not even really understand what THAT means. How can they, when they have denied “denying self”? How can they, when they deny “taking up the cross”? I tell you, if you understood this truth, your lives would be SO different!

There would STILL BE men & women who I married, STILL married, recognizing they ARE made one IN Me, but have become separate because their SELF that rules within them, when they “think” they are submitted unto Me! This is just ONE example of how FAR those who say they are mine truly ARE from Me! This is just scratching the surface because underneath the surface, opens up to SO many other things that people CANNOT see! I tell you again, the time HAS COME for those who say they are mine, to truly BECOME like Me. You cannot go forward one more step without recognizing the reality that exists within you.

I need you to see things as they really are…not the way your self-ways has CORRUPTED you to see them. For I gave Myself FULLY for My church. I suffered, I was beaten & bled & I died! And most of the church that I died for this day, DOES NOT enter into what I accomplished for them. They show THIS by the way that they TREAT each other. Christians that I joined as one, divorce, ministers that I ordained, have left their assignments from Me. Men & women living their lives, as THEY choose, NOT realizing that they ARE really not serving Me! I tell you…I have NEVER left or forsaken them! I have never failed any of them!

But many of these, DO these very things all the time, not even knowing that they have AND are doing them! I continue to love them & DO My best to bring them back to Me. I do this by telling them the TRUTH. I cannot do this by telling them the things THEY want to hear…the devil is already doing that & look what he has accomplished in SO many! I need My people to KNOW the truth in their lives. I need My people to recognize the difference, between SELF truth & My truth. My truth DOES NOT tickle the ears of flesh. My truth tickles the heart that TRULY desires to BE one with Me. For My truth tells the heart the NEED for change!

Yes, My truth ALSO tells those that I AM pleased with their walk with Me, but this ISN’T happening so much anymore, because SO many are holding to their SELF ways, seeing NO need to change. This IS grieving, but I hold strong to My love for them, working THRU the way things are, TRYING to wake them up OUT OF their slumber. For SO many are changing AWAY from My image & becoming more & more like the image of the ENEMY! I need those who say they are Mine to SEE things as they truly are. I need those who say they love me, to SHOW Me their love, BY their obedience.

The time has come for My people to truly BECOME My people. You MUST turn away from the direction you have been going, that has NOT been on My path\road\groove\rut! So many have “jumped off the track” I had them on & are NOW on a path that is slowly moving them AWAY from Me & My will for them. I need these to see this & EXECUTE the needed changes to get BACK on My path for them. There IS still time to do this, but I would advise you to NOT delay. I love you all…I truly, truly do! I desire for all who say they are Mine, to BE with Me. So let go of YOUR self ways & RUN back to Me while you still can!

Can you hear the seriousness IN My voice? This seriousness IS one of TRUE love, that I gave my all, so you could BE one with Me. Please do NOT waste what I “gave” to continue pursuing your self ways! Deny yourselves, take up your cross & follow Me! I did NOT say this would be easy…I just commanded you to obey & do it! Yes, there WILL be hardships in doing this. Yes, there WILL be difficulties in walking in obedience to My voice, but I promise you that if you WILL do this, as I desire, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you can sense the Lord’s love for us as He pleads for us to change our ways and follow Him in truth and obedience. These words from the Lord truly convict my heart and each time I ask Him to search My heart and reveal to me the areas that need changing. I plead with you all to do the same because our hearts are desperately wicked, deceiving even our own selves. So we need the Lord to shine His light in the dark areas of our hearts and reveal to us where we need change.

And if these words from the Lord bless or help you in any way, please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

The time has come for My people to truly BECOME My people.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore. 

The Lord says: “I come to My people this evening to REMIND them of what I have already spoken, so they can see the truth WITHIN their lives & return UNTO Me in this hour. For truly, as I have taken you THRU the reality of the way things are, both in YOUR present world & also IN those who are called My people. For all that I have shared with you this evening, in My written word, I have done this to HELP you to see as never before. I look at My people & I SHOW you the reality that is there, for even as you have walked THRU My words in this night, you have seen just how FAR from Me so many of those who say they are mine, really are.

For I have commanded you to exercise\to use the mind that is IN you, as I used when I walked upon the earth. For I did not use My form as being God, nor did I esteem it & use it IN My earth walk, but I emptied My SELF of all of those things & took on the FORM of a servant…I BECAME a slave to SERVE mankind. I share THESE things to REMIND you that YOU told me that YOU wanted to follow Me. So I am reminding you, of YOUR own words, so you CAN take action & BEGIN to DO your words, in this present hour. It is time for you to truly begin to FOLLOW Me. It IS time for YOU to EMPTY yourselves of YOUR self lives & BE My vessels of glory & honor in this hour.

I look at My people in this hour & I see SO many who still keep hold of their self lives, doing ONLY the things that they want to do. Yes, at times SOME will come aside & do a FEW things here or there, according to My will, but for the most part, this is FEW & far between! I need My people to truly SEE the reality that exists WITHIN them, for as long as they REFUSE to do this, nothing will ever change. I AM calling for revival in this hour. And for revival to truly come, My people will HAVE to rise from the DEAD self lives that they CONTINUE to live in. So many cannot even SEE this truth within their lives.

So many are still held tight in their OWN slumber of self, they do not realize just how FAR they are from Me. Each & every one of those who say they are mine are REQUIRED to see this. There is no one that is EXEMPT. For even those who ARE doing their best to come close to Me, RECOGNIZE this great need within their lives & they ARE responding to My heart in this hour with THEIR lives. For those that ARE close to Me, hear My voice!. Those who are truly seeking Me hear My love & concern, they hear the LOVING tone of My voice. And THIS shows the difference in the way things are!

For those who CANNOT hear or REFUSE to hear My love & desire for them to COME CLOSER to Me, do not hear because their hearts are STILL bound by their LOVE of self. But those who truly hear My heart, those who truly hear My love, those that truly hear My words of concern & desperation for them to change, KNOW I AM only speaking OUT OF My great love for them. But the others will ONLY hear condemnation, refusing to change, because they do NOT want to give up THEIR own self-made pseudo walk, “that they love Me”. They are fully convinced that THIS is the way they ARE to go, because of well-meaning men’s teachings & doctrines.

So many CANNOT perceive just how FAR those who say they are mine ARE from Me. I AM calling My people, those who say they are Mine, to wake up & STOP living the lie they call “Christianity” & truly humble themselves & BECOME obedient to Me, as I DID for My Father, as I GAVE myself for the sins of the world! How can SO many that say they love Me, think that they ARE right before me when they do NOT even do the very things I COMMANDED to do? How can SUCH a reality EXIST in a world where I HAVE poured out My spirit upon all flesh? So, those who SAY they ARE Mine, have NOT truly RECEIVED My Spirit…they are STILL walking in the spirit of THIS present world.

I tell you that THESE things are not supposed to be! The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. For My obedience caused My father to GIVE Me a name ABOVE every name. But as I look upon those who say they are mine, I do NOT see such obedience in the great majority…but in reality, I see only an obedience to do those things that the enemy desires THEM to do! For I look upon My people & I see a people who are truly MIXED with the world. I see a people who are NOT shining the light that I COMMANDED them to shine! The time has come, in this hour for those who SAY they are Mine to DO as I have told them to do.

You must take your places & DO your part…you must YIELD yourselves to Me & continually SEEK to work DOWN deep within you, the very salvation that they SAY you possess. For this IS a process. This IS something you do over time. This IS something that few ARE doing in this hour. For there is LITTLE fear of God, in the very people of God. There is very LITTLE trembling in those who SHOULD be trembling in this hour. So many are STILL lulled sound asleep in THEIR complacency & compromise…they do NOT hear My voice, because it is NOT the voice they WANT to hear. I challenge My people to BEGIN to do the things that I have said to do.

For My words came forth in this night, I desire to look upon My people & see that I didn’t run in vain for them…that I didn’t labor in vain for them. Such emptiness I see, in My efforts in SO many! For though I look, I do NOT see the effectual working of My labor working WITHIN them. I see MOSTLY the things that THEY desire to do. I see mostly the things of THIS present world BEING where their heart truly IS. The time has come for My people to truly BECOME My people. You CAN continue on your present path, thinking all is well with you, & then suffer the consequences.

OR you CAN hear My heart of love for you & SEE the folly of YOUR self ways & RETURN unto Me in this hour. I love you all with an everlasting love & those who hear My voice, KNOW this. Their hearts CRY in unison WITH My voice, as THEY seek to do those things that ARE pleasing in My sight. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to take hold of you, as never before. For this IS the hour that you WILL show Me, as well as the world, who’s you TRULY are. Do NOT remain where you are, THINKING all is well.

Take hold of Me & My words for you & EMBRACE the truth of God in this hour. For as you WILL do this, you will BEGIN to know the truth as never before, because you will no longer be HELD by compromised or complacent realities in your life, you WILL seek to embrace ONLY that which IS of Me. And I will take hold of your hearts & lead you in the way that you ARE to go & GREAT exploits WILL come forth OUT FROM you in this hour. I love you, My people…hear My love & righteously respond unto Me in this hour & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all receive this convicting word from the Lord. He loves us greatly and is trying to change us into His image and righteous Bride. But we must do our part. It won’t just happen because we think it will. We have our responsibility to obey His commands.

And if these words from the Lord bless or help you in any way, please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

So many today do not see the time that they have now entered.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore. 

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to SEE things as they truly are. For SO many of you STILL do not see the things that I AM trying to show you. So many of you still HOLD to your self-made concepts of salvation, THINKING that you have NO need for change. So many are NOT able to see IN their own lives, the things that I AM trying to convey to them. For even in THIS night, I have shown you the example that My servant, the apostle Paul GAVE of his OWN life, to SHINE forth MY glory, going THRU trials & the things that he EXPERIENCED, to HELP My people of THAT day to understand THEIR need to walk accordingly.

So many TODAY do not see the time that they have now entered & continue to STAY in their own compromised mindsets of complacency. I AM calling for those who say they are mine to RISE UP OUT OF their self lives & walk & BEGIN to see things AS I SEE them. For I look upon My people & I SEE the ones that ARE hearing My voice. I SEE these & watch them as THEY take My words & apply them to THEIR hearts, seeking to BECOME more like Me. I SEE those who will ATTEMPT to hear what I AM saying & in MANY of these, instead of My words going INTO their hearts & lives, they will nitpick & critique them, looking for ways to IGNORE what I AM saying.

So they can continue walking in THEIR self-made faith, thinking that ALL is right within them. It saddens Me that so many of My people have FORGOTTEN the very reality of WHY they are NOT hearing My words! For I told you & RECONFIRMED IT… IF you WILL hear My voice, harden NOT your heart! I COMMANDED you 7 times in the book of revelation alone, that he that has an ear to hear, to ACTIVELY HEAR what I AM saying! It grieves My spirit that SO many of My people STILL will hold on to THEIR self-made faith, instead of RECOGNIZING the truth & reality of the way things ARE!

I AM coming back for a GLORIOUS church, without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Honestly, as I look upon MY church today, I do NOT see many that fall into THAT category! So many are STILL filled with man-made doctrines that promise them everything, without them having to do ANYTHING on their part. So many do NOT take the full counsel of God & KEEP their lives BALANCED BY My word. I CHALLENGE you all THIS evening, to take a LOOK at your lives & SEE what truth EXISTS WITHIN you! For IF you are NOT truly seeking to BECOME more like Me, then YOU show the truth of what IS IN your lives.

So many hear My words & instead of embracing them WITH their hearts, they REJECT them, feeling condemnation, instead of conviction (that would DRIVE them CLOSER TO Me in their lives). I told you before, that those that feel condemnation IN My words, you ARE showing YOURSELVES, that you are STILL walking in things of the flesh, that you REFUSE to see, acknowledge & bring godly change INTO your lives. I do NOT say this in spite…I say this because I love you all with an everlasting love & IT IS My true desire that you SEE & understand these things & RIGHTEOUSLY respond to Me in this hour.

For I tell you that all over the world, SO many of My people ARE falling away from My truth & EMBRACING a PSEUDO truth that THEY have decided FOR themselves. My people are BECOMING more & more like the frog in the pot on top of the stove & do NOT even realize what is happening to them, as they ARE lulled more & more INTO the sleep of death, to take them AWAY from Me! I tell you, My people, that as you look at YOUR world today, I remind you that THIS IS YOUR world…for IT IS WHAT it is today because of the light that YOU HAVE shined & ARE STILL shining! For there is GREAT darkness that STILL exists within those who SAY they are Mine.

I tell you that if you CANNOT see YOUR need to continually self-examine YOUR lives, seeking My “amen”, then you will be doomed to spiral down INTO perdition, ACCEPTING your OWN self-made salvation that CAUSES satan to rejoice! For he SEES the lack of power & authority that EXISTS in those who SAY they are Mine! This IS why the Satanists ARE rising up all over the earth & holding rallies & exhibitions, causing an “awakening” to those in the world…all BECAUSE My people continue to KEEP their “light” UNDER a bushel, HIDDEN away from mankind…living THEIR compromised & complacent lifestyles, thinking all IS right & good WITHIN them.

The time HAS come for those who SAY they are Mine to STOP being LIKE the Pharisees, LOOKING FOR FAULT & rejecting My words & instead, BECOME broken & contrite, & repent of THEIR own evil ways while they STILL can. I TRULY love you all & IT IS My desire that you BECOME like Me. You can ONLY do this, as you WILL hear my voice! You can only hear My voice, by REMOVING the hardness that EXISTS WITHIN your hearts. This hardness IS manifest, by YOUR very reaction to your “hearing” My words. For a heart that IS humble & contrite HEARS My words…they RESPOND to My voice & they SEEK to do those things that ARE pleasing in My sight!

As long as you hold to your own self-ways, you will NOT be able to hear Me as I desire…you will ONLY hear the things that will TICKLE your ears & make YOU feel good about yourself. I do NOT want this IN My people…I want them to seek the AMEN of My Spirit as their lives LINE UP with what My word says…NOT just the words that “well-meaning men” have preached! For these ARE sowing destruction to My people, causing them to EMBRACE something where they have NO need to have action, NO need to take part, NO need to yield unto My voice.

You wonder WHY the world is getting so dark? I just explained to you why! I need My people…those who say they are mine, to SEE the error of their own self ways & truly DO as I have said to do. For IF My people, who are called by My name, WILL truly humble themselves, SEEK My Face & turn from THEIR wicked ways, THEN will I hear from Heaven, forgive THEIR sin & heal THEIR land. I want you to hear the CONTENT of what I just said. For so many cannot even begin to DO those very words, because they do NOT see they have any need to do so!

I need you to SEE that this IS pride & you know where pride takes you! Come to Me, My people, & truly BECOME My people. Not a people that ONLY pretends to BE Mine, but a people that SHINE My light as I DESIRE…NOT as you desire, but as My word HAS declared. Go into all your world & preach My gospel, SEEKING to save all who are lost! Do the works that I HAVE called YOU to do. STOP living YOUR self-made compromised lives of pleasure & ease & BE the church that I have called you to BE & you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all receive this convicting word from the Lord. I for one acknowledge that I still need much change in my heart as I seek to live the life of the inward cross to self. John the Baptist went about preaching “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight paths for him”. Today, the Spirit of the Lord is crying out to those who will have an ear to hear to “Prepare the way of the Lord’s coming, make straight paths for Him in your hearts.” In other words, cleanse yourselves of all sin and flesh. These are the days of the Bride’s opportunity to make herself ready. Will you be one of the wise virgins? Or will you be one of the foolish ones who didn’t redeem the time given to make yourself ready? Please, please takes these words from the Lord seriously, and make yourself ready now before it becomes too late and you miss out.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

If these words bless or help you in any way, please consider a love gift to help with our financial needs.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Urgent help needed from my Brothers & Sisters in Christ.

Dear Saints,

As you all may already know, during this season of my life the Lord has me living mainly on the support of other’s financial gifts and donations. I’ve shared my story before, but for those who may not know, I used to have a very lucrative business. But the Lord shut the door to that business, and for a season, He has called me to just trust Him for my provisions without any working of my own. It’s been a long difficult road. And I have to admit that there were times before I fully put my trust in Him to provide, that I tried to get a job at several places. But it was evident that God was shutting all those doors to prevent me from working so that I could learn to trust Him alone for my provisions.

Although, the Lord did finally allow me to work small jobs on the side to help with my living expenses. It only temporarily helps with my expenses sometimes, but I’m very grateful for anything the Lord provides.

I’ve also shared with you all that He has called me to another business, but He hasn’t opened the door for it to prosper yet. This new business has the potential to be very lucrative like the business I had before. And God has called me to be a Joseph in these last days when the real tough times hit. But right now, I’m still in Joseph’s prison waiting for God’s appointed time, which I strongly believe will be this year.

But the reason I’m writing all this is because I feel that some may wonder why I seem to always be asking for financial help. Trust me, I’d rather be earning all my own income and not have to rely on others’ financial help. This is very hard for me, especially since I’ve been used to making good money through business. But as much as I’d rather be earning all my own income, this is where God has me right now.

I do live a meager life, but my living expenses are still over $2000 a month, which includes my monthly rent of $900.

So having said all that, my rent and other bills are due and I don’t even have enough to cover rent yet. Donations have declined since inflation has gone up and I certainly understand that these are tough times for everyone. Since inflation has gone up, the number of people who regularly give has dropped nearly in half. And there never were a lot of people who regularly give, so now there’s less than a handful of people who give each month.

But even though times are tough, we are still called to bare one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2) Even though I barely have enough to live on each month, I still give when and where I can knowing that God will provide all my needs. He is faithful. But there are times like this when we have to let our Brothers and Sisters in Christ know our needs so they can be used by God to help. And that is why I write this.

I also know that not everyone is able to give, but I’m very thankful for those who do. And I’m especially thankful to those who are in a situation like mine, but still give the very little that they can. God sees your heart and will bless you in return.

So then, if anyone is able to give any amount, it would be greatly appreciated as it is urgently needed at this time. And as always, I thank all those who do give and I pray the Lord abundantly blesses you in return for your faithfulness.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

I come to My people in this hour to lead them forward into victory.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore. Also, I am still in great need of finances to cover my rent that is now due. So please consider a love gift of any size to help with my need.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to LEAD them forward INTO victory. For as I told you last week, you HAVE entered into a time of warfare. A time that you have NEVER seen…a time that you have NEVER walked in. For in this time I AM requiring those who SAY they are Mine to walk in Me, PREPARED for battle. You CANNOT do this, in YOUR previous state, due to the complacency & compromise that has CONTAMINATED My people thru well-meaning men’s teachings & doctrines. For even MANY of My prophetic voices have HELPED to compromise My people in ways that I never desired.

For as My servants HEAR Me, they have ONLY heard the part that could be heard IN them, due to the TRUE condition of their heart. For they ONLY knew in part & prophesied in part. They ONLY saw the GOOD things…they ONLY heard the words that PROMISED blessing. They ONLY spoke out the things that would ENTICE My people to draw CLOSE to THEM. Very FEW have truly heard the words that I AM speaking IN this hour. For these HAVE seen the ERROR of the prophetic movement that has LIMITED My people by KEEPING them on a road that PROMISES so many things, yet rarely, if ever tells them the things that MUST be done to walk INTO the very things they have said.

For I tell you, that THERE IS always a process that My people MUST go thru, in order to SEE these words manifest IN their lives. So many have LISTENED & EXPECTED for Me to just drop these things INTO their laps, EXPECTING blessing & favor & abundance, not realizing that THESE things come THRU a process of SOWING IN the LIFE. I SPEAK of sowing in the life, NOT sowing as man HAS declared! So many are LOOKING for My blessing & favor BECAUSE they GAVE an offering. So many are LOOKING for abundance because THEY gave a gift, but I tell you that the TRUE blessing & abundance comes from a life that is TRULY SUBMITTED unto Me to do the things that I desire.

NOT what man has TOLD them to do. So many CANNOT hear Me for themselves…they SEEK after words that will TICKLE their ears & make them FEEL fuzzy, when I am desiring them to hear the words that will CHALLENGE them & CATAPULT them OUT OF complacency & compromise, to RISE UP & BECOME My last day ARMY that will SUBDUE the powers of darkness & TAKE BACK this world for My Kingdom. How can My people SEE this happen, when ALL they are FIXATED on is PERSONAL blessing? I tell you that THIS is NOT how My people are supposed to BE!

So many STILL cannot SEE & DISCERN the reality that IS happening all around them, as they look upon the CONDITION of the world & NEVER seem to see that it IS THEIR own complacency & compromise that caused the world to BECOME this way! I tell you these things because I TRULY love you with an everlasting love. I CANNOT tell you words, just to TICKLE your ears. I CANNOT tell you things that YOU want to hear. I MUST tell you what you NEED to hear…what YOU need to do to CHANGE. What you MUST SEE, in order to RISE UP IN Me & DO the exploits that I have CALLED you to DO.

Do NOT remain in that complacent & compromised life of SELF, that TRICKS you to stay IDLE, while the world goes to hell in a handbasket. I tell you, that IF you continue in THIS state, you WILL stand BEFORE Me & I WILL recon with YOU in THAT hour…& you should NOT want to SEE that happen! I AM calling My people back to Me, so they can TRULY BE My people. I AM calling My people OUT OF the darkness that has been CAST over them thru various means & BRING them INTO the light so they can SEE things as they truly are. You CANNOT stay where you are thinking ALL is well WITHIN you, for I tell you that the GREAT majority of those who SAY they are Mine, are FAR from Me!

For the FAITH that so many have EMBRACED & HELD to, is NOT the faith that I CREATED. It IS a PSEUDO-SELF-made faith that APPEASES the flesh & only THINKS of what IT can achieve. I CREATED a faith that DRAWS My people CLOSE to Me, so they will BECOME like Me. How can you THINK that you are walking IN my faith, when I look at you & see you are looking MORE like the world than Me? The time HAS come for My people to SHAKE themselves FREE from the things that the ENEMY has tricked & deceived My people to ENTER into. The time has come for My people to take hold of My TRUE armor & FIGHT the good fight of FAITH.

For My armor IS for MY purposes…NOT merely so you can AVOID the attacks of the enemy that come to you because of SELF. I need My people to SEE the seriousness of this hour. So many are STILL playing THEIR religious games thinking things are FINE, all the while, as they see the world SPIRALING INTO darkness. So many CANNOT fathom that IT IS THEIR very SELF walk that IS causing the world to DECAY & BE RUINED. I NEED you to SEE these things, for THIS IS the way things TRULY are. As long as you continue living YOUR self-life, making no REAL change WITHIN you, the enemy REJOICES in what he has DONE to My church.

This MUST stop! I CHALLENGE My people to SOBER UP & SHAKE themselves in this hour & ALLOW Me to show them the TRUTH of the way things truly are WITHIN them. You can NO longer live as YOU have & think you can just SKATE BY all of this. For I tell you that judgment IS COMING to this world & NEVER forget that judgment BEGINS at the house of God! It is time for My people to TRULY BE My people…for SOON you will see things change on a MASSIVE level & you do NOT want to BE on the WRONG side of this! Do NOT think that you are fine the way you ARE, for doing so makes the enemy GLAD!

The time has come for My people to RISE UP & TAKE UP their weapons of spiritual war & DO the work that I have CALLED them to DO. Hear, My words of love TO you & RESPOND righteously to Me in this hour. Do NOT let the time PASS YOU BY, for if you do, you may NOT be able to WITHSTAND the things that ARE coming. I need you to REPENT of your SELF ways & come CLOSE TO ME in this hour. I AM waiting for EACH of you to HEAR from your hearts & FALL before Me FROM your SELF ways…for as you DO, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all receive this convicting word from the Lord. He loves us greatly and is trying to bring us into the fullness of His kingdom. This is why He is giving us so many convicting words–to shake us awake into His full truth and the reality of where our relationship is with Him.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114