It Is Time For My Justice, Judgments, and Exposure.

Dear Saints,

The Lord gave me this word the day before the news came out about SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade. This was a confirmation that He is turning things around for the U.S. and bringing His justice. But with His justice, there will be judgments and great exposures within our own government and institutions, and even in our churches and homes.

Remember when God gave us a short reprieve from His judgment on the U.S., which is still coming, but we are in a time of His great grace right now and He is answering the cries of His people to bring His justice and righteousness back to America. Great changes for the better are coming, but with that, the enemy will be fighting in a futile attempt to keep God’s justice from coming. Remember all the riots a while back that was instigated by the Left? Just be prepared and prayed up. And most importantly, stay close to God and allow Him to lead you wherever you go so that you stay under His protection. Don’t step outside of His will.

With that, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord:

Word from the Lord:

I know many of you are battle weary and tired.  But now is not the time to lay down your sword.  I tell you; great things are on the horizon for My people.  For I am moving across this nation, the United States, and bringing great change.  Great and powerful changes in your favor are coming.  For I am declaring My justice and judgments across the land and much evil will be exposed and eradicated.  And there will be great changes in favor of My people and your country.

However, I do have this to say.  With the coming judgments and exposures, there will also be judgments coming to many leaders in the churches and in the homes of My people.  For I have cried and cried for My people to repent of their wicked ways and turn back to Me.  But some have chosen to play the fool and continue in their folly.  Therefore, exposures and judgments will come as a result.  But it does not have to be that way.  If this speaks of you and your heart is pricked by this word, repent quickly and seek My mercy.  For My mercy triumphs over judgment and I would much rather show you mercy as a result of your repentant heart.  But know this, for those who refuse to repent and believe they can continue in their wicked ways, be sure that your sin will find you out.  And for many, it will have been much better for you to have repented.

Do not take this word as too harsh.  For it is time that I make Myself known across the earth through My people.  However, I must cleanse My house first so that My people will have a true reflection of who I am.  For I am NOT the God that is represented by many who call themselves by My name.  I know that may come as a shock to some, but I am a Holy God and I will ONLY reflect what is Holy.

I love you, My dearest ones and I am so excited for the times in which you live.  Many great things are on the horizon for My people.  So I say to you all, take up your swords and fight for your victory.  Raise your hands toward the heavens and declare My goodness and My promises which are yes and amen.  I will not disappoint you, My lovely ones.  Do this and war over My promises to you from My word and from My prophets.  It is not the end yet.  Declare your victory and make the enemy tremble at the sound of your voice declaring My faithfulness.

I love you all so dearly and things are changing rapidly.  I know and I see the difficulties of the times in which you live.  And more difficult times will come.  But My people are not to live by the motions and dictates of the earthly realm.  My people are to live by My word and My promises far above the waves of the roaring seas.  I am your refuge, your rock, and your salvation in turbulent times.  Do not forget this.

Now then, for those who do not know if you need to repent of anything.  Know that I see all things and My word is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Therefore, seek Me and ask Me to reveal to you the true motives of your heart.  I know your true intentions and I am here for you to be a light for your darkened hearts.  Do not listen to the lies of the enemy telling you that you need not to repent of anything.  Seek Me for this.  I will show you.  And as you heed My still small voice and repent of what My light reveals to you, I will set you free.  So do not waver in this.  For many of My people need My freedom and healing in areas they know not of.  But I am here for you, My lovely ones, so seek Me in this and you will not be disappointed.

Amen. Dear Saints, these are exciting times in which we live. God is turning the U.S. back to Him in righteousness and making a way for us to have religious freedoms to spread the gospel of His Kingdom. I’m very excited about this. There will be some wonderful and powerful surprises very soon that should excite you all.

But also know that it will make the enemy very angry, so be prepared. You may have already witnessed the many voices crying in anger over Roe v. Wade getting overturned. So stay prayed up and under His covering. And walk in His love and mercy toward others at all times. Don’t get into vain arguments and remember that a soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. Allow the Spirit to give you the words to say in a delegate encounter with anyone who may be angry over the justice coming to the U.S. Always speak words of life and avoid vain arguments.

I pray for the Lord’s abundant mercy and grace over you all in the mighty name of Jesus.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Lift Up Your Heads & Return Unto Me.

Dear Saints,

The Lord has revealed to Me that there are many who are battle weiry and dragging their swords to the point of almost letting go. But the Lord wants to encourage you this day. Don’t give up. Victory is right around the corner. I know many things in the natural look gloomy, but many great things are coming, including the fulfillment of many long-awaited promises. So don’t give up. Reach out to Him for refreshing and renewed strength. The enemy knows what’s coming and wants you to give up before your victory. Don’t do it. Give God praise and strengthen yourself in the Lord. 1 Samuel 30:6

Now, please prayerfully read the following words of correction and instruction given by the Lord through dear Pastor Mark:

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 4

The Lord says: “it is My desire that My people enter into the truth of My word. So many have been led astray to believe things that do not truly line up with My words, but only line up in a measure. It is My desire that My people walk in My truth. My truth must be balanced…My truth must be as I say. Not as you want it to be. Why would you want it your way, when it is your way that brings trouble & situations that are outside of My will for you? For as you will see things from My perspective, you will be able to walk in My will.

I am taking you through this course of action by going thru My word, to show you the way I really spoke these words. I am doing this to help you to understand. I am doing this because I love you with an everlasting love. I am doing this because I want you to walk with Me. Not in front of Me…not behind Me…but right alongside. As you will see this, you will understand that to walk alongside of Me, you must see things from My perspective – not yours. For you have mostly walked in your own understanding all of these years.

Yes, there have been parts & pieces you have walked in line with Me, but this has mostly been sporadic & occasional. I want you to walk with Me in completeness. I said you are complete in Me, who is the head of all principality & power, but honestly, few truly do that. I said you are complete IN Me…this means, only as you are IN Me, IN My will, IN My promises, you are complete. Many do not seem to understand that you cannot just take hold of the scriptures you want & think that you are IN Me.

For doing so only takes you IN Me in those scriptures…there is no real balance in your life…therefore there is no real fruit unto Me. The truth is, the only fruit you seem to be seeking is the fruit that blesses self. As long as you will only take those things that you seek Me to do, into your being, you are only pleasing self. What about the commandments & promises of the things that I desire you to do? Do you think that they are of no effect? For your reluctance in seeking to please Me in these things shows the real fruit in your lives. For so many of My people are only self-seeking…to be truthful, they are only self-pleasing.

I look at My church & I see a body that really doesn’t do much but that which is FOR flesh. Can you honestly tell Me that your lives are truly geared to serve Me & My kingdom? I do not say this to condemn you…I say this to provoke a true response, for the true response comes from your heart! I am looking for those who will make a difference in this world…not make a difference in yourself! You wonder why I am saying these things…you question why I am not telling you the things that “self” wants to hear? The answer is right there within you.

For I am not a God that tickles men’s ears…I am not a God that speaks only smooth things. I AM that I AM…I change NOT! How can I speak to you the things that your flesh desires? How can I speak to you of things that have no benefit to My kingdom? I need you to see that many of those who say they are Mine are not really building My kingdom…they are really only building their own kingdom of self. This may seem harsh…but it is speaking the truth in love. For I truly do love you with an everlasting love.

True love doesn’t ignore the problems…true love exposes them, so they can be repented of, so My people can rise up into Me & My kingdom. As long as My people only see My words as they desire to see them & not as I have spoken them to be written, they will continue to BE in a compromised & complacent faith. It has been 16 months since I allowed your nations & your world to begin the process of enslaving you…I have done this to get your attention so you would see things as they really are & return unto Me, just as 2 Chron. 7:14 says.

I have cried out for My people to return unto Me, but sadly to this day, few have truly responded to My cry & begun to seek Me as I have desired & this is why you are seeing things escalate. There is still time for you to repent in your hearts & return unto Me. You can rend your hearts & self will & see things as I am saying. Your doing so will affect change all around you. So many do not realize that they are actually responsible for much of what is going on around them.

Never forget that the enemy can only do what I allow him to do, so if he is doing anything to steal, kill or destroy in you or around you, you must see that it is you that has given him the legal right to do so. I say this out of love, to help you. For as you will see things as I say, you will know that there must be a response! It is time for My people who are called by My name to humble themselves & pray, seek My face & turn from their wicked ways. Then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin & heal their land.

So many do not even confess their sin unto Me. For they have been tricked into thinking it was all wiped away by My son’s blood. It is true that His blood covers all sin…the problem is, My word says IF you confess your sin, I am faithful & just to forgive your sin & cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Do you see just how far My people are from living in My truth? Do you think that the seeds that have been planted just magically disappear because you asked me to come into your lives?

I said you must make Me your Lord also, not just your Savior! So, as your Lord, I am telling you that you need to do your part in this. Stop being deceived into thinking the bad things just will go away, for many are now seeing bad fruit manifest in their lives because they never went back & uprooted those bad seeds! I say this because it is important. I say this because I desire you to walk in My goodness. I said no weapon formed against you shall prosper…did you do your part in that promise?

I said every tongue that has risen against you, in judgment YOU shall condemn! Have you condemned every tongue that has risen against you? Because if you have not done this, those things are still able to come against you, because you have not done your part! I speak these things to show you My unfailing love for you. I need you to see things as they truly are. As you will come unto me, as I truly desire, you will enter into that place that I have ordained for you. Hear Me, My people & do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 5

The Lord says: “I come to My people in such a time as this to draw them closer unto Me. For as you will embrace My word as it has really been written, you will be able to grasp My grace & My love on a level you have not done before. Because so much of My truth has been hidden to keep you from being where I desire you to be. This is why so many have failed to come close to Me. For in their understanding My truth has been limited to keep My people at arm’s length, seeing only portions of truth…understanding only partial reality of the way things truly are.

For it is not My desire for My people to stand apart from Me & see My promises at a distance…My desire is for My people to enter INTO My promises & walk IN them IN all of their lives. For My grace & My love are something I want you to live with IN you, not for you to just see them near you. This is why it is important that you see the difference…when I say IN Me, or INTO Me, or THRU Me, I am speaking of a spiritual reality, but My word has been mistranslated by well-meaning men, thinking they were doing good.

But I allowed it for a time, but now I command My truth to shine forth with IN My people so they can be as I have ordained them to BE. The time has come for My people to rise up, OUT OF the past truth & enter INTO present truth for this day. What was before was allowed & it did what was needed then, but now My truth will shine forth as My people take hold of My promises on the level & intent that I am releasing in this hour. For this is the hour of My uprising in the midst of My people…this is the time for My people to shine as lights IN that dark place.

No longer can you be led BY minimized words that keep you at arm’s length…you must now take hold of Me & My words as never before. For I said to arise, shine, for your light has come & the glory of the Lord IS risen upon you. Now, will My light shine in My people as it has never shined before? For the entire creation is desperate for My people to shine forth IN this hour. You must take your places…you must forget those things that are behind you & march forward IN your high calling IN My Son Christ Jesus.

This high calling is not speaking about a position away FROM me…it speaks of the position of BEing INSIDE OF me. You cannot do the things that I desire you to do if you ARE away from Me, at arm’s length…you must BE with IN Me…you must BE surrounded BY My presence…you must BE as My word says you are to BE. I challenge My people in this hour to take hold of My words in the depth that they are really written, for they will spark My life & power with IN you & you will BE ignited to blaze forth for My glory IN this world.

So rejoice My people & know that this IS your hour…as you will take hold of My words as I AM showing you, you WILL walk IN authority & power that you have never known before. For your position is IN Me…not looking TO Me, only expecting OF Me. As you will allow the truth of My words to take root deep with IN you, you will begin to see those seeds grow speedily & very soon My fruit will come forth IN your lives. For this IS the hour that many of you have longed for & awaited to come. This IS the hour of temptation that I have said would come.

Do not fear IN this hour, but only trust Me to BE with you, because in reality, it really IS, you ARE IN Me. For I AM your shelter IN times of trouble. I AM your hiding place. As you have known these words long ago, they will now take on new meaning IN the days to come, for I will demonstrate the reality & truth of these things IN each of you, as you WILL stand IN the power of My presence. Rejoice, My people, for very soon many of you will see My works as you have never seen them before. I WILL open many doors…I WILL show Myself to many, IN ways never known.

I will spark new life INTO the hearts of many…so take hold of My words this day & allow them to DO their work. For My words will NOT return unto Me void…they WILL accomplish what I please & they WILL prosper IN the thing that I sent them to DO. This IS where the difference exists…for so many have taken My words & twisted them for their own gain when I never said to do this. So NOW as you will allow Me to speak with IN you, My will, My way, My purposes for you, you WILL see the performance of My words on levels of power & authority never seen before.

There is no limit to what My people can accomplish as they WILL enter INTO My will, by coming OUT OF their own. For this is the hour for My words to BE performed. Just as My Son only spoke those words He heard Me say & only did those things He saw Me DO, even so as My people will rise up INTO Me, they WILL find this same truth IN them as they were IN My son. For what did My Son say while He walked on the earth? He said: “and no man has ascended up to Heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which IS IN heaven” (Jn.3:13).

Did you catch that? While He walked ON earth, He said He “IS IN Heaven”! As YOU will grasp the truth that IS there, you will BE able to comprehend the reality of My words, as never before. This will be a TRUE beginning for some, as they will take hold of Me & My words IN this hour. But I assure you, that as you WILL sincerely DO this, you will not BE disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, God is moving these days and He desires to rise up within His people. He is guiding us into His fullness where we shall live and abide IN the kingdom of heaven, but while still living on the earth. These are such exciting times we live in. But we MUST let go of the old and embrace the new. Let and let God do His work in you, even if it hurts. For the reward will far outway the temporary unpleasantness.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – Romans 3

Dear Saints,

We are on the verge of a great awakening, revival, and wave of justice. However, as I mentioned in my last post, the Lord needs us to be free to do His will. The ushering forth of this revival and wave of justice will depend on many of us to be in obedience to His calling on our lives. Also, we are reminded that in response to our cries, He has given us a short time of grace before the really hard times come. That doesn’t mean that all things will be smooth and easy before then, we will still have tribulations, but we have a small time to prepare before the great tribulation comes.

Having said that, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to you in this time, to help you to see as you have never seen before. For I love you with an everlasting love & it is My desire that you enter into My word as I have written it, for as you will do this, I will help you to see the depth & power you have not known before. For you know that My word is alive & powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul & spirit & joints & marrow…My word is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.

As you will know this, you will see the importance of going deep into the reality of what I had said. For I told you that many have only been receiving partial truths & because of this so many of My people are only partially free. If My people would truly grasp that statement, it would help them to understand their lives as I see them & your eyes will be truly opened & you will see things on a different level than before. For I tell you that the depth & power of My words go far beyond what many have ever considered.

For they continue to hold to doctrines & beliefs that keep them away from Me, instead of bringing them closer, as I truly desire. For many have seen breakthroughs & victories over time, yet only experience these things sparingly, when it is My desire that My people walk in My victory & blessing at ALL times. The problem is that My people do not walk in the fullness of My word…they only walk in a small measure. And so this measure only brings them so close to Me, when I want you to be closer.

I show you these things to help you understand that things are much deeper than most have ever comprehended. The truth of My word sets the captives free, yet even though My people know this from My word, very few actually walk in this truth. For I tell you this is because My people only embrace things as they have been taught by well-meaning men. Those things were good for that time, they accomplished what I allowed for that time, but now I am calling My people to update their faith.

For the faith that you once had was only for that time. Things are changing all around you…that old faith will not take you where I want you to be anymore. You must seek Me to take you into a faith that will carry you forward in this hour. For as you will truly understand that, your faith now, is not My faith. Your faith is not effectual in My kingdom, as many are now beginning to see. It is time for My people to embrace the faith that I have for them & that faith is in the truth of My word.

You can no longer hold to things that tickle your ears & only make you feel good about yourselves. What does that accomplish in My kingdom? All that it does is keep you complacent & compromised. I cannot use people that are more aligned to the world than they are to Me! I need you to see this, or else nothing will ever change. You ask Me to fix your nation…you ask Me to change your situations, but you do not surrender unto Me the things that are actually contributing to these things continuing! How can I bring change to the way things are, when you keep sowing into these things continuing?

I need you to see that for change to come, there must also be a change in your sowing. For as you will see this & do your part to act upon, you will cause change to come, for My word will not return unto Me void…it will accomplish what I please & it will prosper in the thing that I sent it to do…not what you want me to do! Do you see the difference here? This is important, because so many hold only to My promises of blessings & victory, yet they fail to see they have a part in all of them. So many are still holding to a mindset that I am just going to drop blessing & victory into their laps.

Did David triumph over Goliath by just claiming My promise, or did he put into action the promise I placed in this heart? He learned by “doing” & saw My blessing…he saw My victory, for he was not just a “hearer”, he was a doer! Remember, I said to be doers of My word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves! This means that if you don’t do your part in My promise to you, you will be deceived. You will only expect the blessing…you will only expect the victory, but do nothing to usher in the very things you are believing for. I challenge each of you this day to take hold of My words as I have declared them.

For I am taking you deeper into My heart & My will, as you will do your part to obey Me. To obey is better than sacrifice & to respond to what you hear is better than the fat of rams. But rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft & stubbornness is as iniquity & idolatry. You do not want the effects of these to come onto your lives…you must choose to come unto Me. For I am looking for those who will put down their own lives & agendas & follow hard after Me in this hour. I am waiting for My people to see the effect their lives are having on this world, so I can begin to greatly turn things around.

So many are begging Me to bring change to this world, yet these same are not doing what I desire, in regards to change in their lives. This is why is the world is changing slowly. Only as My people will recognize the truth of why this is & return unto Me, can this change. I am bringing change, but it is coming slowly because the response of My people returning close unto Me is slow. I truly love you…I need you to rend your hearts before me & allow me to show you what is really inside of you. As you will sincerely do this, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”