“I Desire To Give You A New Heart”

Hello Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully receive this powerful and loving word from the Father given through my dear friend and pastor.

Beginning of Word:

“My people, listen to your Heavenly Father this day, for I come to you to give you a future & a hope…I come to you to direct you forward in Me…I come to you that you may shine as lights in a dark place in this last hour. I love you with an everlasting love & it is My desire that you BE like Me…so come to Me with all that you are & let Me show you what needs to be done within you. For this I say to help you, as you will truly seek to desire to be one with Me. For, as you will delight yourself in Me, I will give you the desires of your heart & these are the TRUE desires, to really know Me.

I am coming to My people in a greater way than ever before, for I hear a cry within My heart rising up from My people beginning to resonate the NEED for change…the need for things to be removed…the need for lives to be truly conformed by Me. For MANY of My people are beginning to shake themselves free from the compromise & complacency that has gripped the church at large in the world & are now seeing with their eyes & hearing with their ears the things that they have never heard before & are now crying out to Me that I may show them My ways anew.

Hear Me My people…do not allow the things of old to hold you back, for surely you have seen & have now been illuminated by the truth that I have declared to you. For as you look upon your lives, many of you can now see how your lives have been molded & shaped by your life situations…every trial, every trauma, every disappointment,
every disaster that has presented itself to you has taken hold in THAT place which exists within you…in your heart. For as I revealed this truth to many of you during last Monday night’s worship service (Pastor Mark’s online church service), the journey can now begin.

For many of you are beginning to start to press into what I am saying…many of you are beginning to press into what I desire for you. For as you will see & understand that your heart was shaped by your life experiences, you will begin to understand what you need to do to change what you have become of old into what I desire for you to be today. For your hearts have been deceived by the evil one, just as he deceived Eve in the garden of Eden…he has robbed many of My people of the lives that I have wanted for them because they have listened to him & not Me.

For I have told you to trust in Me with ALL your heart & to not lean on your OWN understanding, but in ALL your ways to acknowledge Me & I would direct your paths. But, many have been deceived to believe your own understanding in many things…causing many to have suffered losses, many to have suffered grief…many to have suffered SO many things because they listened not to Me. But, as My people will see that their heart has not truly “believed” My words, nor followed My will for them, they can repent unto My love & I will bring the change of heart.

For as you all will see as I see & know in your hearts the words that I have spoken unto you, you will no longer live according to the deceptions of self trust that the enemy has confused you to ” believe”, but will begin to order your heart & lives according to what I say about you. For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. For so many have been persuaded by the things they have experienced as being the truth about how I loved them…but this is just the lie of the enemy & as you will know this within your heart, I will take away the stony heart & give you the one from Me.

This is a new day…old things are passed…it is time for My people to rise up in newness of heart & be like Me! For truly you have been destined for this time & many of you have special assignments that I need you to fulfill. Shake yourselves, My people, like Samson did & break free from the chains of self-trust that have limited you, as if by prison. For truly all in your lives & how I love you are NOT dependent on the things that you suffered…I love you all the same & My word is just as effectual to you all, but you must know this intimately in your hearts & walk with Me!

Don’t let the things of the past hold you hostage any longer…it is time to step free from all of that & instead step into your destinies. For the enemy fears what you will do unto his kingdom, so he fights to hold you captive…but as you will take My words deep within you, you will know the truth & the truth will set you free. For with the heart you believe unto righteousness & with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Begin to confess My truth about you & see Me change your self-image into what I desire…if you would do this & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.

End of prophetic word.

If these prophetic words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a love gift of any size to help with financial needs.

Love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Update on Graybar.

Greetings Dear Saints,

First, I want to thank those of you who gave such kind words, prayers, and financial help for my recent tragedy.  As I mentioned in my original post regarding the situation, I felt so very bad and even guilty because of the accident.  But God has been so gracious to me.  I no longer carry the guilt and I’ve been able to accept the fact that Graybar will now be a tripod cat.

And Graybar’s been such a good soldier about this whole thing.  I was able to bring him home after spending only one night at the animal clinic and he’s doing very well.  For at least two weeks, I have to keep him in our kennel because he’s not allowed to do any jumping or anything that might cause his stitches to open up.  This means that I have to also keep him separated from the dogs because Betsy loves playing with Graybar and sometimes she can get a little too rough with him.

However, Graybar’s got such a great attitude about all this.  When he was a kitten he hated being in the kennel.  But now, it’s as though he knows that he needs time to heal, so he just chills all day long in his bed inside the kennel and doesn’t complain or cry at all.  He’s very calm and not making a fuss about anything.  I’m positive that this is because of God’s mercy and grace on both him and the situation.  God loves all of His creation and has given us animals for us to care for.  A righteous man has kind regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.” Proverbs 12:10 (AMP). 

When I first brought him home from the animal clinic, he wasn’t eating.  So we gave him some tuna to see if that would arouse his appetite, and it did.  He’s now eating a little, but still doesn’t fully have his normal appetite back.  So I would appreciate your continued prayers for him.

The total cost of everything so far added up to $1,350.  But I have to take him back in two weeks for removal of his stitches and a checkup.  So I greatly thank those of you who were able to help me with this financial burden.  I was able to cover all the expenses so far, but I could still use a little help for my regular monthly expenses that I used to help pay for this.

Below is a picture of Graybar after I brought him home.  He’s still learning how to get around on three legs, so after he’s doing good and all his hair is back, I’ll give another update…

I give thanks to you all who have shown your love for me during this tragedy.  You don’t know how much it means to me.  Love and blessings to all of you…..


Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.



Receive His Deep Love…

Word from the Lord:

My people, listen to your Savior and Good Shepherd this day. Oh, how I love you all with such an intense love that many of you cannot even fathom.   But know this, soon, and yet very soon, many of you will have such a tangible fellowship with Me and then you shall know without a shadow of a doubt the love that I have for you.

So then, I come to you all this day to bring good tidings and encouragement to you. I see the struggles that many of you have and I tell you once more, give your burdens over to me and allow My peace to be upon you.   Do not worry about tomorrow, for it will have its own troubles. But this day I tell you, come unto Me and rest in My bosom. Lean upon Me and allow Me to embrace you. I love you all so dearly, more than you can know.

Now then, I wish to share My heart with you all this day regarding the season that you are in. If you have not discerned the times, I tell you, now is the time of breakthrough and for you to make great strides in your walk with Me. Now is the time for you to take hold of My promises for you, both in My written word and from My personal promises to you.

My dearest ones, I see your hearts and the heaviness that many of you carry. Many of you even carry wounds of the past that you thought were gone. But I can see them and how they still affect you. Therefore, I tell you to come unto Me and sit at My feet. Allow Me to take the wounds and heaviness from your hearts and give you a fresh anointing of My deep love for you. For you MUST have My love abiding in you if you are going to stand in the days of gross darkness that is coming upon the earth. Oh, how I desire for each and every one of you to know this deep love that I have for you. It is My desire that this love for you reaches deep down into your soul and spirit, filling every crevice.

However, it is with sadness that I must inform you that some of you may not ever receive this deep love of Mine because of your unbelief. Some of you feel that you are too unworthy for My love. But I tell you, it is not dependent upon your worthiness.  My love for you is unconditional.  Can you not receive this?

My children, I have many things in store for you that you are unaware of. And I have great destinies that lie ahead for many of you.  But you will never fully enter into all that I have for you if you cannot fully receive My love for you.

So then, I ask of you, get alone in your prayer closets and ask me to make you whole. Ask me to search your hearts and minds for anything that may be hindering you from receiving the fullness of My love.   Do this in faith and then wait in silence for Me to respond. Oh, I may not respond quickly or according to your will. But do this often enough until you hear from Me. And surely I will respond to your faith and expectancy and then you shall rejoice over My great love for you.

Now then, for those of you who already carry My love deep within you……know that I also have many things in store for you that are just around the corner. Things will begin to open up to you very soon. And then it will seem as though time has somehow sped up as you find yourself in the fullness of My will for your lives. For I tell you, I have MUCH for My people to do before the end comes. And it shall not be burdensome. But instead, you shall take delight in my giftings and callings for each of you.

My people, I have such glory in store for My chosen ones in these last days. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the great things that I have for those who love Me and My Father. But in these days, My Spirit will reveal to you the tremendous glory and all that I have for you to enter into.

So then, do as I say and get alone in your prayer closets often and wait upon Me. And by faith, believe that I shall pour My healing balm upon your hearts and heal all that ails you.  I love you all so deeply and you are now in the season of great breakthroughs…..so surely, if you do as I say, you will not be disappointed.

If these prophetic words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a love gift of any size to help with financial needs.

Love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

The Time For Breakthroughs Has Come.

Dear Saints,

As promised, here’s the word of the Lord given through my dear friend and pastor.  The word the Lord gave me adds to this word and I’ll post it tomorrow.  I’m very excited with what God is doing, and as I expressed in my post yesterday, I can testify that I’ve already received one breakthrough in an area that I’ve been praying about for a long time.  God is so faithful….  Please receive the word of the Lord below…


“My people, I come to you this evening, I come to you where you are today & I speak from a heart of love unto My own. Hear My voice & yield your lives unto Me, for in the days ahead you shall see wondrous things as I reveal things unto you. For the time is coming & now is that you should enter into a place that you have sought after, but could not attain. For I have brought you unto a season, a season of change & a season of breakthrough, says the Lord. Open your hearts to Me in expectation as I come unto you this day…for this is the time for you to rise up in faith.

I love you with an everlasting love, My people & it is My desire for you to see yourselves, as I see you. You must let go of what is behind…you must let go of your failures…you must let go of your shortcomings, you must let go of all the things that would keep you from rising up in this hour. For many of you are held back by things from your past & even though you do your best to let them go, you never seem able to be free from them. For I tell you that the time to let them go has come. You are NOT defined by your past…you are not defined by your failures or shortcomings.

You must only be defined by what I say about you…by how I see you through the Blood of My Son. See yourselves through the effectual working of My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave His life so that you could be MORE than conquerors through Him. You must STOP seeing your definition by the lies of the enemy…yes, those “Ites” that would argue with you…those Ites that would defend their position, to keep you from being free in Me. Begin to see yourselves as I see you…for I only see you COMPLETE in Me & already established to do exploits in My Kingdom.

My people, the time for breakthrough has arrived…you have long awaited for this time to come. And now, you will see a beginning of things happen, as I show you things breaking forth before you. Some of you are already seeing the “beginnings” of these breakthroughs start to come forth…there are more on the horizon…just keep yourselves in position to receive of Me. For this, I say…do not shrink back into what the enemy would whisper into your ears. Do not listen to the voices that go contrary to My words to you. Stand in faith & see the mighty hand of your God come.

For you have entered into a season for things to spring forth & just as a seed will begin to shoot up out of the ground, many of you will begin to see things in your lives begin to change. Do not look for things to happen according to your own understanding, but allow Me to show you. Remember, in all your ways you are to acknowledge Me, so I can direct your paths. For in this season, it is imperative that you follow the leading of My Spirit, so that you will know the steps to take…do not step ahead without the Amen of My Spirit telling you to go.

I need you to begin to seek Me with quality time…just you & Me…begin to seek My Face. Many of you come into My presence…you feel My love, you feel My peace, you feel My joy…but many times you fail to press in so you can see My Face. Do not settle for what you have done in the past…press in unto ME & let Me take you deep within the inner chambers of My love. So many of you are missing such GREAT times of changes & breakthroughs, just because you do not go deeper in Me. I need you to go the extra mile, so you will step over into your times of splendor & awe.

You will be astounded at what you will find as you will press in to do this. For I will change you into who I have called you to be. Your destiny lies ahead of you, do not let this time pass you by…follow Me. And as you will yield your lives in obedience, to turn the direction that I have for you, to make the decisions that I will prompt you with…you shall see doors open, you shall see things turn around in a way that you never thought possible before. So listen unto Me this day, My children…yield your hearts & lives…hearken unto My word & you shall not be disappointed, says the Lord.


If these prophetic words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a love gift of any size to help with financial needs.

Love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.