I Am Imparting To You A New Strategy For This Hour.

Dear Saints,

As I have been saying for quite some time now, we are in a new era and things are speeding up rapidly. We cannot allow what is going on around us in the natural realm get our eyes off of God and what He is doing in both us and the world. Don’t miss this great opportunity to take advantage of His grace to become an overcomer before the gross darkness comes. We can already see the signs that it will be here soon.

So please prayerfully receive this life-changing word from the Father given through my dear friend and pastor.

Word from the Father:

“My children, hear the words of your Heavenly Father this day, for today I share with you the strategy you must immediately implement in your lives. For the time you are now entering in is a time you have never experienced before & so as you receive this & know this for yourselves, you will understand that how you have done things before, will need to be upgraded to impact this time you are entering into. I love you with an everlasting love, so it is imperative that you hear what I say, listen to Me & be willing to do as I speak into your hearts during this time.

What you have witnessed in the past several months is an indication of what I say to you now. It is imperative that My people shake themselves free from what is holding them…for the time of My people to arise & shine has come. You can no longer maintain an attitude of THIS happening “someday”…you must embrace this as reality NOW. For if you will not do this…if you just shrug it off until “later”, you will find yourselves increasingly falling away, while all the time, in your heart, you will think that you still have time & will rise up at a later time. This is foolishness, My people!

For look at what is happening all around you…LOOK at what is happening! You can no longer hide behind the falsehood of thinking that what you are seeing does not relate to each of you! For I tell you, that everyone of you have things I am waiting for you to turn over to Me so I can use you in this hour. And many have come to this realization & have begun to seek Me with all their hearts, willing & obedient to release that which I place My finger on, so they will be free to serve Me as they “say” they desire to serve…no longer will My people keep hold of them!

It is time, My people…it is time to stand fast in the liberty in which I have made you free by the Blood of My Precious Son. I told you to NOT be entangled in any yoke of bondage. But, as I look down upon My people I see SO much bondage within them…bondage that has separated them from their true love for Me. The time has come for you to let go of that which is a hindrance & begin to take hold of that which will set you free. For I long for you to come unto Me & see My great works manifest & displayed for all to see. I am waiting for you to do your part, so I can do Mine.

For as you will truly seek Me, you will find Me, but you must do so with all your heart. Not just to surrender what you deem…not by just obeying My words in the way that you have taken them to mean…but to truly let go of what you have made…your own kingdoms, in your own lives. For I need you to truly see that you have been bought with a price & you are not your own. So begin to glorify Me with your bodies & with your spirits, which are Mine. I now am calling for My people to shed that which is of this world, as never before, so that the world will finally truly see Me.

The time has come for My people to stand in spiritual war. All the training & teaching that has transpired over time has been to bring you to this hour…it is time to battle against the powers of darkness. It is time to stand up & execute judgement on all that is around you that is against My Kingdom, My righteousness & My power. And for you to truly do this, you must lovingly take hold of MY KINGDOM & MY WILL for this hour. My people must take the stance of “YOUR kingdom COME!…YOUR will BE DONE!” You must take hold of this deep within & let it transfuse your lives.

For I am calling My people to a time of warfare as never before. I told you that this hour would come & have long waited for this. As My people will HEAR My call for action…as My people will RESPOND with all their hearts, they will see MY Kingdom COME within THEM & then they will execute judgement against all unrighteousness. The time as come, My people, for you to know this within yourselves. It can no longer just be a thought or longing…it must now become a reality. Take hold of My Spirit & embrace My will & SEE My kingdom come within each of you this day.

The time of playing “church” is over…it’s time for MY CHURCH to arise. For I am calling My people to respond to Me & those who will heed My cry will be rewarded from on high. Those who will let go of that which I will reveal to them & surrender it fully to Me, will see My hand of power in the time ahead. For the time of becoming “ready” is almost past…I need those who HAVE come along with Me & given Me their lives, to now to begin standing in their places. The time for My Holy Spirit’s power has begun, you must now act…take your places before Me in this world!

Look at the world with all of the fear & torment going on. Then look at My church…very little true faith is being illuminated to help those who desperately cry out for help from their hearts. The cry of creation has begun & the time of the manifestation of the Sons of God has come. As you will seek Me, you will find Me…you must seek Me in your heart of hearts, in those places you really haven’t been willing to look…for those are the places that I have been wanting to fill. And as you will seek Me there & be willing to release all that I desire unto Me, you will truly find ME.

You will find My love & My power on a level you never have before…for you will have surrendered those things that have limited Me in your lives…you will see what I have longed for you to give Me. And I will respond unto you, with My fullness & you will begin to shine as lights in this world. For truly the time has come, My people…the time for My glory to be revealed. For what Moses experienced was only a type & shadow of what My people will experience in this coming time. There are those who have already tasted this & know My desire for the ages is about to come.

Hear Me, My people & allow My love to permeate into every area of your lives…for just as water will, I will flow into every part of you, through every crack, every crevice & the water of My Spirit will find entry into your heart of hearts. And once you allow Me to enter therein, you begin to experience My love & My power as never before. The things that you have heard spoken in times past will become your reality. Things others have experienced, you’ll see happen for you. As you come unto Me in this hour, you will be at rest in Me & I will use you for My glory in the time ahead.

The time for true warfare has begun…I need My people to take their places & do what is needed in this hour. I cannot over state the importance of this at this hour. This is what many of you have long awaited to come. You must ready yourselves by giving Me true entry into your lives at this time & I will do a quick work in those who will sincerely & truly yield their lives to Me in this hour. I will take all that you give Me & return to you far more than you can imagine. Receive My loving words & seek Me as never before…you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.

Dear Saints,

What an awesome and powerful word. Now is the time to arise and become sons/daughters of God. I pray that you all take this word to heart and allow God to do the work in you that He so desperately desires to do. I too am taking this word to heart and asking and allowing God to have His way in my heart and life. I desire all that God has for me and I don’t want to miss out on any of it. I’m sure many of you feel the same.

Also, I ask you all to seek the Lord if He would have you to give anything towards my needs. I know He is a faithful God and will provide all my needs through those willing to give. It seems to be the same each month. I’m down to almost nothing toward the end of each month and relying on Him to lay it upon the hearts of people to give. And He is always so faithful.

I deeply thank you all who are obedient to His promptings to help me with my financial needs. And my love goes out to each and every one of you. These are unprecedented days in which we live and changes will come more and more rapidly. Just stay close to Him and obedient so the changes in your life will be for the good of His Kingdom and your eternal life.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Great Favor & Reversal Will Follow Those Who Seek True Repentance In This Hour.

Dear Saints,

As the Lord has been telling us, we are in a season of His extraordinary grace where we will be purified, cleansed, and set free on such deep levels that we’ve never thought of before. We’re entering the the season that Danial 12:10 will come to pass: “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried. But the wicked shall do wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but he wise shall understand.” (MKJV) And so it’s very important that we redeem this time to cleanse and prepare ourselves for His coming glory and the coming darkness. With that, please prayerfully read this word from the Father given through my dear friend and pastor.

Word from the Father:

My people, hear your Heavenly Father this day, for today is a day of deliverance, that My people has never seen. For as you will hear My heart & respond to Me, you will see Me as you have never seen Me before. As you have believed “God is love”, this is true. And so many of My people have held to My love all of these years. However, many have also held to My love for selfish reasons & used it as a means to cover their sins. For as you have been with Me, so many held Me at arms length, refusing to come close as I desire, but keep hold of Me mainly for their own purposes.

Whereas many will call Me “Lord, Lord”, but will not do the things that I say. A breach exists in many of My people who only allow Me so close, so that they can hold to their own lives, to do those things that are pleasing in their sight, but not in Mine. I call you to open your hearts this day & truly receive Me, for I truly love you with an everlasting love & My love never changes, for I change not. And you shall know this as you will open your heart & lives unto Me & allow Me to take you where you really need to go -closer in Me, for this is My heart’s greatest desire.

However, for you to do this & come closer, many of you will need to see those things that do hinder them, so I can wash those things away. For truly there are many who refuse to confront the things they have done in times past & make them right. For truly I have told you to not be deceived, for I am not mocked…for whatever is sown, shall also be reaped. But so many of My people do not believe this, though it is My word. Many will say they believe this, but the truth is manifest by their actions…for if you truly love Me, you will do those things that are pleasing in My sight.

Many have lived years & years, never confronting the things that I see, which they have done, to make them right before Me, but have taken My great love & perverted it to cover their sin. Come let us reason together, for though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow! You must be willing to allow Me to show you what I want you to see…so you will see as I see & know as I know. For you do not realize that so much is off track or damaged both in you & in others around you, because of those things you never made right before Me & lives have been damaged.

Lives have been altered due to your lack of responsibility to do your rightful part in what you have done. You can not just bury things under a rug, to make them disappear, for if you do, they still exist as seeds, that will later show forth their fruit. And this fruit I speak of, is fruit you would never ever want to see, if you knew what was really behind it. So, I come to you, My people to help you to see…that you will be sound spirit, soul & body before Me. For I desire to change so many things in your lives, but cannot because you have not done what I required for you to do before Me.

The time has come for you to hear My voice, as you have never heard it before. For as you will do this, as I now say & allow Me to speak to your heart of hearts, deep within you, you will see Me reveal things to you that you never considered before. You will attain an understanding & wisdom that will carry you forward in what I desire for you to do. For you will begin to see those things that I have long awaited for you to surrender unto Me. Those things that have hindered you from seeing My will unfold, so My glory would manifest within, around & through you, ahead.

For I have said, he that covers his sin shall not prosper. Few will take hold of this & will truly desire to know what I say. For to do so, requires that you will truly open your heart & come clean before Me. I want you to see what you have caused by you covering those sins…I want you to know who you have harmed & afflicted by them. For I said follow peace with all men & holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord. Looking diligently unless any fail of the grace of God, unless any root of bitterness springing up trouble you & by it many be defiled. Do you hear Me?

Those who will hear My voice & choose to repent, will begin to see great favor in their lives, for the chains of bondage will be removed & the attachments which the enemy has ensnared them with will be no more. Remember, who ever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them & who ever sins you retain, they are retained. This speaks of your own sins as well…you cannot leave them as they are…they must be repented of…things must be made right before man & Me. Know you not that those things that you have not repented for, the enemy uses to do his evil?

For what ever My people allow in their lives, the enemy will use to justify promoting evil in this world. This is why I told you that you ARE the light of this world…this is why the world can only walk in the light you give them. The enemy knows this & takes advantage of the sins of My people. Complacency & compromise has blinded My people, so they cannot see…they are unaware that those things they allow & those things that they have not truly repented of, are being used against them, because of the false light the enemy is able to shine upon this world through them.

But, as My people will begin to see this & respond unto Me with repentance, they will begin to see Me begin to reverse those things that they have allowed. Many things in their lives will begin to reverse & they will see My hand move on their behalf, as never before. Hear Me, My people & be willing to look deep within your hearts…allow Me to show you what I want you to see. Do not think that you can just gloss things over like a blanket & think you will not answer for this…for I tell you that you really should be seeing this reality already, as your lives show lack & need.

I want you to know the true freedom of My Spirit…I want you to know My liberty for yourselves personally. Not just “claiming” these things, with unrepentant, wavering hearts…but with hearts that are truly broken before Me & centered upon Me. For I will do a great work in those who will say yes to My voice right now…I will raise them up to do exploits in this last hour…for they will be made worthy by My blood…they will have nothing hidden from Me, to deter My plans for their lives. Heed My words, My people & obey & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.

Dearest Saints,

These are extraordinary times we are in and we have an extraordinary opportunity to become Christ-like and one with the Father unlike any generation before us. Please take all this to heart and don’t slight such an eternal weight of glory.

And if these words bless you in any way, in return, please prayerfully consider a donation of any size to help with my financial needs. May God richly bless you all and Happy Resurrection Day!

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.