Being Overcomers In This Hour

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word to the Body of Christ from the Lord given through my dear friend and pastor.

The Lord says: “I come to My people at such a time as this, to help you to walk in MY victory. It is imperative that you do this at this time, for this is not something that will just fall on you…you must actively guard your hearts…you must purposely seek to walk in all that I am wanting for you to do. Never forget that I love you with an everlasting love & because of that love, I must instruct you when you need instruction. Many receive My instruction & walk forward in My plans for their lives, but some do not see the things that I am trying to impart to them & they continue to go the same ways. Over time, many will still be doing the same things, expecting different results. My people need to know that this is the definition of insanity! For behold, I have told you that am doing a new thing…shall you not see it? You can only see it, as you will let go of your preconceptions & understandings as to how things are & allow Me to lead you in the way that you should go. I will not force you to do anything, but by My love I will give you promptings…I will show you sign posts along the way…I will try to help you see when you are going the wrong way. Many times, the wrong way is the way that My people will choose, thinking they are walking rightly, when that is not My desire for them…for I have said that the road of the transgressor is HARD!

Didn’t I tell you to come unto me, all you that labor & are heavy laden & I would give you rest? Didn’t I tell you to take My yoke upon you & to learn of Me, for I am meek & lowly in heart? I told you if you would do this you would find rest unto your souls…for My yoke is easy & My burden is light. So, as long as you continue to walk the path you walk on – if it not of Me, you will experience the lack of overcoming in your lives. I need you to see that for you to overcome, you MUST have a change in the way you think…you must have a change in what you will do. For you cannot continue doing the same things & expect different results. The enemy laughs at your efforts, knowing that he has ensnared you, to keep you from My victory. I came that you might have life & have it more abundantly. Do you not want the life that I have for you? If you do, then things will have to change. For you cannot continue on the same road & expect that I will somehow bless you, when you are not walking along with Me. How can MY people believe they are walking IN Me, when they continue to see in their lives the very opposite of what walking IN Me will bring? For truly, with all that I did to purchase you…with all I did to sacrifice for your good…for all that I have accomplished to bring victory into your lives…how is it that you still continue to walk as you feel is right for you, deluded into thinking you are following Me, but you do not see the evidence of following Me in your lives? I do not say this to hurt you or to be mean…I say this because I love you & I want My best for you. I want you to walk in the victory that was made available to you by My sacrifice & overcoming. I need you to reconsider your walk with Me & begin to see things as I see them. For I am seated in Heavenly places at the right hand of the Throne of My Father. If you are not seated with Me, you will not experience those things that being seated there will bring. For My House is suppose to BE strong…My House is supposed to be FULLY armed with My weapons of war. But few of My people even take hold of these weapons & then wonder why their lives are SO attacked by the evil one. You cannot put your trust in a pseudo mentality of walking in My FULL Armor…walking in My Full Armor is a continual stance! Keeping on My Full Armor is a continual stance…you MUST be vigilant & watchful! For it is when you let your guard down, that the enemy will strike & once he has stuck, you will be overcome, should you not be watchful & holding fast in these things. And much of this is because so many of My people keep their thoughts on their own things & not on the things of others. Most of those thoughts are of pride & self…not of humility & contriteness! I need you to see that thinking this way is exactly how the enemy will come through to attack you. For he looks for every high thing, which you hold to yourselves, to ensnare you, for your selfishness. Never forget that I resist the proud, but give grace unto the humble…for only the humble can be victorious in the battles that are yet ahead. I need My people to seek Me, to help them to see this, so they can change the way things are before it is too late. For in pride & self-seeking, the enemy will almost always prosper…but only as My people will repent & come back to Me in their thinking & truly take their place in lowliness, will I be able to exalt them in due time. You see things escalating all around you…this should cause My people to run hard after Me, but I still see many who continue on with their lives, as they have & there is no real change within them.

What will it take to get My people’s attention? What will they have to see come, for them to truly release their lives unto Me & allow Me to lead & guide them? For I am looking for those who’s heart cry out to Me for help. But I am not talking about those who cry out to Me to help them, because of the foolish decisions & directions they have taken, but still refuse to accept their responsibility on those things. For true repentance needs not to be repented of…true repentance is genuine & goes to their very core of being. I need My people to understand this, so they can come close to Me & walk by My side. For I need My army to arise & take back all that they have allowed the enemy to steal from them & from this lost & dying world. Only as My people will do this, will they see things My way. My people must rise into My overcoming, so My power will be shown through them & the world will know they are OF Me. Do this & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.

Dearest Saints, we MUST be whole heartily seeking the Lord in these last days and lay aside any preconceived ideas of how we believe He should operate in us and through us. It is time for us to fight for our victory in Christ Jesus.

And if these words help or bless you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a financial gift to help with our needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Those Who Are Saved Will Reach Out To This Lost & Dying World

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word to the Body of Christ from the Lord given through my dear friend and pastor.

The Lord says: “I long for My people to BE as I AM, for I care for the lost & the dying…I care for those who have not heard of My love…I care that SO many of My people do little to nothing to build My Kingdom. I love you all with an everlasting love…when will you love Me as I have loved you? For I have told you in My word that faith without works is dead & many of My people DO have faith…Many of My people DO have works…in this I am pleased, but the time has come for My people to stretch out their tent posts…the time has come for My people to do more…for the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are FEW. So many of My people do not consider that they are not doing what I have called them to do…& that is to proclaim My love & salvation to this lost & dying world. So many only think that this is the pastor’s job…or some minister’s job…when I have said it is ALL of your jobs! Sheep begat sheep, My people…how is it that you do not understand this? For yes, many of My servants DO their jobs in what I have called them to do & they are proclaiming My Kingdom. Do not forget that the church is ONE body, composed of many parts. Do not forget that each part is to supply to the effectual increase to the body. Remember that the time of harvest is near. Remember your places & be a part that brings forth MY harvest. For as I look to & fro across the earth, I see most of MY people working for a harvest, but this harvest I speak of is not for Me, but for themselves. For I see things as they really are…I do not see many of My people seeking to save souls…I see My people seeking only things for their own lives. It is time for My people to wake up to reality & realize that this is NOT the way it is supposed to be! For My salvation is effectual to those who have truly entered into it…for their lives are a demonstration of My salvation. For those who ARE saved, will reach out to save others! How can you say you are saved, but do nothing to increase My Kingdom? Do you not know that faith without works is dead? Do you not realize that the lack of response from your inner man, to see the need of this world for My love & My salvation, is a serious thing? For many take the grace of their Lord in vain, not doing the things that I desire…but only those things that are pleasing unto them. If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. My commandments are not grievous, but to those who do not keep them as I desire, may think so. This is because My church is slowly falling away from Me & only seeking for themselves.

It grieves Me, that so many of My people have fallen from their first love! Remember from where you are fallen & return unto to Me & do the first works. For time is running out & only those who truly seek Me, will find Me. You cannot just seek Me when you have need. You cannot just seek Me when it pleases you to do so. If you really love Me, you will keep My commandments. Can you not see the condition of your hearts, as the world grows darker & darker? I need My people to snap free from the fear that is gripping this world & for them to arise & shine in faith! For My people will BE a people of faith. My people will BE a people of power…My people will DO exploits unto Me, for I will use them in this hour & MANY will come to Me by them. Do not let this hour slip away from you. Do not think that you are alright & this is for someone else. This is for ALL of My people…for there is none that cannot do MORE for Me! This is why the time for repentance has come, for so many think that all is well in their lives & they are serving Me, as I desire. But I am shining LIGHT on this false reality & showing it for what it truly is…for it is PSEUDO…it is deceived…it is compromised…it is complacent. I am looking for those who will hear My voice & arise in Me. I am waiting for those who say they love Me, to show Me by their fruit! I am searching for a people who will walk as I walk & do as I do. I am looking for the people of God, who’s love is a demonstration by their lives. So many of My people think that they are wise in their lives, but to them I say this…he who wins souls is wise! My people MUST see that if they are not seeking to save that which is lost, they are only SELF-seeking. My people must realize that the faith that is of Me, is not dormant, but is powerful…it is effectual to the saving of their souls. For the soul that has been saved will be a vessel that seeks to save others! How long will My people listen to preachers & teachers that only say good things to tickle their ears? How long will My people heap to themselves teaching & doctrine that only embellishes the flesh? How long unto My people will start to realize that these things have kept My people back from doing the things that truly please Me? Yes, there are many ways that please Me, but none is more important than reaching out to the unsaved. For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance…I came to seek & to save that which is lost. My people continue to look at what is going on in the world & instead of rising up in faith & warring in Me. My people are pulling themselves aside & doing less & less for Me, for fear is gripping the hearts of many of My people. Many do not realize this…many think they are doing just fine, but I see things as they really are…I am seeing more of a people who’s faith is, without works & is dead. It is time to arise from the dead, My people & begin to live in Me! It is time for you to take your places & do as I desire. For those who will not fully cleave to My words this day, DO show the true condition of their hearts, for their hearts show what they are looking for…they are looking for soft words that appease their lives & make them feel they are fine. It is time for MY people to know the truth, for the truth shall set them free. Only as you will see the true condition of your hearts will you be able to avail yourselves & do as I desire you to do. It is time for My people to be close to Me & in your prayers will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.

Amen. I humble myself before the Lord and repent for my own complacency. These are dangerous days that will get even darker soon. Many are lost and need the love of Christ. We all as the Body of Christ need to do our own part in reaching the lost for the kingdom of God. I pray that you all take this word sincerely as I do.

And if these words help or bless you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a financial gift to help with our needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Walking In God’s Authority & Power In This Hour.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read this important word from the Lord to the Body of Christ, given through my dear friend and pastor.

The Lord says: “I come to you declaring My everlasting love to you. The time has come for My people to BE My people. No longer living their lives to please themselves. No longer giving Me only the parts that they pick & choose to give. I am calling for true dedication in this hour. I am calling for My people to arise & shine. For the time has come for My people to seek Me, as never before. For very soon My people will see great fear arise all around this present world…but BE of good cheer, for I have overcome the world & those who will truly give Me their lives will enter into that overcoming, for I will shelter them from all that is about to come. I will cover them with My wings & they shall be sheltered under My Feathers. For the hour of temptation is about to come on this world & those who will truly surrender their all unto Me, I will truly surrender My all unto them.

For so many of My people are like Ananias & Sapphira…they have come to Me, declaring to Me their undying love, but in true life, they have kept back part of their lives. And for many, the part that they have kept back from Me, is the part I desire most. For I do not desire the parts that you want to give…I want those parts that you do not give unto Me! For I am searching to & fro all around the Earth, seeking those who will truly come unto Me & do the things that I say. For many say they have done this, but in life experience they have lied, for their lives do not show Me the evidence that I am looking for in them. You ask Me what part I am not seeing? I am looking for the part of your lives that will be a TRUE demonstration of MY love for you. For, as I have given you My all & held nothing back from you, even so, I desire you to do the same for Me. I am looking for a people that will shine as lights in this world, but all I am seeing is a people who live their own lives, for themselves & rarely do anything for Me. I am not talking about your giving…that is an area most of My people have no problem with…though some do hold back in this way, thinking they are doing rightly. But the area I am talking about is how most of My people do not understand WHY I saved them & what it means to BE IN My Name. For when you ARE IN My name, you will DO the works that I do! When you are IN My name, you will seek to save that which is lost. When you are IN My name, you will reach out to the lost & dying & show them My Kingdom. For My kingdom is NOT meat or drink…it is righteousness, joy & peace in the Holy Spirit. For where My righteousness IS, there is NO fear of what the world can do. Where My righteousness IS, there is NO lack of joy in your lives. Where My righteousness is, there is NO lack of peace, for you will have entered into MY REST…you will have entered into MY SHALOM…you will have come to the place where I AM your all in all.

So many of My people do not see this, the way that I do. Many of My people just live their lives, thinking they are doing all that I have for them to do, but never seem to realize that if they are not winning souls to My Kingdom, they are NOT doing my will. For I came to seek & to save that which is lost & I saved YOU! It is time for you to do the same for Me…I need you to let go of those things that are behind you & to reach forward in MY high calling in Christ. For the hour of GREAT revival is about to come to this world & I want you to be a part of this revival. For as My people will look unto Me & realize the folly of their own ways, THEN shall My people see with My eyes & begin to walk as I walk. For in the time ahead, I will flow GREATLY thru many…for many will respond to Me as I desire & great shall be their reward.

So, you ask what is holding My people back from being part of this? The answer is right there before you…deep within your hearts. For as great fear takes hold of this world, I will rise up in those who are truly Mine & I will establish My Kingdom thru them & many will come unto THEM, seeking Me In this hour. For what I am about to do, the world has never seen…what I am about to do, the world has never known on the level that I speak of. For GREAT repentance shall come, even as it did in the time of Ananias & Shapphira…for GREAT fear shall take hold of MANY & many shall come unto Me in this hour. Judgment begins at the House Of God, My people…so great fear is going to grip many in MY house, so that the world will see & know that I am revealing Myself in this hour. For there will be a great turning around in this coming hour & just as it was THEN…I will accomplish GREATER…for the world has never seen the time of revival that is about to take place. For as MY people, which are called by My name, shall truly humble themselves & pray, seek My face & turn from their wicked way, THEN will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sin & heal their land. The time for My delegated authority & My DUNAMIS power to be seen all across this world has arrived…I await the response of My people. Will you be willing to do as I say & turn from the lives that you have been living & begin to give Me your all? The time for keeping back part of the price has ended…the time for full surrender has come. I need My people to see the seriousness of what has been happening all of these years. I need My people to understand just how far many have truly been from Me. For I have called you to be Demonstrators of My Power…I have called you to tread on scorpions & serpents, but for the most part, My people have let the scorpions & serpents to tread on them. It is time to take your places, My people & stand up in the authority that I have given. It is time for the world to know that I am in you of a truth! Will you come with Me in this hour…will you let go of those things that do not please Me & begin to give Me your all? The answer you give Me, will be in the response of your lives. As you will do as I desire, you will be astounded & very well pleased…I tell you, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.

Amen. I’m sure that many of you have the same desire as me to be greatly used by the Lord during this coming harvest. Please don’t be one who just sits on the sidelines and watches. We are His soldiers and all of this is part of our training for the darkest hour that is soon coming. We must train now to be overcomers so that we’re not overcome when the darkest hour comes.

And if these words help or bless you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a financial gift to help with our needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.