Pressure shows others the true character that you walk IN.

Dear Saints,

As I was seeking the Lord for a word for His people, He revealed something very exciting that I believe you will all enjoy. I will post it in a couple of days because I have an important word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore that needs to be posted. Please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord:

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to CHALLENGE them concerning the things that I have said. For many, My words are only RECEIVED for the benefit & purposes that satisfy the FLESH. This night I have shown you the TRUTH, for it is My desire that My people WALK in this life, seeking to be a BLESSING unto others. So many are only fixated & concerned about their OWN circumstances. So many are only looking out for THEMSELVES & their needs. Many do not realize that THEIR lack & need exists because they are ONLY sowing INTO self. I need My people to understand the DYNAMICS of My word within their hearts & lives.

For I am RAISING up a people for this hour to do exploits IN My name & FOR My purposes…not for the purposes of SELF! For as things continue & the great exposure comes forth GREATER in substance, many are going to see the truth that EXISTS within them, as their lives are EXPOSED for the truth that is THERE. I do not say this in spite, or to be mean…I say this because I LOVE you with an everlasting love & it is My desire that My people BE like Me. I need My people to come back to BASICS & see the truth WITHIN them, for I have shown you this night the truth of My word CONCERNING sowing & reaping.

So many STILL hold onto the mindset & belief that if they sow I am going to pour out WORLDLY blessings upon them & so many ARE confused because of this doctrine of men! How is it that My people have forgotten that to be IN Me, they must CRUCIFY their flesh? How is it that today, My people still HOLD onto things that will only take them farther & farther away from Me? I have told you before that ANYTHING that comes between you & Me, is an IDOL, so how come so many STILL seek things that will ultimately only come BETWEEN you & Me? I say this to stir up a REALIZATION of the way things truly are.

For so many still do not HOLD My words as I have said them & this is why I am having you GO THRU My words each week, to SHOW you the truth that is IN My words & what truth is REALLY IN your hearts. For the time has come for My people to come BACK to basics. So many are FAR from this! So many CANNOT even comprehend their lives as I am saying they MUST be! Because of men’s ear-tickling doctrines that have enriched THEIR lives with worldly blessings, at the COST of drawing My people AWAY from Me INTO covetousness & greed! I need My people to see just how much of this is true WITHIN their lives!

How many of My people sow to the NEEDS of the poor? How many of My people give to FEED the orphans, poor & needy in this world? How of My people see the true need to HELP those who are doing their best to work to help themselves? I say this because there are many who do LITTLE or nothing in this area. I have told you that you are going thru a time of PRESSURE. Pressure comes to SHOW you the truth of what is WITHIN your heart. Pressure SHOWS others the true character that YOU walk IN. I need My people to SEE the truth of this! What will you do if the pressure RAMPS UP much greater than it is already?

I need you to see this REALITY because I tell you that many at this point are NOT ready, should greater pressure were to come upon them! I need My people to stand STRONG in this hour. But you cannot stand strong when you are holding ONTO the things of this world. My strength is made perfect in YOUR weakness, but this is not referring to the things you want to HOLD ON to. This speaks of things that manifest, that you have NO POWER. I am talking about the things that you DO have power over. For the things of this world are NOT necessary for My people to DO what I desire.

Only man has CONVINCED My people that this is not so! I am working to INCREASE My righteousness WITHIN My people…NOT to increase worldliness! As you see “revival” rising up all over the world, you MUST recognize that the only TRUE revival is where the hearts come to Me IN repentance. Not the hearts that come to Me just to “feel” My love, joy & peace. For I say unto you, that without repentance, those entering into this revival are MISSING the truth & will NOT BE changed. For they think they are entering into My kingdom, but I already told you that My kingdom is NOT meat & drink…it is not TANGIBLE as such things…the kingdom of God IS righteousness, peace & joy IN the holy spirit.

Many do not understand what is happening AROUND them. For I told you that THRU much tribulation\pressure, you MUST enter into the kingdom of God. I told you that My kingdom is NOT in words…My kingdom is IN miracle-working power…flesh & blood CANNOT inherit the kingdom of God. My kingdom IS a RIGHTEOUS kingdom…I told you the unrighteous shall NOT enter into My kingdom! I need My people to SEE the truth, for ONLY the truth will set them free. LOOK at the revivals taking place all over the world & take notice…only those who are truly coming in REPENTANCE are truly experiencing what I DESIRE in this hour.

Those who are only EMBRACING the “feeling of My love”, are MISSING the mark & will suffer great loss, if they do NOT repent! I tell you this, so you will NOT be deceived by the false\pseudo revival. What is false revival? Having a FORM of godliness, but DENYING the power of it! The power of My revival IS a CHANGED heart & life. A changed heart & life happens WHEN people see the truth, embrace it & TURN FROM their wicked ways. I tell you that My revival HAS begun…I just need you to understand that NOT all that glitters IS gold. There will ALWAYS be tares among the wheat, so be CAREFUL NOT to be deceived INTO what is not of Me.

I CHARGE you this day to SEE your lives in light of what I have spoken to you & turn UNTO Me now more than ever before, for I am calling My people to truly BE My people. In this hour there IS going to be GREAT deception & I need My people to stay CLOSE to My truth. As time goes forward, more & more is going to be REVEALED in this world. I told you that what is coming, MOST are not prepared to hear & their lives will be DEVASTATED, because they did NOT do as I have said & draw CLOSE unto Me. If you will do as I say, I promise, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. What a convicting word. Even though at this time in my life I make very little money and live on the support of others’ gifts and donations, I still give to those who are less fortunate than I am. Because of this, the Lord is faithful to provide for all my needs. The Lord has called me to be a Joseph and I believe that anointing will come this year. But in the meantime, I still live by faith that He will provide for all my needs each month.

And on that note, it’s that time when my rent and other bills are coming due. So any help with my financial needs would be greatly appreciated. And may the Lord abundantly bless those in return for their giving heart.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

For as things increase around you, you will be FORCED to make decisions.

Dearest Saints,

I am posting a critical word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark. However, I would also like to share what the Lord has told us about the coming revival and the counterfeit revival. As some of you may already be aware, revival seems to have broken out in several places like the one known as the Asbury Revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.

Some are calling it a true revival, while others are criticizing it. I’m not taking either position because I don’t want to interfere with any work that the Lord may be doing. However, we must take into account two things that the Lord has told us: for one, a real revival is coming, and two, the enemy will counterfeit the real revival with his own that will lead many to the great falling away. And having said that, I ask that you reread what the Lord told us about the coming revival and counterfeit revival in a word that He gave to me back in 2013. Click here to go to that word.

Also, please reread a word that the Lord gave me back in 2020 on how to protect yourself from falling for the coming counterfeit revival. Click here to go to that word.

I’m very excited about what the Lord is doing, but we need to keep in mind that we are in the days of great deception, and from what the Lord has said, many believers are already susceptible to the counterfeit revival which will lead many to the great falling away that is coming. So keep this in mind and keep your hearts right with God.

Word of the Lord given through Pastor Mark:

The Lord says: “the time has come for My people to see the truth WITHIN their hearts. And I say this because many of you are going THRU much tribulation. For I tell you that IN this tribulation I will show you what is truly IN your hearts. For as the PRESSURE continues, as the pressure may even INCREASE, I want to see YOUR reaction, I want to see YOUR response as you endure what is ahead. For as I have called you to be OBEDIENT unto me & to BE a blessing to others, even in this time you will see the truth that IS within you. For the enemy will attempt to draw many AWAY from their diligence & earnestness, to continue in being a blessing.

He will ATTEMPT to use many different avenues to do this, TRYING to get My people to only consider THEMSELVES. But I tell you now, that those who will HOLD on to My promises will see great SUCCESS in the time ahead, for YES, they WILL endure much pressure…they WILL endure much accusation & division, they WILL even see things arise within their families to convince them that they need to do OTHER things, but those who will hold fast UNTO Me & continue IN their diligence & earnestness will watch My glory UNFOLD. For I will make a way for them in the days ahead & as OTHERS fall into adversity & lack, these WILL shine in My abundance.

Because they STOOD on what I told them to do, instead of listening to the voice of the enemy, even where the enemy would speak THRU those around them. I tell you this, My people, that the enemy walks about as a roaring lion, SEEKING whom he may devour & many never CONSIDER that he would work thru family…many would never REALIZE that he would work thru things that many would never consider, but I tell you these things because of the hour you are NOW in. For in this hour I am causing a great REVEALING to come forth from WITHIN My people. I AM causing those who are truly mine to SHOW this with ALL their lives.

For many will not respond RIGHTLY in this hour & will listen to voices NOT of Me, to do things that their FLESH desires. For many EXCUSES will come forth, as to “why” you need to STOP being faithful in the things of God & to be MORE faithful to the things OF the flesh. But those who ARE truly Mine will stand fast in the liberty that I have made them free & they will NOT be entangled with this wave of the enemy to ensnare them into bondage. I have told you that the time of the great EXPOSURE has now come & many are now being SCRUTINIZED for things in their lives that they NEVER thought would happen.

For so many have been CONVINCED by faulty teachings to think that whatever they DO is somehow “covered by my grace”, even when those things go CONTRARY to My word! But now the TRUTH is being made manifest & My people must now give an ACCOUNT for the things that THEY have allowed. For there are EVEN things that are contrary unto My word, that people have allowed & these things have AFFECTED others, who look up to these people. And by their acceptance of these things, they have entered INTO error, for NOT denouncing those very things. I need My people to see the NEED for TRUE repentance & humility in this hour.

For as things increase around you, you will be FORCED to make decisions. I want those decisions to be in ACCORDANCE with My will & My word. I do not want My people to be like “lemmings” who just BLINDLY follow others because of what THEY are doing. For I have called you INTO integrity. I have called you INTO My righteousness. I have called you as My people to DO those things that are pleasing in My sight. It is time for My people to take their places AT my side, while you are STILL on this earth, for this world IS entering into the time that My people WILL do exploits & this world now NEEDS My people to rise up!

You can no longer STAND on the sidelines, thinking you have no part in what is happening around you. That VERY thought proves the complacency & compromise that STILL exists within you! I need those who say they are Mine to show THIS truth from their INNER most being…for the time for My people to DO spiritual war HAS come & NOW I require ALL that are Mine to rise up & DO as I lead them to do. You can no longer just LOOK on from the sidelines…you MUST now rise up & take up YOUR weapons of spiritual war! As I say this, there are many who do NOT understand this & the very thought causes a wall to rise up WITHIN them, thinking that THIS is for someone else, or that they CANNOT do anything in this area.

The truth is, it is the enemy PLACING those thoughts within you, to KEEP you unarmed & unuseful for Me in this hour. So many are NOT doing their job, AS soldiers of light! So many STAND on the sidelines, watching evil continue, but DO nothing to counter it. Do you not know that I HAVE given you power over ALL the power of the enemy & NOTHING shall by any means hurt you? The problem is, so many of those who SAY they are Mine have never RECEIVED My power as I desire. Oh, yes, many will attest that they HAVE received a measure, but the REALITY of this is they LIMIT My power WITHIN them because they do not want to DO the work I have called them to DO.

This goes back to the COMPROMISED teaching that has lulled My people into a state of slumber so that they do nothing but DESIRE the benefits of being IN the “God Club”. But I tell you all now, that THOSE who continue as they have are now being JUDGED by their own hearts, as I show them the truth that is WITHIN them. For now, they MUST take sides & show the truth of who’s they ARE. For they will either repent unto Me & rise up to DO as I please, or they will spiral down into SELF-deception, thinking “all is well” with them, as they are & WILL fall away more into “pseudo”.

I CHALLENGE My people in this hour to come CLOSE unto Me & show Me the truth within YOUR hearts. For if you WILL hear My voice, I command you to STOP hardening your hearts & to HUMBLE yourselves BEFORE Me & My will for your lives. For the hour you are IN will show you, either SHINING in Me OR falling more & more INTO darkness, to do those things that PLEASE the evil one. I set BEFORE you this day life & death…CHOOSE life & you WILL arise in Me as never before & I WILL use you in this hour to DO great & mighty things. I love you all with an everlasting love. I NEED you all to show Me YOUR true love at this time.

For as you GO forward in time, your love FOR Me will either dramatically INCREASE, or your agape love will be PULLED INTO loving the things of this world. I do not want that to happen, so I am coming to you now to call you to rise up IN diligence & earnestness, to continue SERVING Me in ALL My ways. I said “My ways”…NOT your ways. For this is the REASON for all the compromise & complacency that STILL exists WITHIN My people. So many never seem to “connect the dots” & to RECKON with the truth that is WITHIN them. So many just continue ONWARD, just as they are, thinking all is right & well within them.

But things will SOON begin to change & even these will begin to see the fallacy IN their lives & they will HAVE to make their decision…to repent & come unto Me as I desire, or to fall back down INTO the pit they have discovered they ARE in & fall into even GREATER darkness. The time has come for My people to TRULY show Me they ARE My people & NOT a people that “pretends” to be OF God. I am taking you thru the scriptures of the early church to SHOW you the way it IS supposed to be. For so many have fallen away from the Bible pattern that I established nearly 2000 years ago.

Today’s “church” is REALLY not much Mine, compared to what it WAS & this MUST now change! For I am calling for REVIVAL all across this world & those who will HEAR My voice WILL enter INTO this revival & BE conformed into the image of My Son & the world WILL begin to take notice AS My people rise up around the world DECLARING My TRUTH to this lost & dying world. The time for My people to BE the true light of the world has RETURNED & now I am calling My people to arise out of THEIR darkness they have allowed within them & to PURGE themselves from the things that OFFEND My Gospel.

For My Gospel MUST now come forth to SHOW the world the truth of what I did when I came & GAVE Myself for the sins of the world. And as My people will WALK IN My truth I will shine THRU them with My glory & multitudes WILL come unto Me, because My people of this hour WILL shine an uncompromised or complacent Gospel to LEAD the world truly UNTO Me. Come unto Me, My people & BE as I AM. For I am LOOKING for those who ARE truly mine to rise in this hour & show Me My truth WITHIN them. Do as I tell you & you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, this is such a convicting word from the Lord. He is serious about His people turning from playing church and truly purifying themselves in these last days to BECOME His holy bride on earth. Because of this, these words on this post will not tickle the ears like the words given by many prophetic voices today. But I pray that you all take these words to heart and heed what the Lord is commanding us.

And if these words do bless or help you in any way, please consider a love gift to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

The time has come for you to RECKON your lives with Me now…before the time at the judgment seat of Christ.

Word of the Lord given through Pastor Mark:

The Lord says: “I come to My people this day to ENCOURAGE them IN Me & to give them HOPE. For My hope is NOT the hope that many live by. For many who say they are Mine live by THEIR own perception of hope. For these will live their self lives thinking that everything MUST happen the way they think, instead of understanding the way things truly are. For surely many are presently under PRESSURE because of their circumstances. And I say “their circumstances”, because what they are EXPERIENCING is coming forth to HELP them to understand the way things truly are. For their circumstances are only a FIXATION on their self-life.

For when things do not go the way they think they should, they DOUBT My word & allow the lies of their enemy to take hold of them & try to MANEUVER them out of My will. For I tell you this day, that this is happening on an INCREASED level because so many STILL hold onto their self lives. So many do not seem to understand that they are NOT their own, for they were bought with a price. I keep telling you this because I am causing my people to SEE things as they really are. The time has come for My people to TRULY BE My people. Not a people that merely CLAIM to be Mine, but a people that will DEMONSTRATE the reality of who’s they truly are, BY their lives.

I am calling for My people to STOP living the way THEY want, doing only the things that THEY desire, for the Kingdom of Heaven IS at hand, but so few ARE living in My kingdom. So many are really only living in their OWN kingdoms, saying it is My Kingdom. Why is it that so many do not seem to be ABLE to discern this? Could it be because so many have been DILUTED & CONFUSED by well-meaning doctrines of men, that appease the flesh to DO what the flesh pleases? I ask you this because the time has come for you to RECKON your lives with Me now…before the time at the judgment seat of Christ.

I say this because I am giving you opportunity to see the NEED for CHANGE & to COME to Me IN your lives & DO as I desire. So many think that they please Me, but the truth is, they ONLY please Me in the things that THEY desire to do. For I tell you the truth that MANY who say they are Mine, most ONLY love Me in the way that THEY decide to love Me…NOT in the ways that I have said. How can a people who SAY they are Mine & love Me, only love Me as they desire? I say this to WAKE you up to the truth & reality of your self lives. For the truth is that most only love me, as it is CONVENIENT to them & IF it supports their flesh-man’s desire for SELF exultation.

For I tell you the truth…when things do not go the way that many desire, this is an OPPORTUNITY to show them the truth of what IS IN them. For I have told you that tribulations & trials are “pressure”. This pressure comes to show what is truly WITHIN them. For the outcome of this pressure will either cause a reaction OUT OF the flesh, or a response OUT OF the spirit. The reaction out of the flesh will be EVIDENT, for it will reek of worldliness, whereas the response out of the spirit will reek of SEEKING MY Face & will for THEIR lives. I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love & it is My desire for you to BE CLOSE to My heart.

But this can only happen when you will FORSAKE pleasing the self heart of flesh & SEEK to please only Me. The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. I say this because in the time ahead many will NOT be able to hold on to the things of the self-life, as they have. For the pressures will either DRIVE them from Me or closer to Me. There CANNOT be a continuation of the way things have been. For I am calling My people into a GREATER integrity than ever before. So many think that they have integrity, yet the truth in this is that many only walk in a MEASURE of integrity, as THEY see fit.

But I am opening the eyes of many’s understanding & causing them to SEE things on a higher level. What was “ok” before MUST now change & come UNDER greater scrutiny. For the deeper My people desire to go in Me, the greater work I must do WITHIN them. For Me to increase within them, they MUST decrease. So few seem to understand the truth in this. So few truly seem to KNOW the truth of My word, when I said you are to love Me with all your heart, mind, soul & strength. Yes, many will quote this, but the truth is, few truly EMBRACE this with their lives, as I desire.

For I tell you, how do you think your lives would be if you TRULY obeyed My words & loved Me as I commanded? But still, many HOLD to their self-lives, never understanding the truth that is within them & they continue forward in their complacency & compromise. I tell you that the time for My glory to MANIFEST within My people has come, but few will ENTER into this glory, for it will REQUIRE that they FORSAKE their self-life & few are willing to do this, though they SAY they do or will do. Each of you are on this life road going forward & each of you MUST make the decisions of heart going forward.

And I tell you that the choices that are made WILL bring forth a harvest in due time. The thing is that My people must recognize that this is according to My time & also according to what IS sown IN & THRU their lives. I need My people to see the TRUTH that is within them, for even on this night I have manifested the truth thru My word, to help you to see the way things truly are. So many think that they have already been reconciled unto Me, but in truth, they are ONLY reconciled in the things that they have yielded to Me in obedience. I tell you there is still MUCH pride within many, though they FAIL to see this!

For My salvation is a continuing work, as My people do THEIR part in seeking to obey & please Me, but also YIELDING their lives in the things that I have said they MUST yield. I need My people to see that this earth home is not what they need to be FIXATED on…it is the Heavenly home that awaits each of you, as you will walk forward in the things that I have said. And in this walking forward, I will cause many to see the LACK of integrity in their lives & call them to repent! When I say repent, I am not talking about taking what I say & using it for your benefit, but for you to take it FOR yourselves first & truly APPLY what I said to you.

For the work of repentance MUST truly take hold WITHIN you, before I can use it to go forth THRU you. For if you are not walking in what you say to others, you are a hypocrite & lack the integrity that I REQUIRE. Remember, I have given you the ministry of reconciliation. How can you reconcile others when you have NOT truly reconciled yourself? I am looking for a TRUE humility within My people…not a pseudo humility that rises up within! Didn’t I say you would know them BY their fruits? Even so, as My people walk forward, they WILL show forth the truth of the fruit that IS within them.

For I will cause the truth to manifest & it will no longer be HIDDEN behind that which is pseudo. So many claim to walk with Me & desire Me to use them & to these I say, the time has come to truly show the truth IN your hearts & surrender your ALL unto Me. For I cannot use you the way that I desire, as long as self IS ruling within. I need My people to truly BE My people…not a false people that ONLY say they are Mine. I know this may seem to be a bit harsh to some, but I NEED you to know the truth within you! I need you to sense the DESPERATION in My heart toward those who say they are Mine.

For I love you & gave Myself for you, a SACRIFICE well pleasing unto My Father. I need those who say they are Mine to remember My words…for I said, IF any would follow Me, they MUST deny their SELF, take up their cross & follow Me. I need you to SEE the truth in this. For IF you are NOT denying self, you are NOT following Me! This is the simple truth…it is just hard to accept & to walk in! This is because the self-life is so STRONG in many in this hour. I need My people to see the truth in this hour & to take BOLD steps forward. These bold steps will take them OUT OF the self-life & INTO the life that pleases Me.

I am waiting for you to hear My voice & follow Me. I have ALREADY walked out the path for you to take. All you have to do is FOLLOW Me. The choice is yours, for I CANNOT make the choice for you. You will either continue in this self-walk, or you will see the NEED for change & begin stepping forward IN what I have for you. I look for each of you to make the RIGHT decisions in the time ahead. For there are things coming & in these things many will be required to make DRASTIC decisions to step forward…for the choices will EITHER be for self or for Me. I want you to make the right choices. As you will do this you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all take this word to heart and bare your heart before the Lord. And if these words bless or help you in any way, please consider a love gift to help with our financial needs.