Embracing God’s Unprecedented Grace Amidst the Shaking.

Dear Saints,

When seeking the Lord on what He desires to share with His people, He laid something upon my heart that is so exciting, despite all that’s coming.

First of all, let’s not forget that He has been telling us that another shaking is coming.  Events are already escalating across the U.S. and other regions of the world. But a major unrest is coming to the U.S. Get ready…

Many deaths are also coming during this time due to a culmination of events possibly including another disease outbreak. While there is another severe pandemic coming, much worse than the recent Covid outbreak, I’m uncertain of its precise timing. Although I’m certain it’s coming, I’m not sure if it will be during this next shaking or later on down the road.

However, in the midst of this, don’t listen to the fear-mongering of the mainstream media or succumb to their distractions and fear tactics. The enemy fears what is coming and will be unleashing all that he has up his sleeve. However, as God’s people, we can counter much of it with our prayers.

Exercise great discernment during this time and refrain from venturing out unless the Lord allows it. We must remain under His protection at all times.

Despite these trials, God has revealed something deeply exciting to my heart. During this season, we will encounter His unprecedented grace and favor. He is rendering judgment upon our enemies, both in the natural and in the spirit. So He is urging us to take advantage of this time and break free from all that hinders our walk with Him. God is calling us to delve deeper into Him—enter your prayer closets and spend time in the secret place as much as possible. Wait upon the Lord and repent of all that He reveals to your heart. As we do this, we will gain freedom in areas where we didn’t even recognize we were in bondage. This will bring such a freedom to us all that we have never known before.

This is a season where God is releasing us into a newfound freedom beyond our imagination. He will also pour out revelations, open doors of opportunity, and bestow blessings upon us. We have the chance to experience rapid spiritual growth if we earnestly seek Him and practice dwelling in His secret place.

As we abide in the secret place of the Most High, we will rest under the shadow of the Almighty, shielded and protected from all that is to come. Though a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, it will not come near us. We will only witness the reward of the wicked. But God will be our refuge and no evil or plague will come near those abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. And please understand, this isn’t just reciting Psalm 91 and assenting to it; it’s a profound, ongoing experience of dwelling in His secret place.

Truly, we are living in exciting times. Soon, we will witness the great transfer of wealth if we remain obedient and follow His divine instructions for our lives. God is preparing us spiritually and practically for the challenges ahead, as this period will usher in the last day’s great harvest. He is equipping us to labor alongside Him during this harvest, for those who are willing. Those who do allow Him to prepare them will accomplish great feats for the Kingdom of God.

In conclusion, the enemy will employ mainstream media and influential voices to sow fear and distract God’s people from what He is accomplishing in this season. Resist these tactics and seek refuge in the secret place. Embrace God’s unparalleled grace during this period, freeing yourself from all obstacles hindering your walk with Him. Step boldly through the doors of blessings and opportunities He is preparing for you. These are truly exhilarating times for those who have eyes to see and will seize upon His unparalleled grace.

Dear Saints, if these words have blessed or helped you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a love offering. As bills and rent are due soon, any financial contribution would be greatly appreciated.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.


Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I have SHOWN you these things this night to help you to UNDERSTAND why I did these things of old, so you can GRASP the reality and need for the new covenant. For as you LOOK at what was done of old, it was NECESSARY for the sacrifice for sin continually. This is a PICTURE of the way things were from the STANDPOINT of the flesh. But now I have MADE a new covenant, stronger\better than the first.

The spiritual truths within THESE things are to help you to UNDERSTAND that what I did THROUGH My Son was to bring my people OUT OF the old and INTO the new. Those who say they have done this, need to RECONSIDER. For I ask you…how many of you continue to come to Me for forgiveness of sin, as the priests of OLD did? I have already told you that in godly sorrow repentance continues to work, for TRUE repentance needs NOT to be repented of.

I share these things because they ARE a type and shadow of the OLD. Just as My Son told PARABLES, these things I THROW NEAR you, to show you they ARE SIMILAR. If you will grasp the truth that exists within MOST of those who say they are Mine, you will see that many are STILL doing what the priests of old were doing…ONGOING offering of sacrifices for sin. I want My people to ENTER INTO what My Son ACCOMPLISHED in His sacrifice.

I need you to see that to TRULY DO this, you MUST surrender your lives UNTO Me. This is NOT what many, who say they love Me, have done. They “have not surrendered” their lives…they have only SAID they have. This IS important because I look at TRUTH (nothing hidden\concealed) & what I see is a people that MOSTLY is still surrendered to the lordship of SELF. I say this, in My great love for you, for I love you with an everlasting love.

I desire for you to see THESE things as I show them to you, so you will TRULY walk with Me. I have shared how I have a ROAD, a WAY that you MUST follow and I showed you this AGAIN THIS night…I said it was a holy place ROAD. This speaks of a walk that is UNLIKE anything that has EXISTED before. For My Son came to SHOW the world the truth of THIS road, for He walked IN it…He showed everyone the WAY.

And He said, if anyone desired to COME BEHIND Him, He COMMANDED them to deny SELF…He COMMANDED them to TAKE UP their cross DAILY…He COMMANDED them to walk ON the SAME ROAD as Him. I need My people to SEE that these things I show you ARE for your BENEFIT, so you CAN SHAKE FREE from the deceptions and mindsets of man and ENTER INTO the truth that I HAVE spoken. In My great love for you, I WANT you to know the truth, AS I HAVE said it.

The time has come for My people to walk IN the truth. For as I have told you, THIS IS the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF…you CANNOT continue as you HAVE any longer, for the time HAS COME for CHANGE. And THESE changes WILL bring My people OUT OF the darkness that man HAS SHADED My people with, and ILLUMINATE them IN the truth that I HAVE declared, so they CAN SHINE as lights IN this world. I AM looking for those who HAVE ears to hear, what I AM saying to My church.

So many say that “they hear My Spirit”, yet IN truth, many of these ONLY hear things on the LEVEL of self. What do I mean? I mean that many “say they hear me”, but STILL obey SELF. They do NOT obey Me IN what I said which they claim “to hear”. TRUE hearing has a RIGHTEOUS response UNTO Me. TRUE hearing obeys what IS HEARD. You can say you hear My voice, but IF you do not OBEY My voice, you do NOT TRULY hear Me. I AM looking for a people who TRULY hear My voice, OBEYING Me IN what they hear.

There are those who DO hear Me, at times, of THEIR choosing, when it IS CONVENIENT to them. This is NOT true obedience…this is only PARTIAL obedience. I desire My people to DO as My Son DID, as He walked the earth, for He ALWAYS heard what I said and OBEYED Me. He ONLY did the things He saw Me DO. Why do you think THOSE things were written? They were written because they ARE the MODEL, the SYMBOL, the FIGURE of what My people ARE to do.

For as you will take hold of the TRUTH of what My Son did when He offered himself, as high priest, you WILL understand things on a HIGHER level and your lives WILL reflect THIS reality, for you WILL truly ENTER INTO what He ACCOMPLISHED, for what He accomplished WILL BE manifested IN and THRU your lives. I love you, My people and it IS My true desire that you BECOME like Me. I KEEP saying this, so you WILL eventually CATCH ON and TAKE HOLD of what I SAY and BE the very thing I HAVE SAID. Take hold of My words this day and do YOUR part IN them and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, what the Lord is speaking to us about in this word is regarding the Highway of Holiness spoken of in Isaiah 35:8. “And a great road will go through that once deserted land. It will be named the Highway of Holiness. Evil-minded people will never travel on it. It will be only for those who walk in God’s ways; fools will never walk there.” (NLT)

I believe we have entered an era where individuals on earth will truly walk in the Highway of Holiness. As I’ve shared before, God has granted me the experience of being fully transformed into this state of holiness. Let me tell you, nothing on this earth can compare to how wonderful it is. So I am certain that this is possible and within our reach. Therefore, have faith to rise up into our hope of glory, Christ within us manifested in His fullness. These are truly exciting times we live in as the scriptures will be fulfilled IN US…

I pray that this message enlightens and encourages your hearts, especially in these exciting days, despite the challenges in the world around us. And if these words have been helpful or encouraging to you in any way, please consider giving back with a financial gift. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

As long as Self is on the throne, nothing will ever change!

Dear Saints,

It appears that we can now rejoice that there were no catastrophic events during yesterday’s solar eclipse. As I mentioned in my previous post, God had not revealed anything specific to me about the eclipse except that it served as a sign and divine marker. While I do believe that the prayers of the saints and God’s intervention held back much of what the enemy had planned, I feel that the enemy may have been able to set things in motion that could manifest later on.

Howbeit, with the solar eclipse being the divine marker, a shift has taken place and soon events will start unfolding rapidly. For those who are faithful and obedient to the Lord, breakthroughs, open doors, and fulfilled promises will begin to manifest. However, evildoers can expect exposure and God’s judgment. Remember, we are still in our exodus season, so shakings, disruptions, and even deaths will occur as God’s judgment is poured out on His enemies. However, as He instructed us, let’s keep our focus on Jesus, His word, and the scriptural pattern in Exodus. Ultimately, all these events will lead to our good and deliverance.

Now please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them the things that I have PLANNED, so they will understand why & how I DO these things, so you will understand that I work all things after the COUNSEL of My own will. For as you see how I created the priesthood, I did this to SHOW My people the need for a BETTER covenant. For I tried My people with the FIRST, showing them that they were not ABLE to stay in obedience to My will, PROVING to them in advance that there was a NEED for a better covenant.

For the NEW covenant IS better, in that it is STRONGER than the first. So, the first being OLD & decaying, has become OBSOLETE & you are seeing it VANISHING AWAY, as My will REVEALS these truths to you. For it was My desire for My people to be ESTABLISHED by a BETTER covenant. The first was good for THAT time. It established My people in that it PREPARED them for what I would do LATER, by showing them the reality that existed IN their minds & hearts.

My Son has been made high priest of the tabernacle of TRUTH and those who will understand the DEPTH in this will ENTER into THIS holy place, as they seek Me with their lives to live IN Me, nothing hidden\concealed…for this is REAL truth. This is a genuine LIFE in Me. So many live a life that is NOT truly what I desire. Many think that they are living IN truth, but in REALITY, they are only living in the truth that THEY know and have received.

I AM bringing My people INTO the promised land…the land of TRUTH. For truth IS My promise TO you and I HAVE spoken truth to My people, yet so many do not receive My truth because it doesn’t fit what THEY want to believe. So many only hold to the things that make them FEEL good about themselves. Few will embrace the truth that I have really DECLARED. This is why My truth has been covered and concealed BY man.

For My truth sets the captives FREE, whereas man’s truth keeps the captives IN bondage to the things I desire them to BE free from. So many CANNOT understand this reality because they continue to hold to the mindset that My grace frees them to live as THEY desire…as long as they hold to certain things, that satisfy their SELF need that they ARE right in Me. But I tell you that these are NOT right IN Me…they are right IN SELF and I need My people to see THIS so they can come OUT OF this bondage of self and truly BE free IN Me.

As you see what I have revealed in Hebrews chapter 8 you will understand that I desire MORE than what man HAS seen. For man sees My word in a way that keeps My people from BEING where I desire them to BE…for I desire My people to be IN Me…NOT near Me. I desire to be IN My people, NOT near My people. Yet because of what man has done to compromise My words, for the most part, that is not happening…for so few embrace THIS truth, as I desire.

With ALL the multitudes that declare that they love Me and want to BE CLOSE to Me, you would think that My TAKING THE COVER OFF of what man has done to My words, would DRAW the multitudes INTO My truth. But, as you are seeing, so few ARE seeing this happen because My truth doesn’t tickle their ears and make them feel good about themselves. As long as SELF is on the throne, nothing will EVER change!

For even many of My truth “prophets” are not seeing THIS reality, as they continue to hold to ear-tickling and men-pleasing things, instead of SEEING the fullness of what I AM REALLY saying…they ONLY see the good parts…neglecting to say what is NEEDED on My people’s part to see these words come to pass IN their lives. Somehow My people have lost sight of reality, THINKING that a man WILL reap what he has NOT sown.

Somehow My people are CONVINCED that they can live their self lives as THEY please, doing the religious obligations THEY hold to and think all is well WITHIN them. I tell you that this has GOT to change! For My Son IS the mediator between My people and Me…it IS HIM that IS “taking the cover off” of the truths that have been hidden! The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. I keep saying THIS, waiting for a RIGHTEOUS response from those who say they love Me.

I need My people to truly UNDERSTAND that I love them with an everlasting love. They are seeing THIS truth manifest in this hour, for IN My love for them I and taking the cover off of the things that HAVE been hidden, so they CAN know the FULL truth, which will make them free IN Me. NOT free to live FOR self, but free to live IN Me. This is a GREAT problem to many because the reality of this has NOT sunkin INTO the hearts and minds of many.

It is time for My people to WAKE UP from their SELF sleep. It is time for My people to OPEN their eyes, WIPE OFF the crust FROM their eyes that keep them IN man’s PARTIAL truth, so they can see CLEARLY, with NOTHING hindering them from coming close into Me. I love you all and it truly IS My desire for you to be close IN Me. I did not say close TO Me…I said close IN Me. For this IS a great reason why so many NEVER come to understand TRUTH…because they have not come INTO Me…they only come NEAR Me.

All that My Son accomplished was to bring My people INTO Me, THROUGH Him. This rarely EVER happens, because My people really don’t come THROUGH Him…they only come BY Him. Coming BY Him is just USING Him. When My people come THROUGH Him, there is a RENOVATION along the way, because they have fully LEFT where they have EXISTED and now have ENTERED where they have NEVER been before. Come to Me, My people and allow Me to show you the TRUE way. For as you will do your part IN this, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you grasp the profound message conveyed through these words of the Lord shared by Pastor Mark. Many in the Body of Christ anticipate being raptured soon, overlooking the truth that FIRST, the Bride must prepare herself. We are called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and these words are aiding us in embracing the complete truth that will facilitate our transformation and preparation. Please, let us fully comprehend this truth and take heed to these prophetic words.

As I conclude this post, I extend my love and prayers for the Lord’s abundant blessings to shower upon each of you. If the words shared here have been a source of help or encouragement in your life, please consider giving back with a financial gift. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, is deeply valued and greatly needed. May the presence of Christ abundantly overflow in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Reflections on the 2024 U.S. Solar Eclipse and Our Exodus Season.

Dear Saints,

As you know, in recent months the Lord has had me to encourage His people in anticipation of the coming darkness and shakings. While I haven’t received anything specific regarding the solar eclipse on April 8th tomorrow, due to all the fear-mongering, I felt compelled to seek the Lord for anything He would say to us.

When praying, the Lord impressed upon me the parallels found in the Exodus narrative. We are presently in our own exodus season, and God is preparing to deliver nations from the tyranny and bondage we have all been in for ages. A great awakening is on the horizon, where widespread exposure of evil and deception will lead to unprecedented changes across the world, starting with the U.S. This significant solar eclipse serves as a divine marker, signaling the commencement of our deliverance and heralding profound changes on the earth. This solar eclipse is not only a divine marker, it’s also a sign to God’s people in the U.S. akin to the message delivered to Nineveh, we must repent for ourselves and for this nation, or face God’s judgment. Don’t expect the evil leaders or nonbelievers to repent. We must repent on behalf of our nation.

Also, we must remain vigilant against the enemy’s schemes during this solar eclipse, which he may seek to exploit for darkness and destruction. Don’t forget that we possess the power to pray against his plans, whereas, we can possibly prevent or lessen much that he has planned.

The Lord’s message during this eclipse and the coming days is for us to focus on the Exodus pattern. In the time of Israel’s deliverance, there was an eclipse, accompanied by darkness, death, and chaos in Egypt. Yet, the Israelites experienced divine protection, with light in their dwellings and divine deliverance through the parting of the Red Sea.

Similarly, there may be darkness, death, and chaos during this season as God judges our enemies. But through these, we will witness our deliverance. As God’s faithful people, we need not fear. The enemies of God, however, have MUCH to fear.

While there is talk of the enemy’s destructive plans during the solar eclipse, we must keep in mind that God has already warned us of another shaking coming. So we should exercise caution during this event, avoiding large crowds and remaining steadfast in prayer. Above all, we must resist fear, even in the face of potential calamities like earthquakes, knowing that God’s people are securely held in His hand.

Therefore, let us remain humble and repentant. As God executes judgment upon His enemies, He will pass over His faithful ones. Stay obedient and close to Him, and you will be safe as His judgment passes us over. “A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.” (Psalm 91:7-8 NKV)

God bless you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Breakthroughs & Open Doors in Times of Darkness.

Dear Saints,

While seeking the Lord on what to share in this month’s post, He impressed upon me the urgent need to encourage His people.

Profound upheavals and shakings lie ahead. Yet, as I mentioned last month, the Lord has shown me His desire for His people to rise above the impending storms.

Once again this month, our Heavenly Father desires to encourage His people. We are all aware of the upcoming solar eclipse over the U.S., and there is much discussion about the darkness it may bring with it upon the U.S. and the world. While the Lord has not shown me anything specific, He has revealed to me that there will be unprecedented signs in the heavens, signaling the times and seasons we are in. Furthermore, He has made it known that we have the power to thwart the enemy’s plans, or at least diminish their impact. Therefore, if we unite in prayer against the enemy’s schemes during this solar eclipse period, I believe much evil can be averted.

However, it’s crucial to remember that we are still in the season of God breaking the bondage of Egypt’s power over us and setting us free. Just as it was in those days when the Israelites were liberated from Egypt, today we may experience times of thick darkness reminiscent of the land of Egypt. However, just as all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings during that period (Exodus 10:23b), so too will God’s people today. While there may not be a physical darkness as there was in Egypt in those days, there will be a darkness of God’s judgment passing through the land.

During this period when God’s judgment passes through the earth, it’s crucial to recognize that there will be a “passing over” of those who will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and seek God’s will. These ones will be covered by the blood of the Lamb. Though God has underscored the importance of humbling ourselves during this time. Many of God’s people are still walking in pride and self-will without even realizing it.

During this season when God is liberating us from the chains of the enemy, there will also be breakthroughs and opportunities for blessings among His people. However, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of humility. These breakthroughs and open doors will only come as we humble ourselves and obediently follow God’s leading. For those who persist in the pursuit of their own agendas, challenges will mount until they recognize the error of their ways, turn back to God, and humble themselves under His mighty hand.

God wants His people to understand that He has not forgotten us or His promises. He simply needs to align us with His will so that He can fulfill His promises in our lives. If we all humble ourselves and surrender to His will, things will begin to turn around.

God also instructs us to fortify ourselves with His word and His presence, and then we will witness the miracles He will perform for us during this time of uncertainty and distress.

A significant upheaval awaits the church in this season, and the false shepherds and unfaithful pastors will succumb to the pressure and fold. However, those walking uprightly and empowered by the boldness of Christ will emerge to confront the enemy and thwart his schemes to take out the church.

These truly are exciting days we live in. Don’t focus on the darkness around you and don’t get into fear, but instead put your focus and trust in Him and His word. Great things are in store for God’s people these days, so be encouraged.

As I end this post, I extend my love and prayers for the Lord’s abundant blessings to shower upon each of you. And if the words shared here have been a source of help or encouragement in your life, please consider giving back through a financial gift. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, is deeply valued and greatly needed. May the presence of Christ abundantly overflow in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114