If you feel you have no need for change, you ARE in danger.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “ I come to My people in this hour to show them the way that they ARE to walk in the time ahead. For as many SEE things changing all around them, many are being morphed & shaped by what THEY are seeing. And instead of walking in the way I have shown them, they are now walking more & more in a way that IS self-centered. More & more SEEK only what self needs. I need My people to understand that this is not right.

This is WRONG! This is the opposite of what I have told you to do. For as you have gone through 1 Thess. 2 this evening, you have seen the truth that I have said. You have seen & heard the REALITY of what a life IN Me is supposed to be. I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love & those who hear my voice, KNOW this! They don’t sit there “critiquing” what I have said. They don’t sit there LOOKING for fault, they don’t try to justify THEIR lives, by countering MY words.

They SEE the truth of what I have said & they HUMBLE themselves. They REALIZE the error in THEIR actions & they REPENT. They no longer do THOSE things, knowing that they are NOT pleasing Me…they ARE pleasing the enemy of their souls! I need My people to see THIS & turn around & BEGIN to walk the other way. I need My people to see the truth in THEIR lives as I see them. For MANY walk contrary to y will, though they REFUSE to see this.

They MAINTAIN a limited & selective “obedience” to Me, which THEY have sculpted & maintained to give them an APPEARANCE that they are close to Me. But in reality, they are ONLY close to themselves, seeing ONLY what self wants them to see. So many cannot fathom the things that I KEEP telling them, for they just continue to look at these things, thinking that these words ARE for “others”…they refuse to see that My words are for THEM!

For how can they, when they refuse to see ANY wrong in their lives! They hold to actions & decisions THEY have made, thinking they are RIGHT ones, knowing that My word says just the OPPOSITE. They base their walk with me, on their own SELF-made “god walk” that pleases THEM. They refuse to see THEIR need to rise up & to war & pray for the things I AM SHOUTING for My people to do.

Yet, they think that they are right with God! I am telling you these things, desiring for CHANGE to come.
I am telling you these things, for I long for you to SEE the truth & turn TO Me. I am telling you these things so you WILL come out of your complacency & compromise & REALIZE that you are NOT close to Me. I am telling you these things because it is VITAL that you turn yourselves around & walk CLOSE to Me in this hour. I NEED My people to see the truth as it REALLY is…not the way you WANT to see it. Not the way man has told YOU it is. But the way that I HAVE said it, because as I have said it SHOWS you the truth.

Not a compromised\complacent truth that keeps you DOING things as the devil wants you to do. I am looking for warriors to rise up & to do the works that I HAVE ordained for this hour. You CAN stay where you are, if you want, but in doing so WILL only hasten YOUR reward that is coming, which comes thru the wrath of My anger to those who REFUSE to hear & obey Me. Please do not take this as harsh, because this comes from a PURE love that CARES for you.

As a father cares for his children, he will NOT allow a child to continue to walk in disobedience but WILL chasten & correct the child so the child can SEE the truth & TURN the other way. I need My people to STOP being the devil’s “pseudo-people”. I need My people to truly become the people OF God. If you will hear My voice, you will respond righteously to My words in obedience, FROM your hearts. You will STOP seeing things from your compromised\complacent ways as you have & you will be SHAKEN to know the truth of WHERE you stand. For if you feel you have no need for change, you ARE in danger.

For I tell you that there is no such thing, for those who ARE Mine will constantly be SEEKING to change, so they can BE more pleasing in My sight. How do you think that you are going to BECOME more like me? Do you think this is just going to fall into YOUR lap, as man has taught you? Look at the world & see the reflection of the church’s light! It is time for those who say they are Mine to stop playing their religious games, that only garner their pseudo walk with Me & repent unto Me while they still can.

There are many now hearing My voice & responding unto Me with their lives, but I still see a multitude that see no such NEED for change. My cry is for THEM now, to hear Me & to rise up out of the “mire of clay” the enemy has instilled within them & to BE washed by My blood, so you can TRULY see as I desire you to see. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to show you the truth WITHIN your hearts as I see it. For I desire to cleanse & purge you of ALL that offends, so you CAN shine your light unto this lost & dying world. You CANNOT remain the way you are…the time for change HAS come. Rend your hearts before Me & allow Me to show you what needs to change & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Oh Dearest Saints, this word is so convicting. We all need to rend our hearts to God and ask Him to shine the light on our areas that need changing. If you can read this word and think that it’s not for you, then you are already in deception.

Many years ago God allowed me to experience what it’s like to be holy as He is holy. I’ve shared my testimony on here before, but to give a brief explanation, I experienced what Adam and Eve were like before the fall. And it was so glorious beyond what our natural minds can comprehend.

So then, I know for a fact that God has already made a way for us to become holy as He is holy. But He will not force us. He gave us free will to choose. And with that, we can either choose to take advantage of this unprecedented time of His grace to be cleansed and made holy, or we can continue in our own ways and miss out on God’s best for us, and even possibly end up being one of the ones who fall away in the last days. Please don’t let this be you, but instead, take heed to these words of the Lord and rend your heart to Him.

I’m still seeking the Lord for what He would have for me to share with His people on here. The Lord is laying several things on my heart, so I’m not sure exactly what He would give me to prophesy or say, but I’ll be posting something soon.

On another note, it’s that time that rent and other bills are coming due. So please prayerfully consider a love gift to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

You cannot stay where you are and expect to be victorious in the time ahead.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to REMIND them, to STIR UP their memory, to provoke them to rise up in Me! For this IS the hour for My people to show the truth that exists within them. For so many claim to be Mine…they say the right things when it is convenient…they even DO things when they desire to show that they are Mine. But in many of these, that which is done is MOSTLY done as a SHOW to others…to imply this is the truth IN their lives. But I tell you that this is NOT pleasing unto Me. For your lives are to BE a demonstration of My love for you.

My love that you claim to have received, in truth IS shown by the very lives YOU live. For many still hold on to their own ideals of what it means to BE a Christian. So many will do one thing or another, that on the surface, looks like they are a Christian, but then, later on, when they are ALONE, when no one is watching them, they do things that COUNTER the demonstration in their lives. I need My people to know that what is done IN SECRET is what My Father SEES. He is not moved by the casual demonstrations of “God bless you”, or “praise the Lord”, when you say these things to others, when in secret, your lives ARE a different thing.

I need My people to RECOGNIZE the reality that exists within them & turn their lives around. I need those who say they are Mine, to see that truly BEING Mine, means that you EXIST in a different REALM than what many perceive. For I have told you that you ARE seated in heavenly places in Christ. This is the Heavenly REALM & those who are truly Mine will seek to ABIDE there. They will seek to STAY in My presence, before My face! What I say today IS important because in the time ahead you will NEED to abide in THAT realm, to maneuver around, to turn about & to counter the things that WILL present themselves.

So many are NOT ready for this. So many are NOT prepared to do such things. I say this because I love you with an everlasting love & because of My love for you, I want you to know the truth, for only the truth will set you free. You cannot stay where you ARE & expect to be victorious IN the time ahead. You cannot continue as you have in the PAST, thinking that you can skate through what IS coming. I need My people to SEE the writing on the wall & make the changes that ARE needed…that are necessary for, ahead. I have shown you how the church is supposed to operate.

I have shown you how you are to be My light to this lost & dying world, but still, SO many of those who say they are Mine, do LITTLE in this area, to demonstrate My truth WITHIN them. They still hold to a minimized & compromised MINDSET that keeps them in complacency to mainly do only those things that please the FLESH. I need My people to see the truth as it REALLY is & to execute CHANGES in their lives. For as the PRESSURES of life, as the TRIALS of this age, as the TRIBULATIONS you experience come forth, you are to stand STRONG in Me, as you continue in FAITHFULNESS, knowing that these things come because you ARE receiving My word of truth!

My word IS supposed to cause you to BE imitators of me. My word is supposed to cause you to BECOME mimickers & followers of the things that I did. These things are written for your admonition, so you will be EXAMPLES to those around you. I need My people to see just HOW important this is, that MY reality BE STAMPED upon you, so that others will SEE My working IN you, instead of the works of the FLESH. I love you all & it truly is My desire to see you ARISE in Me and BECOME who you say you ARE.

Take hold of My words this day & allow Me to show you DEEP within your hearts, what needs to change. For as you will do this, I will HELP you to overcome those things & you WILL rise up & BECOME more like Me in the time ahead. And others WILL take notice of the changes because they will NO LONGER see that which is PSEUDO…they will see that which is TRUTH, of Me & of My IMAGE. And that truth & image WILL begin to execute great changes around you, as My will IS manifest THRU you. Hear Me, My people…come to Me & do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that these words from the Lord penetrate deep within you. He is crying out to His people to be conformed into His image BEFORE the great darkness falls. Noah was warned of the coming flood and was given specific instructions on what he needed to do to survive the flood. And so God is now giving us specific instructions on what we need to do to survive the coming flood of darkness and chaos. Please, please don’t slight the words of the Lord to us. Be like the wise man who built his house on the rock before the storm came.

And if these words help or encourage you in any way, would you consider a love gift today. I am deeply grateful for your kindness and financial support.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Take hold of My words this day & allow Me to show you the depth of My truth deep within your hearts.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them the truth of HOW they are to walk WITHIN Me. For in the world you live IN today, so many of those who say they are Mine have a mindset that HAS been molded & changed, contrary to what I have spoken. So many have such a lofty & prideful mindset, taking hold of My words & making them PAST what I have declared them to BE. For even in those who have authority, these have gone BEYOND their course of leadership, to treat those under them in ways that I never told them to do.

For I said for leaders to see themselves as EQUALS to the servant & keep THEM near. Keeping them near speaks of them having the SAME things that the leaders have. Yes, these leaders DO have authority, but this authority MUST be kept in obedience to My will. For with authority comes GREAT responsibility to do things that are pleasing IN My sight. It is important that My people SEE these things so they can navigate forward in this hour. And those who ARE the servants, I need you to SEE yourselves as you truly ARE.

For you are NOT just servants…you are SLAVES unto Me & how you walk IN this life…how you demonstrate this reality truly SHOWS Me, as well as the world the truth that IS IN your hearts. For many have TAMPERED with My word SO greatly, the great majority of those who say they are Mine walk in such a SELF-controlled obedience that is based mainly on PLEASING self. Taking My words to do what THEY please, instead of staying CLOSE to Me & DOING the things that I desire them to DO. So many MISS OUT on much of what I have for them, because they do NOT stay on course in their lives.

Oh, they stay on course… It’s just NOT the course that I have laid out for them. For I tell them to do things & instead of doing them, they lay My words aside & wait…they put My words off…they put my words on the shelf & instead of DOING them…they decide that THEY will do them another day & before they know it, much time has gone by & they WONDER what happened & WHY they never saw My words manifest. This is because so many do not see THEIR need to take part…to take action…to yield to do what I have told them.

So many just sit there waiting, as if I AM the one who is to take action when I TOLD THEM to do it! I say these things because I love you with an everlasting love & it IS important for you to walk IN My truth. For as you BEGIN to see the truth that I show forth & make manifest in truth…I bring forth OUT OF My words that which has been minimized & compromised by man…you will see that the true walk with Me in Christ is FAR deeper than what MANY have imagined. For the comparison IS staggering! Today’s Christians are SO minimized from what I have called them to BE.

Today’s Christians are far from Me in SO many ways, only looking at their lives & doing the things that I say, as it is AGREEABLE & PLEASING unto THEM! True obedience to Me does not exist as I desire. For most of any obedience to Me, is always judged by SELF & seen as INCONVENIENT…something that doesn’t need to be done right NOW. This is because so many of those who say they are Mine hold their lives & all that they do, as MORE important than what I HAVE said. I look at the great majority of those who say THEY love Me & I see them not really loving Me the way that they SAY.

I see them loving THEIR world. I see them loving what THEY want to do. I see them DOING the things that self DESIRES. I see them putting My words to them aside & walking FAR from Me. I tell you these things so you will see the truth & RETURN unto Me. I say these things because of My deep love for you & My desire for you to be CLOSE to Me. I say these things because it IS imperative that you KNOW them, so you can execute CHANGE in your lives & begin to DO My will, while you still can. I love you all, My people & it IS My desire that you BECOME like Me.

Take hold of My words this day & allow Me to show you the DEPTH of My truth deep within YOUR hearts. For as you WILL do this, I will make YOU know the truth that is there & you will rise up & walk as I desire. No longer controlled BY self. No longer controlled BY what others say. No longer BEING a minimized Christian, but one that IS ON FIRE for Me & SEEKING to do My will for their lives. Come to Me & open your hearts…allow Me to come deep WITHIN your hearts in this hour & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, as you recall my last posting last month, the Lord warned us about another wave of shaking that is coming. These shaking will continue and only get stronger as time goes by. The Lord desires to refine us, but unfortunately, most of the Church is still asleep, spiritually speaking.

Time is short and the gross darkness is still coming. But many Christians are still living their lives as usual expecting to get raptured away before the gross darkness hits. Dear Brothers and Sisters, please shake yourself awake if this is you. Look all around you. The church is far far from being the perfected Bride of Christ. So the Church will not be taken out of here anytime soon and we all had better prepare ourselves according to God’s standards. And He requires our holiness as He is holy.

Soon His cleansing fire will come and many will be cleansed by it. I pray that you all are part of His remnant that will partake in this cleansing. But you MUST be hungry for it and seeking Him and His will. Don’t get caught up in the business of the world, but redeem the short time we have.

Now, if these words bless or help you in any way, please prayerfully consider returning the favor with a financial gift to help us with our financial needs.

May the Lord abundantly bless you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I AM working in every area, every angle, and every ability, to see My will come forth in this hour.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: I come to My people this day to take them DEEPER into Me & My words, so they can walk CLOSELY with Me in this hour. So many have taken hold of My words, as they have been TAUGHT…as they have RECEIVED for themselves, according to what pleased the FLESH, but I have now come to tell you that THESE things can no longer BE! For the time for My people to truly BE My people has come & you MUST now rise up & BE who you say you are! For as you have gone through Col.3 this night I have shown you the DEEP truths that ARE there & there is no one that can escape these truths.

For the DEEPER you desire to go IN Me, the DEEPER your obedience MUST go also. For so long My people have walked in a MINIMIZED walk of obedience unto Me, thinking that THEIR lives were well pleasing in My sight. But now IS the time for My people to cast off THEIR works of darkness & arise & shine! For as you LOOK at the seriousness of this hour, you must SEE that what has been, can no longer go forward, for what has been IS the reason there IS such seriousness in this hour. I tell you these things to help you, so you can rise up out of your SELF walk & SEE the need for change!

For those who ARE hearing My voice RECOGNIZE the reality of My words in this hour. So many have NOT walked circumspectly according to what I have said, but only in a MEASURE according to what THEY were pleased to walk in. Which was not the measure that I desire, but only a MIXTURE of self & My word. I desire for My people to take hold of Me & My words DEEPLY in this time, for this IS the time for GREAT revival. But you CANNOT sit on the sidelines WATCHING what I AM doing…you MUST rise up IN Me & take YOUR places & BE part of what I AM doing.

For I AM working in EVERY area, EVERY angle, EVERY ability, to see My will come forth in this hour. You CAN continue to walk as you HAVE walked, thinking all is well & you WILL BE shocked & devastated, as you realize that you have fallen BEHIND! I do NOT want you to fall behind…I want you walking WITH Me, AT My side, DOING the things that I say to do. You cannot do this, staying in YOUR place of self. You cannot do this by staying in YOUR place of doing things YOUR way. You cannot do this by HOLDING onto partial truths that tickle your ears & keep you complacent in ALL of your ways.

I love you all with an everlasting love & I desire for you all to walk WITH Me. I need you to SEE that the way things have been, is NOT the way things ARE supposed to be. For as you have WALKED through Col.3 this night, I have shown you the REALITY of the way things ARE supposed to be. I have shown you the MANY commands that were NEVER apparent or manifested to you because man conveniently MINIMIZED My truth to keep you surrendered unto following THEM. It is now time for you to start following ME! You say you are Mine, so now you must show Me this WITH your lives. Begin to do the things that I tell you to do…NOT just when you feel like it.

NOT just when it will make YOU look good. NOT when it will benefit only YOU. I need you to SEE how I walked. I didn’t look at things to see how I WOULD prosper from it. I looked at things as they WERE. I SAW a need & I had COMPASSION to BE a help to THAT need. The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. I know I keep saying this, but I do so because I NEED you to SEE just how important THAT statement is! You must now take hold of Me in your lives & BE the people you claim to be. I will help you, for I have already made provision. All things are in their places EXCEPT for one thing.

My people MUST take their places & ENTER into the things that I have prepared for THEM. You MUST now arise from your self-walk and seek to BE with me IN heavenly places. This means you will take YOUR place & DO the exploits that I have called you to do. For as you ARE arisen IN Me, you WILL see things differently & you WILL let go of the things that HAVE held you back for so long & you WILL BE My vessels of glory in this hour. Hear My words of love to you & respond to Me as I desire. For I promise you, that IF you will truly SEEK to become one with Me & do the things that I say, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all receive this convicting word from the Lord. He loves us greatly and is trying to change us into His image and righteous Bride. But we must do our part. It won’t just happen because we think it will. We have our responsibility to obey His commands.

And if these words from the Lord bless or help you in any way, please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

My people must take their places and be the people that they say they are.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: I come to My people to help them WALK forward in this hour. For I told you THIS was the time of GREAT pressure & many of you are NOW seeing this on a greater level. For the battle IS raging & I need My people to BE close to Me in this hour. For many are being ATTACKED, and many are being ASSAULTED, for their stand in Me & for DOING the things that I have said to do. Many that have NOT pulled back, nor allowed the enemy to minimize them, ARE being PRESSURED from many sides.

This IS the time for My people to truly BE My people & as I have shown you THIS very night, My people must now SHOW themselves for who they TRULY are. My people MUST take their places & BE the people that THEY say they are. For My church must now see the necessity to STAND UP for others…the ones that are being TARGETED & just as Aaron & Hur held up Moses’ arms, My people MUST now hold up the arms of those who ARE being attacked for THEIR faithfulness to STAND in Me & DO those things that I have called them to do.

For I tell you, that YOUR response to this, SHOWS the truth of what you are REALLY made of. Those who refuse to see the need to BE a part of helping those who are being targeted, show the reality of what their lives ARE based on. For these show FALSE humility, only desiring for the things in THEIR own lives, to be comforted. Their self-life shows itself PLAINLY, as they do NOT do their part to BE a true part of My body. I do not say these things to hurt you or to make you feel condemned…I say these things because I love you with an everlasting love.

I say these things because you MUST know the truth that IS in your hearts. For only the truth will set you free! So now is the time for my people to STAND UP & BE My people. Not a people that only CLAIMS to be Mine. For I tell you, that in the hours ahead, you WILL show Me the truth of the way things really are. For as you take hold of My words this day, you WILL make a response. You will either run INTO My words, submitted in obedience, or you will REJECT them, thinking that they are for someone else. I tell you these things because I NEED you to see the truth WITHIN your hearts.

So many who claim to BE My people show that they are REALLY only my people, as long as things are SMOOTH for them…as long as they have LITTLE or NO hardships…as long as things go as THEY desire. But when I challenge these things IN the heart, many show Me the truth that IS there. For they CANNOT be bothered with being a “help” to others in the body because it would interfere with their own simple unfettered lives. I say unfettered because MANY do not deal with the trouble, pressures, or attacks that others DO. Their lives are for the most part simple, with no REAL attacks or warring, because this is the heart that they HOLD to.

I DID tell you…that the enemy only attacks those who ARE a threat to his kingdom. I DID tell you that as long as My people do little of nothing against the enemy, their lives would mostly BE calm, with no real pressures or troubles. But this IS the hour that My people will show Me the truth that IS IN their hearts…for I AM now calling My people to truly BE My people & to RISE UP & BE A HELP to those in the body that ARE suffering & being attacked for THEIR commitment & obedience UNTO Me. I need you to STEP UP to the reality of what is happening here & to BEGIN to do YOUR part.

I need you to YIELD to Me from your own simple lives & begin to take YOUR places & BE a help to those who ARE fighting the battles. I need you to see the REAL need to do THIS in this hour. For all that I have done, as you have seen this night in Col. 2, IS there & you must see the reality that for you to TRULY enter into what I said, you MUST do your part IN it. You cannot just sit there thinking it is all done & you have no part. You must rise up OUT OF the death of self & rise up TOGETHER WITH Me. For I surrendered My all to do this for YOU. It is time that you do YOUR part & BE My body in this hour. Take hold of My words to you & SEE them as they are, for they ARE My love for you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I have said many times before, and even posted prophetic words from the Father, speaking on how we must bear one another’s burdens in these last days as a true body of Christ. For that is the only way we will make it, as a true family of God, supporting one another through difficulties, trials, and affliction. Please, please wake up to this reality. Things are going to get much worse in our economy and the world, and we must learn now how to help and uphold one another as a family of God. There may even come a time when more than one family will have to share the same home. We must get out of the mentality of only fending for ourselves if we are going to make it in the days ahead.

Of course, there will be the Josephs in these last days whom God will bless so they can help many others in their time of need. God has even called me to be one of these Josephs and I believe that my breakthrough is very soon. I’ve been in my prison of financial lack for a long time. But I have not left the course or given up on God. Although, I do admit that it has tried my faith and patience at times. But I am still here believing in God for my soon deliverance from this prison. He is faithful.

And on this note, I am still in need of financial help to cover my rent and other expenses that are now due. So please prayerfully consider a financial gift of any size to help me with my needs. I’m so grateful to all those who do help, and I understand that it is difficult for many people at this time. But don’t give up, breakthroughs and miracles are just around the corner for God’s people. Prophetically speaking, we are in a time when God is about to judge the gods of Egypt and set His people free. And those with ears to hear understand what I am speaking of. I’m so excited about this unprecedented time in which we live. God bless you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114