Brace for the next wave of shaking.

Word from the Father:

My dearest ones, do not be troubled in your soul or mind with what is about to happen.  For have I not already told you that I shall shake all that can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken shall remain?  Well then, did you not understand that this shaking will also include your inner man?   For I love you, My dearest ones, and it is My desire to refine you as silver is refined and test you as gold is tested so that you may come forth as precious lively stones for making Me a holy habitation.  For as you all go through what is about to unfold, do not let fear overtake you.  For even though darkness may seem to cover everything, it is not the end yet.  Instead, this is just another wave of My shaking to bring about My glorious church and kingdom upon the earth.

Now, for a time it will appear as though the enemy has the upper hand and I have forsaken My church upon the earth.  Not so, My little ones.  For even though it may seem that way, I am ultimately in control.  And I am allowing the enemy to play his hand for it shall be a trap for all those who have yielded themselves to him and his plans.  For I am uncovering and rooting out much evil that has held My people captive to lies and control.

So then, do not get into fear when this next wave of darkness comes.  For I will uphold, protect, and provide for all those who are obedient to Me and seeking My protection.  For I am a loving Father and I will not allow the enemy to have his way with those who are truly mine.

Now then, even though this next wave of shaking is coming, in the midst of it, I shall open many doors of blessings and miracles for those who have been faithful and patiently waiting for My promises in their lives.  I shall even open miraculous doors that seem impossible to the natural mind of man.  However, do not listen to the voices that speak of great prosperity and wealth changing over into the hands of all believers, for it is not so.  Yes, there IS a great transfer of wealth coming to My people, but this will not be as many think.  And it will not be given to those with selfish motives.

Even now, many are declaring this great wealth transfer for all of God’s people, but I want you to hear Me on this.  I am not a God to reward the disobedient with riches of My kingdom.  Nor shall I allow the self-centered to place their hands on the wealth I have stored up for My people who have been faithful to Me.  For this wealth transfer shall come at a time of great shaking and uncertainty.  And it will be in the form of provision for My faithful ones during this time.  For even now I am preparing many of My people to launch out into new forms of business, investments and careers.   And I shall bless all that they lay their hands to in such powerful and tremendous ways that they never thought possible.

Now then, it is still not too late for those who have been outside of My will to align yourselves with Me.  Things may not be as great as I had planned for these ones, but there is still time to get into the flow of My Spirit and blessings for these last days.  Do not think it is the end yet.  For I still have much for My church to do in the earth realm.  And I am cleansing My house in preparation for the greatest move of My Spirit this world has ever seen.

So then, get ready for this great shaking, for it is upon you.  But again I declare unto you, do NOT get into fear.  Do all that I say and all will be well with you.

Dear Saints, God has not revealed to me what all this shaking will consist of, but I have a feeling that it may include another plandemic with forced mandates. We already see the news media pushing fear again. I don’t know what all this shaking will include, nor do I know how long it will last, but I can tell you that when this wave is over, things will begin to change dramatically for the better and we will look back and see that the shaking was for our good. And I believe that it will all kick off sometime next month.

But don’t forget that during this time we are commanded to rise up and shine for our light has come. There will be many open doors and miracles during this time for God’s people. So don’t get focused on what all is going on in the world. Seek God and His will during this time. And stay close to Him while meditating daily on Psalms 23 and 91. If we stay in His will and under His protection, we will be in our spiritual Goshen while Egypt and its gods are being judged in this shaking. We will witness many exposures of evil plots against people during this time.

But in all this rejoice in the Lord. He is good and doing a good thing in the earth.

Now on another note, it’s that time again that my rent and other bills are coming due. So if you can help me with my financial needs by donating any amount possible, it would be greatly appreciated. And as always, I pray the Lord abundantly blesses those in return who help me with my financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

It is My desire that My people enter into My victory in this hour.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: I come to My people to help PREPARE them for what is ahead. For I told you that you ARE in the time of REVELATION. I told you that you ARE in the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF. I told you that you ARE now in the time that all things would be made manifest, for all things ARE revealed by the light. And I tell you that as you walk IN this hour, you will need to make some CHANGES. You will need to make some course CORRECTIONS. You will need to see things from a DIFFERENT light. For the light that many HAVE walked in, in time past, did not have the CLARITY, did not have the DETAIL, did not have the FULL leading of My Spirit.

For I tell you these things to help you, so you can OPEN your hearts & hear more CLOSELY to Me & to take hold of My words that will help you MANEUVER in the hour ahead. For so many STILL hold to directives, so many STILL hold to old plans. So many STILL hold to things that I had intended for a time that is now PAST. Many of these things were SUPPOSED to be accomplished WHEN I said them. Many of these things were SUPPOSED to be taken hold of and implemented long ago. But because so many have NOT held to My directives, but have held to their own SELF-perceived directives.

They have missed the timing & now many of these things are NOT going to happen…because they have MISSED the timing. I tell you this so you can SEEK Me for CLARITY. I tell you this so you can LOOK DEEP within your heart. I tell you this so you can see PAST your own self-desires & mindsets & take hold of My mindset for you. For in this hour, I will need you to LISTEN for Me. In this hour, I will need you to HEAR what I AM saying. In this hour, I will need you to OBEY what I AM telling you to do. There can be NO MORE “I will do it someday”, there can be NO MORE “I will do it when this or that happens”.

This is the time that My people MUST listen to Me & DO those things that I tell them, WHEN I tell them to do them. What this means is, that I AM calling My people to GROW UP & MATURE. What this means is, I AM calling My people to STOP living their OWN lives, as THEY please. What this means is, IT IS time for My people to TRULY BE My people. For while My people continue IN their self lives, MUCH is taking place around them & things ARE being altered. Things ARE being manipulated. Things ARE being twisted & turned into something that I never allowed.

And this IS happening because My people ARE the ones that are ALLOWING these things to happen. The enemy has many of My people BUSY taking care of their OWN “business” & situations, that they are not ABLE to stand & fight as I NEED them to in this hour. I have already won the battle IN the spirit realm, yet so many of My people are NOT abiding WHERE My victory exists. My victory does NOT exist where many of My people dwell, for so many of My people dwell in the things that pertain to SELF. I need My people to know that I truly love them with an everlasting love & it is VITAL that you take hold of My love in this hour.

For My love is NOT there so you can continue AS you are. My love is NOT there so you can continue WHERE you are. My love is there so you can rise up INTO Me, where My victory EXISTS & DO the exploits that I told you that was to come. As long as My people STAY where they are, things will only get worse. I need My people to SEE things as they really are & YIELD their lives in obedience unto Me & do those things that ARE pleasing in My sight. So many think that much of what they are doing IS pleasing to Me, yet I tell you that most of it is only pleasing to SELF & many are being deceived by their self-life that they are pleasing unto Me.

I need My people to truly come CLOSE unto Me in this hour. For as you will do this, you will BEGIN to see things on a different level & then you will be ABLE to execute change & walk accordingly. I love you, My people & it is My desire that you enter INTO that place that I have prepared for you. I speak of the place of My victory, in the heavenly realms. For it is THERE you need to be, to take authority over the powers of darkness that are raging & running rampant all over the world. As long as My people are FIXED on taking care of their own things, they will not be able to EXECUTE judgment & WALK in the authority that I have given them.

For My authority is NOT so you can do what YOU want. My authority is so YOU can do what I want! This is the deciding factor! So many think that they can wield the sword of my word, to make changes in the things that THEY desire, but I tell you THIS needs to change! Because so many are doing these things because they are NOT wielding My sword for My purposes, to take down the powers of darkness & to subdue the enemy’s hold all over the world. I love you, My people & it is My desire that you BECOME like Me. I keep saying this because so many have NOT taken hold of My words & entered INTO them as I desire.

My words ARE to help you, to RISE up to your RIGHTFUL places IN Me & DO My works in this world. Hear My words of love this day & begin to SEEK Me as never before. Allow Me to show you the truth that IS IN your hearts & you will BEGIN to see what needs to CHANGE. I have MUCH work for you all to do, so it is needful that you take My words SERIOUSLY. Do NOT cast them aside thinking they are for someone else. I need each of you to hear My words & to respond righteously from YOUR hearts, to do those things I will tell you. As you will do your part, I WILL help you. I WILL empower you, I WILL enable you to DO all that I need you to do. Do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take this word to heart and allow the Lord to open your heart even more unto Him so that He can give much-needed revelation to your spirit man.

And please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Open your hearts, My people, & allow Me to take you closer to me!

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them MANEUVER thru the challenges & obstacles that the enemy may try to place before you. As you walk FORWARD in this hour, many are starting to see things ramp up & change. Many are beginning to be CHALLENGED in their very walk with Me. For doubts are attempting to creep within My people. Thoughts are being INJECTED to sway My people from STANDING FIRM firm & stationary IN Me. I need you to understand that these things WILL happen, but you are NOT to allow any of them to take you off course from Me.

For I have PROMISED you, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I will deliver them out of them all! For as you will do YOUR part to STAND FIRM, to STAY STATIONARY in all that you go thru, I will EQUIP you, I will STRENGTHEN you, I will UPHOLD you. For it is IN your obedience to DO your part IN Me, that ACTIVATES My power & authority to RISE up within you. I need you to stay UNIFIED in oneness with your brothers & sisters, knowing that you ARE MY family…the family of God. My body IS one, but it has MANY members. For if one member suffers, the whole body WILL also suffer with it, because the body IS one IN Me.

If My people do NOT do their part in this, they WILL come to find WHY they are suffering in their OWN lives, because they are NOT aiding & helping the ones suffering. In this time of THLIPSIS…in this time of PRESSURE, I need My people to become one, as never before. For as you see the family of God going thru the pressures & trials of this hour, I am CALLING you to come alongside to HELP them THRU these pressures. For TRUE fellowship…TRUE partnership…TRUE communion…TRUE “koinonia” IS when you SHARE in BOTH giving & receiving. One-sided fellowship is NOT true fellowship!

For when My body TRULY works together, My body grows STRONGER, My body grows HEALTHIER, My body grows CLOSER to Me. For I have done ALL of these things, as I walked the earth, even so, you ARE to do the same in this day. For as you understand My truth, you will know that you MUST do your part! For as My body takes care of its members, My grace WILL cover, My provision WILL come, My glory WILL manifest BECAUSE My body is truly BEING My body…NOT a body of SELF, that only cares for its OWN things. For as My body truly shows its TRUE love to the members, it IS showing their TRUE relationship with Me.

For they are doing the things that I have COMMANDED them to do & in doing so, they ARE in UNION TOGETHER with Me. OPEN your hearts, My people & allow Me to take you CLOSER to me! For as you will open your hearts, you WILL understand the MYSTERY that I have told you of, which IS Christ IN you, the HOPE of glory! For if you withhold from EMBRACING My people, NOT opening your arms to them, I need you to REALIZE that as much as you HAVE done this to the least of these, My brethren, you have done it unto Me! I love you all with an everlasting love…open your hearts & allow me to take you closer & SHOW you the truth that I have for you.

For much of the truth that MANY of My people walk in, is only PARTIAL truth, but as My people WILL surrender their self-wills unto Me, I WILL help them to SEE things on a far higher level. And My people WILL begin to arise & shine in Me! For My glory WILL have access to you, because you HAVE released that which IS of self, to BE the body that I have CALLED you to BE. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to SHOW you the way. Do this & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I’ve said it before, in these last days we will all need each other to make it through the dark times that are coming. Please take this word to heart and allow the Lord to open your heart even more unto Him so that He can unite you with His true body of believers.

And please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Consider The Parable Of The Ten Virgins And Be Wise.

Word from the Lord:

My beloved children, listen to your Heavenly Father this day.  Oh, how I love each and every one of you with an everlasting love.  However, can you not discern the times in which you live?

Yes, things may appear gloomy in the physical realm, especially in your economy and government. But my children, you must look to Me and allow Me to reveal the reality of how things truly are. This is the dawning of a new day, and much of the old must be set aside and done away with.

My desire is for you all to experience new freedoms so that you may worship Me in this new day as I desire. Though to make this happen, the chains that have kept you bound must be broken off. And the approaching new day shall bring true liberty of Spirit, not just in the natural.

Therefore, I urge each and every one of you to seek Me and find solitude in your prayer closets. As you wait upon Me, ask Me to reveal what is in your hearts that has kept you bound. Once I reveal these things to you, simply repent, and I shall break the chains, heal and restore you. Then, you shall walk in a new liberty and way of life that you never thought possible, IF you would do this.

But heed this warning: this opportunity to be set free will not last forever. Soon, darkness shall rise upon the earth like never before. You do not want to still be bound when this darkness falls. Many will be caught unaware and fall for the cunning deceit and lies of the enemy. They shall turn away from the TRUE living God, worshiping another god of their own imagination, all the while thinking that they are worshiping Me. And they will persecute My true believers and followers of Christ.

But fear not, for I shall protect those who are Mine. My dear children, so much is about to take place in these last days that will astonish the masses. And great deception will fall upon many darkened hearts. This is why it is imperative that you redeem the time now to break free from all bondage to self and the flesh, which are part of the enemy’s kingdom. So you MUST get free from all of his chains and control now while there is still time.

I have many great things in store for each of you, but it is up to you if you will fully partake in all that I have for you. Holding back from Me will only bring you loss, and I do not desire this for you. My kingdom is glorious beyond comprehension, and you do not want to miss out on any of it.

Therefore, take heed to My words this day and obey. The time to change and enter into My glory is limited, and soon it will be too late. This doesn’t mean there will no longer be salvation for those who call out to me in those days, but there will be great loss for those who fail to prepare themselves ahead of time.

Consider the parable of the ten virgins and be wise. Yes, I will still love the foolish virgins, but it will come at a great cost to them for failing to prepare themselves while there was still time.

So, heed My words to you this day and obey, and you shall not be disappointed.

Dear Saints,

I implore you to take these words from the Lord seriously and prepare yourself now before it’s too late and you miss out. He is warning us to be ready. A powerful move of His Spirit is approaching, which will grant us abundant grace to overcome ALL areas of the flesh. Do NOT waste the time He is giving us at present. We don’t know how much time we have before darkness falls, and then it will be too late.

On another note, it’s that time again when rent and other bills are due. Therefore, I kindly ask you to prayerfully consider offering any financial contribution to help with my financial needs. And as always, I appreciate and thank all those who extend their help.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114