It is imperative that you become an overcomer in these last days. 

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the encouraging word I received from the Father for the Body of Christ.

My dearest children, listen to your heavenly Father this day.  I come to you with much love and compassion for My people.  I love you all with an everlasting love.  Therefore, hear Me and take to heart what I would say unto you this day.

Many of My children are being tossed to and fro by the trials of life and worries for tomorrow.  This should not be so, My little ones.  For has My Son not declared unto you to have peace in Him because He has already overcome the world?

Have I not also warned you ahead of time that I shall shake all that can be shaken?  So then, why do you allow yourselves to be tossed to and fro in your fleshly emotions?  For I can calm the storms in your life at a moment’s notice.  However, it is My desire to calm YOU in the midst of the storms instead.

My lovely ones, listen to My heart this day.  I am leading My people in these last days to a place in Me that you have not known before.  But in order to do this, you MUST learn to be an overcomer.  For the weak-hearted shall not be able to endure all that shall come upon the earth in these last days.   But I shall have a remnant who will stand strong and bold in the midst of great darkness and chaos in the world.

Are you willing to be part of My last days army?  If so, then it is imperative that you become an overcomer in these last days.  But fret not, I have not left you to accomplish this in your own strength and might.  Au contraire, I have made a way for each of you as you take My hand and allow My Holy Spirit to guide you.  For by My Spirit alone shall you overcome in these last days.  And overcome you shall, provided that you stand firm in your faith in Me and allow Me to have My way in and through you.

Now then, for those of you who are old in age or weak in body, do not look at yourselves and think you cannot make this journey with Me. For just as My servants Abraham and Sarah were passed the age of childbearing, they had a son at the appointed time that I fulfilled My promise.  Likewise, you who feel passed the age or time of bringing forth My promises in your lives, look not at the weakness of your flesh, but instead, look to Me and My faithfulness in fulfilling My promises.

I love you all, My dearest ones, and it is not My desire that any of you fall short of My best for your life.  But even so, it is up to each one of you if you are willing to exercise your faith and follow Me without giving up.  For your desired end in Me shall surely come to pass if you faint not.

Oh, how I love each and every one of you with an everlasting love.  And I know that these days in which you live are very challenging.  But know this, I have already seen these last days ahead of time and made a way for each one of you to pass through them, and the troubles of life will not overtake you.

Now then, stir up your faith in Me and strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble so that you may continue and finish this journey with Me.  I love you, My dearest ones, and I have sent the Helper to help you all in your times of need, so long as you put your trust in Me to carry you through to the end.  Do as I say, and all will be well with you.


Dear Saints, I know that it seems like it is taking God too long to save us from “the enemy” that is bent on destroying this country and going after those who disagree with them and/or expose their corruption and evil. But don’t give up. God is working behind the scenes. There has already been some exposure of corruption, but much more is to come and God is going to turn this country around. It may not be pretty for a while, but it will be worth it when all the dust settles.

So don’t give up. Keep praying for this country and for God to put His chosen ones in leadership.

On another note, it’s that time of the month when my rent and other bills are coming due. So if you’re able to donate a financial gift of any amount to help me with my financial needs, I would be very grateful.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B .

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

As you will yield unto Me, I will form & make you into being “IN ME”, as I desire.

Dear Saints, the Lord continues to correct us and teach us the true path of walking in His will. Please prayerfully read the following word of the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to give them CLARITY to navigate & walk forward IN Me in this hour. For as I take you forward IN My word, I AM showing you the truth & reality of how YOUR life & walk IS to truly be. For all that I have done HAS been done & now YOU must see the truth IN all that I have said for you & EMBRACE this truth with your lives. NO LONGER can you hold to ear-tickling words that keep you from RISING UP INTO Me & TRULY BECOMING all that My word has said. For as you walk forward in this hour, I WILL help you to SEE things as they really are, for the WORKING of My salvation IS more than most have realized.

For I need you to see that My work FOR you & IN you requires you to DO your part, even when yielding to what I have done. For I said that you are to CONTINUALLY ACTIVELY BE DEAD to trespasses & sin. I need you to see that there ARE things that you NEED to stay away from so that you do not FALL NEAR them, for these are where you MISS THE MARK of what I have told you to do. For NOW, you HAVE COME INTO Me & these things can have NO PART IN you! You must see that for you to REMAIN in these things, you are SUBMITTING to the prince of the power of the air & this is NOT supposed to be!

For I have called you INTO My “son-ship”…you CANNOT continue in the son-ship of those who have been CONVINCED TO NOT OBEY! For as you will see the truth that to live IN the PASSIONS of the flesh, that these TWIST, TURN, and REVERSE you from what I desire, to doing only what the FLESH desires. I need My people to see that remaining in that place will only CAUSE wrath in your lives. Do NOT be foolish to think that what you sow, you will not reap! For I have loved you IN My richness & HAVE shown you the way you are to walk & as you WILL hear My voice & walk WITH Me, I WILL show you My mercy & compassion.

For as you continue to ACTIVELY remain dead to the things of the flesh, I WILL cause you to RISE UP INTO the Heavenly realm. So many listen & hear what MAN has translated & take what I have said to mean it is an absolute reality when I said that you are to CONTINUALLY ACTIVELY BE DEAD to those trespasses & sins. For IN My salvation, as I HAVE done My part, you MUST also do yours. So many want to lay hold of My riches, as My word declares, but few recognize that My grace IS POSITIONAL & you MUST rise up INTO Me. For as you take hold of My grace, with which you HAVE BEEN saved, you will know that you MUST yield & do YOUR part in walking IN what I have done.

Your works do NOT save you, but your works DO show Me & also the world, that I HAVE saved you. If you do not walk IN good works, you show the truth of YOUR salvation. For MY salvation is NOT a “here & there occurrence” within YOUR life. My salvation WILL BE evident by YOUR actions. As you WILL yield unto Me, I WILL form & make you INTO BEING “IN ME”, as I desire. For your SUBMISSION unto Me will show the GOOD, BENEFICIAL works of Me working IN your lives. This IS the time that I need My people to recollect & remember what I have brought you OUT OF…your old life. So many do not see THIS as important & continue unchanged in MANY ways, thinking they ARE the way that I desire.

I need you to see that THIS is NOT of Me! For you MUST yield to BECOME what I DESIRE…you cannot hold to YOUR own mindsets or ways of thinking, believing you are fine just the way YOU are. For in the hour, you ARE now in, there are many who are WRESTLING with their situations, not knowing that they are NOT walking IN MY peace. My peace IS irony because IN My peace, others WILL see the irony of YOUR peace & take notice of the reality that I AM IN you of a truth. For even in your many situations in this hour, I need you to see that I AM working, to ARRANGE THINGS according to MY will, so I CAN bring you to a BETTER place IN me.

For as you will CONTINUALLY ACTIVELY TAKE HOLD of the ACCESS that you have THRU Me, you WILL come TOWARDS & STAY BEFORE My Father. For as you SEE your part in BEING CONTINUALLY ACTIVE IN all that I have done, you will understand the REASON for all of these things & KNOW that you are truly UNITED together IN UNION WITH the saints, as you walk IN Me, holy, blameless, sacred, IN the household of God. I need you to think about that! How can you think that you ARE of the household of God, but continue to actively WALK IN, HAVE A PART IN, or YIELD to trespasses & sin? I need you to see that this is NOT how it is to be!

For My labors in laying the foundation of the apostles & prophets was NOT something for man to minimize or to contaminate…for I AM the cornerstone of this foundation & AS saints, YOUR holy lives ARE representative of who’s you TRULY are! As you begin to see these things CLEARER, you WILL come INTO the knowing that I AM working to fitly join together IN union with My people. So them DOING their parts & yielding IN the building of THIS WILL INCREASE & GROW INTO the holy temple of God that I HAVE ordained to BE IN Me. My people NEED to see & know the importance of THIS IN their lives.

For I have NOT called you to BE religious. I have NOT called you INTO a special club. I have NOT called you INTO what man has made MY church to BE. I have called you to DO your part & YIELD INTO BEING built INTO My temple, FOR the habitation OF God IN you, IN the Spirit. This is NOT something that CAN be done in a club, for a habitation IS permanent. This is NOT something that CAN be done by BEING religious, for My habitation IS holy. This can NOT be done by what MAN HAS SAID, which tickles the ears & keeps My people FAR FROM Me…THIS habitation IS only OF God.

This CAN only be done as YOU do your part & yield INTO BEING built up INTO My holy temple, BEING LED OF Me & DOING those things that ARE pleasing IN My sight. This CAN only be done, AS a body, being fitted together, in union, with EACH part DOING their part. This is why there is a NEED to yielding! For as you WILL do this, you WILL BE able to aid & to help those who need My help. I need My people to TRULY understand that I love them with an everlasting love. For IN My love, I have done all of these things FOR you & I now need you to DO YOUR PART & YIELD UNTO Me.

For THIS was the way it was IN the early church, they KNEW My words & WALKED IN them. And now I AM calling you to DO the same, in this LAST hour, BEFORE things get worse…BEFORE the end does come…BEFORE I come to catch away My own. Please do NOT stay in the compromise & complacency that I keep WARNING you of. Instead, BY MY love, TAKE HOLD of Me & LET GO of SELF & WATCH what I WILL do. I love you, My people, I TRULY, TRULY DO…SHOW Me your love, BY responding to My heart’s cry unto you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take these words to heart and do as the Lord says as we learn how to truly abide in Him and His truth. Also, please prayerfully consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Help Needed & Word From The Lord.

Dear Saints, I pray that you all are blessed in your journey of seeking the Lord and the Kingdom of God within. These are perilous times in which we live, however, the good thing about that is that God has also given us an unprecedented amount of grace to walk in with an open door to receive His glory and power from on high so that we may be protected and even prosper during these trying times. Therefore, please seriously take these words to heart from the Lord given through both Pastor Mark Moore and myself. God is giving us every opportunity to learn how to walk in His glory and power in these last days, but we MUST be obedient to His instructions for us.

On another note, at present, I only have $37 in my bank account with more bills expected to hit my account soon. And if I don’t have enough to cover those bills when they hit my bank, it will result in several overdraft fees that will put me even more behind with my finances. So, if anyone is able to help me with my financial need, no matter the amount, that would be greatly appreciated. And as always, I am very grateful to those who give and I pray the Lord’s abundant blessings upon you for your faithfulness in helping your brethren in need.

Now please prayerfully read the following word given from the Lord through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to truly CALL THEM out of darkness & into My marvelous light. For I have declared to you that you ARE My church, My “called out ones”, yet so many do not seem to understand THIS reality, in your walk with Me. For being My “saints” is a CONSTANT reality before Me. Being My saints is CONTINUAL. Being My called out ones means that you have HEARD My call & have RESPONDED to My heart for you, with your FULL heart. For I have spoken GOOD WORDS over you & declared you to BE Mine & for you to WALK with Me. The time has come for you to DEMONSTRATE this reality in your life, THRU your life before Me.

For I have predestined you to RECEIVE My inheritance, but this is something that you MUST yield to, for you must DO YOUR PART to walk IN it. So many will take hold of My words, where I declare that you have been CHOSEN & PREDESTINED from the foundation of the world, yet most of you do not truly SEE the truth that is IN that statement. For I said that I predestined you CONTINUALLY ACTIVELY to BE HOLY & without blemish or flaw IN My presence. I need you to see that in THIS inheritance you cannot only take hold of what YOU desire, but you must REALIZE the truth that is WITHIN this inheritance.

I need you to SEE that in this inheritance there are things that you ARE also to do. For it is NECESSARY for you to continually and actively TAKE HOLD of My redemption, THRU the blood, to TRULY walk IN the forgiveness of sin, IN My grace. For My grace super abounds to those who walk IN the wisdom that IS of Me. For TRUE wisdom is walking in CLARITY, seeing things as they TRULY are & exercising the mind to WALK according to My will. This is TRUE understanding! For this is part of the “mysteries” that many have NOT come to or held WITHIN themselves, to walk IN Me. So many seek Me to KNOW the times & the seasons, yet so few RECOGNIZE that I AM the head, which is TRYING to get your attention, so you can walk IN My authority & will IN BOTH heaven & on earth.

Sometimes I have to “hit you in the head”, so to speak, to GET your attention! For as you walk in this hour, I will NEED you to truly understand what it means to walk IN the praise of My glory. I need you to TAKE HOLD of Me & walk in TRUE trust in this hour…true trust IS expectation & confidence IN Me. For the time for My people to truly HEAR My voice, has never been more important than NOW. For I speak the word of truth…for My truth has NOTHING concealed or hidden, yet so many who say they are Mine walk in concealment of things hidden in their lives. I need you to see the truth that IS within you so you can truly BE SEALED by My Holy Spirit of promise, as I said.

For IN this promise, you read that those who have heard, have ALREADY been sealed & this IS the truth! But I need you to see that IF you are TRULY sealed, you WILL KNOW that the seal IS the Holy Spirit…the STAMP of holiness & purity in YOUR life. I say these things because I love you with an everlasting love & it truly IS My desire that you be ONE IN Me. I need you to see that the way things have been do NOT line up with the truth that I have given you. It only lines up with what “tickling ears” men have told you, which the enemy has used to keep you FROM your rightful place IN Me.

I need you to see that the truth in My redemption is to LOOSEN you from the shackles of sin & SELF. Those who truly walk IN My redemption WILL SHOW this with their lives. As long as My people refuse to truly SEE & truly HOLD to the mindset that I have “bought you with a price & you are not your own”, they will continue to walk IN a pseudo inheritance that only SEEKS things for SELF. How can you bring glory TO My Name by doing this? It is My desire that I give you the Spirit of “Clear Wisdom” & TRULY take the cover OFF OF your lives, so you can SEE the truth that IS there & turn BACK to Me, for I desire to truly ENTER into intimacy with Me, as never before.

For many have already received SOME illumination into their hearts & lives & this IS good, but I need you to CONTINUE to receive My illumination so you can walk DEEPER in Me in this hour. For the true confidence & expectation in My calling is your RESPONSE unto the truth of My inheritance, which is WITHIN the saints…those that TRULY walk IN holiness, morally blameless & are pure. Those that truly desire to walk in My greatness, of my power & authority MUST recognize that I said this was to THOSE who continually actively BELIEVED. True belief IS shown by YOUR actions! For the truth of My BEING awaken from the dead IS real & I have been SET IN authority at the right hand of My Father.

Those who will TRULY awaken WITH Me, OUT OF their SELF-life, which IS the death that Adam brought onto mankind. These that will TRULY & RIGHTEOUSLY respond unto Me with their lives WILL RISE UP along with Me, far above EVERY principality & delegated authority & EVEN over ANY lordship or name that IS named. For this IS the will of My Father, who is in Heaven. For He has placed ALL things UNDER My feet & HAS GIVEN Me to BE the head OVER ALL things to My church. My feet REPRESENTS My body & those who WILL hear these things & DO THEM will SEE the difference in what the church HAS BEEN in recent times: “dead, inactive & not efficient”…THEN to BECOMING the VIBRANT church that walks IN My authority & power IN this last hour.

For My TRUE body IS ALWAYS with me & walks IN the fullness of THESE things in their lives. For as My people will TRULY surrender their lives unto Me, they WILL see this difference. You ask how you will know, if you are truly in Me, as My word says & I have told you THESE things…for this shows the TRUTH of the way things are. Though this has been allowed for a time, the time has come for My people to truly BE My body, to do My exploits in this hour. So hear My heart of love for you & do those things that I tell you to do & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take these words to heart and do as the Lord says as we learn how to truly abide in Him and His truth. Also, please seek the Lord if He would lay it upon your heart to help me with my financial need.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

There are things on the horizon that many have no idea of that are about to happen

Dear Saints, the Lord continues to correct us and teach us the true path of walking in His will. Please prayerfully read the following word of the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to GUIDE them THRU this time of trouble. For as you look at things as they are, you will SEE that much is happening, that few realized was coming. For so many have been BLINDED by the compromise & complacency of SELF so that almost all they could see is the things IN their own life. But as I say this, I AM meaning outward things that many deal with in THEIR daily lives. But what I AM NOW doing is causing My people to SEE the things that they are NOT seeing…the things IN THEIR inner life…the life that I see…the conditions OF THE heart & the walk with My spirit.

For I tell you that many are not seeing the truth that IS within them…they only see the things that THEY decide to see. I am bringing My people INTO a time that they WILL be forced to see things as they TRULY are, for the time is now at hand, that My people MUST come close to Me. I need you to see things as they REALLY are…not just YOUR same old outlook, that “all is well WITHIN you & you have NO need for change”. For I tell you that IT IS vital for TRUE change to come WITHIN you in this hour. For there ARE things on the horizon that many have NO idea of that are about to happen.

For I told you that in the coming time, you would NEED to walk WITHIN My glory, as YOUR protection & YOUR provision. Yet, still SO many have not understood this OR the importance of YOU rising up INTO My glory in this hour. For as the GREAT exposure continues to unfold, there WILL be many that MUST embrace the reality of what I reveal WITHIN their lives & COME to Me IN true repentance. For there IS no more time for you to think that I “wink at” the things that you have allowed & I now call you all to REPENT! For as the tribulations\pressure of this life continue to UNFOLD, My people will HAVE to BE right IN Me, for their safety & provision.

For I call you OUT OF that FALSE faith that man has instilled WITHIN My people & REQUIRE you to STAND FAST in the liberty that I HAVE made you free. As I have already told you, THIS liberty is so you CAN obey Me & DO those things that ARE pleasing IN my sight…NOT so you can do whatever you want & THINK that you are right in YOUR life IN Me. There are STILL such a GREAT number of people that still fall INTO that category, thinking THEY have no need for change. But I tell you that as you walk FORWARD in this hour, more & more ARE going to have THEIR eyes opened & SEE their need to change & repent BEFORE Me.

For so MANY have just been carelessly & unrighteously tossed under My blood, thinking that they are right in Me. But so many of these have NOT realized that they have not TRULY repented before Me, as I desire. I AM looking for a people that HAS a heart to seek hard AFTER Me…not a people that merely SAYS they love Me. I AM looking for a people that WILL walk IN My will for them…not a people that just do what THEY want & say “they are obeying Me”. There is a HUGE difference between the two! And in this difference, you can IMAGINE, the results that WILL come forth in their lives.

So many think that they ARE sowing good things, not realizing that they are just sowing to THEIR flesh. Is it any wonder that in these, the time has come that they now ARE REAPING the things sown IN their flesh? I say this because I love you with an everlasting love & IT IS My desire that you hear My voice & follow Me. So many do NOT truly even hear My voice. So many only follow the SELF mind & think all IS RIGHT within them. I need those who say “they are Mine” to recognize THIS for what it is & cast down THEIR self-life & walk with Me. For this is the time for My people to arise & shine!

You can NO longer shine the light as it has been, which is a COMPROMISE of this world & a “walk with Me”. How many times must I tell you that you ARE the light of the world? Can you not see HOW dark the world is becoming? I say this because so many STILL have not realized the reality of WHY the world IS getting darker! So many will look at the news & see how horrible things ARE getting & just “cringe” at these things, not realizing that it is the complacency & compromise WITHIN My people that are casting this light ONTO the world to follow. So many cry out to Me & beg Me to FIX things, make things BETTER, CHANGE the world & all of these that are NOW happening”

I tell you that it is YOU that MUST fix things, make things BETTER & CHANGE the world! For what you ARE seeing happening all around you IS the harvest of what My people HAVE sown THRU THEIR lives. All of the SELF-life & doing the things that PLEASE the flesh. All of the time WASTED on worldly things, instead of REDEEMING the time because the days ARE evil! I NEED you to SEE the seriousness of this hour & come TO yourselves & fall BEFORE Me IN your hearts & lives. Things will never change IF you are unwilling to DO the things necessary for change to come!

I have told you before & will tell you again. IF My people who ARE called by My name WILL (first) humble them SELVES & pray, SEEK My face & TURN FROM THEIR wicked ways…THEN will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin & heal their land. Few are hearing My voice as I cry out IN these words, but I tell you that it is a MUST in this hour, for great things ARE about to happen & only as you will do YOUR part in this as I just said, will you see things BEGIN to change. For the change MUST begin WITHIN YOU before it can begin IN the world. For the LAND OF YOUR lives MUST FIRST change & THEN I can change the land that is OUTSIDE of you.

So many have been deceived into thinking that they are “something” when I see the SELF-life as it IS. As long as you see you have NO need for change, things will ONLY get worse around you. I need My people to have a TRUE change of mindset…OFF OF SELF & INTO the mind of Christ. So many “boast” of themselves…I am talking about in the INNER man…inside of SELF…so many boast that they ARE right IN me & have NO need for change. I need My people to DO as I HAVE commanded & to PROVE their works before Me. You can no longer just think that what you are doing is “OK”, for the time has come that you MUST face the reality of YOUR workings.

For in this hour you WILL see that I require you to TEST your workings until they ARE approved unto Me. So few HAVE done this…so few ARE doing this now. But now as you walk ahead, you WILL see the importance of doing this. So many use the catchphrase “What would Jesus do”, yet so many do NOT walk in such a mindset. So many are walking in their SELF mind, thinking that they ARE walking IN Me. I need you to understand & know that this principle is one that IS developed…it doesn’t just happen at the snap of a finger. You MUST choose IN each day, IN each decision, IN each temptation…IN all your walk, to do what IS right before Me.

Just as Paul did, I need you to BE crucified with the creation…you MUST be willing to DENY SELF, take up YOUR cross daily & FOLLOW Me. You MUST do YOUR part, for I AM waiting on you. I share these things because I love you all & want you CLOSE to Me. I do NOT say this to HARM you, but to HELP you. Those that hear this & feel “harmed” need to recognize that it is their SELF-life that they FEEL IS being threatened…this IS a good sign, as it shows you the underlying TRUTH of what IS at stake. I want My people to walk IN my love…so many cannot fathom just how much love IS IN My words.

So many will feel that My words are harsh & the enemy will attempt to DISSUADE them from obeying Me because THEIR flesh IS being threatened. But I tell you that IN My love, there IS renewal & refreshment. NOT to continue to do the things OF the FLESH, but to RISE UP INTO Me & BE renewed BY My spirit to DO those things that are needful in this hour. I love you all, My people…I need you to hear My words of love & respond to Me as I desire in this hour. For as you WILL do this…as you WILL hear My voice & REALIZE the importance of RELEASING your SELF-life to Me, I will HELP you to walk IN My grace, love & power in the days ahead. You REALLY need to do this, because of the time you ARE now in. Come to Me with your lives & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take these words to heart and do as the Lord says as we learn how to truly abide in Him and His truth. Also, I still have financial needs this month that need to be met, so please prayerfully consider a love gift to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

For IN My freedom I have called you to serve as SLAVES of My love to one another, even as I have loved you & GIVEN Myself a ransom for many.

Dear Saints, the Lord continues to correct us and teach us the true path of walking in His will. Please prayerfully read the following word of the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to ALIGN to the truth of My word. For many believe that they ARE walking as I have called them to walk. Many think that they truly walk IN My spirit. But the reality of this is NOW revealed, as I have taken the cover off of the complacency & compromise that EXISTS IN the great majority of those who say they are Mine. For I tell you, IF you will be truly honest with yourselves & LOOK at your hearts…IF you will be truly honest with yourselves & LOOK at your lives…you WILL see that these things do not LINE UP with the truth of what I have said.

This IS very important for you to understand at this time, because of the LATENESS of the way things ARE. For I have called you OUT OF darkness INTO My marvelous light. But so many believe that they HAVE answered My call as I have called forth & have come out of the darkness. But the truth IS, that most have only answered My call in the ways that THEY want & have only come out of the darkness that THEY have chosen to come out of. For IF you look at the great majority of those who say they are Mine, you will recognize the LACK of the true walking IN My Spirit. For I have shown you this very night that the fruit of my spirit IS SINGULAR.

This means that there is only ONE fruit of My spirit & this fruit breaks down INTO love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness & self-control. These are NOT individual fruits (plural)…they ALL IN ONE ARE the fruit of My Spirit. I need My people to understand this because THIS shows that IN MANY, I am NOT truly allowed access or REALLY made lord OVER your lives. I am only lord over the things that YOU have decided. My Lordship has taken a back seat to what YOU decide to do. For your hearts show THIS reality in how you react & how you respond to the circumstances of life.

I do NOT say these things to condemn you…I share these things because I love YOU with an everlasting love & I want you to BE like Me. I look at you as you deal with the things of life & I tell you that MUCH of what I see does NOT line up with the way things ARE supposed to be. I have called you INTO My life & liberty, yet so many take what I have given & somehow have been persuaded & convinced that what they are doing IS right with Me. How can these things be? For this persuasion is NOT of My spirit! This persuasion comes OUT OF complacency & compromise, to do those things that appease the flesh.

I need you to SEE that the one that is CAUSING these troubles within My people will NOT go unpunished, for My judgment IS sure! It grieves Me to see My people being lured INTO a state of existence where they think & believe that they can do whatever THEY decide to do. How can you forget that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? That lumps becomes a MIXTURE of what is leavened INTO it & as time goes by, My people lose sight of what IS OF Me & what HAS ensnared them of the enemy. My people say that they would NEVER believe in or go after things of “heresy”, yet I have now SHOWED you that heresy IS your SELF-choice!

I NEED you to understand the seriousness of what is happening WITHIN My people so that you can know the truth & be set free. So much IS out of place in the hearts & lives of My people. There is so much that My people are NOT even aware of that IS going on within them. So many are dealing with issues that they CANNOT deal with, not EVEN realizing that MUCH of these things ARE because of the CHOICES that they have made in the process. THESE things are very grieving to My Spirit, for I came to set the captives FREE! Yet, the evil one has managed to instill things CONTRARY to My will INTO the hearts & lives of My people, because they STILL hold strong to their SELF lives.

I need My people to understand this, so they CAN change direction & go My way. It is My desire that My people ENTER into My freedom & liberty & once there, they ARE to stand stationary & unmovable. This IS what it takes to NOT become entangled with the things of THIS world. People get into trouble because they do NOT stand still…they get talked into moving INTO a certain direction, instead of staying where I have them IN My will. In case you didn’t understand this, THAT means a person decides to move IN their OWN will! This reality covers every area of your lives, for YOUR life choices ARE evident, they ARE made manifest & revealed SHINING by the directions YOU choose to go.

For when you do as YOU desire, you are in essence falling OUT OF My grace & INTO your own will. Is it any wonder that your lives are SO full of contradiction & suffering? So few realize the REALITY that they have caused by taking their OWN steps in decisions for their lives, instead of HEEDING My words to them. If you LOOK at your lives & see a LACK of the true fruit of My spirit, that should show you that you TRULY need to humble yourselves unto Me! It SHOULD show you that IN your lives, you have NOT truly surrendered UNTO Me, as you believe you have.

The time has come for My people to show Me the truth of WHO they say they are. Are you TRULY in unity with Me, or are you only standing double, making your own decisions & stepping forward as YOU desire, saying you are walking with Me? Since you SAY that you live IN My spirit, you SHOULD continuously actively march & keep in step WITH My will. You SAY that you are soldiers of the Lord, if this is true, you would SHOW this with your lives. I love you ALL & it truly IS My desire that you BE like Me!

I need you to see that you are to actively CRUCIFY your sufferings & lustful passions, as My word says. For as you walk IN your life each day, the truth of this IS shown thru ALL that you go thru. I need you to see this, so you can make a CHANGE & walk IN My truth. For IN My freedom I have called you to serve as SLAVES of My love to one another, even as I have loved you & GIVEN Myself a ransom for many. COME close to Me so I can USE you in this hour, for as you WILL surrender & yield to Me you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take these words to heart and do as the Lord says as we learn how to truly abide in Him and His truth. Also, please prayerfully consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114