Prayers For Healing Needed.

Dear Saints,

I regret to inform you that I have been extremely sick with the flu for over a week and desperately need your prayers. There are times when it’s so unbearable that I wonder if I’m going to make it.

I’ve been praying against it and others have been praying with me but I’m still suffering. I’ve been taking lots of vitamin C, other supplements, and even over-the-counter medicines, but nothing seems to help.

At first, I thought it was just a really bad case of the flu, but now I believe I may be under a spiritual attack. A Christian brother of mine prayed a powerful prayer over me and shortly thereafter, I felt the sickness lift off of me. I felt better than I had in days and was so excited. Then as the day went by I could feel the sickness coming back on me in spite of all my rebuking, binding, etc. And by the middle of the night, it had fully come back with a vengeance. I have never felt so bad in my life and didn’t know if I was going to make it through the night.

I don’t want to see a doctor who’s going to label me with Covid and have me admitted to the hospital. That’s a death trap.

So I am asking you all to please pray for me. I desperately need God’s healing and deliverance.

I have a couple of words from the Lord that I have needed to post, but haven’t been able to because of how exhausting it is to do any little thing. Even getting this post out is zapping all my energy, but I need help.

Also, it’s that time when rent and other expenses are coming due, so if anyone is able to help with my financial needs, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

I know God is faithful and will get me through this, but I covet your prayers.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Effectively Walking In The Promises In This Hour

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through my dear friend and pastor:

The Lord says: “I come to my people, out of My great love for them, for I truly love them with an everlasting love. And as My people will recognize My love for them, they should see the true condition in their own hearts & know that they are far from Me. For I have done so much for my people…but My people do so little for Me! I am waiting…I am waiting for a heart response that shows Me just how much you truly love Me, but sadly, that heart response is not readily seen, for all I see is a mixture of the things of this world & a small amount of love for Me. When will My people recognize their need to do the things that I say? When will My people face the reality of why things are the way they are in their lives? For the longer My people hold back on surrendering their all unto Me, the harder things will be along the way. For the time is coming that I will come back & take My own & those who I find watching, waiting & doing those things that I am looking for, in whom I will be well pleased. But those who continue to walk in their own blindness will receive their true reward. I tell you these things now, so you can right yourselves & do what is necessary so you will be well-pleasing in My sight. You are entering into a time where you will need to be ready. You will need to partake of My divine nature, to survive. To do so, you must come closer…you must truly become intimate with Me. Do not be blinded by your experiences of the past, thinking because you walked a certain way back then, all is ok. It is time for My people to take hold of my exceeding great & precious promises & set your faces on the prize & become true partakers of My divine nature!

These are things I have given you, but few have truly taken hold of them & walked in them. Most think because My word says My promises are given, they have no responsibility or action on their part, but I tell you this day, that this must change! For unless My people will be willing to humble themselves & see that they do indeed have a responsibility in taking hold of all that I have promised, they will never change but will be stuck in that blindness & pride which will rob them of their places to do MY exploits. While others pass them by, they will fall behind, wondering “why?” & all the while, the enemy will whisper to them, that I do not love them or I am somehow punishing them. There is a place for punishment, but right now I speak of what My people need to do in this hour…to walk in My promises, as I desire them to. For the time has come for My people to realize the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. How can my people grow & mature without My wisdom? But somehow many seem to think they can do this & then wonder why things never work for them! My promises are indeed Yes & Amen! But My people need to understand that My Amen, may not be the same as theirs! For many of My people will “Amen” when they approve of things as they desire them to be, but how many will “Amen” to things, when I require accountability & responsibility for what I have said? So many still believe that just because I have “promised”, that there are no requirements or things on their side that need to be accomplished to enter into that promise. I say these things because I desire My people to grow…I desire My people to mature…I desire My people to become like Me.

For I am accountable for the things that I say & do, even so, My people need to do the same. The time for playing childish games is over…it is time for the people of God to take their places & stand at My side & be like Me. I am giving you more to time come to yourselves as prodigals & see the true conditions of your hearts so that you will run back to Me, as you truly need to do & allow Me to do what is necessary within you. Those who do not enter into & receive My words today will be sorry…for unless they repent, they will become Belial…& that is something they should never want to be! I have come that you might have life…I came & gave My all! Sadly, many will not take what I have given them but instead will take what the enemy has to give, to steal, kill & destroy. Could it be, that so many of My people have been deceived into thinking that the “smooth things” & things that “tickle man’s ears”, just may be a device of the enemy? My people need to recognize that the truth will set them free. I ask my people to look at their lives this day & see things as they really are. My people must allow Me to truly dwell IN them & walk fully IN them, or the compromise & complacency of the enemy will ultimately take My place & My people will not even know what has been done. Open your hearts & see things as they really are…return unto Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

Understanding True Sowing & Reaping In This Hour

Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully read this important message from the Lord given through my dear friend and pastor.

The Lord says: “I come to My people this day so that you can walk in My blessing. I need you to know that I love you with everlasting love. I come to My people this day so that you can rise up into My true sowing & reaping, for so many of My people are deluded by vain things, thinking I am speaking only about physical blessings in this world when in reality, I am speaking about the true blessings that come out of a true heart. I need My people to understand that the time you are in, there must be a change of heart. For so many have not dealt with hidden things of the heart & these very things are holding back My blessings & favor from many. Do not think that just because you have come to Me that all is well within you…look at your lives & see what is the truth.

For truly, I see things as they really are. I see the strife & lack of true love that many of My people still hold on to. Many will not admit this, because they are hiding behind things they are not willing to let go of. I need My people to see that how they treat others, shows the true condition of their hearts. It is time to really look within & see the truth. Listen to the words that you speak. Do you speak out of a true heart of love, to minister My grace to those you speak to? For I hear your words…I see your hidden heart. I know all that is there. It is time that My people recognize that they can no longer hide behind vain hearts that show themselves outwardly, as loving & righteous, but inwardly, they have things hidden that I say must now go!

I already have told you that you are now in a time you have never been in before. Things cannot continue as they have in the past, if you want to see My hand in your lives. I am calling My people to a new day…a day where My people will truly walk with Me. For there are still many that will not truly embrace My words & apply them to their hearts. Oh, they say they do…but in action, they do not. Can you not see that your lives continue the way they are because you refuse to surrender things unto Me? Can you not see that as long as you continue to sow things as you desire, you will continue to see bad harvests? So many are still deluded by wrong teaching, that I will just drop My goodness from Heaven, no matter what they do! This type of thinking is why My people are so powerless this day. For I told you whatever a man sows, that shall he reap! All of My people are sowing…it’s just that so many are sowing things that I do not desire them to sow.

For you cannot sow strife, hatred & an unwillingness to love & expect Me to cause it to somehow miraculously turn into something good. You will reap what you sow! It is time that you change your hearts & become like Me. For I so loved the world that I gave My Only Begotten Son. I challenge each of you to do the same…show Me your love by giving me the things that I am looking for in your lives. For those things in you are only keeping you from your greatest time in Me. For those things that you continue to hold on to…unforgiveness & being critical of others & so many other things…are only holding you back from rising up in Me. There is so much strife within My people in this hour…it is time that you realize that this is a device of the enemy to keep you from your places in Me at this time. Can you not see how much variance & division has taken hold of My people over the past many months? I need you to know this & be willing to admit your part in it…for unless you do & repent, things will never change for the better…they will only get worse.

If you truly desire My blessing & favor on your lives, you will take hold of what I say & humble yourselves before Me…you will come to Me contrite & broken, desiring Me to heal you & make you what I have called you to be. Will you be willing to do this? Will you show Me your love, by doing those things that are pleasing in My sight? For truly you must know, that whatever your response to Me is regarding this is what is truly in your heart. For your heart cannot be hidden from Me. You know that I love you…for I have given you the best that I have. It is time that you do the same & give Me the things that I am looking for within you. Time is running out. Stop cleaving to teachings & words, as from Me that only speak blessing & smooth things! You need to see that your doing this shows Me where your true heart is…for you only want to receive, but never truly give. If you love Me, you will keep My commandments…My commandments are not grievous…for I only desire good things for you.

It is time for My people to shine as lights in that dark place…but this cannot happen, as long as darkness exists within the hearts of My people…for My people still fail to see the darkness that still exists within them. Look at your hearts, My people…allow Me to show you what is not right before Me. I will help you to release & cast off of you the things that are holding you back…for there are still many things there I have My finger on, but My people refuse to see this & walk on, thinking all is well within them. They falter & faint in their faith because things do not go the way they thought. It’s time that My people see things as they truly are so that this can change. I love you…I really do. Please hear Me this day & do as I desire & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take these messages from the Lord to heart. He is trying to conform us into His image so we will be victorious in the coming days and carry His glory in a time of gross darkness. Please don’t slight His words to us.

And if these words from the Lord have blessed or helped you in any way, would you please consider a love gift to help with my finances. Bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.