Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I have SHOWN you these things this night to help you to UNDERSTAND why I did these things of old, so you can GRASP the reality and need for the new covenant. For as you LOOK at what was done of old, it was NECESSARY for the sacrifice for sin continually. This is a PICTURE of the way things were from the STANDPOINT of the flesh. But now I have MADE a new covenant, stronger\better than the first.

The spiritual truths within THESE things are to help you to UNDERSTAND that what I did THROUGH My Son was to bring my people OUT OF the old and INTO the new. Those who say they have done this, need to RECONSIDER. For I ask you…how many of you continue to come to Me for forgiveness of sin, as the priests of OLD did? I have already told you that in godly sorrow repentance continues to work, for TRUE repentance needs NOT to be repented of.

I share these things because they ARE a type and shadow of the OLD. Just as My Son told PARABLES, these things I THROW NEAR you, to show you they ARE SIMILAR. If you will grasp the truth that exists within MOST of those who say they are Mine, you will see that many are STILL doing what the priests of old were doing…ONGOING offering of sacrifices for sin. I want My people to ENTER INTO what My Son ACCOMPLISHED in His sacrifice.

I need you to see that to TRULY DO this, you MUST surrender your lives UNTO Me. This is NOT what many, who say they love Me, have done. They “have not surrendered” their lives…they have only SAID they have. This IS important because I look at TRUTH (nothing hidden\concealed) & what I see is a people that MOSTLY is still surrendered to the lordship of SELF. I say this, in My great love for you, for I love you with an everlasting love.

I desire for you to see THESE things as I show them to you, so you will TRULY walk with Me. I have shared how I have a ROAD, a WAY that you MUST follow and I showed you this AGAIN THIS night…I said it was a holy place ROAD. This speaks of a walk that is UNLIKE anything that has EXISTED before. For My Son came to SHOW the world the truth of THIS road, for He walked IN it…He showed everyone the WAY.

And He said, if anyone desired to COME BEHIND Him, He COMMANDED them to deny SELF…He COMMANDED them to TAKE UP their cross DAILY…He COMMANDED them to walk ON the SAME ROAD as Him. I need My people to SEE that these things I show you ARE for your BENEFIT, so you CAN SHAKE FREE from the deceptions and mindsets of man and ENTER INTO the truth that I HAVE spoken. In My great love for you, I WANT you to know the truth, AS I HAVE said it.

The time has come for My people to walk IN the truth. For as I have told you, THIS IS the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF…you CANNOT continue as you HAVE any longer, for the time HAS COME for CHANGE. And THESE changes WILL bring My people OUT OF the darkness that man HAS SHADED My people with, and ILLUMINATE them IN the truth that I HAVE declared, so they CAN SHINE as lights IN this world. I AM looking for those who HAVE ears to hear, what I AM saying to My church.

So many say that “they hear My Spirit”, yet IN truth, many of these ONLY hear things on the LEVEL of self. What do I mean? I mean that many “say they hear me”, but STILL obey SELF. They do NOT obey Me IN what I said which they claim “to hear”. TRUE hearing has a RIGHTEOUS response UNTO Me. TRUE hearing obeys what IS HEARD. You can say you hear My voice, but IF you do not OBEY My voice, you do NOT TRULY hear Me. I AM looking for a people who TRULY hear My voice, OBEYING Me IN what they hear.

There are those who DO hear Me, at times, of THEIR choosing, when it IS CONVENIENT to them. This is NOT true obedience…this is only PARTIAL obedience. I desire My people to DO as My Son DID, as He walked the earth, for He ALWAYS heard what I said and OBEYED Me. He ONLY did the things He saw Me DO. Why do you think THOSE things were written? They were written because they ARE the MODEL, the SYMBOL, the FIGURE of what My people ARE to do.

For as you will take hold of the TRUTH of what My Son did when He offered himself, as high priest, you WILL understand things on a HIGHER level and your lives WILL reflect THIS reality, for you WILL truly ENTER INTO what He ACCOMPLISHED, for what He accomplished WILL BE manifested IN and THRU your lives. I love you, My people and it IS My true desire that you BECOME like Me. I KEEP saying this, so you WILL eventually CATCH ON and TAKE HOLD of what I SAY and BE the very thing I HAVE SAID. Take hold of My words this day and do YOUR part IN them and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, what the Lord is speaking to us about in this word is regarding the Highway of Holiness spoken of in Isaiah 35:8. “And a great road will go through that once deserted land. It will be named the Highway of Holiness. Evil-minded people will never travel on it. It will be only for those who walk in God’s ways; fools will never walk there.” (NLT)

I believe we have entered an era where individuals on earth will truly walk in the Highway of Holiness. As I’ve shared before, God has granted me the experience of being fully transformed into this state of holiness. Let me tell you, nothing on this earth can compare to how wonderful it is. So I am certain that this is possible and within our reach. Therefore, have faith to rise up into our hope of glory, Christ within us manifested in His fullness. These are truly exciting times we live in as the scriptures will be fulfilled IN US…

I pray that this message enlightens and encourages your hearts, especially in these exciting days, despite the challenges in the world around us. And if these words have been helpful or encouraging to you in any way, please consider giving back with a financial gift. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

For those leaving a comment: Please understand that the Lord has charged me to give out His warnings to awaken His people to prepare for the days ahead. In this, He has told me to not waste precious time trying to convince any that will not hear, for they have already made their choice. So with that, if your comment is a personal attack, insult, rude, or to argue; then may the Lord bless you and keep you. I will not answer back to any rude comments, nor post them. Blessings to you, Kevin Barrett