Darkness is attempting to come upon the U.S. We must rise up in Christ and war against the darkness.

Dear Saints, as I was seeking what the Lord wanted me to share with the Body of Christ, He spoke to me about a darkness that is seeking to come upon the U.S.

Because the church in the U.S. has not taken her rightful place as the light unto the world, evil has been allowed to have its foothold.  And so, very soon, there will be darkness and chaos coming to the U.S. if the Body of Christ does not rise up and gain victory over it.

But know this; as God’s people, we are NOT to get into fear.  During this time of darkness, we are to let our light shine among men and take our rightful stand in Christ and war against the darkness.  We have the power of Christ in us to diminish, and possibly even stop, the evil that has already been planned out by the enemies of God and His purpose for this nation.

If darkness has its way, the days just ahead will bring fear to many in the U.S. and we must be the light of Christ for them to run to.  During this time of darkness, fear will not be upon God’s children who walk uprightly before Him.  Instead, we will walk in His protection and favor if we remain in obedience to Him. But keep in mind, we are commanded as the children of light to war in the Spirit against the darkness.

God is bringing about a mighty change in the U.S., and with this change, He is exposing and judging corruption within our government and other systems of man.  But evil-minded men are attempting to thwart the plans of God for this nation and bring about their own plans by corrupting our courts and justice system and bringing great evil upon the land.  So, hang on to God and His word during this time.  Meditate on Psalm 91 and practice spending time in the secret place of intimacy with Him and His presence.  Pray that God’s justice will be victorious in all courts of the U.S. from the Supreme Court on down, and pray against the evil plots of men.

And pray for God’s chosen one to get into the White House. The extent of the darkness coming upon the U.S. will greatly depend on who our next president is. It doesn’t matter if you’re against Trump, just pray God’s protection over him and pray that God’s chosen one will be our next president. There’s a reason that all the corrupt media, Hollywood, and politicians are fighting so hard against this man. I can’t stress enough on the importance of this. We must war in the Spirit and pray for God’s victory and justice over the land, courts, and justice system. I’m not at all telling anyone how to vote. Each one must vote for who they feel God is leading them to vote for. But we can all agree that we need God’s chosen one as our leader in these hard times, no matter who that may be.

During this time of exposure and judgment, even those within the church who are playing the harlot will be exposed for who they truly are.  For a time, it may even look as though God has forsaken the church as His judgment sweeps through the church systems of man.  But God has not forsaken His church.  In contrast, He is about to cleanse the church through and through….and many will be shocked and dismayed when He exposes all that has been going on behind closed doors within the body of Christ.

God will be judging those of His people who have refused to judge themselves and repent, even though He has given them plenty of warnings.  This includes all of us, so it would behoove us to repent from any known sin or disobedience, and ask Him to shine the light on anything in our lives that He is against that we may not be aware of.  And repent quickly and be renewed in your mind.

God is calling for repentance and a return to the full truth and whole counsel of His word, a message echoed through faithful messengers like Pastor Mark Moore.

This season of cleansing will widen the gap between the house of David, those with a heart after God and earnestly seeking holiness and His will, and the house of Saul, those holding onto self-will with only a form of godliness.  Those of the house of Saul will descend farther into darkness and deception as the days go by. On the other hand, God’s unprecedented grace will aid those seeking to break free from all sin and weakness of the flesh, drawing His favor and evoking jealousy from those in the house of Saul.

I’m not claiming any certain denomination or church to be the house of Saul.  There are most likely Davids in almost all churches and denominations, as there may also be Sauls in the houses of David.  But as the gap between the two gets wider and wider, the Davids will find themselves separating from the houses of Saul all the way up to the time that a cry will be made for all to come out from among her, so that you will not be partakers of her sins, and will not receive her plagues.  And like when Lot was ushered out of Sodom and Gomorrah, the truly faithful ones will be ushered out of the houses of Saul before their time of final judgment.

During this time of darkness and chaos, those who have been faithful to God and His word, even the ones who have been weak and struggling, but haven’t fainted or given up, shall soon be rejoicing for all that He shall restore to them in this hour. And the treasures of heaven will be poured out upon these ones, so long as they continue in the faith with a heart quick to repent.  However, humility is paramount, as boasting or pride may lead to the removal of these blessings because no man will receive glory for what God is about to do. And let us not get overwhelmed or selfish with God’s goodness but, instead, share His love and gifts, so that He may be glorified among men.

Great things are coming for those who have remained faithful.  So, if and when this darkness comes, keep focused on Christ and His faithfulness.  Don’t get into fear, but stay under His protection and war against the darkness.  And most importantly of all, be a beacon of His shining light during this time.

I truly pray that these words encourage and help you all. So if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. It’s that time that rent and other bills are coming due and any help is greatly appreciated. 

May the Lord keep you and abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I am looking for a people who will work together in union with Me.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to take the cover OFF of what man has done. I come to My people in this hour to help them to ALIGN more closely to My word. I come to My people in this hour to OPEN their eyes to SEE things IN truth, as they are needed now as never before. For as I have taken you through Philemon this night, I have shown you the REALITY of many things, that many have NEVER seen before.

For I reveal just how DEEP things are IN relationship to Me & My people. I show you the IMPORTANCE of being IN UNITY TOGETHER, to function as My body, laboring TOGETHER IN UNION WITH Me. So many do NOT do this. So many ONLY DO that which is PSEUDO, the things that man IS PLEASED to do. So many ONLY DO those things that work on the SURFACE levels. So many ONLY DO those things that are mainly SUBSTANCE.

I AM LOOKING for a people who WILL work together IN UNION WITH Me, to ACCOMPLISH My will, which IS to BUILD the Kingdom of God. So many SAY that they do THIS & I have already told you, that MOST of this IS ONLY for SELF & FLESH. My kingdom is NOT new cars, jets, huge building projects that DRAIN My people INTO providing. My kingdom IS BRINGING forth everlasting life TO those who have NOT entered into it. So much is WASTED on THINGS, when it could have been invested in SOULS!

I say these things to AWAKEN you to the REALITY of the way things ARE. For in Philemon, I show you TRUE LEADERSHIP. I show you TRUE DEALINGS with situations. I show you the way things ARE SUPPOSED to be. Yet, I tell you that many who read THIS epistle, get little to nothing OUT OF IT because it didn’t say anything they were WILLING to hear. I love you all with an everlasting love, so I want you to SEE things as they REALLY are. I want you to UNDERSTAND truth as it really IS…not the way man HAS made it.

For even though Philemon is short & doesn’t say a LOT in many areas…it DOES say a lot to those who have ears to HEAR. I want My people to see how things ARE really supposed to work. Not AS man has made My church to BECOME. I want My people to truly BE My people…a people TRULY CONNECTED TO Me, by My spirit, DOING the things I HAVE called them to DO. Tonight I have shown you how My people are NOT called INTO a social club…My people are called INTO a partnership, where each share TOGETHER.

I have shown you that My people are to BE warriors, fighting the good fight of faith, EVEN in chains & imprisonment. So many live their lives for SELF. I keep saying this because it IS the truth & I am taking the cover off of man’s HALF truths. For I came to set the captives FREE, yet so many think that THIS freedom means they are FREE to live as THEY desire. My freedom, FREES you to live as I DESIRE. This can ONLY happen when My people come UNDER My will.

This can ONLY happen as My people ADHERE to godly principles that I ORDAINED…not the pseudo HALF truths that man has POISONED My church with, that only PROMOTES ungodliness. Many cannot even CONCEIVE what that even REALLY means. For they think they ARE godly, having new cars & great possessions, when I already told you how HARD it is for the rich to ENTER into the kingdom of heaven! How can My people be SO deceived to continue THINKING that gain is godliness?

But as My people will truly SEE how they ARE to live as SLAVES unto Me, to do My will, there IS where the TRUE freedom comes. There IS where My kingdom BEGINS to MANIFEST. I want My people to see the REALITY of the way things are. Do NOT think that you are entering the kingdom of heaven if you are SEEKING after the things of this world, for I tell you that you are NOT! Those who HEAR My voice know what I AM saying. Those who HEAR My voice, know TRUE LEADERS when they see them.

Those who HEAR My voice work to CAST DOWN the things of the FLESH life, so they can BE available UNTO Me, IN My will. I AM looking for a people who LOOKS like those mentioned in Philemon, for they SHOW the picture, they SHOW the type of people that MIRROR My will. So many have NOT done THEIR part to come UNTO Me as I desire. Oh, yes, they will SAY that they have, yet the truth IS shown by HOW they live their lives. How many of these people SEEK for souls to BE saved?

How many of these people SEEK for lives to BE healed & restored? How many of these people REALLY just live THEIR lives, to please SELF, thinking they are right with Me? I say these things BECAUSE they ARE important. I say these things BECAUSE I MUST tell you the truth. For IN truth, there IS NOTHING hidden\concealed. I want My people to SHINE as My LIGHTS in this world. NOT the lights that I AM seeing. NOT the lights that THEY have decided & willingly shine.

For THOSE lights ARE compromised. THOSE lights ARE a mixture. Is it any wonder why such lights DO LITTLE TO NOTHING for My kingdom? Come to Me, My people & I WILL SHINE My love upon you so you WILL see AS I see. Come to Me, My people & I WILL HELP you to see as you have NEVER seen before. For I tell you that MOST only see what they WANT to see. Most rarely OR ever see the things that I DESIRE, because they are still CAPTIVE to the lies of men. I want My people to BE captives to Me!

For I love you & want you to BE like Me. I gave Myself a RANSOM for sin, so those of the world could COME INTO everlasting life. I DIDN’T give Myself so people could continue living in SELF. I gave Myself so others could BECOME like Me & BE LIGHT givers. I gave Myself so that others could BE LIFE givers. I need My people to SEE these things as they really are & TURN AWAY from their SELF ways, while they still can. I love you…come to Me & surrender your lives & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word. I’m reminded of our example of the Israelites who were led through the wilderness on their journey to the promised land. They were still so conformed to Egypt and their former ways and thinking that God was not pleased with most of them so their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. We too have been so conditioned to the Babylonian church system that if we do not change our ways and beliefs to the truth of God’s word, we too will die in our wilderness and never enter into our promised land. Please ponder and pray on this and yield to any correction God may bring you.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

The time has come for the baskets of the self-life to come off of My people.

Dear Saints, as the world around us may seem to spiral more into chaos, we as believers know that the Lord is guiding and protecting us through it. However, only a remnant of believers are aware that He is also crying out to us to be conformed into His perfect and holy image in this hour so that He may manifest Himself in and through us in these last days, and so that we may be able to endure to the end. And only those wholly given over to Him will be able to endure all that is coming. With that in mind, please prayerfully read the following convicting word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people as I continue to bring them BACK TO ME from their OWN ways. So many cannot SEE the reality of the way things truly are in this hour & it is needful, it is necessary, it is binding that I TAKE THE COVER OFF of what man has done to My word & SHINE the truth to all who will RECEIVE it. For this IS the hour that many say they have waited for, yet FEW are embracing the true reality that I AM RELEASING in this hour.

For so many HEAR of words of blessing & breakthrough…so many HEAR words of My coming GLORY, but very few have TAKEN HOLD of the truth in these things, so they can MANIFEST My glory in their lives. For HOW can a man reap what he has NOT sowed? HOW can My people continue to BELIEVE that these things will just FALL into their laps, without them DOING anything for this to happen? I tell you these things because it IS My desire for you to have THESE things.

I can’t just drop them into your laps! These things can ONLY come when My people will DO their part. These things can ONLY come when My people will YIELD unto Me & My will. These things can ONLY come when My people will BECOME ACTIVE in their faith by SOWING through the beautiful\good works of THEIR lives. I tell you, that as I look at My people, so many are still in a HOLDING PATTERN, not really doing much of anything for My kingdom.

Honestly, the few that do, are mostly only SPEAKING of these things…not REALLY doing them! I say this because I love you all with an everlasting love & I TRULY do desire you to BE conformed into My image. This is the problem, as it EXISTS today. For I have told you & told you that the image I AM seeing in so many of My people is NOT the image that I have ORDAINED. The image I AM seeing is an image of MAN’S choosing.

For I KEEP telling you that you ARE the light of the world. I KEEP telling you that the world can only walk in the light that YOU shine unto them. I KEEP telling you that if you look at the world, you will SEE the true condition of MY PEOPLE, as they are shining THEIR light! In My word, I said you are to “let your light shine before men that they may see your beautiful\good works and glory your Father who is in heaven”.

Yet, now I tell you the reason this is NOT happening as I desire. For in truth (nothing hidden\concealed) I DIDN’T say “let your light shine”, I COMMANDED you to ACTIVELY SHINE your light IN FRONT of men. For when My people truly OBEY My commands and do THIS, men WILL be changed and glorify My Father who IS in heaven. As I showed you in Titus 3, so much of what I had given there is NOT being obeyed this day.

So many fail to take hold of My words because My words were NOT translated properly…My words were minimized, compromised, and watered down, so My people would NOT take hold of them as I DESIRED them to do. It was not THIS way back when THESE words were first spoken…My people went everywhere SHINING their light FROM ME, and men WERE changed and glorified My Father in heaven. So what changed?

Man later translated My words INTO English and THIS IS where the compromise was made, for the enemy would USE THIS over time to make My people powerless and ineffective. Now I AM going to tell you WHY this is happening. The answer is in the proceeding 2 verses where I quoted “let you light shine”. For in these 2 verses, I say something VERY powerful. First I say, you ARE the light of the world. Then I say a city that is laid outstretched\set on a hill CANNOT be hidden. That in itself IS powerful, but what you need to hear is even MORE powerful.

For I said, “Neither do men light a candle and place it under a bushel, but on a candlestick so that it gives light to all that are in the house”. Did you see it? Did you catch the truth of what has been happening in MOST all of my people? For not only do most of My people NOT shine My light on a hill, for the world to see…neither do they shine THEIR light from on a candlestick. Herein IS the truth. My people have HIDDEN their light UNDER a basket. A basket is weaved OUT OF elements from the world.

In essence, THIS basket represents My people COVERING My light with their SELF lives which they have weaved out of the things that ARE OF the world. Because of THIS, My true light can NEVER be seen. It is time for My people to TAKE HOLD of the truth of My word, nothing hidden\concealed. The time has come for the baskets of the self life to COME OFF OF My people so that My people can ARISE & SHINE My glory to this lost and dying world.

This IS the only way My glory CAN come. It CANNOT come out of COMPROMISE and COMPLACENCY. It CANNOT come out of a life that is surrendered to SELF. It can ONLY come from a life that is TRULY surrendered UNTO Me. Come to Me, My people and EMBRACE My love for you. I did My part to bring you unto Me. It is now time for you to do YOUR part and arise OUT OF your self lives & shine My glory, unto the world, so that men will glorify My Father who IS in heaven.

Take off the COVER of your baskets of SELF & take your places AT My side. For THERE you will find that your lives have been WASTED by the things of self when I have long awaited for you to BE USED of Me in this hour. All creation IS awaiting the MANIFESTATION of the sons of God. Do YOUR parts now…YIELD unto Me in the things that I tell you. BE ACTIVE in the truth of My words as I show you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. This word convicts my heart because I know that I’m not shining His light as much as He would desire. Although I am actively and eagerly seeking His grace to guide me and help me die to my self-life so that He may fully reign on the throne of my heart. I pray that you all are just as sincere, if not more, with your own walk with Him. And He is faithful to complete the good work He began in us. But we must also do our part…

And if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. I have some extra expenses this month, so any help would be greatly appreciated. May the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Many of My people right now as they are, would stand before Me on that day and I would vomit them out of My mouth!

Dear Saints, as I’ve been sharing with you all so much lately, we are in a time of unprecedented grace where the Lord is giving us the power of His Spirit to rise up in Him and overcome all areas of the flesh and self-will. Do not waste this time He has given us. Take advantage of this time and seek Him for victory over your flesh and the enemy. With that in mind, please prayerfully read the word below given by the Lord through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to UNDERSTAND the way things really are. So many are OBLIVIOUS to the reality of what has happened to My people over the years. So many have BLINDLY listened to well-meaning men & women’s teachings, but sadly the great majority of these teachings do NOT teach my people the truth that I desire, which is for them to have a SOUND & HEALTHY walk of faith.

So many of My people have been compromised & watered down into just the PART of My word that makes them feel good about THEMSELVES. Very few have taken hold of the reality of what I have even said. Few even SEEK to walk righteously in their lives in this hour. I tell you these things to help you snap out of, & awaken from, the drunkenness of SELF-worship, so you will arise & be sober-minded & your lives will be CONFORMED to truly worship Me.

So many have taken hold of teachings of My grace that do NOT help My people into BECOMING more like Me, but only encourage them to continue in the things that the FLESH desires to do. How is it that My people think that they can take hold of My grace, but NOT DO the things that My grace IS given to do? I AM talking about walking IN righteousness, holiness & truth, for IN truth there IS nothing hidden or concealed.

As I have taken you through Titus 2 this night I have shown you the truth of what you are SUPPOSED to be trained up IN. How come so FEW of My people ARE seeing these things being taught to them IN their churches? I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love. You MUST embrace the truth to truly ENTER into My love. You cannot continue living YOUR lives as YOU please thinking that all is well.

I keep telling you to look at the world, for if you will TRULY look at the world’s condition, you WILL see the reality of the CONDITION of My people. For the world IS a reflection of THIS reality. So many FAIL to grasp this. So many FAIL to see how this could even be possible, but I have told you that you ARE the light of the world. The world can ONLY walk in the light that My people shine unto them. When will you realize THIS reality & begin to seek Me to be changed INTO My image?

For while I was IN the world, I was the light of the world, but now My light shines through My church, which IS My body. So many think they are shining My light, but I ask you, if this were true, then how come the world is NOT being conformed by My light? Why IS the world becoming darker instead of lighter? It is because My people ARE becoming darker with things in their SELF lives, instead of coming CLOSER unto Me.

So many talk about My coming glory & My soon return, yet very FEW of these people even RECOGNIZE the severity of what this REALLY means. For I told you that I AM coming back IN My saints! That means I AM coming back FIRST WITHIN them to SHINE My glory IN them, THEN I will return to MANIFEST outwardly to this world. This IS why I said that judgment MUST begin at the house of God. This IS why I AM coming TO My people & telling them these things NOW, so that they WILL awaken from their slumber, repent & return unto Me from their own ways in this hour.

As I look at those who speak of My grace, I see a lot of talk about ONLY the good things, yet I see very LITTLE about the things My grace IS supposed to IMPART unto My people. Most just take hold of what BLESSING or PROVISION that they can receive from Me, yet very few take hold of the TRUTH of My word & RISE UP to BE LIVING epistles on this earth. So many do NOT see the DEPTH of My truth as I reveal it to them. So many only lay hold to what will make them happy…what will make them pleased in their SELF-life.

I say this because if you will honestly look at what I have shown you this evening you would see just how FAR My church IS from doing the things that I COMMAND them to do. So little truth IS taught to My people in this hour…MOSTLY only that which will tickle their ears & make them feel good about THEMSELVES. I challenge those who say they ARE Mine to truly EXAMINE their hearts & see IF their hearts REALLY line up with what I HAVE commanded them to do.

ARE you being trained up IN the things I have told you this evening? ARE you being comforted, encouraged & exhorted to DO these righteous things? ARE you being admonished, convicted & rebuked because you are NOT doing these RIGHTEOUS things? I ask you this because the truth & reality of the condition of My people MUST come forward, so it CAN be seen for what it REALLY is. I cannot allow you to continue AS you have.

I cannot just WINK at the complacency & compromise I see IN My people & just shrug it off, saying, “oh well, that is what My grace does!”. I CANNOT do this because that is NOT what My grace does. My grace EMPOWERS My people to BE like me & WALK IN righteousness. My grace FREES them FROM SELF, so they can RISE UP as My servants & show the world that I AM IN them of a truth. My grace MOVES mountains, yet the grace I see in My people can’t even move them OUT OF their self lives or to DO much of anything that HONESTLY pleases Me.

I NEED My people to see the truth that IS within them. You cannot just continue walking as you have & THINK everything is fine, for everything IS NOT fine. Very little WITHIN My people IS fine, because MOST of what I see is just a people who SAY they love Me when all they are really doing is loving THEMSELVES IN this present world. How can My people expect to reign WITH Me IN heavenly places, when they are only reigning IN SELF ON the earth?

I need My people to see the truth as I declare it unto them. For ONLY then can My people change. Come unto Me & allow Me to REVEAL the truth of your lives before you, for I see you as you REALLY are. I see so many HIDING behind My grace, thinking that all is well, as they continue to live as THEY want to live, thinking they ARE pleasing Me. I ask you…ARE you seeking to build My kingdom, or to building your own?

I need you to see the truth…for as I see you, where you are now, you are only mostly pleasing to SELF. I need My people to have a great awakening from where they are today. So many call My soon return the Blessed hope, yet they do NOT realize that many of My people right now as they ARE, would stand before Me on that day & I would vomit them OUT OF My mouth! Please come back to Me & truly OPEN your heart & allow Me to show you the TRUTH of how you ARE supposed to walk & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, what a powerful and convicting word from the Lord. I know that I’m guilty of much of what He is saying here. But I don’t cower in defeat…instead I am calling out to Him for this grace He speaks about, and for my victory over self. I pray that you all also cry out to Him for victory over self so that we as a body can rise up in these last days and become the light of the world that He has called us to.

And if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. May the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114