Declare God’s Plans Over The Enemy’s Plans.

Dear Saints,

I know that many may be discouraged by the news of President Trump’s indictment because of our hope that God is not done using him. And no matter what you feel about the man, he has been anointed and appointed by God in this hour.

The enemy fears this man because of God’s plans for the U.S. That is why they are after him so hard. They know what is coming if he gets back into office. It’s true that this country has turned its back on God which is evidenced by all the gross perversion, violence, chaos, injustice, and disregard for all that is holy. But God still has plans for this nation and the world.

The overturning of Roe vs. Wade was a sign that God is restoring this nation back to justice and righteousness. And He has chosen Trump to be our leader during this time. I will refrain from saying anything about the last elections for obvious reasons. But God’s hand is still on President Trump. However, it is not set in stone that he gets back into the office of the presidency. It still depends on God’s people repenting and crying out to Him while declaring His plans for this country and not declaring the enemy’s plans. We must refrain from speaking forth all the evil that we see trying to take over this nation, and instead, declare God’s will over our nation.

When I was praying over what to post, the Lord reminded me of two different prophetic words He gave me in the past. I will post a link to them both so you can read them again. But what the Lord wants us to know is that He has plans to turn the U.S. around and restore righteousness. He desires to make a way for religious freedom for His mighty revival that’s coming. And His plan is to use this mighty revival and outpouring of His Spirit to prepare us for the coming gross darkness.

Unfortunately, though, many of God’s people still believe that they will get raptured before the deep darkness and tribulation comes. And because of this, many are still in a spiritual slumber and not worried about getting prepared. But when this gross darkness and tribulation comes, it will be worse than this world has EVER seen. And so ONLY those walking in God’s glory at the time will be able to endure what is coming. And so this is God’s purpose for His mighty revival and outpouring of His Spirit…to prepare people to become holy and receive His glory so they can endure the soon-coming great darkness and tribulation.

This is why God allowed the pandemic and all that happened with the governments of the world rising up against their own people to gain control. It is not the enemy’s time yet, but God has allowed these things to happen to shake His people awake out of their slumberness of spirit and get prepared. And on that note, here is a link to one of the prophetic words He gave me about this back in 2021…“Are You Awake Yet?”

God has been warning us for quite some time that we need to be prepared for what is coming. If Trump gets back into the office, God will use him to turn our nation back around and laws will change for the good. But do NOT become complacent. All of this is God making a way for His mighty revival and outpouring of His Spirit to allow us time to prepare ourselves for the coming tribulation. And on that note, here is the other prophetic word He gave me to share about this…“Redeem the time that you now have, for darkness comes quickly.”

So don’t get discouraged by Trump’s indictment, but instead pray and declare God’s will to be done in this situation. And watch how God will turn it around on the enemy’s head. Much exposure is coming that will expose corruption in our government, Hollywood, corporations, industries, and even in our churches. You may be shocked when you learn the truth about what goes on behind the scenes with some well-known ministries. But now it’s time for God to clean His house and it is starting with the leaders in the church.

There will be more shakings as God shakes all that can be shaken. But we are in unprecedented times where God is going to pour out His Spirit and give us unprecedented grace that will enable us to gain freedoms we never thought possible and to cleanse ourselves so we can walk in His holiness, might, and glory before the deep darkness falls. Even in the midst of shakings, there will be great blessings for God’s people who are truly seeking Him. One can say that it will be both the best of times and the worst of times. But God is always in control and we need not get into fear when we see the world falling apart around us. God wants you all to know that He is always very near.

I hope this helps you all to better understand the times we are in and what God is doing. And so if these words do help or encourage you in any way, please consider returning the favor. It’s that time when bills are coming due and you all know my financial situation and how God has me relying on the support of others’ gifts and donations at this time in my life. So any help would be greatly appreciated.

And I pray the Lord’s blessings upon each of you.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

REPENT of self & take hold of Me & My power & THEN you will begin to see things happen.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word of the Lord given through pastor Mark Moore. The Lord is serious in His dealings with His people in this hour and we need to heed what He is saying.

The Lord says: “I COME to you in this hour because I love you with an everlasting love. So many do not understand My love. So many cannot see the reality of what it IS. So many only see My love as an EXCUSE to do whatever they want to do. So many do not understand that love has MORE to it than just blindly accepting someone as they are. For I do accept My people as they are, but IN My love I also cannot allow My people to REMAIN the way they are. For those who say they are Mine MUST see the reality of who I AM, for I the Lord your God AM a jealous God & as I look upon My people I do not see the reality of My love WITHIN them.

I only see My love being PERVERTED into a mixture of SELF-love for this present world. So many SAY they desire to be CLOSE to Me, but few DO what it actually takes to BE close to Me. How can you think you can BE close to Me, when you continue to STAY close to the world? How can My love FILL you, when you are so FULL of the things of this world? I ask you these things because the time you are in WILL increasingly show you the truth of what EXISTS within your hearts. For IN this hour I will show you the TRUTH of your love for Me. And now I tell you, so you cannot walk forward the way YOU have.

You now MUST come to grips with reality & SEE the way things really are. For I tell you now the truth of the many who say they love Me…I look at you & I see the REALITY of your love. For you SAY that you love me, but in TRUTH, you are only giving Me lip service. For your lives SHOW the real truth of your love. For as I look at so many of My people I see a people who REALLY only love the world. I know this seems DIFFICULT to receive. I know this is something that your flesh doesn’t WANT to hear, but it still IS the truth & only the truth will set you FREE. How can you say that you love Me, when your whole life is CONSUMED by the things of this world?

How can you say that you love Me, when I do not see you coming to Me & spending YOUR time with Me, as I desire? For even in this night I have shown you that you ARE before me, in all that you say, think or do. How is it that you do not RECOGNIZE this reality in your walk with Me? I tell you, if you would come to THIS realization, you would be able to maneuver THRU the things of this life, with GREAT success! Why do I say this? Because so many of those who SAY they are Mine, only walk out what THEY want to do. So few RARELY come to Me to seek direction for their daily life. So few ever come to Me to lead them IN what they are to do.

Most just DO the things that they think they should do. So many just take every step, thinking that they are doing what THEY want. So many do not realize that I am right there WITH them & I desire to give you directions, as to where you are to go & what you are to do. I need My people to see the seriousness of what is going on IN their lives. For in this hour, so many are LOSING direction. So many are falling OFF TRACK of where they are supposed to be. So many have already gone on into OTHER directions CONTRARY to My will & then they wonder WHY things are not working as they should! I tell you that there are reasons for this!

There are answers that My people NEED to hear. But as long as My people just walk on as they have, NOTHING will change. More & more will walk forward in their OWN wills, thinking that I put My stamp of approval on it, because THEY have decided to do it! I tell you that such thoughts are NOT of Me. Such thoughts are of SELF. I have come to you to show you the way you ARE to go & now each of you MUST now make the decision to change. Each of you must begin to “think differently”…that means each of you MUST repent of YOUR ways & start walking IN Mine. For I tell you that in the days ahead there will be opportunities for you to CHANGE direction.

For I desperately desire you to walk IN My will, but these will be opportunities for you to turn around from your SELF ways. For only as you will DO this will you be ABLE to walk in what I have for you. I cannot work THRU your self lives…for your self lives are what the enemy continually and actively uses WITHIN My people. I need those who say they are Mine to SUBMIT unto Me in this hour, RESIST the devil, for only as you will DO this, will he FLEE. Many are “calling Me near” with their prayers, with their requests, with the things that are DEAR to them, but I am looking for those who will call ME near, just to BE with Me & DWELL with Me.

You cannot do this, as long as you continue walking in your SELF-life. For as you walk in your self-life, you are revealing the TRUTH within your heart, that the love I HAVE given you, you have taken & used it ONLY for self! So many that SAY they love Me with the love that I have given, are ONLY loving themselves with THAT love. I need you to understand the truth IN this. For I am coming back for My bride, without spot, wrinkle or blemish. If you will look at yourselves, you must recognize that you are NOT ready for Me to come back! Do you want Me to come back for you, when you ARE perverting My love for you, into something ungodly?

I hope that you CAN see this because this is very important & vital for My people in this hour. So many of My people do NOT love Me as I desire. So many only love Me for what they can GET from Me…like a man going to a prostitute! That is NOT true love…that is not EVEN love…that is only APPEASING the flesh…appeasing SELF. I need My people to see the truth of the WAY things are. For this is the time for My people to truly BE My people. How would you like to BE married to someone that doesn’t truly love you, as YOU desire? How would you like to be married to someone that only TAKES from you, but really never GIVES out of a heart of love?

I tell you that this is a metaphor of the reality of the GREAT majority of those who say they are Mine. They do not love Me, as they SAY they do…they only love Me for what they can get from Me. For I am a husband that desperately DESIRES intimacy with My people. I am a husband that DESPERATELY desires for My bride to TOUCH Me with THEIR heart & lives. I am a husband that has done EVERYTHING for you, OUT OF love & only look for YOU to show Me the love that I desire. I continue to show My love, regardless of how little My people love me back, for that IS the nature of TRUE love.

That IS why the word “dog” is god in reverse. You can beat a dog & it will STILL love you. In essence, many of My people have only made Me THEIR dog, to be THEIR pet & only RECEIVE the benefits of Me BEING their pet. But I am NOT a pet, I AM the Lord & the time has come for those who SAY they are Mine to RISE UP out of THIS evil heart that has been instilled WITHIN them & CAST OFF their works of darkness & come unto Me WITH their lives. Look at the world around you & you can see just how CLOSE My people ARE to Me. For I am showing you the truth of what IS within you, as you see things escalating all AROUND you.

For as long as you sit there doing NOTHING, you show the truth WITHIN you, how your self-life CANNOT be altered. For I have called you to rise up & to WAR AGAINST the evil that is perpetrating itself all around you. As long as you sit there doing NOTHING, nothing will EVER change…things will just become WORSE. I need My people to see that this self-love has MINIMIZED them from DOING the very EXPLOITS that I said would COME. So many continue to beg Me to DO the exploits & to these My answer is…I have ALREADY released the exploits for this hour…it is up to YOU to take hold of them & rise up unto Me & walk IN what I have ALREADY given.

There can be no more DEFENSE to clear yourselves, for I have caught you IN the truth of the way things are & only as you will now SHAKE yourselves FREE from the sin & the weights that so easily beset you, will you be ABLE to run the race that I have set in motion. For the entire world IS watching & waiting. The entire world IS looking for answers & for things to change. I AM looking for My people to do what I have called THEM to do. It is time for you to arise & shine, for your light has already come & my glory IS already risen OVER you. You just need to do your part…REPENT of self & take hold of Me & My power & THEN you will begin to see things happen.

You will begin to see things CHANGE. You will begin to SHINE as lights in this world & the world WILL then change. I truly NEED you to see the reality of the way things are. So many are experiencing hardships, disasters, and attacks in nearly every area of their lives. I do NOT see My light arising…I see My light more DIMINISHING! As I look I see many HOLDING TO their self lives because they have HEARD of the revivals that have started, yet many of these have not done ANYTHING on their part, regarding revival. It is not good enough that you HEAR of revival. It is NECESSARY that you BE part of My revival.

Because as long as My people just HOLD ONTO & worship self, My light will only continue to get DIMMER in the great majority. You cannot just sit there thinking you can warm SELF in My fire. You MUST jump in & BE consumed! It is time for My people to come back to Me. It is time for My people to truly BE My people…not a people that worships SELF, but claims Me as THEIR “god”. You have My word before you, to SHOW you the TRUTH of what is yet to happen. You have the RECORD from history, of the things that My people have gone thru, as they walked in their OWN hearts to do what THEY wanted, only giving Me lip service.

I call you to remember that what happens yet ahead, EACH of you WILL have a part in, one way or another. I desire you to be on the right part…the part that I AM wanting to SEE come forth. If you do not understand what I am trying to convey, hear Me now. If My people who are called by My name, will HUMBLE themselves & PRAY, SEEK My face and TURN FROM THEIR wicked ways, THEN will I HEAR from heaven, FORGIVE their sin & HEAL their land. I cannot make it any clearer. Please hear My heart & do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen Dear Saints. Please take these words to heart and do as the Lord tells you. And if these words bless or help you in any way, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

This IS part of the great DELUSION that I said would come.

Dear Saints, the times in which we live are evil and deception is everywhere. Our close relationship with God is more important than anything else. Please prayerfully read this very important word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore, and take heed to what the Lord is telling us.

The Lord says: “I come to My people this day to show them the way that they MUST go. For in the days ahead, many will lose sight of what is REALLY important & will be drawn away by the multitude of things that will PRESENT themselves before them. I need My people to know that this is the time of the great EXPOSURE, as I have already said. This is the time of PRESSURE to show My people the truth of what is IN their hearts. And in this time, I will REVEAL to ALL of My people where they truly STAND in Me. For some will DISCOVER just how FAR they are from Me & I will CALL them to repent & return unto Me in this hour.

To others, I will show the PROGRESS they are making & encourage them to STAND in this hour, knowing that the work I HAVE done in them in times past was to PREPARE them for what is yet AHEAD. There will be those who will be shocked & shipwrecked because of their OWN complacency & compromise that I am causing to be made MANIFEST & REALIZED in their hearts & lives. These will have to make a strong dedication & commitment to SHAKE themselves free from the things that I reveal within their hearts & I will strengthen them to RISE UP from where they are & to ENTER into that place that I have prepared for them.

For truly this IS the hour for My bride to make herself ready! I need all of My people to know the SERIOUSNESS of this hour & to do THEIR part to change the way things are. Many of My people do NOT understand what this means, because of the many well-meaning doctrines & theologies that have taken many of My people away from Me & led into a pseudo-faith, that REALLY only amounts to idolatry. Many will SEE the corruption they have allowed WITHIN themselves & they will fall down before Me in TRUE repentance, knowing the truth that has been in their hearts was NOT of Me, but of the evil one to SEPARATE My people into a FALSE people that only seek My life & blessings, for SELF.

In this hour I will CALL multitudes to rise up into a TRUE walk with Me, no longer compromising their lives by self, for these will SUDDENLY see the way things truly have been & will no longer allow themselves to be ENTRAPPED & SNARED by them. Many will WONDER at what I will do IN & THRU these people as I take them OUT OF what has been & take them INTO the way things are SUPPOSED to be. For many of My people have been CORRUPTED from the simplicity that is IN Christ Jesus & have made for themselves a FALSE faith that EXISTS only on THEIR level, for the things that THEY desire.

Very few have truly heard My voice & risen up INTO the words that I say. For even in those who do hear My voice, they only hear what they WANT to hear. They mainly only hear that which IS of blessing, goodness & favor. These same ones FAIL to hear the corresponding requirements for even these very blessings, goodness & favor that they claim FOR themselves. I need My people to understand the TRUTH of My word…not just the parts of truth that appeases SELF. I need My people to know My truth WITHIN their hearts & lives. For only those who will do this are TRULY pleasing unto Me.

Those who only do the things THEY decide to do in obeying My words are only pleasing in PART. I desire My people to be WELL pleasing in My sight, but so many are FAR from this because they only obey IN part. My people need to understand that this walk WITH Me is not according to YOUR understanding. It is according to what I SAY. It is not dependent on what YOU decide is FOR you, it is dependent on what I said ALONE. I need My people to take their places AT My side. For only at My side can My people ENTER into the very place I have prepared for them. Only THEN can My people take hold of Me & My promises as I desire.

For as long as My people will only take hold of Me from a DISTANCE, they are only WARMING themselves in the fire…when I want them to jump INTO the fire & be CONSUMED. For only as you are consumed can I PURIFY & CLEANSE you to BE vessels of My glory. Only as My life will RENOVATE & take hold of EVERY area of your lives, can My life manifest IN you as I desire. So many ARE content in their lives, just as things are, but I tell you that this will soon change, for the pressure that is coming WILL reveal the TRUTH of this contentment & will DRIVE My people either TOWARDS Me, or AWAY from Me.

The latter being because they REFUSE to resist SELF, as I require & BE CONFORMED INTO My image. I tell you these things BECAUSE I love you with an everlasting love & it IS My desire that you BE with Me. So many think that they already ARE with Me, but as I already said, these are only near Me from a DISTANCE, for they somehow do not see the NEED for them to jump into the fire & BE consumed. They are satisfied with THEIR self-life & refuse to let go & come to Me. I need you all to see the SERIOUSNESS of this hour & recognize there is a DESPERATION in My voice because so many THINK that all is well WITHIN them & somehow think that I will just rapture them as they are.

These fail to see that I am coming for those who have made THEMSELVES ready. Most of those who say they are Mine, have NOT made themselves ready…they have only made themselves, their SELF-LIFE, which they think is of Me. I challenge My people to take hold of Me & My words in this hour because I desire to set you FREE. Only as you will RESIST the wicked one & his lies, will you be ABLE to be free. There are SO many areas that My people have been compromised in & many of those who HAVE gained some freedom fall into the FALSEHOOD of thinking just because they have arisen in SOME areas that they are where I desire them to BE.

When the truth is, they are ONLY right in those areas they HAVE surrendered unto Me & I seek to free them in ALL the others. The enemy is using situations all around the world to KEEP My people FIXATED on those things, so they will not SEE the need to DO as I tell them to do. I need My people to understand that the situations in the world are only a DISTRACTION to keep My people from seeing & hearing My voice in this hour, so they will be UNABLE to change & BE close to Me. I need My people to know that distractions are just THAT…that DISTRACT from the GREATER purpose & only as you WILL see this will you know the truth, that this is the time for My people to SUBMIT unto me, RESIST the devil & he will FLEE.

He is NOT fleeing, because so many of My people ARE doing what he wants them to do. They are not submitting unto Me…they ARE submitting to the will of the enemy. Remember what I told you last week. Only those who are hearing UNDER Me, are those who ARE obedient, for hearing under Me speaks of TRUE submission. Those that are hearing NEAR Me, ARE disobedient because they are NOT submitted, they only hear me from NEAR, out of SELF, meaning they really are only submitted to THEIR self-life. I share these things because in this hour many will be taken HOSTAGE by their self-life & IF NOT corrected, IF NOT addressed, IF NOT repented of, they will ONLY be drawn farther away from Me.

I need My people to KNOW the seriousness of this hour. Do not just cast My words aside, because you have heard of the revivals that HAVE started. I already cautioned you to BE careful, because only those who ARE jumping into the fires & being consumed in the fires of repentance are those who are REALLY entering into revival. Those who are only entering in “near” to the fire, warming themselves, holding fast to THEIR self lives, thinking that all will be right within them, these are PARTAKING of the FALSE revival of the evil one. Remember that it IS the goodness of God that LEADS you TO repentance.

So how can people say they are entering into My goodness, yet do NOT repent? This is a lie of the enemy, CRAFTED by him to deceive my people that BEING close to the fire IS good enough. It is NOT good enough, for in this hour, such will ONLY be compromised even more by the pseudo faith & falsehoods that will only draw them FARTHER from My truth & life. This IS part of the great DELUSION that I said would come. I need My people to take note & RECOGNIZE that there is a lot going on around them that many are NOT seeing & My people MUST now become diligent to not be ensnared by the PSEUDO Christianity that has SPREAD amongst the churches in this world.

Understand that I AM bringing revival, I just need you to know the DIFFERENCE between what is real & what is false. Do not be tricked into something that is NOT of Me. For I will take hold of My people & cause them to SHINE as lights in this world in this hour. Those who will TRULY shine as I desire them to WILL resist the false things that the enemy is TRYING to raise up at this time. Hear Me, My people & walk circumspectly, redeeming the time for the days are TRULY evil. For as you WILL recognize the reality of the ways things are, I WILL help you to walk & navigate thru all that is ahead. You have nothing to fear, BUT Me.

I need you to know this, because the enemy is causing fear to ramp up all over the world, due to the current situations. But I call My people to RESIST this & to come CLOSER to Me, for I alone am your SHELTER in time of trouble. Do not allow the enemy to CONFUSE you or to take hold of your thoughts because of the “unknown” that is APPROACHING in this time. For I need My people to KEEP their thoughts on what IS known & by that I mean, as you will truly KNOW ME, as I desire, INTIMATELY, there will be nothing that will BE ABLE to take hold of you, for you WILL walk forward in this hour BEING led of Me & I WILL take you where you need to go & SHOW you My salvation.

So BE encouraged, My people & know IN your hearts that as you WILL seek Me, you WILL find Me. If you WILL only seek that which is OF self, you will only find SELF & self is only something that TAKES you farther & farther from Me. I do not want that in My people. The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. I have been PREPARING you for what is ahead, so take hold of My words & walk WITH Me. Take hold of My love & STAY fresh IN My love, take hold of the reality of who I AM IN you & around you & you will know that all IS well. For as you will DO all of these things, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen Dear Saints. Please take these words to heart and do as the Lord tells you. And if these words bless or help you in any way, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

You must come to the REALIZATION of what IS happening around you….

Dear Saints, very few believers realize what the Spirit of the Lord is doing within His Body in this season. Yes, revival is going on and that’s a wonderful thing. But God is building Himself a house, which, unfortunately, many will not be partakers of in these last days because the enemy is working in their hearts right now to cause them to fall away when gross darkness and the great testings come. Please prayerfully read the word below from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore, and take heed if the Holy Spirit convicts your heart like He did mine.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them WALK in this hour. For in this hour, you will FIND it has become the hour of WAR. I need My people to understand that the war that is INCREASING in this hour is NOT a war of the flesh…it is a war AGAINST the flesh. For this IS the hour of spiritual warfare. This is the hour that My people will SEE the truth of what is in their hearts. For this war will SHOW My people the truth of what is IN their minds, what is IN their thoughts, what is IN their lives. For in this war, many are already succumbing to the STRATEGIES of the evil one.

In this hour many of My people are being side-swiped AGAINST their families, AGAINST their friends, AGAINST the ones they love. I tell you these things now so you CAN take hold of what is happening around you & COUNTER the moves of the enemy. For this is the hour that my people will see the truth of what they ARE wrestling against. For the TRUE enemy is what they have allowed WITHIN their minds. I tell you these things so you will know EXACTLY what is happening & can STOP the enemy from going further to steal, kill & destroy.

For as My people recognize the reality that EXISTS within their hearts & minds, they will be ABLE to stand against them. The time has come for My people to see the truth that IS there. For I tell you that in this hour many will find that even IN their own thoughts they are not TRULY close to Me as they say. In this hour many will find that the truth in their thoughts show that they are ONLY standing together in union with SELF. I tell you this so you can AWAKEN to the truth & SEE My unfailing love for you & REPENT. For only as you will repent will you BE ABLE to take your TRUE places IN Me.

For even as I have shown you that TRUE obedience is hearing UNDER Me, whereas, so many THINK this IS the truth IN their lives, but the real truth is, many are ONLY hearing from NEAR Me, which is NOT true SUBMISSION, which I require for My people to BE commended & approved BY Me. So many think that I approve of the things IN their lives, but the truth is, many of those who say they are Mine only walk with Me from a NEAR…not UNDER My will for their lives. To hear under means you STAY UNDER Me, as you walk. To hear under means to STAY SUBMITTED as you walk.

So many say they do this, but I tell you the truth, that most of this is REALLY only the commending & approval of SELF! It is time for My people to truly SHOW Me that they ARE My people. So many CLAIM they ARE Mine, but their lives show just the opposite, for their lives show that they are really only walking IN SELF, thinking that they are walking IN Me. I need My people to understand that this IS a spiritual battle. It is not something that you can take lightly. You must come to the REALIZATION of what IS happening around you, for the enemy is seeking those whom he may steal, kill & destroy.

So many think that they are not on his radar, but I tell you that the very THOUGHTS many are wrestling with PROVE the TRUE reality, though many may not be willing to ADMIT the truth. I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love & I NEED My people to BE SET FREE. You can only be set free by taking hold of My words & warring AGAINST the things that the enemy IS using to take you away from Me. Many do not understand why I say this, but the truth IS all around you. Everywhere you look, you see the enemy working to TEAR DOWN the things that I have created.

For the enemy said that ‘he would be like the most high’ & now is even ramping up his AGENDA to ‘make man after his own image’. If you will LOOK, you will see that mankind as I created them, IS BEING torn down & made into the image of the Baphomet. THRU the spirit of confusion, lies & perverseness, man & woman ARE being BLENDED into one, AGAINST that which I created after My image. I tell you that My people MUST rise up & take back THEIR thoughts & cast the evil one FAR from them, for many have already succumbed to his wishes & have STEPPED OUT OF what I have ordained.

This is the time for My people to take hold of Me as never before because I told you that the time of great DELUSION would come & many are ALREADY entering into this delusion not EVEN realizing this is happening. Never forget that ALL things begin with a ‘single, simple thought’. For EVERYTHING that I created was FIRST a thought BEFORE it came forth. Even so, as I have created man in My own image, I need My people to SEE that this is true in YOUR thoughts as well. For so many have already allowed the enemy to SEED their thoughts with things that TEAR DOWN My people, TEAR DOWN marriages & families, TEAR DOWN all the things that I have willed to BE.

It is VITAL that My people stand AGAINST what is happening & DEMOLISH the things that the enemy HAS seeded. You can no longer ALLOW these things to be ELEVATED as a BARRIER out of your reach…you MUST pull them down & destroy them! Come to Me, My people & give Me full access to your hearts, minds, souls & spirits & you WILL HAVE access to My “dunamis” power that IS able, that IS capable, that IS powerful, to the PULLING DOWN of strongholds. You MUST do your part, for I have ALREADY done Mine! You MUST do YOUR part, for IF you do, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I have to confess that lately, the Lord has been convicting me of things that I have allowed in my life. And these are things that many would consider of no consequence. But I know that the Lord is working in my heart to purify me. So I must obey Him even in these seemly small matters. Please stay sensitive to His Spirit for even what would seem of no importance. God is establishing His holiness in those who will allow Him and you don’t want to miss out on becoming His holy habitation in these last days.

And if these words bless or help you in any way, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

For now is the time for all of you to declare your promises from Me as fulfilled.

Dear Saints,

As I mentioned in my last post, the Father has given me an exciting word to share with the Body of Christ. I apologize for not posting this sooner, but I have been busy the last few days.

Please prayerfully read the following prophetic word.

Word from the Father:

My people, listen to your Heavenly Father this day.  I have great and exciting news for many of you.  For some of you have been faithful to Me and have not turned away from obeying My Spirit and My commands.  For these ones, I have many blessings in store for you. 

For now is the time for all of you to declare your promises from Me as fulfilled.  And as you do this by faith, I will fill your spirit with anticipation that will bring your long-awaited promises to fruition.  For you have waited patiently for your promises to come to pass and have not given up.

And even for those who have faltered in your waiting period as your faith has been tested, but did not give up, I declare unto you that you shall be rewarded as well.  Although, if your faltering would have ended in you giving up, your promises would have been aborted.  But because you are weak, though have not given up, I have kept your promises on life support for the appointed time of their birthing.  And great shall be your joy when this birthing takes place.  For I am faithful to My word and I open doors that no man can shut and close doors that no man can open.

Now then, all of you rejoice and declare My promises spoken over you as true and amen.  For they shall surely come to pass if you faint not.  And look not to the world as your governments, the economy, and many industries and systems shake and possibly even fall.  For My promises to you are not dependent upon this world, yet instead are held and watched over by My Spirit alone.

So then, shout for joy as you declare your promises as having already come to pass, and watch what I will do.  Some promises may not happen immediately, but surely they will come to pass soon enough if you would do as I say and faint not even if you see the waves of trying circumstances rise against you.  For I love you and all My word is true and amen, for I am not a man, nor son of man, that I should lie.

Therefore, rejoice in Me and restore the joy of your salvation.  For I declare unto you that your best days are yet to come if you continue in following Me and do not give up.  And I declare over each and every one of you that if you would seek Me with all your heart mind and soul during this hour, I shall surely be found by you and we will walk together as one up until the end of your days on earth and into your eternity.

Does this not excite you, My little ones?  For surely it excites Me.  Now then, if My Spirit convicts you of any offense or mindset, repent quickly.  For this is necessary for our walk together and for the fruition of all My promises in your life.  And as you continue in this and stay close to My Spirit, you shall witness yourself changing as I conform you into the full image of My Son.  And for many, this will not be as you have long imagined, but it will be a wonderful experience for you as you continue to yield to My Spirit and My working within you.  And those around you will marvel at the wisdom and peace that you shall carry, even when the world is in chaos and fear.

I love you, My lovely ones.  So do as I say unto you this day and all will be well with you.

Amen. Dear Saints, this is such an exciting word from the Lord. Many shakings are going on in the earth and will continue. But He is always faithful to His promises. I’m still believing Him for promises that He made to me 30 years ago. So this word really excites me. I pray that it excites many of you as well.

And on that note, if these words bless or help you in any way, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.