“The End is Approaching……Draw Close To Me!”

Dear Saints,

Here’s a sobering word, which we need to hear, given by our Heavenly Father through my dear friend and pastor.  Please read with an open heart and with ears to hear what the Father would say to us.

Beginning of Prophetic Word:

“My children, listen to your Heavenly Father this day, for I come to you with a heart of love, to show you the things that are yet ahead & to prepare you as you approach the end. Hear Me, My children, for I love you with an everlasting love…it is My desire that you walk near to Me in the time that is coming…it is My desire that you draw close unto Me. For if you will not do this soon, while it is easy to do…how do you think you will be able to draw close when things really get bad? This I say to stir your hearts unto remembrance, for I tell you that the time is at hand.

Listen to Me, My people & know that I speak for your profit, so that day does not overtake you like a thief…for this I say, that many have already been overtaken…many do not walk with Me as they used to. I call My people to hearken unto Me now…for the things I am about to share will open the eyes of many. Many of My people have been saying that the end is coming & the time is at hand, but the truth is many only are seeing certain things. What has been happening over many seasons of time have been the warning signs that I have told My people that would come.

For I have told you that you would hear of wars & rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines & disease. I told you that there would be many signs in the heavens & in the earth beneath. And what did I tell you about these things? I told you that these are all the beginning of sorrows. Do you understand what THAT term means? These beginning of sorrows, are the BIRTH pains that I said would come, as the entire creation groans & travails in anticipation of the manifestation of the Sons of God. I need you to understand what is really happening over time & all around you.

The birth pains began to increase after I started to pour out revival at the turn of the 20th century in Azuza Street with signs, wonders & miracles, as My nine gifts of the Holy Spirit began to flow again. Then NINE days later, I shook San Francisco with a devastating earthquake that placed its mark in history, as My people began to respond to what I was doing in the earth & man began to turn back to Me. The world saw World War 1, then World War 2…then I returned My people back to Israel & re-established their state three years later, which then signaled the last generation would begin.

Then over time the world saw more wars, more earthquakes, more diseases…more birth pains! I need you to understand what has been happening. When birth pains begin, they start small & are far apart…but as the time of the birth grows closer, the pains become more intense & come closer together. I want My people to understand just where you are, in regards to this birthing. My people need to be sober & vigilant, because these birth pains are not just being shown by natural occurrences. These birth pains are now taking on a deeper meaning than in the natural.

With the earthquakes & other natural signs you have seen, you cannot forget that I said about the distress of nations with perplexity! For there is such an unrest going on in the world today…it is a mental illness! Many of My people concentrate mostly on the signs that are natural. I want My people to begin to see things on a higher level. Yes, the natural signs will continue & get worse in the days ahead, but I need you to see that those are not the most important ones. For the distress of nations is more dangerous, more devastating than the natural ones alone.

The sociological changes that are taking place nearly every day are far worse. When states declare that it is legal to kill a baby AFTER its birth…that is a birth pain that is HUGE…it is greater than all of the other birth pains before them! And now, California is attempting to make it illegal for Christian books to be sold in the state…yes, that would include My Holy Word! This should shake My people awake, as never before & to sound the alarm! Yes, My people…the end is flying into your faces & time is quickly running out. Now is time that My people should seek to become like Me.

For time is flowing & you now walk forward & will soon come to a corner, which you will need to turn on. The decision to turn left or right, will be yours alone, for each of you must decide what they are going to do. Each of you will be responsible for this turn’s outcome. I challenge you to come unto Me & know which way you are to go, so that this corner does not take you by surprise or the wrong direction be taken. For some will go the wrong way, thinking that they have done the right thing, but these will do so to their own hurt & I do not wish this to happen!

Hear Me, My people & run into My loving everlasting arms! Seek My face & know your way is safe. Do not let strife enter into your hearts in the days ahead…for the enemy of your souls is roaming about seeking whom he may devour…he is targeting families…he is targeting marriages…he is targeting everything that would keep My people from coming close to Me, for he knows that he has but a short time. I love you, My people & My desire is that you stand beside Me in My power & authority. It’s imperative that you rise up into the place that I have called you to be.

Look at the world around you…do you see the darkness? Do you know what I see? I see the effect of My people not shining My light unto the world. I see darkness, when I should see light. I see the enemy working, but My people doing little to come against it & this saddens Me, My people! Do you remember what I said while I walked the earth? I said “when the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?” Hear this My people…faith has action…faith moves mountains…faith accomplishes the miraculous. Faith changes the way things are in the world…so rise up!!!

Don’t look at how bad the world is getting…look at how I can use you to bring glory to My name! Look at how My people need to shed off complacency & compromise…look at how My people should be changing the world for the better! For I am coming back for a glorious church, without spot, wrinkle or blemish & My coming is sooner than you really know. Do not think that you can skate on by as you are & then when things go bad, you will rise up. That is more likely never going to happen. I need you to see the extent of the enemy’s seduction & return unto My side.

I truly love you…I will never leave you, forsake you or fail you. I wish I could say the same of many of you. Yes, I see your weaknesses…I see your shortcomings…I see everything. I know what is truly happening within you. Do not think that I wink at what is being allowed within & around you. I need you to take your place & begin to do the exploits that you know you should be doing. Please look deep within your hearts & allow Me to show you the way things truly are…I will help you to get through, just come unto Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.

End of Prophetic Word.

If these words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a love gift of any size to help with my financial needs.

Love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

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