I declare unto you that your season of Jubilee is before you.

Dear Saints, upon seeking the Lord for a word for His people, in addition to the word He gave me below, He told me to reiterate to everyone that He loves you all dearly and has NOT abandoned you. I know that in the U.S. things look as though it will only continue to get worse. But God is working behind the scenes on our behalf and things are NOT as they seem or portrayed by mainstream media. Keep repenting and praying on behalf of our country.

Word from the Father:

My people, listen to your Heavenly Father this day. As I have been speaking to you for a while now that I need you to arise from your slumber, I also now command you to strip off your grave clothes and step into the new season that is upon you.

My dearest ones, many of you have been perplexed about your circumstances and your life. For many of you have been in a season of death, so to speak. It seems to you that your visions, callings, and even ministries have all dried up and died. But I declare unto you this day that you have only been in a season of dying to self so that I may resurrect My purposes in your life. When I speak of your season of dying to self, I am speaking of your dying to your own ideas and ways of doing things. I even speak to those who have been seeking to fulfill My will and purpose in your lives, but you have been trying to accomplish this in your own strength and natural means. Therefore, you had to go through a season of dying to all those things so that I can bring you into My will and purposes for your life that only I can do.

Behold, I have set before each of you open doors in which no man can shut. And I am shutting doors to your past in which no man can open. Therefore, rejoice in your new season and begin to praise Me like never before. For I declare unto you that your season of Jubilee is before you.

Howbeit, do not think that you are done completely with your dying to self. For you must take up your cross daily and allow Me to perfect My will in you and through you.

So then, begin to expect the unexpected. Step out in faith as I make all things new for you in this season. Many of you will take on a new journey with Me that you never even dreamed of. Some of you will come into new opportunities for greater financial wealth. Some of you will be prompted to move to a place which I have prepared for you. And some of you will experience new gifts of the Spirit that I will impart to you.

But in all this, remember that I alone have done this and not you, lest pride begin to rise up in your heart. And forget not from where I have brought you out of. For I alone am the deliverer of My people and I shall deliver My people in this hour for My own name’s sake.

Now then, even if you have been weak or sick in your physical body, seek Me in this for your healing and deliverance. You may need to change your diet or bad habits, but I will guide you to your wellness and health if you allow Me.  And hold fast to your faith despite what circumstances you may see in the natural. For I will part the waters for My people to cross on dry land into this new season. And as the days go by, look not to the chaos and woes of the world, but keep your focus on Me and what I have called you to do. For I am leading and preparing My people for a great move of My Spirit that will bring the masses into My household.

Also, think not that you have arrived at your promised land when things begin to go well for you. For there is still such a time coming that My people must endure and press forward in Me amid great opposition and tribulation. But fret not, for I have each of you in the palm of My hand and I will not let you go, provided that you continue in your faith and obedience unto Me.

Therefore, take joy in the fact that you are entering a time of great blessings, and rest in Me. I love you all with an everlasting love. Never forget that, My little ones.

Amen… Dear Saints, this is such an encouraging word. If you’re like me, the enemy has been coming at you hard lately because of what He knows is coming. So don’t give up. Reach out to God in faith and receive all that He has for you.

Also, it’s that time that rent and other bills are coming due. So please prayerfully consider a love gift to help with our financial needs. And may the Lord abundantly bless you all for your faithfulness.

Much love to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

I am calling for My people to draw closer to Me than ever before.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read this powerful word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “The time for My people to be My people has NEVER been so important as it is NOW! For in THIS hour, the enemy is working to DESTROY, as never before. For he is ATTACKING the families. He is attacking the CHILDREN, he is attacking the MARRIAGES that ARE of me. I NEED My people to SEE this & recognize what he IS doing. For so many LOOK on at the things happening in the world & most JUST sit there, doing NOTHING. Doing nothing makes “these” part of the PROBLEM! I need My people, those who say they are Mine to RISE UP out of slumber & BE the people I have CALLED them to be.

You can no longer just SIT there looking at the world’s condition & JUST sit there saying to me “WHY are you letting this happen?” Because I AM not LETTING this happen…My people ARE! My people LOOK upon the evil, they LOOK upon the horror that is rising up all around them & they remain un-moving, ASLEEP, not doing ANYTHING to change the way things ARE. I need My people to see that this is all happening BECAUSE of the complacency & compromise that EXISTS within My church. As long as you look upon the THINGS that are happening & do NOTHING, you ARE part of the problem.

I need you to ARISE OUT OF sleep, which IS spiritual death & BE infused with My Spirit & My will for this hour. For this IS the hour for My people to DO exploits! But how can you do exploits, when you REMAIN in that state of slumber? You CANNOT! You cannot just SIT there “hoping things will change”, for My people are CALLED to BE world changers! I told you this before, but so many did NOT seem to take hold of My words, so I repeat them out of grace & love to AWAKEN My slumbering church to ARISE from the dead of SLEEP. I AM calling for My people to draw CLOSER to Me than ever before.

For this IS the time for My people to ARISE & SHINE, for My glory to BE made manifest WITHIN them. You cannot SEE My manifest glory the WAY you are, for My glory IS RISEN ABOVE you. This means ABOVE the SELF-life, this means ABOVE the way My people HAVE been living, only seeking what IS of self. I need My people to see the truth of this, so they CAN walk in all that I have PREPARED for them. For even in THIS night I have made known unto you that you are to SUBMIT one to the other. This can ONLY be done, as My people will TRULY enter INTO the love that I HAVE given to them.

The problem is, that the GREAT majority of My people have NOT entered into My love, as I desire, but have only allowed My love to enter SELF, for THEIR reasons, for THEIR needs, for the things that only APPEASE self. As long as My people do NOT see this, they will only REMAIN as they have been. But I have commanded you to DO these things, so HOW can you remain where you are thinking that ALL is well within you? I tell you these things to SNAP you out of slumber, so you will KNOW the truth, for only the truth WILL set you free. For as I have told you, husbands, to LOVE your wives, as your selves.

I need you to see that as an EXAMPLE I GAVE My SELF fully for My bride. I didn’t hold back IN anything, but in ALL things was OBEDIENT to My Father. I did THIS so you would have a model to FOLLOW. I did this so you could SEE that it COULD BE DONE. For I came to this world, NOT as God, but AS man, for I needed to do this, so you could SEE that IF I could do it, SO COULD YOU! The problem is, that so many do not know HOW you surrender their lives FULLY as I have done. This IS because of man’s “watered down” teachings & doctrines that have COMPROMISED My people & HANDICAPPED them as CRIPPLES!

Yes, you heard THAT right, because as I look at My people, I see mostly INVALIDS talking great words of THEIR faith IN Me, when in REALITY they are mostly VAIN words, to embellish their SELF-life, to make a good APPEARANCE before man. Yet, these SAME people do NOT know Me, as they SAY, for there is no REAL fear of God in their eyes. So I call My people to SEE things as they REALLY are, for I love you with an everlasting love & IT IS My desire that you BECOME like Me. You can no longer just SIT there as you have thinking all is well WITHIN you. For I call you all to REPENT of your self ways & to HUMBLE yourselves before Me.

For this IS the hour that My people will SHOW Me the truth of what is WITHIN them. For as things move forward, I am causing the truth to MANIFEST in all lives & My people WILL BE forced to see what IS really there within. I am doing this BECAUSE it IS the time of the great EXPOSURE & taking the cover off. You cannot just sit there thinking that this is NOT going to affect you, for IT IS going to affect everyone, for all will BE forced to reckon with the truth that is within them. My desire is for My people to see the FOLLY of their self ways & repent UNTO Me. For in doing so, they WILL take the first major step in BECOMING more like Me.

For I humbled Myself & BECAME obedient UNTO death. My people MUST do the same. But in this obedience, I speak of, I am referring to the dying of SELF. This is something that each person MUST do. It is not something that anyone can DO for them. I died so you could live, but the life that I died to give you, was NOT for you to live a life IN self, but to live a life that MANIFESTS My love & power, to SHOW this lost & dying world the truth of the way things are. It is time for My people to truly BECOME My people. This is a PROCESS…it doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen, ONE STEP at a time, as My people WILL hear My voice & righteously respond unto Me with THEIR lives.

So many say they hear My voice, but the truth is, they only hear My voice in the ways THEY want to hear Me. For I have told you that if you will hear my voice, you CANNOT harden your hearts, therefore, if you are NOT hearing the words that I say to you, you show Me, as well as yourself, that your heart HAS hardened in a given area & you NEED to humble yourself & repent before Me & do as I say to do. This is a MAJOR flaw in many of My people. For My people have become a people that only obey me as THEY desire. I need My people to see the truth in this & to come CLOSE to Me in this hour.

You come close to me WHEN you will cast down your self-life & walk & CHOOSE to walk hard after Me. I will never leave you or forsake you…it is ALWAYS the other way around. So many say they would never leave or forsake me, but the truth IS, every time you choose to obey your self-flesh, you ARE leaving & forsaking Me. I need you to see this, for as you will OPEN your eyes to the truth, I will be able to ILLUMINATE your hearts & lives & you WILL walk with Me as never before. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to take hold of you AFRESH, IN your hearts. For I have wisdom & clarity that you have NEVER known, but truly desperately NEEDED in this hour. Do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!

Amen… Dear Saints, please take these words from the Lord to heart and heed what He is saying to the Body of Christ. These are paramount times we live in and we MUST listen to what the Lord is saying to do to prepare ourselves for these end times and His coming to His temple (us).

And please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I am taking the cover off of My people, to show them the truth of where they really are in Me.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read this powerful word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people this day to show them their need to COME TOGETHER & BE the people that I have called them to BE. For as time goes forward…as situations & trials present themselves, I WILL show you your need to BE BONDED together, a people well pleasing UNTO Me. For I have given unto each of you My GRACE…but My grace is NOT for you alone…My grace is for you to show grace unto those that I bring unto you. For My grace has been given in MEASURE to each of you, for it IS the gift of God thru the work of My love. For when I ascended up into the heavenly realm, I TRULY led captivity captive. Many do not understand what this means.

It means that captivity NO LONGER has power to do what it did. It means that captivity has NOW become captive & can no longer take hold of those who are Mine & HAVE submitted TRULY unto Me. For I ascended for the purpose & intent to give My gifts unto My PEOPLE. For as I walked on the earth on that day, I WALKED IN the gifts of God & I did this to show My people the WAY that they should go. For as My people will take on My work of taking captivity captive, they will REALIZE that in their freedom, they MUST walk to set the captives FREE. For as I ascended to the heavenly realms, I also descended into inner places DEEP within the earth.

For I did this so there can be NOTHING that can come against My people, as they WILL walk WITH Me. For My goodness & grace will TRULY fully fill all things. This is WHY I came forth to raise up apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors & teachers. These are NOT to make a name for themselves, nor to raise up a ministry of SELF, nor worldly things. This was only for the PERFECTING of the Saints, My holy & blameless ones. So many take hold of the things that I have done for the WRONG reasons. So many ASPIRE to ministry, for the THINGS of self, when I have called My people INTO the ministry of BUILDING UP My body to BE conformed by Me.

For a body works together to DO the work that I have called them to do. The great majority of My people do NOT do this. So many of My people have only aspired unto THESE things so they can walk in the things of My Spirit, but without the reality of doing so IS for the building up of the PEOPLE of God. For My gifts are NOT for self…My gifts ARE for My body to be healed, restored & to be built up INTO a Holy habitation of God. For as My people take hold of TRUE faith IN Me, they will see & become united together IN Me, in TRUE intimacy of Me, which will cause them to see the NEED to heal My body, to BECOME fully grown & matured to do the things that I have called them to do.

The truth is, so many of those who say they are Mine, are really only INFANTS. These can NOT see nor understand this is a reality in them, because they have not RECEIVED the truth of My word in their lives. This is why I am TAKING THE COVER OFF of My people, to show them the TRUTH of where they REALLY are in Me. For I have called you to GROW UP & MATURE, so you can BE a vessel unto Me, to work My grace in this lost & dying world. For an infant CANNOT do things for itself…it has to be PAMPERED & FED. But when an infant is fully matured, it is able to do anything that NEEDS to be done.

For so many of My people are STILL tossed to & fro by winds of adversity & also by the MANY doctrines of men, which GREATLY affect My body & KEEP it from maturing & BECOMING like Me. For I have told you that MANY that teach, are NOT teaching the things that I DESIRE…but use teaching to STEAL the true will of My words, to MINIMIZE My people so that they CANNOT mature, but are FORCED to stay under those teachings, IN bondage to the things of man. For as I UNCOVER all things & make KNOWN unto My people the TRUTH of the way things are, My people will be ABLE to walk uprightly, KNOWING what IS right & what IS of me.

For as time goes forward, I will HELP you to see & understand the great NEED for My people to work together…NOT to embrace SELF or to take advantage of one another, but to KNOW they MUST do their part in being fitly JOINED together IN Me. For IF My body will not be fitly joined together WHAT do you think will happen? Look at the church as it is NOW. So disjointed…so powerless…so NOT like I have COMMANDED it to BE. Can you imagine how your physical body would be WITHOUT the joints & ligaments holding things together? You would NOT be able to walk. You would NOT be able to eat. You would NOT even be able to speak.

You would NOT be able to use your hands or any other part of your body that is joined together. I say these things to SHOW YOU the GREAT need for My people to become fitly joined together, as ONE in Me. For this IS why My church IS so powerless. This IS why My church IS so weak. This IS why My church IS not truly shining My light to this lost & dying world. As I have told you, you ARE the light of the world. The light you shine IS what the world will walk by. As you look at the world, you will see the TRUE condition of My church. My people need to KNOW this & TURN back to Me.

My people NEED to work together…for in working together there IS synergy…the “effectual working together” brings forth GREAT power & causes My body to INCREASE & grow up into Me! I say this because I love you with an everlasting love…it IS time that My people TAKE HOLD of me & My truth & walk with Me. For instead of My people bringing the world INTO salvation, the world IS bringing more & more of My people INTO things of darkness & this should NEVER be! My people CANNOT walk IN the world, as the world walks & THINK that they are RIGHT in Me. I need you to SEE the futility & emptiness this reality TRULY is.

For the minds of My people have been compromised by the enemy to walk a walk that does NOT line up with Me. For as My people allow their lives to be IMPACTED by the darkness, they begin to lose the ABILITY to see that this is happening. Just as a frog in a pot on a stove DOESN’T realize the water is getting hotter, because it heats up slowly. My people are NOT recognizing that they ARE being compromised by the enemy, to FALL AWAY from Me. Just as those in the world have been ALIENATED from the life of God, MANY of My people are falling into THIS pattern, by allowing the things of the world ACCESS INTO them, thinking that they are walking in My grace & thus their hearts become HARDENED as stone, not realizing what is happening WITHIN them.

And by doing so, they move AWAY from the life of God, because they have NOT exercised their minds to DO the things that I say to do. For as this happens, they become NUMB to My spirit & truth & will BEGIN to do things of the world…sensuality, things of impurity, NOT purging themselves & begin to become greedy in themselves, seeking PLEASURE thru the things of this world. This IS why I am bringing these things to My people in this hour, to bring you to REMEMBRANCE of the things that I told you when you TRULY heard Me. For IN My truth, there IS nothing hidden or concealed…but in the lives of those who say they are Mine, MANY keep things hidden & THINK that their walk in Me is PURE.

For only truth is IN Me. I call you to RISE UP & begin to see these things as they TRULY are. It IS time for My people to do the things that I need them to DO. This is the time for My people to CAST OFF the things that have taken hold of them & RETURN UNTO Me, in THEIR lives & to DO their part to BE renewed in the spirit of your minds & to BE endued with the NEW man that I have created for you to BE…one of righteousness…one of Godly character & acts, walking IN My truth, with nothing hidden or concealed & having PUT OFF the things that are PSEUDO & false, speaking the truth unto others.

For only as you WILL do this, will you see the reality that you ARE members of one another. For as you will SEEK to obey Me, you WILL walk circumspectly & your lives WILL be spotless & pure unto Me, for you WILL stop the sinning that has been taken for granted & TAKE CONTROL of the passions & anger that has affected My people this day. So many do not seem to see that IN their lives, they ARE giving place to the devil. This shows you just HOW dark My church has become! The time has come for My people to STOP being LIKE the world & START making the world LIKE Me!

For the things of the world ARE infiltrating My church & because of complacency & compromise, My people ARE yielding in their lives to things that are CONTRARY to a life IN Me. For even the words of My people’s mouth ARE speaking forth & saying words that ARE of this world. And MANY are now NOT working as I desire to do the things even in life, that NEED to be done, for the caring of their lives as well as in giving to help the lives of others. My people need to have a TRUE house cleaning…for even the words of their mouths NEED to be cleansed & purged.

For I am calling for words that will BUILD UP & ENCOURAGE My body to BE like Me. Not to dwell on the things of SELF or THIS world. But words that WILL build up My people to BECOME more like Me. These things ARE necessary, for those who are Mine HAVE been sealed by Me, for the day of redemption. For as you will yield your lives unto Me, the things that the enemy DESIRES you to do will have no place in you & your hearts will hold no bitterness, slander or anger against others.

For so many JUSTIFY these things in their hearts, not knowing that they ARE grieving the VERY Spirit of God WITHIN them. For as My people WILL do these things, they WILL become the vessels that I desire them to BE…vessels that ARE forgiving & kind, showing sympathy to the needs of others. My people MUST see the truth of the way things truly are & BECOME like Me. Hear My words of love, My people & righteously respond unto Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!

Wow! Dear Saints, the Lord is speaking hard truth to us these days, but it is all out of His love for us and His desire that we rise up into the fullness of Christ. It’s obvious that we are living in the last days and God is speaking to our hearts to get right with Him or get swept away in the world’s darkness. Please take these words to heart and obey what He is telling us to get ourselves right with Him.

And please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Help Needed & Word from the Lord

Dear Saints, it’s that time of the month when my rent and other bills are due and I’m way short, even for rent. So if anyone is able to help me with my financial needs, that would be greatly appreciated. My faith is in the Lord and I trust Him to lay it upon the hearts of the cheerful givers to give toward my need. And I pray the Lord abundantly blesses all those who are able to give.

Now please prayerfully read the following word given to us by the Lord through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them CONTINUE in Me. I come to My people right now to GIVE them the wisdom that they NEED to walk forward in this hour. For with ALL that is going on around you, so many cannot FATHOM the things that they are seeing & hearing around them. So many are BEGINNING to grow weak & lose strength. I need you to KNOW that you ARE IN the dispensation of My grace. For My grace IS active in this hour. My grace IS effectual in this hour. My grace IS sufficient for you, for My strength IS made perfect in your weakness.

I NEED you to see that as you look at & hear the many things happening around you, you MUST NOT allow these things to deter you in YOUR walk in Me. For the fact that THESE things are affecting you, shows you that you ARE not FULLY hidden in Me…for when you ARE fully hidden in Me, nothing will affect you, BUT My love for you. I need you to see that what is happening all around you IS the continuation of the GREAT tribulation that I told you was to come. For this IS the time of great PRESSURE & many are now feeling the EFFECTS of this pressure. Many are now having to RECON with & make determinations in their lives because of how these pressures have GRIPPED them.

I need you to know that IN Me, you HAVE peace. So, if you are NOT having true peace, I need you to see that there are ELEMENTS of your lives that are NOT truly IN Me, as I desire. I need you to see this so YOU can make the necessary changes to execute My grace DEEPER into your hearts & lives. For I keep telling you that this IS the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF. So many never thought THIS day would happen, but I ASSURE you that what is happening IS a good thing…IF you will understand My intent in what is being done. For as I continue to take the cover off of the lives of My people, as well as the lives of those of the world, you will come to understand that I AM doing these things for a GREATER purpose.

So many are going THRU difficult times & they are beginning to DOUBT My love for them. For they say within their hearts, “HOW can a loving God allow them to go thru such hardship & say that He loves them”? I tell you that those who DESIRE to walk close with Me WILL suffer tribulations. I tell you that those whose hearts SEEK to do those things that are pleasing IN My sight WILL have adversity. For MANY ARE the afflictions of the righteous, BUT I deliver them OUT OF them all! The problem is, that My people do NOT seem to understand the truth of My word. So many are still fixated by the “ear tickling words of man”, who only speaks SMOOTH words that appease the flesh & promise only GOOD things!

I tell you that, if you TRULY desire to please Me, you WILL see tribulations…you WILL experience hardships & adversity! This IS because there is a GREAT need within those who are Mine to BE refined & purified, because of the CONTAMINATION that man has SEEDED into many. So many that think that they HAVE come out of those things of man, but ARE STILL compromised in MANY ways & the FACT that many are STRUGGLING in their faith in Me IS the evidence of this! I need My people to understand that the things happening around you & in your families ARE necessary…for IT TAKES refining to purify…IT TAKES adversity to turn people in the RIGHT direction.

I keep telling you that My mercy FOLLOWS YOU all of the days of your lives, yet few seem to understand that this IS actually saying that you ARE going the wrong way! You need to TURN AROUND in your lives & seek to go My way. As long as My mercy will only follow you, you are NOT entering into the power & authority that I have called you into. How can you think that you will walk in My authority when you are walking CONTRARY to My will for you? This is the time for TRUE reckoning in the lives of My people. For in the time ahead, there WILL be many changes taking place that many will NOT be able to withstand.

This comes because of the complacency & compromise that STILL exists within My people. For even though I have warned you of this, that it is NECESSARY for you to shake yourselves FREE from those things, the fact is, many STILL REFUSE to rise up OUT OF that complacency & compromise so I CAN use them in this hour. This IS the reason things are getting worse, instead of better. For what a man sows, that shall he also reap! Only as My people WILL truly SEE the error of their SELF ways & respond unto My spirit will things truly begin to change as I desire. These come because that IS what it will take to get My people MOTIVATED to shake free from the deadness of self & truly ARISE in Me.

I need you to see the seriousness of this hour. I love you ALL with an everlasting love & IT IS My desire for you to BE like Me. You CANNOT BE like Me as long as you hold on to your self walk & lives. For the truth in this IS, that holding to your self-life IS the reality that I AM NOT truly YOUR God…I am only your God in the ways YOU allow. I am NOT your God in the areas of your lives that I desire to INHABIT. The habitation of My spirit IS a permanent thing…you CANNOT choose when & where YOU allow Me entry into your lives. I need you to SEE just how CORRUPT such thinking truly IS!

For I AM the LORD your God…you CANNOT serve another…NOT even in self! For THIS IS the greatest hindrance in the great majority of those who SAY they are Mine. For THIS self-life MUST be seen for what it IS…IT IS SELF-idolatry. How can you believe or even think that THIS is acceptable or agreeable with Me? For I bought you with a price & you ARE to glory me with your hearts & spirits which I RIGHTFULLY own. This of course IS the choice that you MUST make in yourself, for I have given you FREE will, to decide who you will serve. So many say that they serve Me, but in reality, they are ONLY giving Me lip service, serving self.

The time for My power & authority to arise within My people HAS come…for as you WILL do your part in what I have put into action, you WILL see good fruit MANIFEST in due season. This is NOT the time to grow weak or faint…this is the time for My people to see the need for CHANGE & to truly adjust their lives to BE CONFORMED into My image. This can only happen as you YIELD to Me & DO the parts that I call you to do. My word to you this day is to help you to SEE the truth within your lives & to SUBMIT your lives unto Me. For My words bring WISDOM unto you & wisdom IS CLARITY to see things as they truly ARE.

As you WILL hear My voice in this hour, I WILL help you to walk forward IN My will. For as you WILL surrender unto Me in the areas & in the ways that I desire, you will see the difference a life that IS truly walking in Me WILL become! I look to each of you & ask you to COME TO ME in your hearts & allow Me to show you what I need you to do. For many of you, you ALREADY know some of those answers…you just have not been WILLING to exercise your will to OBEY. Hear My heart of love for you all & respond to me as I desire. For part of the problem that exists within many of my people is that they have been DECEIVED to believe that because they have asked Me into their lives that there is no longer ANY condemnation in this walk. That “truth” has been TWISTED by man to mean something that I never intended.

For the truth IS, only those who do NOT walk after the flesh, but walk after My spirit…THESE ARE the ones that there is no condemnation to them. So many walk in such a SELF-life, thinking they are right in Me when in reality their very life walk IS what has brought condemnation UPON them. But, as you WILL hear My voice, My conviction WILL come OUT OF My love for you & you WILL see your need for your lives to CHANGE. For My glory EXISTS IN My “called out ones”, My saints…those who TRULY walk sacred\holy & blameless before Me! I desire for My glory to BE manifest in this hour! So, hear My heart of love to you in this hour & BE willing to see things My way. I only desire good things for My children…as you will be willing to do the things that My Spirit convicts you TO DO, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, this is such a convicting word from the Lord. These are the last days and we need to be FULLY abiding in Him and His holiness. Therefore, please don’t neglect to obey what the Lord is commanding us to do. It is ALL for our own good.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114