Obey His Voice Now, or His Judgments Later. It’s Your Choice.

Dear Saints,

We are in such unprecedented times. The Lord has been calling out for His bride to prepare herself, but few are listening. Please prayerfully read this word from the Father given through my dear friend and pastor.

Word from the Father:

The Lord says: “When will my people return unto Me? How long must I wait for My people to cast off their complacency & compromise? How long until My people will have eyes to see & ears to hear? For I have criedy long & loud to My people, but very few really give heed to My cry. Very few truly respond unto Me in the things that I have desired for them. So many of My people continue to live their own lives, as they desire, not realizing they are being disobedient unto Me. For I came that My people might have life & life more abundantly, but My people have taken what I have declared & made it into something that tickles their flesh. My people refuse to turn unto Me & to see My Face, as I desire them to do. For all that I have done for them…all that I have given so they might live, has mostly been turned into a life that doesn’t please Me, but them! When will My people return unto Me & do as I say? What will it take for you to do those things that are pleasing in My sight? Time is running out, My people…time is fleeing & soon there will be no more time for you to seek Me, as I desire you to. Soon the time of My judgement will come, for it must come through the House Of God. Just as My judgment fell upon Pharaoh & the people of Egypt, even so must My judgment come to this world. It is time for My people to shut themselves into their prayer closets, away from the things of Egypt, It is time to close the doors to those things that keep you from coming to Me. For if you will not hearken unto My voice, as I speak to you from a Father’s love, you WILL hearken unto Me, as I come with judgment!

For the time has come for judgment to come to the house of God! Open your hearts to Me, My people…open your hearts & begin to see as I see & know as I know. For if you saw your lives as I see them, you would fall to your knees & beg for forgiveness! Such complacency & compromise exists in My people…they are not even aware of much of it! But even in those areas that I have been able to show you, many of My people still remain hard hearted & find reasons to not obey My voice. For to many I have given instruction, as to what I want you to do, but because of the complacency & compromise that is there, what I say is mistaken for being a “suggestion”…something that you consider, but do nothing about. Do things need to become drastic to wake you up & start to heed My voice? Look around you, My people & look at the things around you & then “consider” what I say! For the longer My people refuse to see the world is a reflection of My Church, the longer things will continue to go downhill. So many of My people are crying out to Me for answers, but few are really listening to what I say. So many are fixed upon what they have in their hearts & what they “want” to see come from Me & are not really submitted to Me in their lives. Many have a form of Godliness, but deny the power that I wish them to walk in. So many want to see signs, wonders & miracles in their lives, but few will see, that in order for this to happen, they must first surrender their wills unto Me. For the biggest miracle is to get past their pride…to get past their carnal perception of how they see things to be & surrender their hearts, minds & spirits unto My will for their lives.

I cannot change things for those who refuse to hear Me & do what I say. I cannot turn things around for those who continually living their own lives, as though, I am just your bank account & need fulfiller. I can only change things for those who will hear My voice & follow Me. And why do I say this, you ask? Because, I have given My people the benefit of the doubt & tried this many times over the years & all this tends to do is create more self-ISHness in them…not self-LESSness. A little leaven, leavens the whole lump! It is time for My people to enter into what I have prepared for them, from the foundation of the world. But, as long as you stay where you are you are not ready to carry such power & authority. Do you not know that over time I have tested you to see how you would respond? I have put things before you to see what you would do with them. Did you move when I put that into your heart? Did you give when I put it in your heart to help that person? Did you pray for that person I laid upon your heart? Or did you brush off these things, only considering them, thinking you did the right thing?

It is time for the people of God to be just that…the people OF God. I am not there only to “supply your need”…I am there because I AM THAT I AM…the Creator of All things…& I created you in My image, after My likeness. But, somehow My people think that I am there only to serve YOU! It is time for My people to return unto Me. The time for playing church is over…it is time to cast off those garments of the world & put the clothes I gave you back on…it is time for you to rise up in this hour & do as I desire. Hear Me, My people…do not continue as you have. You must take hold of all that I am saying & take your place at My side…you must return unto Me. You cannot do this from where you now are…you must cast off the works of the flesh & rise up into who I want you to BE. Hear Me, My people & do as I say. Judgement begins at the house of God…repent & be converted, so that your sins may be blotted out & the times of refreshing…yes, the times of revival can grip the nations around you. Do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.

End of Word.

Dear Saints,

We are so blessed to live in these end times. We have a chance to be victorious for Christ and do great exploits, even greater miracles than what He did when He walked the earth in the flesh. But we MUST seek Him and His changing grace. It is no longer church as usual. We must become like Him in holiness and righteousness. And we MUST do our part in this. The false doctrines of men like the rapture have kept His people from seeking His holiness and perfection. But now is the time to shake all of that off and seek Him like never before. Now is the time of His grace to become holy as He is holy. Redeem the time and don’t miss out on the greatest opportunity to become one with the Father and the Son.

And if these words encourage or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with financial gift for my needs. I am deeply grateful for your kindness and financial support. May the Lord abundantly bless you in return for your faithfulness in giving.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

The Time For Revival Has Come…Repent…For Judgment Begins At The House Of God

Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully read and take to heart this very important word from the Lord given through my dear friend and pastor to the Body of Christ.

The Lord says: I speak unto My people as One who truly cares for you & loves you. I only desire good things for My children. It is My desire that you walk with Me…it is My desire that you BE seated in Heavenly places in Christ…not just positionally, but in REALITY. For though many of you KNOW this is My will for you, FEW will really enter into that place & BE with Me. So many of My people have been deceived…so many of My people have listened to teachings of men, which subvert souls into complacency & compromise. I keep saying this because, until I see a REAL change in My people, I will continue to declare it…it is time that you return unto Me! You started strong, leaving the things of this world & ran hard after Me, but over time, the enemy came & was able to seduce you & deceive you to slowly depart from the very things I had lifted you out from. I look down & see a people who look more like the world, than they do like Me. Where are the TRUE imitators of God? Where are the ones who listen closely to My voice & do the things that I say? For so many of My people ask Me, where are the answers they keep seeking Me for. Many of My people continue walking forward in the same things they had, seeing no fruit in their lives & then they wonder why!

When will My people return unto Me & heed the things that I say? For truly I have given so many of you directives for your lives, but somehow, most of what I command you is somehow received as something that you perceived you would just “pray about” doing. I have even told many to move! But, somehow My commands have become something that YOU decide to reject & cast aside! Is it any wonder, My people, that you find yourselves in places in your lives, that you never thought you would see? For you look for Me to bless you…you look for Me to heal you…you look for Me to do so many things for you, yet, it never comes into your mind that perhaps the reason these things are able to affect your lives is because you still have not gone back & done what I commanded you to do! How is it that I have become more of a guidance counselor, than I have your Lord & Master?

So many of My people cannot see just how far from Me they really are. I am calling for My people to realize just how dark things have become around you, so you may finally figure out that the world is a reflection of what is inside of YOU! It is time for you to wake up in this midnight hour & do what you need to do…really, what you MUST do to set yourselves a right in Me! For truly I tell you that My repentance SHALL be seen across the land. Yes, repentance will increase more & more over the next weeks & months. For there will be many who will heed My words & break themselves free from those things that do limit them & they will see My hand upon them, as I walk through them & use them to change the world. But, for others, who do not of their own accord humble themselves & seek Me for repentance, many of these will come to repentance, but not through the means that I desire…these will repent as My judgement comes upon them for not heeding My words in a timely fashion. Those who refuse to trim their lamps & put their lives in order, they will see more & more loss in their lives, until they realize that they ARE Prodigals…then they will repent of their deeds & run back unto Me.

The time is growing short, My people…the time to respond unto Me is narrowing…the door is starting to close & very soon My people will see things happening in their own lives that will cause them to know that I am not a man that I should lie, but My words will come to pass, as I have declared them. Do not think that I do not love you…for it is My very love for you that is causing these things to come to pass! For as many as I love, I rebuke, chasten & scourge every son that I receive…be zealous therefore & repent! And do not think within yourself that this is word is NOT for you, for that is exactly what the enemy wants you to think! He wants you to continue on the path you are on, so he can take you off the cliff! Stop listening to his deceptive & alluring words & remember the promises you made to Me. Give your hearts back truly to Me & allow Me to fill you with all of My goodness. For the distractions that the enemy has placed in front of you, is only a means to keep you from coming closer unto Me. So many of My people excuse the things they do, thinking that their lives ARE their own…so many of My people are somehow convinced that I did not actually purchase you with My blood I shed on the Cross! Somehow My people have received into their hearts & spirits a ‘gospel’ that is not even of Me. Rend your hearts, My people & begin again to do the first works you once did when you did truly walk with Me.

I am looking to & fro across the face of the Earth, looking for those who will hear My voice & respond unto Me. The time for revival has come, My people…the time for you to take your places at My side & walk in Me. It is time for the world to see the exploits that I have promised would come! Will you come along in this hour & ride with Me? Shake yourselves & make things right! Deep within your hearts, you know what you are to do…you just refuse to go to that place & do what I told you to do. I love you My people…please heed My voice & do the things you know I told you to do & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”


If these words encourage or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with financial gift for my needs. I am deeply grateful for your kindness and financial support. May the Lord abundantly bless you in return for your faithfulness in giving.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.