I am looking for a people who will work together in union with Me.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to take the cover OFF of what man has done. I come to My people in this hour to help them to ALIGN more closely to My word. I come to My people in this hour to OPEN their eyes to SEE things IN truth, as they are needed now as never before. For as I have taken you through Philemon this night, I have shown you the REALITY of many things, that many have NEVER seen before.

For I reveal just how DEEP things are IN relationship to Me & My people. I show you the IMPORTANCE of being IN UNITY TOGETHER, to function as My body, laboring TOGETHER IN UNION WITH Me. So many do NOT do this. So many ONLY DO that which is PSEUDO, the things that man IS PLEASED to do. So many ONLY DO those things that work on the SURFACE levels. So many ONLY DO those things that are mainly SUBSTANCE.

I AM LOOKING for a people who WILL work together IN UNION WITH Me, to ACCOMPLISH My will, which IS to BUILD the Kingdom of God. So many SAY that they do THIS & I have already told you, that MOST of this IS ONLY for SELF & FLESH. My kingdom is NOT new cars, jets, huge building projects that DRAIN My people INTO providing. My kingdom IS BRINGING forth everlasting life TO those who have NOT entered into it. So much is WASTED on THINGS, when it could have been invested in SOULS!

I say these things to AWAKEN you to the REALITY of the way things ARE. For in Philemon, I show you TRUE LEADERSHIP. I show you TRUE DEALINGS with situations. I show you the way things ARE SUPPOSED to be. Yet, I tell you that many who read THIS epistle, get little to nothing OUT OF IT because it didn’t say anything they were WILLING to hear. I love you all with an everlasting love, so I want you to SEE things as they REALLY are. I want you to UNDERSTAND truth as it really IS…not the way man HAS made it.

For even though Philemon is short & doesn’t say a LOT in many areas…it DOES say a lot to those who have ears to HEAR. I want My people to see how things ARE really supposed to work. Not AS man has made My church to BECOME. I want My people to truly BE My people…a people TRULY CONNECTED TO Me, by My spirit, DOING the things I HAVE called them to DO. Tonight I have shown you how My people are NOT called INTO a social club…My people are called INTO a partnership, where each share TOGETHER.

I have shown you that My people are to BE warriors, fighting the good fight of faith, EVEN in chains & imprisonment. So many live their lives for SELF. I keep saying this because it IS the truth & I am taking the cover off of man’s HALF truths. For I came to set the captives FREE, yet so many think that THIS freedom means they are FREE to live as THEY desire. My freedom, FREES you to live as I DESIRE. This can ONLY happen when My people come UNDER My will.

This can ONLY happen as My people ADHERE to godly principles that I ORDAINED…not the pseudo HALF truths that man has POISONED My church with, that only PROMOTES ungodliness. Many cannot even CONCEIVE what that even REALLY means. For they think they ARE godly, having new cars & great possessions, when I already told you how HARD it is for the rich to ENTER into the kingdom of heaven! How can My people be SO deceived to continue THINKING that gain is godliness?

But as My people will truly SEE how they ARE to live as SLAVES unto Me, to do My will, there IS where the TRUE freedom comes. There IS where My kingdom BEGINS to MANIFEST. I want My people to see the REALITY of the way things are. Do NOT think that you are entering the kingdom of heaven if you are SEEKING after the things of this world, for I tell you that you are NOT! Those who HEAR My voice know what I AM saying. Those who HEAR My voice, know TRUE LEADERS when they see them.

Those who HEAR My voice work to CAST DOWN the things of the FLESH life, so they can BE available UNTO Me, IN My will. I AM looking for a people who LOOKS like those mentioned in Philemon, for they SHOW the picture, they SHOW the type of people that MIRROR My will. So many have NOT done THEIR part to come UNTO Me as I desire. Oh, yes, they will SAY that they have, yet the truth IS shown by HOW they live their lives. How many of these people SEEK for souls to BE saved?

How many of these people SEEK for lives to BE healed & restored? How many of these people REALLY just live THEIR lives, to please SELF, thinking they are right with Me? I say these things BECAUSE they ARE important. I say these things BECAUSE I MUST tell you the truth. For IN truth, there IS NOTHING hidden\concealed. I want My people to SHINE as My LIGHTS in this world. NOT the lights that I AM seeing. NOT the lights that THEY have decided & willingly shine.

For THOSE lights ARE compromised. THOSE lights ARE a mixture. Is it any wonder why such lights DO LITTLE TO NOTHING for My kingdom? Come to Me, My people & I WILL SHINE My love upon you so you WILL see AS I see. Come to Me, My people & I WILL HELP you to see as you have NEVER seen before. For I tell you that MOST only see what they WANT to see. Most rarely OR ever see the things that I DESIRE, because they are still CAPTIVE to the lies of men. I want My people to BE captives to Me!

For I love you & want you to BE like Me. I gave Myself a RANSOM for sin, so those of the world could COME INTO everlasting life. I DIDN’T give Myself so people could continue living in SELF. I gave Myself so others could BECOME like Me & BE LIGHT givers. I gave Myself so that others could BE LIFE givers. I need My people to SEE these things as they really are & TURN AWAY from their SELF ways, while they still can. I love you…come to Me & surrender your lives & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word. I’m reminded of our example of the Israelites who were led through the wilderness on their journey to the promised land. They were still so conformed to Egypt and their former ways and thinking that God was not pleased with most of them so their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. We too have been so conditioned to the Babylonian church system that if we do not change our ways and beliefs to the truth of God’s word, we too will die in our wilderness and never enter into our promised land. Please ponder and pray on this and yield to any correction God may bring you.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

For those leaving a comment: Please understand that the Lord has charged me to give out His warnings to awaken His people to prepare for the days ahead. In this, He has told me to not waste precious time trying to convince any that will not hear, for they have already made their choice. So with that, if your comment is a personal attack, insult, rude, or to argue; then may the Lord bless you and keep you. I will not answer back to any rude comments, nor post them. Blessings to you, Kevin Barrett