Allow Me to come into you afresh and show you the truth of what each of you must do.

Dear Saints, the Lord is searching for hearts that will receive the planting of His words so that there will be a harvest of His TRUE righteousness and spiritual fruit within the lives of His people. Having said that, please prayerfully read the word He has spoken through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to ARISE into all that I have accomplished for them. I AM INTENDING, I AM wanting to cause them to SEE their need to do THEIR part in ALL that I have done. For so much DAMAGE has been done by well-meaning men’s doctrines, that have NOT helped My people as much as they have HARMED & CRIPPLED them. For so many STILL sit there expecting Me to work on their behalf, NOT realizing that THEY have a part to play in this work.

Tonight in Hebrews 2, I have shown you the TRUTH of these things, as I have displayed the REALITY of WHY My Son came in the form of man. For I HAVE crowned him with glory and honor, as He was FAITHFUL to Me & did ALL that I ordained Him to do. He did HIS part in all of these things. He did THIS to show you that in all things, you STILL have a part to do, you STILL must YIELD in your lives for these things to come to pass. For the authority and power that I have given to Him, IS above all things.

For I caused Him to become LESSER than the angels, so he could ACCOMPLISH My will and He SACRIFICED His life. I say this meaning MORE than what you may think. For He not only gave HIS life as a ransom for many, but He also sacrificed SELF before Me to ONLY do those things that were PLEASING in My sight. I need My people to see THIS & understand that He paved the way…He showed the STANDARD that My people are to FOLLOW. So many have NO idea of THIS TRUTH!

So many have NEVER even taken thought for this. Most just take hold of all THEY can get from Me, thinking they are RIGHT before Me when their lives SHOW Me just the opposite! Many think that just because they do not “sin”, DOING things that the world DOES, this makes them pure and holy in My sight, but I tell you that this is only ONE part. What about the part where YOUR lives are LED of Me to do what I desire?

What about My command to GO into all the world and preach the gospel to EVERY creature? So many THINK that this is only the preacher’s job. When I have commanded ALL who have come to Me to do this VERY thing. How can you expect to ESCAPE, when you are NEGLECTING the great salvation that I have given unto you? I say this to STIR you up to remember My truth, as I have shown you in Hebrews 2. I have SUBJECTED the angels to SERVE My people, as ministering spirits, SENT FORTH to minister unto them who are to BECOME heirs of salvation.

Yet very few take hold of THIS authority to SEND and DISPATCH My angels to do what I HAVE commanded them to do. If My people could SEE in the spirit realm, they would see THESE angels close to them, WAITING, IDLE, not given ANY instruction or sending! The sadness that this causes Me IS great! For My people are NOT doing the work OF My people…they are doing the work of SELF! My people do not seem to SEE that their holding to self IS keeping them from walking IN the things I have for THEM. For even their fear of death, must be seen as it is…it IS of SELF!

When My people will ARISE and DO their part, ENTERING into ALL that My son accomplished, they WILL be free from fear of death…they WILL be free to SERVE Me! So many have taken hold of My words and walked WITH Me in a season, yet now MANY are beginning to LET THINGS SLIP and they have MOVED AWAY from My will. I keep REMINDING My people of the consequences of NOT standing FIRM in Me and My truth, and those who continue to do so WILL be recompensed for THEIR labors of transgression.

So many do not SEE that they are STEPPING TOWARD things that are moving them AWAY from Me. For all things are subject to My Son and placed under his feet, yet many of My people do NOT recognize that this INCLUDED THEM. My people MUST see that they ARE to be subject to My Son in ALL of their lives. So, I CALL My people to HEAR My words this night. Allow Me to come INTO you AFRESH and SHOW you the TRUTH of what each of you MUST do.

For THESE things are NECESSARY, they ARE BINDING, and I need you to KNOW this for yourselves. I love you all with an everlasting love. I need you all to do YOUR part in what My word says to do. I know that this has NOT been EVIDENT to many because of how minimized My word has been translated, but NOW I AM TAKING THE COVER OFF, so you CAN walk in My truth, nothing hidden or concealed.

But you STILL must CHOOSE to do this, for self WILL fight against you. Self WILL cause strife, anger & many OTHER such things to try to KEEP you from the place I desire you to BE. And that place IS by My side. That place IS close to My heart. That place IS where the enemy CANNOT enter in, because your life IS truly where I NEED it to BE. Come to Me, My people & I WILL help you. I WILL show the areas that I NEED you to change.

For IF you will TRULY seek to come unto Me, I WILL enable you to arise OUT OF those things and you WILL truly sit NEXT to me, NOT just metaphorically, but POSITIONALLY. And you will KNOW the difference because the love of God will BE SHED upon your hearts and My glory and power WILL SHINE THROUGH you. And you WILL UNDERSTAND the greatness of what I have REVEALED this night. So come to Me & take YOUR place now and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that these words enlighten your walk with the Lord and reveal areas that need changing. I know that I have been convicted many times when reading these words from the Lord.

Also, those truly sincere in their walk of obedience to the Lord Jesus, please seek Him and ask if He would have you to give back just as it has been given to you. At present, the Lord still has me living on the support of others’ gifts and donations. Therefore, I ask that you please consider giving to help with our financial needs.  I really could use some help right now, so no amount is too small.  

Thank you all for your love and consideration and may these words bless and help you in your walk with the Lord.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

For those leaving a comment: Please understand that the Lord has charged me to give out His warnings to awaken His people to prepare for the days ahead. In this, He has told me to not waste precious time trying to convince any that will not hear, for they have already made their choice. So with that, if your comment is a personal attack, insult, rude, or to argue; then may the Lord bless you and keep you. I will not answer back to any rude comments, nor post them. Blessings to you, Kevin Barrett