I am removing the blinders off of man.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to UNDERSTAND the time they are now in. For this IS the time of taking the cover off. And as you walk FORWARD in this hour, I AM going to show you more & more things that you KNEW NOT. For I AM REMOVING the BLINDERS of man, I AM REMOVING the things that KEEP My people from truly being My people. For as I have taken you through Hebrews 1 this evening, I have shown you MANY things, that have NOT been FULLY grasped or understood before.

For all that My Son has accomplished was NOT just for Himself…for ALL that He was going to do, was in bringing MANY sons unto glory. For as My people truly come NEAR to Me…as My people truly SURRENDER their SELF lives, to seek & desire to please ONLY Me, you will find the TRUE treasures of ETERNITY, as I take the cover off of what the enemy HAS done to the people of God. For all that Jesus did was for the purpose & intent to bring forth a HARVEST of righteousness.

As you look back on the way things were, before I sent My Son, My people only walked in a SMALL portion of My will, as they WRESTLED with living righteously. But because of their SELF lives, they COULDN’T keep My commandments, though they DID try. Because of this, MOST could never hear My voice and so I had to speak THROUGH the prophets that I had CHOSEN, to SHOW My people the way to go. But then I sent My Son, born of the virgin and He was raised up to DO My will.

For His heart was FIXED to ONLY please Me. This IS the problem with so many of My people today…they are NOT fixed on pleasing Me. They ARE fixed on pleasing SELF. And because of this, many ONLY please Me at a time here or there, but there is MOSTLY no REAL consistency in their lives. I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love and it IS My desire that you BECOME like Me. It IS My desire that you BECOME like Jesus…who came into the world to DO My will.

So many SAY they want to do My will, yet in truth (nothing hidden\concealed), they are really only wanting to please Me according to their OWN mindsets & desires. I AM looking for a people who will TAKE HOLD of My truth in THIS hour & see their NEED to deny self, take up their cross & follow Me with their WHOLE life. So many HEAR of My glory…so many HEAR of My power…so many HEAR of all that I sent My son to do, yet so FEW truly ever enter INTO that glory…so FEW truly ever enter INTO that power.

So many only STAY in that place of hearing what My Son did as He WALKED upon the earth. I want My people to walk AS Jesus walked. I want My people to RISE UP out of their self lives up INTO My glory. For THERE IS where the power IS. THERE IS where the miracles ARE. THERE IS where my people WILL shine My light to this lost and dying world. You CANNOT shine My light, when self IS in the way. You MUST put self down, UNDER your feet, so that ONLY Me will be seen THROUGH you.

I know this SOUNDS difficult, but it ISN’T as difficult as it sounds…it is just something that has to BE DECIDED and then ACTIVATED IN your lives. In Hebrews 1 you saw how I gave Jesus a name ABOVE the angels. You saw how I highly EXALTED Him, above them ALL. I did this because he paved the way THROUGH His life. He LOVED righteousness and HATED iniquity and wickedness. This says a LOT when looking at My people, for so many that SAY they love Me, do NOT do as Jesus did.

Many still HOLD to things of iniquity and wickedness. So many STILL allow things in their lives that they KNOW is wrong before Me. This is because of the CORRUPT grace and love teachings that man has INFECTED My people with, to compromise them and make them complacent to the TRUTH. Whenever man takes My truth and UNBALANCES it with self, it becomes HYPOCRISY. It is NOT right before Me. It is NOT something that I AM pleased with.

And I have ALLOWED this to continue for a time, but NOW I AM calling all men to REPENT. These compromised teachings MUST be cast down & My truth MUST be embraced. For this IS the time for truth to MANIFEST within My people. For I AM taking the cover off of the way things ARE and now My people must understand things on a DIFFERENT level. For I AM speaking of that which IS eternal and of Me. My people MUST let go of these HALF truths & take hold of what is REAL in this hour.

How long will My people continue to LOOK at the darkness in the world and REFUSE to see the truth that this darkness IS because My church HAS shined a compromised MIXTURE of light & darkness to the world? The time has come for My people to take the cover off of THEIR self lives, so they can shine MY LIGHT…for I said you ARE the light of the world. If you do NOT grasp and take hold of the reality of THIS truth, you will FAIL to shine My light and only MAKE the world darker. It is time for My people to truly BE My people.

If you SAY you are NEAR My son, you WILL show this IN your life, for My anointing will rub off ON you & you WILL demonstrate THIS as My Son did…WALKING through this world, DOING the exploits of Me to this lost & dying world. Come to Me with your WHOLE lives and truly GIVE Me your lives now…NOT just the parts you have decided to give! I AM waiting for a righteous RESPONSE from My people in this hour. You MUST do YOUR part in this. The world is waiting…they are desperate in this hour. I NEED My people to show the world that I AM IN you of a truth. Surrender unto Me as I desire and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word, pray on this, and yield to any correction God may bring you. These are the last days and we need to rise up in the full truth of God’s word.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

For those leaving a comment: Please understand that the Lord has charged me to give out His warnings to awaken His people to prepare for the days ahead. In this, He has told me to not waste precious time trying to convince any that will not hear, for they have already made their choice. So with that, if your comment is a personal attack, insult, rude, or to argue; then may the Lord bless you and keep you. I will not answer back to any rude comments, nor post them. Blessings to you, Kevin Barrett