Behold…The Bridegroom Is Coming…Go Out & Meet Him (Part 1)

Greetings Saints,

I wish to share this word given to the Body of Christ through my dear pastor and friend.  The return of Christ is upon us and God is reaching out to us to prepare ourselves now as wise virgins.  Please heed this important word from the Lord and be encouraged.


“Hear Me, My people, as I come to you with words to help you. For I see

what is happening among My people…I see the turmoil & unrest that
many of you are going through. I come to encourage you, as you walk
towards Me in the days ahead. For the cry is going out in all the
world…”Behold the Bridegroom is coming…go out to meet Him”. When you
hear these words, know that they come from Me, as I desire for you to
know what is happening in the Earth. Many have heard this cry…many
have responded to Me…many are still asleep. For I speak to you concerning the 10 virgins…5 were wise, but 5 were foolish.

Know that wisdom builds the house, but knowledge alone only puffs up with pride.  I desire for My people to walk in wisdom, but many are being carried to & fro with every wind of doctrine. Many boast of their spiritual authority, but there is no real spiritual foundation in them, so they bounce back & forth in things that profit them nothing. Not that these things are wrong, for most are not…however, it is the reality that they are not cleaved to, that makes them of no effect. How can one profit from My words, when they do not cleave to them? For I have said for you to enter into MY REST…so why do so many of My people bounce back & forth, in so many doctrines…when I have already FINISHED the work? For I labored 6 days to create EVERYTHING that you will ever need in this life.

Then I RESTED on the 7th day & I hallowed it. My word says that all 10

virgins slumbered & slept…all had given in to the outside wave of
complacency & compromise. But, when the cry went out, they ALL arose &
trimmed their lamps. It is time for My people to wake up & make their
lamps shine with the brightness that can only come from Me. Trimming a
lamp means more than to just adjust it to make more light…it also
means to “trim” off the burnt part, so no smoke will be made. The
problem with many today is, they have not trimmed their lamps…they

still cannot see clearly, because their lamps are giving off too much smoke! So trim your lamps so you will be able to see clearly in the days ahead!

Many of My people need to adjust what they believe so that their

foundations will be firm. Never forget the parable of the house built on
sand & the rock. In both scenarios the house was built on the SAME
substance…sand is the same as rock, except it has no solidity, as it
is fluid & unstable. So are the lives of many of My people today…for
they are tossed to & fro, with every wind of doctrine. I want you to
enter into My rest. In the 6 days that I labored, I made provision for
everything you will ever need…EVERYTHING! There is no need for you to

wrestle with anything…just come unto Me & let Me give you rest.  Somehow many of My people seem to still forget that when I died, I said…it is finished!

My people need to look at their lives today…what are you wrestling

with…healing?…provision?…situations out of your control? Whatever
the need, remember that I shall supply ALL your need, according to MY
riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. It is not your place to struggle…it
is your place to enter into My rest. THAT is where the real fight
is…for the enemy is hard at work to keep My people away from My rest.
Look at the things that My people wrestle with…these are meant to keep
you busy, fighting, so that you will not be able to let go & let Me work

in your lives. For as long as you continue to labor to “fix” things, I will be limited in what I can do to bring change that will cause My provision to come.

Are you fighting for healing? You know that I am your Healer, for it is

by My stripes, you WERE healed. So, why the fight? I already did the
work…so enter into My REST…cease from your own labors. Are you
fighting for finances or some other provision? You know that I am
Jehovah Jireh, your Provider…I SHALL supply ALL your needs. So, why
the fight? I have already made provision for everything you will ever
need…so enter into My REST…cease from your own labors. As you will
do this, you will free Me to work on your behalf…you will see Me lead

you & guide you to do what I need you to do so that the changes can come. Fight the good fight of faith…faith SEES the need, as being done & provided.

So many of My people spend SO much time “fighting” for things that I

have already made provision for in their lives. “So, why am I not
receiving it then?”, many will ask Me. You just answered your own
question…you are not receiving, because you are not truly believing.
When you truly believe Me for something, you will be at rest, knowing
that it will come…for it will come at the time appointed by Me. So
many ask Me for things & expect Me to just drop it down to them
immediately. I am not Burger King…I am the King of Kings! I work all

things after the counsel of My own will. My people need to understand what it means to enter into My rest, for your futures depend on your entering & remaining there.

How can I use you for My glory, when you continue to wrestle with things

that you have no power over, in yourselves? I cannot fill you with My
presence if your attentions are on other things. I need you to forget
those things that are behind & instead reach forth unto those things
which are before you…press toward the mark for the prize of the high
calling of God in Christ Jesus. Many are not even aware of the increase
of spiritual wickedness that has taken hold around them because they
are so engrossed in the affairs of this life. I need My people to look

unto Me, the author & finisher of their faith…for as they will, I will be able to work in them & thru them, so they will do great exploits on this earth.

I need you to know that it is only as you will rest in Me, will the

answers come. Yes, you may have a part in the answers, but your part
will only be as I lead you forth, day by day. So many are so consumed by
the affairs of this life that they are not much use for My work in
the Kingdom. Again, I will remind you…many of you still have a Martha
spirit, controlling you & keeping you from entering into My rest, as
Mary did. So many of your answers will come, if only you will resist
wrestling & struggling in your own strength…just sit at Me feet & draw

from My presence. It IS My desire for you to carry My presence where ever you go…but how can you ever do this if you are always wrestling with the cares of this life?

I am closer to My people today than ever before…this is a mystery

that few understand…for as My return draws closer, even so, am I
closer to you. But many do not know this, because of all that is going
on in their lives & around them. Their concentration & care is more
fixed on these things, rather than on Me. Did I not say, draw close unto Me & I
will draw close unto you? By My grace, through My blood I have made you
close…yes, I have come close to you…but I am awaiting you to do your
part to come closer…past what My blood alone has done. This requires

effort on your part…that is why I said to labor to enter into My rest.  Only as you will truly do this can you know what I have prepared for you yet ahead.

Do not let the affairs of this life keep you from where I desire you to

be. I see your hearts…I know all that you are going through. I keep
the universe in order…can I not also work great things in your lives?
The creation answers to My words because there is no will…My people
have a will…they must choose to obey My words. This is where the truth
of your life lies…for there is nothing that can separate you from Me,
except yourselves. That is why it is necessary for you to labor to enter
into My rest…you must resist your struggles with this life. Remember,

the kingdom of God is not meat or drink…it is not something tangible…it IS righteousness, joy & peace in the Holy Spirit…this is where you belong.

For when you enter into My rest, you are righteous, receiving what I

accomplished on the Cross & your life will reflect My righteousness in
all you do. When you enter into My rest, you have true joy & nothing can
take your joy away. When you enter into My rest, you are at peace, for
there is no struggle within you…the things of earth will grow
strangely dim in the light of My glory & grace in your lives. This is
what I desire for you…this is where I desire you to dwell. For you
will need to be there, in the time ahead…time IS running out…it is
time for you to lay aside every weight & sin that easily besets you & come unto Me. Respond to My words with your lives & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord.


If these words from the Lord encourage or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a financial gift (of any size) to help with my monthly needs.  I always trust the Lord to lay it upon the hearts of those who are obedient and giving, and so I give a big thank you to those of you who do help.  I also pray the Lord’s abundant blessings in return for those who give.  Love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Please consider a donation.

2 Responses

  1. Amen kevin! That was a good word you shared from your pastor and friend . We all must strive to enter into that rest and cease from our own labors .

For those leaving a comment: Please understand that the Lord has charged me to give out His warnings to awaken His people to prepare for the days ahead. In this, He has told me to not waste precious time trying to convince any that will not hear, for they have already made their choice. So with that, if your comment is a personal attack, insult, rude, or to argue; then may the Lord bless you and keep you. I will not answer back to any rude comments, nor post them. Blessings to you, Kevin Barrett