Step Out Of The Old And Into The New.

Word from the Father:

My people, listen to your heavenly Father this day….for I am working on your behalf to lead you all out of your wilderness and into your promised land. However, many of you are stuck and not moving with My Spirit. I do not say this to bring shame or condemnation upon you…instead, I say this for your benefit and to encourage you.

Yes, these are trying times and the days will only get darker. But My light and My glory shall be upon My people to light their paths and make a way for them in the midst of darkness where there seems to be no way.

Now listen, many of you have become stuck in your current situations thinking that My change for you either will not come, or if it does, it will be some time in the future and not now. My children, I do not want you thinking this way any longer. For I declare unto you that your past is behind you and you are now in a new day and a new era. No longer consider the things of old for behold I am doing a new thing in the earth and I am making a roadway in your wilderness and rivers in your desert. However, it is up to you to step out in faith and believe Me for this. I need you to believe Me, My little ones. For it shall only be according to your faith that I can move mightily on your behalf.

Now then, this is what I desire for each of you to do. Seek Me in your prayer closets and sit quietly while waiting upon My Spirit to speak to your hearts and minds. And as you do this, in the right timing, I will reveal to each of you what it is that I need you to believe Me for. For some, it may be a breakthrough in finances that you have been waiting on. For others, it may be a move into a higher level in Me. But for many, the changes coming to you will be numerous and plentiful.

Can you not perceive in the spirit what I am attempting to impart to you? You have entered the time for the fulfillment of all things, if you could only believe. Many of your long-awaited promises will be fulfilled at last. However, the currency of My kingdom is faith….and by faith alone, you shall receive all that I have for you in these last days.

Now then, there is also another matter that I wish to speak to you about. In the coming days, there will be more shakings in both the natural and spiritual realm. You will witness evil and disasters escalate. But at the same time, I will be pouring out My Spirit in abundance on those who would receive it. And with this outpouring of My Spirit, you will have opportunities to make great strides in your spiritual walk with Me. Bondages of the flesh and strongholds will begin to fall off and you will walk in a freedom that you have never experienced before.

Breakthroughs will come more easily and quickly, and anointings will be great. But I say all this with a warning. For as multitudes witness this great outpouring of My Spirit, many will get caught up in the signs and wonders and completely miss out on their opportunity to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. Many leaders in the churches of man will desire to use this outpouring to further their own kingdoms. But they shall utterly fail because I will expose their hearts and My great anointing shall NOT be upon those who would attempt to use this move of My Spirit for their own gain.

Howbeit, that is not to say that the enemy will not have his counterfeit anointings with signs and wonders. But be warned….many will be deceived by this and flock to the counterfeit revival which I have warned you about. Do not get caught up in this false revival. For if you do, you may miss out on your opportunities to overcome in this hour…..for I tell you, this is not merely an hour of My outpourings and blessings, but it is also the hour to prepare for the gross darkness and great persecution that is soon to come.

Therefore, heed these words of Mine this day and it shall be well with you. I love you all with an everlasting love and it is My greatest desire to give you My kingdom. Therefore, take these words to heart and hearken unto Me this day so you will do well and prosper….

Dear Saints, I pray that this word blesses and encourages you as much as it has me.  We truly are living in exciting times when the true body of Christ will rise up in power and with the glory of God.

On another note, donations lately have gone down.  So, if you’re blessed by these words in any way, please consider a financial gift of any size to help with my needs.  Much love and blessings to you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Kevin  B.

At this season in my life, the Lord has me living off of the donations from others. With this, I live a humble life, but I do have bills. So, if these words bless you in any way, please consider a donation of any size. Thank you.

2 Responses

  1. Thanks, in the name of the LORD. Your last two messages are so important I have printed them out and are praying them to Yeshua Messiah daily. I thank God for your ability to hear His words so purely.

For those leaving a comment: Please understand that the Lord has charged me to give out His warnings to awaken His people to prepare for the days ahead. In this, He has told me to not waste precious time trying to convince any that will not hear, for they have already made their choice. So with that, if your comment is a personal attack, insult, rude, or to argue; then may the Lord bless you and keep you. I will not answer back to any rude comments, nor post them. Blessings to you, Kevin Barrett