Embracing God’s Unprecedented Grace Amidst the Shaking.

Dear Saints,

When seeking the Lord on what He desires to share with His people, He laid something upon my heart that is so exciting, despite all that’s coming.

First of all, let’s not forget that He has been telling us that another shaking is coming.  Events are already escalating across the U.S. and other regions of the world. But a major unrest is coming to the U.S. Get ready…

Many deaths are also coming during this time due to a culmination of events possibly including another disease outbreak. While there is another severe pandemic coming, much worse than the recent Covid outbreak, I’m uncertain of its precise timing. Although I’m certain it’s coming, I’m not sure if it will be during this next shaking or later on down the road.

However, in the midst of this, don’t listen to the fear-mongering of the mainstream media or succumb to their distractions and fear tactics. The enemy fears what is coming and will be unleashing all that he has up his sleeve. However, as God’s people, we can counter much of it with our prayers.

Exercise great discernment during this time and refrain from venturing out unless the Lord allows it. We must remain under His protection at all times.

Despite these trials, God has revealed something deeply exciting to my heart. During this season, we will encounter His unprecedented grace and favor. He is rendering judgment upon our enemies, both in the natural and in the spirit. So He is urging us to take advantage of this time and break free from all that hinders our walk with Him. God is calling us to delve deeper into Him—enter your prayer closets and spend time in the secret place as much as possible. Wait upon the Lord and repent of all that He reveals to your heart. As we do this, we will gain freedom in areas where we didn’t even recognize we were in bondage. This will bring such a freedom to us all that we have never known before.

This is a season where God is releasing us into a newfound freedom beyond our imagination. He will also pour out revelations, open doors of opportunity, and bestow blessings upon us. We have the chance to experience rapid spiritual growth if we earnestly seek Him and practice dwelling in His secret place.

As we abide in the secret place of the Most High, we will rest under the shadow of the Almighty, shielded and protected from all that is to come. Though a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, it will not come near us. We will only witness the reward of the wicked. But God will be our refuge and no evil or plague will come near those abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. And please understand, this isn’t just reciting Psalm 91 and assenting to it; it’s a profound, ongoing experience of dwelling in His secret place.

Truly, we are living in exciting times. Soon, we will witness the great transfer of wealth if we remain obedient and follow His divine instructions for our lives. God is preparing us spiritually and practically for the challenges ahead, as this period will usher in the last day’s great harvest. He is equipping us to labor alongside Him during this harvest, for those who are willing. Those who do allow Him to prepare them will accomplish great feats for the Kingdom of God.

In conclusion, the enemy will employ mainstream media and influential voices to sow fear and distract God’s people from what He is accomplishing in this season. Resist these tactics and seek refuge in the secret place. Embrace God’s unparalleled grace during this period, freeing yourself from all obstacles hindering your walk with Him. Step boldly through the doors of blessings and opportunities He is preparing for you. These are truly exhilarating times for those who have eyes to see and will seize upon His unparalleled grace.

Dear Saints, if these words have blessed or helped you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a love offering. As bills and rent are due soon, any financial contribution would be greatly appreciated.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.


Dear Saints,

Please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I have SHOWN you these things this night to help you to UNDERSTAND why I did these things of old, so you can GRASP the reality and need for the new covenant. For as you LOOK at what was done of old, it was NECESSARY for the sacrifice for sin continually. This is a PICTURE of the way things were from the STANDPOINT of the flesh. But now I have MADE a new covenant, stronger\better than the first.

The spiritual truths within THESE things are to help you to UNDERSTAND that what I did THROUGH My Son was to bring my people OUT OF the old and INTO the new. Those who say they have done this, need to RECONSIDER. For I ask you…how many of you continue to come to Me for forgiveness of sin, as the priests of OLD did? I have already told you that in godly sorrow repentance continues to work, for TRUE repentance needs NOT to be repented of.

I share these things because they ARE a type and shadow of the OLD. Just as My Son told PARABLES, these things I THROW NEAR you, to show you they ARE SIMILAR. If you will grasp the truth that exists within MOST of those who say they are Mine, you will see that many are STILL doing what the priests of old were doing…ONGOING offering of sacrifices for sin. I want My people to ENTER INTO what My Son ACCOMPLISHED in His sacrifice.

I need you to see that to TRULY DO this, you MUST surrender your lives UNTO Me. This is NOT what many, who say they love Me, have done. They “have not surrendered” their lives…they have only SAID they have. This IS important because I look at TRUTH (nothing hidden\concealed) & what I see is a people that MOSTLY is still surrendered to the lordship of SELF. I say this, in My great love for you, for I love you with an everlasting love.

I desire for you to see THESE things as I show them to you, so you will TRULY walk with Me. I have shared how I have a ROAD, a WAY that you MUST follow and I showed you this AGAIN THIS night…I said it was a holy place ROAD. This speaks of a walk that is UNLIKE anything that has EXISTED before. For My Son came to SHOW the world the truth of THIS road, for He walked IN it…He showed everyone the WAY.

And He said, if anyone desired to COME BEHIND Him, He COMMANDED them to deny SELF…He COMMANDED them to TAKE UP their cross DAILY…He COMMANDED them to walk ON the SAME ROAD as Him. I need My people to SEE that these things I show you ARE for your BENEFIT, so you CAN SHAKE FREE from the deceptions and mindsets of man and ENTER INTO the truth that I HAVE spoken. In My great love for you, I WANT you to know the truth, AS I HAVE said it.

The time has come for My people to walk IN the truth. For as I have told you, THIS IS the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF…you CANNOT continue as you HAVE any longer, for the time HAS COME for CHANGE. And THESE changes WILL bring My people OUT OF the darkness that man HAS SHADED My people with, and ILLUMINATE them IN the truth that I HAVE declared, so they CAN SHINE as lights IN this world. I AM looking for those who HAVE ears to hear, what I AM saying to My church.

So many say that “they hear My Spirit”, yet IN truth, many of these ONLY hear things on the LEVEL of self. What do I mean? I mean that many “say they hear me”, but STILL obey SELF. They do NOT obey Me IN what I said which they claim “to hear”. TRUE hearing has a RIGHTEOUS response UNTO Me. TRUE hearing obeys what IS HEARD. You can say you hear My voice, but IF you do not OBEY My voice, you do NOT TRULY hear Me. I AM looking for a people who TRULY hear My voice, OBEYING Me IN what they hear.

There are those who DO hear Me, at times, of THEIR choosing, when it IS CONVENIENT to them. This is NOT true obedience…this is only PARTIAL obedience. I desire My people to DO as My Son DID, as He walked the earth, for He ALWAYS heard what I said and OBEYED Me. He ONLY did the things He saw Me DO. Why do you think THOSE things were written? They were written because they ARE the MODEL, the SYMBOL, the FIGURE of what My people ARE to do.

For as you will take hold of the TRUTH of what My Son did when He offered himself, as high priest, you WILL understand things on a HIGHER level and your lives WILL reflect THIS reality, for you WILL truly ENTER INTO what He ACCOMPLISHED, for what He accomplished WILL BE manifested IN and THRU your lives. I love you, My people and it IS My true desire that you BECOME like Me. I KEEP saying this, so you WILL eventually CATCH ON and TAKE HOLD of what I SAY and BE the very thing I HAVE SAID. Take hold of My words this day and do YOUR part IN them and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, what the Lord is speaking to us about in this word is regarding the Highway of Holiness spoken of in Isaiah 35:8. “And a great road will go through that once deserted land. It will be named the Highway of Holiness. Evil-minded people will never travel on it. It will be only for those who walk in God’s ways; fools will never walk there.” (NLT)

I believe we have entered an era where individuals on earth will truly walk in the Highway of Holiness. As I’ve shared before, God has granted me the experience of being fully transformed into this state of holiness. Let me tell you, nothing on this earth can compare to how wonderful it is. So I am certain that this is possible and within our reach. Therefore, have faith to rise up into our hope of glory, Christ within us manifested in His fullness. These are truly exciting times we live in as the scriptures will be fulfilled IN US…

I pray that this message enlightens and encourages your hearts, especially in these exciting days, despite the challenges in the world around us. And if these words have been helpful or encouraging to you in any way, please consider giving back with a financial gift. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

As long as Self is on the throne, nothing will ever change!

Dear Saints,

It appears that we can now rejoice that there were no catastrophic events during yesterday’s solar eclipse. As I mentioned in my previous post, God had not revealed anything specific to me about the eclipse except that it served as a sign and divine marker. While I do believe that the prayers of the saints and God’s intervention held back much of what the enemy had planned, I feel that the enemy may have been able to set things in motion that could manifest later on.

Howbeit, with the solar eclipse being the divine marker, a shift has taken place and soon events will start unfolding rapidly. For those who are faithful and obedient to the Lord, breakthroughs, open doors, and fulfilled promises will begin to manifest. However, evildoers can expect exposure and God’s judgment. Remember, we are still in our exodus season, so shakings, disruptions, and even deaths will occur as God’s judgment is poured out on His enemies. However, as He instructed us, let’s keep our focus on Jesus, His word, and the scriptural pattern in Exodus. Ultimately, all these events will lead to our good and deliverance.

Now please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them the things that I have PLANNED, so they will understand why & how I DO these things, so you will understand that I work all things after the COUNSEL of My own will. For as you see how I created the priesthood, I did this to SHOW My people the need for a BETTER covenant. For I tried My people with the FIRST, showing them that they were not ABLE to stay in obedience to My will, PROVING to them in advance that there was a NEED for a better covenant.

For the NEW covenant IS better, in that it is STRONGER than the first. So, the first being OLD & decaying, has become OBSOLETE & you are seeing it VANISHING AWAY, as My will REVEALS these truths to you. For it was My desire for My people to be ESTABLISHED by a BETTER covenant. The first was good for THAT time. It established My people in that it PREPARED them for what I would do LATER, by showing them the reality that existed IN their minds & hearts.

My Son has been made high priest of the tabernacle of TRUTH and those who will understand the DEPTH in this will ENTER into THIS holy place, as they seek Me with their lives to live IN Me, nothing hidden\concealed…for this is REAL truth. This is a genuine LIFE in Me. So many live a life that is NOT truly what I desire. Many think that they are living IN truth, but in REALITY, they are only living in the truth that THEY know and have received.

I AM bringing My people INTO the promised land…the land of TRUTH. For truth IS My promise TO you and I HAVE spoken truth to My people, yet so many do not receive My truth because it doesn’t fit what THEY want to believe. So many only hold to the things that make them FEEL good about themselves. Few will embrace the truth that I have really DECLARED. This is why My truth has been covered and concealed BY man.

For My truth sets the captives FREE, whereas man’s truth keeps the captives IN bondage to the things I desire them to BE free from. So many CANNOT understand this reality because they continue to hold to the mindset that My grace frees them to live as THEY desire…as long as they hold to certain things, that satisfy their SELF need that they ARE right in Me. But I tell you that these are NOT right IN Me…they are right IN SELF and I need My people to see THIS so they can come OUT OF this bondage of self and truly BE free IN Me.

As you see what I have revealed in Hebrews chapter 8 you will understand that I desire MORE than what man HAS seen. For man sees My word in a way that keeps My people from BEING where I desire them to BE…for I desire My people to be IN Me…NOT near Me. I desire to be IN My people, NOT near My people. Yet because of what man has done to compromise My words, for the most part, that is not happening…for so few embrace THIS truth, as I desire.

With ALL the multitudes that declare that they love Me and want to BE CLOSE to Me, you would think that My TAKING THE COVER OFF of what man has done to My words, would DRAW the multitudes INTO My truth. But, as you are seeing, so few ARE seeing this happen because My truth doesn’t tickle their ears and make them feel good about themselves. As long as SELF is on the throne, nothing will EVER change!

For even many of My truth “prophets” are not seeing THIS reality, as they continue to hold to ear-tickling and men-pleasing things, instead of SEEING the fullness of what I AM REALLY saying…they ONLY see the good parts…neglecting to say what is NEEDED on My people’s part to see these words come to pass IN their lives. Somehow My people have lost sight of reality, THINKING that a man WILL reap what he has NOT sown.

Somehow My people are CONVINCED that they can live their self lives as THEY please, doing the religious obligations THEY hold to and think all is well WITHIN them. I tell you that this has GOT to change! For My Son IS the mediator between My people and Me…it IS HIM that IS “taking the cover off” of the truths that have been hidden! The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. I keep saying THIS, waiting for a RIGHTEOUS response from those who say they love Me.

I need My people to truly UNDERSTAND that I love them with an everlasting love. They are seeing THIS truth manifest in this hour, for IN My love for them I and taking the cover off of the things that HAVE been hidden, so they CAN know the FULL truth, which will make them free IN Me. NOT free to live FOR self, but free to live IN Me. This is a GREAT problem to many because the reality of this has NOT sunkin INTO the hearts and minds of many.

It is time for My people to WAKE UP from their SELF sleep. It is time for My people to OPEN their eyes, WIPE OFF the crust FROM their eyes that keep them IN man’s PARTIAL truth, so they can see CLEARLY, with NOTHING hindering them from coming close into Me. I love you all and it truly IS My desire for you to be close IN Me. I did not say close TO Me…I said close IN Me. For this IS a great reason why so many NEVER come to understand TRUTH…because they have not come INTO Me…they only come NEAR Me.

All that My Son accomplished was to bring My people INTO Me, THROUGH Him. This rarely EVER happens, because My people really don’t come THROUGH Him…they only come BY Him. Coming BY Him is just USING Him. When My people come THROUGH Him, there is a RENOVATION along the way, because they have fully LEFT where they have EXISTED and now have ENTERED where they have NEVER been before. Come to Me, My people and allow Me to show you the TRUE way. For as you will do your part IN this, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you grasp the profound message conveyed through these words of the Lord shared by Pastor Mark. Many in the Body of Christ anticipate being raptured soon, overlooking the truth that FIRST, the Bride must prepare herself. We are called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and these words are aiding us in embracing the complete truth that will facilitate our transformation and preparation. Please, let us fully comprehend this truth and take heed to these prophetic words.

As I conclude this post, I extend my love and prayers for the Lord’s abundant blessings to shower upon each of you. If the words shared here have been a source of help or encouragement in your life, please consider giving back with a financial gift. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, is deeply valued and greatly needed. May the presence of Christ abundantly overflow in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Reflections on the 2024 U.S. Solar Eclipse and Our Exodus Season.

Dear Saints,

As you know, in recent months the Lord has had me to encourage His people in anticipation of the coming darkness and shakings. While I haven’t received anything specific regarding the solar eclipse on April 8th tomorrow, due to all the fear-mongering, I felt compelled to seek the Lord for anything He would say to us.

When praying, the Lord impressed upon me the parallels found in the Exodus narrative. We are presently in our own exodus season, and God is preparing to deliver nations from the tyranny and bondage we have all been in for ages. A great awakening is on the horizon, where widespread exposure of evil and deception will lead to unprecedented changes across the world, starting with the U.S. This significant solar eclipse serves as a divine marker, signaling the commencement of our deliverance and heralding profound changes on the earth. This solar eclipse is not only a divine marker, it’s also a sign to God’s people in the U.S. akin to the message delivered to Nineveh, we must repent for ourselves and for this nation, or face God’s judgment. Don’t expect the evil leaders or nonbelievers to repent. We must repent on behalf of our nation.

Also, we must remain vigilant against the enemy’s schemes during this solar eclipse, which he may seek to exploit for darkness and destruction. Don’t forget that we possess the power to pray against his plans, whereas, we can possibly prevent or lessen much that he has planned.

The Lord’s message during this eclipse and the coming days is for us to focus on the Exodus pattern. In the time of Israel’s deliverance, there was an eclipse, accompanied by darkness, death, and chaos in Egypt. Yet, the Israelites experienced divine protection, with light in their dwellings and divine deliverance through the parting of the Red Sea.

Similarly, there may be darkness, death, and chaos during this season as God judges our enemies. But through these, we will witness our deliverance. As God’s faithful people, we need not fear. The enemies of God, however, have MUCH to fear.

While there is talk of the enemy’s destructive plans during the solar eclipse, we must keep in mind that God has already warned us of another shaking coming. So we should exercise caution during this event, avoiding large crowds and remaining steadfast in prayer. Above all, we must resist fear, even in the face of potential calamities like earthquakes, knowing that God’s people are securely held in His hand.

Therefore, let us remain humble and repentant. As God executes judgment upon His enemies, He will pass over His faithful ones. Stay obedient and close to Him, and you will be safe as His judgment passes us over. “A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.” (Psalm 91:7-8 NKV)

God bless you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Breakthroughs & Open Doors in Times of Darkness.

Dear Saints,

While seeking the Lord on what to share in this month’s post, He impressed upon me the urgent need to encourage His people.

Profound upheavals and shakings lie ahead. Yet, as I mentioned last month, the Lord has shown me His desire for His people to rise above the impending storms.

Once again this month, our Heavenly Father desires to encourage His people. We are all aware of the upcoming solar eclipse over the U.S., and there is much discussion about the darkness it may bring with it upon the U.S. and the world. While the Lord has not shown me anything specific, He has revealed to me that there will be unprecedented signs in the heavens, signaling the times and seasons we are in. Furthermore, He has made it known that we have the power to thwart the enemy’s plans, or at least diminish their impact. Therefore, if we unite in prayer against the enemy’s schemes during this solar eclipse period, I believe much evil can be averted.

However, it’s crucial to remember that we are still in the season of God breaking the bondage of Egypt’s power over us and setting us free. Just as it was in those days when the Israelites were liberated from Egypt, today we may experience times of thick darkness reminiscent of the land of Egypt. However, just as all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings during that period (Exodus 10:23b), so too will God’s people today. While there may not be a physical darkness as there was in Egypt in those days, there will be a darkness of God’s judgment passing through the land.

During this period when God’s judgment passes through the earth, it’s crucial to recognize that there will be a “passing over” of those who will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and seek God’s will. These ones will be covered by the blood of the Lamb. Though God has underscored the importance of humbling ourselves during this time. Many of God’s people are still walking in pride and self-will without even realizing it.

During this season when God is liberating us from the chains of the enemy, there will also be breakthroughs and opportunities for blessings among His people. However, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of humility. These breakthroughs and open doors will only come as we humble ourselves and obediently follow God’s leading. For those who persist in the pursuit of their own agendas, challenges will mount until they recognize the error of their ways, turn back to God, and humble themselves under His mighty hand.

God wants His people to understand that He has not forgotten us or His promises. He simply needs to align us with His will so that He can fulfill His promises in our lives. If we all humble ourselves and surrender to His will, things will begin to turn around.

God also instructs us to fortify ourselves with His word and His presence, and then we will witness the miracles He will perform for us during this time of uncertainty and distress.

A significant upheaval awaits the church in this season, and the false shepherds and unfaithful pastors will succumb to the pressure and fold. However, those walking uprightly and empowered by the boldness of Christ will emerge to confront the enemy and thwart his schemes to take out the church.

These truly are exciting days we live in. Don’t focus on the darkness around you and don’t get into fear, but instead put your focus and trust in Him and His word. Great things are in store for God’s people these days, so be encouraged.

As I end this post, I extend my love and prayers for the Lord’s abundant blessings to shower upon each of you. And if the words shared here have been a source of help or encouragement in your life, please consider giving back through a financial gift. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, is deeply valued and greatly needed. May the presence of Christ abundantly overflow in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

You must come out from where you have been and come into what I am doing now

Dear Saints, soon I will share what the Lord wishes for me to share with His people. So much is going on in both the natural and spiritual and I feel encouraged by what God is showing me, and I know it will encourage you all too, even though things are quickly about to get really bumpy. However for now, please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “As My people will see what I HAVE done, in sending My Son to BECOME their high priest, forever, they will understand that I did THIS so they would DO as He DID and live UNTO Me, offering THEIR lives as a sacrifice, well pleasing in My sight. For many do NOT know, many do NOT even understand that I have called My people to BE kings and priests unto their God. Many do not see HOW this could even be possible.

But I tell you, that this IS possible, for I have made you ABLE, I have given you POWER to do THIS. But you MUST see the reality of this for yourselves. You MUST acknowledge that you MUST DO your part. You can no longer just sit there IDLE thinking all is right and well in your lives, for I tell you this is FAR from the truth. I have given you the truth in Hebrews chapter 7, as I have laid out what I DID.

For the priests of old were weak, having NO real strength, as I desired and so they needed to offer sacrifice for themselves FIRST, then for the people. I need My people to see what I have done in bringing MANY sons INTO glory. For as you WILL truly surrender your lives unto Me & allow Me true access to your INNER man, you WILL understand My heart as it REALLY is. For I AM love and so many understand this, yet so many do NOT understand that love HAS discipline.

Love HAS responsibility, love HAS things that MUST be adhered to, or it is NOT truly love. I need My people to see their NEED to come close to Me in this hour and BE the priests that they ARE called to BE. So many do not even REALIZE this is something that they ARE to become. So many just live their lives seeking to PLEASE self. I need you to see the truth in the way things are…not the compromised reality that SO many live by.

The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. For as My Son has taken His place as high priest, many who say they are Mine, continue NEEDING His intercession for their SELF problems, when these SHOULD be rising up and BECOMING kings and priests unto their God. Do you not see that in essence, you HAVE become priests unto SELF? The truth is there if you would be HONEST to see as I see.

I AM bringing My people into understanding the time and the hour they ARE living. You cannot continue as you have…you MUST come OUT from where you have been and come INTO what I AM doing now. For I told you that this IS the time for NEWNESS. Old things ARE passed away, behold, all things ARE becoming new. THIS newness will come as My people SEE the truth of My word that HAS been hidden for hundreds of years.

THIS newness WILL come as My people RECON with truth and TURN AWAY from their selfish ways. I need you to see THIS for yourselves…no one can see it for YOU. Each of you must enter INTO truth as I now show it, for ONLY the truth will make you free. I love you all with an everlasting love…I keep telling you this, hoping that you will RESPOND to My truth, ENTER into my truth and BECOME one with My truth. It is vital that you see things as I show them in this hour. For if you will do this, you will you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Dear Saints,

God keeps telling us to lay down our old self ways and come up higher into who and what He has called us to. Very soon the church as a whole will go through a severe shaking and sifting as God purifies His house. Those who do not lay their lives completely at His feet and wholly follow after Him will be left behind. I’m not talking about being left behind on earth while the rest of us are raptured out of here, although that may be a part of it, what I’m talking about is that God is shaking everything that can be shaken and those who don’t get on board of the spiritual ark He’s preparing for us will be left out of His coming glory and left to fend for themselves in all that’s coming.

Please, dear Saints, don’t let this be you. Answer the call to rise up in Him and follow wherever the Spirit leads you, both inwardly and outwardly. Great things are coming to those who hear and obey.

Now if these words bless or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a love gift to help us with our financial needs. It’s that time when rent and other bills are coming due. So any financial gift would be a great help.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

God Is Taking His People Of this Hour Into The Promised Land.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read this very important message and teaching from Pastor Mark Moore.

Dear Family of God,

As many of you know, for nearly 2 years now the Lord has had me re-translate each chapter of the New Testament during our Monday Night Worship services. We started with the book of Romans and are now in Hebrews. We are doing this because He revealed to me the truth of what the enemy has done to conceal His truth through the “King James Version”, and then subsequently to all Bible versions after that.

Many of God’s people do not know that King James was an adulterer and a sinner. He commissioned the translators to minimize and compromise the KJV, to cover his sins. So, ALL present translations of the Bible have also been watered down. God’s people TODAY never truly know the full truth of what God REALLY spoke to His people. You would be SHOCKED to know that most of everything God actually COMMANDED was actually translated as “let”.

After I prayed and received the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart on Aug 16th, 1976, my life was truly changed. I went from being a young man who worshiped Alice Cooper, using drugs and alcohol and swearing like a sailor, to a man who was on fire for the Lord and was instantly changed! Shortly after, the Lord placed me under a pastor who was a Hebrew and GREEK Bible scholar back in 1976 and I was tutored by this Seminary Professor for over 4 years in the Greek New Testament until 1981. After those 4 years were over, the Lord moved my wife and I away from the San Francisco Bay area to where we lived for over 26 years in North California. In 1983 the Lord led us to start attending a local Charismatic church where we then lived, when before this we had only attended the Baptist church.

Shortly after this, the Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit and I began this exciting new journey with the True and Living God! Two years later, my wife and I were both ordained into the ministry. The Lord called me to serve as the associate pastor and my wife served as the children’s pastor of that local church. In all the glory and awe of walking in the Holy Spirit in this new walk of faith, the Lord put the “Greek” I had learned those previous 4+ years on the shelf. The Lord then promoted me to senior pastor in 1990 and we served as pastors in that local church for a total of over 21 years until the Lord moved us to Texas in 2006. From 2006 to 2016 we lived in South Texas where the Lord took us through a “wilderness experience” of sorts, as He worked in our hearts much change to prepare us for what He was going to do next. In 2016 He moved us to where we live now, in the Kerrville, TX area and He began to open up the ministry to His next plans for our lives.

In 2019, He launched Revival-Fire Church’s local worship services here, which we also live-stream on YouTube each week. Then in 2021, the Lord tapped me on the shoulder and moved on me to start going back into the Greek, to show His people many truths that were hidden. I never knew the intent and the impact of what God was about to do. Shortly after this, in 2022 while I was breaking down the truth of His word from the Greek, I saw such HUGE discrepancies in what we had previously been taught and have known previously, as He revealed them to me. I was in awe and shocked as He then commanded me to re-translate the entire New Testament, one chapter at a time and that is what He has had me to do for nearly 2 years now.

The impact of the TRUTH that He has uncovered is phenomenal! Did you know that the very word “TRUTH” (a-lethia) really means “not hidden\concealed”? As many of you already know, He is showing me the true state of today’s church, which for the most part only HEARS words that promise His “blessings and victories”. Look at almost all of the top “prophetic websites” (for example)…they basically only say God is going to drop His blessings and victory into your lap! The word of God says “We know in part & prophesy in part” (1 Co.13:9). Sadly, the great majority of these prophetic ministries are only hearing “the good part”.

The TRUTH in God’s word shows that EVERY promise of God has CONDITIONS. Each of us ALL have a part in His promises…no one is immune! In fact, He just recently revealed that Paul, the apostle condemned the “prosperity movement”. The truth is, most people who call themselves Christians are really only serving SELF. Jesus COMMANDED we were to DENY self, take up OUR cross daily, and follow Him! Many of you already know that the Lord called me an apostle back in 1992 when He sent 2 prophets to our church.

God said, though we were serving as pastors, He had called me an apostle and my wife a prophet. We were humbled by this, not really knowing what to do, but we said, yes to the Lord’s will. I am just sharing what the Lord said. The Lord has confirmed this truth to us multiple times since 1992 through many credible ministries. Earlier this year, the Lord told me that He has called me as His apostle of TRUTH for this hour. I now understand why He said this. I don’t say this with any pride, I say this humbly and in holy fear, because I know I am nothing but HIS vessel.

Back in 2002 in our North California church, during one of our intense worship services, He took me into a vision and I was outside my body, looking at myself. I then turned into a golden pipe that went up into Heaven, with the bottom bent towards the congregation. All of a sudden, this golden anointed oil began pouring down His glory from Heaven onto the people and I began to weep and cry openly before the people. I declared “Lord, all I ever want to be is Your pipe!” That is still my ONLY desire today.

A major way that the KJV and other versions do not convey the truth is in the verbs. For one, in English, they do not convey the Mood of the verbs…such as “commands”, in the Imperative Mood. Also, there are different actions the verbs REALLY say. There are 3 Voices in the verbs, relating to action: Active voice, Middle voice, and Passive voice. The English versions take away ALL of the voices, so we never know what we ARE to do. This will help to understand what I mean, as I was taught THIS back in the 1970s:

You have a red wagon.

ACTIVE voice: You are in the wagon PUSHING yourself. It is ALL your ACTION.
MIDDLE voice: You are in the wagon, pushing with your leg, while ALSO someone pulls you. You HAVE A PART in the ACTION.
PASSIVE voice: You are in the wagon, being PULLED. You are YIELDED to the action.

The fact is, much of the time the words are ALSO moved around in the verses, which could have a huge impact on what was really said. Allow me to show you a HUGE example of what God is revealing about all of this. A very powerful verse, Luke 9:23:

Luke 9:23 “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”.

Sounds simple enough, but THIS IS what Jesus REALLY said, which is what the 1st-century church KNEW and TRULY lived by:

“He actively said (in the past and what He said continues forward in time) (1), moreover to all, IF\Since anyone who continually by his action desiring in reality (2) after me to continually have a part AND yield to come (3), I command him to do his part denying himself (4), AND I command him by his action take up (5) the cross of him according to today AND I command his to continually by his action to follow Me (6)”.

(1= Imperf.Act.Ind= Imperf=Continuous action in past time, Our action, Mood of reality)
(2= Pres.Act.Ind=Present tense is Continual, Our action, Mood of reality)
(3= Pres.M\P.Inf=Present Tense is Continuous. Do Our part & yield to God. Inf=”to”.)
(4=Aor.Mid.Imp=, Aor. Tense is past or present. We do Our part. Mood of Command)
(5=Aor.Act.Imp=Aor. Tense is past or present. Our action. Mood of Command)
(6=Pres.Act.Imp= Present Tense is Continuous. Our action. Mood of Command)
(If = here is a 1st Class Condition, which speaks of “Reality”, this meaning = “Since”)
(AND= This Conjunction, joins the 3 thoughts together…they are NOT separate, they are 1. Like having a pie, cut into 3 pieces…all 3 = the whole. You can’t have 1 without the others to be complete in the statement)

The difference between what the KJV says and what Jesus REALLY said is HUGE! The 1st-century church KNEW the TRUTH of God’s words and they WALKED in it. They DENIED SELF, they TOOK UP their cross each day, they FOLLOWED Him…they walked in TRUE holiness and righteousness. They KNEW the truth in the epistles of Paul and the others, whom God moved to write what we call the “New Testament ” today. The 1st-century church turned the world upside down and even the Roman government became Christian. Of course, then the enemy came in and was able to steal, kill, and destroy and the world later went into the dark ages.

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (Jn.8:32).

So, why are so many Christians not free? God says it is time for His people to walk in His truth. The truth is, most Christians take this to mean they are free to live as they want. You see Christians getting more and more tattoos and body piercings. They look more like the world than they do Christ. But, this is what Jesus REALLY said:

“And in the future, you will have a part to intimately know (1) the truth (nothing hidden\concealed), and the truth (nothing hidden\concealed) in the future will actively liberate\set you free (2).”

(1=Fut.Mid.Ind= Future Tense, Do your part, Mood of Reality)
(2=Fut.Act.Ind= Future Tense, By Your action, Mood of Reality)
(Know Intimately = Ginosko, in both cases)

So, as we do OUR part going forward in the future, to intimately know HIS truth (not the hidden\concealed partial truth the church has lived by for over 400 years), HIS intimately known truth will in the future actively liberate\set us free. This freedom is NOT to live as we desire or please…this freedom is to live as God desires and as He pleases.

In the past month, the Lord has revealed to me why He has called me to do this. He took me back to how the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died off, never entering into the Promised Land, because they refused to return unto God from their SELF ways.

He told me that THIS is why He is having me to do all of this with His word.. He took me back to how He had me trained to translate the Greek New Testament over 40 years ago, then later put it on the shelf, until just a few years ago. In essence, the Truth He had taught me had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, but now He was using me to bring His people into the Promised Land.

The Promised Land He speaks of IS His Truth…for His truth IS His PROMISE to us. As we will take hold of His truth (nothing hidden\concealed), we will go forward into His freedom and arise up INTO Him, to BE His vessels of honor in this last hour.

The Lord is leading me to eventually put all of the chapters and books together to make a “new translation”, which will come together down the road. It will take at least 2 or more years before we finish going through all the chapters, one week at a time. The 4 Gospels alone would take 87 weeks if we did 1 chapter each week and these are long chapters! The work involved in preparing these chapters would be immense, as I would have to spend a lot of time putting each chapter into a “readable format”, similar to what I did in the 2 verse examples above.

I have been seeking the Lord for what He wants this “translation” to be called and right now I am sensing He wants it to be called “The Alethia Translation” because Alethia is the Greek word for “truth”, which means “not hidden\concealed” and this is what He is truly doing in this hour!

He then told me how His truth has been “wandering in the wilderness” since 1611. That’s over 412 years now. His people have wandered for 40 years, for 40 years, for 40 years, over & over again…over 10 sets of “40-year wanderings”. I sense that He has wanted His people to enter into His truth in each of these seasons, but for whatever reason, He wasn’t able to find anyone willing to do HIS full will.

Yes, in all of these 40-year seasons, there have been those who have “touched” on things, with great illumination and brought revival on different levels, but each time, these became warped, unbalanced and became what we call “denominations” today, as we see what has happened to the church over these 400+ years. Frankly, the truth is, in each of these denominations, they have BECOME “demon-izations”, as the enemy was able to come in and steal, kill and destroy God’s REAL intentions, to bring His people into His TRUTH.

I share all of this with our Christian family, so you would know what the Lord is doing in this hour. He is NOW wanting His people to enter into the Promised land, which is the land of HIS truth (nothing hidden\concealed). For this is how the GREAT revival will come, just as it did in the 1st-century church. So, as it was IN the beginning, so shall it be IN the end. We must stop wanting to go back into Egypt (bondage of self)…we must return unto the Lord from our SELF ways and enter into the land of His promise…which is His TRUE word…not what man has made it to be!

Dear Saints, after reading this message from Pastor Mark, I felt led to pray for something to say about it because I don’t want anyone to misunderstand what is being said here. Pastor Mark is not exalting himself or stating that only he has the full truth of God’s word. For as we know, Jesus himself IS the living word of God.

Whereas, in my life of reading many different translations of the bible, when I would read Jesus’ words where He says “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me”, I always knew that that was a COMMAND, and I didn’t let the word “let” warp my understanding of what Jesus was really saying. And so I know many others like me have an understanding from the Spirit of what God is saying to us in the scriptures.

However, because of the many translations today, like what Pastor Mark has said, the enemy has been able to water down the word of God and by this, he has kept many believers from truly understanding the full truth and meaning of certain scriptures.

But we are now in the end of times when all shall be revealed and God is now using certain messengers like Pastor Mark to show the Body that we have been following misconceptions of the word and now it is time to walk in the FULL TRUTH that shall completely set us free.

One big example of a misunderstanding from the church at large is the way they are looking outwardly for the return of Christ, when in reality, He wants to return IN US, in His fullness, which is our real hope of glory. God is looking for a habitation in earthly vessels. But this is not being taught in the churches. Instead, it’s being taught that times are getting tough, so any day now the church will be caught away. However, IF we were to experience what the Lord wants, which is Christ IN US, in His fullness, then it wouldn’t matter if we were physically here on earth or in heaven because we would be walking in the kingdom of God, our spiritual paradise on earth, and the enemy would have no hold on us, nor could he touch us, just as Jesus was when He walked the earth. (John 14:30) The only reason the Romans were able to apprehend Jesus and crucify him is because Jesus ALLOWED it to happen.

As I’ve mentioned on this blog before, once years ago God allowed me to experience perfection where I was just as Adam and Eve were before they fell. I got to experience paradise as a spiritual realm that I abided in while at the same time, my feet were here on earth. And let me tell you, no earthly words can describe how wonderful it was. So, if we seek this spiritual paradise, the kingdom of God within, and enter in, then it wouldn’t matter where our body is physically, because we would be constantly in the Lord’s presence and one with God and each other just as Jesus prayed. (John 17:21-24)

God is about to take His people through the fire of cleansing and those who truly seek Him and the fullness of His truth will be purified, refined, and made spotless, and then walk as overcomes in the earth in the fullness of His glory. (Daniel 12:10) This is what the church should be teaching instead of a rapture out of here. So please understand that God is now sending His messengers like Pastor Mark to reveal these truths to us and lead us into our promised land.

I pray that this message enlightens your hearts and encourages you because we are truly in exciting days, despite what’s going on around us in the world. So if these words help or encourage you in any way, please consider a financial gift in return. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated, and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Rise above the coming storms.

Dearly beloved Saints, in my seeking of the Lord what to share with His people, He gave me a vision of a majestic eagle, and subsequently, impressed upon my heart the profound lesson of the eagle rising above a storm. This, He revealed, is His desire for His people in anticipation of the imminent dark turbulence that’s upon us. The Lord has already forewarned many times of all the coming shakings. And while we presently endure these various shakings, these serve as a call to awaken us from our spiritual slumber and prepare for the major storm that’s coming. Challenges and trying times will intensify, and though we currently face these tribulations, it is not yet the widely recognized great tribulation. When that time arrives, its unmistakable nature will leave no room for doubt that it’s the great tribulation.

So, in case you’re not aware, when a storm approaches, the eagle secures its wings to allow the wind to carry and elevate it above the turbulent weather. While the storm unfolds beneath, the eagle soars high above it. Instead of avoiding or seeking shelter from the storm, the eagle harnesses the stormy winds to ascend even higher. This is God’s desire for us in the face of the impending turbulence that we are about to experience.

We are still in the season of exposure and God’s judgment upon the gods of Egypt for our liberation. A lot has been transpiring behind the scenes in the spiritual realm. Numerous world elites have either resigned or passed away unexpectedly. God is actively contending on our behalf for our freedom from the taskmasters, so take heart. Nevertheless, recall the lessons from biblical accounts when God liberated the Israelites from Egypt. Remember that Pharaoh didn’t simply release the people; first, he intensified their labors, and even after finally letting them go, he then pursued them.

We may witness governments attempting more power grabs, as the enemy is reluctant to relinquish the control he currently holds and desires even more control. Brace yourself for what the controlling powers may try. One would have to have their head in the sand if they couldn’t see the threat from all the militant aged men from eastern countries illegally flocking into the U.S., with the support of our government.

The occupancy of the U.S. presidency holds immense significance at this juncture. Sinister politicians and dark forces will go to great lengths to prevent Trump’s return to office, recognizing his potential to unravel their malevolent structures built over years for the detriment of America and the world.

Although it’s God’s desire for Trump to reclaim office, it’s not guaranteed; it hinges on the response of God’s people. As a collective body, repentance, prayer, and active participation in the voting process are essential. What happened with our last presidential election was allowed by God due to the spiritual slumber and lukewarmness of many believers. Now, God offers us another chance, and the future of the U.S. rests on whether there will be an outpouring of God’s glory or an increase in evil and oppressive government control, determined by who gets into office for the next term.

Despite concerns that the next U.S. presidential election might be hindered, the power of repentance and the prayers of the saints can prevent such obstacles. A significant sign is the upcoming eclipse in April, spanning eight U.S. cities named Nineveh. God is unmistakably warning of impending judgment, reminiscent of Nineveh’s story. However, just as Nineveh experienced revival through repentance, we too can be spared from God’s judgment and experience revival if we heed this warning. Please, please share this message with all your fellow believers to emphasize the importance of our repentance and prayer before the U.S. presidential elections.

Returning to the eagle analogy, even if spared from God’s judgment on the U.S., another significant shaking is imminent, although we possess the power to thwart many of the enemy’s plans through our prayers. However, it’s crucial, like the eagle, to set our spiritual wings (so to speak) in place. This way, when the storm arrives, we can ascend above it.

Humility and repentance are crucial; we must turn from all sin and selfish ways. It’s not merely about praying Psalm 91 over ourselves, but abiding under His shadow as described in the Psalm. This requires constant prayer, meditation on His Word with time spent in His presence, and unwavering faith. By doing this, it will give us our spiritual wings to ascend above the impending storm, carried by His Spirit. Even though a thousand may fall at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand, it will not come near us. We will only look with our eyes and see the punishment of the wicked because we have made the Lord our refuge, the Most High our dwelling place, so no evil will befall us, no scourge will come near our tent.

While spiritual preparedness is paramount, it’s also prudent to be ready in practical matters as well. Though refrain from succumbing to media hype, as seen during the plandemic when exaggerations and staged scenes created unnecessary fear. Stay discerning and don’t get into fear as you prepare for what lies ahead. If at all possible, stock up on essential supplies such as water and food, preparing for unforeseen circumstances. Anticipate power outages and consider alternative cooking methods like a propane grill. Try to keep plenty of gas in your vehicles, minimizing the challenges of evacuations, which often lead to long gas station lines.

If you haven’t heard on the news, the Texas Panhandle is facing its largest fire in history right now, particularly near Amarillo, my current residence. Evacuations have already taken place in nearby towns, so I’m prepared for a potential evacuation. Please keep us in your prayers, hoping for the fire to subside without further casualties or losses.

Above all, keep your faith and remain close to Him. Take heart; these are extraordinary times. Soon, we will witness the abiding glory of the Lord upon His chosen people on earth, participating in the church’s greatest moment in history. Jesus declared that those who believe in Him will accomplish even greater things than He did. In these final days, the church is destined to exceed the remarkable deeds recorded in the book of Acts. These are truly exciting days we live in.

Beloved Saints, my love extends to each of you, and I pray for the Lord’s abundant blessings in your lives. As I have been faithful to the Lord, if these words help or encourage you, please consider a financial gift in return. Your support, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated, and greatly needed. May Christ abundantly abide in your hearts.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

So many hold to My grace as an idol for self.

Dear Saints, I am still seeking the Lord for what He would say to His people. So many things are happening in the spiritual realm. Soon I will share what the Lord lays upon my heart to share. But for now, please prayerfully read and take to heart what the Lord is saying to us through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to show them the WAY that they ARE to go. For many in this hour have been compromised by well-meaning doctrines that have taken My people AWAY from the truth of My word into the pseudo truth of SELF. For so many are still being NOT CONVINCED…are still being NOT PERSUADED…are still being DISOBEDIENT to what I HAVE said. So many are THIS way because My word was NOT translated for today’s church, as I REALLY spoke it.

So many things have been CONTAMINATED by HALF truths that give men license to live as THEY desire. To many, it is OK to commit sin, because they believe that My son’s sacrifice COVERS all sin. They believe it is OK to live CONTRARY to My word, doing things that go completely OPPOSITE of what I said, believing it IS RIGHT because I AM love. So many do NOT even share THEIR faith anymore, because they believe that IS the preacher’s job.

I tell you that My people need to have a RUDE awakening to see things as they REALLY are! For this IS why I AM having My servant take you back INTO my truth, as I HAVE said it. This IS why I AM showing My people the DISCREPANCIES of what man HAS done & what I HAVE said. For UNLESS the truth comes FORTH, UNLESS the truth comes OUT, My people will NEVER change…My people will continue down the PATH that takes them farther and farther FROM Me, not realizing that they are just LIKE the frog in the pot on the stove, being warmed to their OWN death.

So many of My people have LITTLE understanding of the truth of what I HAVE said. So many think that My grace gives them license to live as THEY desire. How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to DENY SELF? How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to TAKE UP THEIR CROSS DAILY? How many of My people have truly OBEYED My command to FOLLOW Me? My people would be HORRIFIED to the truth of that answer!

So many have TAKEN the road that man HAS given them…to say a prayer of receiving My son into their lives as their “savior and lord”, but few EVER receive Him TRULY as the Lord of THEIR lives. This IS evident BY their lives, as they live ONLY to please SELF! This IS evident as they do mostly what THEY want to do. This IS evident by the reality that THEY do NOT reach out to SAVE the lost. Tonight in Hebrews 4, I have shown you so MUCH to prove THESE things, in that man has CHANGED My words & minimized, compromised and taken away the TRUE power and authority of what I said.

So many hold to My grace as an idol for SELF, when the truth of My grace is for you to rise UP and BECOME like Me. So many hold to My mercy and compassion, but REALLY this is because of their SELF life, continuing to live as IT PLEASES, falling INTO sin, doing things only FOR self and not REALLY doing anything to SERVE Me. I challenge My people to come to Me and truly OPEN their hearts to what I SAY. For I tell you, there is a BARRIER keeping My people from truly BEING the people that I DESIRE them to BE.

For My Son came as an EXAMPLE of what you ARE to follow. My Son came to SHOW My people THE WAY they are to GO! Yet, so few truly SEE this or RISE UP to BE like Him. Today’s “gospel” is NOT the gospel that I spoke out from the beginning. Today’s gospel is mainly a gospel to PLEASE the flesh. In essence, just say a prayer, ask Jesus into your heart and you can live the way YOU want to live! That is what My church has done to My gospel! If you commit sin, “it’s ok…Jesus forgives you”!

Yet, how many TRULY REPENT of their sin. How many truly TURN AWAY from their sin, which IS what repenting really means? I share these things with you because there is a growing TREND arising in My people to TAKE them farther and farther FROM Me, thinking that “all is well”, “My grace is sufficient to you, so you can go ahead and live the way you want” and NEVER BE conformed INTO the image of My Son. How CAN My people be conformed into His image, when they are taught that they have NO NEED to do so?

My Son IS the great high priest and He IS truly compassionate and merciful, but He IS looking for those who will come to Him to BE CHANGED, NOT given a FREE pass to continue in their SELF life. I need My people to see that they MUST CEASE from their SELF-efforts and ENTER INTO the finished work of what My Son has done. So many do not EVEN understand what THIS means. Many think it means that because Jesus did IT ALL, they can live the way they want because they ARE forgiven.

When the truth IS, My Son finished His work, so My people could ENTER into THAT finished work, THEIR lives SHOWING His finished work THROUGH them to this lost and dying world. It is time for My people to STOP listening to men who CORRUPT My truth into something that LEGALIZES a sinful, self-life. It is time for My people to start HEARING what My spirit IS now saying to the churches. Come out of that false church, My people…come out of the COMPROMISED gospel that promises you blessing and victory, saying you need not do ANYTHING for it to come.

I challenge My people to TAKE HOLD of My truth in this hour and LOOK at the world and SEE what My people HAVE done…for the darkness you SEE IS what My people HAVE shined to this world. You ARE the light of the world, as I KEEP telling you. Yet few EMBRACE the truth of THIS reality and take RESPONSIBILITY for what they HAVE done to cause THIS darkness. I AM coming back IN My people BEFORE I come back FOR My people.

I AM looking for those who will truly SURRENDER their lives unto Me, to do what My word says they ARE to do. IF you say you love me, you WILL keep My commandments. I AM not referring to the old covenant…I AM talking about the new covenant, which is a covenant of LOVE. Yet so few have truly come into THIS covenant WITH Me, as I desire. Most stay at a DISTANCE, only taking FROM Me, what they CAN get, holding on to THEIR self-life, not knowing that the time HAS come for judgment, which MUST begin AT the house of God, BEFORE it can come to THIS world.

I need My people to understand what truly IS at stake here, for the DAMAGE that has been done unto those who say they are Mine, is horrendous and huge…My people are so blind! For they continue to hold onto things that I commanded them to TURN AWAY from. I need My people to SEE the truth, for ONLY the truth CAN set them free. I love you ALL with an everlasting love and IN that love, I MUST rebuke & chasten My people.

For if I do NOT do this TO you, it means you are NOT My sons, as My word declared. Take hold of My words this day and STOP holding to the compromised\watered-down truths that man has taught you. For I tell you, IF what you believe is only “tickling your ears”, you SHOULD BE afraid, for THIS is exactly what the enemy of your soul WANTS. Come to Me, My people while you still can. STOP listening to men who HAVE been compromised by the evil one.

STOP listening to preachers who HAVE been ALTERED by the devil’s plot and plan to DESTROY mankind in this world. For those who have TAKEN in what has been GIVEN in this plan, HAVE been programmed to follow the enemy’s ways, NOT Mine. I cannot state this in clearer words, because of the extreme censorship that exists in this hour, but hear My words. Those who have entered into Molech worship are now compromised into the enemy’s plans and can no longer be trusted.

If only you knew how many of My “supposed servants” have become part of and helped implement THIS plan, pushing it like drug pushers onto their congregations. It is time for those who say they are Mine to START walking IN the truth. NOT man’s truth…NOT self truth…but My truth. My truth IS balanced. My truth HAS conditions. My truth REQUIRES action…you HAVE a part and MUST YIELD to what I have said…”man’s” truth does NOT…”SELF” truth does NOT. ONLY My truth WILL set you free.

Man’s self truth will only lead people AWAY from Me. Take hold of My truth this day and ENTER into the rest that My Son finished and HAS given you ACCESS to this day. I love you, My people…STOP listening to things that ONLY appease and strengthen self. Humbly come to Me so I CAN restore you. IF you think you ARE restored, but NOT walking IN what I say, you ARE deceived. Surrender your lives to Me and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, as I was reading this word from the Lord about how we must enter into His rest, yet also do our part in taking up our cross daily as He commanded, the Lord brought to my remembrance something I witnessed a few years ago.

Back around the year 2007, a Christian friend of mine talked me into joining a home bible study group that she was a part of. When I first started going to the bible study, it sounded biblical and enjoyable, but there was something not quite right about it. Though I couldn’t put my finger on anything wrong. I would ponder on all that was taught, and I couldn’t recognize anything unbiblical.

This bible study was following a huge ministry that almost all Christians are aware of. And one day a so-called prophet from this ministry visited our bible study group and gave an outstanding teaching, then prophesied to almost everyone, including myself.

Well, after this man visited and taught at our bible study, we were informed that he suddenly fell ill, was taken to the hospital, and then quickly died. Our bible study group leader told us that she felt that this man of God got a glimpse of heaven during his illness and most likely didn’t want to come back.

Even though I know this to be true in many cases with believers, I knew in my spirit that there was something more to this. So, I sought the Lord about what really happened and He gave me the scripture Galatians 1:8, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

I was shocked at His response and so of course I asked the Lord to please explain because I couldn’t find anything unbiblical about the teachings. And so the Lord revealed to me that it wasn’t so much of WHAT was being taught, but more of WHAT was being left out, making it error. He revealed to me that even though the teachings were of entering into the finished work of Christ, they were leaving out the teaching of our inward cross to self. And THIS is another gospel….

I never forgot that incident because the teachings were so wonderful and seemingly biblical that I didn’t realize that I was just having my ears tickled. They weren’t openly condoning sin, but they also weren’t preaching against it either. And there were always teachings on receiving and entering into His promises and blessings, yet there was never any mention of our call to the inward cross to purity and holiness.

Of course, after that, I left the group and never went back. I told my sister-in-the-Lord about what the Lord revealed to me, but unfortunately, she chose to continue going to the bible study. I think that this is where many believers are, refusing to hear the FULL truth of God’s word, just as the Lord is telling us through Pastor Mark’s words. I pray that you all receive this and examine your own hearts so that you do not become hardened to hearing the full TRUTH of the gospel.

If these words do bless or help you in any way, please consider returning the favor with a love gift to help us with our financial needs. It’s that time when rent and other bills are coming due. So any financial gift would be a great help.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Rise up out of your own ways and return unto me in this hour.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the loving word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore. God is calling out to those who will rise up into His full truth and power for these last days. I pray that you all take part in His last days remnant.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to OPEN their hearts unto Me & My words. For in this hour I AM WORKING to help you to SEE things never seen before, so you can APPLY them to your heart & life to TRULY worship Me. For I AM showing you the REALITY that My people ARE to BE morally blameless, pure, holy. You CANNOT do this by yourselves, you MUST come to Me & RECEIVE what My Son has done through HIS life & sacrifice.

For ALL that He accomplished IS the salvation that many SPEAK of, but few truly ENTER into THAT salvation as I desire them to. This is why so many WALK in troubled lives BOUND in sin and uncleanness because they do NOT walk IN what I PROVIDED to them. For My salvation IS a GIFT, but just as with anything, what good does it do, if the gift just LAYS DORMANT, never being utilized? I put it this way to help you to KNOW that salvation MUST be walked in.

Salvation MUST be applied to YOUR life. For BY grace you ARE saved, THRU faith…it IS My gift to you, as you truly RECEIVE My Son’s atonement. The PROBLEM that EXISTS in so many is, that they do NOT truly RECEIVE My gift of grace. For My desire is for My people to WALK IN what I HAVE given. Many say they HAVE received My gift of salvation, but NEVER SHARE that gift with others, that others MIGHT also receive the gift.

Many take hold of My gift and walk IN it for a season, then circumstances, life changes, and many things get IN THE WAY and the gift becomes BARREN WITHIN them. In Hebrews 3 I declare the REALITY of the glory that I GAVE My Son for His obedience TO Me, as He was FAITHFUL in ALL His house. He had GREATER glory than Moses, whose face SHINED with My glory when he came down from the mount.

But My Son has been given GREATER glory, because I APPOINTED Him OVER My house, whose house YOU ARE, IF you hold fast the things that I HAVE SAID UNTO the END. I share these things because I love you with an everlasting love. I WANT you to RISE UP out of your own ways and return unto me in this hour. This IS needed for My people to SEE because so many have ALLOWED their hearts to DRY out, so many have ALLOWED their hearts to be HARDENED…so many have ALLOWED this, thinking all was well WITHIN them.

But I AM coming to My people in this hour to HELP them to STOP SLIPPING AWAY from Me and My words. So many ARE listening to words that are NOT of Me. So many HAVE taken hold of things that are literally CONTRARY to what I HAVE SAID, thinking IN their hearts that I am pleased with THEM. How can My people be SO confused and compromised, to NOT see that they have been DECEIVED by the enemy to take hold of things that are NOT of Me?

I ask this because it IS VITAL that My people SNAP OUT OF this mindset and truly exercise THEIR minds to CONSIDER what I say. For all that I have shown you in Hebrews 3 was to make you AWARE of what WAS, and now what IS, as My people have lost grip of the REALITY of truth that IS of Me, because they have TAKEN HOLD of pseudo truth, NOT of Me. I challenge each of you to CONSIDER what I say…for these things were written for YOUR admonition.

I gave them to WARN you, so you could SEE the truth of your lives, repent and return unto Me. It IS My desire that My people SHINE as light IN this dark world. Many STILL have not grasped, nor taken hold of the reality of it BEING THEIR light they are shining, that HAS compromised the world. But I continue to say these things because My people are BEGINNING to slowly WAKE UP to truth…SLOWLY repenting of their OWN ways….and SLOWLY returning unto Me.

It IS My desire for My people to turn back what they HAVE CAUSED in this world. It is time for My people to take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions CAUSING the darkness and for their LACK of actions to shine My light. Come to Me, My people and I WILL help you. It IS My desire that you truly HEAR My voice. So many think they ARE hearing Me, yet many are only hearing Me in the things THEY WANT to hear. So many are only hearing Me in the things that SELF desires.

So few are WILLING to open their hearts to Me to truly what I AM saying In this time. For I AM taking the cover off of complacency and compromise. I AM taking the cover off of MAN’S leading into serving MOSTLY self. I AM taking the cover off of EVERYTHING! For as you walk FORWARD in this hour, you WILL see more and more UNCOVERING. You WILL SEE more and more EXPOSURE. You WILL SEE more and more of TRUTH coming forth in ALL areas.

For this IS the time of the APOCALIPSIS…this IS the time for ALL things to begin to BE REVEALED. And as I have already told you, THIS begins at the HOUSE OF GOD…whose house you ARE, IF you continue to HOLD FAST the things I HAVE said UNTO THE END. I AM calling for My people to WAKE UP out of their SELF lives. I AM calling My people to RESURRECT up OUT OF what man HAS done to them. I AM calling My people to STAND strong ALONGSIDE of Me, so I CAN SHINE THROUGH them in this hour, for ALL to see. I HAVE done My part in this…My part still IS there and awaits My people.

You Must DO your part in this. You MUST take ACTION, as I HAVE been showing you the things that have been HIDDEN for nearly 2000 years. You MUST YIELD to Me IN your lives and IN your ways and come CLOSE to Me, according to My will…NOT according to man’s teachings…NOT according to self…but according to what I AM showing you in THIS hour. Come to Me with your TRUE heart response, as I desire…show Me your ANSWER with the giving of your WHOLE heart and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word, pray on this, and yield to any correction God may bring you. These are the last days and we need to rise up in the full truth of God’s word.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Allow Me to come into you afresh and show you the truth of what each of you must do.

Dear Saints, the Lord is searching for hearts that will receive the planting of His words so that there will be a harvest of His TRUE righteousness and spiritual fruit within the lives of His people. Having said that, please prayerfully read the word He has spoken through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to ARISE into all that I have accomplished for them. I AM INTENDING, I AM wanting to cause them to SEE their need to do THEIR part in ALL that I have done. For so much DAMAGE has been done by well-meaning men’s doctrines, that have NOT helped My people as much as they have HARMED & CRIPPLED them. For so many STILL sit there expecting Me to work on their behalf, NOT realizing that THEY have a part to play in this work.

Tonight in Hebrews 2, I have shown you the TRUTH of these things, as I have displayed the REALITY of WHY My Son came in the form of man. For I HAVE crowned him with glory and honor, as He was FAITHFUL to Me & did ALL that I ordained Him to do. He did HIS part in all of these things. He did THIS to show you that in all things, you STILL have a part to do, you STILL must YIELD in your lives for these things to come to pass. For the authority and power that I have given to Him, IS above all things.

For I caused Him to become LESSER than the angels, so he could ACCOMPLISH My will and He SACRIFICED His life. I say this meaning MORE than what you may think. For He not only gave HIS life as a ransom for many, but He also sacrificed SELF before Me to ONLY do those things that were PLEASING in My sight. I need My people to see THIS & understand that He paved the way…He showed the STANDARD that My people are to FOLLOW. So many have NO idea of THIS TRUTH!

So many have NEVER even taken thought for this. Most just take hold of all THEY can get from Me, thinking they are RIGHT before Me when their lives SHOW Me just the opposite! Many think that just because they do not “sin”, DOING things that the world DOES, this makes them pure and holy in My sight, but I tell you that this is only ONE part. What about the part where YOUR lives are LED of Me to do what I desire?

What about My command to GO into all the world and preach the gospel to EVERY creature? So many THINK that this is only the preacher’s job. When I have commanded ALL who have come to Me to do this VERY thing. How can you expect to ESCAPE, when you are NEGLECTING the great salvation that I have given unto you? I say this to STIR you up to remember My truth, as I have shown you in Hebrews 2. I have SUBJECTED the angels to SERVE My people, as ministering spirits, SENT FORTH to minister unto them who are to BECOME heirs of salvation.

Yet very few take hold of THIS authority to SEND and DISPATCH My angels to do what I HAVE commanded them to do. If My people could SEE in the spirit realm, they would see THESE angels close to them, WAITING, IDLE, not given ANY instruction or sending! The sadness that this causes Me IS great! For My people are NOT doing the work OF My people…they are doing the work of SELF! My people do not seem to SEE that their holding to self IS keeping them from walking IN the things I have for THEM. For even their fear of death, must be seen as it is…it IS of SELF!

When My people will ARISE and DO their part, ENTERING into ALL that My son accomplished, they WILL be free from fear of death…they WILL be free to SERVE Me! So many have taken hold of My words and walked WITH Me in a season, yet now MANY are beginning to LET THINGS SLIP and they have MOVED AWAY from My will. I keep REMINDING My people of the consequences of NOT standing FIRM in Me and My truth, and those who continue to do so WILL be recompensed for THEIR labors of transgression.

So many do not SEE that they are STEPPING TOWARD things that are moving them AWAY from Me. For all things are subject to My Son and placed under his feet, yet many of My people do NOT recognize that this INCLUDED THEM. My people MUST see that they ARE to be subject to My Son in ALL of their lives. So, I CALL My people to HEAR My words this night. Allow Me to come INTO you AFRESH and SHOW you the TRUTH of what each of you MUST do.

For THESE things are NECESSARY, they ARE BINDING, and I need you to KNOW this for yourselves. I love you all with an everlasting love. I need you all to do YOUR part in what My word says to do. I know that this has NOT been EVIDENT to many because of how minimized My word has been translated, but NOW I AM TAKING THE COVER OFF, so you CAN walk in My truth, nothing hidden or concealed.

But you STILL must CHOOSE to do this, for self WILL fight against you. Self WILL cause strife, anger & many OTHER such things to try to KEEP you from the place I desire you to BE. And that place IS by My side. That place IS close to My heart. That place IS where the enemy CANNOT enter in, because your life IS truly where I NEED it to BE. Come to Me, My people & I WILL help you. I WILL show the areas that I NEED you to change.

For IF you will TRULY seek to come unto Me, I WILL enable you to arise OUT OF those things and you WILL truly sit NEXT to me, NOT just metaphorically, but POSITIONALLY. And you will KNOW the difference because the love of God will BE SHED upon your hearts and My glory and power WILL SHINE THROUGH you. And you WILL UNDERSTAND the greatness of what I have REVEALED this night. So come to Me & take YOUR place now and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that these words enlighten your walk with the Lord and reveal areas that need changing. I know that I have been convicted many times when reading these words from the Lord.

Also, those truly sincere in their walk of obedience to the Lord Jesus, please seek Him and ask if He would have you to give back just as it has been given to you. At present, the Lord still has me living on the support of others’ gifts and donations. Therefore, I ask that you please consider giving to help with our financial needs.  I really could use some help right now, so no amount is too small.  

Thank you all for your love and consideration and may these words bless and help you in your walk with the Lord.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I am removing the blinders off of man.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to UNDERSTAND the time they are now in. For this IS the time of taking the cover off. And as you walk FORWARD in this hour, I AM going to show you more & more things that you KNEW NOT. For I AM REMOVING the BLINDERS of man, I AM REMOVING the things that KEEP My people from truly being My people. For as I have taken you through Hebrews 1 this evening, I have shown you MANY things, that have NOT been FULLY grasped or understood before.

For all that My Son has accomplished was NOT just for Himself…for ALL that He was going to do, was in bringing MANY sons unto glory. For as My people truly come NEAR to Me…as My people truly SURRENDER their SELF lives, to seek & desire to please ONLY Me, you will find the TRUE treasures of ETERNITY, as I take the cover off of what the enemy HAS done to the people of God. For all that Jesus did was for the purpose & intent to bring forth a HARVEST of righteousness.

As you look back on the way things were, before I sent My Son, My people only walked in a SMALL portion of My will, as they WRESTLED with living righteously. But because of their SELF lives, they COULDN’T keep My commandments, though they DID try. Because of this, MOST could never hear My voice and so I had to speak THROUGH the prophets that I had CHOSEN, to SHOW My people the way to go. But then I sent My Son, born of the virgin and He was raised up to DO My will.

For His heart was FIXED to ONLY please Me. This IS the problem with so many of My people today…they are NOT fixed on pleasing Me. They ARE fixed on pleasing SELF. And because of this, many ONLY please Me at a time here or there, but there is MOSTLY no REAL consistency in their lives. I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love and it IS My desire that you BECOME like Me. It IS My desire that you BECOME like Jesus…who came into the world to DO My will.

So many SAY they want to do My will, yet in truth (nothing hidden\concealed), they are really only wanting to please Me according to their OWN mindsets & desires. I AM looking for a people who will TAKE HOLD of My truth in THIS hour & see their NEED to deny self, take up their cross & follow Me with their WHOLE life. So many HEAR of My glory…so many HEAR of My power…so many HEAR of all that I sent My son to do, yet so FEW truly ever enter INTO that glory…so FEW truly ever enter INTO that power.

So many only STAY in that place of hearing what My Son did as He WALKED upon the earth. I want My people to walk AS Jesus walked. I want My people to RISE UP out of their self lives up INTO My glory. For THERE IS where the power IS. THERE IS where the miracles ARE. THERE IS where my people WILL shine My light to this lost and dying world. You CANNOT shine My light, when self IS in the way. You MUST put self down, UNDER your feet, so that ONLY Me will be seen THROUGH you.

I know this SOUNDS difficult, but it ISN’T as difficult as it sounds…it is just something that has to BE DECIDED and then ACTIVATED IN your lives. In Hebrews 1 you saw how I gave Jesus a name ABOVE the angels. You saw how I highly EXALTED Him, above them ALL. I did this because he paved the way THROUGH His life. He LOVED righteousness and HATED iniquity and wickedness. This says a LOT when looking at My people, for so many that SAY they love Me, do NOT do as Jesus did.

Many still HOLD to things of iniquity and wickedness. So many STILL allow things in their lives that they KNOW is wrong before Me. This is because of the CORRUPT grace and love teachings that man has INFECTED My people with, to compromise them and make them complacent to the TRUTH. Whenever man takes My truth and UNBALANCES it with self, it becomes HYPOCRISY. It is NOT right before Me. It is NOT something that I AM pleased with.

And I have ALLOWED this to continue for a time, but NOW I AM calling all men to REPENT. These compromised teachings MUST be cast down & My truth MUST be embraced. For this IS the time for truth to MANIFEST within My people. For I AM taking the cover off of the way things ARE and now My people must understand things on a DIFFERENT level. For I AM speaking of that which IS eternal and of Me. My people MUST let go of these HALF truths & take hold of what is REAL in this hour.

How long will My people continue to LOOK at the darkness in the world and REFUSE to see the truth that this darkness IS because My church HAS shined a compromised MIXTURE of light & darkness to the world? The time has come for My people to take the cover off of THEIR self lives, so they can shine MY LIGHT…for I said you ARE the light of the world. If you do NOT grasp and take hold of the reality of THIS truth, you will FAIL to shine My light and only MAKE the world darker. It is time for My people to truly BE My people.

If you SAY you are NEAR My son, you WILL show this IN your life, for My anointing will rub off ON you & you WILL demonstrate THIS as My Son did…WALKING through this world, DOING the exploits of Me to this lost & dying world. Come to Me with your WHOLE lives and truly GIVE Me your lives now…NOT just the parts you have decided to give! I AM waiting for a righteous RESPONSE from My people in this hour. You MUST do YOUR part in this. The world is waiting…they are desperate in this hour. I NEED My people to show the world that I AM IN you of a truth. Surrender unto Me as I desire and you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word, pray on this, and yield to any correction God may bring you. These are the last days and we need to rise up in the full truth of God’s word.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Darkness is attempting to come upon the U.S. We must rise up in Christ and war against the darkness.

Dear Saints, as I was seeking what the Lord wanted me to share with the Body of Christ, He spoke to me about a darkness that is seeking to come upon the U.S.

Because the church in the U.S. has not taken her rightful place as the light unto the world, evil has been allowed to have its foothold.  And so, very soon, there will be darkness and chaos coming to the U.S. if the Body of Christ does not rise up and gain victory over it.

But know this; as God’s people, we are NOT to get into fear.  During this time of darkness, we are to let our light shine among men and take our rightful stand in Christ and war against the darkness.  We have the power of Christ in us to diminish, and possibly even stop, the evil that has already been planned out by the enemies of God and His purpose for this nation.

If darkness has its way, the days just ahead will bring fear to many in the U.S. and we must be the light of Christ for them to run to.  During this time of darkness, fear will not be upon God’s children who walk uprightly before Him.  Instead, we will walk in His protection and favor if we remain in obedience to Him. But keep in mind, we are commanded as the children of light to war in the Spirit against the darkness.

God is bringing about a mighty change in the U.S., and with this change, He is exposing and judging corruption within our government and other systems of man.  But evil-minded men are attempting to thwart the plans of God for this nation and bring about their own plans by corrupting our courts and justice system and bringing great evil upon the land.  So, hang on to God and His word during this time.  Meditate on Psalm 91 and practice spending time in the secret place of intimacy with Him and His presence.  Pray that God’s justice will be victorious in all courts of the U.S. from the Supreme Court on down, and pray against the evil plots of men.

And pray for God’s chosen one to get into the White House. The extent of the darkness coming upon the U.S. will greatly depend on who our next president is. It doesn’t matter if you’re against Trump, just pray God’s protection over him and pray that God’s chosen one will be our next president. There’s a reason that all the corrupt media, Hollywood, and politicians are fighting so hard against this man. I can’t stress enough on the importance of this. We must war in the Spirit and pray for God’s victory and justice over the land, courts, and justice system. I’m not at all telling anyone how to vote. Each one must vote for who they feel God is leading them to vote for. But we can all agree that we need God’s chosen one as our leader in these hard times, no matter who that may be.

During this time of exposure and judgment, even those within the church who are playing the harlot will be exposed for who they truly are.  For a time, it may even look as though God has forsaken the church as His judgment sweeps through the church systems of man.  But God has not forsaken His church.  In contrast, He is about to cleanse the church through and through….and many will be shocked and dismayed when He exposes all that has been going on behind closed doors within the body of Christ.

God will be judging those of His people who have refused to judge themselves and repent, even though He has given them plenty of warnings.  This includes all of us, so it would behoove us to repent from any known sin or disobedience, and ask Him to shine the light on anything in our lives that He is against that we may not be aware of.  And repent quickly and be renewed in your mind.

God is calling for repentance and a return to the full truth and whole counsel of His word, a message echoed through faithful messengers like Pastor Mark Moore.

This season of cleansing will widen the gap between the house of David, those with a heart after God and earnestly seeking holiness and His will, and the house of Saul, those holding onto self-will with only a form of godliness.  Those of the house of Saul will descend farther into darkness and deception as the days go by. On the other hand, God’s unprecedented grace will aid those seeking to break free from all sin and weakness of the flesh, drawing His favor and evoking jealousy from those in the house of Saul.

I’m not claiming any certain denomination or church to be the house of Saul.  There are most likely Davids in almost all churches and denominations, as there may also be Sauls in the houses of David.  But as the gap between the two gets wider and wider, the Davids will find themselves separating from the houses of Saul all the way up to the time that a cry will be made for all to come out from among her, so that you will not be partakers of her sins, and will not receive her plagues.  And like when Lot was ushered out of Sodom and Gomorrah, the truly faithful ones will be ushered out of the houses of Saul before their time of final judgment.

During this time of darkness and chaos, those who have been faithful to God and His word, even the ones who have been weak and struggling, but haven’t fainted or given up, shall soon be rejoicing for all that He shall restore to them in this hour. And the treasures of heaven will be poured out upon these ones, so long as they continue in the faith with a heart quick to repent.  However, humility is paramount, as boasting or pride may lead to the removal of these blessings because no man will receive glory for what God is about to do. And let us not get overwhelmed or selfish with God’s goodness but, instead, share His love and gifts, so that He may be glorified among men.

Great things are coming for those who have remained faithful.  So, if and when this darkness comes, keep focused on Christ and His faithfulness.  Don’t get into fear, but stay under His protection and war against the darkness.  And most importantly of all, be a beacon of His shining light during this time.

I truly pray that these words encourage and help you all. So if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. It’s that time that rent and other bills are coming due and any help is greatly appreciated. 

May the Lord keep you and abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I am looking for a people who will work together in union with Me.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word of correction and instruction from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to take the cover OFF of what man has done. I come to My people in this hour to help them to ALIGN more closely to My word. I come to My people in this hour to OPEN their eyes to SEE things IN truth, as they are needed now as never before. For as I have taken you through Philemon this night, I have shown you the REALITY of many things, that many have NEVER seen before.

For I reveal just how DEEP things are IN relationship to Me & My people. I show you the IMPORTANCE of being IN UNITY TOGETHER, to function as My body, laboring TOGETHER IN UNION WITH Me. So many do NOT do this. So many ONLY DO that which is PSEUDO, the things that man IS PLEASED to do. So many ONLY DO those things that work on the SURFACE levels. So many ONLY DO those things that are mainly SUBSTANCE.

I AM LOOKING for a people who WILL work together IN UNION WITH Me, to ACCOMPLISH My will, which IS to BUILD the Kingdom of God. So many SAY that they do THIS & I have already told you, that MOST of this IS ONLY for SELF & FLESH. My kingdom is NOT new cars, jets, huge building projects that DRAIN My people INTO providing. My kingdom IS BRINGING forth everlasting life TO those who have NOT entered into it. So much is WASTED on THINGS, when it could have been invested in SOULS!

I say these things to AWAKEN you to the REALITY of the way things ARE. For in Philemon, I show you TRUE LEADERSHIP. I show you TRUE DEALINGS with situations. I show you the way things ARE SUPPOSED to be. Yet, I tell you that many who read THIS epistle, get little to nothing OUT OF IT because it didn’t say anything they were WILLING to hear. I love you all with an everlasting love, so I want you to SEE things as they REALLY are. I want you to UNDERSTAND truth as it really IS…not the way man HAS made it.

For even though Philemon is short & doesn’t say a LOT in many areas…it DOES say a lot to those who have ears to HEAR. I want My people to see how things ARE really supposed to work. Not AS man has made My church to BECOME. I want My people to truly BE My people…a people TRULY CONNECTED TO Me, by My spirit, DOING the things I HAVE called them to DO. Tonight I have shown you how My people are NOT called INTO a social club…My people are called INTO a partnership, where each share TOGETHER.

I have shown you that My people are to BE warriors, fighting the good fight of faith, EVEN in chains & imprisonment. So many live their lives for SELF. I keep saying this because it IS the truth & I am taking the cover off of man’s HALF truths. For I came to set the captives FREE, yet so many think that THIS freedom means they are FREE to live as THEY desire. My freedom, FREES you to live as I DESIRE. This can ONLY happen when My people come UNDER My will.

This can ONLY happen as My people ADHERE to godly principles that I ORDAINED…not the pseudo HALF truths that man has POISONED My church with, that only PROMOTES ungodliness. Many cannot even CONCEIVE what that even REALLY means. For they think they ARE godly, having new cars & great possessions, when I already told you how HARD it is for the rich to ENTER into the kingdom of heaven! How can My people be SO deceived to continue THINKING that gain is godliness?

But as My people will truly SEE how they ARE to live as SLAVES unto Me, to do My will, there IS where the TRUE freedom comes. There IS where My kingdom BEGINS to MANIFEST. I want My people to see the REALITY of the way things are. Do NOT think that you are entering the kingdom of heaven if you are SEEKING after the things of this world, for I tell you that you are NOT! Those who HEAR My voice know what I AM saying. Those who HEAR My voice, know TRUE LEADERS when they see them.

Those who HEAR My voice work to CAST DOWN the things of the FLESH life, so they can BE available UNTO Me, IN My will. I AM looking for a people who LOOKS like those mentioned in Philemon, for they SHOW the picture, they SHOW the type of people that MIRROR My will. So many have NOT done THEIR part to come UNTO Me as I desire. Oh, yes, they will SAY that they have, yet the truth IS shown by HOW they live their lives. How many of these people SEEK for souls to BE saved?

How many of these people SEEK for lives to BE healed & restored? How many of these people REALLY just live THEIR lives, to please SELF, thinking they are right with Me? I say these things BECAUSE they ARE important. I say these things BECAUSE I MUST tell you the truth. For IN truth, there IS NOTHING hidden\concealed. I want My people to SHINE as My LIGHTS in this world. NOT the lights that I AM seeing. NOT the lights that THEY have decided & willingly shine.

For THOSE lights ARE compromised. THOSE lights ARE a mixture. Is it any wonder why such lights DO LITTLE TO NOTHING for My kingdom? Come to Me, My people & I WILL SHINE My love upon you so you WILL see AS I see. Come to Me, My people & I WILL HELP you to see as you have NEVER seen before. For I tell you that MOST only see what they WANT to see. Most rarely OR ever see the things that I DESIRE, because they are still CAPTIVE to the lies of men. I want My people to BE captives to Me!

For I love you & want you to BE like Me. I gave Myself a RANSOM for sin, so those of the world could COME INTO everlasting life. I DIDN’T give Myself so people could continue living in SELF. I gave Myself so others could BECOME like Me & BE LIGHT givers. I gave Myself so that others could BE LIFE givers. I need My people to SEE these things as they really are & TURN AWAY from their SELF ways, while they still can. I love you…come to Me & surrender your lives & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all take heed of the Lord’s word. I’m reminded of our example of the Israelites who were led through the wilderness on their journey to the promised land. They were still so conformed to Egypt and their former ways and thinking that God was not pleased with most of them so their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. We too have been so conditioned to the Babylonian church system that if we do not change our ways and beliefs to the truth of God’s word, we too will die in our wilderness and never enter into our promised land. Please ponder and pray on this and yield to any correction God may bring you.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

The time has come for the baskets of the self-life to come off of My people.

Dear Saints, as the world around us may seem to spiral more into chaos, we as believers know that the Lord is guiding and protecting us through it. However, only a remnant of believers are aware that He is also crying out to us to be conformed into His perfect and holy image in this hour so that He may manifest Himself in and through us in these last days, and so that we may be able to endure to the end. And only those wholly given over to Him will be able to endure all that is coming. With that in mind, please prayerfully read the following convicting word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people as I continue to bring them BACK TO ME from their OWN ways. So many cannot SEE the reality of the way things truly are in this hour & it is needful, it is necessary, it is binding that I TAKE THE COVER OFF of what man has done to My word & SHINE the truth to all who will RECEIVE it. For this IS the hour that many say they have waited for, yet FEW are embracing the true reality that I AM RELEASING in this hour.

For so many HEAR of words of blessing & breakthrough…so many HEAR words of My coming GLORY, but very few have TAKEN HOLD of the truth in these things, so they can MANIFEST My glory in their lives. For HOW can a man reap what he has NOT sowed? HOW can My people continue to BELIEVE that these things will just FALL into their laps, without them DOING anything for this to happen? I tell you these things because it IS My desire for you to have THESE things.

I can’t just drop them into your laps! These things can ONLY come when My people will DO their part. These things can ONLY come when My people will YIELD unto Me & My will. These things can ONLY come when My people will BECOME ACTIVE in their faith by SOWING through the beautiful\good works of THEIR lives. I tell you, that as I look at My people, so many are still in a HOLDING PATTERN, not really doing much of anything for My kingdom.

Honestly, the few that do, are mostly only SPEAKING of these things…not REALLY doing them! I say this because I love you all with an everlasting love & I TRULY do desire you to BE conformed into My image. This is the problem, as it EXISTS today. For I have told you & told you that the image I AM seeing in so many of My people is NOT the image that I have ORDAINED. The image I AM seeing is an image of MAN’S choosing.

For I KEEP telling you that you ARE the light of the world. I KEEP telling you that the world can only walk in the light that YOU shine unto them. I KEEP telling you that if you look at the world, you will SEE the true condition of MY PEOPLE, as they are shining THEIR light! In My word, I said you are to “let your light shine before men that they may see your beautiful\good works and glory your Father who is in heaven”.

Yet, now I tell you the reason this is NOT happening as I desire. For in truth (nothing hidden\concealed) I DIDN’T say “let your light shine”, I COMMANDED you to ACTIVELY SHINE your light IN FRONT of men. For when My people truly OBEY My commands and do THIS, men WILL be changed and glorify My Father who IS in heaven. As I showed you in Titus 3, so much of what I had given there is NOT being obeyed this day.

So many fail to take hold of My words because My words were NOT translated properly…My words were minimized, compromised, and watered down, so My people would NOT take hold of them as I DESIRED them to do. It was not THIS way back when THESE words were first spoken…My people went everywhere SHINING their light FROM ME, and men WERE changed and glorified My Father in heaven. So what changed?

Man later translated My words INTO English and THIS IS where the compromise was made, for the enemy would USE THIS over time to make My people powerless and ineffective. Now I AM going to tell you WHY this is happening. The answer is in the proceeding 2 verses where I quoted “let you light shine”. For in these 2 verses, I say something VERY powerful. First I say, you ARE the light of the world. Then I say a city that is laid outstretched\set on a hill CANNOT be hidden. That in itself IS powerful, but what you need to hear is even MORE powerful.

For I said, “Neither do men light a candle and place it under a bushel, but on a candlestick so that it gives light to all that are in the house”. Did you see it? Did you catch the truth of what has been happening in MOST all of my people? For not only do most of My people NOT shine My light on a hill, for the world to see…neither do they shine THEIR light from on a candlestick. Herein IS the truth. My people have HIDDEN their light UNDER a basket. A basket is weaved OUT OF elements from the world.

In essence, THIS basket represents My people COVERING My light with their SELF lives which they have weaved out of the things that ARE OF the world. Because of THIS, My true light can NEVER be seen. It is time for My people to TAKE HOLD of the truth of My word, nothing hidden\concealed. The time has come for the baskets of the self life to COME OFF OF My people so that My people can ARISE & SHINE My glory to this lost and dying world.

This IS the only way My glory CAN come. It CANNOT come out of COMPROMISE and COMPLACENCY. It CANNOT come out of a life that is surrendered to SELF. It can ONLY come from a life that is TRULY surrendered UNTO Me. Come to Me, My people and EMBRACE My love for you. I did My part to bring you unto Me. It is now time for you to do YOUR part and arise OUT OF your self lives & shine My glory, unto the world, so that men will glorify My Father who IS in heaven.

Take off the COVER of your baskets of SELF & take your places AT My side. For THERE you will find that your lives have been WASTED by the things of self when I have long awaited for you to BE USED of Me in this hour. All creation IS awaiting the MANIFESTATION of the sons of God. Do YOUR parts now…YIELD unto Me in the things that I tell you. BE ACTIVE in the truth of My words as I show you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. This word convicts my heart because I know that I’m not shining His light as much as He would desire. Although I am actively and eagerly seeking His grace to guide me and help me die to my self-life so that He may fully reign on the throne of my heart. I pray that you all are just as sincere, if not more, with your own walk with Him. And He is faithful to complete the good work He began in us. But we must also do our part…

And if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. I have some extra expenses this month, so any help would be greatly appreciated. May the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Many of My people right now as they are, would stand before Me on that day and I would vomit them out of My mouth!

Dear Saints, as I’ve been sharing with you all so much lately, we are in a time of unprecedented grace where the Lord is giving us the power of His Spirit to rise up in Him and overcome all areas of the flesh and self-will. Do not waste this time He has given us. Take advantage of this time and seek Him for victory over your flesh and the enemy. With that in mind, please prayerfully read the word below given by the Lord through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to UNDERSTAND the way things really are. So many are OBLIVIOUS to the reality of what has happened to My people over the years. So many have BLINDLY listened to well-meaning men & women’s teachings, but sadly the great majority of these teachings do NOT teach my people the truth that I desire, which is for them to have a SOUND & HEALTHY walk of faith.

So many of My people have been compromised & watered down into just the PART of My word that makes them feel good about THEMSELVES. Very few have taken hold of the reality of what I have even said. Few even SEEK to walk righteously in their lives in this hour. I tell you these things to help you snap out of, & awaken from, the drunkenness of SELF-worship, so you will arise & be sober-minded & your lives will be CONFORMED to truly worship Me.

So many have taken hold of teachings of My grace that do NOT help My people into BECOMING more like Me, but only encourage them to continue in the things that the FLESH desires to do. How is it that My people think that they can take hold of My grace, but NOT DO the things that My grace IS given to do? I AM talking about walking IN righteousness, holiness & truth, for IN truth there IS nothing hidden or concealed.

As I have taken you through Titus 2 this night I have shown you the truth of what you are SUPPOSED to be trained up IN. How come so FEW of My people ARE seeing these things being taught to them IN their churches? I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love. You MUST embrace the truth to truly ENTER into My love. You cannot continue living YOUR lives as YOU please thinking that all is well.

I keep telling you to look at the world, for if you will TRULY look at the world’s condition, you WILL see the reality of the CONDITION of My people. For the world IS a reflection of THIS reality. So many FAIL to grasp this. So many FAIL to see how this could even be possible, but I have told you that you ARE the light of the world. The world can ONLY walk in the light that My people shine unto them. When will you realize THIS reality & begin to seek Me to be changed INTO My image?

For while I was IN the world, I was the light of the world, but now My light shines through My church, which IS My body. So many think they are shining My light, but I ask you, if this were true, then how come the world is NOT being conformed by My light? Why IS the world becoming darker instead of lighter? It is because My people ARE becoming darker with things in their SELF lives, instead of coming CLOSER unto Me.

So many talk about My coming glory & My soon return, yet very FEW of these people even RECOGNIZE the severity of what this REALLY means. For I told you that I AM coming back IN My saints! That means I AM coming back FIRST WITHIN them to SHINE My glory IN them, THEN I will return to MANIFEST outwardly to this world. This IS why I said that judgment MUST begin at the house of God. This IS why I AM coming TO My people & telling them these things NOW, so that they WILL awaken from their slumber, repent & return unto Me from their own ways in this hour.

As I look at those who speak of My grace, I see a lot of talk about ONLY the good things, yet I see very LITTLE about the things My grace IS supposed to IMPART unto My people. Most just take hold of what BLESSING or PROVISION that they can receive from Me, yet very few take hold of the TRUTH of My word & RISE UP to BE LIVING epistles on this earth. So many do NOT see the DEPTH of My truth as I reveal it to them. So many only lay hold to what will make them happy…what will make them pleased in their SELF-life.

I say this because if you will honestly look at what I have shown you this evening you would see just how FAR My church IS from doing the things that I COMMAND them to do. So little truth IS taught to My people in this hour…MOSTLY only that which will tickle their ears & make them feel good about THEMSELVES. I challenge those who say they ARE Mine to truly EXAMINE their hearts & see IF their hearts REALLY line up with what I HAVE commanded them to do.

ARE you being trained up IN the things I have told you this evening? ARE you being comforted, encouraged & exhorted to DO these righteous things? ARE you being admonished, convicted & rebuked because you are NOT doing these RIGHTEOUS things? I ask you this because the truth & reality of the condition of My people MUST come forward, so it CAN be seen for what it REALLY is. I cannot allow you to continue AS you have.

I cannot just WINK at the complacency & compromise I see IN My people & just shrug it off, saying, “oh well, that is what My grace does!”. I CANNOT do this because that is NOT what My grace does. My grace EMPOWERS My people to BE like me & WALK IN righteousness. My grace FREES them FROM SELF, so they can RISE UP as My servants & show the world that I AM IN them of a truth. My grace MOVES mountains, yet the grace I see in My people can’t even move them OUT OF their self lives or to DO much of anything that HONESTLY pleases Me.

I NEED My people to see the truth that IS within them. You cannot just continue walking as you have & THINK everything is fine, for everything IS NOT fine. Very little WITHIN My people IS fine, because MOST of what I see is just a people who SAY they love Me when all they are really doing is loving THEMSELVES IN this present world. How can My people expect to reign WITH Me IN heavenly places, when they are only reigning IN SELF ON the earth?

I need My people to see the truth as I declare it unto them. For ONLY then can My people change. Come unto Me & allow Me to REVEAL the truth of your lives before you, for I see you as you REALLY are. I see so many HIDING behind My grace, thinking that all is well, as they continue to live as THEY want to live, thinking they ARE pleasing Me. I ask you…ARE you seeking to build My kingdom, or to building your own?

I need you to see the truth…for as I see you, where you are now, you are only mostly pleasing to SELF. I need My people to have a great awakening from where they are today. So many call My soon return the Blessed hope, yet they do NOT realize that many of My people right now as they ARE, would stand before Me on that day & I would vomit them OUT OF My mouth! Please come back to Me & truly OPEN your heart & allow Me to show you the TRUTH of how you ARE supposed to walk & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, what a powerful and convicting word from the Lord. I know that I’m guilty of much of what He is saying here. But I don’t cower in defeat…instead I am calling out to Him for this grace He speaks about, and for my victory over self. I pray that you all also cry out to Him for victory over self so that we as a body can rise up in these last days and become the light of the world that He has called us to.

And if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. May the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

It’s time to remove your grave clothes.

Dear Saints, in my previous post, I shared that while seeking the Lord for a message for His people, He revealed something truly wonderful and thrilling. Although the ongoing shakings will persist and intensify, God has magnificent plans in store for His people during this season. Recently, He has unveiled to us that we are entering into a phase of abundant opportunities and breakthroughs. However, during my communion with the Lord recently, He impressed upon me the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Specifically, when Jesus instructed those present to unbind Lazarus and set him free.

Just as Lazarus was raised from the dead, we’ve received newness of life from spiritual death through Jesus Christ, yet many of us still remain bound in different areas of our lives. But now God is commanding the enemy to release us from these entanglements and let us go. This is a season ripe for personal breakthroughs from delays, obstacles, financial constraints, and hindrances to progress. The blocking of blessings and progress in our lives is being lifted. Change is underway.

God is pouring out supernatural grace upon us in this season, enabling us to overcome and achieve breakthroughs in areas that have previously held us captive. He is paving the way for us to step into our rightful roles as kings and priests on Earth. It’s a turning point season where God will reverse situations for our benefit as we remain obedient to Him. However, it’s crucial not to expect to live in disobedience or sin and still partake in this time of breakthroughs and open doors. Obedience to both His written word and His guidance is paramount. But for those still bound to bad sinful habits, now is your time for victory if you would truly seek after it with all your heart. The devil can no longer hold you bound to bad habits. If you remain bound, it will be by your own choosing.

Also, in this season, God is facilitating deeper intimacy with Him, unlike anything we’ve encountered before. Those who heed His guidance will walk close to Him and be equipped and empowered for His will and their assigned roles in the days ahead.

This season holds immense significance. God is initiating a new era because it’s time for His Bride to prepare herself, and for the preparation of the manifest Sons of God. While wicked people will continue in wickedness, those who discern the times will use this period to be purified and made white as they are clothed with Christ (Daniel 12:10). God is doing a new thing in the Earth and restoring His priesthood and establishing His kingdom.

Financial breakthroughs are on the horizon for many during this season, yet they will come with a test. It will test how we handle the resources entrusted to us. Sadly, some may squander this newfound wealth on worldly pleasures, facing devastation when hard times ensue due to their unfaithfulness. The key is not merely to hoard every penny, but to use it wisely as directed by the Lord. Those faithful in both their giving and stewardship will also be blessed financially when tougher financial times come, as God will use the faithful for His kingdom’s establishment on Earth.

As I’ve mentioned before, this season mirrors God’s deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. In the chaos and shakings, as God gathers His enemies for judgment, it may seem similar to when the Israelites were cornered at the Red Sea with the Egyptian army in pursuit. In the coming days, though it might appear as if God has set us up for defeat, it’s a strategy to ensnare His enemies. In the midst of increasing chaos, it may briefly seem that our adversaries have the upper hand, but we’re called to stand firm in faith and await the salvation of the Lord. Our deliverance is imminent.

While our enemies may plan for increased control, these are the days marked by exposure, justice, and our entry into God’s promised destiny. Tribulation will persist and intensify, yet concurrently, the kingdom of darkness is crumbling.

Understand that end-time prophecies unfold progressively. Notably, significant milestones in end-time prophecies have begun. Sadly, many endowed with prophetic gifts today lack an understanding of the prophetic timeline we are in. Nonetheless, God remains faithful, unveiling end-time prophecies gradually, as He will send true prophets and apostles to guide us through these times. I’m not at all claiming to be a prophet. However, God has given me a prophetic gift and is raising me up to be an end-time prophet with a Joseph anointing.

We are indeed living in exciting days. As the new year approaches, stay aligned with the path God has laid before you. If you’ve strayed, repent and realign. Remain obedient and close to God, and you’ll encounter newfound freedoms and victories as this new year unfolds. Truly, God is good.

I truly pray that these words help you all on your journey with God. So if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. It’s that time that rent and other bills are coming due and any help is greatly appreciated. 

Have a wonderful and blessed new year and may the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

So many cannot even see that they are becoming more & more lovers of self.

Dear Saints,

As darkness intensifies, God has already begun His judgment on His enemies, AND the cleansing of His house. If you haven’t heard, a very well-known predominant minister has been exposed recently. God has already told us through several prophetic words that He will cleanse His house beginning with the leaders, and now we see it happening. I don’t wish to mention this man’s name, but if he doesn’t repent of all that has been exposed, I won’t be surprised if the Lord takes his life. God is serious about cleansing His house in these last days so that He will have a truly holy people on earth walking in kingdom power and as an early habitation for God and His glory.

However, as I was seeking the Lord for what He would want me to say to His people this month, He gave me an impression of something very exciting. I know there are several subjects the Lord wants me to speak about as we come into this new year, so I am still seeking Him for all that He would want me to share and I will post it very soon. Despite all the darkness, exciting days are ahead for His obedient ones.

In the meantime, here is another word from the Lord to His people given through Pastor Mark Moore. Please prayerfully read what the Lord would say to us.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to show them the truth of the WAY things ARE. I come to My people to show them the REALITY of the time they are NOW IN. I come to My people so they will RECOGNIZE things on a level they have NEVER seen BEFORE. I come to My people to help them WALK IN the TRUTH. For as you have gone through 2 Tim.3 this night I have OPENED things up for My people so they will SERIOUSLY SEE the time that they are NOW IN.

For IN this present hour, MANY are already beginning to EXPERIENCE an increase in these very things. For in this time, to STAND IN ME, many of My people WILL face various DIFFICULTIES, many of which they will not understand WHY they are going THROUGH them. I tell you these things BECAUSE I love you with an everlasting love & it IS My desire for you to KNOW what is coming ahead. For many of My people have already been AFFECTED by the very things written in 2 Tim. 3.

So many CANNOT even see that they ARE becoming more & more lovers of SELF. More & more becoming lovers of MONEY. More & more BOASTING in their PRIDE which IS self, not even realizing what they are doing! So many cannot even see that by their SLANDER, they are causing a negative FAME to others. My people are LOSING sight of the things that TRULY matter so that EVEN the children do NOT respect their parents, as I HAVE commanded.

For they are convinced that they KNOW better than their parents because they are young & can see through the eyes of self, INSTEAD of My eyes. For this IS shown by their NOT BEING thankful for what the parents have SACRIFICED to them & these have BECOME unholy in My sight! So many of My people today do NOT cherish mankind as I DO anymore. So many are MORE concerned about self. Few will even be willing to SPEND of their lives to BE a blessing!

And there is an INCREASE of accusation arising in the hearts of My people so that they are ALIGNING themselves with the devil. These things are happening because IN so many of my people there is such a WEAKNESS, for My people are losing POWER IN their lives & have RELEASED their self-control so that the self IS FREER than ever before. My people need to see the importance of SEEKING to love the things that ARE beneficial\good\virtuous, for that IS what I AM looking for today!

Self has become so STRONG that My people are even becoming traitors to what IS right & walking forward in their lives RECKLESSLY, not realizing that pride has enveloped them so SEVERELY that they CANNOT see things as they REALLY are. For this is EVIDENT as many become more & more lovers of the PLEASURES that self desires, instead of lovers of ME, the one they SAY they love! Yet, these hold to their APPEARANCE of what looks right on the OUTSIDE, for others to see them, but I SEE them as they really ARE!

For I AM looking for My power WITHIN them, but CANNOT find it. For in their doing THIS, they ARE denying me, for I AM the LORD of ALL power! It grieves Me to say this, but My people MUST be obedient & TURN FROM such of these people so that they do NOT become pulled into the snare of the wicked one. The compromise & complacency that HAS taken hold of many in My church has caused a great discrepancy in what is RIGHT so that even men are being seduced IN their minds to live DEPRAVED lives.

On the outside LOOKING good, but on the inside, living IN fornication & other sins, thinking there is NO wrong in them. And the women that they seek are no better, for they have been compromised with sin, more & more, thinking nothing of it, because of the FALSE grace that they have taken hold of. So many of these people KEEP learning, but never come to an INTIMATE knowledge of the truth, because of the things THEY keep hidden & concealed WITHIN them.

Sadly, many of these, when CONFRONTED with truth, will STAND AGAINST what is right, to hold to their FALSEHOODS & keep them in their own SAFETY of self, not realizing they ARE BEING shriveled\spoiled\ruined by THEIR mindset, which I DO NOT approve, NOR accept, but MUST reject because they live IN a FALSE faith. I tell you these things so that as time goes forward, My people will recognize these things & FLEE from them. For they that do these things will NOT continue much longer. I told you that the time of the end was NEAR.

I told you that judgment BEGINS at the house of God. Many are starting to SEE My judgment on a world scope…do you not know that this has begun in My house in a GREATER way? For I AM making these things MANIFEST so My people will KNOW what to stay away from. It is vital that you STAY ON THE ROAD that I want you on. NOT the road of your CHOOSING. NOT the road that is SMOOTHER. NOT the road that PLEASES self. For ONLY on My road will you BE ABLE to STAND IN FAITH.

ONLY on My road will you BE ABLE to ENDURE LONG SUFFERING, for My love will help you to STAY UNDER IN PATIENCE, THROUGH ALL that is ahead. For no matter what awaits you ahead, I WILL be with you, as you DO YOUR PART to STAY IN ME & I WILL deliver you. For you MUST embrace THIS reality…that those who truly DESIRE to live GODLY IN ME WILL experience persecution. The enemy will seek to cause you to FLEE from your relationship with Me.

Just be careful NOT to be ensnared by those who would TRY to seduce you to ROAM FROM THE SAFETY that only EXISTS IN your CLOSENESS IN Me. It IS vital that you obey Me and STAY IN the things that I taught you. For the truths I have IMPLANTED in you HAVE the power to MAKE you WISE UNTO the salvation that IS IN My Son, so HOLD TO the faith I have ESTABLISHED WITHIN you, knowing that My words I HAVE breathed TO you & they ARE EFFECTUAL to mold & shape you, even as a father chastens\corrects\trains up his children, even so, My words are thus effectual to DO the same IN you.

For it IS My desire that My righteousness BE FORMED IN you so that your lives REFLECT that which has EQUITY OF CHARACTER & ACT. As you will RECEIVE My words & walk IN them you WILL recognize that I AM causing a FRESHNESS WITHIN My people. This IS an ongoing thing. This IS the process I HAVE been telling you of, over all these months & WHY I move on you to come TO ME, through the sinner’s prayer. For as I ILLUMINATE My people’s lives, SHOWING them the areas that are NOT submitted unto Me, it is needful to do this, to MOVE you forward IN My plan for your lives.

I need you to recognize WHY I have you to do this. It’s so you will TRULY BE the GOD MAN I desire you to BE & I can work good things THROUGH you, to SHINE My love to this lost & dying world. I love you, My people & NEED you to see things as I have shown you, for it is NECESSARY for you to STAY strong & safe IN Me! Come to Me with your hearts & allow Me to show you your hearts AS I see them. I will help you to BE, as I need you to BE IF you will do YOUR part as I have laid these things before you in this hour. As you will do THIS, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please please take these words very seriously and go to the Lord and ask Him to shine His light in your own heart to reveal where you need correction. We MUST be pure and holy to endure the really dark days that are ahead.

Also, it’s that time that rent and other bills are coming due. So if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. May the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I need My people to have a TRUE awakening in this hour.

Dear Saints, as the shakings intensify, God is still calling out to His chosen ones to come near and be transformed by the renewing of our minds. There is a great awakening coming as MUCH evil and corruption will be exposed. But we must go through our own personal awakening by going to God and asking Him to shine His light in our own hearts and minds where we have believed lies that have held us captive so we can truly be free in this hour of increasing darkness. And on that note, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to show them the WAY that they are supposed to BE. I come to my people in this hour to show them HOW they are supposed to WALK. I come to My people in this hour to show them WHO they are supposed to SERVE & to PLEASE. For truly as I look AT the world, as I look AT the church, as I look AT My people, I see that there are few that TRULY embrace my words, as I HAVE spoken them.

And THIS is why I AM taking the cover off of the way things have been, to AWAKEN My people out of their SLUMBER, to SOBER My people up out of their FALSE thinking. For so many do not ADHERE to My words, but only to the words of others, who they have ALIGNED themselves to, because of the TICKLING of their ears & heart. But I AM putting a stop to those things, for NOW the sound of My truth WILL resound from the heavens.

As My servants BEGIN to awaken from their fixed FOCUS on only what is good to the FLESH & they now take AIM at the truth that I AM REVEALING in this present hour, to cause My people to SEE the truth, EMBRACE the truth & RETURN unto Me from their own ways. I need you to know the IMPORTANCE of Me doing this, for IF things were to continue as they have been, things would become very DARK!

My people STILL have no idea as to what damage THEY have caused ALL creation, by their fleshly lusts & seeking after things that truly do NOT matter in My kingdom. For in this night, as I have taken you through 2nd Timothy 2, you have again SEEN just how FAR My people have been walking APART FROM My truth. Just how FAR My people have been living CONTRARY to My will. Just how FAR My people have been ENSNARED & TRAPPED by the enemy of their souls to CONTINUE in things that I have commanded them NOT to do!

I need My people to have a TRUE awakening in this hour. For IF you will truly & honestly look at your lives, you will SEE that you are far from where I desire you to be. I truly love you all with an everlasting love & it is NEEDFUL for Me to show you the TRUTH of the way things are so you can CHANGE course & COME BACK to Me as I desire & BE My vessels of GLORY in this hour. For truly I tell you, that so MANY have BEGGED Me to USE them.

So many have greatly DESIRED Me to FLOW THRU them, yet so few have seen the REALITY of how this can BE, when they have NOT done their PART to CLEANSE & PURGE themselves, to BE FIT for their Master’s USE! I cannot EASILY use those who are NOT properly prepared. For doing so, would bring REPROACH to the body of Christ! My vessels of honor MUST be APPROVED. My vessels of honor MUST go through the PROCESS needed, so I CAN flow THROUGH them, with NO UNCLEANNESS…NOTHING that would HINDER My word from bringing forth fruit THROUGH them.

How would it be, if I USED a vessel that was COMMITTING fornication? How would it be if I USED a vessel that was ADDICTED to drugs & alcohol? I think you already know the answer to these questions! I AM the Lord, I AM a RIGHTEOUS God…My people must STAND before Me, before My Face, as I see them & BE approved. This comes THROUGH true humility & meekness…NOT the surface-level humility\meekness that most PRESENT to Me. I need My people to understand the GRAVITY of these things as I have taken you through them in 2nd Timothy 2 tonight.

For it is VITAL for the future that My people see the TRUTH of where they ARE IN Me & make course CORRECTIONS. It is VITAL that My people see that they have been AIMING in the WRONG places & they need to step BACK, see their ERROR & RETURN unto Me. The world around you GROANS in anticipation for the MANIFESTATION of the sons of God. The groaning is only getting STRONGER because so few of My people ARE noticing what is going on IN the world.

He that HAS an ear, let him hear what I AM saying to the church, the CALLED OUT ONES. So many say they HAVE been called out, but FEW of these have followed MY TRUE call IN their lives. Many have taken directions that I NEVER gave them. They have followed courses that I NEVER said to go. And then they wonder why nothing REALLY great happens in their lives. How long will it be before My people COME BACK to reality & SEE the difference?

For I tell you, that THESE actions APART from My will, have taken MANY of My people OFF the course I have for them. Some have gone SO far that they cannot recover & go back to where that was SUPPOSED to be, but IF they did repent, I WOULD honor their repentance & STILL bring forth FRUIT unto their lives…it just wouldn’t be AS MUCH as could have been, due to THEIR disobedience.

Come to Me, My people & allow Me to show you the truth of the way THINGS truly are. For as you will OPEN your hearts & allow Me to COME IN & SHOW you the TRUTH, you will see just how far you HAVE been from Me & My will. I love you all & it IS My will that you BE close to Me. REND your hearts, CAST DOWN the FALSE humility & OPEN UP TO ME true ENTRANCE as I DESIRE & I promise you that you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

 If you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. And may the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I need My people on board with what I am doing in this hour, so they will be protected.

Dear Saints, the time of indecision is nearing its end. Complacency, ambiguity, and straddling both sides of the fence are coming to a close. A decision between the path of our own self-will or the TRUE narrow path of the cross, wholly sold out to following Christ in all things, is becoming imperative, requiring us to make a permanent choice, as the consequences of our choice will be eternal. So with that, please prayerfully read the word below given from the Lord through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them SEE things as they really are. For so many have walked in this life, THINKING their lives were fine & that nothing needed to change. I come to My people to tell them the importance of RETURNING unto Me in this hour from THEIR own ways. For I tell you that so many of those who say they are Mine do NOT walk in the things that I HAVE commanded…they have ONLY walked in the things that THEY have decided to do.

If you LOOK at those who say they love Me. If you LOOK at those who say they are Mine. If you LOOK deep within YOUR own hearts, you will know that this IS the truth. For I SHOW you things, with nothing hidden\concealed. I SHOW you the things as they REALLY are. I SHOW you not what you WANT to hear, but what you NEED to hear. For I SHOW you the way EVERLASTING, which I have accomplished through My Son. For many who say they have come to Me through Him, have only done THIS in MINOR ways.

Many have only done THIS in a very SHALLOW way. Many have not TRULY done this at all, but have merely mouthed words as MAN led them & they were introduced INTO a religious way of life, that really DIDN’T include Me. I need My people to truly come to Me. I need My people to truly SEE the way things ARE. For as you desire to go DEEPER in Me, more truth IS going to be REVEALED to you. And truth I say, I mean, the truth that truly EXISTS in your hearts…for I SEE things as they REALLY are.

I know the REALITY of the way many THINK that they are walking in. I need those who say they Mine to EMBRACE My words in this hour, for this IS as I keep telling you, the time of the COVER BEING TAKEN OFF. And because of THIS, things cannot continue as they have in the past, for that is GONE & now My people must walk TOWARDS Me, out of their SELF lives & BE My lights of truth to mankind. I AM NOT talking about the “pseudo” truth that many HAVE walked in.

I AM NOT talking about the truth that only TICKLES men’s ears. I AM talking about the truth that sets the captives FREE! For the time has come for My people to truly BE My people. In the past I have ALLOWED things on certain levels, but NOW I AM calling ALL who call upon Me to repent. For even as you have gone through 1 Timothy 4 this evening, I have SHOWN you the DEPTH of truth that HAS been HIDDEN for ages, but now is MANIFEST to you, so you CAN walk IN My truth. No longer can you walk as you HAVE walked.

No longer can you live, as YOU desire. For if you say you love Me, you WILL do those things that I have commanded. You WILL fight the good fight of faith, even if it CUTS you, even if it causes you FATIGUE, even if you are DEFAMED & REPROACHED in the process. For those who TRULY hear My voice obey Me…there is a difference! For there are those who may hear My voice but do NOT obey Me, but go on their merry way, thinking all is well within them. And then there are those who hear My voice & respond quickly & righteously unto Me.

There are also those who DO hear My voice but do not obey Me quickly, but at a MUCH later time, come to repentance & THEN attempt to do those things that I said to do. You do NOT want to be one of those, for if you wait TOO long to repent, you can MISS the timing for these things & miss out on My plan. I want My people to SEE the importance of HEARING My voice & DOING those things I say to do QUICKLY. For obedience IS a heart response. It DOESN’T take days, weeks, months, or years for a heart response.

All it takes is a heartbeat! But so many of My people do NOT understand these things, because of the compromised & complacent doctrines that have MINIMIZED My people into BEING pseudo, when I have called My people to BE like Me! I love you all with an everlasting love & it is VITAL that you hear My love in this hour. For things are quickly changing & I need My people on board with what I AM doing in this hour, so they WILL be protected.

I know the enemy IS raging, trying to work division & evil, even in the marriages that I have ordained. I know the marriages that the enemy has ALREADY divided, which I commanded that NO man divide! Yet, so many that say they are Mine continue to DO the enemy’s will, instead of Mine. I tell you, how can these things be? For how can a husband & wife, which I have made ONE, be successful as they HAVE obeyed the enemy of their souls & have divorced & stay divorced?

I tell you, that THIS should not be so! For I ask you, how can HALF a marriage be successful in ANYTHING? A half does NOT make a whole! So as long as My people do not SEE these things and CONTINUE listening to & obeying the devil, they will NOT be successful as I desire them to BE! I say these things to show you just how FAR My people ARE from Me, that even those who say they love Me, can live in DISOBEDIENCE to My will!

I tell you, the time for My people to come CLOSE to Me has NEVER been as important as it is NOW. For many are SLOWLY being DECEIVED AWAY from Me & My truth. Being pulled more & more INTO error & deception. I AM calling the people of God to RETURN unto Me from their OWN ways in this hour. For THIS hour is VITAL for My people…for IF they stay the way that they have been, they will soon fall FAR from Me, except they repent!

I love you, My people…it IS My desire that you HEAR My voice & respond unto Me rightly in this hour. Hear My words of love for you & CAST OFF those things that the enemy has ENSNARED you to believe & RISE UP INTO My truth. I AM waiting for each of you…REND your hearts before Me & DO as I say & you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

I truly pray that these words help you all on your journey of transformation. So if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. And may the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

While Our Waiting Period Nears Its End, Patience for God’s Timing Remains.

Dear Saints, in our shared journey toward transformation into the image of Christ, there exist moments when divine lessons and insights illuminate our path. Today, I feel compelled to share recent revelations from the Lord that may offer comfort and guidance to those navigating their own transformative journey.

Presently, we stand at a crucial juncture where God is about to fulfill enduring promises and answer prayers that have lingered for what feels like an eternity. There’s an unmistakable stirring in the spiritual realm hinting at the imminent arrival of open doors of opportunities, breakthroughs, and long-awaited promises.

Yet, in a recent encounter with God, He emphasized the significance of waiting on Him for these forthcoming blessings. He spoke to my heart, highlighting my mishandling of recent life situations—a lesson I believe to be important for all within the Body of Christ.

This divine lesson initially came to me through two vivid prophetic dreams. Within these dreams, I found myself confined within a prison, attempting to break free rather than patiently awaiting God’s intervention for my liberation. This imagery resonated deeply with the financial prison that I’ve been in for what seems like an eternity. Through these dreams, God revealed the self-willed and premature nature of my efforts to get myself out of this financial prison, lacking the patience required to await His breakthrough and provisions in my life. As I’ve shared on here before, God has called me to be a Joseph in these last days and told me that He’s going to abundantly bless my finances far above anything I’ve ever known. But for what seems like forever, I’ve been in my prison of financial lack waiting for God to fulfill His word over my life.

Allow me to offer more insight into my story of growing weary of waiting and failing to trust God for my provisions. Some time ago, in response to prayer, God revealed His calling for me to establish a business aimed at aiding small independent healthcare providers in securing rightful payments from insurance companies. Within the healthcare sector, there’s a pervasive issue of insurance companies wrongfully denying or underpaying healthcare providers for their services. This particularly affects small independent practices striving to financially sustain themselves. Thus, God has called me to assist these practices. However, He has revealed to me that His calling on my life in this arena extends beyond the immediate tasks of the business, emphasizing the larger influence I’ll exert within the healthcare insurance industry, fostering change within individuals and companies, encouraging fairness and righteousness in their practices.

Although, despite doors opening for me to secure two clients in this business, the path to successful claims processing and payment collection has been fraught with challenges.  My clients have only presented me with a single insurance claim matter, and to date, I have not succeeded in securing their due payment from the insurance companies. As I receive compensation based on a percentage of the amounts collected for my clients, I am yet to generate any revenue from the business.

However, a recent revelation from the Lord may hold the key to unlocking these owed payments. And upon resolving this issue, my clients have pledged to refer others, potentially heralding a breakthrough for both my business and financial stability.

In the meantime, God has me mainly relying on the generosity and donations of others to support myself. Despite my efforts, God has not allowed me to get regular employment and has redirected my focus towards gaining knowledge in the field I’m meant to serve and in seeking Him. Although, He has allowed me to earn a little money on the side working for a man who has a business providing event staffing, like for concerts, sporting events, etc. The work I get through this man amounts to maybe the same as having a small part-time job that helps cover my monthly expenses since I don’t receive much through donations. Though I am VERY grateful for what I do receive.

However, recent circumstances with this man’s business resulted in a decrease in available work, leading to financial strain.  For the first time in a long time, I’m behind on my bills and have already received two disconnect notices for my utilities.

As a result, I started looking for other ways to make money or even start another business that would be easier to start making profits. That is when God graciously gave me the prophetic dreams revealing my reliance on self-efforts to get myself out of this predicament, instead of relying on Him to provide in His timing.  These dreams served as a poignant reminder of my impatience in trying to liberate myself from my financial constraints instead of waiting upon God’s providence.

Another time early in the morning while still in bed, I heard a voice resonating within my thoughts, telling me that I rely on my own strength and understanding more than resting in His grace. After repenting and seeking God regarding this, the lesson became apparent: relying on His Spirit is pivotal, especially in the challenging times that lie ahead.

The difficult days ahead will demand an intimate connection with the Spirit of God. Those who walk in faith, guided by His Spirit and relying on His power and providence, will endure, while others, without such reliance, will be overcome. The necessity of learning to rely fully on Him now cannot be overstated, for the storms ahead will require foundations rooted in His wisdom and guidance.

Thankfully, there’s still an opportunity for us to prepare and mature inwardly for what is coming. God is on the brink of a remarkable outpouring of His Spirit, gifting us with His unprecedented grace to overcome areas of the flesh and self-will. However, this preparatory time will be short.  So today is the time to prepare. Today is the time to advance in the things of God and what he has called us to pursue and possess.

During this time of His unpresendented grace and outpouring of His Spirit, breakthroughs, once seen as insurmountable, are on the horizon. They’ll still require effort on our part, yet they’ll become achievable with God’s guidance. In this season of spiritual abundance, keep in mind that prompt obedience will bring rapid progress and profound transformations in our lives.

God will do a quick work with those who listen, follow, and obey. This is truly our moment to rise up and shine, for our light has come. Those who heed God’s call in this will witness rapid personal change which will be imperative for the days ahead. A time is coming where our lives will depend on the leading of His Spirit. We can already see this coming to fruition with all the violent protests in the streets. A time is coming where it will be get more violent than we could possibly imagine, and we MUST be led by His Spirit to avoid traps of the enemy.

So, reflecting on the lesson I’ve learned, I urge you: anticipate breakthroughs but let go of reliance on your own strength and understanding. In all your ways, acknowledged Him and He will guide your path. As the waiting period nears its end, maintain your trust in God for these breakthroughs. Effort on our part may be necessary in some instances, but let it be fueled by His grace and wisdom. Cease from striving and rest in His grace. Your astonishment at what God can accomplish when He is allowed to move mightily on your behalf will be not just a revelation but a source of deep fulfillment and joy.

And I greatly thank all of you who have been so gracious to give and help me with my financial burdens during this season of my life. I am believing God for breakthrough very very soon and can’t wait to share my testimony with you all. Take heart that God is moving on all our behalf and very soon we will all experience our breakthrough and release from our prisons of waiting.

And speaking of financial burdens, it’s that time that my rent and other bills are due, so please seek the Lord if He would have you to give a donation of any size to help me with my needs. I love you all, and may the Lord abundantly bless you.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

My True Church is Kingdom Building.

Dear Saints,

Things are speeding up all around us as our Heavenly Father shakes all that can be shaken. Profound events will start happening soon. Be sure to have enough food and water stored up for at least a few weeks if possible. And there may be a bank shut-down soon, so try to have cash in small bills on hand to hold you over until the banks reopen. There most likely will be a change over to cryptocurrency soon, though I’m not sure when. But we need to be prepared for these things. And most importantly, seek God in what you need to do to be prepared, and whatever happens in the coming storms, do not get into fear.

The authorities have already warned the public of the possibility of attacks on our nation similar to 911. And we are aware of the army of illegals from different countries that have been flooding across our borders. So again, don’t get into fear, but stay under God’s protection and ask Him daily for His wisdom. Now are the days that we all need to seriously learn to live according to Psalm 91.

And we all need to be working on transforming ourselves into His image. When the really dark days come, only the ones wholly walking in His will and glory will be able to endure. Good things ARE in store for God’s people, but we must do our part in our journey of transformation. So with that, please prayerfully read the word below given from the Lord through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them the WAY that they are to BE. I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them how they are to FOLLOW. I come to My people in this hour, so they will BECOME more like Me! For as you have gone through 1 Timothy 3 this evening, you now know the things that I have DECLARED through My words, long ago, that even to THIS day, the great majority of My people have NOT understood.

For I tell you the MYSTERY which before it was HIDDEN & mouths were MADE SHUT, which is NOW revealed & manifest to you, so you CAN become more like Me. For in what I said, the bishops, the deacons & their wives ARE to live before the church & also the world. I AM showing you that THESE things ARE how My people are to FOLLOW, for the leaders are to LEAD the flock in life. So, as you read these words, do not think that just because they are written towards leadership that they do not relate to you, for I tell you that they DO!

For My true leaders are to BE My EXAMPLES unto the flock, so THEY will follow Me. This is why these things are SO necessary & MUST be adhered to. For so many in ministry do NOT have these things intact. So many in ministry are NOW having things being uncovered & revealed, because this is the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF. I tell you these things to help you to understand that I AM God…I know ALL…I see ALL. I KNOW the end from the beginning.

How is it that SO many of My people do not recognize THIS reality in their lives, but continue to HIDE things…continue to LIVE as if no one will ever know…continue to think that I WINK at their lives & they have no NEED to ever change? I tell you that there is a great DECEPTION that exists in the hearts & lives of My people & this NEEDS to change! For how can I bring forth the great AWAKENING, when so many of My people refuse to WAKE UP to the truth?

How can I bring forth the great AWAKENING when even My prophets are ONLY telling the people the things THEY have decided to tell them? I AM STILL waiting for My prophets to SHOUT it from the rooftops that MY heart BEATS FOR SOULS!. I AM STILL waiting for My prophets to START rallying the people to BE soul winners, instead of just being soul LOVERS of SELF! For so many of my prophets STILL only speak of “My blessing & victory” that are about to come, but do NOT tell the people the things my people NEED to do, to see these things come!

When are My people going to WAKE UP to the fact that RESULTS TAKE ACTION? Things just do not happen on their own…My people MUST do THEIR part in these things. My leadership is SUPPOSED to represent Me, IN truth…NOT just the truth THEY want to represent. For in doing this, many are STILL keeping things COVERED & CONCEALED. Do you not SEE that only saying the GOOD parts of “blessing & victory”, is actually only saying a PARTIAL truth?

There are STILL things HIDDEN & CONCEALED that they are NOT sharing! And these ARE the things I NEED My people to SEE in this hour, for as long as you REFUSE to see these things, the blessings & victories will NOT come, because no one is DOING their part in the ACTION, to make them MANIFEST. I tell you these things because I love you all with an everlasting love & I NEED you to KNOW the truth of the way things ARE.

So MANY hold to the prophets in this hour, yet so many of these people do NOT grasp the reality that they are holding only to prophets who do NOT truly hear Me as I desire. My people need to hear MY VOICE…not just the voice THEY want to hear. My people are where they are today BECAUSE My people are NOT seeking My FULL voice, but only the voice that ALIGNS with what the SELF WANTS to hear.

For as long as My people HOLD to their self ways, they will not SEE My blessings & victories as I DESIRE them to see, for they are only holding to the things of SELF. I have given My commandment regarding those in ministry, yet those very commands are NOT being followed by MANY this day. For My church is STILL just a religious social club, like a membership with BENEFITS, yet no one is DOING the very things that I have said to BE My TRUE church. My true church SEEKS & SAVES that which IS LOST!

My TRUE church doesn’t only look to its OWN things, but ALSO on the things of OTHERS. My TRUE church is NOT SELF-seeking…My TRUE church is KINGDOM building. I AM looking for a people who will TRULY walk as I have commanded & DO those things they ARE commanded to do. My TRUE church is SUPPOSED to BE the light that THIS world walks IN & be conformed to THAT light, which IS righteousness. But, those who SAY they are Mine, mostly only have a compromised BLEND of light & darkness, but are so BLIND that they CANNOT see this IS the way it TRULY is!

I come to My people to WAKE them up INTO righteousness. I come to My people to cause them to SHAKE themselves FREE from all that the enemy has DECEIVED them into receiving. I AM calling My people to CAST OFF the works of darkness &RECEIVE ME, in My truth…not just the truth that they WANT to hold to. I love you, My people…it is time that you see things the way they REALLY ARE & be WILLING to repent.

For as long as you HIDE behind the compromised & complacent truth that EXISTS in today’s church, you will NOT rise up INTO what I have prepared for YOU. I need you to truly SEE this & turn\twist yourselves BACK to Me & My words. I AM giving you the truth in this hour & it is up to EACH of you to TAKE HOLD of My truth, for IF you really & truly DO this, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Wow. Dear Saints, the Lord is being so serious about this issue. I can still remember when the Lord had me leave the last church that I was in. Even though it was so-called Spirit-filled (the gifts of the Spirit were in operation), it was not a kingdom-building church. So He warned me that if I continued to stay in that church, I would slowly drift away from the foundations of His truth and eventually I would die in this life without fulfilling His purpose and calling on my life. It was a very eye-opening experience. So, please, please take these words from the Lord seriously and seek Him in what needs changing in your lives. Don’t just rely on what you’re hearing from prophets and in the church. Seek God…

Just this morning the Lord revealed to me that I am walking more in my own strength and wisdom instead of walking in His grace. So I’m seeking Him in how I can change this. There are so many areas in our lives and hearts that need changing. Seek Him daily for what He sees in you that needs changing. He won’t reveal everything at once. This is a transformation journey that we are on. However, since the time is short, things about us will change fast so long as we are truly seeking Him in this and obeying Him.

I truly pray that these words help you all in this time of transition. So if you are blessed or helped in any way by these words, please consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs. And may the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Dear Saints, these are serious times and God is getting more serious with how He deals with His people. Please prayerfully read this very convicting word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to CALL them NEAR. I come to My people to ENCOURAGE them. I come to My people to EXHORT them in this hour. For as you walk forward in the days ahead, I need you to take your places as My VESSELS of honor, to DO those things that I NEED you to do…for THIS is the time of PRAYER. THIS is the time for INTERCESSION.

THIS is the time for My people to rise up & BEGIN to mold & shape the world they live in, by exercising THEIR spiritual authority IN heavenly places. For so long, so many of My people have only come to me with THEIR needs, with THEIR shopping lists, but I tell you that NOW My people MUST see the importance to pray & intercede for their governments & nations, as never before. For in this night I have given CLARITY to the way things ARE supposed to be. I have shown you the GREAT need, as I have CALLED you to RISE UP to pray, to intercede in this hour. For in this directive, I have shown you the importance of SEEING your places IN Me, as INTERCESSORS.

For even as My servant the apostle Paul spoke, he gave directives to HELP you to see how you ARE to walk. For My servants ARE the examples that YOU ARE to follow, as long as THESE examples ARE righteous & holy BEFORE Me. This is why they are called LEADERS, for they are to LEAD others IN righteousness, holiness & truth. This IS the time for My people to see the importance of THESE things IN their lives. For there can no longer BE pseudo leaders that ONLY have a form of godliness, but DENY the power thereof.

The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. You can no longer walk in YOUR lives, PRETENDING that everything is alright, the way things are, for I AM demanding that My people WALK circumspectly, redeeming the time, for the days ARE evil. My people MUST walk IN truth. My people MUST walk in MY truth. NOT the truth that so many walk in, with things HIDDEN & CONCEALED in their lives.

For I tell you that the time for the COVER TO COME OFF, HAS come & those who continue to walk in THEIR complacent & compromised truth WILL be exposed for what it IS. I give you a short space to make these things right WITHIN you & to come clean BEFORE Me & REPENT. For as you will TRULY do this as I desire, I WILL wash you, I WILL cleanse you, I WILL make you like Me.

But IF you refuse to see YOUR need to do so. IF you continue to HIDE the truth under YOUR stony heart, I WILL exercise CHANGE to bring the truth OUT & the truth WILL BE exposed to those around you. I tell you that you NEED to do this by yourselves, so the fallout will be minimal. You do NOT want things to come out the HARD way, for the results can be devastating…especially to those who ARE in leadership. For I have told you that there is NOTHING hidden that shall not be revealed, for ALL things are open unto Me, who has eyes that SEES ALL, and all shall be made known.

For I AM preparing My people for the great awakening that HAS begun. I need My people PREPARED & READY to DO the exploits that are yet ahead. You cannot do them as you are THIS day. There are SO many that have not done THEIR part to make THEMSELVES ready & THIS is why many are going thru such pressures, trials & tribulations in this hour, for I told you that these ARE to cause My people to make their decision, to come CLOSE to Me & BE changed.

Those who will NOT respond to My calling to come near. Those who will NOT respond to My call INTO prayer. Those who will NOT respond to My call INTO intercession will do so because their SELF lives still have a STRONG hold on them & they CANNOT see their need to do so. But, as things BECOME more & more difficult around them, they will have a CHOICE to make…to stay where they ARE & suffer the consequences or to come humbly BEFORE Me & allow Me to take hold of their hearts & change them to become LIKE Me.

I love you all with an everlasting love & it IS My desire that you all BE with Me. I need you to see the IMPORTANCE of the things I AM saying to you in this hour & for a RIGHTEOUS decision to be DECLARED from your hearts to follow Me, as you have never followed Me before. I know the ones that ARE following me. For My sheep hear My voice. I AM still looking for those LOST sheep that have lost THEIR way, by descending into a corrupt SELF-life pseudo “Christian” walk.

So they CAN be like the prodigal son & COME to themselves, REPENT & come BACK to Me. I love you, My people & I desire you all to COME TOGETHER IN ME in this hour. As you will take hold of My words, in your hearts & minds, I WILL help you to NAVIGATE in the time ahead. Come to Me & allow Me to help you & you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Dear Saints, the Lord is pleading with us to judge ourselves so that we will not need to be judged. Great exposure is coming and we will witness MANY exposures. Please don’t just assume that you’re right with God in everything. Remember that our hearts are very deceitful, deceiving even our own selves. Get in your prayer closets seeking God in this and ask Him to shine His light on any area of your life or heart that needs repenting. And intercede for others and your nation as He has commanded us to.

It’s time to take the things of God seriously and step into His plans and purpose for your life. Ask Him to reveal and birth your purpose. We all have been chosen for such a time as this. Don’t bury your talents.

I’m the first to admit that God is convicting me over this word and lately, He’s put a burning in me to stir up the things of God within and step out into His plans and purpose of my life. I don’t quite have the full picture yet. But I can feel it stirring up within. Ask Him to reveal what His will is for your life and rise up in the light He gives you.

Also, please consider a love gift to help with our finances. Any amount will help. And I’m deeply grateful for your kindness and financial support.

May the Lord abundantly bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

A Journey of Transformation.

Dear Saints, as I mentioned in my last message, I would soon post what that the Lord is speaking to me to share with the Body of Christ. So please prayerfully read the important messages below.

Days of His Glory

The Father wants us to know that we have entered into truly exciting times.  We are in the end of days where He has called us to rise up for our light has come.  Some may wonder where this light is because they cannot see it.  Well, it is already here, but that light MUST come TO us and THROUGH us.

What this means is that this light will not just fall into our laps.  We must seek God for it by getting alone with Him in our prayer closets and seeking Him with our whole hearts.  But know that we are in a time of His unprecedented grace.  He has told me that those who truly and wholeheartedly seek Him in this time will experience Him in a way we never thought possible on this side of heaven.  He will make His presence undeniable. We have entered the days that He will pour out His glory and there will be an end-time harvest like never before.  Multitudes will be seeking the light of God in us and we must be ready.

But the Father has told me that many of His people are still going about with business as usual.  We can no longer do this.  We MUST take advantage of this time of His unprecedented grace.  Now is the time to rise up as His word declares.  We must seek Him and His kingdom like never before. Even as I write this I can feel Him tugging on my heart because of how important this is.

We Can No Longer Have Divided Hearts

It is so important to meditate and obey the prophetic words that God is giving us in these last days, especially the corrections He is giving us through Pastor Mark.  God is reclaiming the hearts and minds of those who truly love Him and offer themselves to Him.  In this transformative process, He will correct and align our mindsets and emotions.  There’s no need for worry, fear, or doubt because God is orchestrating events, preparing the soil for His divine purpose on earth.  And this includes events in our individual lives.

So our commitment to obedience to Him leaves no room for divided hearts, for those who waver between two kingdoms, the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God.  Our vision may be drawn to enticing idols of this world, but they are nothing in comparison to the divine plans awaiting those who love God and wholeheartedly embrace His will for their lives.  What the world has to offer may be logical or make sense at the time, but it will not sustain you.  Instead, it will only deceive you, and in the end, lead to your death to the things of God, and eventually death to your physical life.

Therefore, there are mindsets and heart attitudes within us all that will need to be corrected, changed, and removed.  Jesus is faithful and just to complete the good work He has begun in us.  But we must do our part in staying obedient to Him and taking up our cross to self. And sometimes these heart and mind changes will be a sacrifice on our part.

We Must Yield to His Corrections

I’m reminded of a prophetic dream God gave me years ago that speaks of what He is doing to us in this season and what the ending result will be. If we obediently accept His corrections and allow Him to change us, we will walk in the glory and full authority of Christ on the earth.  In this dream, God’s people were going through a refining and correction orchestrated by God.  For those like myself in the dream who yielded to God’s refining and corrections, they will be the remnant walking in Christ’s full authority in the earth.  However, for those who get offended and rebel against God’s corrections, they will suffer His judgments and miss out on the rewards that could have been there’s.

The scriptures declare that if we would judge ourselves, we would not need to be judged.  So when you feel the Spirit tugging on your heart, or you know He is speaking to you in some other way, like He does me many times in my dreams, realize that He is making you aware of issues within your heart and mind.  So don’t harden your hearts to His promptings.  And even ask Him to reveal the things in you that need changing.  The more we do this and allow Him to change us, the more we will be like Him and the closer we will be to Him.

Don’t fear the sacrifices or lengths to which He requires you to obey Him in a matter.  None of those things will last forever, and the rewards will far outweigh the sacrifice.

He Is Helping Us in Our Journey of Transformation

He is helping, guiding, and instructing us in this journey of transformation. Remember that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Remain in Him and carry His joy no matter what He takes you through.  I’m reminded of a scripture the Lord illuminated to me many years ago.  “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.” Proverbs 27:7 (NKJV)  In other words, those who are satisfied with their shallow walk with God don’t hunger for the deeper things of God, but for those of us who do hunger for such, even the bitter sacrifices we must make are sweet to us because we know that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, and He IS our reward.

So when you feel or hear His Spirit prompting you that your heart or mind needs to be examined and changed, do not delay or procrastinate.  Simply surrender to His Spirit and enjoy the transformation.

Not all believers are hearing these instructions from the Spirit in this season.  Many have their hearts closed to the corrections of God. You all are very blessed that you have kept reading these postings of His corrections and instructions to us. So I pray that you take them heart and don’t squander your opportunities in this unprecedented season that we are in.  God called you all for such a time as this, please don’t waste it.

Also, don’t get too caught up in all the current events. God is orchestrating things for our good and His kingdom. Many major changes, suddenlies, and exposures are coming. Things will seem to get real bad before it gets better, but hang in there.

Open Doors

In this season and in the coming new year, God is opening many doors of opportunities and miracles. Stay in faith and anticipation that He has good things in store for all of us who have remained obedient to Him. I’m excited in my spirit with anticipation of the many blessings He has in store for His children. Remain faithful and wait for His promises.

Amen. Please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your financial gifts are much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

You can no longer sit on the fence saying you believe.

Dear Saints,

As I’ve been seeking the Lord about what He desires to reveal to His people, He’s been laying a few things on my heart. These are truly exciting days in which we live. Yes, these are also dangerous times, but we have confidence in His protection as we abide in Him and walk in obedience. If we do this, we will only witness judgment on the wicked, but it will not come near us.

I will soon post what the Lord has shared with my heart, but for now, I need to post another word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark. These words given through Pastor Mark are very important as the Lord is attempting to change our hearts and mindsets so that He can change us into the image of Christ and walk in His glory in these last days. Our mindsets and heart attitudes are what hinder His work in us. I know this to be true in my own life because He’s been speaking to me in my dreams lately about my heart attitudes that need changing.

Also, it’s that time of the month when rent and other bills are coming due, so please prayerfully consider a love gift to help with our financial obligations. At this time, the Lord still has me living on the support of other’s gifts and donations, so your help is GREATLY appreciated and needed.

Now please prayerfully read the word below given by the Lord through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people, to those who SAY they love Me. I come to My people, to those who DESIRE to be USED of Me. I come to My people, to those who say they want to BE MORE like Me. For I come to SHOW you the way things are truly SUPPOSED to be…NOT as man would have you to believe. NOT as man would tell you, to TICKLE your ears, NOT as man would tell you, to compromise your faith & make it complacent, so the world won’t SEE ME thru YOU.

I come to you, so you can SEE with YOUR eyes. I come to you so you can HEAR with YOUR ears. I come to you to OPEN your UNDERSTANDING to what I have truly said, so you will begin to truly WALK AS Me. For in this night, I have demonstrated the REALITY of what it means to truly WALK in Me. Not in a compromised & complacent faith that only has the APPEARANCE of Me, but in a faith that HAS a powerful & real DEMONSTRATION of who’s you REALLY are!

For I tell you these things to get your ATTENTION, for so many are not truly listening to me, as THEY say. For as I have shown you THESE things in 1 Tim.1, you will recognize that the faith that many HAVE walked in, has NOT been the faith that I have DECREED & COMMANDED you to BE. Because of well-meaning men’s doctrines, that have MINIMIZED My people, to keep them from BEING as I desire. But THAT was for a time that is now PAST, for now the blinders & covers ARE coming OFF.

Now I am causing My people to see, what they have NEVER seen before. Now My TRUE people will rise up & BECOME like Me! For this IS the hour for My light to SHINE in this world. This IS the time for the world to KNOW that I AM IN YOU of a truth. And as those who will TRULY hear My voice & righteously RESPOND unto Me with their lives, they WILL take hold of My power & anointing, as never before. For truly I love you all with an everlasting love.

And as you will truly ENTER INTO My love, truly as you will LET GO of the pseudo\idolatrous love that so many have HELD ONTO before Me, My people WILL rise & take their places IN My army, as the SOLDIERS of the Lord. For truly My people, who will HEARKEN unto My call WILL take their places IN Me & DO the works that I HAVE COMMANDED them to do. NO more will they SIT BACK, merely enjoying My love for THEMSELVES. NO more will they merely have a FORM of godliness, that DENIES the power thereof!

NOW My people will RESPOND to My voice & BE LED of Me, to DO the things that I have commanded them to do. For so long, My people have sat IDLE, doing LITTLE with the “talent” that I have given them. So many have NOT done anything with it! But now those who will HEAR My voice will CAST ASIDE those things that held them back & now EMBRACE the LIFE that I truly came to GIVE. For My life was NOT given so you could just sit back & enjoy YOUR self-life.

My life was given, so you could IMPART My life to others. If you are not DOING this, you are NOT walking in the life that I came to give. You ARE walking in a life of COMPROMISE & COMPLACENCY. I need you to truly RECEIVE this & for it to truly IMPACT your lives. For TRULY I say unto you that MANY “true” prophets of God, who hear My voice, ONLY hear the things that they are OPEN to hear. Very FEW of them are actually saying ALL that I AM saying…they are only saying a PART. For few of these voices EVER tell My people that they ARE supposed to be SEEKING to lead others to Christ.

How can you NOT see this? For those who are TRULY hearing My voice know that My heart beats FOR SOULS & IF they are not sharing THIS…IF they are NOT shouting from the rooftops, that THIS is the time for the GREAT HARVEST & begin to CALL MY people INTO the harvest fields to LEAD the lost UNTO Me, how can you NOT see that they are NOT hearing My voice? I tell you this because of the IMPORTANCE of the time you ARE in. I tell you these things so I will see a RIGHTEOUS response from My people!

I love you all & it IS My desire that you TAKE HOLD of My words, so you can BECOME more like Me. You can no longer sit ON the fence, SAYING that you believe, when you are NOT truly living WHAT you say you believe! I need you to SEE things as they truly are & respond unto ME with your lives. For you SEE things becoming darker & darker. You SEE things ramping up on the world front, yet there is STILL so little change WITHIN My people, seeing THESE things. These things ARE happening because of the LACK of response from those who SAY they are Mine.

These things ARE happening because My people are STILL not rising up & SHINING My light to this lost & dying world. What is it going to take to GET your attention OFF OF YOURSELVES & ACTIVATED to DO what I HAVE commanded you to do? I love you, My people…I need you to take YOUR places & to DO the things I have commanded YOU to do. Take hold of My words this day & truly APPLY them to your hearts & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your financial gifts are much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Things are going to get worse before they get better.

Dear Family of God,

Before I share this word from the Lord, I want to encourage you all to have faith in God that everything is under His control and He will protect us at all times, provided we stay close to Him and in obedience. Chaos and violence is escalating on a global scale over this war. Many are taking sides and persecuting or attacking those who oppose their views. In addition to that, certain groups who are ready to cause destruction have crossed our borders illegally. So be vigilant and in prayer always. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to do any traveling at this time unless specifically led to by the Lord Himself. To stay under His protection, we must be wise and obedient to Him at all times.

As the word of the Lord below says; things will get worse before they get better. So don’t get into fearful thinking that America is lost or that this is the end. It’s not the end yet, but we are in the end times. And God already warned us that another great wave of shaking is coming. So don’t get into fear or lose hope.

Now, please prayerfully read the word of the Lord below given through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to SEE the WAY they are to walk & maneuver in this hour. For in this time, there are many that are being PERSUADED by the enemy, to walk away, turn out of, and go into ways that are NOT of Me. For the pressures, trials & tribulations that many are falling into have taken their eyes OFF OF what truly matters. So many are being PULLED AWAY from the things that they ARE supposed to be doing. Many are being pulled away from their FAITHFULNESS in Me.

Many are pulling back in doing basic things that I have COMMANDED, such as being faithful in their daily work. I need My people to understand the hour they ARE now in. For as time goes forward things are going to get WORSE, BEFORE they will get BETTER. I tell you this to PREPARE you, so you will not be taken by SURPRISE at that time. I need My people to TAKE HOLD of Me & My words & RUN CLOSE to Me & DO the things that I have commanded. For truly there is SAFETY IN your obedience. Truly there is SAFETY when you walk ACCORDING to My will.

I NEED you to understand this because when you walk OUTSIDE of My will, you are on a path\road\way that I have NOT prepared for you. You WILL find difficulty, you WILL find trouble, you WILL find that My provision is NOT there, for you are walking OUTSIDE OF My will. I need you to truly SEEK Me for your direction, so you will KNOW for sure, the path you ARE to be on. As time moves forward, this is going to become more & more IMPORTANT to many. For many are slowly being moved OUT OF My will, whether they realize this or not.

Remember, a person can be walking on a path that SEEMS to be of Me but is just SLIGHTLY off course. All seems right at the BEGINNING, but over time, one will find that they have traveled FAR OFF COURSE from where I desired them to be. Just as with an airplane…the pilot MUST follow a compass heading, ALSO taking into consideration the wind currents, otherwise the pilot will end up off course from where he was SUPPOSED to arrive. Being off course, just 1 degree…plus the wind blowing, can cause the pilot to END UP in the wrong place!

Even so, in THIS life, My people need to understand that the enemy IS SEEKING to take My people off course, IN their lives in Me. Things may SEEM fine at first, but over time things will be WAY OFF course! For the enemy is WORKING to take My people off course in their lives, so they will be MORE distracted than they already ARE. This is so they will be even MORE fixated on TEMPORAL things & not STAY FIXED to My will for their lives. So many are already YIELDING in areas of their lives, thinking things ARE ok.

When I see what IS ahead for them down the road…on the path that they THINK is straight & narrow, but in TRUTH is only a LITTLE off course. Do you not know that a LITTLE leaven leavens the whole lump? This is the way things ARE! You cannot allow the enemy to CONVINCE you that doing these SMALL things are ok. For though things SEEM alright at first, in time they will INCREASE very quickly because once the leaven has been added (without a righteous hold on their lives), it will take them FURTHER from Me.

I tell you these things to HELP you. I tell you these things because I LOVE YOU with an everlasting love & it is My will for you to see things as I show you, so you can NAVIGATE straight in the time ahead. As you have gone thru My words in 2 Thess. 3 this evening, I have expounded how you are to be OBEDIENT to the things I have commanded thru My servant. For as it was THEN, long ago, it is AGAIN beginning to happen. My people are being taken OFF COURSE from what IS right & what IS needful & they are taking direction AWAY from what I have commanded them.

I need My people to understand that THESE things are coming out for a reason. For so many of My people still SEEM to think they have no need to change. For even where My servants are no longer WORKING as I have commanded them…but now they ONLY do the things that are convenient. No longer PREACHING the word of the Lord, as I have ORDAINED them they now kick back & do MENIAL things that can NEVER compare to what I have CALLED them to do. I need My people to SEE things as they TRULY are.

For I told you that the gifts & callings of God ARE WITHOUT repentance, yet My servants will still RETIRE & do the things that THEY deem they ARE to do, instead of OBEYING Me in this hour. I love you all, My people & I want you to HEAR My heart of love for each of you. You SAY that you love Me, yet you do NOT do the things that I HAVE commanded you to DO. Come to Me, all of My people & DO the first works that I have CALLED you to do. It IS time to SURRENDER your lives to Me as you SAY that you DO. See the TRUTH that IS IN your lives & COME TO ME & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your financial gifts are much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Come out of the darkness that has gripped so many of My people.

Dear Family of God,

Before I share this word from the Lord, I wish to emphasize the importance that we all pray for Israel and ALL victims of this war. There are things about this war that I wish I could share here, but I must keep silent because I don’t want to be censored and possibly lose my access to platforms. However, please stay in prayer for Israel and your own country and community. This war is causing certain groups around the globe to retaliate against any Jewish or Israeli supporters/sympathizers. As I posted back in August, another wave of darkness is coming and what is happening now could be related. So stay close to the Lord and under His guidance and protection, and remain constant in prayer. It would be wise to pray Psalm 91 over yourself and your family every day. I do not believe that it is time yet for World War III, but these are dangerous times we live in and we must stay prayed up and under His protection at all times.

Now please prayerfully read the word of the Lord below given through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I say unto My people, come CLOSE to Me in this hour, for in this night I have shown you the REAL need for you to SEE things as they truly are. For as you LOOK at your world, as you LOOK at the things happening around you, as you AWAKEN to My truth that I AM showing you, you will BEGIN to perceive, you will BEGIN to understand things on a different level…you will BEGIN to discern the reality of the time that you ARE now in. For even IN this hour, many are being FORCED to awaken from their slumber, by SEEING the many things changing all around them.

I do NOT say these things to scare or frighten you. I say these things because it is NEEDFUL for you to know this & to COME OUT of the fog, COME OUT of the shadiness, COME OUT of the darkness that has gripped so many of My people & caused them to SLIP into laziness, SLIP into slumber, SLIP into just doing the things that THEY want to do. So many ARE satisfied with their lives, as THEY have made them to BE. Not realizing that this is NOT the life that I desire for them. For it is MY will, MY determination for MY people to BE knitted together in My love for them, each one DOING their part to HELP build up & edify the body.

But so many are FIXED on just doing what THEY have decided to do, instead of hearing My voice, even the voice thru THIS epistle, to DO the things that are needful for My body in this hour. So many will continue just doing what THEY deem as “right”, not realizing that they are missing out on what I NEED them to do. For even My leaders, whom I have raised up, have FALLEN into complacency & compromise to do only the minor things THEY have decided to do, instead of doing what I have RAISED them up to do. How can someone with many degrees, just SIT back & let all that was taught to them in school, just lay there, NOT helping My people…not DOING those things that I have TRAINED them to do?

How can My body grow up & mature, when EVEN the leaders have FALLEN AWAY from doing the things that I REQUIRE in this hour? I tell you THESE things because I love you with an everlasting love & it is needful that you HEAR these things so you CAN respond unto Me righteously in this hour. For I AM waiting for those who SAY that they hear My voice, to RISE UP out of THEIR slumber & to DO the things I am CALLING them to do. NOT sitting back & only doing the things that THEY deem they are to do. I need My people to SEE this & to understand, that NOT doing what I desire with your lives, in essence, you HAVE buried MY talent in the ground in a napkin.

It is BURIED, instead of being utilized BY Me, as I desire. I AM calling My people BACK to Me, to do the things that I NEED them to do. You CAN continue where you are, doing YOUR minimal “works”, thinking that you are right in Me, & all is well, BUT I tell you that you should NOT want to do this, for in the coming time, you WILL see the error of YOUR self ways & it may be TOO late for you to repent & to turn around & do as I desire. I need you all to hear My voice NOW, so you can PREPARE your hearts, to rise up IN Me & DO those things that please Me.

For I tell you that there are MANY who believe they ARE doing this, when in reality they are ONLY doing those things that please SELF, being convinced BY self, that self IS ME! I need My people to AWAKEN from this DECEPTION & see the truth that IS before them in this hour. For as My coming continues to come CLOSER, you will be SHOCKED & even DEVASTATED when you REALIZE just how FAR you really ARE from Me. For My coming IS a continual process & as I come CLOSER, you ARE also to come closer unto Me & BE conformed INTO My image. I AM not seeing this manifest on a very high level!

I AM seeing more & more of SELF-being conformed into a fake\phony\false image that only APPEARS to be similar, DECEIVING those who THINK they are walking RIGHTLY when in reality it is ONLY their self-image being embraced in a way that appeases THEM to think they ARE following Me. I need My people to START reading My words & seeing the truth that I declare in them so that they will be ABLE to COMPREHEND the reality of what I AM saying & exercise change that WILL take them OUT OF self and into a life & walk that WILL mold & shape them INTO Me.

Hear My words of love to you, My people & begin to EMBRACE those words with YOUR hearts, souls, spirits & bodies, for as you WILL, you will see all of these things begin to LINE UP in agreement with My words & you will see yourselves BECOME more & more like Me, instead of more & more like the world. The time has come for My people to TRULY BE My people. I do NOT want you to continue as you HAVE, thinking that you have no need of change, for this is a MAJOR flaw in many. Their training, their schooling, and their experience in life, all have MANIPULATED them into thinking ALL is well within them & they have NO need to change.

I AM the lord, I change not! But YOU, My people, MUST change…for I have called you OUT OF darkness, INTO My marvelous light. The problem is, that many are NOT walking IN My light…they are only walking in a compromised\complacent light that LOOKS more like the world than it does Me! The time has come for My people to OWN UP to the truth & shake themselves free from the things the enemy has worked WITHIN them, that KEEP them from rising up & becoming MORE like Me. I need you to DO THIS, for as you WILL honor Me with your lives, as I desire, you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take this word to heart and ask the Lord to shine His light upon the areas of your heart and life that need changing. This word even convicts me and I am asking Him to reveal the areas in my life that need Him to change. We all need to submit to His Spirit’s work in us to conform us into His perfect image.

Also, please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Your financial gifts are much needed and appreciated.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Rise up or lose out.

Dear Saints, as I’ve earnestly sought guidance from the Lord regarding what message to convey to His people, some matters have come to mind. Therefore, I’ve chosen to expound upon these matters in this post. When I inquired of the Lord about an appropriate title for this post, given its multifaceted content, a resounding message emerged in my thoughts: “God’s people must rise up in this hour or lose out.” I’ll explain more in detail below.

In these final days, God is shaking all that can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken shall remain for the establishment of His kingdom in the earthly realm.

Yet, it is disheartening to see that most of the Church is still spiritually asleep. I feel that a primary reason for this spiritual slumber lies in the erroneous teaching of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. Many within the body of believers hold steadfastly to the belief that they will soon be raptured away, leaving behind a world destined to endure the most harrowing tribulations known to mankind. Therefore, instead of preparing themselves for the gross darkness and the gory that’s coming, they go about with business as usual thinking that they’ll be raptured away anytime now so there’s nothing to prepare for.

Let me be clear: I have no intention of delving into the intricate discussions of pre-, mid-, or post-tribulation rapture theories. Instead, my primary objective is to direct our attention to discerning and aligning with the present will of the Lord for us in these last days. And I am firmly convinced that His divine intention for His people in this critical hour is for us to rise up and be cleansed and sanctified, and become one Body, holy, acceptable, and pleasing to the Lord, ready to do His will in the earth.

With this in mind, we are now in an unprecendented time of open doors of opportunities. These opportunities, I believe, are designed to bring about profound benefits, both in our spiritual and everyday lives. If we seize this moment with unwavering determination, diligently seek the Lord as never before, and obediently heed His guidance, we will find ourselves on a transformative journey. It is a path that leads to great freedom through repentance and changes in our mindsets. This process holds the promise of delivering us from the persistent struggles that have plagued us for years on end. We will find a new freedom and spiritual power we never thought possible on this side of heaven.

Furthermore, embracing this opportunity to rise up will unlock blessings from Him in ways that were once unimaginable. We will even experience prosperity in the midst of hard times. Nonetheless, our paramount objective should be the transformation into the likeness of His Son. Through this pursuit, we will discover His perfect will for both ourselves and the body as a whole.

Now, as I delve into another matter that the Lord has placed upon my heart to share, we are about to witness a great shaking in our government and political arena. This shaking will remove much of the evil strongholds that have taken root in the United States. Many will be removed from their place of office, and some even by their death.

God is freeing us from the grip of the evil stronghold that has influenced our government officials for many years. This marks the beginning of a journey to return our nation to its original purpose, as God intended it to be a shining light on a hill to all other nations.

However, it’s important to understand that just cleaning out corruption from our government won’t automatically make us a beacon of light. There’s a spiritual lesson from scripture that applies here. When an evil spirit is cast out, it may come back, and if it finds the place cleaned out but empty, it will bring more spirits with it that are even more evil than it.

So, for our nation to truly fulfill God’s calling, it’s crucial for His people to not only repent but also to rise up and take our rightful place in this nation to fulfill God’s purpose for the U.S. As corruption and evil influence is removed from our government, the church in the U.S. must take its rightful place as the shining light and voice that our government leaders must get their influence and direction from. Otherwise, we risk the possibility of even greater evil and challenges arising from within our government.

This brings me to the next matter at hand. The church at large is still spiritually asleep. The first great shaking to awaken the church in these last days was the recent pandemic. While the general population was in fear, where was the light of hope? Instead of the church rising up and declaring Jesus as the antidote, many churches embraced and supported the world’s so-called antidote, which has an evil agenda behind it.

Some churches even closed down in response to mandated orders, even though scripture is clear that it is better to obey God than man. Now I’m not telling anyone to rebel against their government. However, did these churches that closed down during the pandemic seek God’s counsel on the matter first? If God is truly God, then why weren’t God’s people shouting from the rooftops that Jesus is the answer to the pandemic. And why weren’t God’s people the light for the world that we are called to be? During a time like the pandemic is when the church should be the shining beacon of light for the lost and fearful to run to.

Therefore, since the church at large is still spiritually asleep, there will be more waves of shaking until she wakes up. And each wave will be greater than the previous one. Unfortunately, this means that there will be many losses of lives during these shakings which will include natural (or man-made) disasters.

Jesus WILL have a holy and spotless bride. Therefore, God will do whatever it takes to wake the church up to its calling unto holiness and separation from the world. The shakings will continue and intensify until this happens.

Now I’d like to share a little on the open doors of opportunity that we are now in. If we would heed the Spirit of God in this time and rise up as He has called us to, we will find an unprecedented grace to overcome areas of the flesh that we may have struggled with for years. God is calling us to Himself in this hour and giving us the opportunity of a lifetime to tap into His grace and cleansing fire that will purify us like we never thought possible. We are in the last days where we will witness the fulfillment of much scripture. These are some examples: “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” (KJV) ” Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” (KJV)

It is time to seek the Lord like never before and seek His cleansing fire. For those who do this and become cleansed, will walk in His glory during the times of gross darkness that is coming. However, those who neglect to take advantage of this time to rise up and seek Him will lose out on this precious promise of being transformed into the image of His Son, becoming one with God, and walking in His glory in these last days. Many will even lose out on God’s protection and provisions during these hard times while even facing the risk of being part of the great falling away in these last days.

I understand that these words may seem harsh to some. But these are serious times that we live in and it is now time to choose what road you will be on for the remainder of your time on this earth. And the only road to God will be the narrow road full of cleansing, sufferings, and trials, conforming us into the image of His dear Son.

But if we do choose to rise up in this hour and walk this narrow road laid out for us, the sufferings we may go through won’t even be worthy to compare to the glory that shall be revealed in us. On the other hand, for those who fail to rise up to God’s calling for us in this hour, great loss will be the only reward.

Dear Saints, please take these words to heart and seek the Lord’s will for you and your family in this hour. Take hold of His hand and rise up into your calling and His holiness. Great rewards are in store for those who do. These are truly exciting times we live in and you all were chosen for such a time as this.

If these words help or encourage you in any way, would you please consider a love gift today. I am deeply grateful for your kindness and financial support.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

If you feel you have no need for change, you ARE in danger.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “ I come to My people in this hour to show them the way that they ARE to walk in the time ahead. For as many SEE things changing all around them, many are being morphed & shaped by what THEY are seeing. And instead of walking in the way I have shown them, they are now walking more & more in a way that IS self-centered. More & more SEEK only what self needs. I need My people to understand that this is not right.

This is WRONG! This is the opposite of what I have told you to do. For as you have gone through 1 Thess. 2 this evening, you have seen the truth that I have said. You have seen & heard the REALITY of what a life IN Me is supposed to be. I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love & those who hear my voice, KNOW this! They don’t sit there “critiquing” what I have said. They don’t sit there LOOKING for fault, they don’t try to justify THEIR lives, by countering MY words.

They SEE the truth of what I have said & they HUMBLE themselves. They REALIZE the error in THEIR actions & they REPENT. They no longer do THOSE things, knowing that they are NOT pleasing Me…they ARE pleasing the enemy of their souls! I need My people to see THIS & turn around & BEGIN to walk the other way. I need My people to see the truth in THEIR lives as I see them. For MANY walk contrary to y will, though they REFUSE to see this.

They MAINTAIN a limited & selective “obedience” to Me, which THEY have sculpted & maintained to give them an APPEARANCE that they are close to Me. But in reality, they are ONLY close to themselves, seeing ONLY what self wants them to see. So many cannot fathom the things that I KEEP telling them, for they just continue to look at these things, thinking that these words ARE for “others”…they refuse to see that My words are for THEM!

For how can they, when they refuse to see ANY wrong in their lives! They hold to actions & decisions THEY have made, thinking they are RIGHT ones, knowing that My word says just the OPPOSITE. They base their walk with me, on their own SELF-made “god walk” that pleases THEM. They refuse to see THEIR need to rise up & to war & pray for the things I AM SHOUTING for My people to do.

Yet, they think that they are right with God! I am telling you these things, desiring for CHANGE to come.
I am telling you these things, for I long for you to SEE the truth & turn TO Me. I am telling you these things so you WILL come out of your complacency & compromise & REALIZE that you are NOT close to Me. I am telling you these things because it is VITAL that you turn yourselves around & walk CLOSE to Me in this hour. I NEED My people to see the truth as it REALLY is…not the way you WANT to see it. Not the way man has told YOU it is. But the way that I HAVE said it, because as I have said it SHOWS you the truth.

Not a compromised\complacent truth that keeps you DOING things as the devil wants you to do. I am looking for warriors to rise up & to do the works that I HAVE ordained for this hour. You CAN stay where you are, if you want, but in doing so WILL only hasten YOUR reward that is coming, which comes thru the wrath of My anger to those who REFUSE to hear & obey Me. Please do not take this as harsh, because this comes from a PURE love that CARES for you.

As a father cares for his children, he will NOT allow a child to continue to walk in disobedience but WILL chasten & correct the child so the child can SEE the truth & TURN the other way. I need My people to STOP being the devil’s “pseudo-people”. I need My people to truly become the people OF God. If you will hear My voice, you will respond righteously to My words in obedience, FROM your hearts. You will STOP seeing things from your compromised\complacent ways as you have & you will be SHAKEN to know the truth of WHERE you stand. For if you feel you have no need for change, you ARE in danger.

For I tell you that there is no such thing, for those who ARE Mine will constantly be SEEKING to change, so they can BE more pleasing in My sight. How do you think that you are going to BECOME more like me? Do you think this is just going to fall into YOUR lap, as man has taught you? Look at the world & see the reflection of the church’s light! It is time for those who say they are Mine to stop playing their religious games, that only garner their pseudo walk with Me & repent unto Me while they still can.

There are many now hearing My voice & responding unto Me with their lives, but I still see a multitude that see no such NEED for change. My cry is for THEM now, to hear Me & to rise up out of the “mire of clay” the enemy has instilled within them & to BE washed by My blood, so you can TRULY see as I desire you to see. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to show you the truth WITHIN your hearts as I see it. For I desire to cleanse & purge you of ALL that offends, so you CAN shine your light unto this lost & dying world. You CANNOT remain the way you are…the time for change HAS come. Rend your hearts before Me & allow Me to show you what needs to change & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Oh Dearest Saints, this word is so convicting. We all need to rend our hearts to God and ask Him to shine the light on our areas that need changing. If you can read this word and think that it’s not for you, then you are already in deception.

Many years ago God allowed me to experience what it’s like to be holy as He is holy. I’ve shared my testimony on here before, but to give a brief explanation, I experienced what Adam and Eve were like before the fall. And it was so glorious beyond what our natural minds can comprehend.

So then, I know for a fact that God has already made a way for us to become holy as He is holy. But He will not force us. He gave us free will to choose. And with that, we can either choose to take advantage of this unprecedented time of His grace to be cleansed and made holy, or we can continue in our own ways and miss out on God’s best for us, and even possibly end up being one of the ones who fall away in the last days. Please don’t let this be you, but instead, take heed to these words of the Lord and rend your heart to Him.

I’m still seeking the Lord for what He would have for me to share with His people on here. The Lord is laying several things on my heart, so I’m not sure exactly what He would give me to prophesy or say, but I’ll be posting something soon.

On another note, it’s that time that rent and other bills are coming due. So please prayerfully consider a love gift to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

You cannot stay where you are and expect to be victorious in the time ahead.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to REMIND them, to STIR UP their memory, to provoke them to rise up in Me! For this IS the hour for My people to show the truth that exists within them. For so many claim to be Mine…they say the right things when it is convenient…they even DO things when they desire to show that they are Mine. But in many of these, that which is done is MOSTLY done as a SHOW to others…to imply this is the truth IN their lives. But I tell you that this is NOT pleasing unto Me. For your lives are to BE a demonstration of My love for you.

My love that you claim to have received, in truth IS shown by the very lives YOU live. For many still hold on to their own ideals of what it means to BE a Christian. So many will do one thing or another, that on the surface, looks like they are a Christian, but then, later on, when they are ALONE, when no one is watching them, they do things that COUNTER the demonstration in their lives. I need My people to know that what is done IN SECRET is what My Father SEES. He is not moved by the casual demonstrations of “God bless you”, or “praise the Lord”, when you say these things to others, when in secret, your lives ARE a different thing.

I need My people to RECOGNIZE the reality that exists within them & turn their lives around. I need those who say they are Mine, to see that truly BEING Mine, means that you EXIST in a different REALM than what many perceive. For I have told you that you ARE seated in heavenly places in Christ. This is the Heavenly REALM & those who are truly Mine will seek to ABIDE there. They will seek to STAY in My presence, before My face! What I say today IS important because in the time ahead you will NEED to abide in THAT realm, to maneuver around, to turn about & to counter the things that WILL present themselves.

So many are NOT ready for this. So many are NOT prepared to do such things. I say this because I love you with an everlasting love & because of My love for you, I want you to know the truth, for only the truth will set you free. You cannot stay where you ARE & expect to be victorious IN the time ahead. You cannot continue as you have in the PAST, thinking that you can skate through what IS coming. I need My people to SEE the writing on the wall & make the changes that ARE needed…that are necessary for, ahead. I have shown you how the church is supposed to operate.

I have shown you how you are to be My light to this lost & dying world, but still, SO many of those who say they are Mine, do LITTLE in this area, to demonstrate My truth WITHIN them. They still hold to a minimized & compromised MINDSET that keeps them in complacency to mainly do only those things that please the FLESH. I need My people to see the truth as it REALLY is & to execute CHANGES in their lives. For as the PRESSURES of life, as the TRIALS of this age, as the TRIBULATIONS you experience come forth, you are to stand STRONG in Me, as you continue in FAITHFULNESS, knowing that these things come because you ARE receiving My word of truth!

My word IS supposed to cause you to BE imitators of me. My word is supposed to cause you to BECOME mimickers & followers of the things that I did. These things are written for your admonition, so you will be EXAMPLES to those around you. I need My people to see just HOW important this is, that MY reality BE STAMPED upon you, so that others will SEE My working IN you, instead of the works of the FLESH. I love you all & it truly is My desire to see you ARISE in Me and BECOME who you say you ARE.

Take hold of My words this day & allow Me to show you DEEP within your hearts, what needs to change. For as you will do this, I will HELP you to overcome those things & you WILL rise up & BECOME more like Me in the time ahead. And others WILL take notice of the changes because they will NO LONGER see that which is PSEUDO…they will see that which is TRUTH, of Me & of My IMAGE. And that truth & image WILL begin to execute great changes around you, as My will IS manifest THRU you. Hear Me, My people…come to Me & do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that these words from the Lord penetrate deep within you. He is crying out to His people to be conformed into His image BEFORE the great darkness falls. Noah was warned of the coming flood and was given specific instructions on what he needed to do to survive the flood. And so God is now giving us specific instructions on what we need to do to survive the coming flood of darkness and chaos. Please, please don’t slight the words of the Lord to us. Be like the wise man who built his house on the rock before the storm came.

And if these words help or encourage you in any way, would you consider a love gift today. I am deeply grateful for your kindness and financial support.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Take hold of My words this day & allow Me to show you the depth of My truth deep within your hearts.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them the truth of HOW they are to walk WITHIN Me. For in the world you live IN today, so many of those who say they are Mine have a mindset that HAS been molded & changed, contrary to what I have spoken. So many have such a lofty & prideful mindset, taking hold of My words & making them PAST what I have declared them to BE. For even in those who have authority, these have gone BEYOND their course of leadership, to treat those under them in ways that I never told them to do.

For I said for leaders to see themselves as EQUALS to the servant & keep THEM near. Keeping them near speaks of them having the SAME things that the leaders have. Yes, these leaders DO have authority, but this authority MUST be kept in obedience to My will. For with authority comes GREAT responsibility to do things that are pleasing IN My sight. It is important that My people SEE these things so they can navigate forward in this hour. And those who ARE the servants, I need you to SEE yourselves as you truly ARE.

For you are NOT just servants…you are SLAVES unto Me & how you walk IN this life…how you demonstrate this reality truly SHOWS Me, as well as the world the truth that IS IN your hearts. For many have TAMPERED with My word SO greatly, the great majority of those who say they are Mine walk in such a SELF-controlled obedience that is based mainly on PLEASING self. Taking My words to do what THEY please, instead of staying CLOSE to Me & DOING the things that I desire them to DO. So many MISS OUT on much of what I have for them, because they do NOT stay on course in their lives.

Oh, they stay on course… It’s just NOT the course that I have laid out for them. For I tell them to do things & instead of doing them, they lay My words aside & wait…they put My words off…they put my words on the shelf & instead of DOING them…they decide that THEY will do them another day & before they know it, much time has gone by & they WONDER what happened & WHY they never saw My words manifest. This is because so many do not see THEIR need to take part…to take action…to yield to do what I have told them.

So many just sit there waiting, as if I AM the one who is to take action when I TOLD THEM to do it! I say these things because I love you with an everlasting love & it IS important for you to walk IN My truth. For as you BEGIN to see the truth that I show forth & make manifest in truth…I bring forth OUT OF My words that which has been minimized & compromised by man…you will see that the true walk with Me in Christ is FAR deeper than what MANY have imagined. For the comparison IS staggering! Today’s Christians are SO minimized from what I have called them to BE.

Today’s Christians are far from Me in SO many ways, only looking at their lives & doing the things that I say, as it is AGREEABLE & PLEASING unto THEM! True obedience to Me does not exist as I desire. For most of any obedience to Me, is always judged by SELF & seen as INCONVENIENT…something that doesn’t need to be done right NOW. This is because so many of those who say they are Mine hold their lives & all that they do, as MORE important than what I HAVE said. I look at the great majority of those who say THEY love Me & I see them not really loving Me the way that they SAY.

I see them loving THEIR world. I see them loving what THEY want to do. I see them DOING the things that self DESIRES. I see them putting My words to them aside & walking FAR from Me. I tell you these things so you will see the truth & RETURN unto Me. I say these things because of My deep love for you & My desire for you to be CLOSE to Me. I say these things because it IS imperative that you KNOW them, so you can execute CHANGE in your lives & begin to DO My will, while you still can. I love you all, My people & it IS My desire that you BECOME like Me.

Take hold of My words this day & allow Me to show you the DEPTH of My truth deep within YOUR hearts. For as you WILL do this, I will make YOU know the truth that is there & you will rise up & walk as I desire. No longer controlled BY self. No longer controlled BY what others say. No longer BEING a minimized Christian, but one that IS ON FIRE for Me & SEEKING to do My will for their lives. Come to Me & open your hearts…allow Me to come deep WITHIN your hearts in this hour & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, as you recall my last posting last month, the Lord warned us about another wave of shaking that is coming. These shaking will continue and only get stronger as time goes by. The Lord desires to refine us, but unfortunately, most of the Church is still asleep, spiritually speaking.

Time is short and the gross darkness is still coming. But many Christians are still living their lives as usual expecting to get raptured away before the gross darkness hits. Dear Brothers and Sisters, please shake yourself awake if this is you. Look all around you. The church is far far from being the perfected Bride of Christ. So the Church will not be taken out of here anytime soon and we all had better prepare ourselves according to God’s standards. And He requires our holiness as He is holy.

Soon His cleansing fire will come and many will be cleansed by it. I pray that you all are part of His remnant that will partake in this cleansing. But you MUST be hungry for it and seeking Him and His will. Don’t get caught up in the business of the world, but redeem the short time we have.

Now, if these words bless or help you in any way, please prayerfully consider returning the favor with a financial gift to help us with our financial needs.

May the Lord abundantly bless you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I AM working in every area, every angle, and every ability, to see My will come forth in this hour.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: I come to My people this day to take them DEEPER into Me & My words, so they can walk CLOSELY with Me in this hour. So many have taken hold of My words, as they have been TAUGHT…as they have RECEIVED for themselves, according to what pleased the FLESH, but I have now come to tell you that THESE things can no longer BE! For the time for My people to truly BE My people has come & you MUST now rise up & BE who you say you are! For as you have gone through Col.3 this night I have shown you the DEEP truths that ARE there & there is no one that can escape these truths.

For the DEEPER you desire to go IN Me, the DEEPER your obedience MUST go also. For so long My people have walked in a MINIMIZED walk of obedience unto Me, thinking that THEIR lives were well pleasing in My sight. But now IS the time for My people to cast off THEIR works of darkness & arise & shine! For as you LOOK at the seriousness of this hour, you must SEE that what has been, can no longer go forward, for what has been IS the reason there IS such seriousness in this hour. I tell you these things to help you, so you can rise up out of your SELF walk & SEE the need for change!

For those who ARE hearing My voice RECOGNIZE the reality of My words in this hour. So many have NOT walked circumspectly according to what I have said, but only in a MEASURE according to what THEY were pleased to walk in. Which was not the measure that I desire, but only a MIXTURE of self & My word. I desire for My people to take hold of Me & My words DEEPLY in this time, for this IS the time for GREAT revival. But you CANNOT sit on the sidelines WATCHING what I AM doing…you MUST rise up IN Me & take YOUR places & BE part of what I AM doing.

For I AM working in EVERY area, EVERY angle, EVERY ability, to see My will come forth in this hour. You CAN continue to walk as you HAVE walked, thinking all is well & you WILL BE shocked & devastated, as you realize that you have fallen BEHIND! I do NOT want you to fall behind…I want you walking WITH Me, AT My side, DOING the things that I say to do. You cannot do this, staying in YOUR place of self. You cannot do this by staying in YOUR place of doing things YOUR way. You cannot do this by HOLDING onto partial truths that tickle your ears & keep you complacent in ALL of your ways.

I love you all with an everlasting love & I desire for you all to walk WITH Me. I need you to SEE that the way things have been, is NOT the way things ARE supposed to be. For as you have WALKED through Col.3 this night, I have shown you the REALITY of the way things ARE supposed to be. I have shown you the MANY commands that were NEVER apparent or manifested to you because man conveniently MINIMIZED My truth to keep you surrendered unto following THEM. It is now time for you to start following ME! You say you are Mine, so now you must show Me this WITH your lives. Begin to do the things that I tell you to do…NOT just when you feel like it.

NOT just when it will make YOU look good. NOT when it will benefit only YOU. I need you to SEE how I walked. I didn’t look at things to see how I WOULD prosper from it. I looked at things as they WERE. I SAW a need & I had COMPASSION to BE a help to THAT need. The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. I know I keep saying this, but I do so because I NEED you to SEE just how important THAT statement is! You must now take hold of Me in your lives & BE the people you claim to be. I will help you, for I have already made provision. All things are in their places EXCEPT for one thing.

My people MUST take their places & ENTER into the things that I have prepared for THEM. You MUST now arise from your self-walk and seek to BE with me IN heavenly places. This means you will take YOUR place & DO the exploits that I have called you to do. For as you ARE arisen IN Me, you WILL see things differently & you WILL let go of the things that HAVE held you back for so long & you WILL BE My vessels of glory in this hour. Hear My words of love to you & respond to Me as I desire. For I promise you, that IF you will truly SEEK to become one with Me & do the things that I say, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all receive this convicting word from the Lord. He loves us greatly and is trying to change us into His image and righteous Bride. But we must do our part. It won’t just happen because we think it will. We have our responsibility to obey His commands.

And if these words from the Lord bless or help you in any way, please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

My people must take their places and be the people that they say they are.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: I come to My people to help them WALK forward in this hour. For I told you THIS was the time of GREAT pressure & many of you are NOW seeing this on a greater level. For the battle IS raging & I need My people to BE close to Me in this hour. For many are being ATTACKED, and many are being ASSAULTED, for their stand in Me & for DOING the things that I have said to do. Many that have NOT pulled back, nor allowed the enemy to minimize them, ARE being PRESSURED from many sides.

This IS the time for My people to truly BE My people & as I have shown you THIS very night, My people must now SHOW themselves for who they TRULY are. My people MUST take their places & BE the people that THEY say they are. For My church must now see the necessity to STAND UP for others…the ones that are being TARGETED & just as Aaron & Hur held up Moses’ arms, My people MUST now hold up the arms of those who ARE being attacked for THEIR faithfulness to STAND in Me & DO those things that I have called them to do.

For I tell you, that YOUR response to this, SHOWS the truth of what you are REALLY made of. Those who refuse to see the need to BE a part of helping those who are being targeted, show the reality of what their lives ARE based on. For these show FALSE humility, only desiring for the things in THEIR own lives, to be comforted. Their self-life shows itself PLAINLY, as they do NOT do their part to BE a true part of My body. I do not say these things to hurt you or to make you feel condemned…I say these things because I love you with an everlasting love.

I say these things because you MUST know the truth that IS in your hearts. For only the truth will set you free! So now is the time for my people to STAND UP & BE My people. Not a people that only CLAIMS to be Mine. For I tell you, that in the hours ahead, you WILL show Me the truth of the way things really are. For as you take hold of My words this day, you WILL make a response. You will either run INTO My words, submitted in obedience, or you will REJECT them, thinking that they are for someone else. I tell you these things because I NEED you to see the truth WITHIN your hearts.

So many who claim to BE My people show that they are REALLY only my people, as long as things are SMOOTH for them…as long as they have LITTLE or NO hardships…as long as things go as THEY desire. But when I challenge these things IN the heart, many show Me the truth that IS there. For they CANNOT be bothered with being a “help” to others in the body because it would interfere with their own simple unfettered lives. I say unfettered because MANY do not deal with the trouble, pressures, or attacks that others DO. Their lives are for the most part simple, with no REAL attacks or warring, because this is the heart that they HOLD to.

I DID tell you…that the enemy only attacks those who ARE a threat to his kingdom. I DID tell you that as long as My people do little of nothing against the enemy, their lives would mostly BE calm, with no real pressures or troubles. But this IS the hour that My people will show Me the truth that IS IN their hearts…for I AM now calling My people to truly BE My people & to RISE UP & BE A HELP to those in the body that ARE suffering & being attacked for THEIR commitment & obedience UNTO Me. I need you to STEP UP to the reality of what is happening here & to BEGIN to do YOUR part.

I need you to YIELD to Me from your own simple lives & begin to take YOUR places & BE a help to those who ARE fighting the battles. I need you to see the REAL need to do THIS in this hour. For all that I have done, as you have seen this night in Col. 2, IS there & you must see the reality that for you to TRULY enter into what I said, you MUST do your part IN it. You cannot just sit there thinking it is all done & you have no part. You must rise up OUT OF the death of self & rise up TOGETHER WITH Me. For I surrendered My all to do this for YOU. It is time that you do YOUR part & BE My body in this hour. Take hold of My words to you & SEE them as they are, for they ARE My love for you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I have said many times before, and even posted prophetic words from the Father, speaking on how we must bear one another’s burdens in these last days as a true body of Christ. For that is the only way we will make it, as a true family of God, supporting one another through difficulties, trials, and affliction. Please, please wake up to this reality. Things are going to get much worse in our economy and the world, and we must learn now how to help and uphold one another as a family of God. There may even come a time when more than one family will have to share the same home. We must get out of the mentality of only fending for ourselves if we are going to make it in the days ahead.

Of course, there will be the Josephs in these last days whom God will bless so they can help many others in their time of need. God has even called me to be one of these Josephs and I believe that my breakthrough is very soon. I’ve been in my prison of financial lack for a long time. But I have not left the course or given up on God. Although, I do admit that it has tried my faith and patience at times. But I am still here believing in God for my soon deliverance from this prison. He is faithful.

And on this note, I am still in need of financial help to cover my rent and other expenses that are now due. So please prayerfully consider a financial gift of any size to help me with my needs. I’m so grateful to all those who do help, and I understand that it is difficult for many people at this time. But don’t give up, breakthroughs and miracles are just around the corner for God’s people. Prophetically speaking, we are in a time when God is about to judge the gods of Egypt and set His people free. And those with ears to hear understand what I am speaking of. I’m so excited about this unprecedented time in which we live. God bless you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Brace for the next wave of shaking.

Word from the Father:

My dearest ones, do not be troubled in your soul or mind with what is about to happen.  For have I not already told you that I shall shake all that can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken shall remain?  Well then, did you not understand that this shaking will also include your inner man?   For I love you, My dearest ones, and it is My desire to refine you as silver is refined and test you as gold is tested so that you may come forth as precious lively stones for making Me a holy habitation.  For as you all go through what is about to unfold, do not let fear overtake you.  For even though darkness may seem to cover everything, it is not the end yet.  Instead, this is just another wave of My shaking to bring about My glorious church and kingdom upon the earth.

Now, for a time it will appear as though the enemy has the upper hand and I have forsaken My church upon the earth.  Not so, My little ones.  For even though it may seem that way, I am ultimately in control.  And I am allowing the enemy to play his hand for it shall be a trap for all those who have yielded themselves to him and his plans.  For I am uncovering and rooting out much evil that has held My people captive to lies and control.

So then, do not get into fear when this next wave of darkness comes.  For I will uphold, protect, and provide for all those who are obedient to Me and seeking My protection.  For I am a loving Father and I will not allow the enemy to have his way with those who are truly mine.

Now then, even though this next wave of shaking is coming, in the midst of it, I shall open many doors of blessings and miracles for those who have been faithful and patiently waiting for My promises in their lives.  I shall even open miraculous doors that seem impossible to the natural mind of man.  However, do not listen to the voices that speak of great prosperity and wealth changing over into the hands of all believers, for it is not so.  Yes, there IS a great transfer of wealth coming to My people, but this will not be as many think.  And it will not be given to those with selfish motives.

Even now, many are declaring this great wealth transfer for all of God’s people, but I want you to hear Me on this.  I am not a God to reward the disobedient with riches of My kingdom.  Nor shall I allow the self-centered to place their hands on the wealth I have stored up for My people who have been faithful to Me.  For this wealth transfer shall come at a time of great shaking and uncertainty.  And it will be in the form of provision for My faithful ones during this time.  For even now I am preparing many of My people to launch out into new forms of business, investments and careers.   And I shall bless all that they lay their hands to in such powerful and tremendous ways that they never thought possible.

Now then, it is still not too late for those who have been outside of My will to align yourselves with Me.  Things may not be as great as I had planned for these ones, but there is still time to get into the flow of My Spirit and blessings for these last days.  Do not think it is the end yet.  For I still have much for My church to do in the earth realm.  And I am cleansing My house in preparation for the greatest move of My Spirit this world has ever seen.

So then, get ready for this great shaking, for it is upon you.  But again I declare unto you, do NOT get into fear.  Do all that I say and all will be well with you.

Dear Saints, God has not revealed to me what all this shaking will consist of, but I have a feeling that it may include another plandemic with forced mandates. We already see the news media pushing fear again. I don’t know what all this shaking will include, nor do I know how long it will last, but I can tell you that when this wave is over, things will begin to change dramatically for the better and we will look back and see that the shaking was for our good. And I believe that it will all kick off sometime next month.

But don’t forget that during this time we are commanded to rise up and shine for our light has come. There will be many open doors and miracles during this time for God’s people. So don’t get focused on what all is going on in the world. Seek God and His will during this time. And stay close to Him while meditating daily on Psalms 23 and 91. If we stay in His will and under His protection, we will be in our spiritual Goshen while Egypt and its gods are being judged in this shaking. We will witness many exposures of evil plots against people during this time.

But in all this rejoice in the Lord. He is good and doing a good thing in the earth.

Now on another note, it’s that time again that my rent and other bills are coming due. So if you can help me with my financial needs by donating any amount possible, it would be greatly appreciated. And as always, I pray the Lord abundantly blesses those in return who help me with my financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

It is My desire that My people enter into My victory in this hour.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: I come to My people to help PREPARE them for what is ahead. For I told you that you ARE in the time of REVELATION. I told you that you ARE in the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF. I told you that you ARE now in the time that all things would be made manifest, for all things ARE revealed by the light. And I tell you that as you walk IN this hour, you will need to make some CHANGES. You will need to make some course CORRECTIONS. You will need to see things from a DIFFERENT light. For the light that many HAVE walked in, in time past, did not have the CLARITY, did not have the DETAIL, did not have the FULL leading of My Spirit.

For I tell you these things to help you, so you can OPEN your hearts & hear more CLOSELY to Me & to take hold of My words that will help you MANEUVER in the hour ahead. For so many STILL hold to directives, so many STILL hold to old plans. So many STILL hold to things that I had intended for a time that is now PAST. Many of these things were SUPPOSED to be accomplished WHEN I said them. Many of these things were SUPPOSED to be taken hold of and implemented long ago. But because so many have NOT held to My directives, but have held to their own SELF-perceived directives.

They have missed the timing & now many of these things are NOT going to happen…because they have MISSED the timing. I tell you this so you can SEEK Me for CLARITY. I tell you this so you can LOOK DEEP within your heart. I tell you this so you can see PAST your own self-desires & mindsets & take hold of My mindset for you. For in this hour, I will need you to LISTEN for Me. In this hour, I will need you to HEAR what I AM saying. In this hour, I will need you to OBEY what I AM telling you to do. There can be NO MORE “I will do it someday”, there can be NO MORE “I will do it when this or that happens”.

This is the time that My people MUST listen to Me & DO those things that I tell them, WHEN I tell them to do them. What this means is, that I AM calling My people to GROW UP & MATURE. What this means is, I AM calling My people to STOP living their OWN lives, as THEY please. What this means is, IT IS time for My people to TRULY BE My people. For while My people continue IN their self lives, MUCH is taking place around them & things ARE being altered. Things ARE being manipulated. Things ARE being twisted & turned into something that I never allowed.

And this IS happening because My people ARE the ones that are ALLOWING these things to happen. The enemy has many of My people BUSY taking care of their OWN “business” & situations, that they are not ABLE to stand & fight as I NEED them to in this hour. I have already won the battle IN the spirit realm, yet so many of My people are NOT abiding WHERE My victory exists. My victory does NOT exist where many of My people dwell, for so many of My people dwell in the things that pertain to SELF. I need My people to know that I truly love them with an everlasting love & it is VITAL that you take hold of My love in this hour.

For My love is NOT there so you can continue AS you are. My love is NOT there so you can continue WHERE you are. My love is there so you can rise up INTO Me, where My victory EXISTS & DO the exploits that I told you that was to come. As long as My people STAY where they are, things will only get worse. I need My people to SEE things as they really are & YIELD their lives in obedience unto Me & do those things that ARE pleasing in My sight. So many think that much of what they are doing IS pleasing to Me, yet I tell you that most of it is only pleasing to SELF & many are being deceived by their self-life that they are pleasing unto Me.

I need My people to truly come CLOSE unto Me in this hour. For as you will do this, you will BEGIN to see things on a different level & then you will be ABLE to execute change & walk accordingly. I love you, My people & it is My desire that you enter INTO that place that I have prepared for you. I speak of the place of My victory, in the heavenly realms. For it is THERE you need to be, to take authority over the powers of darkness that are raging & running rampant all over the world. As long as My people are FIXED on taking care of their own things, they will not be able to EXECUTE judgment & WALK in the authority that I have given them.

For My authority is NOT so you can do what YOU want. My authority is so YOU can do what I want! This is the deciding factor! So many think that they can wield the sword of my word, to make changes in the things that THEY desire, but I tell you THIS needs to change! Because so many are doing these things because they are NOT wielding My sword for My purposes, to take down the powers of darkness & to subdue the enemy’s hold all over the world. I love you, My people & it is My desire that you BECOME like Me. I keep saying this because so many have NOT taken hold of My words & entered INTO them as I desire.

My words ARE to help you, to RISE up to your RIGHTFUL places IN Me & DO My works in this world. Hear My words of love this day & begin to SEEK Me as never before. Allow Me to show you the truth that IS IN your hearts & you will BEGIN to see what needs to CHANGE. I have MUCH work for you all to do, so it is needful that you take My words SERIOUSLY. Do NOT cast them aside thinking they are for someone else. I need each of you to hear My words & to respond righteously from YOUR hearts, to do those things I will tell you. As you will do your part, I WILL help you. I WILL empower you, I WILL enable you to DO all that I need you to do. Do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take this word to heart and allow the Lord to open your heart even more unto Him so that He can give much-needed revelation to your spirit man.

And please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Open your hearts, My people, & allow Me to take you closer to me!

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them MANEUVER thru the challenges & obstacles that the enemy may try to place before you. As you walk FORWARD in this hour, many are starting to see things ramp up & change. Many are beginning to be CHALLENGED in their very walk with Me. For doubts are attempting to creep within My people. Thoughts are being INJECTED to sway My people from STANDING FIRM firm & stationary IN Me. I need you to understand that these things WILL happen, but you are NOT to allow any of them to take you off course from Me.

For I have PROMISED you, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I will deliver them out of them all! For as you will do YOUR part to STAND FIRM, to STAY STATIONARY in all that you go thru, I will EQUIP you, I will STRENGTHEN you, I will UPHOLD you. For it is IN your obedience to DO your part IN Me, that ACTIVATES My power & authority to RISE up within you. I need you to stay UNIFIED in oneness with your brothers & sisters, knowing that you ARE MY family…the family of God. My body IS one, but it has MANY members. For if one member suffers, the whole body WILL also suffer with it, because the body IS one IN Me.

If My people do NOT do their part in this, they WILL come to find WHY they are suffering in their OWN lives, because they are NOT aiding & helping the ones suffering. In this time of THLIPSIS…in this time of PRESSURE, I need My people to become one, as never before. For as you see the family of God going thru the pressures & trials of this hour, I am CALLING you to come alongside to HELP them THRU these pressures. For TRUE fellowship…TRUE partnership…TRUE communion…TRUE “koinonia” IS when you SHARE in BOTH giving & receiving. One-sided fellowship is NOT true fellowship!

For when My body TRULY works together, My body grows STRONGER, My body grows HEALTHIER, My body grows CLOSER to Me. For I have done ALL of these things, as I walked the earth, even so, you ARE to do the same in this day. For as you understand My truth, you will know that you MUST do your part! For as My body takes care of its members, My grace WILL cover, My provision WILL come, My glory WILL manifest BECAUSE My body is truly BEING My body…NOT a body of SELF, that only cares for its OWN things. For as My body truly shows its TRUE love to the members, it IS showing their TRUE relationship with Me.

For they are doing the things that I have COMMANDED them to do & in doing so, they ARE in UNION TOGETHER with Me. OPEN your hearts, My people & allow Me to take you CLOSER to me! For as you will open your hearts, you WILL understand the MYSTERY that I have told you of, which IS Christ IN you, the HOPE of glory! For if you withhold from EMBRACING My people, NOT opening your arms to them, I need you to REALIZE that as much as you HAVE done this to the least of these, My brethren, you have done it unto Me! I love you all with an everlasting love…open your hearts & allow me to take you closer & SHOW you the truth that I have for you.

For much of the truth that MANY of My people walk in, is only PARTIAL truth, but as My people WILL surrender their self-wills unto Me, I WILL help them to SEE things on a far higher level. And My people WILL begin to arise & shine in Me! For My glory WILL have access to you, because you HAVE released that which IS of self, to BE the body that I have CALLED you to BE. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to SHOW you the way. Do this & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I’ve said it before, in these last days we will all need each other to make it through the dark times that are coming. Please take this word to heart and allow the Lord to open your heart even more unto Him so that He can unite you with His true body of believers.

And please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Consider The Parable Of The Ten Virgins And Be Wise.

Word from the Lord:

My beloved children, listen to your Heavenly Father this day.  Oh, how I love each and every one of you with an everlasting love.  However, can you not discern the times in which you live?

Yes, things may appear gloomy in the physical realm, especially in your economy and government. But my children, you must look to Me and allow Me to reveal the reality of how things truly are. This is the dawning of a new day, and much of the old must be set aside and done away with.

My desire is for you all to experience new freedoms so that you may worship Me in this new day as I desire. Though to make this happen, the chains that have kept you bound must be broken off. And the approaching new day shall bring true liberty of Spirit, not just in the natural.

Therefore, I urge each and every one of you to seek Me and find solitude in your prayer closets. As you wait upon Me, ask Me to reveal what is in your hearts that has kept you bound. Once I reveal these things to you, simply repent, and I shall break the chains, heal and restore you. Then, you shall walk in a new liberty and way of life that you never thought possible, IF you would do this.

But heed this warning: this opportunity to be set free will not last forever. Soon, darkness shall rise upon the earth like never before. You do not want to still be bound when this darkness falls. Many will be caught unaware and fall for the cunning deceit and lies of the enemy. They shall turn away from the TRUE living God, worshiping another god of their own imagination, all the while thinking that they are worshiping Me. And they will persecute My true believers and followers of Christ.

But fear not, for I shall protect those who are Mine. My dear children, so much is about to take place in these last days that will astonish the masses. And great deception will fall upon many darkened hearts. This is why it is imperative that you redeem the time now to break free from all bondage to self and the flesh, which are part of the enemy’s kingdom. So you MUST get free from all of his chains and control now while there is still time.

I have many great things in store for each of you, but it is up to you if you will fully partake in all that I have for you. Holding back from Me will only bring you loss, and I do not desire this for you. My kingdom is glorious beyond comprehension, and you do not want to miss out on any of it.

Therefore, take heed to My words this day and obey. The time to change and enter into My glory is limited, and soon it will be too late. This doesn’t mean there will no longer be salvation for those who call out to me in those days, but there will be great loss for those who fail to prepare themselves ahead of time.

Consider the parable of the ten virgins and be wise. Yes, I will still love the foolish virgins, but it will come at a great cost to them for failing to prepare themselves while there was still time.

So, heed My words to you this day and obey, and you shall not be disappointed.

Dear Saints,

I implore you to take these words from the Lord seriously and prepare yourself now before it’s too late and you miss out. He is warning us to be ready. A powerful move of His Spirit is approaching, which will grant us abundant grace to overcome ALL areas of the flesh. Do NOT waste the time He is giving us at present. We don’t know how much time we have before darkness falls, and then it will be too late.

On another note, it’s that time again when rent and other bills are due. Therefore, I kindly ask you to prayerfully consider offering any financial contribution to help with my financial needs. And as always, I appreciate and thank all those who extend their help.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to ALIGN with the things of MY Kingdom, by coming OUT OF their self lives. I need you to understand that for so long, My people have been LED to take hold of, to trust, to believe things that DID NOT truly line up with My words, but were conveniently MINIMIZING My truth, by compromising My truth with SELF truth. For as you see the “church system” that EXISTS around the world, you can see how things ARE becoming more & more compromised, more & more complacent in what I have said & instead being twisted & morphed into something that is NOT of Me!

For I AM come that you MIGHT have life! The problem is, the life that many are NOW holding to is NOT the life that I came to bring. For the life I came to bring, is a life that is NOT controlled by self, but yielded to & obedient to Me. For I AM looking for those who CAN see things as they TRULY are. THESE see the error & the conflict in what My word says & how My truth is NOT being manifest around the world. For I came to set the captives FREE…not ENABLE them to continue in THEIR sin, thinking I “wink at them”! The time has come for those who say they are Mine to show Me the truth that EXISTS within their hearts.

For I tell you…I KNOW those who truly ARE Mine. They do NOT add their voices to the voices of the compromised & complacent…they SEE them for what they are & they DO as I have said. For I told you to mark them that walk contrary to what I have COMMANDED & not allow their sin to take hold of YOU…not to join WITH them in agreement, thinking that My grace is something to be compromised WITH sin & self! I need My people to truly SEE the difference! For as time goes forward, there WILL be much change all around you & those who are NOT scoping things out, as I have commanded, will NOT be able to SEE the subtle changes, as things are slowly TWEAKED more & more AWAY from My ways & unto the ways of the evil one.

For those who HAVE trumpeted “My grace” over the years, were SO bent on the “grace” factor, they forgot to KEEP a BALANCE in holiness & righteousness. And because of this, a spiritual cancer HAS formed & IS spreading across the world, with more & more people being INFECTED with this PSEUDO grace. And now My grace has been turned INTO something that basically allows people to do & be whatever THEY desire…instead of being conformed to My image. For I told you THIS very night, that I AM coming back for those who HAVE walked in HUMILITY to My words…NOT those who walk in THEIR self-made righteousness.

For in humility, My people WILL deny self & BECOME like Me. People continue to IGNORE the truth that I tell them…I commanded you to EXERCISE YOUR MINDS TO OBEY ME…NOT self…NOT the things of self! I need those who say they are Mine to SHOW Me who’s they REALLY are! And these can ONLY do this as they WILL recognize the REALITY that HAS existed within them, IN their self walk & REPENT before Me while they still can. I look at the hearts & lives of those who say they are Mine & I SEE many of them ‘scratching their heads’, not able to figure out what IS wrong in their lives, yet they cannot even see the SIMPLE truths that are right before them that show them the truth that exists within their hearts.

So many hear My words as I speak them in this hour & they really SHUN them MORE than receive them, because they CANNOT even see any NEED for them to change. They CANNOT see the very things that I AM wanting to do WITHIN them because they do NOT believe there IS anything they need to change. This is SIMPLE to solve, for I already told you this in Rev. 3, to the church of the Laodiceans, (which church MANY of those who say they are mine truly ARE a part of). For you say you ARE “rich, increased with goods & have need of nothing”. This is saying that you have NO need for change.

This is saying that you CANNOT see the things that I desire changed WITHIN you, because of the compromise & complacency that EXISTS within your heart! I need those who fall into this category to RECOGNIZE the reality that exists within them & for them to TRULY humble themselves before Me! I counseled you to BUY from Me, gold tried in the fire, so you MIGHT be rich & white raiment, so you would be clothed & the shame of your nakedness would not appear & for eye salve to anoint your eyes, so you MIGHT see! THIS “buying gold tried in the fire”, speaks of refining by humility!

For it IS the very humility that My people have EMBRACED within their lives that I USE to change them & conform INTO the body of My glory. How can you believe that you will be changed into My glory when you refuse to come into TRUE humility as I desire? I need those who say they are mine to TRULY see the seriousness of this hour & to truly HUMBLE themselves before Me. I keep saying “seriousness” because of the fact that SO few have righteously responded unto Me, as I desire. So many are STILL holding to their compromised & complacent ways, not recognizing THEIR need to change.

Still holding to their childish SENSE of feeling condemnation, when they should take hold of the CONVICTION that I AM trying to impart unto them. But these cannot recognize the conviction, because they FAIL to see that they are STILL walking in the flesh in areas of their lives. I know this is hard to comprehend, but I tell you this truly is the way things are! So many have ADJUSTED their lives IN a “comfort zone”, that nothing can penetrate, because SELF is still truly RULING within them. They cannot even see this, because of the HOLD that self has on their lives. In these, they may “obey Me in small things”, but in the bigger, MORE impactful areas, they fail to even see their need for change.

I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love. Yes, it truly IS My desire that you become like me, but I cannot FORCE you to BE like Me…I can only show you the way…it is up to each of you to follow! You will either follow your own SELF heart, or you will truly humble your hearts BEFORE Me & deny yourself, take up your cross & follow Me. So many do not even really understand what THAT means. How can they, when they have denied “denying self”? How can they, when they deny “taking up the cross”? I tell you, if you understood this truth, your lives would be SO different!

There would STILL BE men & women who I married, STILL married, recognizing they ARE made one IN Me, but have become separate because their SELF that rules within them, when they “think” they are submitted unto Me! This is just ONE example of how FAR those who say they are mine truly ARE from Me! This is just scratching the surface because underneath the surface, opens up to SO many other things that people CANNOT see! I tell you again, the time HAS COME for those who say they are mine, to truly BECOME like Me. You cannot go forward one more step without recognizing the reality that exists within you.

I need you to see things as they really are…not the way your self-ways has CORRUPTED you to see them. For I gave Myself FULLY for My church. I suffered, I was beaten & bled & I died! And most of the church that I died for this day, DOES NOT enter into what I accomplished for them. They show THIS by the way that they TREAT each other. Christians that I joined as one, divorce, ministers that I ordained, have left their assignments from Me. Men & women living their lives, as THEY choose, NOT realizing that they ARE really not serving Me! I tell you…I have NEVER left or forsaken them! I have never failed any of them!

But many of these, DO these very things all the time, not even knowing that they have AND are doing them! I continue to love them & DO My best to bring them back to Me. I do this by telling them the TRUTH. I cannot do this by telling them the things THEY want to hear…the devil is already doing that & look what he has accomplished in SO many! I need My people to KNOW the truth in their lives. I need My people to recognize the difference, between SELF truth & My truth. My truth DOES NOT tickle the ears of flesh. My truth tickles the heart that TRULY desires to BE one with Me. For My truth tells the heart the NEED for change!

Yes, My truth ALSO tells those that I AM pleased with their walk with Me, but this ISN’T happening so much anymore, because SO many are holding to their SELF ways, seeing NO need to change. This IS grieving, but I hold strong to My love for them, working THRU the way things are, TRYING to wake them up OUT OF their slumber. For SO many are changing AWAY from My image & becoming more & more like the image of the ENEMY! I need those who say they are Mine to SEE things as they truly are. I need those who say they love me, to SHOW Me their love, BY their obedience.

The time has come for My people to truly BECOME My people. You MUST turn away from the direction you have been going, that has NOT been on My path\road\groove\rut! So many have “jumped off the track” I had them on & are NOW on a path that is slowly moving them AWAY from Me & My will for them. I need these to see this & EXECUTE the needed changes to get BACK on My path for them. There IS still time to do this, but I would advise you to NOT delay. I love you all…I truly, truly do! I desire for all who say they are Mine, to BE with Me. So let go of YOUR self ways & RUN back to Me while you still can!

Can you hear the seriousness IN My voice? This seriousness IS one of TRUE love, that I gave my all, so you could BE one with Me. Please do NOT waste what I “gave” to continue pursuing your self ways! Deny yourselves, take up your cross & follow Me! I did NOT say this would be easy…I just commanded you to obey & do it! Yes, there WILL be hardships in doing this. Yes, there WILL be difficulties in walking in obedience to My voice, but I promise you that if you WILL do this, as I desire, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you can sense the Lord’s love for us as He pleads for us to change our ways and follow Him in truth and obedience. These words from the Lord truly convict my heart and each time I ask Him to search My heart and reveal to me the areas that need changing. I plead with you all to do the same because our hearts are desperately wicked, deceiving even our own selves. So we need the Lord to shine His light in the dark areas of our hearts and reveal to us where we need change.

And if these words from the Lord bless or help you in any way, please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

The time has come for My people to truly BECOME My people.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore. 

The Lord says: “I come to My people this evening to REMIND them of what I have already spoken, so they can see the truth WITHIN their lives & return UNTO Me in this hour. For truly, as I have taken you THRU the reality of the way things are, both in YOUR present world & also IN those who are called My people. For all that I have shared with you this evening, in My written word, I have done this to HELP you to see as never before. I look at My people & I SHOW you the reality that is there, for even as you have walked THRU My words in this night, you have seen just how FAR from Me so many of those who say they are mine, really are.

For I have commanded you to exercise\to use the mind that is IN you, as I used when I walked upon the earth. For I did not use My form as being God, nor did I esteem it & use it IN My earth walk, but I emptied My SELF of all of those things & took on the FORM of a servant…I BECAME a slave to SERVE mankind. I share THESE things to REMIND you that YOU told me that YOU wanted to follow Me. So I am reminding you, of YOUR own words, so you CAN take action & BEGIN to DO your words, in this present hour. It is time for you to truly begin to FOLLOW Me. It IS time for YOU to EMPTY yourselves of YOUR self lives & BE My vessels of glory & honor in this hour.

I look at My people in this hour & I see SO many who still keep hold of their self lives, doing ONLY the things that they want to do. Yes, at times SOME will come aside & do a FEW things here or there, according to My will, but for the most part, this is FEW & far between! I need My people to truly SEE the reality that exists WITHIN them, for as long as they REFUSE to do this, nothing will ever change. I AM calling for revival in this hour. And for revival to truly come, My people will HAVE to rise from the DEAD self lives that they CONTINUE to live in. So many cannot even SEE this truth within their lives.

So many are still held tight in their OWN slumber of self, they do not realize just how FAR they are from Me. Each & every one of those who say they are mine are REQUIRED to see this. There is no one that is EXEMPT. For even those who ARE doing their best to come close to Me, RECOGNIZE this great need within their lives & they ARE responding to My heart in this hour with THEIR lives. For those that ARE close to Me, hear My voice!. Those who are truly seeking Me hear My love & concern, they hear the LOVING tone of My voice. And THIS shows the difference in the way things are!

For those who CANNOT hear or REFUSE to hear My love & desire for them to COME CLOSER to Me, do not hear because their hearts are STILL bound by their LOVE of self. But those who truly hear My heart, those who truly hear My love, those that truly hear My words of concern & desperation for them to change, KNOW I AM only speaking OUT OF My great love for them. But the others will ONLY hear condemnation, refusing to change, because they do NOT want to give up THEIR own self-made pseudo walk, “that they love Me”. They are fully convinced that THIS is the way they ARE to go, because of well-meaning men’s teachings & doctrines.

So many CANNOT perceive just how FAR those who say they are mine ARE from Me. I AM calling My people, those who say they are Mine, to wake up & STOP living the lie they call “Christianity” & truly humble themselves & BECOME obedient to Me, as I DID for My Father, as I GAVE myself for the sins of the world! How can SO many that say they love Me, think that they ARE right before me when they do NOT even do the very things I COMMANDED to do? How can SUCH a reality EXIST in a world where I HAVE poured out My spirit upon all flesh? So, those who SAY they ARE Mine, have NOT truly RECEIVED My Spirit…they are STILL walking in the spirit of THIS present world.

I tell you that THESE things are not supposed to be! The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. For My obedience caused My father to GIVE Me a name ABOVE every name. But as I look upon those who say they are mine, I do NOT see such obedience in the great majority…but in reality, I see only an obedience to do those things that the enemy desires THEM to do! For I look upon My people & I see a people who are truly MIXED with the world. I see a people who are NOT shining the light that I COMMANDED them to shine! The time has come, in this hour for those who SAY they are Mine to DO as I have told them to do.

You must take your places & DO your part…you must YIELD yourselves to Me & continually SEEK to work DOWN deep within you, the very salvation that they SAY you possess. For this IS a process. This IS something you do over time. This IS something that few ARE doing in this hour. For there is LITTLE fear of God, in the very people of God. There is very LITTLE trembling in those who SHOULD be trembling in this hour. So many are STILL lulled sound asleep in THEIR complacency & compromise…they do NOT hear My voice, because it is NOT the voice they WANT to hear. I challenge My people to BEGIN to do the things that I have said to do.

For My words came forth in this night, I desire to look upon My people & see that I didn’t run in vain for them…that I didn’t labor in vain for them. Such emptiness I see, in My efforts in SO many! For though I look, I do NOT see the effectual working of My labor working WITHIN them. I see MOSTLY the things that THEY desire to do. I see mostly the things of THIS present world BEING where their heart truly IS. The time has come for My people to truly BECOME My people. You CAN continue on your present path, thinking all is well with you, & then suffer the consequences.

OR you CAN hear My heart of love for you & SEE the folly of YOUR self ways & RETURN unto Me in this hour. I love you all with an everlasting love & those who hear My voice, KNOW this. Their hearts CRY in unison WITH My voice, as THEY seek to do those things that ARE pleasing in My sight. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to take hold of you, as never before. For this IS the hour that you WILL show Me, as well as the world, who’s you TRULY are. Do NOT remain where you are, THINKING all is well.

Take hold of Me & My words for you & EMBRACE the truth of God in this hour. For as you WILL do this, you will BEGIN to know the truth as never before, because you will no longer be HELD by compromised or complacent realities in your life, you WILL seek to embrace ONLY that which IS of Me. And I will take hold of your hearts & lead you in the way that you ARE to go & GREAT exploits WILL come forth OUT FROM you in this hour. I love you, My people…hear My love & righteously respond unto Me in this hour & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all receive this convicting word from the Lord. He loves us greatly and is trying to change us into His image and righteous Bride. But we must do our part. It won’t just happen because we think it will. We have our responsibility to obey His commands.

And if these words from the Lord bless or help you in any way, please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

So many today do not see the time that they have now entered.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore. 

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them to SEE things as they truly are. For SO many of you STILL do not see the things that I AM trying to show you. So many of you still HOLD to your self-made concepts of salvation, THINKING that you have NO need for change. So many are NOT able to see IN their own lives, the things that I AM trying to convey to them. For even in THIS night, I have shown you the example that My servant, the apostle Paul GAVE of his OWN life, to SHINE forth MY glory, going THRU trials & the things that he EXPERIENCED, to HELP My people of THAT day to understand THEIR need to walk accordingly.

So many TODAY do not see the time that they have now entered & continue to STAY in their own compromised mindsets of complacency. I AM calling for those who say they are mine to RISE UP OUT OF their self lives & walk & BEGIN to see things AS I SEE them. For I look upon My people & I SEE the ones that ARE hearing My voice. I SEE these & watch them as THEY take My words & apply them to THEIR hearts, seeking to BECOME more like Me. I SEE those who will ATTEMPT to hear what I AM saying & in MANY of these, instead of My words going INTO their hearts & lives, they will nitpick & critique them, looking for ways to IGNORE what I AM saying.

So they can continue walking in THEIR self-made faith, thinking that ALL is right within them. It saddens Me that so many of My people have FORGOTTEN the very reality of WHY they are NOT hearing My words! For I told you & RECONFIRMED IT… IF you WILL hear My voice, harden NOT your heart! I COMMANDED you 7 times in the book of revelation alone, that he that has an ear to hear, to ACTIVELY HEAR what I AM saying! It grieves My spirit that SO many of My people STILL will hold on to THEIR self-made faith, instead of RECOGNIZING the truth & reality of the way things ARE!

I AM coming back for a GLORIOUS church, without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Honestly, as I look upon MY church today, I do NOT see many that fall into THAT category! So many are STILL filled with man-made doctrines that promise them everything, without them having to do ANYTHING on their part. So many do NOT take the full counsel of God & KEEP their lives BALANCED BY My word. I CHALLENGE you all THIS evening, to take a LOOK at your lives & SEE what truth EXISTS WITHIN you! For IF you are NOT truly seeking to BECOME more like Me, then YOU show the truth of what IS IN your lives.

So many hear My words & instead of embracing them WITH their hearts, they REJECT them, feeling condemnation, instead of conviction (that would DRIVE them CLOSER TO Me in their lives). I told you before, that those that feel condemnation IN My words, you ARE showing YOURSELVES, that you are STILL walking in things of the flesh, that you REFUSE to see, acknowledge & bring godly change INTO your lives. I do NOT say this in spite…I say this because I love you all with an everlasting love & IT IS My true desire that you SEE & understand these things & RIGHTEOUSLY respond to Me in this hour.

For I tell you that all over the world, SO many of My people ARE falling away from My truth & EMBRACING a PSEUDO truth that THEY have decided FOR themselves. My people are BECOMING more & more like the frog in the pot on top of the stove & do NOT even realize what is happening to them, as they ARE lulled more & more INTO the sleep of death, to take them AWAY from Me! I tell you, My people, that as you look at YOUR world today, I remind you that THIS IS YOUR world…for IT IS WHAT it is today because of the light that YOU HAVE shined & ARE STILL shining! For there is GREAT darkness that STILL exists within those who SAY they are Mine.

I tell you that if you CANNOT see YOUR need to continually self-examine YOUR lives, seeking My “amen”, then you will be doomed to spiral down INTO perdition, ACCEPTING your OWN self-made salvation that CAUSES satan to rejoice! For he SEES the lack of power & authority that EXISTS in those who SAY they are Mine! This IS why the Satanists ARE rising up all over the earth & holding rallies & exhibitions, causing an “awakening” to those in the world…all BECAUSE My people continue to KEEP their “light” UNDER a bushel, HIDDEN away from mankind…living THEIR compromised & complacent lifestyles, thinking all IS right & good WITHIN them.

The time HAS come for those who SAY they are Mine to STOP being LIKE the Pharisees, LOOKING FOR FAULT & rejecting My words & instead, BECOME broken & contrite, & repent of THEIR own evil ways while they STILL can. I TRULY love you all & IT IS My desire that you BECOME like Me. You can ONLY do this, as you WILL hear my voice! You can only hear My voice, by REMOVING the hardness that EXISTS WITHIN your hearts. This hardness IS manifest, by YOUR very reaction to your “hearing” My words. For a heart that IS humble & contrite HEARS My words…they RESPOND to My voice & they SEEK to do those things that ARE pleasing in My sight!

As long as you hold to your own self-ways, you will NOT be able to hear Me as I desire…you will ONLY hear the things that will TICKLE your ears & make YOU feel good about yourself. I do NOT want this IN My people…I want them to seek the AMEN of My Spirit as their lives LINE UP with what My word says…NOT just the words that “well-meaning men” have preached! For these ARE sowing destruction to My people, causing them to EMBRACE something where they have NO need to have action, NO need to take part, NO need to yield unto My voice.

You wonder WHY the world is getting so dark? I just explained to you why! I need My people…those who say they are mine, to SEE the error of their own self ways & truly DO as I have said to do. For IF My people, who are called by My name, WILL truly humble themselves, SEEK My Face & turn from THEIR wicked ways, THEN will I hear from Heaven, forgive THEIR sin & heal THEIR land. I want you to hear the CONTENT of what I just said. For so many cannot even begin to DO those very words, because they do NOT see they have any need to do so!

I need you to SEE that this IS pride & you know where pride takes you! Come to Me, My people, & truly BECOME My people. Not a people that ONLY pretends to BE Mine, but a people that SHINE My light as I DESIRE…NOT as you desire, but as My word HAS declared. Go into all your world & preach My gospel, SEEKING to save all who are lost! Do the works that I HAVE called YOU to do. STOP living YOUR self-made compromised lives of pleasure & ease & BE the church that I have called you to BE & you will NOT be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, I pray that you all receive this convicting word from the Lord. I for one acknowledge that I still need much change in my heart as I seek to live the life of the inward cross to self. John the Baptist went about preaching “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight paths for him”. Today, the Spirit of the Lord is crying out to those who will have an ear to hear to “Prepare the way of the Lord’s coming, make straight paths for Him in your hearts.” In other words, cleanse yourselves of all sin and flesh. These are the days of the Bride’s opportunity to make herself ready. Will you be one of the wise virgins? Or will you be one of the foolish ones who didn’t redeem the time given to make yourself ready? Please, please takes these words from the Lord seriously, and make yourself ready now before it becomes too late and you miss out.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

If these words bless or help you in any way, please consider a love gift to help with our financial needs.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Urgent help needed from my Brothers & Sisters in Christ.

Dear Saints,

As you all may already know, during this season of my life the Lord has me living mainly on the support of other’s financial gifts and donations. I’ve shared my story before, but for those who may not know, I used to have a very lucrative business. But the Lord shut the door to that business, and for a season, He has called me to just trust Him for my provisions without any working of my own. It’s been a long difficult road. And I have to admit that there were times before I fully put my trust in Him to provide, that I tried to get a job at several places. But it was evident that God was shutting all those doors to prevent me from working so that I could learn to trust Him alone for my provisions.

Although, the Lord did finally allow me to work small jobs on the side to help with my living expenses. It only temporarily helps with my expenses sometimes, but I’m very grateful for anything the Lord provides.

I’ve also shared with you all that He has called me to another business, but He hasn’t opened the door for it to prosper yet. This new business has the potential to be very lucrative like the business I had before. And God has called me to be a Joseph in these last days when the real tough times hit. But right now, I’m still in Joseph’s prison waiting for God’s appointed time, which I strongly believe will be this year.

But the reason I’m writing all this is because I feel that some may wonder why I seem to always be asking for financial help. Trust me, I’d rather be earning all my own income and not have to rely on others’ financial help. This is very hard for me, especially since I’ve been used to making good money through business. But as much as I’d rather be earning all my own income, this is where God has me right now.

I do live a meager life, but my living expenses are still over $2000 a month, which includes my monthly rent of $900.

So having said all that, my rent and other bills are due and I don’t even have enough to cover rent yet. Donations have declined since inflation has gone up and I certainly understand that these are tough times for everyone. Since inflation has gone up, the number of people who regularly give has dropped nearly in half. And there never were a lot of people who regularly give, so now there’s less than a handful of people who give each month.

But even though times are tough, we are still called to bare one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2) Even though I barely have enough to live on each month, I still give when and where I can knowing that God will provide all my needs. He is faithful. But there are times like this when we have to let our Brothers and Sisters in Christ know our needs so they can be used by God to help. And that is why I write this.

I also know that not everyone is able to give, but I’m very thankful for those who do. And I’m especially thankful to those who are in a situation like mine, but still give the very little that they can. God sees your heart and will bless you in return.

So then, if anyone is able to give any amount, it would be greatly appreciated as it is urgently needed at this time. And as always, I thank all those who do give and I pray the Lord abundantly blesses you in return for your faithfulness.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

I come to My people in this hour to lead them forward into victory.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the following word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore. Also, I am still in great need of finances to cover my rent that is now due. So please consider a love gift of any size to help with my need.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to LEAD them forward INTO victory. For as I told you last week, you HAVE entered into a time of warfare. A time that you have NEVER seen…a time that you have NEVER walked in. For in this time I AM requiring those who SAY they are Mine to walk in Me, PREPARED for battle. You CANNOT do this, in YOUR previous state, due to the complacency & compromise that has CONTAMINATED My people thru well-meaning men’s teachings & doctrines. For even MANY of My prophetic voices have HELPED to compromise My people in ways that I never desired.

For as My servants HEAR Me, they have ONLY heard the part that could be heard IN them, due to the TRUE condition of their heart. For they ONLY knew in part & prophesied in part. They ONLY saw the GOOD things…they ONLY heard the words that PROMISED blessing. They ONLY spoke out the things that would ENTICE My people to draw CLOSE to THEM. Very FEW have truly heard the words that I AM speaking IN this hour. For these HAVE seen the ERROR of the prophetic movement that has LIMITED My people by KEEPING them on a road that PROMISES so many things, yet rarely, if ever tells them the things that MUST be done to walk INTO the very things they have said.

For I tell you, that THERE IS always a process that My people MUST go thru, in order to SEE these words manifest IN their lives. So many have LISTENED & EXPECTED for Me to just drop these things INTO their laps, EXPECTING blessing & favor & abundance, not realizing that THESE things come THRU a process of SOWING IN the LIFE. I SPEAK of sowing in the life, NOT sowing as man HAS declared! So many are LOOKING for My blessing & favor BECAUSE they GAVE an offering. So many are LOOKING for abundance because THEY gave a gift, but I tell you that the TRUE blessing & abundance comes from a life that is TRULY SUBMITTED unto Me to do the things that I desire.

NOT what man has TOLD them to do. So many CANNOT hear Me for themselves…they SEEK after words that will TICKLE their ears & make them FEEL fuzzy, when I am desiring them to hear the words that will CHALLENGE them & CATAPULT them OUT OF complacency & compromise, to RISE UP & BECOME My last day ARMY that will SUBDUE the powers of darkness & TAKE BACK this world for My Kingdom. How can My people SEE this happen, when ALL they are FIXATED on is PERSONAL blessing? I tell you that THIS is NOT how My people are supposed to BE!

So many STILL cannot SEE & DISCERN the reality that IS happening all around them, as they look upon the CONDITION of the world & NEVER seem to see that it IS THEIR own complacency & compromise that caused the world to BECOME this way! I tell you these things because I TRULY love you with an everlasting love. I CANNOT tell you words, just to TICKLE your ears. I CANNOT tell you things that YOU want to hear. I MUST tell you what you NEED to hear…what YOU need to do to CHANGE. What you MUST SEE, in order to RISE UP IN Me & DO the exploits that I have CALLED you to DO.

Do NOT remain in that complacent & compromised life of SELF, that TRICKS you to stay IDLE, while the world goes to hell in a handbasket. I tell you, that IF you continue in THIS state, you WILL stand BEFORE Me & I WILL recon with YOU in THAT hour…& you should NOT want to SEE that happen! I AM calling My people back to Me, so they can TRULY BE My people. I AM calling My people OUT OF the darkness that has been CAST over them thru various means & BRING them INTO the light so they can SEE things as they truly are. You CANNOT stay where you are thinking ALL is well WITHIN you, for I tell you that the GREAT majority of those who SAY they are Mine, are FAR from Me!

For the FAITH that so many have EMBRACED & HELD to, is NOT the faith that I CREATED. It IS a PSEUDO-SELF-made faith that APPEASES the flesh & only THINKS of what IT can achieve. I CREATED a faith that DRAWS My people CLOSE to Me, so they will BECOME like Me. How can you THINK that you are walking IN my faith, when I look at you & see you are looking MORE like the world than Me? The time HAS come for My people to SHAKE themselves FREE from the things that the ENEMY has tricked & deceived My people to ENTER into. The time has come for My people to take hold of My TRUE armor & FIGHT the good fight of FAITH.

For My armor IS for MY purposes…NOT merely so you can AVOID the attacks of the enemy that come to you because of SELF. I need My people to SEE the seriousness of this hour. So many are STILL playing THEIR religious games thinking things are FINE, all the while, as they see the world SPIRALING INTO darkness. So many CANNOT fathom that IT IS THEIR very SELF walk that IS causing the world to DECAY & BE RUINED. I NEED you to SEE these things, for THIS IS the way things TRULY are. As long as you continue living YOUR self-life, making no REAL change WITHIN you, the enemy REJOICES in what he has DONE to My church.

This MUST stop! I CHALLENGE My people to SOBER UP & SHAKE themselves in this hour & ALLOW Me to show them the TRUTH of the way things truly are WITHIN them. You can NO longer live as YOU have & think you can just SKATE BY all of this. For I tell you that judgment IS COMING to this world & NEVER forget that judgment BEGINS at the house of God! It is time for My people to TRULY BE My people…for SOON you will see things change on a MASSIVE level & you do NOT want to BE on the WRONG side of this! Do NOT think that you are fine the way you ARE, for doing so makes the enemy GLAD!

The time has come for My people to RISE UP & TAKE UP their weapons of spiritual war & DO the work that I have CALLED them to DO. Hear, My words of love TO you & RESPOND righteously to Me in this hour. Do NOT let the time PASS YOU BY, for if you do, you may NOT be able to WITHSTAND the things that ARE coming. I need you to REPENT of your SELF ways & come CLOSE TO ME in this hour. I AM waiting for EACH of you to HEAR from your hearts & FALL before Me FROM your SELF ways…for as you DO, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. I pray that you all receive this convicting word from the Lord. He loves us greatly and is trying to bring us into the fullness of His kingdom. This is why He is giving us so many convicting words–to shake us awake into His full truth and the reality of where our relationship is with Him.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I declare unto you that your season of Jubilee is before you.

Dear Saints, upon seeking the Lord for a word for His people, in addition to the word He gave me below, He told me to reiterate to everyone that He loves you all dearly and has NOT abandoned you. I know that in the U.S. things look as though it will only continue to get worse. But God is working behind the scenes on our behalf and things are NOT as they seem or portrayed by mainstream media. Keep repenting and praying on behalf of our country.

Word from the Father:

My people, listen to your Heavenly Father this day. As I have been speaking to you for a while now that I need you to arise from your slumber, I also now command you to strip off your grave clothes and step into the new season that is upon you.

My dearest ones, many of you have been perplexed about your circumstances and your life. For many of you have been in a season of death, so to speak. It seems to you that your visions, callings, and even ministries have all dried up and died. But I declare unto you this day that you have only been in a season of dying to self so that I may resurrect My purposes in your life. When I speak of your season of dying to self, I am speaking of your dying to your own ideas and ways of doing things. I even speak to those who have been seeking to fulfill My will and purpose in your lives, but you have been trying to accomplish this in your own strength and natural means. Therefore, you had to go through a season of dying to all those things so that I can bring you into My will and purposes for your life that only I can do.

Behold, I have set before each of you open doors in which no man can shut. And I am shutting doors to your past in which no man can open. Therefore, rejoice in your new season and begin to praise Me like never before. For I declare unto you that your season of Jubilee is before you.

Howbeit, do not think that you are done completely with your dying to self. For you must take up your cross daily and allow Me to perfect My will in you and through you.

So then, begin to expect the unexpected. Step out in faith as I make all things new for you in this season. Many of you will take on a new journey with Me that you never even dreamed of. Some of you will come into new opportunities for greater financial wealth. Some of you will be prompted to move to a place which I have prepared for you. And some of you will experience new gifts of the Spirit that I will impart to you.

But in all this, remember that I alone have done this and not you, lest pride begin to rise up in your heart. And forget not from where I have brought you out of. For I alone am the deliverer of My people and I shall deliver My people in this hour for My own name’s sake.

Now then, even if you have been weak or sick in your physical body, seek Me in this for your healing and deliverance. You may need to change your diet or bad habits, but I will guide you to your wellness and health if you allow Me.  And hold fast to your faith despite what circumstances you may see in the natural. For I will part the waters for My people to cross on dry land into this new season. And as the days go by, look not to the chaos and woes of the world, but keep your focus on Me and what I have called you to do. For I am leading and preparing My people for a great move of My Spirit that will bring the masses into My household.

Also, think not that you have arrived at your promised land when things begin to go well for you. For there is still such a time coming that My people must endure and press forward in Me amid great opposition and tribulation. But fret not, for I have each of you in the palm of My hand and I will not let you go, provided that you continue in your faith and obedience unto Me.

Therefore, take joy in the fact that you are entering a time of great blessings, and rest in Me. I love you all with an everlasting love. Never forget that, My little ones.

Amen… Dear Saints, this is such an encouraging word. If you’re like me, the enemy has been coming at you hard lately because of what He knows is coming. So don’t give up. Reach out to God in faith and receive all that He has for you.

Also, it’s that time that rent and other bills are coming due. So please prayerfully consider a love gift to help with our financial needs. And may the Lord abundantly bless you all for your faithfulness.

Much love to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

I am calling for My people to draw closer to Me than ever before.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read this powerful word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “The time for My people to be My people has NEVER been so important as it is NOW! For in THIS hour, the enemy is working to DESTROY, as never before. For he is ATTACKING the families. He is attacking the CHILDREN, he is attacking the MARRIAGES that ARE of me. I NEED My people to SEE this & recognize what he IS doing. For so many LOOK on at the things happening in the world & most JUST sit there, doing NOTHING. Doing nothing makes “these” part of the PROBLEM! I need My people, those who say they are Mine to RISE UP out of slumber & BE the people I have CALLED them to be.

You can no longer just SIT there looking at the world’s condition & JUST sit there saying to me “WHY are you letting this happen?” Because I AM not LETTING this happen…My people ARE! My people LOOK upon the evil, they LOOK upon the horror that is rising up all around them & they remain un-moving, ASLEEP, not doing ANYTHING to change the way things ARE. I need My people to see that this is all happening BECAUSE of the complacency & compromise that EXISTS within My church. As long as you look upon the THINGS that are happening & do NOTHING, you ARE part of the problem.

I need you to ARISE OUT OF sleep, which IS spiritual death & BE infused with My Spirit & My will for this hour. For this IS the hour for My people to DO exploits! But how can you do exploits, when you REMAIN in that state of slumber? You CANNOT! You cannot just SIT there “hoping things will change”, for My people are CALLED to BE world changers! I told you this before, but so many did NOT seem to take hold of My words, so I repeat them out of grace & love to AWAKEN My slumbering church to ARISE from the dead of SLEEP. I AM calling for My people to draw CLOSER to Me than ever before.

For this IS the time for My people to ARISE & SHINE, for My glory to BE made manifest WITHIN them. You cannot SEE My manifest glory the WAY you are, for My glory IS RISEN ABOVE you. This means ABOVE the SELF-life, this means ABOVE the way My people HAVE been living, only seeking what IS of self. I need My people to see the truth of this, so they CAN walk in all that I have PREPARED for them. For even in THIS night I have made known unto you that you are to SUBMIT one to the other. This can ONLY be done, as My people will TRULY enter INTO the love that I HAVE given to them.

The problem is, that the GREAT majority of My people have NOT entered into My love, as I desire, but have only allowed My love to enter SELF, for THEIR reasons, for THEIR needs, for the things that only APPEASE self. As long as My people do NOT see this, they will only REMAIN as they have been. But I have commanded you to DO these things, so HOW can you remain where you are thinking that ALL is well within you? I tell you these things to SNAP you out of slumber, so you will KNOW the truth, for only the truth WILL set you free. For as I have told you, husbands, to LOVE your wives, as your selves.

I need you to see that as an EXAMPLE I GAVE My SELF fully for My bride. I didn’t hold back IN anything, but in ALL things was OBEDIENT to My Father. I did THIS so you would have a model to FOLLOW. I did this so you could SEE that it COULD BE DONE. For I came to this world, NOT as God, but AS man, for I needed to do this, so you could SEE that IF I could do it, SO COULD YOU! The problem is, that so many do not know HOW you surrender their lives FULLY as I have done. This IS because of man’s “watered down” teachings & doctrines that have COMPROMISED My people & HANDICAPPED them as CRIPPLES!

Yes, you heard THAT right, because as I look at My people, I see mostly INVALIDS talking great words of THEIR faith IN Me, when in REALITY they are mostly VAIN words, to embellish their SELF-life, to make a good APPEARANCE before man. Yet, these SAME people do NOT know Me, as they SAY, for there is no REAL fear of God in their eyes. So I call My people to SEE things as they REALLY are, for I love you with an everlasting love & IT IS My desire that you BECOME like Me. You can no longer just SIT there as you have thinking all is well WITHIN you. For I call you all to REPENT of your self ways & to HUMBLE yourselves before Me.

For this IS the hour that My people will SHOW Me the truth of what is WITHIN them. For as things move forward, I am causing the truth to MANIFEST in all lives & My people WILL BE forced to see what IS really there within. I am doing this BECAUSE it IS the time of the great EXPOSURE & taking the cover off. You cannot just sit there thinking that this is NOT going to affect you, for IT IS going to affect everyone, for all will BE forced to reckon with the truth that is within them. My desire is for My people to see the FOLLY of their self ways & repent UNTO Me. For in doing so, they WILL take the first major step in BECOMING more like Me.

For I humbled Myself & BECAME obedient UNTO death. My people MUST do the same. But in this obedience, I speak of, I am referring to the dying of SELF. This is something that each person MUST do. It is not something that anyone can DO for them. I died so you could live, but the life that I died to give you, was NOT for you to live a life IN self, but to live a life that MANIFESTS My love & power, to SHOW this lost & dying world the truth of the way things are. It is time for My people to truly BECOME My people. This is a PROCESS…it doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen, ONE STEP at a time, as My people WILL hear My voice & righteously respond unto Me with THEIR lives.

So many say they hear My voice, but the truth is, they only hear My voice in the ways THEY want to hear Me. For I have told you that if you will hear my voice, you CANNOT harden your hearts, therefore, if you are NOT hearing the words that I say to you, you show Me, as well as yourself, that your heart HAS hardened in a given area & you NEED to humble yourself & repent before Me & do as I say to do. This is a MAJOR flaw in many of My people. For My people have become a people that only obey me as THEY desire. I need My people to see the truth in this & to come CLOSE to Me in this hour.

You come close to me WHEN you will cast down your self-life & walk & CHOOSE to walk hard after Me. I will never leave you or forsake you…it is ALWAYS the other way around. So many say they would never leave or forsake me, but the truth IS, every time you choose to obey your self-flesh, you ARE leaving & forsaking Me. I need you to see this, for as you will OPEN your eyes to the truth, I will be able to ILLUMINATE your hearts & lives & you WILL walk with Me as never before. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to take hold of you AFRESH, IN your hearts. For I have wisdom & clarity that you have NEVER known, but truly desperately NEEDED in this hour. Do as I say & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!

Amen… Dear Saints, please take these words from the Lord to heart and heed what He is saying to the Body of Christ. These are paramount times we live in and we MUST listen to what the Lord is saying to do to prepare ourselves for these end times and His coming to His temple (us).

And please prayerfully consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

I am taking the cover off of My people, to show them the truth of where they really are in Me.

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read this powerful word from the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people this day to show them their need to COME TOGETHER & BE the people that I have called them to BE. For as time goes forward…as situations & trials present themselves, I WILL show you your need to BE BONDED together, a people well pleasing UNTO Me. For I have given unto each of you My GRACE…but My grace is NOT for you alone…My grace is for you to show grace unto those that I bring unto you. For My grace has been given in MEASURE to each of you, for it IS the gift of God thru the work of My love. For when I ascended up into the heavenly realm, I TRULY led captivity captive. Many do not understand what this means.

It means that captivity NO LONGER has power to do what it did. It means that captivity has NOW become captive & can no longer take hold of those who are Mine & HAVE submitted TRULY unto Me. For I ascended for the purpose & intent to give My gifts unto My PEOPLE. For as I walked on the earth on that day, I WALKED IN the gifts of God & I did this to show My people the WAY that they should go. For as My people will take on My work of taking captivity captive, they will REALIZE that in their freedom, they MUST walk to set the captives FREE. For as I ascended to the heavenly realms, I also descended into inner places DEEP within the earth.

For I did this so there can be NOTHING that can come against My people, as they WILL walk WITH Me. For My goodness & grace will TRULY fully fill all things. This is WHY I came forth to raise up apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors & teachers. These are NOT to make a name for themselves, nor to raise up a ministry of SELF, nor worldly things. This was only for the PERFECTING of the Saints, My holy & blameless ones. So many take hold of the things that I have done for the WRONG reasons. So many ASPIRE to ministry, for the THINGS of self, when I have called My people INTO the ministry of BUILDING UP My body to BE conformed by Me.

For a body works together to DO the work that I have called them to do. The great majority of My people do NOT do this. So many of My people have only aspired unto THESE things so they can walk in the things of My Spirit, but without the reality of doing so IS for the building up of the PEOPLE of God. For My gifts are NOT for self…My gifts ARE for My body to be healed, restored & to be built up INTO a Holy habitation of God. For as My people take hold of TRUE faith IN Me, they will see & become united together IN Me, in TRUE intimacy of Me, which will cause them to see the NEED to heal My body, to BECOME fully grown & matured to do the things that I have called them to do.

The truth is, so many of those who say they are Mine, are really only INFANTS. These can NOT see nor understand this is a reality in them, because they have not RECEIVED the truth of My word in their lives. This is why I am TAKING THE COVER OFF of My people, to show them the TRUTH of where they REALLY are in Me. For I have called you to GROW UP & MATURE, so you can BE a vessel unto Me, to work My grace in this lost & dying world. For an infant CANNOT do things for itself…it has to be PAMPERED & FED. But when an infant is fully matured, it is able to do anything that NEEDS to be done.

For so many of My people are STILL tossed to & fro by winds of adversity & also by the MANY doctrines of men, which GREATLY affect My body & KEEP it from maturing & BECOMING like Me. For I have told you that MANY that teach, are NOT teaching the things that I DESIRE…but use teaching to STEAL the true will of My words, to MINIMIZE My people so that they CANNOT mature, but are FORCED to stay under those teachings, IN bondage to the things of man. For as I UNCOVER all things & make KNOWN unto My people the TRUTH of the way things are, My people will be ABLE to walk uprightly, KNOWING what IS right & what IS of me.

For as time goes forward, I will HELP you to see & understand the great NEED for My people to work together…NOT to embrace SELF or to take advantage of one another, but to KNOW they MUST do their part in being fitly JOINED together IN Me. For IF My body will not be fitly joined together WHAT do you think will happen? Look at the church as it is NOW. So disjointed…so powerless…so NOT like I have COMMANDED it to BE. Can you imagine how your physical body would be WITHOUT the joints & ligaments holding things together? You would NOT be able to walk. You would NOT be able to eat. You would NOT even be able to speak.

You would NOT be able to use your hands or any other part of your body that is joined together. I say these things to SHOW YOU the GREAT need for My people to become fitly joined together, as ONE in Me. For this IS why My church IS so powerless. This IS why My church IS so weak. This IS why My church IS not truly shining My light to this lost & dying world. As I have told you, you ARE the light of the world. The light you shine IS what the world will walk by. As you look at the world, you will see the TRUE condition of My church. My people need to KNOW this & TURN back to Me.

My people NEED to work together…for in working together there IS synergy…the “effectual working together” brings forth GREAT power & causes My body to INCREASE & grow up into Me! I say this because I love you with an everlasting love…it IS time that My people TAKE HOLD of me & My truth & walk with Me. For instead of My people bringing the world INTO salvation, the world IS bringing more & more of My people INTO things of darkness & this should NEVER be! My people CANNOT walk IN the world, as the world walks & THINK that they are RIGHT in Me. I need you to SEE the futility & emptiness this reality TRULY is.

For the minds of My people have been compromised by the enemy to walk a walk that does NOT line up with Me. For as My people allow their lives to be IMPACTED by the darkness, they begin to lose the ABILITY to see that this is happening. Just as a frog in a pot on a stove DOESN’T realize the water is getting hotter, because it heats up slowly. My people are NOT recognizing that they ARE being compromised by the enemy, to FALL AWAY from Me. Just as those in the world have been ALIENATED from the life of God, MANY of My people are falling into THIS pattern, by allowing the things of the world ACCESS INTO them, thinking that they are walking in My grace & thus their hearts become HARDENED as stone, not realizing what is happening WITHIN them.

And by doing so, they move AWAY from the life of God, because they have NOT exercised their minds to DO the things that I say to do. For as this happens, they become NUMB to My spirit & truth & will BEGIN to do things of the world…sensuality, things of impurity, NOT purging themselves & begin to become greedy in themselves, seeking PLEASURE thru the things of this world. This IS why I am bringing these things to My people in this hour, to bring you to REMEMBRANCE of the things that I told you when you TRULY heard Me. For IN My truth, there IS nothing hidden or concealed…but in the lives of those who say they are Mine, MANY keep things hidden & THINK that their walk in Me is PURE.

For only truth is IN Me. I call you to RISE UP & begin to see these things as they TRULY are. It IS time for My people to do the things that I need them to DO. This is the time for My people to CAST OFF the things that have taken hold of them & RETURN UNTO Me, in THEIR lives & to DO their part to BE renewed in the spirit of your minds & to BE endued with the NEW man that I have created for you to BE…one of righteousness…one of Godly character & acts, walking IN My truth, with nothing hidden or concealed & having PUT OFF the things that are PSEUDO & false, speaking the truth unto others.

For only as you WILL do this, will you see the reality that you ARE members of one another. For as you will SEEK to obey Me, you WILL walk circumspectly & your lives WILL be spotless & pure unto Me, for you WILL stop the sinning that has been taken for granted & TAKE CONTROL of the passions & anger that has affected My people this day. So many do not seem to see that IN their lives, they ARE giving place to the devil. This shows you just HOW dark My church has become! The time has come for My people to STOP being LIKE the world & START making the world LIKE Me!

For the things of the world ARE infiltrating My church & because of complacency & compromise, My people ARE yielding in their lives to things that are CONTRARY to a life IN Me. For even the words of My people’s mouth ARE speaking forth & saying words that ARE of this world. And MANY are now NOT working as I desire to do the things even in life, that NEED to be done, for the caring of their lives as well as in giving to help the lives of others. My people need to have a TRUE house cleaning…for even the words of their mouths NEED to be cleansed & purged.

For I am calling for words that will BUILD UP & ENCOURAGE My body to BE like Me. Not to dwell on the things of SELF or THIS world. But words that WILL build up My people to BECOME more like Me. These things ARE necessary, for those who are Mine HAVE been sealed by Me, for the day of redemption. For as you will yield your lives unto Me, the things that the enemy DESIRES you to do will have no place in you & your hearts will hold no bitterness, slander or anger against others.

For so many JUSTIFY these things in their hearts, not knowing that they ARE grieving the VERY Spirit of God WITHIN them. For as My people WILL do these things, they WILL become the vessels that I desire them to BE…vessels that ARE forgiving & kind, showing sympathy to the needs of others. My people MUST see the truth of the way things truly are & BECOME like Me. Hear My words of love, My people & righteously respond unto Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!

Wow! Dear Saints, the Lord is speaking hard truth to us these days, but it is all out of His love for us and His desire that we rise up into the fullness of Christ. It’s obvious that we are living in the last days and God is speaking to our hearts to get right with Him or get swept away in the world’s darkness. Please take these words to heart and obey what He is telling us to get ourselves right with Him.

And please consider a love offering to help with our financial needs. Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Help Needed & Word from the Lord

Dear Saints, it’s that time of the month when my rent and other bills are due and I’m way short, even for rent. So if anyone is able to help me with my financial needs, that would be greatly appreciated. My faith is in the Lord and I trust Him to lay it upon the hearts of the cheerful givers to give toward my need. And I pray the Lord abundantly blesses all those who are able to give.

Now please prayerfully read the following word given to us by the Lord through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them CONTINUE in Me. I come to My people right now to GIVE them the wisdom that they NEED to walk forward in this hour. For with ALL that is going on around you, so many cannot FATHOM the things that they are seeing & hearing around them. So many are BEGINNING to grow weak & lose strength. I need you to KNOW that you ARE IN the dispensation of My grace. For My grace IS active in this hour. My grace IS effectual in this hour. My grace IS sufficient for you, for My strength IS made perfect in your weakness.

I NEED you to see that as you look at & hear the many things happening around you, you MUST NOT allow these things to deter you in YOUR walk in Me. For the fact that THESE things are affecting you, shows you that you ARE not FULLY hidden in Me…for when you ARE fully hidden in Me, nothing will affect you, BUT My love for you. I need you to see that what is happening all around you IS the continuation of the GREAT tribulation that I told you was to come. For this IS the time of great PRESSURE & many are now feeling the EFFECTS of this pressure. Many are now having to RECON with & make determinations in their lives because of how these pressures have GRIPPED them.

I need you to know that IN Me, you HAVE peace. So, if you are NOT having true peace, I need you to see that there are ELEMENTS of your lives that are NOT truly IN Me, as I desire. I need you to see this so YOU can make the necessary changes to execute My grace DEEPER into your hearts & lives. For I keep telling you that this IS the time of TAKING THE COVER OFF. So many never thought THIS day would happen, but I ASSURE you that what is happening IS a good thing…IF you will understand My intent in what is being done. For as I continue to take the cover off of the lives of My people, as well as the lives of those of the world, you will come to understand that I AM doing these things for a GREATER purpose.

So many are going THRU difficult times & they are beginning to DOUBT My love for them. For they say within their hearts, “HOW can a loving God allow them to go thru such hardship & say that He loves them”? I tell you that those who DESIRE to walk close with Me WILL suffer tribulations. I tell you that those whose hearts SEEK to do those things that are pleasing IN My sight WILL have adversity. For MANY ARE the afflictions of the righteous, BUT I deliver them OUT OF them all! The problem is, that My people do NOT seem to understand the truth of My word. So many are still fixated by the “ear tickling words of man”, who only speaks SMOOTH words that appease the flesh & promise only GOOD things!

I tell you that, if you TRULY desire to please Me, you WILL see tribulations…you WILL experience hardships & adversity! This IS because there is a GREAT need within those who are Mine to BE refined & purified, because of the CONTAMINATION that man has SEEDED into many. So many that think that they HAVE come out of those things of man, but ARE STILL compromised in MANY ways & the FACT that many are STRUGGLING in their faith in Me IS the evidence of this! I need My people to understand that the things happening around you & in your families ARE necessary…for IT TAKES refining to purify…IT TAKES adversity to turn people in the RIGHT direction.

I keep telling you that My mercy FOLLOWS YOU all of the days of your lives, yet few seem to understand that this IS actually saying that you ARE going the wrong way! You need to TURN AROUND in your lives & seek to go My way. As long as My mercy will only follow you, you are NOT entering into the power & authority that I have called you into. How can you think that you will walk in My authority when you are walking CONTRARY to My will for you? This is the time for TRUE reckoning in the lives of My people. For in the time ahead, there WILL be many changes taking place that many will NOT be able to withstand.

This comes because of the complacency & compromise that STILL exists within My people. For even though I have warned you of this, that it is NECESSARY for you to shake yourselves FREE from those things, the fact is, many STILL REFUSE to rise up OUT OF that complacency & compromise so I CAN use them in this hour. This IS the reason things are getting worse, instead of better. For what a man sows, that shall he also reap! Only as My people WILL truly SEE the error of their SELF ways & respond unto My spirit will things truly begin to change as I desire. These come because that IS what it will take to get My people MOTIVATED to shake free from the deadness of self & truly ARISE in Me.

I need you to see the seriousness of this hour. I love you ALL with an everlasting love & IT IS My desire for you to BE like Me. You CANNOT BE like Me as long as you hold on to your self walk & lives. For the truth in this IS, that holding to your self-life IS the reality that I AM NOT truly YOUR God…I am only your God in the ways YOU allow. I am NOT your God in the areas of your lives that I desire to INHABIT. The habitation of My spirit IS a permanent thing…you CANNOT choose when & where YOU allow Me entry into your lives. I need you to SEE just how CORRUPT such thinking truly IS!

For I AM the LORD your God…you CANNOT serve another…NOT even in self! For THIS IS the greatest hindrance in the great majority of those who SAY they are Mine. For THIS self-life MUST be seen for what it IS…IT IS SELF-idolatry. How can you believe or even think that THIS is acceptable or agreeable with Me? For I bought you with a price & you ARE to glory me with your hearts & spirits which I RIGHTFULLY own. This of course IS the choice that you MUST make in yourself, for I have given you FREE will, to decide who you will serve. So many say that they serve Me, but in reality, they are ONLY giving Me lip service, serving self.

The time for My power & authority to arise within My people HAS come…for as you WILL do your part in what I have put into action, you WILL see good fruit MANIFEST in due season. This is NOT the time to grow weak or faint…this is the time for My people to see the need for CHANGE & to truly adjust their lives to BE CONFORMED into My image. This can only happen as you YIELD to Me & DO the parts that I call you to do. My word to you this day is to help you to SEE the truth within your lives & to SUBMIT your lives unto Me. For My words bring WISDOM unto you & wisdom IS CLARITY to see things as they truly ARE.

As you WILL hear My voice in this hour, I WILL help you to walk forward IN My will. For as you WILL surrender unto Me in the areas & in the ways that I desire, you will see the difference a life that IS truly walking in Me WILL become! I look to each of you & ask you to COME TO ME in your hearts & allow Me to show you what I need you to do. For many of you, you ALREADY know some of those answers…you just have not been WILLING to exercise your will to OBEY. Hear My heart of love for you all & respond to me as I desire. For part of the problem that exists within many of my people is that they have been DECEIVED to believe that because they have asked Me into their lives that there is no longer ANY condemnation in this walk. That “truth” has been TWISTED by man to mean something that I never intended.

For the truth IS, only those who do NOT walk after the flesh, but walk after My spirit…THESE ARE the ones that there is no condemnation to them. So many walk in such a SELF-life, thinking they are right in Me when in reality their very life walk IS what has brought condemnation UPON them. But, as you WILL hear My voice, My conviction WILL come OUT OF My love for you & you WILL see your need for your lives to CHANGE. For My glory EXISTS IN My “called out ones”, My saints…those who TRULY walk sacred\holy & blameless before Me! I desire for My glory to BE manifest in this hour! So, hear My heart of love to you in this hour & BE willing to see things My way. I only desire good things for My children…as you will be willing to do the things that My Spirit convicts you TO DO, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, this is such a convicting word from the Lord. These are the last days and we need to be FULLY abiding in Him and His holiness. Therefore, please don’t neglect to obey what the Lord is commanding us to do. It is ALL for our own good.

Much love and blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

It is imperative that you become an overcomer in these last days. 

Dear Saints, please prayerfully read the encouraging word I received from the Father for the Body of Christ.

My dearest children, listen to your heavenly Father this day.  I come to you with much love and compassion for My people.  I love you all with an everlasting love.  Therefore, hear Me and take to heart what I would say unto you this day.

Many of My children are being tossed to and fro by the trials of life and worries for tomorrow.  This should not be so, My little ones.  For has My Son not declared unto you to have peace in Him because He has already overcome the world?

Have I not also warned you ahead of time that I shall shake all that can be shaken?  So then, why do you allow yourselves to be tossed to and fro in your fleshly emotions?  For I can calm the storms in your life at a moment’s notice.  However, it is My desire to calm YOU in the midst of the storms instead.

My lovely ones, listen to My heart this day.  I am leading My people in these last days to a place in Me that you have not known before.  But in order to do this, you MUST learn to be an overcomer.  For the weak-hearted shall not be able to endure all that shall come upon the earth in these last days.   But I shall have a remnant who will stand strong and bold in the midst of great darkness and chaos in the world.

Are you willing to be part of My last days army?  If so, then it is imperative that you become an overcomer in these last days.  But fret not, I have not left you to accomplish this in your own strength and might.  Au contraire, I have made a way for each of you as you take My hand and allow My Holy Spirit to guide you.  For by My Spirit alone shall you overcome in these last days.  And overcome you shall, provided that you stand firm in your faith in Me and allow Me to have My way in and through you.

Now then, for those of you who are old in age or weak in body, do not look at yourselves and think you cannot make this journey with Me. For just as My servants Abraham and Sarah were passed the age of childbearing, they had a son at the appointed time that I fulfilled My promise.  Likewise, you who feel passed the age or time of bringing forth My promises in your lives, look not at the weakness of your flesh, but instead, look to Me and My faithfulness in fulfilling My promises.

I love you all, My dearest ones, and it is not My desire that any of you fall short of My best for your life.  But even so, it is up to each one of you if you are willing to exercise your faith and follow Me without giving up.  For your desired end in Me shall surely come to pass if you faint not.

Oh, how I love each and every one of you with an everlasting love.  And I know that these days in which you live are very challenging.  But know this, I have already seen these last days ahead of time and made a way for each one of you to pass through them, and the troubles of life will not overtake you.

Now then, stir up your faith in Me and strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble so that you may continue and finish this journey with Me.  I love you, My dearest ones, and I have sent the Helper to help you all in your times of need, so long as you put your trust in Me to carry you through to the end.  Do as I say, and all will be well with you.


Dear Saints, I know that it seems like it is taking God too long to save us from “the enemy” that is bent on destroying this country and going after those who disagree with them and/or expose their corruption and evil. But don’t give up. God is working behind the scenes. There has already been some exposure of corruption, but much more is to come and God is going to turn this country around. It may not be pretty for a while, but it will be worth it when all the dust settles.

So don’t give up. Keep praying for this country and for God to put His chosen ones in leadership.

On another note, it’s that time of the month when my rent and other bills are coming due. So if you’re able to donate a financial gift of any amount to help me with my financial needs, I would be very grateful.

Much love and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B .

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

As you will yield unto Me, I will form & make you into being “IN ME”, as I desire.

Dear Saints, the Lord continues to correct us and teach us the true path of walking in His will. Please prayerfully read the following word of the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to give them CLARITY to navigate & walk forward IN Me in this hour. For as I take you forward IN My word, I AM showing you the truth & reality of how YOUR life & walk IS to truly be. For all that I have done HAS been done & now YOU must see the truth IN all that I have said for you & EMBRACE this truth with your lives. NO LONGER can you hold to ear-tickling words that keep you from RISING UP INTO Me & TRULY BECOMING all that My word has said. For as you walk forward in this hour, I WILL help you to SEE things as they really are, for the WORKING of My salvation IS more than most have realized.

For I need you to see that My work FOR you & IN you requires you to DO your part, even when yielding to what I have done. For I said that you are to CONTINUALLY ACTIVELY BE DEAD to trespasses & sin. I need you to see that there ARE things that you NEED to stay away from so that you do not FALL NEAR them, for these are where you MISS THE MARK of what I have told you to do. For NOW, you HAVE COME INTO Me & these things can have NO PART IN you! You must see that for you to REMAIN in these things, you are SUBMITTING to the prince of the power of the air & this is NOT supposed to be!

For I have called you INTO My “son-ship”…you CANNOT continue in the son-ship of those who have been CONVINCED TO NOT OBEY! For as you will see the truth that to live IN the PASSIONS of the flesh, that these TWIST, TURN, and REVERSE you from what I desire, to doing only what the FLESH desires. I need My people to see that remaining in that place will only CAUSE wrath in your lives. Do NOT be foolish to think that what you sow, you will not reap! For I have loved you IN My richness & HAVE shown you the way you are to walk & as you WILL hear My voice & walk WITH Me, I WILL show you My mercy & compassion.

For as you continue to ACTIVELY remain dead to the things of the flesh, I WILL cause you to RISE UP INTO the Heavenly realm. So many listen & hear what MAN has translated & take what I have said to mean it is an absolute reality when I said that you are to CONTINUALLY ACTIVELY BE DEAD to those trespasses & sins. For IN My salvation, as I HAVE done My part, you MUST also do yours. So many want to lay hold of My riches, as My word declares, but few recognize that My grace IS POSITIONAL & you MUST rise up INTO Me. For as you take hold of My grace, with which you HAVE BEEN saved, you will know that you MUST yield & do YOUR part in walking IN what I have done.

Your works do NOT save you, but your works DO show Me & also the world, that I HAVE saved you. If you do not walk IN good works, you show the truth of YOUR salvation. For MY salvation is NOT a “here & there occurrence” within YOUR life. My salvation WILL BE evident by YOUR actions. As you WILL yield unto Me, I WILL form & make you INTO BEING “IN ME”, as I desire. For your SUBMISSION unto Me will show the GOOD, BENEFICIAL works of Me working IN your lives. This IS the time that I need My people to recollect & remember what I have brought you OUT OF…your old life. So many do not see THIS as important & continue unchanged in MANY ways, thinking they ARE the way that I desire.

I need you to see that THIS is NOT of Me! For you MUST yield to BECOME what I DESIRE…you cannot hold to YOUR own mindsets or ways of thinking, believing you are fine just the way YOU are. For in the hour, you ARE now in, there are many who are WRESTLING with their situations, not knowing that they are NOT walking IN MY peace. My peace IS irony because IN My peace, others WILL see the irony of YOUR peace & take notice of the reality that I AM IN you of a truth. For even in your many situations in this hour, I need you to see that I AM working, to ARRANGE THINGS according to MY will, so I CAN bring you to a BETTER place IN me.

For as you will CONTINUALLY ACTIVELY TAKE HOLD of the ACCESS that you have THRU Me, you WILL come TOWARDS & STAY BEFORE My Father. For as you SEE your part in BEING CONTINUALLY ACTIVE IN all that I have done, you will understand the REASON for all of these things & KNOW that you are truly UNITED together IN UNION WITH the saints, as you walk IN Me, holy, blameless, sacred, IN the household of God. I need you to think about that! How can you think that you ARE of the household of God, but continue to actively WALK IN, HAVE A PART IN, or YIELD to trespasses & sin? I need you to see that this is NOT how it is to be!

For My labors in laying the foundation of the apostles & prophets was NOT something for man to minimize or to contaminate…for I AM the cornerstone of this foundation & AS saints, YOUR holy lives ARE representative of who’s you TRULY are! As you begin to see these things CLEARER, you WILL come INTO the knowing that I AM working to fitly join together IN union with My people. So them DOING their parts & yielding IN the building of THIS WILL INCREASE & GROW INTO the holy temple of God that I HAVE ordained to BE IN Me. My people NEED to see & know the importance of THIS IN their lives.

For I have NOT called you to BE religious. I have NOT called you INTO a special club. I have NOT called you INTO what man has made MY church to BE. I have called you to DO your part & YIELD INTO BEING built INTO My temple, FOR the habitation OF God IN you, IN the Spirit. This is NOT something that CAN be done in a club, for a habitation IS permanent. This is NOT something that CAN be done by BEING religious, for My habitation IS holy. This can NOT be done by what MAN HAS SAID, which tickles the ears & keeps My people FAR FROM Me…THIS habitation IS only OF God.

This CAN only be done as YOU do your part & yield INTO BEING built up INTO My holy temple, BEING LED OF Me & DOING those things that ARE pleasing IN My sight. This CAN only be done, AS a body, being fitted together, in union, with EACH part DOING their part. This is why there is a NEED to yielding! For as you WILL do this, you WILL BE able to aid & to help those who need My help. I need My people to TRULY understand that I love them with an everlasting love. For IN My love, I have done all of these things FOR you & I now need you to DO YOUR PART & YIELD UNTO Me.

For THIS was the way it was IN the early church, they KNEW My words & WALKED IN them. And now I AM calling you to DO the same, in this LAST hour, BEFORE things get worse…BEFORE the end does come…BEFORE I come to catch away My own. Please do NOT stay in the compromise & complacency that I keep WARNING you of. Instead, BY MY love, TAKE HOLD of Me & LET GO of SELF & WATCH what I WILL do. I love you, My people, I TRULY, TRULY DO…SHOW Me your love, BY responding to My heart’s cry unto you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take these words to heart and do as the Lord says as we learn how to truly abide in Him and His truth. Also, please prayerfully consider a love gift in return to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

Help Needed & Word From The Lord.

Dear Saints, I pray that you all are blessed in your journey of seeking the Lord and the Kingdom of God within. These are perilous times in which we live, however, the good thing about that is that God has also given us an unprecedented amount of grace to walk in with an open door to receive His glory and power from on high so that we may be protected and even prosper during these trying times. Therefore, please seriously take these words to heart from the Lord given through both Pastor Mark Moore and myself. God is giving us every opportunity to learn how to walk in His glory and power in these last days, but we MUST be obedient to His instructions for us.

On another note, at present, I only have $37 in my bank account with more bills expected to hit my account soon. And if I don’t have enough to cover those bills when they hit my bank, it will result in several overdraft fees that will put me even more behind with my finances. So, if anyone is able to help me with my financial need, no matter the amount, that would be greatly appreciated. And as always, I am very grateful to those who give and I pray the Lord’s abundant blessings upon you for your faithfulness in helping your brethren in need.

Now please prayerfully read the following word given from the Lord through Pastor Mark.

The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to truly CALL THEM out of darkness & into My marvelous light. For I have declared to you that you ARE My church, My “called out ones”, yet so many do not seem to understand THIS reality, in your walk with Me. For being My “saints” is a CONSTANT reality before Me. Being My saints is CONTINUAL. Being My called out ones means that you have HEARD My call & have RESPONDED to My heart for you, with your FULL heart. For I have spoken GOOD WORDS over you & declared you to BE Mine & for you to WALK with Me. The time has come for you to DEMONSTRATE this reality in your life, THRU your life before Me.

For I have predestined you to RECEIVE My inheritance, but this is something that you MUST yield to, for you must DO YOUR PART to walk IN it. So many will take hold of My words, where I declare that you have been CHOSEN & PREDESTINED from the foundation of the world, yet most of you do not truly SEE the truth that is IN that statement. For I said that I predestined you CONTINUALLY ACTIVELY to BE HOLY & without blemish or flaw IN My presence. I need you to see that in THIS inheritance you cannot only take hold of what YOU desire, but you must REALIZE the truth that is WITHIN this inheritance.

I need you to SEE that in this inheritance there are things that you ARE also to do. For it is NECESSARY for you to continually and actively TAKE HOLD of My redemption, THRU the blood, to TRULY walk IN the forgiveness of sin, IN My grace. For My grace super abounds to those who walk IN the wisdom that IS of Me. For TRUE wisdom is walking in CLARITY, seeing things as they TRULY are & exercising the mind to WALK according to My will. This is TRUE understanding! For this is part of the “mysteries” that many have NOT come to or held WITHIN themselves, to walk IN Me. So many seek Me to KNOW the times & the seasons, yet so few RECOGNIZE that I AM the head, which is TRYING to get your attention, so you can walk IN My authority & will IN BOTH heaven & on earth.

Sometimes I have to “hit you in the head”, so to speak, to GET your attention! For as you walk in this hour, I will NEED you to truly understand what it means to walk IN the praise of My glory. I need you to TAKE HOLD of Me & walk in TRUE trust in this hour…true trust IS expectation & confidence IN Me. For the time for My people to truly HEAR My voice, has never been more important than NOW. For I speak the word of truth…for My truth has NOTHING concealed or hidden, yet so many who say they are Mine walk in concealment of things hidden in their lives. I need you to see the truth that IS within you so you can truly BE SEALED by My Holy Spirit of promise, as I said.

For IN this promise, you read that those who have heard, have ALREADY been sealed & this IS the truth! But I need you to see that IF you are TRULY sealed, you WILL KNOW that the seal IS the Holy Spirit…the STAMP of holiness & purity in YOUR life. I say these things because I love you with an everlasting love & it truly IS My desire that you be ONE IN Me. I need you to see that the way things have been do NOT line up with the truth that I have given you. It only lines up with what “tickling ears” men have told you, which the enemy has used to keep you FROM your rightful place IN Me.

I need you to see that the truth in My redemption is to LOOSEN you from the shackles of sin & SELF. Those who truly walk IN My redemption WILL SHOW this with their lives. As long as My people refuse to truly SEE & truly HOLD to the mindset that I have “bought you with a price & you are not your own”, they will continue to walk IN a pseudo inheritance that only SEEKS things for SELF. How can you bring glory TO My Name by doing this? It is My desire that I give you the Spirit of “Clear Wisdom” & TRULY take the cover OFF OF your lives, so you can SEE the truth that IS there & turn BACK to Me, for I desire to truly ENTER into intimacy with Me, as never before.

For many have already received SOME illumination into their hearts & lives & this IS good, but I need you to CONTINUE to receive My illumination so you can walk DEEPER in Me in this hour. For the true confidence & expectation in My calling is your RESPONSE unto the truth of My inheritance, which is WITHIN the saints…those that TRULY walk IN holiness, morally blameless & are pure. Those that truly desire to walk in My greatness, of my power & authority MUST recognize that I said this was to THOSE who continually actively BELIEVED. True belief IS shown by YOUR actions! For the truth of My BEING awaken from the dead IS real & I have been SET IN authority at the right hand of My Father.

Those who will TRULY awaken WITH Me, OUT OF their SELF-life, which IS the death that Adam brought onto mankind. These that will TRULY & RIGHTEOUSLY respond unto Me with their lives WILL RISE UP along with Me, far above EVERY principality & delegated authority & EVEN over ANY lordship or name that IS named. For this IS the will of My Father, who is in Heaven. For He has placed ALL things UNDER My feet & HAS GIVEN Me to BE the head OVER ALL things to My church. My feet REPRESENTS My body & those who WILL hear these things & DO THEM will SEE the difference in what the church HAS BEEN in recent times: “dead, inactive & not efficient”…THEN to BECOMING the VIBRANT church that walks IN My authority & power IN this last hour.

For My TRUE body IS ALWAYS with me & walks IN the fullness of THESE things in their lives. For as My people will TRULY surrender their lives unto Me, they WILL see this difference. You ask how you will know, if you are truly in Me, as My word says & I have told you THESE things…for this shows the TRUTH of the way things are. Though this has been allowed for a time, the time has come for My people to truly BE My body, to do My exploits in this hour. So hear My heart of love for you & do those things that I tell you to do & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take these words to heart and do as the Lord says as we learn how to truly abide in Him and His truth. Also, please seek the Lord if He would lay it upon your heart to help me with my financial need.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114

There are things on the horizon that many have no idea of that are about to happen

Dear Saints, the Lord continues to correct us and teach us the true path of walking in His will. Please prayerfully read the following word of the Lord given through Pastor Mark Moore.

The Lord says: “I come to My people to GUIDE them THRU this time of trouble. For as you look at things as they are, you will SEE that much is happening, that few realized was coming. For so many have been BLINDED by the compromise & complacency of SELF so that almost all they could see is the things IN their own life. But as I say this, I AM meaning outward things that many deal with in THEIR daily lives. But what I AM NOW doing is causing My people to SEE the things that they are NOT seeing…the things IN THEIR inner life…the life that I see…the conditions OF THE heart & the walk with My spirit.

For I tell you that many are not seeing the truth that IS within them…they only see the things that THEY decide to see. I am bringing My people INTO a time that they WILL be forced to see things as they TRULY are, for the time is now at hand, that My people MUST come close to Me. I need you to see things as they REALLY are…not just YOUR same old outlook, that “all is well WITHIN you & you have NO need for change”. For I tell you that IT IS vital for TRUE change to come WITHIN you in this hour. For there ARE things on the horizon that many have NO idea of that are about to happen.

For I told you that in the coming time, you would NEED to walk WITHIN My glory, as YOUR protection & YOUR provision. Yet, still SO many have not understood this OR the importance of YOU rising up INTO My glory in this hour. For as the GREAT exposure continues to unfold, there WILL be many that MUST embrace the reality of what I reveal WITHIN their lives & COME to Me IN true repentance. For there IS no more time for you to think that I “wink at” the things that you have allowed & I now call you all to REPENT! For as the tribulations\pressure of this life continue to UNFOLD, My people will HAVE to BE right IN Me, for their safety & provision.

For I call you OUT OF that FALSE faith that man has instilled WITHIN My people & REQUIRE you to STAND FAST in the liberty that I HAVE made you free. As I have already told you, THIS liberty is so you CAN obey Me & DO those things that ARE pleasing IN my sight…NOT so you can do whatever you want & THINK that you are right in YOUR life IN Me. There are STILL such a GREAT number of people that still fall INTO that category, thinking THEY have no need for change. But I tell you that as you walk FORWARD in this hour, more & more ARE going to have THEIR eyes opened & SEE their need to change & repent BEFORE Me.

For so MANY have just been carelessly & unrighteously tossed under My blood, thinking that they are right in Me. But so many of these have NOT realized that they have not TRULY repented before Me, as I desire. I AM looking for a people that HAS a heart to seek hard AFTER Me…not a people that merely SAYS they love Me. I AM looking for a people that WILL walk IN My will for them…not a people that just do what THEY want & say “they are obeying Me”. There is a HUGE difference between the two! And in this difference, you can IMAGINE, the results that WILL come forth in their lives.

So many think that they ARE sowing good things, not realizing that they are just sowing to THEIR flesh. Is it any wonder that in these, the time has come that they now ARE REAPING the things sown IN their flesh? I say this because I love you with an everlasting love & IT IS My desire that you hear My voice & follow Me. So many do NOT truly even hear My voice. So many only follow the SELF mind & think all IS RIGHT within them. I need those who say “they are Mine” to recognize THIS for what it is & cast down THEIR self-life & walk with Me. For this is the time for My people to arise & shine!

You can NO longer shine the light as it has been, which is a COMPROMISE of this world & a “walk with Me”. How many times must I tell you that you ARE the light of the world? Can you not see HOW dark the world is becoming? I say this because so many STILL have not realized the reality of WHY the world IS getting darker! So many will look at the news & see how horrible things ARE getting & just “cringe” at these things, not realizing that it is the complacency & compromise WITHIN My people that are casting this light ONTO the world to follow. So many cry out to Me & beg Me to FIX things, make things BETTER, CHANGE the world & all of these that are NOW happening”

I tell you that it is YOU that MUST fix things, make things BETTER & CHANGE the world! For what you ARE seeing happening all around you IS the harvest of what My people HAVE sown THRU THEIR lives. All of the SELF-life & doing the things that PLEASE the flesh. All of the time WASTED on worldly things, instead of REDEEMING the time because the days ARE evil! I NEED you to SEE the seriousness of this hour & come TO yourselves & fall BEFORE Me IN your hearts & lives. Things will never change IF you are unwilling to DO the things necessary for change to come!

I have told you before & will tell you again. IF My people who ARE called by My name WILL (first) humble them SELVES & pray, SEEK My face & TURN FROM THEIR wicked ways…THEN will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin & heal their land. Few are hearing My voice as I cry out IN these words, but I tell you that it is a MUST in this hour, for great things ARE about to happen & only as you will do YOUR part in this as I just said, will you see things BEGIN to change. For the change MUST begin WITHIN YOU before it can begin IN the world. For the LAND OF YOUR lives MUST FIRST change & THEN I can change the land that is OUTSIDE of you.

So many have been deceived into thinking that they are “something” when I see the SELF-life as it IS. As long as you see you have NO need for change, things will ONLY get worse around you. I need My people to have a TRUE change of mindset…OFF OF SELF & INTO the mind of Christ. So many “boast” of themselves…I am talking about in the INNER man…inside of SELF…so many boast that they ARE right IN me & have NO need for change. I need My people to DO as I HAVE commanded & to PROVE their works before Me. You can no longer just think that what you are doing is “OK”, for the time has come that you MUST face the reality of YOUR workings.

For in this hour you WILL see that I require you to TEST your workings until they ARE approved unto Me. So few HAVE done this…so few ARE doing this now. But now as you walk ahead, you WILL see the importance of doing this. So many use the catchphrase “What would Jesus do”, yet so many do NOT walk in such a mindset. So many are walking in their SELF mind, thinking that they ARE walking IN Me. I need you to understand & know that this principle is one that IS developed…it doesn’t just happen at the snap of a finger. You MUST choose IN each day, IN each decision, IN each temptation…IN all your walk, to do what IS right before Me.

Just as Paul did, I need you to BE crucified with the creation…you MUST be willing to DENY SELF, take up YOUR cross daily & FOLLOW Me. You MUST do YOUR part, for I AM waiting on you. I share these things because I love you all & want you CLOSE to Me. I do NOT say this to HARM you, but to HELP you. Those that hear this & feel “harmed” need to recognize that it is their SELF-life that they FEEL IS being threatened…this IS a good sign, as it shows you the underlying TRUTH of what IS at stake. I want My people to walk IN my love…so many cannot fathom just how much love IS IN My words.

So many will feel that My words are harsh & the enemy will attempt to DISSUADE them from obeying Me because THEIR flesh IS being threatened. But I tell you that IN My love, there IS renewal & refreshment. NOT to continue to do the things OF the FLESH, but to RISE UP INTO Me & BE renewed BY My spirit to DO those things that are needful in this hour. I love you all, My people…I need you to hear My words of love & respond to Me as I desire in this hour. For as you WILL do this…as you WILL hear My voice & REALIZE the importance of RELEASING your SELF-life to Me, I will HELP you to walk IN My grace, love & power in the days ahead. You REALLY need to do this, because of the time you ARE now in. Come to Me with your lives & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”

Amen. Dear Saints, please take these words to heart and do as the Lord says as we learn how to truly abide in Him and His truth. Also, I still have financial needs this month that need to be met, so please prayerfully consider a love gift to help with our financial needs.

Much love and blessings to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Kevin B.

Ways to give:

By Mail: Kevin Barrett * P.O. Box 20655 * Amarillo, TX 79114